HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-6-4, Page 5•'Are Sytepteine of a, (4tilt, tp•pi(1 or .1$14Paniii eondition .of the. tient:ye or liVere and ate a warning It is exeeelnely bitzardOus to. neglect, co impoeteet te 0. 'healthy Action of. theee leg/tine , • 'They are conlav,), 11.ttpuiled by les4 o energy, lack of u. :r') Intl 80110- th:ries by • gloomy fertnediag and de- eipondency. - *LI was teem lit with eianee trainee, 'and became eo T vietta . el.et et eve aely ye; uremia. - )(look nuellelee witieeit terean,retd tholUy decided to fry Down" teireepeettle. .Alter the first, bunk' telt itieee teeter that I continued Iteemee ant; ?„,iiics 11,4de mo anew weruan. tali- 11:y titite eirl was a baby, sbe ecnol i.0 eieeelisir. on her stonaac.b, and we (raVe }.;.:r flood i••;:trStlpa- .XIUS WitiCh COMA tier." Mos. TilumAr; Lsr•• gas,. Walleeebtnee tent • Hood's. Sarsapd rilla Cares kidney and liver troehles, re- lieves • the back cuicl builds up _the vhole *Stern, 1. 110 hiill1)0[IP[km It...6.4.4 • All the news .of Interest to Times Readers Itappening in these Counties. ' Huron AL a recent ea -meting of the official Board of Brussels Methodist church a. unanimous invitation was extended Bev. '1'. W. Cosens to remain their pas tor for the ensuing year which was' .accepted. Mromen with pale, eoloeless faces, who feel weak and discouraged„will receive bobla mental ande bodily vigor using Carter's Iron Pills, which Are made for the blood, nerves and pomplexion. Mr. M. Lamont, of the 13luevale road, taught a fish in the Maitland river, at th.e re,ar of his property, ou 'Thursday, that measured 25 inebes and weighed 5 .pounds ounces. The fish is known. as the redefin On Tuesday, of last week, Florence, pecond daughter of Mr, and. Mrs. Ed. Slattery, Goderich, and 'Eugene Dean, INelvicastle, Ont., were joined in wed - 'Weis bonds. Tble cereano,ny took place at St. Peter's chorale Reve'Fr: West being the officiating priest. . • The Executive of Brussele District Sabbath School Association has decid- ed to cancel the Convention this year. It should have been held next week if • the regular te,ato was adhered! to. Pressure of other gatherings and the etbsence of several secekers is the reason for withdrawal this Year. One of the •earey pionceirs of Peel pounty died in Wingham the °thee day, in the person of Alexander Mit-, then, aged 83 yeara. Mr. and Mrs. Alitchell con/01mq* to live an the, on the farm on which they first set- tled in 1846, until ten years ago, when they moved to Winghaln. . The relatives of Angus MeDonald„ of Seaforth, are anxious as to his ;where:about s. He was last heard:of at Elko, 13. C., hi 'Tannery,. 1602.Be. fore that he had been working for eight anontlis in Nelson. Ships writ- ing from Elko on the date menLioned, U traces of 'him have vanish•eel. ONE MINUTE CURE POR TOOTHACHE/. --- Vet only for toothaahe, but pray nerve gain cured almost instantly by Wervilline„ One drop eqa.u4s in paha- subduing power five drops of any other remedy. Thousands say so. nowenful, penetrating, poin-isubduing Nierviline. Marvellous aetion for internal and external use. The world challenged for its 'eq,ualt. Draggiste sell it. Your money back if ie is not so. Perth Harsh, pargative remedies are fast 'esgiving way to the gentle action. and •,;mild effects of Carter's .Little Liver Pills. If you try them they will cer- tainly please you. ' A quiet but nretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sykes, of Straefoyd, on Wed .day, May 20111, etre p. en. when his sister, Miss Jennie, and on/y daughter of Mr. George Sykes, was united in marriage to Mr. Dur3•ca•n Lynch, at Damn. • M idd I esex ,Jacob Smith, of 