HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1985-11-27, Page 13THIS ORIGINAL DOCUMENT IS 1N VERY POOR CONDITION :2- C11NTONNEWS-RECORD, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1985 FIE •LUCKNOW GODERICH aWINGHAM V 9ULYTH BAYFIELde *CLINTON •SEAFORTH • MITCHELL • ZURICH 0 EXETER • STRATFORD THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD -THE BLYTH STANDARD -THE RAI HELD 'BUGLE [1. Articles for sale YOU CAN GET your out-of•Canada Medical In- surance at C.A.A. Travel Agency, 7 Rattenbury St., Clinton. Phone 482.9300:---44tfar HANK'S SMALL ENGINES - Hwy. 4, Londesboro, 523.9202, Dealer for Canadiano and Bolens Lawn and Garden Equipment and snowblowers, Weedeater Trimmers, Poulan Chainsaws, Badger Farm Equipment. Service to all small engines. -- 20tf USED SKATE EXCHANGE and sharpening service for skates, knives, scissors, saws, etc, • 139 Queen St., Clinton. 482.9412._41tf TECHNICS portable stereo system, 60 watts R.M.S., 7 band graphic equalizer, music search, Dolby N.R., AM• FM radio, MX tape head, linear phase ypeakers. $650.00. Phone 529- 7974.-- •41 tfnx WELL SEASONED firewood for sale, $125.00, 4' x 4' x 8' lot. Phone 482-7594.-45-48 OLD HOSPITAL BED for sale. Asking $75. Phone 482-5446.-•47,48 PLAN A MERRY CHRISTMAS with apples. Nor- thern Spy. Macintosh, Red & Golden Delicious, •Snows, plus sweet apple cider from Don Mid• dleton's Whitehall Farm, R.R. 3, Clinton. 482- 9838.—47,48ar GOOD USED Dryer: $100. or best. offer. Cali 565- 2532after 5p.m.--48x _ �. USED BUILDING materials for sale, 4' x 8', 5; 8" plywood, 40 sheets, $15,00 each; 30' x 60' steel shed; also, 2 x 8's, 2 x 6's, 2 x 4's. Phone 482- 7594.-48,49 WORKSHOP storage unit, 8' long x 6' high x 30" deep, bottom closed, top open shelves. Phone 482-9627.---48x - TN.; 19" B & W, UHF -VHF, excellent condition. Ideal for rec dr bedroom; portable. $75.00, 565- 2882.--48x • PROJECTOR Sawyer with slide, trays and a bead- ed screen, top condition. Great.forfamily view- ing 2 x 2 slides. $75.00 complete. 565.2882...--48x ATARI COMPUTER Game plus joy stick $100.00;. also 4 colour printer extra $80,00. VHF high low *canner. $90.00. 527-0257.-48 HENRY'S USED Appliances, Walton. Good clean used appliances at reasonable prices. 887- 9608.-48-50x . CHRISTMAS TREES: No. 1 Scotch Pine 51/2. 7'. Open al'I weekend Nov. 30, Dec, 1 or eveniplgs. 3 miles west of Seaforth. John Gibson 4827 • 3229.---48 FIREWOOD: $28,00. Phone 482-7425.-39tf TOP OF THE LINE: Roland Bolt,60 guitar amplifier, Excellent condition with very little use. Worth $675 new, will sell for $475. Also, a Epiphone bass guitar in good condition. . Asking $200. Phone 529'7974 after 6 p.m.- -•41 tfnx • --- G,E. 17 cu. ft. frost -free fridge with freezer and matching 30" self-cleaning stove, gold coloured. Phone 48'2-3006.—47ff • AQUARIUM: 20 gallon with accessories (stand, pump, heater, filter, e.tc.) Phone 529- 7132.—•47tfn' . TWO LEATHER coats and one suede coat, ladies size 14.' Best reasonable offer. Phone 565-2439 before 3 p.m. -48 AQARIUM HEATER', '$10.00; Gerry baby gate, new, $15,00' Perego deluxe walker, $25.00. Wanted - crock pot and baby sleigh. 482- 5398.-48 WURLITZER SPRITE Funmakerelectric organ, 1 keyboard, 18 chords, 6 rhythm and instrumental tones. Asking $250. Phone 482-3508.-48x PAIR OF SWIVEL Rockers; kitchen table with 4 chairs; single bed (box spring' and mattress); cooking utensils; assorted lamps. 482-9844.-48 DOWNDRAFT STOVE and deep freeze for safe. Call 482-3897, --48 GEESE FOR SALE Live or dressed. Christmas orders taken now, Phone 482.9247 after 4 p.m. 48,49 DOUBLE KNIT Slippers: All sorts of colours. Would make nice gifts. Phone 523-9459. 48,49 CHILD'S SKATES Size 10, boy's skates, like new. Asking $20. Phone 482.3634. --48x QUEEN SIZE water bed: 12 drawers, B.C. Pine wood, gorgeous headboard with mirror. Best of- fer. 482-3634. -48x BULLETIN: After 35 years at the same location, • • Sephie's GOWNE SHOPPE is moving next month, All in stock Bridal /Bridesmaids. Mothers, Veils, Hats are reduced up to 50%, Shop now and make great savings! Still at 160 York St. at Richmond, London. 