HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-6-4, Page 6THE MARKETS
Prices of Grain, Cattle, etc
in Trade Centres.
Toronto, June 2.-aWlseat-The
rear/cat is steady. No. 2 red winter
le quoted at 720 east, and at 720
Middle freight, No, 2 white at 72ie
Middle freigat, No. 2 spring quoted
70ic middle, and No, 2 goose at
66o on Midland. Manitoba wheat
steedy ; No, 1 bard quoted at 833e
Getierich, and No. 1 Northern at
82i.e Goderich, No. 1 aard, $9ac
grinding in transit, lake and rail,
and No. 1 Northern, 883e.
Oats -The market is steady. No.
2 white quoted at 30ac high freight,
and at 31c middle freight. No, 1
quoted at 32 to Sake east.
Barley -Trade is quiet, with No. 2
, extra quoted at 41c middle freight,
and No. 8 at 42e.
Corn -Market is very dull, Cana-
. dian feari corn quoted at. 40 to alc
sant, and at 46c here. No. 3 Am-
erican yellow quoted a 51e on
track, Toronto, and No, 8 mixed at
Flour -Ninety per cent. patents un-
changed at 62.70 middle freights, in.
buyers' sacks, for export. :Straight
rollers a special brands for domes -
tie trade quoted at 68.25 to $8.85
in bbls. Manitoba flour firmer ;
. 1 patents, 51.10 to $4.25, and
Strong bakers' at $3.85 to $8.95 in.
bags, Toronto.
'ast111feed-I3ran is firm at $17 here.
At outside points bran is quoted at
$16, and shorts at $17. Manitoba
'bran in sacks, $18, and shorts at
$20 here.
13eans-Trade is quiet, with offer
lugs small. Prime white are worth
61.65 to 51.75 per bushel.
Hey -The market is quiet, with
ear lots of No. 1 timothy at $9.50
to $10-, and mixed at $8 to $8.50.
' Straw -The market is quiet at
55.50 to $6 per ton for car lots, on
Hops -Trade dull, with prices nom-
inal at 18 to 20c.
Potatoes -Car lots ,are quoted at
$1.10 per bag, and small lots at
61.20 to $1.25.
Poultry -Spring chickens are quot-
ed at 23 to 25c per lb., for broilers.
Butter -The receipts of butter are
fair, and prices unchanged. We
quote :-Fresh large rolls, 14 to 15e;
choice 1 -Th rolls, 15 to 16c; fresh
dairy tubs (uniform color), 15 to
1.54'c; second grades, 12 to 13c ;
creamery prints, 20 to 21c; solids,
18 to 18*c.
Eggs -Receipts are moderate, and
the prices unchanged. Case lots sell
at laic per dozen.
Cheese -Market is quiet at 12c per
Dressed hogs unchanged. Cured
meats are unchanged, with a good
demand. We quote :-Bacon, clear,
104' to 10ac, in ton and case lots.
Pork -Mess, $21 to $21.50 ; do.,
short cut, $22.50 to $23.
Smoked meats -Hams, 13 to laic;
roils, 114c; shoulders, 103c; ,backs,
14 to 144'e; breakfast bacon, 13* to
Lard -The market is unchanged.
We quote :-Tierces, 103c; tubs, 10Ic
pails, 110; compound, 8 to 94'c.
Montreal, June 2. -Grain -No. 1
Manitoba, hard wheat, 78c; No. 1
Northern, 764'c. Fort William -peas,
68c. high freights, 78c. here. Rye -
520 east, 58e afloat here ; Buck-
wheat, 46 to Sale; Oats, No. 2, 860
afloat; 873c in store; Flaxseed, 61.15
on track here; corn, American, 52c
for No. 2 afloat. Feed barley, 480 ;
No. 8 barley 51c. Flour -Manitoba
patents, 64:10 to 64.20; seconds at
63.80 to 64.00; strong bakers,
$3.40; Ontario straight rollers, $3.35
to 63.50, 'In bags; $1.60 to $1.70;
patents, $3.70 to 54.00. Rolled oats
-millers' prices, $1.85 in bags and
$3.85 per bbl. Feed -Manitoba bran,
618; shorts, $20, bags included; On-
tario bran in 'bulk, $17.50 to $18.-
00 ; shorts in bulk, 619.50 to $20.
