HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1985-12-11, Page 18(PHELANS PLACE) Page 18-CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1985 LUCKNOW GODERICH oWINGHAM LA 9 SIFI E THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD -THE BLYTH STANDARD -THE BAY FIELD BUGLE EdesforsoIe YOU CAN GET your out•of-Canada Medical in• suronce at C.A.A. Travel Agency, 7 Rottenbury St., Clinton. Phone 482.9300.-44tfar USED SKATE EXCHANGE and sharpening service for skates, knives, scissors, saws, etc, 139 Queen St., Clinton. 482•9412..-410 TECHNICS portable stereo system, 60 watts R.M.S., 7 band graphic equalizer, music search, Dolby N.R., AM FM'rodio, MX tape head, linear phase speakers. $650.00. Phone 529- 7974, 4ltfnx PLAN A MERRY CHRISTMAS -with apples. Nor- thern Spy, Macintosh, Red & Golden Delicious, Snows, plus sweet apple cider from Don Mid- dleton's Whitehall Farm, R.R. 3, Clinton. 482- 9838. Free town delivery --_49.51 ar - HENRY'S USED Appliances, Walton. Good clean used appliances at reasonable prices. 887- 9608. 48.50x G.E. 17 cu. ft. frost•free fridge with freezer and matching 30" self-cleaning stove, harvest .gold. Tobe sold as pair, 482-3006.-49tf 2 FT. HANGING grow light unit, gold colour, complete with bulbs. $25.00. Phone 482- 3258. 50x BEECH AND MAPLE wood for sale. Will deliver. Phone 482.9627.--50x CHROME KITCHEN SET: Six chairs, table with ex- tension, ga.gd condition, $150 or best offer. Phone 482.3827 after 6 p.m. --50or LIVE, year-old hens (brown) $1 each. Phone Ralph Stephenson 262.5351: -- 50 12 CU. FT. GILSON freezer; White -Westinghouse heavy duty 18 washer and dryer, matched set, 482-9223. - 50 ' WURLITZER PIANO for sale: 10 -years -old. Asking $800.00, Phone 482.7553. - 50x 24" SNOWBLOWER in good running shape, 5 h.p. Phone 482.9807.--50x FIREWOOD: $28.00. Phone 482-7425.:.-49-1 ELECTRIC MOTORS GOOD USED ELECTRIC MOTORS Money Back Guarantee $109°,0 $209° OIHELANS PLACE) SEBRINGVILLE SEAFORTH PH. 393-6181 PH. 527-1213 rt1� II11 • . '� *Rid I iIHi)1p18118 Need a Giftfor under $20.? CHECK OUR ❑ SUNBEAM REPACKS Great savings on IRONS - MIX MASTERS - TOASTERS - CURLING IRONS - HAIR DRYERS - GIFT PACKS - COFFEE MAKERS - KITCHEN MACHINES - FOOD SLICERS. All repacks have one-year operational warran• ty. Repacks have been serviced and tested by Sunbeam, after having been returned by o dealer or consumer as inoperative, following initial shipment from the factory. Different Colorful [I] CONAIR CURLING IRONS AND BRUSHES Wilkinson Sword C.l SELF -SHARPENING KNIVES , • AND SCISSORS''' Large Assortment of ❑ MICROWAVE COOKWARE Everything from Browning Dishes to the new spatter 'n steamer cover. H RCA VHS TAPES 6 hours I] EUREKA MINI -MITE $ 3 2! HAND VACUUM Rechargeable EJ EUREKA QUICK -UP $ n 9 5 CORDLESS VACUUM 7 e Rechargeable H1 MICROWAVE STANDS 7 Different stands on our showroom floor El SELF -SHARPENING KNIVES AND SCISSORS GROVES TV & APPLIANCE CENTRE 10 Huron St. CLINTON 4E2-4414 BAYFIELD BLYTH CLINTON *SEAFORTH *MITCHELL *ZURICH EXETER STRATFORD CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES & DATA DEADLINES: Classified Word Ads Tuesday NL on Display Advertising ... Tuesday 4:00 p.m. CLASSIFICATIONS 1 Articles for sale 2 Yard sale 3 Garage sale 4 Antiques for sole 5 Cors for sole 6 Trucks for sale 7 R.V.'s for sale 8 Marine 9 Automotive 10 Pets for sale 12 Real estate for sale 13 Mobilo homes 14 Recreational properties 15 Out of town properties 16 