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Little Liver Ill1s.
Vitidot DOW Signatudo of
Sce Pae-Similo Wrapper Below.
Vow small and as easy
to take as sagma
• I csisminirrOn 11U.14,,Vet
1641114. vegermean.
unn, irnTt.
area blessing to WQ/X1011 in this condition. They
oure Nervousness, Sleepleseness, Palpitation of
the Heart, Faint and Dizzy Spells, Weakness,
Listlessness, and all troubles peculiar to the
/amide sox.
Mrs. James Taylor, Salisbury, N.B., in recom-
mending them says: About eight months ago
X NY0.8 very badly run down, was troulsled greatly
with palpitetion of the heart and would get so
dizzy' Would have to leave zny work and sit
down. I seemed to be getting worse all the
time, until a friend advised me to try_MIL-
can truthfully say that they do all you 'claim
for them, and I can recommend them to all
‘alerumolown wernen.
Price 50c. per box, or Shores for $1,25 ;all deal-
ers, or The Wilburn Co.; Limited, Toronto, Cut.
• Troublea with Kikey Trouble
for Six 1116iiths,
Many Men and Women Are Troubled
• With Kidney Trouble, Some For Less
Time, Some For Longer—No Need To
Be Troubled For Any Length Of Time,1
If They Only Knew Of The Curee-
, Being Made By
Backache Is The First Sign Of Kidney
Trouble—Then Come Complications
Of A More Serious Nature.
OF MISERY. Mrs. William H. Banks,
Torbrook. Mines, N.S., tells tho pub-
lic about the great .qualities of Doan's
Kidney' Pills in the following geords:—I
was troubled withkidney trouble for six
benths, and /red suehoterrible pains
Across my kidneys all --the time that
could hardly get arefimd. After taking
one box of DealeVKidney;Pills 1 began
to feel better, ind by the time I bad
taken three. boxes I was corepletely
.,, Price 50e. per box, or 3 boxes for $1.25;
all dealers or The Doan Kidney Pill Coe
Toronto, Ont.
To the Weary Dyspeptic.
We Ask this Question:
Why donl. yOti remove
that weight at the tit of
the Stomach?
Why don't you regulate that.
variable appetite, and condition the
digestive organs so that it will not
be necessary to starve the stomach
to avoid distress after eating,
The first step is to regulate the
For -this purpose
irdock Blood Bitters
IN- has no Equal. .
It acts promptly and effectually
'and permanently cures all derange.
twits of digestion. Ib cures flys.
pApsia and the primary causes lead.
ing to it.
If You Say That All Men Cheat,You
Confess to Your Dishonesty.
,iEntered according to Act of the Par-
liainertt of Uanada.. In the year One
Thousand N ine llundred and Three,
by Wm. lia.Ily, of Toronto, at the
Department of Agriculture, Ottawa.)
A. despatch from Chtcago says :—
Rev. Frank DeWitt Talmage preach-
ed from ,the following. text :
Matthew xxii. 21, "Render unto
God the 'things that' are Gocds."
Ma.ny.people talk as if this world
werofull of rogues, I to not believe
any such charge.' There is more hon-
esty in the Avorld than it gets credit
for, Indeed, it is my belief that
most people are honest, that most
people want to do right. This is
not a world of hypocrites. All men
are not ecoundrele,
In Rome my raother some years
ago was examining a piece of j0W-
elry. Before decidiug to buy 'she
wished • her daughters to see the
Who. The proprietor the estate-
lisinnern ''inune*diately evranteal nP
the article and handed it to her. He
told my mother that she could take
it to the hotel and 'there decide
what she wished to do. "But," an-
swered mother, "is this -sato foe you
to do'? You do not know me. dCan
you trust all your custothere like
this ?" "Yes," answered the pro-
prietor, "it is safe. I knew you are
an American lady. No American
lady has ever yet deceived us when
we trusted her. We will .take tho
risk." Does not that prove that
most people aro honest
Taking this prendse, then, for
granted, I shall boldly present to
you a bill which I know you will
try to pay; It is from xny Lord
and Master. It is a statement of
the debt which every man, woumn
and child. to more or less extent,
owes 6 God. I do not hemand pay-
ment of it, for It is greater than
you could ever 'pay, though you
lived on earth a• thousand years and
worked as hard as you could • but
I want you to feel your obligations
and to resolve; that you' will do all
that is in your power to show your
gratitude to your Heavenly Father
for all the Monies and comforts
forts with which he has surrounded,
you duridg your life. Therefore,
what you are to do, you must start
to do ridht awaydand in order to.
do it. yeou must stfrve- Christ front
now oMavith your whole heart.
