HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1985-12-04, Page 5Speaker discusses donation CLINTON - The monthly meeting of the Bluewater Branch of the Canadian National Institute for the Blind CNIB) was held on November 19 at Wesley -Willis United Chur- ch. It was presided over by President. Helen Sootheran and opened with the singing of the National Anthem. The secretary -treasurer, Edith 1.and- sborough, called roll call, followed by the minutes of the last meeting and other impor- tant information of interest to the club. The club was favored with two solos by Mrs. Lutber., from Hensall, accompanied by her husband at the piano. Donna Webster a member of the CN113 Board, named the slate of officers for the 1986 season,/ They are: president, Mr. O'Rourke, secretary -treasurer. Mrs. D. O'Rourke; first vice=president, Marjorie Maloney. The other conveners are Gwen Watson, Rachael lohnstun, Nora and Len Schrueter. •'l'he truest speaker fur the evening was Ann Lake from Fullarlon. She talked about organs and bodies being donated to science, . followed by a question and answer period. The meeting was closed, followed by a social gathering, provided by the Sururily (;iris. Euchre winners SUMMERHII,1, The 1985-86 euchre season got underway in Summerhill on November 29 with 12 tables in play. • Winners were: ladies' high, Beatrice Welsh; ladies' low, Verna Gibbings; ladies' lone hands,'Mrs.• Glazier. Men's high, Bert Garrett; men's low. Robert Welsh; men's lone hands, George -Wright. Raffle winners were Hazel Watkins, Ivan Hoggart, Alex Nether). and Alex Westerhout. The next card party will be held oil December 13. Committee reps• • • from page 1 Hospital Board - Reeve Cocike Planning Advisory and Industrial •- Coun- • cillors Gerrits and Case Buffinga Cemetery Board - Deputy -Reeve Armstrong • and Councillor Gerrits Aftliecreation Conirnittee - Councillors ('arter, .WCochrane and Jewitt - Fire Area Board - Mayor Balfour, Deputy - Reeve Armstrong Find Councillor Holmes Waste Disposal Site - Councillor Jewitt " Clinton..Fair Board - Councillors Jewitt and Buffinga - Business Improvement Association - Coun- cillors Cochrane and Buffinga. local Architectural Conservation' Advisory Committee - Councillor Holmes Committees meet on a monthly. basis and report back to full council regularly. CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4,1985 Page 5 winimagamisisimaansammume LONGI THE LOSTS YLE CONQUEST PRESTIGE® Day &. Date Water-resistant* Quartz Accuracy. High -Tech Styling. Swiss, of course! Pre•,uge 1.1121301) Sieei and gold tone • r,niDinalron JVhilet dab dale dial Sweep hand }n ,.it, a re•..slant sapt'lhue crySlal '•V,111•1 reii,Ianl lc, loo feet $ .,r,n,1rdddt)IP,n:.n'Fjur,SIr,E11 rnlh ,1 1 b,nt1 links df it yrr:, r1id) or all it,1) Runt; mit] gill or .unite 0,11 Janelle Dykstra, two -and -a -half years had no problem choosing her favorite item for sale at the Clinton' Christian Reforme hurch bazaar. The white. rocking horse easily won Janelle's favor, as did the free hags of popcorn. The church bazaar was held on November 29. (Shelley McPhee' photo) ti ,7 JUST DROP IN �) OUR OFF TO 53 AL BERT TRT OOK AFTER CLINTON SET WE'LL EVERT HIN HI NG i 52Wa, To Say Me Christ To That Lucky Someone On our Llst... If you seek a gift for some friend or , relative who has almost everything why not select a gift that wil throughout the year remind them of your thoughfulnnr, ; • Or. if you are having trouble in making a decision. why not pick a gift that renews itself 52 times a year It's easyall you have to do is GIVE A YEAR SUBSCRIPTION to the Clinton News R0,orri A special gift card is sent to the recipient to announce your gift and throughout the year they will hove cause to remember you for your thoughtfulness Give a year s subscription to the Clinton News Record A great gift idea and .t s only $21.00 Senior Citizen $18.00 1•1)111111.1 11P. 111111,1 u nt'E.11, MEMBER AMERICAN STETT JEWELLERS 8 Albert St. CLINTON 284 Main St. EXETER 28 Main St. South SEAFORTH 135 Queen St. East ST. MARYS 203 Durham St. E. WALKERTON CR) GEM SOCIETY THE PLANNING ACT NOTICE OF THE PASSING OF A ZONING BY-LAW BY THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Stanley has passed By-law 22-1965 on the 26th day of November, 1965. under Section 34 of The Plan- ning Act. 1913. And take notice that any person or agency may appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board in respect of the by-law by filing with the Clerk of the Township of Stanley. not later than the 3rd day of January 1966, a notice of appeal setting out the oblection to the by-law and the reasons In support of the oblection. An explanation of the purpose and effect of the by-law, describing the lands to which the by-law applies, and Key Maps showing the location of the lands to which the by- law. applies is provided below. The complete by-law Is available for Inspection at the Township Office during regular office hours. DATED at the Township of Stanley this 26th day of November. 1965. MR. Melvin Graham Clerk -Treasurer Township of Stanley R.R. No. 1 VARNA, Ontario NOM 2R0 Phone: 519-462-7907 The explanation and purpose of this by-law 1s to regulate the use of lands and the character., location, and use of buildings and structures, and to prohibit certain bulidings and structures In various defined areas of the Township of Stanley. The zoning by-law Implements the Stanley Township Secondary Plan and provides for specific land use regulations to ensure that the policies of the Secondary Plan are realized. A summary of the contents of the by-law aro as follows: Section 1 - presents t re administrative details, a summary table of the Zones, Symbols and Section N era. Section 2 - (Dofin' Ions) - provides terms used for reference, to specify the meaning of th terms sod In the by-law. There aro also diagrams which explain lot and building ter Section 3 - General Provisions - This section applies to all lands In the Township of Stanley. It deals with such Issues as non -complying uses, non -conforming uses, parking requirements, planting strips, etc. Sections 4 through 27 - Land Use Zones - present the various land use zones. It Is In those sections that tho various uses of land are given and the various provisions governing the use of land are presented. Section 28 - Separation Distance Tables - This section Includes the formulas and tables for calculating the minimum separation distances In agricultural areas. Schedule 1'A" = The schedule consists of an index map and t merous detailed key maps which cover the entire Township. On these key maps are found the land use zones which correspond to Sections 4 through 27 of the text of the by-law. This by-law applies to all lands within tho Corporation of thesTownshfp of Stanle as shown on the map below. r6. ; } — . • 1-- " ire • • , 1 . 1. • y/, • 11 10 • 9 .. E • •r 1 • • . TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY ADDITIONAL. INFORMATION: Copies of the by -low have been sent, for information purposes, to all owners of property and tenants In the Township of Stanley, as -Indicated on the latest revised assessment roll.