For rent 17 Apartments for rent. 18 Houses for rent 19 Rooms for rent 20 Room & board 21 Cottages for rant 22 Lots for rent 23 Commercial property for rent 47 Cards of thanks 24 Wanted to rent 25 Wanted to buy 26 Help wonted 27 Wanted (general) 28 Business opportunity 29 Tenders 30 Employment wanted 31 Service directory 34 Personal 35 Notice to creditors 36 Announcements 37 Mortgages 38 Auction sole 39 Educational 40 Lost & Found 41 To give away 42 Death notice 43Eeirths 44 Engagements 45 Marriages 46 In memoriam 50' DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT WHEN PLACING AD OR IF PAID WITHIN ONE WEEK AFTER THE PAPER DATE. • 1 PHONE 482®3443 tL MONDAY TO FRIDAY • 9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. 1. Articles for sale TOP OF THE LINE: Roland Bolt 60 guitar amplifier. Excellent condition with very little use. Worth $675 new, will sell for $475. Also, o Epiphone bass guitar in good condition, Asking $200. Phone 529-7974 after 6 p.m. • 41 tfnx - AQUARIUM: 20 gallon with accessories (stand, I pump, heater, filter, etc.) Phone 529- 7132.---47tfn • DOUBLE SNOWMOBILE troiler: 2 kitchen cook stoves; one heater. stove. Phone 565. 2893. -• 49,50x WORKSHOP STORAGE Unit: Plywood. 8' long, 6' high, 30" deep, bottom 30" closed, rest open shelves, $80.00. 482.9427. -50x CANARIES FOR SALE: $30.00 for pair. '108 North St., Clinton. 482-9742. 50,x . COLECO ADAM family computer with keyboard.' memory console, printer, "Smart Logo' program, "Sntart Basic", "Smart Writer", games. • blank high speed tapes. $250.00. 482.7475: • 50 HAMMOND ELECTRIC Organ: Double keyboard. rhythm section, bench, music books, excellent condition. $600.00: Phone 482-7475. 50 QUALITY USED APPLIANCES Rebuilt & Guaranteed WASHERS • DRYERS • DISHWASHERS • STOVES • FREEZERS • REFRIGERATORS SEBRINGVILLE SEAFORTH PH. 393-6181 PH. 527-1213 THE HEAT IS ON! ,rA MICROFURNACE- -Technology snakes It efficient -Size makes it portable -Design makes it safe This amazing new product provides Instant heat where and when you want it. / ALL THIS PLUS FIVE YEAR WARRANTY $ AND CSA APPROVED. • the Cheese Nook BAYFIELD 565-2116 1. Articles for sale DRESSED DUCKS for sale: $1.50 per pound. Call 527-1249, -50 MOVIE PROJECTOR $50; slide projector $200; movie camera $100; movie screen $25. Buy one or all for Christmas, Call anytime 523.9212. Prices negotiable, - 50,51 ar 1979 SOUTHWIND Motorhome, 32 feet long; Clarinet with case; Lewyt 2 brush floor polisher. All in good condition, Phone 523.4575. 50x BLACK PERSIAN Lamb Coat: Size 16, matching hat. Excellent, $200.00, Phone 527-0307. 50x "PENNY•ROLLER" Trademark. Patented. Wrap pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters quickly and easily. One wraps all. Uses free bank wrappers. Only $8.95 postpaid. (Please .add 63 centsetax). Christmas Special 2 for $16. (Please add $1.12 tax). Send cheque or M.O. to Penny -Roller Pro- ducts, P.O. Box 405, Fort Erie, Ont. L2A 5N2. 50o STEEL BUILDINGS: Buy direct and save. Building factory direct discount 20 to 30 to 40%. Must clear inventory. No reasonable offer refused. Order now, take spring delivery. No storage charges. Call 1-800.387.8130 or (416) 828- 6262. --49-510 PIANOS: Apt•size, w bench, $995; uprights, 52 - inch, $495. Pianos refinished from $995. We buy, restore, refinish pianos. Village Piano Shop (behind Kentucky Fried Chicken), Elmira. (519) 669-2280.- --50o APPLE II - Compatible Computer. 