A. big` bill for „geed health le
.charged up against most of us in
the divine ledger. We may be grow-
ing old now and have her and
there a rheumatic twinge e wemay
be Meade ad eat as hearth-a:el en
digestible foods as we did when
young, or to work as rapidly or cte
long, but . most of Us have had
veads and years of good heialfh. We
have had years with two stout lungs
and two .keen ayes and with good..
digestive &dans and good- ueyves.
Now comes the question : What havo
WO accomplished with this God
given blessing called good health ?
Have we oohs anything more with
it than. to sat and sleep, and brute-
like, physically to enjoy ourselves ?
Hae we placed that good health at
the service of the iloster, as WO
know we ought to have done -? it
you had been very sick and
C01110 into your room just after the
crisis *as past. and' Say, "Well, Mr.::
So-andeso, how ere you feeling tti-
day ?'.5 you wteeld answerTlitink
God. 1 am betteid; I hope 3. shale
soon be well," you giveby that- aid4
swer eall the credit of your corivalds-
cence/ and health -Co Can it be
that7God is aot-Yixpecting you 1
do, anything foe him on account of
this blessing ?
"But," answers some one, "you
cannot blame the average person for
not lacing; ip.ore grateful for his
good health. A healthy man does
net think about his health. If that
good health was taken away from
him it would be different. Then the
individual would realize what he had
lost. /3ut haw can you blame a. man
for not being grateful for a healthy
liver or kidneys or spleen when the
twee fact that theeti organs are
healthy proves that he never knew
he had a liver or spleen or kidneys?"
In one sense, my Brother, your an-
swer is right. When a man loses his
good health he is ready to give up
almost everything he has to wia it
A big bill for church privileges I
find charged against us all in the
divine ledger. Why all ? Ilecatiee
the,:ellurch of Jesup Christeis ewe,
as I 'seine' 'peoptesapdt4e, a; small
building eledicieted . Mesa 'feti-,ired.,
"dings and funevals and a place in
.which are to be gathered a few Sun-,
day school scholars: 'it Is not, as a
groat .preacher . once. described
merely ' "ecclesiastical Flying
Dutchman," with a dead minister in
,the „pulpit and dead header in. the
pew and a dead deacon passing the
collection plate. l'he church of
Jesus Chri.st is a great gospelizing,
vitalizing, • intell et: t u ali zing and
liberty producing institution. It
teaches mad to live right as well as
to die right
The church of Cod is the greatest
ellamideri of human ris,hts of the
present day. Some years ago I sat
in Cooper institute at 0 great mess
meet ing. Itober t c. /tIgursoll was
one of the speakers. During lila ad-
dress he hurled at the audienee this
stinging sentence : "The reason' I
deseise the church of Cod is bOCaUSO
it hiOCICS every wheel of progte;es."
Afterward the chail7nItin oi' the meet-
ing arose and said : "1 ndinire Rob -
ere 0, Ingersoll. •I believe him to
he one of the 'greatest orators who
have ever lived. But I clefy Me.
Ingersoll to eihow. Where the Chriee
teem church has blocked the wheels
of progress. Levery great onward
movement- has had its ablest cham-
pions and often its leaders and
originators in the men who week
by week preach,' from Christian pul-
pits." That ehoieman was right.
The thunderous appletese of the au-
dience approved it.
The church of God Is tied great in-
tellectualizing force. Dr. Charles L.
Thompson once declared that "the
Presbyterian church was not the
church of great cathedrals, but of
small bolleges." Wherever the gospel
ministers go there .you will find the
college ',planters. The schoolhouse
always stands under the shadow of
the church steeple. Where there ie
no church invariably there is an
absence of the schoolhouse.
