HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1985-12-11, Page 38blit ed from page. 6 1,040,ittrattOmyeaktent presence }toy MOO; a Charismatic :pi;ess,ttre<that kept alt the rest of its on tiptoe. But it was Christmas we had 0.Beall with right now. Somehow the presents were bought,. arrangements made and w, the family gathered. In the last few days, it dawned on me we were accomplishing things by imitating. you. I saw your mother puttering with lists, crossing things off, VO CtK qie t Sportswear, v Regional Value Spatter.. e adding others. When we went W the stores, she seethed to get • moire done in less time. Then 1 noticed the same was true of me. A chart even appeared on the refrigerator, not as neat and perceptive as yours, but it did itt best and managed to be helpful. Christmas Eve 1 was depressed. l didn't want to be, but l was. We were all missing you and couldn't see any way the evening would be cheerful. Oh, we would exchange . l e c. y. c c c ppesents, bug and kiss one . another, and mean it, but you wouldn't be theme. You know how you always kept this mob in order, sitting in the center of the room, handing out gifts ane by one, making sure we waited until they'd been unwrapped and displayed. Without you that room would inevitably, every year, turn into a miniature storming of the Bastille. It certainly would tonight. That afternoon I sat by the 40, C7 Sti 4111 qatg Lingerie dining -roam window, working trapper, reading off nagaesi on my lOth.eup of coffee. spacing out the presents so each thinking ,how great you were. person would have time to open We were the team. You were theirs and, show them off to the eoalch. But that was up everyone. above in my thoughts, not dawn That way, in a retire, we all in my feelings, where it received them. It took about counted. three hours, and I'm glad it diid. Now those feelings welled up Every minute was beautiful. l and 1 didn't see just lists, could hardly keep from laughing methods and efficiency. Not by at times to see the willpower he themselves. 1 saw the love had to use to stop himself from enveloping them, inspiring them, getting completely detoured by giving them worth and meaning his own presents: all those beyond measure. 1. cried again, a terrific cars and trucks. little, and slyly. my face He was sorely tempted, and returned to the glass so no one wavered a few times, but always, would notice. That's what would be missing tonight: the boundless care and love, burning like a golden sun in the middle of our family. With darkness, Christmas lights sprang up along the street. We turned on the tree, brought out the mountainous accumulation of presents everyone had been squirreling away for weeks. That's where it happened. We ,:• gathered in the living room. ' Everyone found a place, on the couch, in chairs, even on the ta,Z,' floor: a semi -circle facing the • • Beautiful gifts for beautiful people -, beautifully wrapped!• tree, waiting. But your place ' VIM, there by the tree was empty. ��: CITY CENTRE . 380 WELLINGTON - LONDON, ONT. 439-7531 C l looked around. Your 44. JtETLtZi 4d/rtll4. tT/r* 0dl.4W,l3 tTlrWrtlJrdlrtilt. 4t1lrA04: tLl4. OUR CHRISTMAS CATALOGUE Now Available MOVADO I he \les ant\1'at%h • $350 ' $325 The classic ''gold dot" dial. 18K gold micron finish electroplate. . • Water resistant. Electronic quarte. Swiss crafted. For him or her. mother's lip trembled; Grandma's wet and shiny eyes reflected the many colored lights. Your brothers and sisters passed around some small talk; Grandpa frowned down at the rug I followed his gaze. There was nothing there. It was right then, when 1 sensed the whole thing getting away from us, becoming unraveled, that your little brother got up, went over and sat in your place. For a moment 1 was puzzled, then he looked at me and said, "Can 1 give But the presents, like Teresa used to?" 1 nodded. It was amazing. He went right through the whole thing like a Christmas Gifts To Cherish A carat or more. A little extra weight she won't mind putting on. Every diamond is rare. But a diamond of a carat or more is only one in a million. And, like love, becomes' more precious with time. A' miracle arnong • miracles. Born from the earth. A "quality" carat diamond Reborn on a loved one. • starts at approx. $5000.00 182 Dundas Street, London, Ontario NfiA 1G7 Phone 672-7780 II S1NCE 191't' I managed to remember he had to take care of your master of ceremonies role. And you know, you were there! I swear it: a presence growing in •the room, hovering over your little brother, over all of us. Everything went as if you had personally orchestrated it. There they were: parents, children, grandparents, our daughter-in-law, smiling, laughing, involved. The merriment swelled. A warm and gentle web enfolded us. 1 looked closely, couldn't see anything, but knew you were doing it. There wasn't any sand, no footprints to contemplate, but your aura fused with the lights of Christmas, suffused the air of the room. At the end I looked at my presents, at your mother's and realized we had an extra one, invisible but very real. You'd proven us as parents. Mentally.) untied the ribbon, carefully took off the paper, stared at if for a long time. It looked good. You're out of the nest now, testing, your wings, straining for the blue skies in your future. And you'll make it. Not only for yourself, but for us. Wrapped in your success will be our own. What better present could we receive? And Christmas won't daunt me again. Down all the years we'll have the family, God, lights, presents and, right there by the tree, you. Love, Daddy to Fir f rA. • resh wa ter Pearls startitig at 588 Monday - Saturday, 9:00 a.m. - 5:25 p.m. Friday tilt 9:00 pan. SEIGEL'S SHS F: •WaWarehouse. ND Floor SPECIALS. CHILD'S WINTER 1001S '10 I 13I Waterproof. assorted, Canodian.. CHILD'S WINTER BOOTS Seconds, sues only 6 to 10. CHILD'S SLIPPERS includes "SESAME". assorted APPLE JUICE AND DIARRHEA Even normal amounts of apple juice may cause diarrhea in some otherwise healthy children, according to Jeffrey Hyms, M.D., and Alan Leichtner, M.D., of the University of Connecticut Health Center. Stop the apple juice and see if that helps, they suggest, before . starting other medical tests. (AFP, July 1985) ALOE VERA GEL Aloe.vera really helps increase the speed of healing .when used externally for minor cuts, scrapes and burns, according to David G. Spoeke, RPh, MS,, consultant, Rocky Mountain Poison Center, Denver. It should not be used for more severe • burns or deep cuts or infected skins. . if you wish to use the gel directly from the plant, scrape it frorn the inside of the leaf and them apply it rather than placing the leaf itself on the wound. 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