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Clinton News-Record, 1985-12-04, Page 20
Page 20-CLINTON NEWS. C.. .. VyCDNESDA' , DECEMBER 4, 085 LA9IFIIF,,T1i THE CLINTON INEWS-RECORD-THE BL1'TH STANDARD -THE BAN FIELD Bt.'(;LE 1. Articles for sale YOU CAN GET your ocit•of-Canada Medical In suronce at C,A.A. Travel Agency 7 Rattenbury St., Clinton, Phone 482.9300. 44tfar HANK'S SMALL ENGINES - Hwy, 4. Londesboro 523-9202. Dealer for Canadiana and Bolens Lawn and Gardep Equipment and snowblowers Weedeoter Trimmers. Poylon Chainsows. Badger Form Equipment. Service to all small engines. 20tf USED SKATE EXCHANGE' and sharpening service for skates, knives, scissors' saws etc. 139 Queen St.. Clinton. 482.9412. 41tf TECHNICS portable stereo system. 60 watts R.M.S„ 7 band graphic equalizer. music search. Dolby N.R.. AM FM radio, MX tope head. linear phase speakers $650.00. Phone 529- 7974. 4ltfnx PLAN A MERRY CHRISTMAS with apples. Nor• thern Spy. Macintosh Red & Golden Delicious Snows, plus sweet apple cider from' Don Mid- dletdn's Whitehall Form, R.R. 3. Clinton. 482- 9838. Free town delivery 49 51 ar USED BUILDING materiels fpr sale. 4 x 8' 5 8" plywood 40 sheets. 515.00 each, 30' x 60- steel sheds also, 2 x 8's, 2 x 6's 2 x 4's. Phone 482- 7594. 48,49 HENRY'S USED Appliances. Walton. Good clean used appliances at reasonable prices. 887- 9608. .48.50x • TOP QUALITY Christmas trees, between Seaforth and Clinton on Hwy. 8. John Gibson, 49or ATARI 600 XL Computer with game and joystick 5100.00: also, 4'colour printer, $80.00; Atari 800 XL Computer, 5120.00. 527.0257. 49x , G.E. 17 cu. ft. frost free fridge with freezer and matching 30- self-cleaning stove, harvest gold. To be sold as pair. 4823006. 49tf' PRICED REASONABLY: T.V. stand; phone beach: coffee table; men's winter coots XL, med. height; 2 blankets (new), ladies block winter coat fur trim; portable sewing machine; all in good condi tion. 482-3301 afternoons or evenings. 49x• WHITE PORTABLE sewing machine, mod& 510: open arm, 6 straigflf dnd 6 stretch stitches. Like new condition. 5300.00, 523-9344. 49x • FIREWOOD: $28,00. Phone 482-7425. 39tf TOP OF THE LINE: Roland Bolt 60 guitar amplifier. Excellent condition with}very little use. Worth $675 new. will Sell for $475. Also, a Epiphone bass guitar in good condition; Asking $200., Phone'529.79714 diter 6 p.m. 41 tfnx AQUARIUM: 20.-aallonl with accessories (stand pump,, ' heatei-,): 'filter etc.) Phone 529 7132, 47,tfn ' :GEESE FOR SALE; Live or dressed. Christmas orders taken now. Phone 482.9247 after 4 •• DOUBLE KNIT Slippers. All sorts of colours. Would rlloke nice gilt's; Phone 523-9459. 48,49 CHRISTMAS TREES for sale at'193 Townsend St Clinton. No Sunday sales. Proceeds to First Ciel ton,Rovers. 49x • • DOUBLE SNOWMOB1LE t?oiler, 2 kitchen cook stoves; one •heater stove Phone 565 2893, 49,50x INGLIS 30 range and 17 cu. ft frost free refrigerator., almond, excellent condition. 5950 for pair or best offer. 4827190. 49.50 • • C B.,E FU NITURE NEW 8. USED We Can Offer BETTER PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY '/, miles south on Hwy- 21 GODERICH 524-7231 We even take trades HURON COUNTY HISTORICAL ATLAS; tail p,i,;es 14 x 1)1 inches with 1000 pictures, ri0 pates nt maps and featuring the stories of hi to trimilies 'organvahnns, churches and harnesses .i. well ds of 2h muni( ipalities FOR CHRISTMAS GIVING gvaildhle dt ih.i COURT HOUSE, Goderich, Ontario nr trom a numher nt retail outlets in the c rung 59.50 r CHRISTMAS TREES for sale, in the lot beside Veurbeerk's Form and Garden Centre nowt SPONSORED BY CLINTON OPTIMIST CLUB OPEN: $:30 a.m.