HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-6-4, Page 30wr. BAOKWA811 OF WAR" ' SIGNIFICANT THING ABOUT THE BUDGET. ' War teaves Behind It Inereased Taxation in a Perinea out Fo•rra, Mixed feelings were aroused in Englead by the new budget - most people appeared to be pleased with tbe reduction of taxation by sOme ,k00,000,000 for the year, axed Mr. Ritchie, the 'Clime°llor of the Ex- chequer, gained a somewhat be- grudged popularity by virtue of his ecotiornies. The r:mediate sense of relief was a source of general sada- faction, But there is one phase of 'the general financial situation that will bear a closer seanniag. As the London Daily Mail points out, the really significant thing about the budget is not the amotzat taken off the taxes, but the amount left on. lorIn 1895-6, the last year of the . 1Liberal Government, the total sum . a. 1:alsed by taxation was $47.5„000, - use $728,000,000. "That is to say, 000, This year it is proposed to with the Boer war over and the country again on a peace.basis, the expenditure has gone to a perman- ently higher level," remarks the New York Evening Post. "Taxes that went up nearly 50 per cent., as a result of the war, are to stay -up about thirty per cent. AFTER Tela1 WAR IS OVER. This phenomenon is perfectly famil- iar in financial history. Taxation does not, after a war, flow back in- to its old channels. As Sir George Coalman Lewis pointed out after the Crimean war, the inevitable ten- , dopey of any war is to leae"e behind it an increase of taxation in a per- manent form. It, is what John Morley has called the 'backwash of war,' "We have had ample experience of It ixi this country. It is not necese sexy to go back to the perioa follow- • ing the Civil war. That was an era of extravagance, in spite of the fact that the country was almost exhausted by the long and fearful struggle. But take a later and fresher proof of the old truth. The Spanish war did for us what the Boer war did for England - I -wised permanently the level of nationex- penditure • and so Of national taxa- tion. "But this is far frone being the worst of it. The financial sequels of war we courd bear better than the *demoralization of public and private life which Yellows in its wake. Na- tional extravagance produces extra- vagance all round. . Let public Bea unce grow lavish and recklees, and you are sure to see people import- ing the same spirit into/ THEIR PRIVATE APFAIRS. There, too, . we perceive ecenomy made the subject of 'sneers, ancl thoueards tossed abott as lightly as: hundreds used to be. A disoeciered or wasteful national eefiaranca is a a esie. sorrowful thing, but the most la- Mentable part of it is the demorali- zatien winch it spreads through the public service and carries into pri- vate life. "A nation is like a ratan. It has to keep itself in hand, restrain its barbaric instincts, and order its life :by rules drawn froxn experience. But War breaks up this habits and lets loose 'dormant passions - just as some men go to pieces when removed from familiar surroundings. The loose temper of war passes front the actual time of strife into subsequent years. Everybody wants to get on rapidly. Every public official hopes to draw one of the ,glittering prizes in the lottery. If he sees his su- periors using their power for selfish ends, if he sees all society filled with a mad ambition to attain wealth, eta no matter by -what means, he is -!apowerfully tempted to use his own office for political advantage and !or private gain." 1.11GHT OFFEND MIL "Well, mum," said the cook, as the entered the parlor with her bun- dle in her hand, "I must be after gain' away this racernina" "What do • you mean? - Why are you going?" asked her astonislhed mistress. "I am gala' to .be married next week.'' "But surely, 13ridget, you won't leave me so Suddenly! You meet ask bine to wait for a taw dsers." "Oh, 1 eouldn't,, tauare'4 "Why not, pray?" "Sure, MU.122 , I'd like to oblige you, but, I don't feel well enough acquainted witja him to ask aim ouch a thing," fi ARRANGED BY WIND. In Sumatra the wind decides the length of time a widow should re- main single. Just after her hus- band's death she plants a flagstaff at her door, upon which a flag is • raised. While the flag remains un - torn by the wind the etiquette of Sumatra forbids her to marry ; but at the nrst rent, however tiny, she can lay aside her Weeds, assume her . most bewitching smile, and accept the first man NV,110 presents himself. AN AWFUL MOMANT. ae It ha.ppened in a little chuech where