Provisions -Heavy Canadian short-
cut pork, 524; short-cut back, $21.50
light short-cut, $23; compound re-
lined lard, 84' to 9c; Canadian lard,
104' to 11c; anest lard, 11 to Thic ;
hams, 13* to 144'a bacon, 14 to
15c; fresh killed abattoir hogs, 68.75.
Eggs -New laid, 1.24- to 13e, No. 2,
Butter - townships creamery
grass, 18* to 1.0c; fodder, 18 to
laic; Western dairy, 16* to 17c.
Cheese - Ontario colored, 111c.;
white, 111e; • totvnships colored 11
8-16c, white, 3.1c.
Buffalo, June 2. -Flour -Firm,
Wheat -Spring dull; No. 1 hard,
84lc; No. 1 Nortnern, 8210; winter
quiet; No. 2 white, 84c; No. 2 red,
60e. Corn -Dull ; No. 8 yellow,
523c; No. 2 corn, 61 to 514e. Oats -
Dull; No. 8 white, 381c; No. 2 mixed
85c. Barley -50 to 57c in store.
Canal freights -Steady.
Duluth, June 2. -Wheat -To ar-
rive, No. 1 hard, 801c; No. 1 hard,
Northern, 781c; No. 2 Northern,
76'he; May, 784-e; July, 78ac; Sep-
tember, 714c, Oats -May, 34c,
Minneapolis, June 2. -Wheat -July,
77ac ; Septeinber, 703.c. Flour -
First patents, $4,10 to $4.20 ; sec-
ond patents, $4.00 to $4.10 ; first
f clears, $3.10 to 53.20 ; sceond clears
a2,85 to $2.45; bran in bulk, $13.
1 Toronto, Janie - With cattle 10
to 1.50 lower in the Chicago Market
yesterday, which meantgood to
prime steers at 64.00 to $5.80, it
Was to be expeeted that the export
,. cattle buying would be slow in the
Toronto market to -day. It so turn-
ed out, for, though there was not a
heavy run, Wee were slow and dif-
ficult to make, There were not
many choice export cattle offering,
in fact, but even- if there had been
the export trade was off, ia view of
the priceS at wh1h prime export
cattle eat now be bought in Chia
cage. 'Under these eircums•tances
holders -of expert Cattle in the mum -
try would do well to take the ad-
vice of some of the operators here to
keep their cattle back a little while
until conditions change, which will
probably be when the ifist a the Ar-
gentine cattle (now on the road to
Exiglaad, but shipped before the em-
bargo was put on the Argentines)
arrive. .A. great number of these
cattle were on the way at the time
the embargo was put on, and this
circumstance, along with the present
great rush of cheap cattle in the
United States raarkets, constitutes
a pretty heavy handicap to the
Canadian market. In a couple or
three weeks' tim.e from now no more
of the Argentine cattle will be al-
lowed to land in England. The
prospects will then be better for
Canadian cattle. About $4.90 was
the top price paid her to -day for
The following was the range of
Exporters' cattle= Per 100 lbs.
Extra, to ehoice 64.05 $4.95
Medium to light 4.60 4.70
Picked lots 4,65 4.85
Good loads 4.40 4.65
Medium „, 4.25 4.50
Fair 8.75 4,25
Cows ,3,25 4,00
Feeders, light ... - 4.00 4.50
Feeders, short -keeps 4.50 4.85
Stockers ... 8.00 4.00 •
S heap -
Export ewes . 3.75 4.25
Do., bucks 3.00 3.75
Spring lambs, each 2.50 4.00
Calves, per cwt 4.50 6.00
Sows600 4.50
Stags 2.00 , 4.50
Selects, 160 to 200
lbs.... .. . 6.00 0.00
Thick fats 5.75 0.00
Lights .. 5.75 0.00
Thirteen -Year -Old Girl Shot Dead
Near Collingwo ed.
A Collingwood despatch says: A
murder mystery, which at present is
as inexplicable as any that ever
baffled the human mind, has thrown
the Town of Collingwood- and sur-
roundings into a state of excitement.
