HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-5-28, Page 8meal
A FEW SPECIALS for the warm weather. In Color-
t cd. Dress Muslins and Voile Effects _ we show a
range than is like hard boiled eggs, "Very- hard to 'beat."
0c. the yard for •.a nice range of Dimity Cord Yarn Dyed
Muslins, in pinks, blues, navys, and iinen shades,
1,0c the yard for a lovely lot of floral effects in'•New Muslins
in greens, greys, pinks, blues, mauves and black: and
white effects
12a the yard for a small lot of new colored fancy effects
and black and white Muslins.
14o the yard for some effect
new Linen and Parisffec
1n Muslins.
1.00 the yard for your choice of a beautiful lot' of ROW ideas
in gowns, Muslins and Dimities. Ask to see the 20c
line, you'll like them,
25c the yard, Our big leading .line of new, Fancy Voille
effects in Muslins. They're just as pretty as' can be.
20c for the•new Linen Voille for Waists orDresses, not
shown by any other house in town. They're pretty.
33c for the new Drawn Ribbon Effect Voiles, Sweet for
Waists and Dresses.
EXETER 'TI.M�'r'iS, MAY28t1, 1003.
t r ese
1'2-,e 15c, 20c and 25e for a Lovely range of fancy Black
Muslins. Correct for warm weather,
7Se the pair. Your choice of Fifty
Pair Ladies' Kid Oxforra Shoes in tans,
chocolates tend blacks, last year's
•styles. regular values 1.23 to $1,75 the
« pair. •Onr big clearing bargain price
tardy 75c. the pair.
S2.25 the Pak
Men's King Quality Willow Calf Lace
Boots, new shapes, $3,50 quality, Tan
color. Our big bargain cleariug price
now $2.25.
. A. small log of Boys' Fancy Colored Shirt Waists, with
separate or. attached collars. Very correct for summer
wear. 503 aid 05e, See the m.
�fC CR8I STE •
J. f. TaE iNfART
A Dollar is not Much
But it will start a Savings Account with us, 'Start one, it
will be useful some day.
BRflNGHES in Huron Gounth at Fxetar, Grediton, Zurich
aril G(inton.
We offer exceptional inducements to farmers wanting . to
borrow money to buy cattle, etc .
The Sovereign Bank of Canada
Solicitors. Manager Exeter Branch.
For @ a riage Licenses,
WccIdirig Rinses,
Watches, Clocks '
_ Jewelry,
Spectacles Etc
Watch Repairing a Specialty.
The copy for changes must be left
not later than Tuesday noon. Casual
advestisements accepted up to noon
Wednesday of each week. •
Mrs. J. Miller is visiting friends- in
Mrs, Jas. Walters spent the holidays
at Toronto,
Miss K. 'McFaul visited friends in
Seaforth this week.
Miss Nettie ' Walters is visiting
friends at Wingham. -
Mr. F. Oke, of Toronto, visited Mrs.
Thos. Clark this week.
Mrs. E. 9.. Follick is spending a few
weeks at Grand Bend.
Miss Pringle visited at her home in
Stafia during the holidays
Mrs. Alf Sheere spent 24th with her
son Garfield in Brantford,
Mr. W. Davidson of London open t
24th with his family here.
Miss Lydia Oke of Seaforth is spend-
; a few days at her home here.
Dr. Silk of London was the guest of
Miss ,Gertie Hicks on Monday last.
IMiss M, Welsh of London spent her
holidays at her home Huron street.
Mr, and Mrs.Prodger of Landon, are
visiting relatives and friends in town,
Mr. R. N.Knight isspending a week
in St.Thomas the guest of his brother
Mrs, D: Johns n sant the' holidays
with her father, Mr. Whiwster, of St.
Rev. Geo. Jackson of London spent
Monday the guest of Dr. and Mrs,
Miss Ella Rollins spent a few days
of last wee$ the guest of her uncle in
Mr. Nelson Fisher of Toronto, spent'
Mouday in town the guest of Mrs. S.
'Mr. and Mrs. Inwood of London
spent the 2/th with the latter's+ aunt,
Mrs. S. Sanders.
Mrs. Ed Treble and son Leon spent
a few days of last week.. with friends
in CTandeboye.
Mr. R. Reid teacher of Summerhill
visited at air. J. E, Dignan's during
the holidays.