the motive power for the or- gan comes from the strong arms of an industrious Irishmen. At a recent s(rvice the choir got into trouble, and while confusion reigned the organ sulfide/11y stopped. The situation was not relieved when a hoarse voice came from behind the organ and floated out into the audi- torium It Said: "Sing like themder,,• me boy& The bailers is busted!" araDY WARDERS FOR PRISONS. The Ronrnanian Mb -lister of the Interior has recently decided to place prisons for woraen entirely needee the management og women,. A tuegmatieg is to be =HAG with the prison at riataxeshl, and a f it. blg eta!? bile teen salected, e A 'berg all al veep* hiesaly eate- r i. • 4 CQUIrD NOT WAZAto ltoung• Lady Tells the Tortuge , She Suffered From Itheurnatisea. Miee Myrtle Maier, Plia.rtiand, Is one of the thoueancle who 4:aere proved that Dr. Pix* /71.1e will dare riamanettleari. Mae fajor sayer. "1 snafered from the trouble for nearly a year; I had the advice of a doctor and teak Ma Medicine, 'but it slid not help me, The trouble was lo'cate'd chiefly in my ankles, and the pain 1 suflarecl at times wee intense. .As a matter of fact at eimes I was quite unable to walk across the room, and for some six months I was confined to tlya houee. I used liniments and other medicines presoribed for thou" martisna, but they 'did me no good, •Then Kane of my friends urged me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.. I acted on their advice and before 1 h -ad used three 13o.Tes, 1 began to feel better. I took nine boxes of the pills altogether, and before I finish- ed the last box not a trace of the trouble remair.ed. It is now newly two years since I took the pills and as there has not been a symptom of the, trouble since it proves that the pills make permanent cares." Rheuenetiren is a 'clisettee of the blood and c•an only be cured by ereating it through the blood, That 'is wily Dr. Williams' Pink Pills al- ways cure this trouble. Good blood males e-vorer organ in the body Strong axed healthy, and as every dose of Dr: Williams' Pink Pills Make pure, rich blood, it follows that they cure such troubles as anae- Satin, neuralgia, indigestion, heart trouble, kidney ailments, erysipelas, the after effects of la aria.pe and fev- ers, etc. They also relieve and cure 'the ailments from which so many Women constantly suffer. See that VOU get the geneine pills with the run name, "Dr, r1l1j,ams Pink Pills for Pale People," on the wrapper eavend every box. Sold by all me- dieine dealers or sent poet paid at 00 cents a.box or six boxes for $2.- 50 by writing the Dr. Williams' Me- dialue Oo Brackville. Ont, NO CHANCE OP DYING. Patient -"Tell me candidly, doe - tor, do you think I'll pull through?" Doctor -"Oh, you are bound to get well. You can't help yourself. The Medical Record shows that out of a hundred cases like yours one recovers invariably." "That's a cheerful prospectn4 "What more do you want ? I've treated ninety-nine cases, and every one of them died. Why, man alive, yoa can't tlie.if you try ! There's n6 humbug 'about statistics 1" Daahaway - "Yo -u don't moan to say she jilted you?" Cleverton -- "She did, old man. That girl has the heart of a motorman." Deafnees Cannot Be Cared by local applications as ' they cannot roach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Dearness is caused by an inflamed eon- dillon of the mucous ening of the Eus- tachian Tube. When this tube is inflam- ed you hove a rumbling sound or im- perfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is the result, and un- Ic.zs the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, bearing will be destroyed for- ever. Nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the raucous ser- vices. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Curo Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & 00., Toledo, C. Sold by Druggists, 75c:. TIALI's Family Villa are the best. It is computed that the average man speaks in the course of a year 11,000,000 words. 