1V.P.CGilliviray, was lined $1.00, and $5.60 posts for lett •ing his 'cattle run at large. t?he ,Kinorteetine P,ublet Literary; Board is making armed:ries of the Pal tines:ton Board with a lview qppeye ing .to Andrew. Carnegie for sow for a building. . Prompt relief in sick headachealiz- .. ziness, nausea, constipation, pain in sides, guaranteed to those using Car - tier's Litele Liver Pills.. One a dose. Small dose. Small price. Small pill. The West Middlesex Farenare' In- stitute will run an excursion by spec,- ial train over the Grand Trunk Rail- way to the .Ontario Agricultural:Col- lege and Experimental Fareta•Guelph, on Tuesday, J.une Oth. 'An organization has been formed' by Rev. W. II. Geddes, of Ailsa Craig, to be known us the Bo;y's, Olin Club. On Sunday evenin.); the boys meet:. for bible study and three nights dur- ing tthe week, they practice cricket. 'Liver Pills That's what you need; some" thing to cure your bilious- ness and give you a good digestion. Ayer's Pills are liver pills. They cure con- stipation and biliousness. • Gently laxative. midgibts. Want ',root cnonstanho or beard beY;ktitill brown or nob block ? Then uso BUCKINGHAM'S DYFAItars crl. Ontc•toistO, on R. P. toa.k. • co. narata, H. 1 ng shOuld be dente , isealion INE AND MORAL TRAIN INU (Lai over from knit week.). At the session of the Teaeherie Co veution recently held in Exeter whieh discipline and enoral trainin W0 re disotiatied and in whieli Ivays an means were adVieed Der obtaining higher nioral Statue =Ong the pupi of our public a:Imola several mate were mede ,by our exnerince 'WM.:hers regardiakg the (muse for p much trouble in obtaining the due r street., obedience and .diligence frox the pupils 'of to -day. ,Seuno sugges ions were also made ats to the wa this could be remedied. All were agreed that it is the chit of the teirehers to help build up th ()Ilan:toter of the ehild nand to enabl him to become an industrious, law abiding, (4od fearing eitizen; it nia also conceded that, there ve.re (gren many dilfiteulties seared In th way of teachers trying to a.ccomplis this. These may be of potne interest to the perorate of Exeter and the sur- soundiug country, , A large per centage /of our pupils have little or no home training ; these nom() into our (schools incliseriminata- ly with ehildren from the best Jehris- Ilan homes. In order that the latter may receive no liarm •fro natio for -c• aner the teacher has to be continual- ly on the alert to discover their eon- versalion, to shamp out the use of profane language And if neeessar . OftsoqueuLly 'is- often enegleeted en- tize1y, nenoetponed until lt tonlate lo be effective, • • It' lel eontended it it • fazetterewille a- 'only unite to entry on a systernae Oantipaten of spraying aecoreleec to latest methods, a great deal may be. n' done towards ereelleating the eninniea , d of fruit. Exporters who are familiar with the reealts spraying and Ithe systematic care of orchards., :strongly endorse speaying cialining that it ire ee certain to inetirove the quality of the 4 fruit, and in Isttpport of their eleint they refer to orchards where the aye - 0. tem has been carried :out, the fruit of n whieh always eommands the likeliest priee y . . AUCTIONEERS AND Pat/LARS: e The following is a list of the 'leans • 5(1 atietioneers and pedlars for the ()ornate- of Huron as funnelled. by Dr, e Holmes, the eoanty treasurer : t Auctionetme.—Tifonens GaintrY„ W. • 0. Currie, lames Stanley, F. S. Scott, Henry Torranee, Thomas Cameron, Henry 13ossenberry, Thomas Newsome 3. 