48o 'PENNY -ROLLER" Trademark. Patented. Wrap pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters quickly and easily. One wraps all. Uses free bank wrappers. Only $8.95 postpaid. (Please add 63 cents tax). Christmas Special 2 for $16. (Please add $1.12 tax). Send cheque or M.O. to Penny -Roller Pro- ducts, P.O. Box 405, Fort Erie, Ont. L2A 5N2, • --48o STEEL BUILDINGS: Buy direct and save. Building factory direct discount 20 to 30 to 40%, Must cleor inventory. No reasonable' offer refused. Order now, take spring delivery. No storage charges. Call 1.800.387.8130 or (816) 828- 6262.--48o CONESTOGA airtight wood stove, never used. $500.00.565.2974,•-48x _ ___ 11_11__._ _ COOEY single shof 22, mint condition; Weaver 4 ' power scope with see through mounts. CaII 565- 2974.- 48x Clinton Flews-Reco 'd CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES & DATA DEADLINES: Classified Word Ads Tuesday Noon Display Advertising . . , Tuesday 4:00 p.m. CLASS`I!ICATIONS 1 Articles for sale 2 Yard sale 3 Garage sale 4 Antiques for solo 5 Cars for sale 6 Trucks for sale 7 R.V.'s for sale 8 Marine St'Automotive 10 Pets for sole 12 Real estate for sole 13 Mobilo homes 14 Recreational properties ' 15 Out of town properties 16 For rant 17 Apartments for rent 18 Houses for rent 19 Rooms for runt 20 Room & board 21 Cottages for rent 22 Lots for runt 23 Commercial property for 24 Wonted to rent 25 Wanted to buy 26 Help wonted 27 Wonted (general) 26 Business opportunity 29 Tenders 30 Employment wanted 31 Service directory 34 Personal 35 Notice to creditors 36 Announcements 37 Mortgages 38 Auction sale 39 Educational 40 Lost 8. Found 41 To give away 42 Death notice 43 Births 44 Engagements 45 Marriages 46 In memoriam runt 47 Cards of thanks 50' DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT WHEN PLACING AD OR IF PAID WITHIN ONE WEEK AFTER THE PAPER DATE. PHONE 482-3443 MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m.' a 1. Articles for sale 1. Articles for sale 1 THE FANTASTIC Wood Electric Furnace; Call or write us about the Celsius Wood Electric Furnace. We are 5 years on the market and expanding. We have 1,800 customers who say we have the best performing furnace in Canada. Easy on wood and you can control the temperature in the house within 2 to 3 degrees. We are selling direct from our factory.. to you, the customer. Ladies, are you afraid of wood fired furnaces? Ask about our Fantastic Wood Pellet Furnace, Fill it up twice ' a week. Also controls temperatur•'e within 2 degrees. Bonnechere Metal Products Ltd., R.R. 2, Eganville, Ont. KOJ 1TO, (613) 628-2839.-----48o GARRETT METAL DETECTORS: Contact us ll for nearest dealer. •Ask• about Christmas specials, eagerly looking for new dealers in Ontario. Con- tact Canadian Metal Locators, R.R. 5, Waterford, ` Ontario. NOE 1Y0. (519) 443.5193.-48o • C & E FURNITURE NEW & USED We Can Offer BETTER PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY '/2 miles south an Hwy. 21 GODERICH 524-7231 __we *yowl Oak® Oradl®e •�,�, Attention Farmers A. For Sale PATZ SILO unloader. Phil Clark. 4367,--47,48 ' 524 - LARGE ROUND BALES of hay'and straw for 'sore. Phone. 482-5365..-48,49 Hensall Livestock Sales SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 92:30 P.M. All dosses of Lly.stodr WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Hargreaves Clinton - 412-7391 Barry Miller Exeter - 2a5-1797 Klr$.ton • 221-62113. Gregory Hargreaves 262.1699 ONE STOP Building Shopping Centre. All steel straight slant, quonsets, cladding. Free brochures on request. For action value and cinswers call Wally (416) 626-1794. Leave message or collect evenings and weekends. - 48o kFPAIRS to T.V's, radios small appliances video games, electric tools. etc Cable T V convertors for sale, Larry's Radio & T V Blyth 52:t 4559. - 37tf APPLES FOR SALE: Pick your own or already pick ed. Corner of Varna Holmesville Rd Henry Slotegraaf 482-9272. No Sunday sales. 