The case gains its mysterious qual-
ity from the apparent absence of any
cenceivable motive, and so far no
theory has been formulated which
seems likely to lead to a solution o'
the problem presented, • while the
clues in the case are so slight that
even tbe Most astute detective
mig,ht feel discouraged by the pros-
pect presented of unearthing the my-
stery. Glory 'Whalen, the 18 -year-
old daughter of a respectable farm-
er, living two miles south of Col-
lingwood, left her home on Wednes-
day morning to go to her school in
town. The shortest route is by way
of the Grand Tamk track, and this
she invariably followed. Sao did
not return home in the evening, and
her anxious father and a couple of
small youths searched the bushes all
night, and in the early morning, as-
sisted by a young farmer named
Kendall, they found her body lying
in a copse, east of the track and
within a stone's throw of Kendall's
house. Around her head was bound
a white handkerchief. not . • • own,
and on'removing it, a bullet wound
was found in back of her head.
Some black marks on the hand-
kerchief may show that the fatal
shot was fired after the bandage was
placed around her head. A club was
found near the body, and medical
examination showed a bruise inflict-
ed by some blunt instrument on top
of the head. Not another scratch
was found on the body. There was
no sign of disorder about her cloth-
ing. Her school bag lay unopened,
and her umbrella lay near, and a
small sum of money in the earner ofi
of her handkerchief was untouched.
Such are the facts of the case.
They offer abundant foundation for
a. host of speculations, but most of
these mast be of negative order.
Ex -Governor of Yukon Had Saved
Life of Bride.
A Dawson despatch says cards
have been received there announcing
the marriage at Paris, Texas, a
short time ago, of ex -Governor Win.
Ogilvie and Miss 0. P. Richardson.
The bride is twenty odd years of
age, and a sister of Captain Rich-
ardson, formerly commanding the
United States military post at St.
Michael. Their courtship was very
romantic, Mr. Ogilvie having saved
Miss Richardson frora drowning at
Ferryboat Capsized While Crossing
a Prussian. River.
A Posen, Prussia, despatch says:
The Posener Tageblatt publishes a
report that a ferryboat, having on
board forty-five children, capsized on
the river Warthe, near Dembro. The
ferryman and twenty of. the child-
ren, the paper says, were drowned,
Later investigation of the report
ptiblished by the Tageblatt of this
city shows that a ferryman and
eleven children were drowned as a
result of the capsizing of a ferry-
boat on the River Warthe, near
tough Rain Falls to Assure
Their Succeele.
A Winnipeg despatch says: The
crop reports of the C. P. R. land de-
partment indicate that the eountry
has received enough rain to assure
the success 01 the crops all over,
Deinge of Our I,aw Makers at
%tr. Hoyle(N., Ontario) moved for
a return showing money annually.
expended CM the encouragement of
ironmining; the amount of QM min-
ed and sm.elted, and the amount or
foreign ore smelted. in the Province,
Ele wished to bringthe bounty
question before . the House. The
Dominion and the Province during
1900 and 1901 had given $248,108,-
60 ($25,000 from the Province) in
bouaties to the seven bleat Ittanacee
in the Province. The wages of la-
bor at these' furnaces, amounted to
.$10,000 less than the beauties, In:
Spite of this, pig iron in Canada
cast $20 to $28 and in New York
$19 to $21. This looked. like •• pro-
tection run mad, and lie thought the
industry was now strong enough to
stand oa its Own feet. The peat
fuel industry, be believed, was a bet-
ter suite et for a bounty than the
smelting industry.
Hon. E. J, Davis explained that
the wages shown in the report and
quoted .by . Mx. Hoyle were for
slaeltiug only, and did not cover the
expenseof raising the ore 'from the
mines. HO was glad to have the
pent fuel business mentioned, as the
Department of Mines had .becui exam-
ining into the industry and had. al-
ready published a Valuable bulletin
upon the. matter. Ho would be. glad
to furnish the informatiort requested.
The Premier's hill to provide for
the construction of municipal power
works was threshed out in commit-
tee. The principal objection taken
to the measure ay the Opposition
was that municipalities were being
deprived of their rights to the atent
that 1 he Olnef Justice of the Pro-
VinCe WEIS empowered to say who
should or should not supervise the
dxpenditure or their money. On this
point the- Premier consented to a
compromise and amended .the bill by.
pernett;ng 'Municipal Couneils to
discharge the commissioners ap-
pointed to carry out the construc-
tion of a power plant. Another ob-
jection to the bill Was that it would
not allow municipalities to develop
their own electrical power if the cost
of doing so would. increase the tax
rate beyond the limit now axed by
the Municipal Act. The upshot of
the whole discussion was that the
bill was reported and the Premier
promised to consider the objections
raised. a.