0, McMichael, John O'Keefe, John 0111, Denry 13rowu, Joseph Cowan, B. M. Charles, 0. Wilson, James J'onos, Alex. MeEwen, Alex, Thomas Brown, John Knox, D. Dick- inson, John Pervis, 1.Ym. Snell, Thos, E, Bay; Edwa.rd Dosseeberry, B. ,S; Philleps. G. B,arttoln, C. Harnilt on, .t. IL Havill, l'eseph White, Harry P. Kip. --reeree Pedlars. --Louis Bashkopski, ltenry • Hayden, j. E. Harnwell, Jae: T. Ross, Nola e‘lussaellacen, A. J. •Courtice, 11, t Tohn. J. ()Tommy; T. Wallace, Jacob Yaffe, W. Wiat. e ley, W. T. Miller, George Beatty, An- thoinir Mctionaed, We 7. McCracken. lialwin Munro, Bert 1VIciEwen, Feankl• Mitchell, Wm: Bashfield, L. Frey, F. McPhee, Robert Clark, Fred Gassman, Fred Morgan, Walter Lines D. O'Gorman, Robert Pdwell.. , y, so seat the ,pupils and oversee them that they may not come in contac with eatele otiber, ,All this requires aemost diligence on the part of th teacher. Again pupils g ohenla with wonderful tale,s of school troubles in which they (as :they say) have recely e.d ,ge oss in jus eige f rein •the t eaelte r The parenes often forget that there are two sides to a story, and directly oppose the Leacher, holding him up for discuseion before flee children. What is the result? The children go back to school quite prepared to re- peat the forraer anis-tonduct and show defiance to the t•e.acher 'because they have been upheld at home. 'There are also the long evening hours in which the children are allow ed to run without any resraint . Our streets are lined with them at night; the boys on the corners smoking and, according to recent statements, made with authority, the girls are not al- together excluded from this evil era°. tics. The pease's413y, espenially if ha or she be a teecher, is not unfrequent ly .met by some impudent remark' from thorn. - One method suggested for meeting these diffieulties is the co-operation of pants and .teacheirs. .This could be brought about by what could be termed. a "Mother's Meetinig" fort is certainly a fact that the home training (where there is any) is left to the mother. At th.csa meetings the parents and teachers: could ra,eet on equal footing both )as teachers •ance trainers of the same children. There views and facts could be interchanged much to alie benefit of both pareles, The necessity of regularity and eiunc- tuality could be (made plain eis the parents. TJaen I think, to a ghat ex- tent, the parents could do aw y weth so ..frequently sending of u tes or which the following is an ex , pie : — •"Pltease Teacher excuse jteh nem in hie .geography and . spelling, fand let him out sharp at four all a iis week and °Mtge Mrs.----" Of course there will be all ays some eases in which the children are natur. allyaveyward and are beyond the con- trol of both parents and tutelars. One ease was cited in which a grI ndraoth- er brought her grandeon Ito a teach- er who had sixty pupils in h "r room; the child was introduced wit the fol. lowing remark: "We have t "ed every means at home to control. 123. but we ca.0 do nothing with hi ; we want you to take hien and, k ap him straight." Now how did that -ar-see- ing, judicious parent think th. t that teacher could "keep straight' that child aloug with her isty? Let me just state in 'conclusion that the teachers are -Working for the est interests of the pupils and if the p r- ents do not co-opertae with them t desired end will certainly .noe be. rowelled ONLOOKER. SHE'S AS WHITE AS A GHOST. As wee as e. lily. eilemaateir of pride? Certainly not. Strength! Color! Endure nee Thetas what every wo- man Wants. Good digeetiogapereect assimulation. Bouyancy and vim is the right of every ,womttn. She( neie.d not lack this if. she will only use Fere rezone. It Makes blood, gives, appe— tite, gives strength to the nerves, col. or to the icheeks and brightness to the eye, a