64K, numeric key pad CPM operating system, monochrome monitor, 2 disk drives. Asking $1,200.00. Phone 235-2610. •49,50ar PINE, SPRUCE AND BALSAM Christmas Trees: 5 • 10'. Contact Neil Edgar, Highway 86, east of Whitechurch. 357-2440. . 49,50,5,1 APPLES,: $5.00. a bushel „Red and Yellow Delicious, Spy,s, Ida Red, Macintosh, Empire, when available. Fresh cider $1.50 a gallon plus containers, potatoes, red and white, 50, lbs. $4.00, onions. apple butter, cookies ,at Art Bells Fruit Farm. 524-8037. - 50ar _ BRAND NEW Bench Grinders: 8" Models $99.Q0; 6'. Models $79.00. Ideal Ch.ristrnos gifts. 524- 2352.•-50,51x • LUMBER: Cherry, Walnut, Butternut, Maple, Basswood, Red Elm,, Red Willow; Honey Locust .and fireplace mantels 'in p variety of woods. Phone 565•,2692. --50 C & E FURNITURE NEW 8 USED WeCun Offer BETTER PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY 'A miles south on Hwy. 21 GODERICH 524-7231 We even take trades 1A. Snowmobiles FOR YOUR FMAL. � PR CTS - CALL it NLOURAINE MOXAM 482-3814 Try before you buy - cosmetics, skin care, fragrances Our Fabulous SKIN CARE KIT Includes Grooms. freshener moisturiser. Vitamin E 011 renewal treatment REG 581 90 DELUXE BATH PACKAGE In Travol Tote 510. 95 values for $47.O Mlstell. Fragrance BODY SPLASH MILK BATH - BODY1MASSAGE LOTIONREG 536 25 $21 - $31 "Zatori" Itualnssemen's Travel Tots. 061.74 Value on Sala for $32 2 Call douralne todayl Therm Instill dans to order our Christman ogatlsls for dsllaory an Dnonnkr rr 21, 1980 ARCTIC CAT Snowmobile in good condition. Phone 523-4359. 50 1980 ARCTIC CAT Lynx. 2000, twin, $950,00. Phone 527-0257, 50 low miles. Attention Farmers A. For Sale INTERNATIONAL 350 tractor utility gas: 38 hp power steering. live P T.O.. remotes. $2100 00 482.7490. 50 51 5. Cars for sale Hensall Livestock Sales SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 11:30 P.M. A11 Glosses o4 Limns toll WI INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Hargreaves Clinton • 412-7911 Berry Miller Exeter • 23s-1717 K kit ton - 220.62153 Gregory Hargreaves 262.2619 D. Livestock 1973 CADILLAC ELDORADO: Approx 75.000 original miles, never winter driven, up on blocks, runs great, sun roof. needs some body work. Phone 482.3514 after 5 p.m. Best offer. 49tfnx 95 POLICE' CARS. Trucks, Suburbans, Station Wagons & 4x4's. 18 1981.84 Fords Chevs & Plymouths. 18 1980-82 Fairmonts & Volares 4' & 6 cylinders. 3 1980.82 Lincolns & Cadillacs. 8 1979- 81 Fairmonts & Volare Station Wagons. 6 1978 & 81 Vans & Suburbans. 4 1979 & 80 4 x 4 Chev Pickups. 4 1978-80 Jeep & Ram Charger 4 x 4's. 10 1977-81 '•2 & '. Ton Pick Ups. 6 1980 & 81 Dodge Club & Crew Cabs. 10 197481 1.4 Ton Dumps & Cab & Chassis. 8 Van Bodies, Caps & Utility Bodies. Mighton's Car .Sales, 4 miles west of Durham on No. 4 or 6 miles east of Hanover on No, 4 H.ighway. Phone 1.3693136, 50ar 1927 CHEV, 4 -door, blue black. Last driven in '67 Original interior. Spare drive line included. Ask ing $4,000.00. 565.2692. 50 1976 PONTIAC Parisienne. 65.000 miles. as Is $1,000,00.482-7407. .50x - YORK CROSS'Landroce bred gilts, ovailable for December and January farrowing, bred to col, oured boars. as well as our usuol selection of York, Hemp. Duroc. Hamp-Cross Duro( boors Priced reasonably and guaranteed Bob Robin- son, R R 4, Walton 345.2317, 47 50 6. Trucks for sale E. Farm Services 1984 DATSUN KING CAB diesel deluxe 4 yr. war runty; 35-40 MPG. sunroof, mint shape. 