Mr. J. E. Dignan of London spent a
couple of days with his family during
the holidays,
Several barns were unroofed near
Mitchell, from the effect of Wednes•
day nights storm.
Mr. Wilson Swenerton, of Manitoba
formerly' of Exeter, called on friends
here on Wednesday.
Mr T. H. McCallum attended the
funeral of his sister-in-law, at Pal-
merston, on Monday.
c.J. T.OFIfN3
Market Store
Keeps on hand a Fresh Supply of C oceriea, Dry
Goods, Boots and Shoes,&c., making a speci-
alty of Staple Goods and Every Day ecessities,
Our Prices are very Low
our GooLTis are Qoo ouaiitiu
TEA.—Extra value in 25c Tea, green and black.
Give ams a Call
'Sea I s k+ 'I' P..tiTOSS'
Farm Produce , .
air lxt,o taketx at Highest Prices,
For young pigs and calves nothing
equals English Stock Food, give it a
trial,. sold by 0. Lutz.
111r. Harry Browning has returned
I •me from Trinity Medical College
f r the summer vacation.
Rev. and. Mrs. Wickett, of London
spenta few days t
of last work the
guest of Mrs. 3, Manning.
Miss B. Robinson of Blyth and Miss
L. Robinson of Aubtr n el.. ut the ho --
days under the pureuoal roof.
Mrs. Geo. Bissett and Willie were
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Down
of London during the past week,
The Evangelist Miss Morton will
preach in Jatnes street Meth. church
on Sunday evening next at the usual
hour. •
""Tor lame hack or derangements. of
the kidneys use Dix kidney pills,
twenty-dve_cents a box, sold by 0.
Before purchasing do not fail to
call and inspect our fine collection of
Crystal and Fancy China.
Base Ball Supplies away down in
Fishing Fickle, Rods,Reels,Hooks
etc., very cheap.
Provide yourself with one of our Ham-
mocks fox comfort during the summer
Levetts Old Stand.
Mr. and Mrs. cxoldby of London,
were iu Exeter this week attending
the funeral of Mrs, Goldby's brother,
E. Vale.
Walter Herbert and Miss C. Her-
bert of London spent the forepart of
this week with their grandfather,
Exeter North.
WooL—Wool-12000 lbs. wool wan-
anted at the Exeter woolleL mills either
washed or unwashed. Highest cash
price paid.—Muia & Co,
During hot weather do you suffer
from burning, tired, sore or perspiring
feet, if so use foot ease, it will give
you relief, sold by C. LuTz.
Mr. H. N. A. Dignan inspector of.
Telephones for the Harriston district
spent a couple of days visiting his par-
ents and friends in town.
Miss Wiggins and Miss Stewart who
have been visiting with Mrs. P. Gard-
iner for a few days returned to their
home in Goderich on Monday.
Wedding Bells will ring • in our
midst in the leafy month of June and
we understand some of Exeter's fair
maideu's will leave for other places.
Mrs. W. Gundy and two children of
Chatham were the guests of Mrs. Gun
dy's sister Mrs, R, E. Pickard for the
21th returning to their home Tuesday.
Mrs. Burnett of Toronto and Mrs.
Braun of New York enjoyed a pleas-
ant visit with their sister, Mrs. T. B
Carling during the week leaving Mo
day evening.
Miss Kathleen Morton of Toron
spending a few weeks in the town
guest of Mrs. S, Fitton. Miss Morton
many friends here are delighted at
seeing her again.
Any person wishing to have their'
cemetery lots clipped or lawn mowed
canmake the necessary r
y .trrangements
by,applying to the caretaker of the
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet
All druggists refund the money if •
fails to cure. E. LV. Grove's signetu
s op each box. 25c.
Twenty thousand Tomato Plants
16,000 Cabbage, Cauliflower, Celery,
Brus-eil Sprouts, x'epper, Stocks, As-
ters, Lettuce and all kinds of late cab-
tiage,—L. DAY, Gardener, Exeter.
On and after the 25th inst. (Viatdria
Day) the rate of postage on letters
forwarded from Canada to the Com-
monwealth of Australia will he the
inter -imperial rate, namely, 2 cents
per half ounce.