The church is the greatest purifier
of the conamunity, it is the great
Preventer -of Mime, Idicoew of a
Ite.en, shrewd' business man who lived
in a email. Ohio ed...y. Every year he
sent a large donation to all the dif-
ferent churches, "not," said he,
because I am a professing Christian,
but because I beliciehe the unurch does
more -to empty our jails and poor-
houses and criminal resorts . thee'.
any other power on. earth." The
church of the Lord Jesus Christ is
the great 'cornerstone of a pure
home. We do not -have to argee
here ,for one moment to try to prove
this statement. It is an axiom, a
self evident fact. Now, my brother,
if the -church of God makes your
clerks more honest and keeps the
messengers of crime from off the
streets, whefe they might destroy
your sons and daughters ; if it is
the foundation stone of a strong na-
tional government as well as that of
the home ; if it is the great enemy
of ignorance and the leader in all
movements that look te, the purify-
ing and spiritual elevation of the
human race, do you not believe that
you should cast your influence into
its work ? To you not owe it all ill,
estimable debt? Should you not
try to broaden its teachings and
through it try to disseminate the
gospel redemption which will save
men. this side of the grave as well
as upon the other side ?
A big debt for a gospel ode:dation
I find chhrged agaihst us..at in the
divine eleelger. The _struggles , of
poor boas for a college) editeation of-
fer sonee of the nieist pathetic of il-
lustrations. Heirry is a farmer's
boy.Ile livel§' in the country - and
wante to To to school, and how can
he? ,Try as hard as the family.reay,
the can just' make ends meet and
no ntoro. But get an educatlon he
will. He works, on the farm during
the summer and tea.ches school dar-
ing the Winter. After awhile, by
night study, he fits bineself for an
academy. His little savings he
hoards like a miser. Me enters the
university. Then perhaps he comes
up to graduation with a hacking
cough or ruined eyesight and with
Ids physical, . health wrecked. Ah,
that is pathetic! That is a sacrifice
that is being made in every part of
the land.
But if it is pathetic to see a poor
boy struggling for an intellectual
education how much more pathetic
is it to see one struggling for a spir-
itual education when he has been
born ie the cradle of sin?,. When,
go •down the street .and. see men and
Women whose faces from early childe
hood were scarred. and marred with
sin, I oftensay to, -myself: 'What
chance have those poor mortals?
Their fathers perhaps were jail-
birds. fl'hair mothers • were disso-
lute and deserted them. perhaps on
the day they were born. Their
companions from youth have been
thieves and robbers. And yet some
of these poor wretches, born in sin,
have struggled up by the grace of
God into the light. They have, by
slow and painful stages, won a hard
earned spiritual education, like "Old
Phil," for many years the door-
keeper of the Jerry McAuley mis-
sion, who Was a thief and had serv-
ed seventeen years in jail for his
crimes. They struggled on and up,
battling their way step by step,
fighting against all the inherited
tendencies of their past lives. They
struggled up out of the hovel and
the saloon and the gutter and the -
poorhouse. Like the demon possess-
ed Mary, at last they became the
sainted Mary, as spotless and pure
as the driven snow.
But, thank God, none of us — no,
believe not . one—ever had to go
through such ae struggle for a spir-
itual:. educe.ti9zir We ,had that in the -
clays, of °tin .thIldho,od. We were
borne in) Christian helms '.0,nd 'reared
at the knee -of Cheistian mothers.
.Shall w� notbe *Ming' to pay God
.back for thiseducation? Because he
has 'given:11.e that. spiriteal bdtica.-
tion free, So that we can•Cliserira-
inate betdeen right and wrong, shall
we not nowebe willing to pay some-
thing at least for our past Chriet-
Ian tuition?
A big debt we also owe to God for
the blessings which come to us from
our living loved ones., Strange is,
the fact that we rarely emaciate a
dear one until she is* gone. There
aro plenty of monuments and mem-
orials erected for dead men, but very
8e)clom any for the living. One of
the moet •romaelcable statues in this
country is that raised in. the Brook-
lyn ' Prospect Park to James S. T.
Stranahan. It was unveiled wbile
'the "grand old man of Brooklyn"
was alive to see it with his own
eyes and with his own care hear the
eulogies of his ..life's work, W6,
would :he willing: it, our .fle fences
wduld wayeant it,' to .erelow alidee
pital or library, or• foundling hom�
Ito the rammed of a dead child. Do
, •
we not owe Go'cl any debt of grati-
tude to the loved one who ore still
by our side? Shall not the father
and husband feel that he needS to
make some teleixowledgment for the
children andthe wife who now sit
wIth hint at the table and bow with
at the family alta"? Old my
Chrietian friends, 1 do not believe
we are intrinsically mean. I do not
and will,not lower myself to the be-
lief that we have intentionally gone
to God. heretofore only as beggars.