-6 p.m. Six days a weeir 412-1333 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES & DATA DEADLINES: Classified Word Ads Tuesday Noon Display Advertising ... Tuesday 4:00 p.m. CLASSIFICATIONS 1 Articles for sole 2 Yard solo 3 Garage sole '4 Antiques for sale 5 Cars for sale 6 Trucks for sale 7 R,V.'s for sale B Marine 9 Automotive , 10 Pets for sale 12 Real estate for sale 13 Mobile homes 14 Recreational properties 38 Auction sale 15 Out of town properties 39 Educational 16 For rent 4C' ost & Found 17 Apartments for rent 41 To give away 18 Houses for rent 42 Death notice 19 Rooms for rent 43 Births 20 Room. & board ' 44 Engagements 21 Cottages for rent 45 Marriages 22 Lots for rent 46 in memoriam '23 Commercial property for rent 47 Cords. of thanks 24 Wonted to rent 25 Wanted to buy 26 Help wonted 27 Wanted (general) 28 Business opportunity 29 Tenders 30 Employment wanted 31 Service directory 34 Personal 35 Notice to creditors 36 Announcements 37 Mortgages • 50` DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT WHEN PLACING AD OR IF,PAID WITHIN ONE WEEK AFTER THE PAPER DATE, PHONE 482-3443 cn MONDAY 10 FRIDAY . 9:00 a.m, to 5 p.m. 1 . Articles for sale WEEKLY SPECIALS' See our ad i'n "Focus" Clinton Boxed Meats, just off Hwy. 4 north of Clinton. 1' miles south of Londesboro watch for our sign. Coll collect 523••9508. 49eow HUMANE LIVE TRAPS, cedar fence posts, cedar kindling. and red potatoes. Phone 482- 3842. 41 43 GODERICH •ti9LYTH eCLINTON •SEAFORTH • MITCHELL •ZURICH bs - EXETER STRATFORD .LUCKNOW • WINGHAM BAYFIELD 1. Articles for sale "PENNY•ROLLER" Trademark. Patented. Wrap pennies nickels. dimes and quarters quickly and easily. One .wraps all. Uses free bank wrappers, Only 58,95 postpaid. (Please add 63 cents tax). Christmas Special 2 for $16. (Please odd $1.12 tax). Send cheque or M.O. to PennyRoller Pro- ducts, P.O. Box 405 Fort Erie, Ont. L2A 5N2. 490 , ' ' ' • STEEL .BUILDINGS: Buy direct and save. Building factory direct discount 20 to 30 to 40°0. Must clear inventory. No reasonable offer refused. Order now, take spring delivery. No .storage charges. Coll 1-800.387.8130 ori (416) 828- 6262. •49.510 WATER PROBLEMS? New Technology - eliminates rusty. smelly,' bad tasting water, coliform bacteria. staining, iron manganese, hardness, chemical contamination and more. Fully automatic tested and proven in over 12,000 rural installations. No messy chemicals. no taste or smell of chlorine FREE 6 Month'Trial Offer.. See thel-results for yourself If you want Better Water for Better Country Living: call toll free 1.800.268- 2656 or write Aztec Water Purification Systems, No. 203 1030 Karnato Road, Mississauga, On- tario. L4W -4B6: The Lowest" Cost System that Really Works. 490 , 14 OLDTIME DANCES with instructions. Including: Valita Woltz Lambeth Walk, ,Barn Dance. Heel T.oe Seven Step. Send 510,50 Just -Two, Box 1926, .Melfdrt Sosk.'SOE 1 A0. 490 FOR SALE - REASONABLE 2 portable insulated metal buildings, One is semi -finished as a cottage with bath and kitchen etc. Second, large room with hydro. window etc. Would make a good storage room. Both 36' x 24'. Phone 482.7508. --47-49 CHOICE LEAN BEEF by the side. Special on hind quarters. Ready for freezer: government in spected, farmer's prices. Phone Frank Falconer. 482-9128. --- 15eow APPLE II-Co.mpatible Computer 64K„ numeric key pod CPM operating system, monochrome monitor, 2 disk drives. Asking $1 200.00. Phone 235.2610.--49,50ar PINE, SPRUCE AND BALSAM Christmas TrJees• 5 • 10'. Contact Neil Edgar, Highway 86. east of Whitechurc"h.357-2440. 49 50.51 GUN SELL OFF! Berretta double 12 gauge 5700.00; 30.06 Remington Semi with scope 5600.00. 12 gauge J.C. Higgins semi 5200.00, 50 • calibre C.V.A. long rifle and pistol $350.00. Some pistols. Other guns. Offers 482-3186 482 7066.