Miss Pattersop•of Auburn, who was
a guest of the Misses Robinson last
week delighted the cougregation in
Main street church on Sunday even-
ing hy the rendering of a beautiful
solo entitled "In Heavenly Love Abid-
ing". e
Mr. and Mrs. R Samuel enjoyed.the
holiday at Whitechurch where they
spent the day in trout fishing.—To say
they made a successful catchthe editor
thanks Mrs. Simnel for a generoua
supply of the finny tribe which were
most delicious.
Dr. Ovens, of London, Surgeon, Ocu
list and specia.listof diseases eye, ear-•
nose and throat will be at the Com-
mercial Hotel. Exeter, on Wednesday -
June, 3rd, 1903. Spectacles and eye
glasses properlyfitted Next visit
willa Wednesday, av Juner
3 d.
Rev. Mr. Cooper of Elimville preach-
ed both morning and evening in Main
street church last Sunday. The ser-
vices of James street church being
taken by Miss K. Morton,evangelistof
Toronto. Rev. Dr. Hannon preaching
on the Kippen circuit.
It has been officially announced that
the term of his Excellency the Earl of
Minto as Governor General of Canada
has been extended for another year.
The Governor General is appointed for
a term of years, so that Lord Minto's
tenure of the office would expire in
November next. Under the new dis-
pensation he will remain in Canada as
his Majesty's representative until
November 1904.
The London Conference of the
Methodist chnrch will meet at Witig-
ham on Tuesday next June 2nd at `L
p. m• Rev, R. Millyard as a delegate
to the stationing committee will leave
here on Monday morning, that com-
mittee meeting in session nn Monday
evening. Messrs Huston, Harvey and
Jon. Essery go as lay delegates from
Exeter. The Secretary failed to send
its a list of the names of the lay dele-
;rates from the several other appoint-
Dr. J", A. McCallum and hire,' Mc-
Callum of aolutnbtts Ohio h we been
lNhitowodr, ` hitowoar
IS WEEK we are going to offer some snaps in
:Ladies' White Wear, Suits, Skirts, Drawers and
Corset Covers, good quality, all going at a' sacrifice.
We have a few Ladies' White Suits Ladies' White Skirts, made of good
made of good cotton, well made and soft cotton. with sleep flounce of . erni-
nicely trimmed. Now is your chance. broidery and ten row of tucking, very
They roust go at a price. special at $1.25.
Ladies' White Drawers, some trim- Ladies' White Skirts made of nice
med with lace and some with embroid- fine Cotton, trimmed with insertion,
ery and tucking, from 25c to 60c. • , embroidery and tucking, special $1.75.
Ladies' Corset' Cover trimmed with Embroidery and Inser-
sertion, nice fine quality, 25c, 35c, 50c.
Ladies' fine Lawn Waists, some We have a very fnll•range of Farcy
medallion triMmed, some trimmed Muslins and Dimities, whicli are in -
with embroidery insertion and tuck- deed clearing at grewly reduced prices
ing. They are going at $1 and $L25. Now is your time to buy.
Ladies' Black Cashmere Hose, pure wool, seamless foot, a
Big Bargain at 2:3c, our price 20c.$
We have a lot of Ladies' Parasols, • We mention one very
special line at $1.25.
Boys' Shirt Waists in very neat stripe, fast colors, very
pretty and the newest thing for boys, only '75c.
We take all kind of Farm Produce same as cash, A big
stock of Groceries always on hand.
spending a few days with the latter's
mother. Mrs. Matlock and also with
friends in Dashwood. J. A. has but
recently graduated from . the Ohio
Medical University of Columbus and
has purchased the Dental practise of
Dr. Agnew of Orestline, Ohio a town
of about 5000 population in a good
railway centre, Dr. McCallum is an
old Exeter boy and we are pleased to
note his success and ambition in his
chosen profession. His brother Mr.
Duncan McCallum is also situated in
Orestline and enjoys a good medical
WANTED — Girls, highest wagaes,
steady employment, also boys,,e.nd
young men. Apply at Mc0onafxoK s
WANTED. — Good general servant
for family of two. Pleasant surround-
ings. Write at once, MRs. A. A..
CAMPBELL, 425 William St. London,
ces wanted to learn dressmaking
apply at once to Miss Treble next door
south to Me. R. li, Sweet's harness
oe Store.
to gereral word:, and who want to
learn stove plate. Apply giving ex-
perience, references, etc.—The Gurney
Iioundry Oo, Limited, Toronto.
