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Clinton News-Record, 1985-12-11, Page 23
Page 22-CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1985 oming Eve Community Calendar BINGO: Vanastra Rec. Centre, Tuesdays, 8 p.m. First reg. card $1., fifteen reg. $20. games, three shore -the -wealth. Jackpot $200 must ao, Lucky Ball $180.00 (ifnot won). Lucky Ball increases $20 per week, Admission restricted to 16-years- ond over.- 14tf TRY DIXIE LEE'S Complete Catering Service. Delivery, serving and cleanup is available. Economical • 2 -piece chicken and 2 salads as low as $2.29 each. Phone 482-7337. 42-51 ar BINGO: Upstairs Clinton Arena. Thursday. December 19. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Bingo at 7:45. $200 jackpot to go. Clinton Junior D. -- 46tf SANTA SUITS for rent. Kinette Club of Clinton, call 482-7951. --50,51 ar "THE HURON COUNTY Health Unit invites you to attend the Expectant Parent Education Classes being held at the Clinton Health Unit Office, Huronview Bstjding commencing Monday, January 6, 1986. The cost is $5,00. The next series of classes will begin the week of March 17. 1986. For pre -registration or further information, please call the Healti, Unit office bt 482- 3416.- 50.52ar ANNUAL CHRISTMAS Bag Sale: December 12, 13 8 14. Salvation Army Thrift Store, 80 King St., Clinton. 50 STUCK FOR a Christmas present? Goderich Township History Books, Disney Wagon Plates, Steins, etc. are still available at Holmesville General Store. ---50 KEEP FIT FREE ADMISSION: to Trim -A -Size classes - on December 12 and 13 at 2:15 p.m, Town Holl auditorium. Everyone welcome.-50ar NEW BOOK SALE: The Vanastra Recreation Cen• tre is holding a New Book Sale on Friday, December 13, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Saturday, December 14, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 5 Rattenbury St. (beside Galbraiths) Clinton, Over 2,000 riew books will be offered for sale at 25 percent to 75 percent off the retail price. Books will include hobby, fiction, nonfiction, sports, novels, children's books, etc. All sales CASH only. Come on out for the best deal in town and buy new books for Christmas presents.-•-50ar ST, ANDREWS United Church, Bayfield will be holding a candlelight carol service on Sunday, December 15 at 7:30 p..m. Everyone welcome. 50 SUMMERHILL EUCHRE Party: 'Friday, December 13 at 8:30 p.m. in the Summerhill Community Hall, Ladies please bring lunch. Everyone welcome. 50x The Toy Town Troopers had their elemen- tary school audience paying close attention during their performance at the Clinton Town Hall on December 5. The Hamilton group performed The Great Canadian Christmas Caper for the Clinton and area students. (Anne Narejko photos') Clinton and area bowling results show high scores Tuesday Afternoon Ladies Bonnie's Bruins 71 Joyce's Devils 67 Nancy's Flyers 65.5 1.elen's Leaves .65 F ose's Rangers 65 E. glen's Red Wings 64 Candace's Oilers '62 June's.Oilersi2 60.5 Top bowlers for December 3: High single, Grace Evans - 252; high triple, Karen Pounder- 623; high average, Karen Pounder - 218. Other high scores: Candace Elliott - 228; Mary Cote - 228; Janene Wise. - 228; Rose Humriiel - 221; Nora Heard - 220; Jane Bradshaw = 220; Karen Pounder - 220, 219; Dora Warwick - 218; Helen Faber - 215; Mary Chessell - 215; Sheila Keys - 213, 210; Beulah Keys - 213, 210; Lorraine Fisher -, 211; June De Ruyter - 212; Bonnie Gibbings - 208; Joyce Van Riesen - 207; Alice Brandon - 201 and Iva Reid - 200. ' Wednesday Night Mixed' Brenda's No. 7's . 58 Doug's DuMauriers , • 47 John's Roll Your Owns 43 Jim's Players .42 Joe's Sportsmans , ' 40 Elizabeth's Camels 37 Deb's Lucky Strikes 35 . Ron's Tempos . 34 Posting the ladies' high single and high triple was Julie Gibbings with'scores of 281 and 624, respectively. The high average was bowled by Cathy Boon with a'191. Wayne Matzold bowled the men's high single with a 300. Bob Atkinson bowled both the high triple and the high average with a 679 and 243. Viuelce COMPLETE CATERING SERVICE Er DELIVERY Erhot and when you want it GOOD FOOD delicious mPal of your choice SERVICE served by our friendly staff to zryourself and your guests ECONOMICAL PRICES ...and more!!! Check us out, DIXIE LEE CATERING FULL COURSE MEALS including Beef, Ham, Turkey FRIED CHICKEN and SEAFOOD CLINTON 482-1337 OPEN 7DAYS AWEEK 14AM-10PM EXCEPT SUNDAYS OPEN 11 AM - 9 PM9 Londesboro Ladies Dixie Dewdrops 60 Misfits 59 Royal Flushers 43 Par4 34 High scores for December 3: High single, Dianne Elliott - 255; runner-up, Janet Taylor - 243; high triple, 'Dianne Elliott - 657; runner-up, Dorothy Airdrie - 595; high average, Dianne Elliott - ,193; runner-up, Dorothy Airdrie - 188. Most Improved Bowler, Debbie Albrecht - plus 15.. iidden score - Josie McGregor. ' Games over 200:' Josie McGregor - 207; Dorothy Airdrie - 227, 202; Dianne Elliott - 201, 201; Janet