-49 PART-TIME INCOME: RCA video camera tuner portable recorder and carrying case. Can pay for itself in less than one year doing weddings reu nions, community projects. Was 52.800.00 now $1,400.00. Call 482-3186 482.7066 49 REPAIRS to T.V s. radios small appliances. video games electnr tools etc. Cable T.V. convertors for sole. Larry s Radio • & T V. Blyth. 523- 4559, 37tf FREE METAL HALIDE 1000W grow light with every 21st Century Gorden. Limited time special, Coll or write for details Western Water Farms, 1244 'Seymour Street Vancouver, 8 C V68 3N9 _(604)' 682 6636 490 LEGAL HOMEBREWKits Beer 18 cents glass. Wine 51 19 litre Moneyback quality guarantee., Very easy professional single stage. Profitable .business opportunity call D S.I. immediately! 1 800 663 6957. Viso Mastercard 490 PIANOS Apt site w bench 5995 uprights, 52• inch $495 Pianos refinished from 5995. We buy. -'restore refinish pianos Village Piono Shop (behind Kentucky Fired Chicken), Elmira, (5)9) 669-2'280 490 ' BUNK BEDS. Wdn chests of drawers Iwo gas stoves Phone 482 9659. • 49x. APPLES: 55.00 a bushel Red and Yellow Delicious, Spys, Ida Red, Macintosh, Empire, when available. Fresh cider '51.50 o gallon plus containers, potatoes. red and white, 50 lbs. 54.00, onions, apple butter, cookies at Art •Bells Fruit Farm, 524-8037. 49tfor- SEASON MASTER radial, all season snow tires like new, P185 80R13, $75. Phone 4823076. 49 5. Cars for sale For Television trom Around The World Call LARRY FISHER 524®9595 Mono SATELUTE SYSTEM SPECIAL 10' Fiberglass dish (5 yr. warranty) Polar Mount Unlden 1000 Receiver 65 Degree L.N,A, Polarotor $1995. or t65. per month SATELLITE SYSTEM SPECIAL • 6' Perforated Dish metalled 2000 Unlden Receiver $1799 and more Completely Installed or ace, per month • Monthly Leasing Aka/liable • Home Demonstrations Value for your money - 'Backed by Service TV 8. STEREO SYSTEMS. SALES A SERVICE CHOICE OF COLOUR I. & A SOUTHWEST SATELLITE Cali Day or Night 524.9S95 1976 BUICK CENTURY, 68,000 miles. $1600 or best offer. Call 262-6279 after 4:30 p.m. 47.49 '76 LINCOLN TOWN •Coupe: If you have time for parttime work and 51,500.00, all you need is tinted gloss, rhino!' touch-ups and a chauffeur. Call 482-3186. 482-7066. • 49 ESTATE SALE: 1982 Pontiac'Acadian. 4 door hat chback, very low mileage.' automatic transmission. Sorry no trades please. •Bayfield 565-2800..--49,50 1973 CADILLAC ELDORADO: Approx. 75,000 original miles, never winter driven, up on blocks, runs great. sun roof, needs some body work. 'Phone 482-3514 after 5 p.m. Best offer. 49tfnx 1984 OLDS CUTLASS Supreme, •excellent condi- tion, low mileage, loaded,' small V8. Coll 482- 3148 evenings. 49 • 1977 OLDSMOBILE 'in excellent shape; 2 sets of race harness. 482.7152- 49x - 1982 ARIES K: One owner. excellent Condition. Asking $4500: Phone 482.9591. 49 Attention Farmers 6. Trucks for sale 1983 FORD EXPLORER F 150 4 x 4 pick-up. 6 cyl. speed. P.S P.B. radio handling package. Cal 482-3855 49 12. Real estate for sale A. For Sale LARGE ROUND BALES of hay and straw for sale Phone 482-5365. 48.49 Hensall Livestock Sales SALES EVER I.-THURSO&Y AT 12;30 P.M. All clas.••s of Livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Hargreaves Clinton 481-7111 Barry Miller E,•t•r-2]5-2717 K Irk ton - 221-6205 Gregory Hargreaves 262.7619 TWO BEDROOM brick bungalow available for spring occupancy. Ideal retirement or starter home. newly decorated and landscaped, ex cellent location in Clinton. Rec room with dry bar. workshop and laundry area in basement. Maintenance free exterior very easily heated by natural gas. carpets throughout. large garage with breezeway and paved drive Asking mid 40's. Call 482.3514 after 5 p.m. 49tfnx WORKMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. D. Livestock YORK CROSS Landrace bred gilts available for December and January farrowing bred to col- oured boars. as well os our usual selection of York. Hemp. •Duroc Homp Cross Duro( boars. Priced reasonably and guaronteed Bob Robin• son, R,R. 4, Walton 345 2317 47 50 ONTARIO POLLED Hereford Club Soles 1 p. m., Saturday, Dec. 14 1985 Mork ham Fairgrounds, Nate new location, Contact Craig lymburner, R.R 1 Caistor Centre Ont LOR 1E0 1416) 957 3695. 