GGS FOR HATCHING. — For sale,,
ph . •,bred Buff Leghorn eggs, non -set-
ters, per sitting 50c., also good early
seed potatoes, thoroughly tested nur-
>eery stock, 5c. per pound. S. POwEL
WANTED. — Moulders Improvers.
Young men who have had experience,
and want to attain greater experience
over a larger range of work, princi-
pally stove plate.—The Gurney Foun-
dry Co., Limited, Toronto.
We have not advanced the price of
r tobacco. Amber smoking tobacco -
ohs, Currency and Fair Play chew,
ing tobaccos r.rethe same size and
price to the Consumer as formerly.
We have also extended the time for
the redemption of Snowshoe tags to
.1anuary 1st 1904.—THE EMPIRE To-
Fon SALE—House, stable ant four
lots corner of Victoria and Andrew.
streets (near Maiu st. Meth. chunk)
house contains 8 rooms good cellar and
well and the stable is first class (new)
and up to date, also a. new lot on east
side of Andrew street, The whole
will be sold iu'bulk or separate to suit
purchaser. Apply on the premises to
MRs. JAS. WILLIS, Exeter.
To THE FARMERS.—Why not follow
the advice given at the Farmers' Insti-
tute meetings and introduce new
poultry blood into your fnck. I am
booking orders crow for eggs from pure 1
bred WHITE & GOLDEN wya,ndottes 1
The best general •purpose fowl. Eggs '
15 for $L00. Speak for a setting early.
J. SENIOR Exeter.
We have not advanced the price of '
our tobacco. Amber smoking tobacco,
Boba, Currency and Fair Play chew-
ing tnhaccos are the same size and
price to the Consumer as formerly.
le e have also extended the time for
the redernptinn of Snowshoe tags to
January let 1904 --THE EMPIRE To
of Dr. Ovens, London. of last week,
Mr. W. J. Nichols of Mooresville, and
Miss Mary third daughter of Me Mat-
thew Finkheiner, of Stephen. were
happily married, the ceremony being
performed by the R9v. Dr, Sowerbp..
The slime afternoon Mr. and Mrs.
Nichols came to Exeter where a grand
reception c ptton awaited them at the home
of the hride'ssi e
et r, Mrs. W. H. Dear-
ing, Riley will settle on their fine 100 -
acre farm in McGillivray, Mr. Nichola
being a prosperous yo,ing farmer.
SUMMER SCHOOL.—The committee
appointed by. the Executive of the
Epworth Letgue of the Exeter Dis-
trict to at range for, the holding of a
summer school at. Grand Bend, tnet
on Tuesday in:Jamee St. church. A.
week of meatings was ciesided upon to
he held some time in August. under
the direction of the Exeter District
Epworth League!. Committees were
appointed to take cherge'of the differ-
ent de aactme ts.
1 n It was proposed to
have two sessional daily. Morning ser -
ivice devoted to Missionery and Bible
study, the evening to be taken up
with a bright cheerful song service.
A MYSTERY,—One day recently Mr,
Jos, Cobbledick ou looking around his
storehouse found a hole dug out un-
der the building, similar to a gray
and large enough to admit a mai
body. The excavation was cleanly
dug out, and the querry is, was the
work completed, or what was the
hole intended for, was it for the cover-
ing itp of some crime, or why was this
spot selected. The storehouse •where
this was discovered has not been in
use for some time thus making a very
secluded spot for some unforseen , de
RUNAWAY — On Monday evening
last Mr. and Mrs F. Oke end ..children
of Toronto'ts.ho had been visiting
friends failed to get the bus and
t -
theretot�e started to walk to the depo
On reaching the Metropolitan, they
saw that the train was at the tank.
Mr. Oke asked Chas. Cann to drive
them the remainder of the way which
he did but, thehorse took fright and
'in spite of their united efforts got be-
yond their , control but cm dashing
through the gates it was promptly'
caught by Mr. T. Russell. The train
was. of course by this time about one
quarter of a mile away. The occu-
pants of the rig were greatly frighten-
ed but otherwise unhurt. Mrs. Oke
was helped into Mr. R. E. Piakard's
carriage and,. was driven to .Mrs.