58900 Phone 482-7062 or 482-9834 after 6 p in. 50x 12. Real estate for sale FARMERS experiencing finoncial difficulties. There may be ways of solving your problems that ypu are not aware of. For further information cbntcct SYL MAR Financial Consultants (519) 449.2809 50o APPLE PARK Apples. Potatoes (Red, White & Yukon Gold), CHRISTMAS TREES. 1 mile east of Goderlch on Hwy. No, 8 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY - 2 storey brick bid. with residence above plus 1 floor frame bldg., large lot, paved road, in Walton. 2 STOREY FRAME HOUSE with 4 bedrooms, good basement, could easily be duplexed. REDUCED - Beautiful 1'/t storey brick house on 10 acres. Large steel shed, near Auburn - must be seen! • THIS 1'/2 STOREY HOME FEATURES large family -style kitchen, 3 • bedrooms, some recent renovations. VANASTRA - 11/2 storey house, vinyl sided, 3 bedrooms, full basement, . recently renovated..'28,000.00. 3 BEDROOM, 11/2 storey house in Vanastra, $24,000. 4 BEDROOM, 2 storey house in convenient location, $24,900.00 HENSALL - 21/2 storey brick. home„ beautifully finished, must be seen. 4 BEDROOM HOME near .the hospital, nice lot, lots of room, carport, $29,500.00. 3 BEDROOM HOUSE - 11/2 storey, with many renovations including insulation and furnace, in Vanastra. LAYER QUOTA, 5909, on 75' acres. Split level home. INDUSTRIAL ZONED 5,000 sq. ft. building in Vanastra. WORKABLE ACREAGE & BUSH, river fron- tage, near Auburn. 175 HURON ST. - coiy 3 bedroom home, treed lot. Rose Workman, Clinton 482-3455 10. Pets for sale BLACK AND TAN Hound Pups for sale. Phone 482.5439. 50 LABRADOR RETRIEVER PUPS Registered pure bred yellows, shots. wormed. tattooed, good stock. $225. Phone 1 235-2473 500 12. Real estate for sale TWO BEDROOM brick bungalow available fAll spring occupancy. Ideal retirement or starter home, newly decorated and landscaped, ex• cellent location in Clinton. Rec room with dry bar. workshop and laundry area in basement. Maintenance free exterior, very easily heated by natural gas. carpets throughout, large garage ,with breezeway and paved drive. Asking mid 0's. Call 4823514 after 5 p rn. 49tfnx Real Estate Ltd. Broker Clinton Phone: 482-9371 Residence: 523-9338 HWY. 4: '-+ mile north of Clinton. 3 bdrm,, 1 floor home, low taxes. BLYTH: Dinsley Street, 1' , floor brick, 2 bedroom home. New roof recently. BLYTH: !/t acre lot on King Street. 2 floor brick, 5 bedroom home. All recently redecorated. 1 ACRE: Sixth Line East Wawanosh Town- ship, good brick home, Very scenic. VANASTRA: 1 floor home, finished basement, electric hent, 27 Regina Road, 125 ACRES: 60 acres workable, 22 acres hardwood bush', large brick home• near Blyth. Blyth Creek crosses property. 94 ACRES: 55 acres workable, on south Maitland River, no buildings. 2'/, ACRES: 3 bedroom brick home, like new throughout, Hullett Township, adjacent to Wildlife sanctuary. 10 ACRES: Good brick home and utility barn, Hullett Township. CLINTON: Albert St., 4 bedroom, 2 floor frame home, F.A. oil heat. KINBURN: REDUCED, 5 acres. good 1' , floor home, born for 600 hogs and 100 veal calves. Try an. offer, vendor very serious. 60 ACRES: Farrow to finish for 60 sows, mile from Blyth Marketing Yard. 75 ACRES: Hullett Township. barn for 600 hogs, good house, F.C.C. mortgage. 