Most of us have not stopped to
think with how many blessings Clod
has surrounded us: Therefore I
have to -day tried to show you the
'joys of Chrietian giving, the joys of
paying back to God at least a little
of what we owe.
The simple fact is that but few of
us have ever begun to taste the
sweetest nectars which come from
the gospel vineyards. Many years
ago, goes a Getman legend, a prin-
cess was to be wedded to a prince
of the far east. He sent to her as
a wedding gift an iron egg. The
princess, in disgust at such a pre-
sent from her lover, threw it upon
the ground„ when, In, the shell broke
and opened, an,d imilosed therein was
a sliver lining, In great amaze-
ment, the princess picked up the
egg and founid in this silver lining
a spring.• She touched it, and it
opened, and, lo, ineide the saver lin-
ing was- a golden yolk. She touch-
ed another spring, and; lo, inside
the golden yolk glittered a bean -Wel
ruby. So the reason some of. us
have had so little joy out of our
gospel experience is because we have
only touched the outer edge of its
joys. We have only selfishly look-
ed at the gifts which 'God has given
ta us. But when we honestly try
by a consecrated life to pay back
God for what be has done for us
then we shall have a joy which, like
the fabled egg, increases in value
as we delve into it. First, the
Iron shell, then the silver lining,
then the golden yolk, then the glit-
tering ruby crown. Oh, my brother
and sister, will you be lw
God? Will you try to repaytlestwithhiniby
a consecrated life's service for all
the mercies with which he has sur-
rounded you? I to -day present this
bill of debit from my Divine Master
and King.
" JUNE 7.
Text of the Lesson, Acts xxvii.,
33-44. Golden. Text, Ps
1 ,mea.t, for this ' is for your health ; evil., 28,
33, 34. I pray you to take sonic
'Ifor there shall not a hair fall from
Ithe head of any of you,
While the few closing verses of the
1chapter are-aSsigned as the lesson,
we are asked to stud' the whole
chapter, and it is sincereld:6 be
• hoped- that every teacher will do So
and give , special attention to verses
122 to 25, which, it seem e to me,
give the cream of the chapter... In
!due time Paul and other prisoners
sail for Italy, but south of Crete a
tempest strikes them, and for many
, clays they see neither sun nor stars
and are so tempest tossed that they
give up all hope of ever being saved.
But God has His eye upon His ser-
vant, and one night an angel of
Cod came to him 'in the midst of
the storm and told him that lie
must not fear, that he would surely
be brought before Caesar and that
while the -ship would be wrecked
there woulbe no loss of life. Paul,
therefore, encouraged them, and our
lesson opens with his entreaty that
they take emere Reed, for they had
been fasting forfourteen days and
the -ship was now at 'for
they had .found soundings, though
they 'knew not Where they were.
Note ,the- proverbial expression for
assured, safety in. I Sam. xiv, 45 ;
II Sam. XIV, 1.1.; 1 Kings i, 52 ;
Matt. x, 80.
85-37. And when he had thus
spoken /an took bread and gave
thanks to God in presence of them
all, and when he had broken it he
begari to eat. Then were they all
of good cheer.
ITe acknowledged the only living
and true God before them all and
gladly confessed that he be-
longed to God and served Hini
ex e ). ihus • he coniforted an
encouraged' 275 people, and they also
ate 'and were strengthened. A cheery
person can make others cheery, and
such people aro much needed in this
world. Coinparo verses ee, 25, 36
and then look up our Lord's oft re-
peated "Ile of good cheer, or • of
good comfort." In Matt. ix, 2, 22 ;
xiv, 27 ; Mark x, 49 ; John xvi,
33 ; Acts xxiii, 11. Our Lord Uses
the same word in each of these
places ; Paul's word in our lesson is
diherent, but eath -would teach us'
to. be ...leaPpy and ot good ,courage.
Note. that. Paul didhimself what he
aiked . them to do. Example is
stronger than .precept.
" 88-11. And when they had• eaten
enough theylightened the ship and
cast , put ;the evheat into the sea;
and -when it was day they knew` not
the land.