Clarke's ;
HYMENEAL —At St: Paul's church,
MM. Weather Goods
Summer is here and -you will want
somethiug nice end cool. We have it
here in the newest white and colored
Dress. Fabrics,
White Fancy Vesting.
The newest thing for summer
`Waists. and Dresses, in plain, figured
and striped. a nice satin finish on
them, They are big sellers. Come
early and get the. newest at 200,25c,350White Organdie and Dim►tiea, all
bright new stock. Liege range to
select from. They will make a nice"
cool dress for the summer. Come and'
see the beautiful range,12,15,18, 20,255e.
Indian'Linen and Victoria Lawns.
Nice finished goods, 1} yards wide,
extra good quality, something to give
good wear. We have a' big? stock to
select from. 10,121-2, 15, 18, 20, 25, 80e.
Japan Silks in alt shades, good wash
silk. They make up a beautiful sum-
mer Dress, 25c and 50c.
Louisine Silk, jnst the thing for odd
Waists. Only a few shades of $1 for
-American Foulards, beautiful finish,
just like silk, and cheaper than print.
A'lovly clinging fibre ,for Sarrtmer
Dresses. We have them in. all the
light and dark colors. A snap'for only
12 1-2e a yard.. •
A few specials we are .put.
counter.ting 0n our bargain counter.
They are big sellers.
CORSETS.—A big lot of odd Core
sets that were $1.00, for only 40e.N'S
MUSLI—A. lot of real nice pate
terns to select from in good quality, -
while they last 5c yard.
FLANNELETTES—A special line
of 10c Flannelettes of different pat-
terns for only 5c ayard.
DRESS GOODS -10 pieces of beaten-,
tiful 50e Dress (Goods now selling for
only 2oc yard.
To clear out Cheap.
7lc Curtains.for... ....50o
$1'.00 Curtains for . , .:7.50 •.
1.50 Ourtains `tor.. $1;25
2.25 .Curtains - for -.. .'1.50,
'3.00 Curtains for 2 00
A beautiful railge•of Men's and Boys' Straw arid. Summer
• Hats. The Newest Shapes,
c t kin
We Carry Good Lines in Furniture
Graduate of Dr, Myers School of Embalming. Opera House Block.
Lindsay,ou May 20th. at' 3 o'clock
p, tn., a pretty wedding was solemn-
ized, when R 3. M. Perkins, former-
ly of Lindsay, now rector at Exeter,
was uta.rried to Laura, daughter .of
Mrs. W. L. Russell. Lindsayst, Lind-
say. • The ceremony was prrforuied
by the Rev, Rural Lean Marsh in the
presence of a large number of invited
guests and others. The bride was
assisted by Miss Gerrie Brown •of
Lindsay and Miss MendMcLeun, Tor-
onto. The Rev. J. 'W. TenEyek, of
Hamilton. ' was groomsman. The
bride was given away ins Mr. O. 8,
Blackwell of Toronto. Dr. Collision
and Mr. George Beall officiated tie
ushers. After the ceremony a receps.
tion was held at the residence of the
bride's mother. Mr. and Mrs. Perkins
are enjoying a honeymoon trip and
will not return to Exeter till next
THE HOLIDAy.— Vietoria Day warty
observed here on Monday and kept as
a general holiday. The day being
perfect large crowds took advantage
of the holiday. Numbers going to the
lake for an outing. A gcodly num-
ber of tl•ose who remained at home
assembled• at t he agricultural grounds
in the afternu„on to witness the seve-
ral games. The programme of sports
was iutersper.ed wit.h 01uaie by the
Exeter band which did much to make
the entertainment enjoyable. The
concert in • the evening was well at-
tended, Below is the list of prize
winners. Calitbunipian. procession,
1st Dyer Hurdun, Barber shop.; 2nd
Howard & Horre ll. Plantation; spec-
ial Eliott Bros, tree trimmers to Fx-
eter Council ; relay race, let Exeter ;
2nd Herisall ; Boys race under 15, let
B. Martin, 2nd 1.1. Reynolds, • $rd F.
Smith ; boys race under 121st L. Wily
son, 2nd L. Baskerville, 3rd E. Taylor;
basketball, 1st Maples (blue) 6, Sham-
rocks (red) 2 ; senior football, tie, Bees
ter 0, Dashwood 0 ; Junior foot ball,
tie Exeter 1, Hensalt 1.
