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Clinton News-Record, 1985-11-27, Page 47
rowave Nee s Buying a microwave oven can be a frustrating ex- perience, as most first-time buyers don't know enough about this appliance to deter- mine where they will find the best value for their money -- never mind which make or model is right for their needs. When it comes to buying a microwave oven, a knowledgeable dealer plays an especially important role -- and the retailer should be chosen as carefully as the oven itself. Micro Cooking Centres, Canada's largest chain of microwave specialty stores, advises consumers to check out the following points e deciding where to buy. •Are microwave ovens the dealer's single specialty, or does he stock them because they come from the manufac- turer whose line of stoves, washers, and refrigerators he carries.? — What criteria does the dealer use in choosing which microwave ovens he will stock? -- Do the sales people ac- tually know how to cook with a microwave oven? -- Does he offer an extend- ed warranty of his own, in ad- dition to the manufacturer's? -- Is a cooking class provid- ed when you buy an oven? Is it free of charge? -- Will the dealer refund your money if, after using your microwave oven for a certain predetermined period of time, you're not complete- ly happy with it? -- What kind of experience MAGNETIC SEAL INTERIOR STORM WINDOWS ARE UNBEATABLE.-. •Infiltration Savings •Approved lire • Heat Conduction response Savings 0 lightweight *Air Conditioning Eany Maintenance Savings O Rapid Installation • Noise Reduction * 10.Year Warranty • Higher Impact Resistance than' glass GEORGE HARRISON St. Marys 28.4-2435 Den -Way Ltd. London (519) 673-0194 Regional Yalu Spotter, November 27, 1985 Page 21 nowledaeabie Dealer .0 after -sale support does the dealer provide? (Answering questions, or helping you con- vert your favorite conven- tional recipes for microwav- ing, for example.) -- Will the dealer lend you an oven if your unit requires factory service at any time? At Micro Cooking Centres stores, the only appliances sold are microwave ovens. And the only microwave ovens they sell are those they have tested themselves and which meet MCC's high stan- dards of usability. President, Alan Perlmut- ter, is so confident of the ovens his stores sell that if you are not happy with yours after using it for a month, the company will buy it back from you. And in addition to the regular manufacturer's two-year warranty, MCC of- fers a further three-year ex- tended warranty, covering in- home service,labor, and parts, for the surprisingly low price of $39.95. Another extended benefit offered to Micro Cooking Cen- tres customers is an on -loan unit, provided at no charge in the event a customer's own oven should at any time re- quire factory service. Micro Cooking Centres also offers consumers best value Watch for • our next issue of REGIONAL VALUE SPOTTER December 11..] pricing because, as the coun- try's largest microwave oven store, its buying capability also is large. Customers who buy at Micro Cooking Centre§ are entitled to a free microwave cooking class, given by the company's own experienced personnel. Besides being thoroughly knowledgeable about the microwave ovens they sell, MCC staff have to be able to cook with them too. They gain their practical ex- perience with the various models by using them at home for their own family meals. This enables them to relate the benefits of microwave cooking to the problems and needs of to- day's busy families where, m many cases, both partners work outside the home. Support dces not end with the cooking class. It is an ongoing process, and Micro Cooking Centres staff will continue to help their customers and answer their questions. Their motto is: "We guarantee you'll love your microwave oven, or we'll buy it back." Knowledgeable consumers place a high value on this kind of total service, and MCC stores report that 50 percent of their sales come from customer referrals. So choose your dealer carefully if you want to make certain you bring home the right microwave oven • Come to the Store • Phone qnd we'll mail OUR CHRISTMAS CATALOGUE Now Available 247 Dtandns, London 438-2541 N6A 1H1 S .clots Spectacular $eason's P Quality DIGITAL microwaves from Panasonic eev4. 017 0. , OO Quasar Mato MRRRRNry ro col F9.r mfg Ifou ns keeping": ping ,410t oR RUM lr 00"6 $349 Convection micro ovens from $799. OUR GUARANTEE 230 day full money back lJ Professional service Ri FREE Microwave class DPhil knowingly undersold kJ FREE loaners © Exclusive extended 0 FREE cookbook warranties Se, us today and start micro cooking tonight. 30 DAY FREE HOME. TRIAL, Canada's Largest Microwave Specialists Over 40 locations to serve you better. )' MASONVILLE MALL WESTMOUNT MALL WHITE OAKS MALL 667-2999 472-6399 686-1270 London London London