Mr. C. 13. Powell (Ottawa) moved
for a return of 'all correspondence
.between the Government and the.
commission relating to the Temis-
'kerning Railway. He heard rumors -
1 all over the country that the road
when completed was to be leased to
the Grand Trunk. He thought the
road should be run for a period of,
say, ten years by the Government in
order to show that a State-owned
railway could be conducted success-
fully. He considered that the comr
mission appointed by the Govern -
meet was an excellent QIIC, and
, should be allowed to manage the
I in ad,
1 -Hon, F. 11. Latcaford ddnied the
rumors that the sole control of the
road was to be leased to the Grand
Trunk . or Canadian Pacific, or any
other railway. The only corres-
pondence was between the counsel
for the commission and himself, and
was as to the form of the bill and
with reference to the value of the
securities for the indebtedness, and
that was of a quasi confidential na-
With tbese assurances Mr. Powell
withdrew his motion.
A definite statementas to the
postponement for a year of the pro-
posed temperance legislation . was
made by Premier Rosa On a motion
by Dr. Barr for correasitadence re-
specting the delay. Mr. • Ross point-
ed -•,out that the Gamey case had
taken up the time of the Govern-
ment, eapecially of -the Provincial
Secretary, who had charge of the lie
cense departatent..-Re also pointed
out that besides' the inconvenience
of •prolonging the sitting now for
such a bill, nothing would be gained
on the main points, as the license
year has alaciady commenced.
The following bMs were read a
third time:
To incorporate the Minnetakie,
Lac Soul, and Albany Rivea Ttail-
way Company -Mr. Cameron (Fort
Respecting the Town of Brace-
bridge-arr. Tudhope.
To revive, extend, and amend an
Act to incorporate the Kingston and
Gananoque Electric Railway Com-
pany-aMr. Caldwell.
Respecting the corporation of the
College of tt. Jerome, Berlin -alba
To incorporate the Sarnia, Petro -
lee, and St. Thomas Railway Com-
pana-Mr. Hanna.
To incorporate tbe Lac Soul, Rat
Portage and Keewatin Railway -
Mr. Cameron (Fort \Valium).
Respecting the Sarnia Street Rail-
way Companyi--afr. Hanna.
Respecting the Church of England
Cemetery in the Town of Sarnia -
Mr. Hanna.
A bill to amend the Industrial
Schools Act was introduced by Hon,
J„ R. Stratton. It provides for the
amalgamation of the reformatories
and the industrial schools in the
province. Boys from 30 to 16
years, tinder the bill, may be com-
mitted to any industrial school, and
although only to be retained in the
school for three years on the inde-
terminate sentence plan, they are
to remain nudes the guardianship of
the school until 21 years of age.
Another provision in the bill is that
municipalities mist pay $1.25 and
the Government 62 Per boy per
week, itstead of 70e and $2, re-
spectively, as at present.
The estimates af the Public Works
Department were taken up and pass.
ed. Hon. Arr. Latchford claimed
that there .was nothing unusual
about the estimatee of his depart-
ment, exeept that sonic of the votes
refatzired might be termed "pretty
large orders," During the discus -
Sion the Connnissioner intimated.
that it was his intention to place
an amount in the supplementary- es-
ptirnotvitnee,sefor providing road-malcing
machinery in certain portions of the
After the Public Works Department
estimates, a vote of $5,0,000 was
passed to meet unforseen and unpro-
vided expenses; also $8,000 to defray
expenses of legislation, maintenance
of Public institvtions and salaries of
the officers of the Government and
civil service, for the month of Jan-
e1r9. m
04. Other estimates were
atr. Sutherland's bill to ansend-the
General Road Companies Act to
permit County Councils to send tbe
County Engineer over toll, roads to
examine their condition and report
thereon, received its second reading
and was referred to the Legal Com-
The Power Sprayer Does Rapid
and Thorough Work,
The Fruit Division of Gm Domin-
ion Department of Agriculture is
just now giving a series of orchard
demonstrations in':OntariO and Que-
bec to illustrate the great advant-
ages which follow the use of the
Por sprayer, The chief object is
to show that a dozen or more farm-
ers may profitably combine to pur-
chase a power sprayer, place it in
charge of some such man as usually
does threshing, who can easily make
himself thoroughly conversant with
the best methods of spraying, and
engage him to make regular visits
to their orchards. At each farm the
expert sprayer will only require the
assista.nee of a teamster, and thus
the regular work of the farm need
not be interrupted. 'Under present
methods every farmer in the fruit
districts requires a spraying outfit, of
his own, and the spraying, if done
at all, is done in a aweless, half-
hearted way by men who do not
know just when or how the Work
should be performed. Farmers are
very busy at the season when spray-
ing should be done, consequently it
is often neglected entirely, or post-
poned until too late to be effective.