490 HOLSTEIN NIP grade heifer from listed herd. bred March 6 1985 Phone 482 9958 49 50 E. Farm Services COMMERCIAL PROPERTY - 2 storey brick bldg. with residence above plus 1 floor frame bldg., large lot, paved road, in Walton, 2 STOREY FRAME HOUSE with 4 bedrooms, good basement, could easily be duplexed. REDUCED - Beautiful 1'h storey brick house on 10 acres. Large steel shed, near Auburn - must be seen! THIS 11/2 STOREY HOME FEATURES large family -style kitchen, 3 bedrooms, some recent renovations. VANASTRA - 1, stprey house, vinyl sided, 3 bedrooms, full basement, recently renovated. 128,000.00, 3 BEDROOM, 11/2 storey house in Vanastra, 524,000. 4 BEDROOM, 2 storey house in convenient location, 524,900,00' • • HENSALL - 2'2 storey brick home, beautifully finished, must be'seen. 4 BEDROOM HOME near the hospital, nice lot, lots of roorn, carport, $29,500.00. 3 BEDROOM HOUSE - 1'.r storey, with many renovations including insulation and furnace, in Vanastra. LAYER QUOTA; 5909, on 75 _acres.. Split level home. INDUSTRIAL ZONED 5 000 sq. ft. building in Vonastro. WORKABLE ACREAGE 8, BUSH, river fron- tage, near Auburn. 115 HURON ST. - cozy 3 bedroom home, treed lot. ' VANASTRA - 3 bedroom with many extras. Call for details, Rose Workman, Clinton • 482-3455 12. Real estate for sale THE IDEAL PLACE far you. Completely refurbish- ed interior, accented by .natural pine in family room sunporch area. Value priced at only $34,500.00. Call Wayne Wigelsworth, Century 21, All Points Realty Inc. 524.2111,---49 SPACIOUS ten -year-old, three-bedroom, split level home, on a double lot.' Many extras, in- cluding central vacand double garage with entry to foyer. Call Wayne Wigelsworth today for your personal inspection at Century 21, All Points Realty Inc. 524-2111. --49 ESTATE LIMITED 34 STANLEY STREET GODERICH 524-2966 'We May Be Number One! But We're Still Trying Harder!' •ftkuus1 CALL US • TO WELCOME YOU HOME FARMERS experrenung frnom cal difficulties There may be ways of solving your problems that you are not aware of For further information contact SYL•MAR Financial Consultants (519) 449.2809, 490 BERG Solees•5ervice-Installation •Born Cleaners •Bunk Feeders •Stobling •Manure Conveyors FREE ESTIMATES Dofsaid G. Ives RR.aIdt'TH 1117.10124 F. For Rent BARN FOR RENT Located 4 miles east of Clinton, an :Lot 12, Conc 2, Hullett Township Call 482. 9140 evenings after 6 p.m 49 NEW LISTING South of Bayfield on Hwy. 21, 11 yr. old alum. bungalow, 3 bedrooms, separate dining room, fireplace with air tight in- sert in living room, chimney for wood stove in family room. Built-in ,dish- washer, bath & a half, utility shed, elec- tric radiant heat, water softener. Priced to sell at $64,900.00. Hr' '1 GHTS r. old Cedar sided South of with stone "and sides, 3 bedroom, air conditioner in dining room, fireplace in living room, pool table in basement, separate garage. Reduced to 559,900. Open to offers. CHINIGAY STREET, BAYFIELD White sided bungalow with separate garage, kitchen and living room both 17' x 12', 2 bedroom, family room, sunroom on back o1 garage, utility room laundry, mature treed lot, one block from Merin Street and one block to lake. Priced to sell at $79,900.00. HAMILTON ST., BAYFIELD 5 year old Brick Raised Ranch, 4 bedrooms, chandelier In dining room, patio doors with deck off kitchen, fireplace In roc room, water softener, central' vac., T.V. tower, etc., alum. soffits end fascia, Insulated garage with electric heater. PRICE REDUCED TO 579,500.00. Excep- tional bury!!! CONTACT Dianne Alexander MAURICE GARDINER REAL ESTATE LTD. HWY. 21 BAYFIELD 565-2513 Real Estate Ltd. Broker Clinton Phone: 482-9371 Residence: 523-9338 NEW LISTING: 3 bedroom, 1 floor home. No. 4 Hwy. Y. mile north of Clinton. Low taxes. BLYTH: Dinsley Street, 11/4 floor brick, 2 bedroom home. New roof recently, BLYTH: '/, acre lot on King Street, 2 floor brick, 5' bedroom home. All recently redecorated. 