1.8 ACRES: Goderich Township, 5 bedroom home, well landscaped, large workshop. LONDESBOBO: 3 bedroom frame home, large lot, utility shed. 3 ACRES: Goderich Township, Victorian Style horse, 3 or 4 bedroom, brick home, combination wood and oil furnace, all very well kept. LONDESBORO: Mobile home 12' x 60' on large lot with steel shed. BLYTH: Wellington Street, 11/2 floor brick home on large lot, close to business section. CLINTON: 189 Huron Street, 1 floor'home, gas heat, low cost housing for handy per. son. 292 ACRES: West Wawanosh Township. general farm, good buildings overlooking Maitland River. ROADSIDE MARKET AND GARDEN farm. 80 acres, No. 21 Hwy., good brick home, excellent business, , JOHN L DUDDY AL TAT( LTD. REALTOR VALUE DUPLEX - 2 Side-by-side semi- detached houses' offering excellent value in today's Real Estate market. Total price $37,300. List (318,750. each side). Ideal live -In plus rental, or two 4 bedroom rental units, separate heat and utilities, 2 drive -ways. Needs ex- terior painting. $32,500: Estate Sole, 3 bedrooms, natural gas h r close to down- town. 138 Victor a 3t., Clinton. ESTATE SALE: New Listing. 123 High St. Close to centre of town. 3 bedroom with recent carpeting; one bedroom on main floor. Full 82.5' x 132' lot. 838,500. $32,900: 3 bedroom, 11/2 storey; aluminum siding; woodstove sup- plements, natural gas heat; attached garage. $32,500 4 bedrooms, new 'roof In '85, presently rented. PRINCESS ST. WEST: Concrete block building with 3 large bays suitable for vehicles, boats, ' etc. also 2 storey building 16' x 28' for storage uses or small barn. Property has 313 feet of frontage. Full asking price $49,500. or can be split. BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN: Local Drive -In Theatre being offered for sale as a going concern, together with 10 acres prime 'development land; ideal for family business. $27,500: One floor home on Mary St., lust listed. imme Ocupancy, has recent roof, new g In bathroom and kitchen. CUTE AS A BUTTON: 3 bedroom bungalow In quiet area, all new car- peting, oat -In kitchen, easy to heat and maintain. $48,500. BUILDING LOT, RAGLAN ST.: Choice location, huge lot 132' x 175' $15,000. $49,900: 3 bedroom air conditioned home with heated garage, 16' x 32' pool, many fine features. IMMACULATE DOUBLE -WIDE: Features 2 full bathrooms, master bedroom has 3 pc. ensulte with raised tub. $39,500. CROSS-COUNTRY SKI AREA: 1.4 acres, beautifully renewed 3 bedroom home with double garage, main floor family room, natural wood- work. Near Bannockburn Conservation Area at R.R. 5, Clinton. $57,500. GODERICH ST., W. SEAFORTH: 333,000., 3 bedroom home carpeted throughout, excellent condition, Im- mediate occupancy. DAIRY FARM: as going concern, 110 acres workable land. 32 tle-ups, milk quota's, Holsteins, equipment. Ex- cellent house, Hwy. location. BROILERS & STARTED PULLETS: Choice 100 acres, excellent house and buildings. Cali Peter. We have a . good selection , of Dalry, Poultry, Hog and Cash Crop farms available. Call for details. JOHN L. DUDDY REAL ESTATE LTD. MLS REALTOR MEMBERS OF THE HURON REAL ESTATE BOARD John L. Duddy Russ W. Archer Peter Damsma Office 482-3632 482-3733 or 9428 482-9849 482-3766 • 14) 13. Mobile homes va,tememenremeeneverrommerasesmsemem‘amemeoremmeasavameeteamw. MOBILE HOME for sale 12 yrs old 12 x 48 Nor• thlander completely furnished at Morgans Trailer Park Phone 482 3700 after 6 p m Serious Inquiries Only please 49 Sox 16. for rent PLYWOOD FORMS wedges portable cement mixer power trowels wheelharrows etc. Form ties stocked Corriveou Rentals 7urich 234 4954 S a m weekdays and rifler 5 p m anytime Saturday 32tfar