Farmers have reason to feel in-
debted to Mr. W. A. MacKinnon,
Cater of the Fruit Division, for!
brillging to the* attention the nier-i
its of the power sprayer. If. the,
Old methods of spraying were
able, and it is generally adniittedij
that they were, this new plan must
prove.infinitely better. It is thor-
ough and rapid, and is accomplished
with little or no exertion or incon-
venience. ' The pressure is supplied
by a small gasoline engine on the
wagon and the spraying done while
the horses aro driven up and down
between the rows of trees. The
liquid is forced from a tank on the
wagon through two lines of small
rubber hose. By the use of bamboo
rods with a cluster of six small
nozzles at the end it is possible to
reach the topmost parts of the trees,
and the spray, which is as fine as a
cloud of vapor, falls lightly upon
the trees and adheres much better
than if applied in a coarse spray as
is sometimes done. The pressure of
80 to 100 pounds to the inch en-
sures a spray so fine that it pene-
trates to all parts of the trees. This
is one of the chief advantages of the
new sprayer. The difficulty has been
to reach the tops of trees without
a waste of the preparation used,
which has been the invariable result
when a heavy stream was turned on.
Again the appliances used by most
farmers have only one nozzle, while
this, as has been stated, has six
on each line of hose, and the force is
much greater and the ralst finer,
which is an -important.
Under favorable conditions, the op-
erators of this machine could prob-
ably spray from 600 to SOO trees
per day. Forty trees, sortie of them
difficult .to get at, Were sprayed IA
about twenty-five minutes; after
making Several Moves a day, Soma
of them long ones, the operators
have been averaging between 400
and 500 trees a day. The trees
sprayed will be given a regular
course -four sprayings at least.
It is hoped by the Department of
Agriculture that these tests will
bring about the general adoption of
the power sprayer. A similar
spraying apparatus is being., used by
priaate owners in the Niagara dis-
trict and is said to give excellent re-
sults. The efficiency of the machine
shortly be increased, as it is the
intention to use either nine or
twelve nozzles instead of six on each.
It is contended that if farmers will
only unite to carry out a. systematic
campaign of spraying according- to
the latest methods, a great deal
may be done towards eradicating the
enemies of fruit. alicporters who are
familiar with the results of spraying
and the systematic care of orch-
ards, strongly endorse spraying,
claiming that it is certain to im-
prove the quality of the fruit, and
in support of their claini they refer
to orchards where the , system has
been carried out, the fruit of which
always commands the highest price.
+ •
One day mother called Tommy and
Mabel to go down the garden with
She took them to the greenhouse,
where a qtzantity of 'soot had been
scattered all ever the floor of the
greenhouse, and the path in front
of it.
Mother asked each ehild if he or
she had done it.
Both answered in the: negative.
Then she said :
"Oh, Tomrey, I saw you do it out
of my bedroom. window I"
"That you didn't," said Tonuny ;
"for I looked it all the windows
before 1. did It J,"
The Government Will Enter the
Neat Trade,
A London despatch says: The Gov-
ernment of New Zealand will shortly
initiate a big meat selling enter-
prise. Prirae Minister Seddon has
cabled a response to an enquiry
from London -that the Government
proposed to buy meat in the colony,
and ship it direct to the United,
Kingdom, where depots will be es-
tablished in the big manufacturing
centers. The meat.will lse sold at a
price that will shnply cover the
costs. It is further learned that
New Zealand intends to employ the
existing sixty or seventy factories 'to
kill, freeze, pack and ship the meat
at a fixed sum per carcase,
A commissioner will manage the
Government's business in the United
Kingdom, and superintend a staff of
branch xnanagers. The first depots
will be established at Glasgow,
Manchester, Liverpool, and Cardiff;
all will be run in. the name of the
New Zealand Government. There
will be also retail shops, although it
is intended when the business is
firmly established to abandon these
and lease the retailing to ordinary
butchers, the Government simply
maintaining experts to oversee the
The New Zealand frozen meat
trade has rapidly advanced in re-
cent years. The New Zealand mut-
ton imported into Great Britain in
a897 was valued at £2,077,000, and
the beef at £118,000. In 1902 the
mutton imports had risen in vane
to £3,219,000, and the beef to
£417,000. Great Britain's total im-
ports of mutton in 1902 amounted
to nearly £7,000,000 and beef near -
ay R8,000,000. Mr. Seddon hopes
to capture a large proportion of
this trade.
b •
Robbed in London and. Dies in
New York.