4 • BINDER TALIC. A SIMPLE SHEAF OR BUNDLE CARRIER is one of the many good ..features of the MASSEY-EARRIS Binder. You can see by the cut how very: sinaple and light it is. It has great capacity, nevertheless, and is strong and well made. It drops back from uader the sheaves when dumping, without damaging the heads of grain. FOLDING DIVIDERS -Simplest of all. A child can unlatch them and turn them in. Many other manufacturers are trying to copy -this folding de- vice -because it is so good. But ilIASSEY-IIARRIS patents prevent them duplicating it. ...eafa-IE REEL, on the .111ASSEY-HAB, /11S has a splendid range, It will handle short grain, long grain, or badly tangled and laid grain. No' thing escapes it. Remember, it is the MASSEY. XT A DIU& , Fanny - "Tell Inc candidly,. Char- lie, don't you begin to feel sorry that you gave up your old life of freedom'?" Charlie - "Not a bit of St, I find married life so delightful that if anything were to happen to you I'd get married again inside of a month,' --+- "Wanted reliable men," read Mrs. Bascom from the advertising It:ea- unites of the paper. Then he raised her glasses upon her forethead, look- ed severely at her husband, and re- marked, 'And the evorlid'll wait a Censiderable number of ceuturies eat llsefore it gets 'en4,'"A SPXBITITAL DYNAHICS, Encourage Good Deeds, But • Don't Flatter. G-ive a. men a, word of encourage- ment when he US In a particularly hard situation, and ersext at once charge him .wita new merger, Tell men frankly whitt yea like in them es well as what you dislike, -don't flatter, but recommend whatthey do wel • arid you will not only make warna friend, but add greatly to the mental and moral energy . of your en.-vironment. A writer in the Brooklyn Eagle makes these homely but very helpful and suggestive re- marks "A little encouragement is so easy to give and may be so blessed to ree calve, I don't Mean indiscriminate taffy -that is aisgusting. I mean honest encouragement of that which seems good. Most of us are free enough with our adverse criticisms, especially of persons who occupy places in the public eye, but we seldom take the trouble to pet these persons on the back even for those things of which NVO 111()St heartily ap- prove, If an author or an editor offends Siren by the smallest slip of the pen we are ready enough to pounce on him, but he may please us till the cows come home without ex- citing no to tell him that we are pleased. "I once asked Prof. William Earl Brown, of whom ramperti says,there is no better vocal instructor, how he managed to make so many good voices from. apparently impossible material. wrb,, said he with that quiet Modesty which marks all simple greatness, the pupils do most of it themselves. I merely stand by arid tell them they do a thing well. That encourages them to do other things well, and by and by their errors are crowded out by multiplied perfec- tions.' " THOUSANDS OF MOTHERS,, Recorranead Baby's Own Tablets. "I would not be without them " is a very familiar sentence in their let- ters to us. The Tablets get this praise simply because no other mein - case has ever done so lruch in re- lieving and curing the minor ills of infants and young cbildren. Mrs, Levi Perry, Roseway, N. S. says: I take great pleasure in recommeneirtg Baby's Own Tablets for colie and constipation. I have never found anything to equal them for thtize troubles." Besides curing coin:, constipation and indigestion, Baby's Own Tablets prevent croup, break up colds, cxpel worme, allay the irritation accompanying tha cut- ting of teeth, sweeten the stornac'ji and promote bealth-giving sleep. Guaranteyd. to contain neither • ates nor other harmful drugs. Sold 'at 25 cents a bbx by all druggists or may be had by. writing the Dr. '4Williturte' Medicine Co., lirecnaeltle, Gat. • Little Boy - "Well, that's the queerest thing I ever saw." Mo- ther - "What is?" Little Boy -"I just saw our school teacher at the corner of the street a-laughieS just like other people!" Bridesmaid -"I hope you will be happy, my dear." Bride -"Oh, I am sure we will. You see, his mother died when he was very young, and he doesn't remember anything about her cooking." hInurd's Mom Cures Camel In Cows. DRAGGED DOWN BY A SHIP. How It Feels to Be Sucked Under by a Foun.derea Steamer. In the Edinburgh Medical Journal James A. Lawson gives an interest- ing description of his thrilling ex- perience when he was dragged under 'water by a sinking ship. When he • was far down in the swirling waters he:struck out for the surface, but only went further down. This • ex- ertion Was a serious waste of breath,. and after what appearedto be ten er fifteen seconds 'the'efilOrt-of inspire ation could no longer be restrained, and pressure of the chest began to develop.. et The most striking thing he re- memlbered was the great pain in the chest, which increased at every er- rord of expiration, and inspiration. It seemed as if he were in a vise, which was gradually being screwed up, until it felt as if the sternum and spinal COIUDID . must break. The "gulping" process