-But discovering a creek with a
shore they cut away the anchors
and, hoisting up the sail, they ran
the ship aground, the fore part
sticking fast ; but the hinder part
Was broken ljr the waves. The fact
that they are onoudlemakes us
think of the multitudes' fed by our
Lord, not 200 or ?no, but 4,000
and .-5,90t7, a.nd all were filled. The
2,000,000 or 3,000,000. whom He
fed with manna and cilso
with flesh in the wilder-
ness always had enoligh. V
you have never been In great
storm at ses, ,peringni a very little
proved to be eaoughe but We •judge
that in this coed' although the
waves were violent, the ship being
iit anch,or, all could ecit sufficient to
noprish. and strehgthea ahem. for
Whot as before therm • de
42. • And the soldleit Oelatsol was
to hitt- the lerisoners.'''tieste!any, of
, .
them should swim out and eeettpo.
They did not know that but for
ono prisoner whom they hod on
board they might all have been •at
the bottom of the sea, as far cte
their bodies were cemented. How
little the ungodly think that judg-
ment which they well deserve is
withheld because there are righteoue
people among them. Ten righteous
men in Sodom would hive -spared
the city, and the judgment end net
fall until Lot and his family were
safely out of it (Oen, xviii, 82; xix,
22). Now blinded by the devil men
were when they actually killed the
Prince of Life, the only one who can
give life and in whom all live and
move and have their being!
43. But the conSurion„ willing to
save Paul, kept them from their
purpose and commanded that they
which could swim should east them-
selves first into the sea and get to
All the purposes of God are eter-
nal (Epb. iii, 11) and sure of fulfill -
merit (Ise., xiv, 24; Jereli 29) let men
and dernone and the devil back of
thent do their worst. God will
make the wrath of man to praise
Him and restrain what He does not
see fit to use (Ps. lxxxed, 10), The
Lord bringeth the counsel of the
heathen to nought. He maketh the
devices of the people of none effeot.
The counsel of the Lord standeth
forever, the tholights of His heart
to all generadidns • (Ps. xxxiii, 10,
44. And the rest, some on,
boards and some on broken pieces
of the ithip. Anti so it Carri0 to
pass teat they 'escaped all safe to
So everything that Cod has ever
said or purpcised either has 'already
come to pass or will yet come to
pass, just as he hae said. "Rath
Pre said, and shall He not do it? or
bath he spoken and shall Ile not
make it good?" (Num. x,xiii.) Let
us first be sure that we can truly
say, Lord Josue, I do eaeeive Thee
as my- Saviour arid put all my trust
as a helpless sinner in Thy modems
blood shed for me (John i, 12; ma
37). Therd. taking Him at Ptis
word, let es rejoice to say. "Whose
I am" (verse 23), as we hear Him
say to us, "Fear not, for I have
redeemed thee. I have called teee by
thy name, thou art Mine" (Isa.
xliii, 1). Then, with heartfelt grat-
itude, let us say, "Whom I serve,"
for we have been redeemed that we
rimy serve the living God while we
wait for His Son from heaven (1
Times. i, 9, 10). May our motto
ever he "I believe God that it shall
be even as it was told met" (verse
Hot salt a.nd vinegar, old -fashion-
, ed as it is, will' remove tarnish frora
[bratsIalmost instautly. Wash in sedea:Suels ana dry.
• It you get an ink -stain on your
indheganY desk, Put it few drops of
spirits of nitre ia it teaspoonful of
water.. put eiee deep of this on the
ink seot and rub 'at once With a.
cloth . wet ,with warm water or it
Will make the spot look White.
Prunes, it is said, have a decided-
ly curative propeety. They are nu-
tritive, laxative arid healing to tbe
membranes of the stomach. Cases
of infianunation of the stomach have
been cured by the free eating of
stewed prunes. The large French
prunes are best. Wash well, soak for
an hour la eold water. then stew
gently till perfectly done.
As this is the season when driecl
fruits come in play, a few hints -as
to the proper method of cooking
may not bo out of place. Art dried
fruits should have a long soaking
and a slow cooking. After washing,
let the fruit stand all night in cold
water. In the morning . cook it
slowly till tender. ; it should shniner
rather than boil, hard.
.It is said cranberries made' a de-
licious catsup. Ten pounds Of the
berries, 11;" • .04 vinegietd •-fiere
pounds of brown sugar, three table-
apocinfids of ground cinnamon. two
of allspice, one each. of cloves and
Salt and o quarter teaspoonful of
cayenne go to its making. Boil
slowly till thick, then strain and
Highly polished tables end chairs
have a way of developing spots of
white, especially where a hot dish
has stood or where hot water has
been spilled. Equal parts of linseed
oil and alcohol rubbed on such it
spot will usually make it vanish.