Irl Hicks in his weather forecasts has
given out the following for the first
week of June: —We enter the solstice
Sane, ver.
y near the centre of
a Venuseq•i nnetial elisturb trice, this
period having begun in May and ex
tending up to end beyond the middle
of Jure. The first storm 'period in
Jane is central on the 4th, covering
the 2td to the 6th. There are g snd
reasoris to expect the cris's on and
touching the 3rd. On that date the
planet Mercury is between Earth and
Sun, the Noon is near first quarter
and on the celestial equator. High
degrees of l:Iurcciclity,high temperature
and very low barometer, on and next
to Wednesday, the 8rd, will provecer-
tain •h 'r i
b n ors ' f
� g U covere storms. if
these conditions develop about the Srd
a>na actual storms; axe delayed even up
Farm .e2.
AVING PURCHASED the Furniture , and lin-
•a A dertaking business of R..N. Rowe, we announce
to the public that we, have 'on hand, without doubt,. the
largest• and best stock of Furniture in the county.
,A. visit to our store will convince that we are selling at the closet Margin
possible It wilt pay intending purchasers to call and inspect our stoe"k and
get• our prices before placing orders elsewhere,
We do all kinds of Ordere•t Work and Repairing and Picture Framing on
the Shortest Notice . at Reasonable Prices. Satisfaction guaranteed with'
every purchase.
Undertakers and Funeral -Director. :
ELO 71'141i SON
J. D. Atkinson, Practical Embalmer,Graduate of Embalming Oollege.,,Toronto.
to the 6th or Oth, do not his thrown off
5our gaud until the indications eul-
minate. .Vicionfibunder storms, ac-)
conipanied with hail and possibly tor-
nadic centers,• are among the things
reasonably to be expected at this per-
iod. Venus downpours of rain am-
ounting to cloudburst in many localit-
ies, are almost more than probable.
You can depend upon it, the storms of
this period will not be entirely over
until the baronetor makes a decided
rise, and the winds change and blow
strong and much cooler from the west
and, north: • Some very cool nig bis
are sure tb result u hr n the strews t re
over. •'-
day afternoon the sad intelligence was
received fr•nus Tot -onto that Mr. Eman-
uel `'ale of this piece had- been killed
by it trolley car. Some time was
spent, crying to find his brother, Mr.
Wesley Vale who lives in Torontn,httt
without avail, he he had left on •the
one o'clock tris•in for his hemp here,
unr.onsciOusof the arcident 'Orr his
arrival he wile •ra'ttdt, ai,war•e pe. the
facts and again left for Toronto to
claim the body and arrange for the
hni•ial which took place stere on Tues-
day afternonn in the .Exeter Gerrie•
terq, Mr. E. Vale who only left here
about a week previous to the accident
had srcnred employment with the
Simpson Co. of Tornnio, and was on
his way home to dinner, on a north
hound Yot n
g •sirea+t car, told eft Pt'
alighting r•au around the• rear of .he
car. A sow hhounci cat• ran hitt down
as hecatne upon the. westetlr track.
He wail dragged. beneath the wheels
rind lilted instantly, .The ttiotnrtrattn
had on warning of the danger until lie
saw -Vale run in trona of than car. ,Ile
was ringing the gong, as usual when
cars pass one another. and be put on
the brake,bringing the ear lo a stand
still in its own length, An eyewit-
ness. named George Kelly, stated that
the fender passed over the man. The
body was wedged so tightly between
the forward' truck and t' e ground
that the re ervaqon had o
be called
with a jacpbefore
it could be rel
The. wheel' had passed over Vale's
Gb.T,.O :THE
R r
For Pule Manitoba
Family Flour (Stab
Pass -y (Princess)
Wh a of t e't (Breakfastfood)
A good supply of Mill Feed
and Chop always
on hand
Give our. Flour and Feed a Trial
and pe convinced that it
is all right.
Roller and Plate Choppers i -n use
to suit customers.
Ibeartielautimonstxsamwesmaralkomheads The ' The remains wereitaken to the
morgue, where they were 'si'ittn4nent
ly identified hy St friend. The sympae
thy of the rornItinnity is extended to
thesrtrrowing relatives and. friends in
this their sad affliction.