became more fre- quent for about ten efforts and hope was then extinguished. The pressure after these gulps seemed unbearable, but gradually the pain seemecl to ease up, as the carbonic acid was accumulating in the blood. At the same time the efforts at inspiration, with their ac- companying gulps of water, occurred at longer and longer intervals,. The writer's mental condition was then such that he appeared to be in a pleasant dream, but still had en- ough will power to think of friends at home; etc. Before finally losing consciousness the chest pain had completely disappeared, and sense, - tion was actually pleasant. -When consciousness returned he founhim- self on the surface of the water (probably from the action of the life boat), and finally managed to reach shore. Unless the soap you use has this brand you are not getting the best disk far the Octagon Har. 241 1.14111ICIPICAVOAVAACALInall.....11,211.111/4.1 eaeraeriele epee:awe a DAIRY1 1W1:103,001%4 A FULL COURSE BY MAIL, ineludlog Moine Dairy, Mils 'resting, Dairy ChemIstrY, Dahl' BaoterleloSY. Also STOOK RAISING judging, lireeding, Feeding and Management of Cathie, toter') and Swine. Ask for full Inattentive of these and other courses -Agri'. Science Dept Canadian Correspondence College, TORONTO, ONT. lif-1,;:q9702PR7s,, FLIMPOISC'lnaZDP41,===rPHOMM.,, -ra •We, TELEPHONING TO DOGS. A French tourist relates that some time ago he set out to cross St, Bernard's Pass by himself, and got caught in the fog near the top. He sat on a rock and waited for one of the dogs to come and atteed to him, but in vain, and when the fog cleared away he aumaged to reach the Hos- pice. On arrival he 'observed that be thought the dog a rather overrat- ed a.nimel. "'Plana I was," he said, "for at least six hours, and not one came near inc." "But why," exclaimed one of the monks, "did you not ring us up on the telephone ?" To the astonished tourist it was explained that the whole of the pass Is provided with shelters at short distances from each other, all in direct telephonic communication with the Hospice. When the bell rings the monks send off a hound loaded with bread and wine and other comforts. The dog on duty is told what 'number has rung, and he gees straight to that shelter. This system SaVISS the hounds their old duty of paerolling the pass on the chance of a stray traveller being' 'found, and as the pass is for about eight months of the year under snow this entailed very hard and often fruitless labor. Minard's Liniment Cures .11lphikeria, An old Scotch farmer, being elect- ed a member of, the school board, visited the school and tested the in- telligence of the class by his ques- tions.' His first inquiry was: "Noo, boys, can ony o' you tell nee . what •'naething' is?" After a moratert's silence a small boy in a back ,seat arose and replied: "It's what ye gb nie t'other "elay for haudin' yer horse!" The poPulation of Sweden is 5,- 150,000, or almost identical with that of London, Minard's Liniment Cures Oistemper, Out of 757,000 strangers living in the Germaa Empire 18,000 are Am- ericans. at the Heart. Let It be Grip, alarla Fever or what not, al- ways strike at the Heart to protect it, to strengthen it, to cure it, and you baffle every other ailment. Dr. Agnew's Heart Cure liuts new vigor into every heart, and ninety-nine out of a hundred need for that percentage are sick. Having put that machine in good working order, it has guaranteed the whole system against sickness. Every organ is soon sound. It a1. ways relieves in 80 minutes. MRS. EZRA DUGRAHAM, Temple, N.11.0 Canada, wiites "Have had heart trouble fot years ; would have it as often as three times weok, sometimes lasting twer4-four hems. Was persuaded to give Dr. Agnew's Heart Oar it trial, which I did, with the greatest results. 11 turely is a peerless remedy,. and would advise telly one who has heart trouble to tty it." DR. AGNEW'S OINTMENT. He who would be free from piles and skis eurptions must use this cure, whioh routs then out at once and for all time. The detest, quickest cure. because compounded en correct principles. Fiercest foe of hell! Lin diseases. Price, 2.5 cents. tet Old Oadhley (handing his son a cheque) - "Now, be careful, Char- ley; remember, 'A fool and Ids money are soon parted.' Charley - "Yes, sir; and thank yoo for oblige Ing me so promptly." N4.11 414$4 Just the Same as 4vett. bs . INFO.,,A1).1ifiti,Ar-4111,FT`4,t 'continues to he the sure cure et Waives 23ta, tat ,Fralf Ms -Vs t --f A MILLET IN His EtwART, The surgeons at Iteipzig