Another plan is to cover such a
spot with baking soda ; then hold a
heated flatiron close down. over the
soda, not near enough, however, to
injure .the Varnish. After a little
take the iron -fleetly and brush off the
soda. In most cases the spot will
be gone. 'Camphor is another good
all-around agent for restoring
nish, and when rubbed over blistered
Or. whitened ekots will bring back
'Much or tho origilial lusqe, • •
The great toniptation after ex-
posure to the heat and the pro-
babilities of sunburn is to wash the.
faCe. Water acts 'like a 'moment to
set the dyo of ., the sunburn. The
cornplexion that possibly might have
escaped with faint redness becomes
scarlet and even blistered aftedwash-
ing, says the St. Louie Star.' Wipe
the face gently with cold cream or
with ordinary sweet creant and the
effects of the sunburn will soon
pass away,
Before going out in the heat apply
a' little cold cream w%bee, cheeks,
neck and hands, re o will prevent
tan and sunburn aets% fe an excellent
prevention before tat/114 a see, bath
or a row on the lake or it
the golf link*.
"It I thought that any girl would
' —
sheePt nee," 'casually remarked the
bashful Mr.. 1)olyers, "I'd propose
to-morrove." "Why tot this even -
leg ?" asked Mee ,Vesdlck, coyly.
The Wedding take place in
abOut itmonteee
When." sea edr is ordered to a nervous person, she usually
ruslaes down to the seashore, speuds all her time on the beach,
frets more or less over the expense,
and returns after two or three weeks
to make up by extra' work for the
brief holiday. The result is in ex-
aggeration of nervous troubles. The
thne given to the cure was too short.
dad.- avec
Nontrealko a
415RITAIN 1. gg1c
Olinruggis ChetrU
Price in Canada : MOO
Six bottles for $5.00
ST. JAMES WAVERS are as good
for the nerves as the sea breeze; but
in case of nervous weakness, like the
sea breeze, they recinire time.
ST. JAMBS WAyEas. are a tissue
builder and a reconstructive, not a
stimulant. Quick temporary results
are not to be expected ; but perms -
trent improvement will follow their
patient use.
S. J.4.mx8 WAFERS llelp stomach,
digest food and send the nutriment
through the blood, and this is the
honest way to get health and strength,
the kind that lasts, develops and
breeds the energy which accom-
plishes much.-
"rtom Personal experience 14
am able to appreciate the great
value or St. jnines Wafers."
Dr. Charles D. Camp,
Dublin, Ireland.
.St. James Wafe,s. are not a secret
remedy lo Me rurnerousdoctorst e -
commending Mem to their patients
we mail the formula Uton request.
Where dealers are not selling the
Wafers, they arezzailed upon re-
ceipt of _price at the Canadian
branch; St, James Wafers Co., 1728
St. Catherine St., Montreal.
Recipes for the Kitchen. GI/
Hygiene and Other Notes
for the Housekeeper. oft
'000018(4304/e0Oditietoen tO@CO
Buttermilk Yeast—Put two quarts
of fresh buttermilk on the stove to
boil. Mix a scant cup of wheat flour
with a quart of cornmeal and when
the milk boils pour over the meal,
beating hard to prevent lumps. When
cool.,enough to bear the finger,dstir
in half aciip of gOcd liv&yeast and
keep warm until it rises. A recipe
for this kind of yeast was inquired
for some months ago. This comes
from a southern paper.
Molasses Fruit Cake—One cup each.
of -buttee and brown sugar ; cream
and add the beaten yolks of three
eggs, one cup molasses. a teaspoon-
ful each ot cloves, cinnamon and
allspice and half a teaspoonful of
salt, Beat the whites of the eggs,
and beat them into the other in-
gredients with four cups of sifted
flour, reserving a little to dredge the
fruit, a cup each of raisins and cur-
rants. Dissolve a teaspoonful of
soda in a cup of boiling water, add
a cup of cold coffee, beat thoroughly
and bake in a paper -lined tin for an
Sour Milk Biscuits—Rub half a
spoonful of butter or lard into one
quart of sour milk, into one tea-
spoonful- of saleratus, which has
been dissolved in it little hot Wa••
tor. Use as much more flour as you
find necessary to make the dough
stiff enough to roll out. Roll on
.the•eboardeabout an.ineh thick and
cut with a biscuit cutter. Bake in a
quick oven, if you use lard for
shortening., add one teaspoonful of
Small Pound Cakes—Put one cup
of butter into a warm bowl and
work it with a. slotted wooden spoon
until light a.nd creamy. Gradually
add one and two-thirds cups of One
granulated sugar, one-half teaspoon-
ful of mace and one teaspoonful of
lemon juice. Break in five eggs one
at a time, and work them until no
trace of the yolk is seen; then add
two cups of sifted pastry flour. Stir
the whole mass until thoroughly
nrixed, then fill the well ,butteaed
tins which 'should be small, arid
bake theni in a rather moderate oven
fon about twenty minutes. Remove
from the pans and cover with plain
Lemon Custard—(For four custard
cups). Heat one full cupful of milk
to the boiling point in the double
boiler. Then stir into it one table-
spoonful of corn starch beaten
smooth with a little cold water.