A New York despatch says: A
tinge of romance and tragedy in the
life of a Canadian volunteer in
South Africa is brought to light by
the finding of the body of 0. A.
-Belch, son of A. J. Belch, of Win-
nipeg, Manitoba, in Newton Creek,
Long Island City. Belch had been
a lodger at the home of Mrs, Fiske
and had loft the house about two
weeks ago. Shortly afterwards she
was informed that he was dying in
a Brooklyn hospital, and that he
had given her name as that of a.
friend.. The next she heard his body
had been found. Mrs. Fiske says
Belch often spoke of his father,: • a
judge in Winnipeg, and formerly:edi-
tor and proprietor of a newspaper
there. He said bis mother was an
invalid in California, and that his
younger brother was a lumber mer-
chant. Belch said his father was a
man of wealth and that hie own in-
heritance would be about $100,000.
While returning from South Africa,
with about $800 back pay, Belch
stopped in Londore and there was
robbed. He evidently did not in-
form his parents of his poverty, as
their letters showed they thought
him in comfortable circumstances.
Bill Proposing Reduction. Rejected
by Big Majority.
A Paris despatch says: In the
Chamber of Deputies on Tuesday,
after a brief discussion, the bill re-
ducing the duty on wheat to five
francs was defeated by a majority of
301 votes. The Minister of Agricul-
ture, M. Mougeot, in opposing the
measure, stated that the present
price of wheat was not excessive,
and that the farmers were receiving
a lower price than was regarded as
legitimately profitable. The pro-
posed reduction of duty would not
produce the desired end of cheaper
bread,. as it would not. agect . the
prico of floue.. The rettedy, if bread
was too dear, continued the' Minis-
ter, was ter the munitipalities-to ex-
ercisOtheir'power to fix an ofllclab
pride of bread.
laielisad''ChriStinas Mistaken for
a Panther and Killed.
A Victoria, B. C., despatch says:
While Shooting at' Parasville on
Tuesday, Richard Christmas, was ac-
cidentally shot and killed by W. J.
Walker, mistaking him for a panth-
er. The men, the best of friends,
went out to h,u1+pant_hers, and sop -
British Statesman. Reported to Be
in. Poor Health.
A despatch received at New York
on 'Wednesday from London states
that the Hon. Joseph Chamberlain,
who has recently come more promi-
nently than ever before the people of
the civilized world by reason of his
declarations in favor of a preferential
trade partnership in the British Dm-,
pire, is in poor health.
Returns for the Four Months
Show Increase.
A despatch from Berlin says :-
Germany's foreign trade report for
the first four months ol 1908 shows
the imports to have been 13,441,186
tons, an increase of 1,894,673 tons;
exports, 12,056,074 tons, an increase
of 1,281,840 tons. The exports of
iron and manufactured articles in-
creased 253,007 tons.
Deaths from Jan. 1s1 to May 2nd
Number 141,789.
A despatch front London says
The deaths from. the plague in the
Punjaub from. January 3. to May 2
number 141,789, according to a
statement made on Wednesday by
Lord Ceorge Hamilton, the Irish,
Secretary, in the House of Com-
Notes of Proceedings in the Can-
ezdian Parliament..
Sir Mackenzie Bowell presented 13
petitions, signed by some 800 resi-
dents of the City of Victoria,
against the bill to increase the poll
tax on Chinese, one of which he
road. The petition sets forth the
value of the Chinese as domestic
servants, etc., the orderliness of
their conduct, and urged that the
increase in the tax would seriously
inerease the cost of labor.
Hon, R. Watson presented a large
number of petitions in favor of the
labor union labels. These petitions
came from Montreal, Ottawa, Wind-
sor, 'Winnipeg, and other large
Mr, Landry enquired if judicial
proceedings had been taken for the
recovery from the Town of Valley-
field of the amounts Paid by the
Militia Departinent for the employ-
ment of the volunteer militia force
called opt in aid of the civil au-
thorities at the time of the strike
last year.