hOetpital have been treating a young man who Wii,S brought to therd with a bullet in his heart. The bullet, however, caused no bleeding, and did not injure the heart in a vital part, for, after twelve honrs the pea tient recovered and reumined well for three weeks. Then dangerous syrinx -toms appeared, and an exami- nation with Rontgen rays showed that the bullet was being tossed about inside the beart like it ball bouncing off the sides of it room, After eix months, however, tbe bul- let became imbedded firmly in the flesh of the heart, and once settled in an imxnovable position the pa- tient's condition rapidly improved fax the better. The youag lama has now left the hospital, and the doc- teas believe that the bullet in ais heart will give hina no further troll - STONE SLABS FOR MONEY. The representative of a hardware arra, seeking the other day to estab- lish a trading connection in Yap, one of the isiancls in the Caroline group, found himself unable to trade owing to the extraordinary currency of the natives. The only money they use is a huge flint or limestone slab, varying from the size of a 1 dinner plate te that of a. cart wheel. WALKED LIKE AN OLD El ITOSEPIE HAMEL SUFFERED LONG BEFORE TrS1 USED DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS Hai Lost All Mis Energy and Was Discouraged. - The Great Kidney Remedy Cured Him Completely. Nicolet, Que., May 11, (Special) -Of the many people in this neigh- borhood who have been brought back to health and strength through the use of Dodd's Kidney Pills few are in a better position to give tlae pub- lic the benefit of their experience than Joseph Hamel. He knows both. sides of the question -the suffering and the relief. "I suffered from Kidney Disease for three or four years," says Mr. Hamel. "For two years I would take two or three days off work a week. I was .continually sick and forced to walk like an old man. I nest all my energy and becaxae dis- couraged. energy and became discouraged, "After trying a lot Of. xnedicines that only gave relief for a while I Was fortunate enoug-h to try Dodd's Kidney Pills. After aging three boxes I was completely cured." Mr. Hamel is enthusiastic in .his praises of Dodd's ICidney Pills and there.is not the slightest doubt of • the correctness of his statement as dozens of people can testify to his illness' and cure. POPULATION'S INCREASE. In the last thirty years the popu- lation of Germany has increased 40 per cent.•' Great Britain has in- ereased 30per cent.; that of France, 2 'per cent.; that of the United States, 100 per cent. -00-er,woovWccissoasw"Iommlw°` atINARD'S LINIMENT is the °lily Liniment asked for at my store and the only one we keep for sale. All the people praise it. HARLIN FULTON. Pleasant Bay, C.Be IP'•*•••6111•0161.1Q11.••FOT00010.• In the Bay of Apia, in Samoa, a surveying party has discovered 453 distinct species of fish. Lever's Y.& (Wise Head) Disinfect - era Soap Powder is better than bther powders, as it is both soap and disinfectant. The proprietor of a beer tavern in Berlin has a largo signboard before his door bearing the inscription: "Anyone who -gets drunk in my tavern can, if he desires it, be con- ducted home safely by one of my men servants free of charge." Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc, "See here," cried the customer,. "this here suit's too tight for me." "Vell, my friendt " replied the misfit dealer,. "pefore 1 vould let you lose so great a pargain I will t'row in a bottle of anti -fat mit it." For OUP Sixty Years. As OLD AND WXLL-TRIVD ItEMEDX. — Mrs VVinalow's SoothingSyrup has been used for over sixty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect succese. It soothes the child. softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind collo, and le the best remedy for Diarrhceit. Is pleasant to the taste, Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twonty.lireoents a bottle. /is value 15 incalculable. Bo aura and ask for Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup and take no other kind. _ 23-74 Dominion Line Steamships Montreal to LiverpooL Boston to Livor - pool. Portland to Liverpool. Via Queens- town. Large and East Steamships. Superior accommodation for all dames of passengers. Saloons and Staterooms are einidiships. Special attention has been given to the Second Saloon and Third.Olass accomnaodation. For rateeof passage and all partieulars, apply to any tient of the Company, or litiebards, lifills is Co, // Torrance &Ca. 91 State St., Roston. Montreal and Portland. 