Keep stirring until the milk etas
thickened; and steeeh well 'cooked,
about fifteen minutes. 'Then add • to
It the yolks of two •ee'ge betteett.
smooth with one teaspoonful of poi('
water. Cook the Mixture it .few
minutes longer still in the *double.
boiler. Take from the fire. _About a
half hour IiiIfore you wish to serve,
the custard : Mix together one small
cupful of white eugar aad the grated
rind and juice Gt one small leraon ;
anadce a. meringue with the whitea of
the two eggs ; stir the lemon euica
and sugar quickly and thoratighly,
into the custard and fold into it the
meringue ; pile lightly into the glass
enstard cups and serve very cold.
Salted wafers aro an excellent ac-
companiment. Orange custard may
be made in the same way.
Jewelry can lie beautifully cleaned
by washing in soapsuds in which a
RAS drops of giirits of ;ammonia are
stirred, shaking off the water and
laying in it box of dry sawdust.
This method Raves_ no marks or
.Kind Lady—"How many aro there
in the family 'besides yourself ?"-
Little Amy—"Four—mamma, papa,
sister, and a distant relative."
"That is only three. The distant
relative is not a member of the fam-
"Oh, yes he is. 'He IS my brother."
"Your brother ? Then he isn't a
distant relative."
"Yes, ma'am—he is in South.
Baron de Ilirsch's bequests to
education support fifty schools in.
Galicia. There are 5,634 pupils and
247 teachersd
e ale and Soothes tlao Lungs and
Bronchial Tubes. Cures COUGHS,
NESS, etc., qMcker than any rem.
edy known. If you kave that irri.
toting Cough that keeps you awake
at night, a dose of the Syrup will
stop it at once.
I liz.ve used DR. WOOD'S NORWAY
PINE SYRUP for every cold I have had
for the peat eight years, with wonder-
ful succesi. 1 never -see a friend with a
cough .0r cola but thett I recommend it—
M. M. Ellsworth, Jacksonville, N.B.
°,55e, IWK-V
The Leading Specialists of America. 28 Years in Detroit. Rank Security.
Nino out of every tett men have beet: guilty of transgression against nature in
their youth. Nature never excuses, no matter how young, thoughtless or ignorant
he may be. The punishment and suffering corresponds with the crime. The only
eseane from its ruinous results is proper scientific treatment to counteract its effects.
The DRAINS, either by nightly wises, or secretly through the urine, =1St be
stopped—the NERVES must be built up aud invigorated, the 'blood must be purified,
the szxtrAt, ono.ANs must be -vitalized and developed, the DRAIN moat be
nourished. Our New Method Treatment provides all these requirements. Under
Lt s influence the braht becomes active; the blood purified so that all plinples,
blotches and ulcers disappear; the nerves become strong as steel, so that nervous-
ness, bashfulness and deepoudeney disappear; the eyes become bright, the face
full and clea.r, energy returns to the bedy, and the moral, physical and sexual sva•
terns are invigorated; all drai 31S cease—no more Vital waste it011i the system. The
The 'various organs become natural and manly. We invite all the afflicted to eon
arid consult us confidentially and tree bf charge. entree Guaranteed or no
Pay. We treat and curer, Varicocele, 13lood Ditacatms, Stricture.
Glect, Emissions. Urinary Drains, Spermatorrhoen, Unnatel.
rai Discharges, Kidney and *Madder Diseasets.
COSSULTaluTION FLEE. 394:81GtS Islittert.
If unable to call, write for a QUESTION BtoilsIllt /or Rogue Treat:tient,
tag SeeBLEtlit T., DZTIZOIS1", MICH.
'31,-• •