box of Ferrozone tablets is at oncia tnankmittable into .healthe beauty and strength. There is power in Fereozone. Try it rend .see if it is not GO. Sold by all deteggietis and medical dealers evanywhere. THE SPRAYING OF ORCHARDS. As to spraying ahe trees, the Fruit Divesion of the. Dominion De pa et. - meat: df Agrieulleure is just now en- gaged in illustrating its advantages. A ci,.cular jtiq is3ued states that dure the last: week work had been carried on in the vicinity of Woodstock and Ingersoll, Ont., by Messrs. P. J. Carey Dominion Fruit Inspector and .3. C. Harris, Went Oxford, both pracitical. farmers W130 have made a success of, fruit growing; and who gies careful attention to all the details ot their spraying operations. The eldef ebject Is to show that a dozen or more' far- mers may profitably ombine to pur- chase a power sprayer, place it in 'there° of some such man as usually thresbing, who ,can easily 'make him- seIC thoroughly conversant with the best methods of spraying. and engage him to make re.gular visits LA 'their orchards. At each farm the expert sprayer will only require the assis- tance ot a teamster, and thus the re- gular work of •the farm need, not 'be interrupted, Under present methods ever,y farmer in the fruit districts re- quires a spraying outfit of their own and tin: spraying, if done,at'all,' done in a iearelese half-hea clod way by men who do not know just when or how the work should be perform- ed.. rafters are vtery 'busy at the DEMMESS IS CURABLE sufferers from impaired heering will be glad to know that their affliction is probably not dua to any organic de- fect in the •car, (but results probably froni a thickening of the lining of the middle ear caused by catarrlaal halts, matter]. lIundreds of perfect recover.. les as a result bf the inhalation. or Catarrhozone aro reported, and on the highest authority he recommend this treatment to our readers. Catarrhee I zone teullakly restores lost: .haa ring, ' and its efficiency is placed beyond dis- I elute by ;the caste of Mr.eWarren, e)f Toronto who recovered perfect hear- ing by the use of Catarrhozone, altar eears Of deafness. ".Priete S1.00 At Druggists or by mail, from Poison ski Co., Kingston, Ont. e,e41* Oeeeet: eeell;alee • e ^ 'a inittM AVegetab1erreparationforAs- simiiatingtheToodandllegula- 14 the.Stotteds onfil3owels of Ti AT 11-1E FAC MILE SIGNATURE :WIZ SAL , SIDENOR Al le OaeLAND IN EXETEll—Weelrerfoe Rale on roasonabio terms, thet very desireble resident:lel propertY !to? NOWO a o8: '8114. ,hseoll P:1111111 gul 1 "St tvragt, 61.1.;txuNcerd. There is Ol'oeted upon thy laud, A comfortable and canneodioue brick dwelling, also the necesbary outhouses. The house le In good re• pair and itae rooms. The lot eon taim rove lug or fruit growing. Tbere is a plentiful eup. ot. land and le excellently adepted for e(arden rolydaleb,itarddatbuedstoeftrimemeastery,,fforrbelmerrtolpeueruitLisqx 00 you Wait 4. PrOPrietOr; oPrirtrADICSiroltrximeSttora: (01:)b;.(4 orlSvteeTAX, 036(:r it Buggy' INSURANCE. ERNEST itLIAOT, -kg= for the NV iefiTEUN ASSpaANOR 130be ?ANY, of Torento ; also fer the vnonsux /onto osen.disres Connuone, of London, England; LIANCE1ssvie.ucxe COlerAXY, of Er and PromotesThosiion,Cheetilil- tesseelnest.catainsneither Oputp,,MorphinO nor Frineral. NOT NAB (0 OIC. 0.44.11,1% Rce.,,,;$4,6174.72,-.vmazp.7=2 -,124;ferzsgz BaserieSatet••• arialse Seed • Appormicit aufanditsrocb • Voto, Seed * Siwiriec Siva?. • 021147-$croco Noran Apetiect Remedy for CollStipa- tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Worms,Cormulsions,Feveris& mess andLoss OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of 4;117. iSIEW `xproic e444 