Mr -Scott said the amount claim-
ed was $4,481, and a suit was
Mr. Landry 'moved for a copy of
the memorandum sent by His Holi-
ness Leo XIII. to the Prime Minis-
ter of Canada at the time of the
latter's visit to the Eternal City.
Mr. Scott was not aware that
there was a memorandum. If so, it
was confidential. The motion was
lost. •
In the House the following bills
wore passed through the final stages:
-Respecting the Mexican Light &
Power Company, Limited - Mr.
Thompson; to incorporate the Mac-
Leod, Cardston & Montana Railway
Company -Mr. Oliver; respecting the
Calgary & Edmonton, Railway Com-
pany -Mr. McCreary; respecting the
Alberta Central Railway Company -
Mr. Oliver; respecting the Lake Erie
& Detroit River Railway Company -
Mr. Cowan ; respectiug the Hudson
Bay & Pacific Railway Company. --
Mr. Stewart; respecting the Ottawa
Electric Railway Company -Mr. Bel -
court ; respecting the Canadian
Northern Railway Company - Mr.
Davis ; respecting the Edmonton,
Yukon & Pacific Railway Company -
Mr. Oliver ; respecting the Nipissing
& James Bay Railway Company -
Mr. Scott; to incorporate the Nipis-
sing &I Pentiac Railway Company -
Mr. McCool ; to incorporate the Re-
gina & Hudson, Bay Railway Com-
pany -Mr. McCool ; to incorporate
the Hudson Bay & Western Railway
Coinpany-Mr. Haggart ; respecting
the Canada Atlantic Railway • Coma
pany-Mr. Belcourt ; to incorporate
the Pere Marquette International
Bridge Company -Mr.- Cowan.
In answer to Mr. Monk, Sir Fred-
erick Borden hinted plainly that a
110W military depot will be estab-
lished at Montreal, and that pro-
vision for it will be made in the
supplenientary estimates.
The Prime Minister announced that
the Government propose asking Par-
liament to guarantee bonds of the
Canadian Northern Railway to the
amount of ;$118,000 per mile in order
•to facilitate the construction of
about 500 miles from the Manitoba
boandary to Edmonton, taking in
return a first mortgage on the pro-
perty of the company. This is a
new departure on the part of the
Government, and it will ensure the
construction of a most important
stretch of railway without entailing
one cent of cost to the country. The
line to be thus aided will rut
through territory which is being
rapidly settled. The now settlers
whose means are limited will be
able. to seeureemployment the
new - line white they are becoming
acquainted with local conditions.
The Total Age of 34 Is 2,387
• • • Years. •
The wonderful old ,age to which
paupers live has been demonstrated
by an interesting investigation re-
cently made by James Eells, super-
intendent of the Stephenson County,
111., poor farm. '
Mr. Eells was asked how old a cer-
tain one of his inmates was, and
this led to an inquiry as to the age
of a number of others. He discov-
ered that • he had 34 people whose
ages aggregated 2,387 years.
The ages of one party of seven
people footed 600 years, the aver-
age being a fraction over 88 years.
Another party numbered seven,
and their ages aggregated 527
years, the average being 75. There
is still another party of from 18
to 20 parsons,. whose aga-avel'age
between 60 and 70 years, and the
average of the whole bunch is over
70 years.
Supt. Keyes of the Kane Couritsr
farm, Illinois, has a large contin-
gent of old people. Some of them
are so old that it is impossible te
far their age to a certainty. Some
of them more about over the prem-
ises, a few being helpless.
Theo is ono colored woman who
Mr. Keyes says is at least 125
years of age. She is aninveterate
talker and singer, was born a slave,
and served different masters in
Dixie. She talks continually of
plantation days, imagines that she
is in a cotton field harvesting this
great staple of the south Iand. From
her diaconeected talks one is able' to
take up the threads of some of the
most interesting epochs of the ante -
war days. She is tractable and
gives less trouble than messy others
of lighter calor.
Should the Pope live another year
he will Celebrate his diamond jubilee
as 0 bishop, his golden jubilee ae
cardinal, and silver jubilee as Pope.
Western Australia. Is Building a,
Pipe Line to the Gold
Western Australia is now one Of
the largest gold producers in the
world. Twenty years ago the great
desert east of the fringe of fertile
grain lands and timber along the
SCO. was not supposed to be Wortli
cent e square mile. The desert
Was wholly unknown, except that a
few explorers had made their toile
some way over the inutenee expanse
of sand; a few others le$e fortunate
had perished in these forbidding
Then it was found that this Sar
lima was really to be the treastre
house of the colony. The precious
metal dug out of these sands has
Made t•he gold product of Western e„a,
Australia equal to that of all the ?"
other States in the Commonwealth.