1 ACRE: Sixth Line East Wawanosh Town- ship, good brick home,. Very scenic. VANASTRA: 1 floor home finished basement, electric, 27 Regina Road. 125 'ACRES: 60 acres workable, 22 acres hardwood bush, large brick home, near Blyth. Blyth Creek crosses property. 94 ACRES: 55 peres workable, on south Maitland River', no buildings, 2'/2 ACRES: 3 bedroom brick home, like new throughout, Hullett Township, adjacent to Wildlife sanctuary. - 10 ACRES: Good brick home and utility barn, Hullett Township. CLINTON: Albert St., 4 bedroom, '2 floor frame home, F.A. oil heat. KINBURN: Reduced 5 acres, good 11/2 floor- home, barn for 600 hogs and 100 veal calves. Try an offer., Vendor very serious, 60 ACRES: Farrow to finish for 60 sows, 'h mile from Blyth Marketing Yard. 75 ACRES: Hullett Township, barn for 600 hogs, good house, F.C.C. mortgage. 1:8 ACRES: Goderich Township, 5 bedroom home, well landscaped', large workshop. LONDESBORO: 3 bedroom frame home, large lot, utility shed. 3 ACRES: Goderich Township,, Victorian Style home, 3 or 4 bedroom, br.ick home, combination wood and oil furnace, all very well kept: LONDESBORO: Mobile home 12' x 60' on large lot with steel shed. • BLYTH: Wellington Street, 11/2 floor brick. home on large lot, close to business section. CLINTON: 189 Huron Street, 1 floor home, gas heat, low cost housing for handy per- son. 292 ACRES: West Wawanosh Township, general farm, good buildings overlooking Maitland River. • ROADSIDE MARKET AND, GARDEN farm, 80 acres, No. 21 Hwy„ good brick home, excellent business. 13. Mobile homes MOBILE HOME for sale, 12 yrs. old 1'2' x 48 Nor thlander completely furnished at Morgans Trailer Park. Phone 482.3700 after 6 p.m, Serious inquiries only please. 49,50x 60 x 12 two bedroom mobile home to rent. Vanastra Mobile Homes Park. 5250 plus heat and hydro. 482-7066. 49or 14A. Vacations DISCOVER MEXICO February 14th to 24th with Clare Burt Travel. See life beyond the cities as - we tour villages and ogriculturol areas Coll col- lect (416) 451-4944. 490 CLARE BURT TRAVEL features Life ancle Agricultural Study Tour to AUSTRALIA and NEW ZEALAND including Hawaii Fili January 30th to February 26th. Coll collect (416) 451 4944 490 COMING TO B.C. and EXPO 867 Enloy hundreds • of coupon offers and save.thousonds of dollars in skiing. dining entertainment recreation and ac commodation while you travel. Fantastic value for only $40 10 -day moneyback guarantee Adventures Publications 837 Hamilton St. Van couver B.0 V6B 2R7 (604) 681 6652. Distributor enquiries welcome. 490 16. Articles for rent PLYWOOD FORMS, wedges portable cement mixer. power trowels wheelbarrows etc. Form ties stoci`xed. Corriveau Rentals Zurich 236. 4954 8 o,m weekdays and after 5 p.m, anytime Saturday. •32tfar FOR RENT storage for a car on Orange 5t Clin ton. 4829875 Watt Webster 49x' give yourself a lift in one of our fine . cars vans trucks prices start at •weekly & weekend rates available •20' van truck available $2495 INCLUDING FREE 100 KM ON CARS ONLY hobi • 12' van truck available 524.8411 TRICKLAN©S, 334 HURON RD., GODERICH 17. Apartments for rent ONE & TWO Bedroom Apartments like new ion .dition Central location in Blyth References 482 9210 40tfar