IS ON THE PER OF EVERY BOTTLE OF EXAGT COPY OF WRAPPER. .. but. delays would be clangerimes. Ile - 'Ting and truating to hear from lyou shortly, and to receive the proper ap- plication blank forms, I am, yours in trouple and need."' Everything possible is ting done by the Association to meet the many and urgent eel's from consumptives. se, venty-six patients are being cared, for in the Free Hospital, and not a sin- .gta .patient has been re fused(ad,mit-• Lance becanse of his or her, poverty.. The great matter of 'concern with the manageme.nt is the lank of funds. The question that is facing the Trustees to-lclay is whether they shall not be Compelled to close some of the wards beieanse of this.• • Readers of this paper ;who desire to help, can do so by sendingeontribu, tams, no matter how .small the aninunt, to Sir Wm. R. Meridith, Kt., VinearPrepident - National Sanitarium Assbmation, 4 Laansp•ort Ave.oToronto, or W. 1. Gage, ;Chairman of the Ex - emotive Committee, Toronto. • ONE-WAY RATES To. many points in the states of Cal- ifornia, Oregon and Washington.• •;EVERY DAT The Union Pacific will .sell 0 ne- way Colonial Tickets at the following rates from Missouri River terminaals 525.00 to San Francisco, Los Angeles and many other California points. 520.00 to Ogden and Salt Lake City, $20.00 to Butte, Anaconda, and.Hel- • $25.00 to Sooka,ne and 'Wenatchee, Wash. $25.00- to Everette, Fairhaven and Newt Whatcom via Huntington and Spokane. $25.00 to Portland, Tacoma: and Se- attle. 23$5.00 to Ashland,Roseburgg, Eng- ene, Albany and Salem, via Rortland. Tickets on,sale daily ter June 15th, 1903; From. Chicago to St.• Louis propor- tionately lowrrates are in effect by, lines connecting with the iHnion Pact-. fic to all above points. . For full information call on or nd- dress H. E. Carter, 'T. P. A., 14;Junes Building, Toronto, Canada. F, 13. Ch oats, G. A, 126 Woodward Ave,. De- troit, Mich. • e 1 FREE CONSUMPTION HOS- PITAL A. PITIFUL APPEAL FROM A POOR CON- SUMPTIVE — Brom URGENTLY' NEEDED TO CARRY ON THE WORE The following letter is shown as ORO of many distressing appeals made by applicants seeking' adneissiond:a the Free Consumption Ho,spiteea— "I am anxious to 'make application on behalf of emy daughter., Pauline, who had contracted the 'dread white plague' while lovingly' perforening her duty in taring for her dear naather, who eight months ago succumbed to the dread disease. Mine is a sad ease. For three long years ray wife suffered from eonstemption, of which she final ly died, tea.ving .ma alone to raiseia family cf children, OM only five years old. My daughter, Pauline, who nurs ed her during her long illness, was my only haps, as ehe took ,cluirge any home, and now the hand of dis- ease has fallen upon Irene Her pity" ;sicanss 'pronounced it a case of con- sumption and advise an immediate removal to the Sanatorium. I am on- ly a poor man, dependent on iny,dai- ly wage, and the long and heavy ex- penses of nay wife's illness have so de- pleted my resources 'that I cannot pos sibly pay the expenses in an expensive sanatorium, though I would be glad to do so evierc it in my, power. !Cain you not receive her into your Free Hospital and so snatoh young life from the wasting sufferings of so ter- rible a disease? The doctors consider hee case a curable one at this stage, rionanommoproancontocii VentrOnensionUsraolEt Those who are gaining flesh and strength by regular treat- ment with Scott's Emulsion should continue the treatment In hot weather; smaller dose and a little cool milk with It Will clo away with any °bloc:Ion which i 3 attached to fatty nro- clucTs cI.ring the h o at c el season. Send for fres painplo. SCOTT &: SO NNE, Cle:risteo Toronto, °Atari°, s tand f.t.00; all eau ;r,,atl. a•e.oro...