HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1985-12-11, Page 17tt 14, A special candlelight ceremony in Clinton recently saw Jennifer Pollock, Julie Rutledge and Shari Lobb graduate from Girl Guides to a next highest level, Pathfinders. Absent from the fly -up ceremony was Jane Guse. (Shelley McPhee photo) 1 Home spruced -up for Christmas This 'week Queensway Nursing Home in pianist. They did a wonderful job! Also, Hensall had a special party. On Thursday special thanks to Dorothy Elder and Nick evening the residents and several family Van Duyn for being helpful as volunteers at members gathered together to "spruce up" the party. Queensway. Everyone worked together to The church service this week was per - put up the Christmas trees,, decorate the formed by the Reverend Sutton of the Ex - Rest Horne. and the dining room. After eter Anglican Church. Mrs. Forrest came decorating, everyone sang Christmas along as the pianist for the service. carols, drank hot chocolate and ate loads of The Queensway choir is busy rehearsing cookies and squares. Rev, Stan McDonald for its debute at the family Christmas party led the caroling and Bill Gibson was the on December 15. Everyone is looking for- ward to hearing them sing. On Sunday, December 8, the Sunday School children from St. 'Thomas Anglican Church in Seaforth came in and sang for the residents. They also presented some Christmas decorations which they, made for the home in Sunday School. The residents shared a snack of juice and cookies with the children after their performance. Everyone at Queensway appreciates receiving the • from page 16 • decorations made by the children and participating. Bayfield scored the highest especially their coming and singing.. It was with. Clinton coming second, Zurich, Exeter lovely! • and Lucan with lower scores. Next month they will quiz on Proverbs 3. Kon made the announcerhents for the corning events. On January 4 there will be Talent Night with 'the area churches bring- ing the talent. There will be no, indoor rally or quizzing in February instead there will be a skating party in the Hensall Recreation Centre followed by, a film and refreshments. refreshments. Rev. Larry Marshall, United Church, Minister of Shallow Lake, brought several solos and led in singing several choruses. He then brought a very inspiring and' heart searching message. Shuffleboard played Quite a number participated in °shuffleboard on December 5. The high scores were Mary Buchanan. - 294, John Pepper - 273, Alf Ross - 239 and tied was Margaret Consitt and Pearl Taylor with 230: • People • Dorothy Munroe returned from Perth after visiting with her sister who recently lost her husband. ' A good number attended the potluck supper on Thursday evening. • The community's sympathy is with the Victor Knip family, from Bidddlph Township, who this week lost their mother. Jim and Dianne Martin and boys visited with Glen.and Pearl McKnight. Shirley and Eric Luther led the carol singing on Sunday evening in the Northcrest Lounge. Nan •Britton and Betel Luther sang a lovely duet. The evening was hosted' by Nan: Britton an(l Hazel Luther. Communion held The Sacrament of Holy Communion was administered in Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sunday with Rev. Kenneth Knight in charge of the service. The church was beautifully decorated for Christmas by the Arnold Circle Ladies. The second Advent Candle was lit with Margaret Hoggarth and Janice Baker taking part. The choir sang. Next Sunday the third candle;will be lit and .Joanne Verlinde will play Christmas music on her accordion, Bantams keep winning The Hensall Bantams continued on a winning streak as they defeated Mitchell in an exhibition game November 27, then returned to Mitchell November 30 where the game was t'alled with seven minutes left and' Hensall leading 10-1. After a few comments from the frustrated Mitchell goalie to the officials, the game was called and the goalie given a game misconduct. Worshipping God is theme On Wednesday, December 3 the Hensall boys hosted Goderich. Hensall opened the scoring in the first with a goal by John Rooseboom, assisted by Scott Bell. Twenty- three seconds later Rob Taylor, nssisted by *Bell and Dwayne Lawrence, put Hensall ahead by two. Goderich tied it up before the end of the first period. Taylor assisted