Gold has helped this division of
Australia to becoxne one ol the luart-•
test members of the British colonial
Around the great mining center in
the desert 50,000 people are living.
It's natural to ask how they get
water to supiply their needs. The
fact is, water isan extremely scarce
commodity there. It probably does
not bring so high a price in any oth-
er part of the world. Salt water ea*,
Is obtained without email. dSfacuSta
by digging, but the cost of °enamel-
ing it to procure fresh water is se -
costly that every pint inust be care-
fully used. There is
and every house and tent in the rain-
ing district is supplied with tan/al-
to catch the rain water; but it is an
unreliable source of supply. The re -
stilt is that every drop of water
mast be husbanded.
We have no idea here, where tette
ter seems almost as free as air, how
careful they are in the reining re-
gion of Western Australia to put
every drop to the best use. It is
not comfortable to be compelled to
use water as though you never ex-
pected to have another pailful. 'Ilse
incorarenience and discomfort due to
this cause are a terrible drawback
to that region, and nothing less
than the greed for gold would iaduce
any one to submit to the incessant
Malay Western Australia is hard
at work to remedy this great need
+sad to supply the Coolgandie and
Kalgoorlie mining districts with a
good supply of water. The total
cosi of the work will be not leas.
than $15„000,000, but it will solve
the water problems.
About 25 miles northwest of
Perth, near the sea anid the capital
of Western, Australia, is the Green
tiquat Range. The Helena River
crosses -Mfg' range through' a deep
valley. A dam 100 feet high has
been built across the river and tatiaa,
reservoir thus formed is seven miles
in length and will hold 4,000,000,-
000 gallons. It is necessary to lift
the water 2,700 feet to the top of
the mountains in order to give ft
sufficient headway to reach the
gold camp a out in the 'desert. The
distance to Kalgoorlie, the fuxthest
camp to be supplied, is 328 miles.
The water is to be raised to the
mountain top by means of eight
pumping stations, the machinery for
which :has been purchased at a
COST OF $1.,500,000.
At the summit of the mountains'
the pipe line begins. It is thirty
inches in 'diameter and is laid a lit-
tle under the surface along the rail-
road arack, except that in. crosellig
various salt lakes on the route it is
supported on piers. It is hoped to
deliver from the reservoir to thrae-
mining camps 5,000,000 gallortsatof
fresh water daily. Even with this
amount of water it is not expected
that the ruining p•opsaatien will have
a drop to waste. They will have to
pay a good price for it. The charge
to the miners, for example, will be
$1.50 to $1.75 per. thousand gal-
lons at, wholesale rates.
It is not expected that the project
will become pelf -supporting for
some time. . The plant,is to he ow,t-
ed by the State, and the deficit must
be paid out of the general taxes.
Even if the 50,000 persons to bo
supplied should require the works to
run at their fullest capacity the pipe
line, would bardly meet expenses. It
is believed however, that an in-
creased production of the gold will
be made possible by a good supply ts
of water and that the entire State
will thus be benefited, for more min-
ers will be required in the field, and
practically all the supplies, except
machinery, come from the farmers
and merchants of Western Austrae
One dark, foggy night there was a
knock at the door of a physician.
"Who's there 7"
. "Oh., doctor, make haste 1 • My
Wife is dangerously 111 I"
The doctor uttered a suppressed
groan of impatience, for the village
te which he was summoned was
about six miles out of town. Ile
ordered out his carriage, and the
two , drove on through •the damp,
cold night,
Just aefore they reached the vil-
lage in question, the husband of the
sick woman alighted on some pre-
text or other, but did not return ;
and, after driving into the village
the physician found nobody who
needed his assistance.
A week later he received a note,
Without sign at ure, explaining thci
mystery :
"Dear Doctor, -I an exceedingly
obliged to you for giving me a lift
in your carriage, for I found it im-
possible to procure another convey-
ance, and it was a dreadful night.
hope you will forgive inc this once...".
Young Wife --"I'm afraid Jack
doesn't love me as he formetiv
Her Mother -"What reason lat•ve you
for thinking so, dear ?" Young
Wife-"IIe is beginning to read the
paper every morning while at break.