=ca....00racol OOFRT OF REVISION— kOWNSHIP OF USBORNE The Court, of Revision of the Assess- ment Roll for the Township of Us - borne for 1003, will be held at Town- ship Hall, Elimville, on Saturday, Jane Oth,at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, All persons having business at Said 'Court will please take notice and gov- ern themselves accordingly. re. :MORLEY, Clerk. Whalen, May 12113, 1003. 11•12•MIIIIMILIale TENDERS WANTED:— Tenders will be received up to the 15th of June 1903, for the erection of the new Thames Road Manse. The Oarpenteriug and Mason Work, and Painting to be tendered for separately. Plates and Specifications can be seen at the home of Mr. Paul Madge Thames Road. The lowest or any tender Lot neces- sarily accepted. JAMES GARDINER, PAUL MADGE, Chairman of Corn, Secretary. Omileffreamsaftingcstmons Grand Trunk Rahn Spun] Excursion On Safurdny, June 13th Minerva Encampment,No.47, I.O.O.F. Wingham, hes completed arrange- ments with the G. T. R. to run its Annual Excursion to SALE, XA Via Hyde Park, From the following places, on Satur- day, June 13th, 1003. at the following fares:— LEAVE FARE Lneknovv - - - 6.20 A. m, $2.05 Wbitechurch - 6.33 " 2,05 Witighatn - - - 6 50 " 2.05 Wingham Junction 6.53 Belgrave - - 7.01 ,c L85 Blyth - - 7,14 1.75 Londesboro - 7.22 " 1,05 Olinton - - 7.45 " 1.60 Brucefield - - 8.05 " 1.45 Kippen - - 8,15 " Ffensall - - 8,22 " L35 Exeter - 8.85 " 1,85 Children under 12, half fare. Returning, special train leaves Sar- nia at 10 p. ro. on Monday, June 15th, running through to Lucknow. An Opportunity will be afforded ex-- ursionists of ependinga couple of ays in Detroit as a epecial excursion ate to that city from Sarnia and re- tinal by boat han as been secured d on he arrival of the train at darnia hose desiring may leave for Detroit y boat or trolley, returning Monday vening in time for the excursion Jain which does not leave till 10 p.m. Everybody come on the biggest and est excursion Of the year, 3.4.. MORTON. Chairman of Oom. 1 Castor -1a is nut up in otte-alzo 'Lagoa only. Xt Is not pox Don't allow anyone to 13811 you anything else on the plea or promise that it is " rist as good" and "till enawer every per- posali J0.7• Ste that yon gat 0 -A -8 -T -0 -R -I -A. Tho foe- signal:are , every ar....."././ cf eiMeMeesWereea,e leee"'"e ur, 88 and r ro s Fine Flours, Family. Pine Flours, Pure Manitoba, and Graham. Oats, Linseed Meal and Oil Cake. 100 pounds Oil Cake, $1.40. Binder Twine Order your Binder Twine from us. We sell cheaper than the other fellow Pure Manilla, 650 feet, 11.3c Some for - lle Above prices good to June 15th; only. Groceries Nice line of Groceries. We sell Vim at Sc box. Nice thing for summer. 5 lbs Olean Currants 25c. 3 lb Box of Biscuits 20c. Drop ill a Mitriute W. TREVETHICK NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the Estate of William Baker, late of the Village ot Cen- tralia, in the County of Huron, Yeo- man, Deceased. Notice is hereby 'dem pursuant to "The Re- vised Statutes of Ontarto,' • 1897, Chapter 129, that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said William Baker. who died on or about the nth day of May.1003, are required on or before the 15th day of June, 1903, to send by post prepaid or deliver to Messrs Gladman & Stanbury, of the Village of Exeter, Solicitors for the It'aeoutors of the last Will and Testament of tho said deceased, their christian names and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full partieulars of their claims, the statement of their accounts, and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them. And