Taylor - 243. Games over 250: Dianne Elliott -255. Junior -Senior Youth Death Rays • 49 Leaps and Bounds , i 45 Lynn's Crue 34 Geta Job Gang 27 Sandra . Bell registered the, high ladies' single and the high triple with a 215 and 602, respectively. The high' average 'was bowled by Patti McGuire with a 169: Thehigh men's , single and triple was bowled by Mike Van Belle with a 274 and a 603. The high average went to Troy Falconer with a 204. ' Youth Bowling Council Pin Downers•- 26 Lane Lions •19 / Dale's Strikers ' 19 Vincent's Strikers " 14 Bubble Gum Bowlers 13 Pizza Hut 12 Pin Busters 9 Mike's Maulers 8 High ladies' single, triple and average Central Huron Secondary School DRAMA CLUB proudly presents "A FINE MONSTER YOU ARV' ...a creepy-crawly 2 act comedy DECEMBER 20th 7:30 p.m. Tickets: 12.00 students 13.00 adults Tickets Available at the Door STILL LOOKING FOR A GIFT? Blyth Festival VOUCHERS for the 1986 season Perfect for employees, business associates, neighbours, friends and loved ones. $28. for 4 admissions Spilt them up or give as a pock. PHONE: 523-9300 Also available at the tliyth Saga 2ND ANNUAL NEW BOOK SALE Sponsored by... VANASTRA RECREATION CENTRE FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. and SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14 9 Lim. to 5 p.m. 5 Rattenbury Street iy (Pegs�lda Galbraith's) 25 % to / 5 % Off RETAIL PRICE BUY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS were all bowled by Colleen McAdam with a high single of 152, a high triple of 270 and the high average of 129. Vincent Murch bowled the high men's single with a. 200 while Shane Pounder bowled the high triple of 285. The high average went to Dale Marsh with a 153. Clinton and Area Ladies Pina Colada's 66 In -Between the Sheets ' 64 Grasshoppers 63 Freddie Fudpuckers 611/2 B 52's 60 Golden'Caddillacs 57 Pink'Ladies 56 Dacquari's ' 541/2 Heather Hart recorded the high single with a 230 while Lia Hoggarth bowled the high triple with a 615. The high average went to Penny Overboe and Kathy Black with 204. scores. Scores over 200: Lia Hoggarth - 211, 223; Cindy Connolly 202; Betty Kelly - 206; Libby Van Damme - 225; Lois Morrison 206; Evelyn Feeney - 200; Heather Hart - 230; Irene Thelen - 207; Kittie McGregor - 204; Louise Gibbings - 204, 213 and Nancy - Sue Swan - 228. Tuckersmith Mixed Janice's Junipers 56.5 Janet's Gingers ' , .1 j 54 Ann's Allspice .52 Tina's Tarragons . 50 Reah's Nutmegs 44.5 Donna's Dillies 43 High .bowling scores: high ladies' single, Rose Hummel - 278; high ladies' triple, Rose Hummel and Hilda ' Veenstra - ' 623; high average, Hilda Veenstra - 187. High men's, single, Angus Hummel .- 290; high triple, r S CLIP AND SAVE < ;I FREE OUTER LIMITS I DOUBLE YOUR MONEY! Agip 1 $1.00 Plus This Coupon, w��c%, I worth $2.00 in video games 1 Coupon per day per parson I. OUTER LIMITS ARCADE 24 Princess St., Clinton j respectively. The high average went to Nancy Atkinson with a 204. The high men's single and triple wre bowled by. Paul Cormier with a 296 single and a 817 triple. Ron Van Damme and Murray Lange tied for the high average with a 216. Londesboro Men's Model T's 58 Packards 55 Chev's 54 626's 37 Buick's ' 36 Rabbitt's 33 Tom Duizer bowled the high single with a 285 while Jack Lee had the high triple of 694. The high average was registered by Bev Bromley with a 208. Angus Hummel and Jack Sneider ;701; high average, Jack Sneider - 213. Over 200 games: Jack. Sneider - 263; Damien Bradley - 243; Cliff Henderson -230;' Herman Reinink - 218; Hilda Veenstra -215;. Ann DeWeerd - 213; Reah Reinink - 210; Henry Hummel - 208; Ann Stryker - 202. Thursday Night Mixed Strikers Beginners Luck Best in Town Whiners Space Invaders Cormier's Crushers Gramma's and Grampa's Apple Gang Suzie Dale registered single and triple with 63 51 44 43 Iso 16 the high ladies' a 306 and 672, Golden Radar meeting CLINTON, - The regular meeting of the Golden Radar's was held on December 4 with 40 members present. Elmer Trick and Walt Webster will .be arranging the program on January 15 when the Golden Radar Club hosts residents from Huronview. . • After the regular meeting 'on -December 4, the evening was spent playing cards with Mary Dale and Beatrice. Welsh winning. Low hands were won by Esther Moffat and Mabel McAdam. Lunch was served by the committee. NOTICE TO MEMBERS - Royal Canadian Legion - Branch 140 ANNUAL NEwYEAR'SEVE GALA Including Diamond Jubilee Commemorative Event TUESDAY, DECEMBER 31. DANCING 9 P.M. - 1 A.M. /- HOT AND COLD BUFFET SERVED LIMITED TICKETS AVAILABLE $20. PER COUPLE to Complete Alignment Shop Ee Full Mechanical Services ©' Quality No -Drip Undercoating II? All Work Guaranteed 2' Complete Tire Centre Michelin - Kelly Springfield Shell and more Ted Cudmore, Pot Phelan and John Snit* (Shop Mernagor) ...orc,tilll . DON SCRUTON Gineraf Mune per !LS111: EWA' i Shop 48 `* uI I , 482-7381 CORP,