by Steve McCullough and. Bell opened the .second period for Hensall with Brian Moir, assisted by Jim Dick&ns following suit two minutes later. Dickens, assisted by Bell and Taylor, closed the scoring in the second period. Rob Votland assisted by Bell scored flensall's first third period goal at 12:45. Volland assisted by Jason !manse scored his second for the night two minutes later. Goderich marked up their third at 5:13 of the third period. Dickens assisted by Moir put Hensall's last marker in to close the scoring. The game proved to be another example of total misconduct and poor sportsmanship, this time from the Goderich coaches, as one was given a bench penalty and a game misconduct at the end of the third period. NOT/CE To the Residents of Vonostra: HOLIDAY GARSAGf PICKUP Thursday, Deeember 26 garbage will be picked up Friday, December 27_ CHAMNEY SANITATION LTD. CLINTONNEWS-RECORD, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11,1985—Page 17 Council endorses insuranee resolution By Wilma Oke TUCKERSMITH-At its inaugural meeting December 3, township council endorsed a resolution from the Huron -Perth County Roman Catholic Separate School Board that the legislature be informed, through the of- fice of the Attorney General for the Pro- vince of Ontario, to alter or remove existing legislation which is found to be responsible for the excessive lawsuits and court awards, and further that the judicial system be ex- amined to ensure that subsequent awards do not adversely affect the availability of in- surance nor the premium for such insurance protection. The resolution had been endorsed and cir- culated by the Catholic school board when it found its recent renewal premium for all its areas of liability insurance had increased 98 per cent, and the school bus operators, upon a request for increased limits of liability, have had their premiums increased by 100 per cent and upwards, resulting in an- ticipated costly contract renewals. In other business, the council voted to rent a heated shed for $150 per month from Mat- thew Haney for the tandem dump truck. Jim Papple of RR 4 Seaforth was ap- pointed as the township representative on the Seaforth and Area Community Centres Board. A request from the Vanastra Lions Club and the Lioness Club was granted for coun- cil approval to enable them to apply LA a li- qupr licence at the Vanastra Recreation Centre for their winter carnival on February 1. Council also gave approval to an applica- tion from the Van Egmond Foundation to apply for a BRIC (Building Rehabilitation Improvement Commission) grant for the Van Egmond. house. Passed for payment, were the following accounts: Day Care Centre at Vanastra, 18,555,52; special Day Care Centre at Vanastra, $5,885.67; Vanastra Recreation Centre, $9,140.55; roads, $62,702.87; and general accounts, $316,172:30, for a grand total of $402,456.91. • 1r Church offers child care while mom shops by Maureen Dunsmore VANASTRA: For those mothers who would like to go Christmas shopping but still have little ones at home, the Vanastra Chris- tian Church is sponsoring a child care ser- vice. Children may be left at the church on December 12 and 19 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.rn. A small fee will be charged to cover the cost of juice and cookies. A reminder to everyone in the community that the church will be holding the hay ride and Christmas carolling on Christmas eve. This will start at 6:30 p.m., weather permit- ting. A candlelight service will follow at the church at 8 p.m. Public School News On December 9 the Gideon Society visited the public school to present the students in grades 5 and 6 with a copy of the New Testa- ment. Tomorrow night, December 12 is the an- nual Christmas concert at the Vanastra Public School. It will start at 7 p.m. and everyone in the community is welcome to come and watch the children perform. • On December 17 the kindergarten to Grades four will travel to the Lambton County Museum to see a display on "Christmas Long Ago." On December 19 the students will travel to the Clinton Arena for skating. There are still Christmas gift packs available at the school. They contain honey, nuts and spices. If you wish to order one please call the school at 482-7828. Lions Club On December 4 the Christmas dinner meeting of the Vanastra and District