9-60 FOOTLESS MEN. A footless race of men is said to have been discovered in New ,c4uinea. They live in the midst of bakes, moving about on little canoes and possessing a few cabins built on wood piles. Their feet are so undeveloped an to be practically use - les for walking, 22-03 Most ecru hanalinif tzacoust ft i$ hermetically 'etied in Ce71ors and again seaied in' Read paclieta in Canada. An aristocratic tea at a moderate price. B144, Mixed. Ceylon Green. Ask for Red Labe/. IFOSLTY CENTS-SSIESantalaD 13X Fararir titanimitammusexamit t -t 1•••••••••••••• Good Paint not only beautifies but protects and preserves. Ramsay's Paiute bave ancy and dnra,bility which make them the most economical to use. Ramsay's Paints are good Paints. Write us, mentioning tide paper, for book/et ahowfug how 80311C 'beautiful horuea are painted with our paints. A. RAMSAY &60N, ealN7 mantis, MONTREAL. Beta. 1042. 'THE R 161-4T PAI NT asiatentlibreareee'' 14-26 PILLS AND OINTMENT should be in r EVERY CANA "IAN HOUSEHOLD. le .4).°14714 a? PILL: 5330:KRIM ST erse • REDUCED COPIES OF GENUINE LABELS. Pill :-Black on Green, 0Intraent:-Brown and_ Green Oil White, HOLLOWAY'S PILLS are of immense value to the weak and ailing. Although thoroughly searching, their action is so gentle that delicate persons need have no hesitation in taking them; indeed, they should never be without it supply. The Pills give speedy relief in cases • of Headache, Biliousness, Nausea, Dizziness and Trembling Sensations. I 1 Females will find them highly efficacious. 'MOVeS-7.4.0445.". Vael.A,ZOLL,r:ftr4:- ..1(417.4."'Wre" HOLLOWAY'S OINTWENT IS pre-eminently a household remedy; once used it is sure to have a permanent place in the family medicine cupboard. It quickly allays inflammation and, irritation, and is in the highest degree soothing and healing. Apply it to Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Wounds, Soils,. Abscesses, &c. It also reliever and cures Bronchitis, Asthma, Sore Throat, Quinsy, and other affections of the Throat &Chest, 47,Zt0ia5 ±, 13-33 Delicious Sum er Luncheons In hot weather things must look and taste just right, What more dainty and tempting than Libby's Melrose Pate a delicately seasoned combination of Game, Ham and Tongue; or more appetizing for supper or breakfast than Libby's Corned Beef Hash? Libey's Home-made Pork and Benne are like all of Ubby's (Natural Flavor) Food Products, cooked ready to serve. Put up in convenient key -opening cans. Frizz -the booklet "How to Make Good Things to Eat." Send five 2o atarape for Libby's big Atlas of the World. Libby, McNeill St Libby Chicago CLEANING WALKING OUTING I 0 SUITS Can bo done perfectly by our Drench Process. Try it DERTISH AMERICAN DYEING CO. MONTREAL, TORONTO, OTTAWA & QUEBEC, 1-44 LADIES' ,,Latest Novelties, all styles. Correspondence invited, En. close 2c stamp for circular. rin UNIVERSAL SPECIALTY CO., P.O. Box 1142, Montreal. etarad;- "Henry, why do you sanoke con- tinually,. from morning until night'?" "It's the only time I get. I sleep from night till morning." Page Woven Wire Fence with its connate= coil (not crimped) is tee best stoek-holding farce mato. Page No. 7wire standa a 3,000poun de" strain -comma NO. Y wire only1,703 pounds. CkaniTUDI wird 'will not toil -it etraiglatens out esein--it hasn't a spring temper -Fago wire has. The Faze leftre Ponce Co., Limited, Ursitcorville, Out, , nto troal, , and St. 1 ORANGES I LEMONS We have Mexicans, WE California Navels, HAVE Valencias, and THE Sevilles. BEST iat..1V-itkariir.12A-M Carload every week. All the above at market prices. We can also handle your -.Butter, Eggsc Pdultry, Maple Syrup and other produce to advan. tage for you. ftlE DAWSON COMMISSION CO„ Oor. West market et., TOMONTO. 45 esereer leak carassamotal Ara soca Steenn.¢111116116611111116 0 UR Savings Department affords unexeel ed fa- cilities for depositing erne sums where they will bear interest and cause you no anxiety. You can open an account with one dollar which %All bear interest at 31. PER CENT. Enquire about it. 1 metamixercosonawam, roosewastm=amsanamemsasmaccOn THE CANADA PERMANENT AND WESTERN CANADA Mortgage Corporation, Toronto Street, - TORONTO i==leffeEDSEEM eareeeetarreeiteeis earn Permanently cured by our entirely new and common senso method. oure guaranteed lf inetruettono aro followed. Weiteat once for particulars, Tho Bolt and Truss Man'fg Co., 433 SPADiNA AYE.. TORONTO. Mistress -- "What wages do you geeerally receive?" Applicant -- "Sure, mum, an' I've uever stayed long enough to find out."