further take notice that after such last mentioned date the said Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the de- ceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and that the said Executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been receiv- ed by them at the time of such clistributan. GLADMAN & STANBURy. Exeter, Ont. Solicitors for the Executors. Da ted the 16th day of May, 1003. /Spring Prices Lumber, Coal and Wire All kinds of Hemlock' or Pine, either in the rough or dressed as you wish. ......1•••••*••• A few of my Spring Prices. ()eel at bins • • • ..— ..$6.00 Coiled Spring Wire per cwt $2.80 Dry Hemlock Barn Boards at . . . .. . . ... . . $15.50 per M. Dry Hemlock Jointing and Scant- ling at $15.50 per M. No. 1 Et. 0. Shingles at 80c per bunch Cheaper grade .68c per bunch SPECIAL We thank the people of Exeter and 1 inch Hemlock ....e0141...g0 per M. the surrounding couttry for their 1 inch Pine $12,54D per M. patronage in the past, and solicib a continuance of their custom. Our It, will pay you to write or call and motto is smaller profits and quicker see me before you buy. returns. :.] W B.R.0 IV 14 D. . 0 • P. 8, (I rt. due te Viet p mity office see reaiilente, tienuitt•eu Lahore. tory, Exeter. 71-041., DICKSON 34 CARLING, _ Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries. (Ionveyoncers, Commissioners, Solicitors for the Elolaons Bank, Eto. Money to Loan at lowest rates of interest. OFFICE :—MAIN STIIPET, EXETER, 5,11. OARLING; 13. A. L. IL DICKSON FW. GLADMAN • (Successor to Elliott & Gleilinan) Barrister, Soli& Potary Public , , Conveyancer, Etc, 1VIoney to loan on Farm and village properties at Lowest rates of interest OFFICE MAIN STREET EXPTER FRED ELLIOTT B.A.BRISTER, somenerf, ETC, Money to Loan. : orrice — (Formerly Elliott and Cl)adman,) 4 MAIN STREET. EXETER. I •Nonnvara-ar.4 E DENTAL 1 "P" KILN/CM-AN, L. D. S. AND ; -•••'-• DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S. D. D . S., Honor Graduate c .4 s of Toronto University, Dentist. Teeth extractce without pain or badafter effects. Office in Fan - son's block. West side of Main I treet,Exeter- _. ...._,..,„.... 1 nONEY TO LOAN - We have unlimited private funds for invest ment upon farm or village property at lowes 1 rates of interest. DICKSON & CABLING - Exeter. riONEY TO LOAN. We have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and village properties at lowrates of interest. GLADMAN ec STANBURY Barristers solicitors, Main St. Exeter. D.A. ANDERSON. (D• D. S. L 34 DENTIST. Honor Graduate of the Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, with honors Also Post -graduate of Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentistry (with t honorable mention. i Everything known to the Dental Profession Sone in this office. Bridge work. crowns, al- luminum, gold and vulcanite plates all done in he neatest manner possible. A perfectly harmless anaesthetic used for painless extrac. 01 ;ion. es Office one door south of Carling . Brea store zr Exeter. Ont. T .....-- ai T'ARENPIPUNI (21795) The Phenomenal Well -Bred Standard Trotting Stallion. Leads all other stallions in Canada for sir- ing extreme speed, and high stepping action for road and carriage purposes. TARENTInu has now produced three colts showing better than 2.10 speed, one going miles in 2.05, who is now entered in over $25,- 000 in stakes down the Grand Circuit. Harry D. commences the Grand Circuit at Detroit in the VOW Chamber and Commerce stakes and also in the 2.14 $2000 stakes, and then goes down the Grand Circuit through other large 'steeres. Tarenturn is the only stallion in Can- ada that has produced a colt pnenomenally fast enough to face the Grand Circuit that won second money in his second start in a race at Memphis in a field of eleven starters., all speedy ones. DorthyWilton having got a mark at Lexington. Kentucky, the previous week in 2.091. In thls race Orin B. by Grey- stone , the sire of Tarentum. won 1st monpy. Harry D, by Tarentum won 2n5 money,Maa or Hal, 3r5 money. Doherty Wilton 4th money, time 2001.and 2.10fr. RoUTE Monday.