Lions was held. The Special guest for the night was Lion Norm Eveland from Crediton Lions Club whe is the Assistant Deputy Governor. The club also had a visitation from three Zurich Lions. While Lion Norm was there he presented some awards. Lions Bernie Bryan and Joe Haskett each received their 10 year chevron. While Lions Tony Jeacock, Kim Hodgins, Dave Dunsmore, Ron Plumsteel, Don McIntosh, Len Davies and Glenn McLachlan all received 100 percent atten- dance pins. The Lions have agreed to supply eandv ite Gift Sunday held at St By Blanche Deeves MIDDLETON - White Gift Sunday was held in St. James Anglican Church, Mid- dleton on Sunday morning with the Reverend Bell officiating. • The Rector spoke to the children and told them about a cat entering the church and going to the altar rail when he was a boy. Next week, the children must tell him about something similar. Shannon Schilbe received the children's collection before they went to their classes. Rev. Bell read the lessons. NOTICE To the Residents of Clinton! OLIDAY.GARDAGE ` PICK-UP 1, Wednesday, December 25th garbage will be picked up Tuesday, December 24th Thursday, December 26th. garbage will be picked up Friday, December 27th Wednesday, January 1st garbage will be picked up Tuesday, December 31st clad 'Itizlfr-61 CHAMNEY SANITATION LTD. Our Christmas Giff to you EVERYTHING IN OUR,.sroft"E.....i.s••• • FROM NOW 'TILL CHRISTMAS LEE'S EXTENDED CNRIISTMAS SHOPPING HOURS OPEN THURSDAY DECEMBER 12:9 AM - 9 PM OPEN FRIDAY DECEMBER 13: 9 AM - 9 PM OPEN SATURDAY DECEMBER 14:9 AM - 6 PM OPEN MONDAY DEC. 16 TO FRIDAY 20 9 AM -9 PM OPEN SATURDAY DECEMBER 23 - 29:9 AM - 9 PM OPEN MONDAY DECEMBER 24:9 AM - 6 PM LADIES' :AND GIRLS' WEAR:' MAIN FLOOR MENS AND BOYS' WEAR: SECONDIFLOOR 22 Vi+CT`EI ST wLI NTON, St. Nicholas came knocking at• the door. Edward Deeves greeted him. All White Gifts were taken to the front of the church to St. Nicholas. All Sunday School ' children received gifts which were given out by St. Nicholas while Angie Vanderhaar held his staff. Brad Wammes gave a Christmas reading and Christmas gift was shown. 'I'he children thanked St. Nicholas for coming. Bill Steenstra received the offering. Following the Church service, the Christmas tree was put up and decorated by the Sunday School children and'teachers. canes for Santa Claus to hand out at the Vanastra Public School. They will also be present at the concert to keep order in the halls. The Lions put on a bingo for the residents of Huronview on November 27. The residents were served coffee and cookies afterwards. Lioness Club December 5 was the Lioness Christmas dinner meeting. The Lions served a delicious meal to 10 Lioness and their guests. Each Lioness member brought a senior citizen as her guest. The cub had a penny sale at this meting. The crafts which didn't sell at their bazaar are the prizes in the sale. The highlight of the evening was of course, Santa Claus. He saw that everyone received a gift. When he was asked. how Mrs. Claus was he replied, "Just as plump as ever.',' A reminder to everyone that the draw on the Cabbage Patch Twins will be made on December 18. Tickets are available from.' any Lioness member or at the Big Scoop and Vanastra Factory Outlet. James The Tools for Peace Collection boxes .will go to, London on December 167 Pleade help, if you can, with tools, agricultural implements, sewing needs and candles. A.C.W. The A.C.W. will meet December 12 at Anita Vanderhaar's at 8 p.m. There will be a program. Ladies, don't forget the cookie ex- change. Next Sunday, a Lay Service will be held at Middleton, prepared by the Wardens. Come in...See our new SNOWBIRD SNOWTHROWERS! NEW AT LOBB'S GET THE YARD -MAN ADVANTAGES Our complete line of (YaRD-MaN) snow throwers is now IN STOCK •Original 2 -year Limited Consumer Warranty • Briggs 8 Stratton Engines • Single ctnd 2 -Stage Models • New time and energy saving features • Folding Handles for easy storage • Throw snow up to 40 feet away •Made in Kitchener, Ontario Canada LOBB'S VOLUME PURCHASING POWER WILL SAVE YOU MONEY! COMPARE OUR SNOWTHROWER PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY YOU CAN BUY A YARDMAN SNOWTHROWER AS LOW AS = YaRDmMaN SALES AND SERVICE FOR A YARDMAN 5 M.P. 24" CUT - 2 STAGE SNOWBLOWER - BRIGGS b STRATTON ENGINE • H.,LOBB'&.SONS LTD OAI'FIIli2 ROAIS•482•3409•