— Simon McKenzie's Tuckcrsmith, for noon ; Blake, night. Tuesday.— Zurich noon; Crediton, night, Wednesday.—Exeter, noon ; Farquhar, night. Thursday.—By way of Steffy. to Dublin. noon • home, night. Fri- day.—At his own stable,kgmondville. Satur- da y.—At his own stable, gmondvilie. TERMS Farmer's common mares, $15.00 to insure. Well bred and standard bred mares $20,00 by rhe season and $25.00 to insure. Stud fees due :January 181, 1004. For tabulated pedigree see .large posters, or address. A. CHARLESWORTE. Egmondvflle, Out. At Lowest Prices Having bought out the entire stock of the late James Willis, we are in a better position than ever to sell Lum- ber, Shingles, Lath and all Building Material at lowest prices. The com- bined stock of Shingles as contained in both yards is heavier than we wish to carry, so we purpose to make a material reduction in the price of Shingles until we get our stock re- duced. Take advantage of the reduc- tion. A. J. Oa -Worthy's) Lumber Yard Granton ROSS & TAYLOR EXETER) ONT. We have the finest, stock in town 11 the latest styles, in ate newes o1ors. Our prices are low as au be to= 1' for first-class material and 'workman ship, BEFORE YOU BUY OFLL fiND 8E -E. -Li Two Doors ell Quill Town Rail. ...a We have just put in stnek several new Pianos intim lateet designs andi of the Best Makes at Popul.tr Prices. We will esteem it a pleasure to shovr them to you. Organs always in stock. A good second. hand Beli Organ in good order, for sale cheap, he aae, 1704sroie 4-5z, 0a ,;13 s with us and those Cushion Frames re just what you want, We have hem at moderate prices. 616 ReIlaines n ell the leading Makes always in Lock and at prices thee cannot be eaten anywhere, also repairs • for erne. Call and pee us. We are always usy but will be glad to give you any nformation about our goods you may esire. 4.11 HAT OTHMS SAY cs ,'. ; • s ; • of Worthington's Canadian Stock Tonic. James Leask, breeder.- and feeder of e sweepstake fat cattle at Provincial inter Fair 1901 and 1902, says: Dear Sir: - 1 have fed your Stock Tonic to ttle and like it very much. It mak- them thrive well and put on flesh ore rapidly. I think it is the best nic I have fedto horses. We: are so feeding it to our hens this winter and they are laying better than they have done for a long time, It pays to feed it. Yours truly, ,TAMES LEASE, Greenbank P. 0., Feby, 23, 1903. Dear Sir: - 1 had a mare stocked in both legs, WORTRINGTON'S STOCK FOOD took it down completely and put her in good condition. It has done my cows good, Think it is a good thing and can recommend it. B. CBURCRILL, "Dairyman." Clinton, Jane-, 17th, 1903. Purify your animals' blood before turning them on the grass. They will surprise you in the fall. 10 lb. box, 200 feeds, 50c. ; 50 lb., sack $2.00. The Worthington Drug Go - GU LPH, 0NT, For Sale and Guaranteed by: Carling Bros, Exeter; Cook & 'Son, Hensall; E. Schmidt, Lucan, An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound ot Cure." Why not cure that cough of yours now? Do not let it go on and get worse. A bottle of one of our own Cough Medicines will cure you. We carry a large as— sortment of Cough Medicines Cough Lozenges Act wisely and get some of our remedies. Oeleteereee• Di(ug s(tofe