39tf GREAT GIFT! A subscription to the Fun Foctory Children's Magazine. Jokes, fun activities. puzzles, riddles, Send $15 for 12 issues. The Fun Factory,' •Box 1268, Station T,. Toronto. M6B 4A4. -48o • FREE STAMP & COIN Supply Catalogue. Free toll .phone service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Service from long established family business. Call 1-800-265-0720. -48o $ BUILDING CLEARANCE $ Final clearance of straight wall buildings. For example 20 x 30 with • 12 high sidewall for $4995; 28 x 30 x 12 for $5975; 30 x 40 x 14 for $6995. Other sizes available. Serious only call (416) 221.7353. 48o FREE METAL HALIDE 1000W grow -light with every 21st Century Garden, Limited time,special. Call or write for details. Western Water Forms, 1244 Seymour Street, Vancouver, B.C. V6B 3N9. (604) . 682-6636.•--48o APPLES, cider, potatoes, apple butter, anions, honey and cookies, cooking Spys.and Macintosh. $5.00 a • bushel at Art Bell's Fruit Farm. 524- 8037,--47tfar FOR SALE - REASONABLE 2 portable insulated metal buildings. One is semi -finished 'as a.cottage with both and kitchen etc. Second, large room with hydro, window, etc. Would make a good storage room. Both 36' x 24'. Phone 482-7508.--47.49 B. Custom Work. CUSTOM COMBING with 4 -wheel drive and custom trucking available. Heyink 262-5708. 48 D. Livestock YORK CROSS Landrace bred gilts, available for December and January farrowing, bred to col- oured boars, as well as our usual selection of York, Hemp, Duroc, Hamp•Cross Duroc boars. Priced reasonably and guaranteed. Bob Robin• son, R.R. 4, Walton. 345-2317. ---47.50 ONTARIO POLLED Hereford Club Sole: 1 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 14, 1985. Markham Fairgrounds. Note new location. Contact Craig Lymburner, R.R. 1, Caistor Centre, Ont, LOR 1E0, (416) 957• 3695. 48o _11_11.-- __. . SHEEP AUCTION: Dec, 7, 1985, 12 o'clock noon, Markham Fairgrounds, Markhom, Ont. 250 bred ewes, Purebred Suffolk, Dorset, Leicester, plus commercial ewes. Details call (416) 623- 5817. 48o 1 5. Cars for sale 1976 BUICK CENTURY, 68,000 miles, $1600 or best offer. Ca11262.6279 after 4:30 p.m. '.47.49 1972 MALIBU: 6 cyl..auto. Phone 482.3897. 48 12. Real estate for sale E. Farm Services CUSTOM PAINTING and reconditioning of gravity bins cattle trucks, wagons, trailers and all kinds of implements and equipment, Phone Gords Welding, 482.5216.--45.48ar FARMERSexperiencingfinancial difficulties. There may be ways of solving your problems that you are not aware of. For further information contact SYL-MAR Financial Consultants. (519) 449.2809.-48o F. For Rent BARN FOR RENT: Located 4 miles east of Clinton, on Lot 12, Conc. 2, Hullett Township. Call 482- 9140 evenings after 6 p.m, --48 FARM FOR Huron County, E'/, Lot 35, Concession 13, Township East Wawanosh. • Located 5 km. west of Winghem. *1 0 0 acres with about 78 workable. e Buildings Include a stone house and bank barn. *The land is rented for the 1985 crop year. .. ASKING $95,000. For further information contact: Stephen Wright FARM CREDIT CORPORATION BOX 15S GODERICH, ONTARIO N7 A 3 Z2 or phone 524-8381 CanadaTrust Realtor LINCOLN PLAZA OFFICE: WATERLOO 884• 1260 POINT CLARK -$49,900 - Cottage and double lot, fireplace with heatilator. Recreation or year round. R.R. 1 BRUCEFIELD-$79,500 - Zoned com- mercial on Hwy. 4. Spacious raised ranch on large lot. Large country kitchen, separate dining, ensuite master bath, double garage. MIS 5100175. For Information on those and other area properties tail CATHIE SCHWARK 844-1260 or482-3051 COMMERCIAL Cement block building. 40' x 80', heavy concrete floor, car hoist, hot water gas heat, ideal for dealership or Tight manufacturing. 6 acres, close to Seaforth. BROILERS 22400 broiler quota, 46000 pullet quota. New pullet cage barn. Many other buildings, beautiful brick home on 100 level tiled aures. All buildings in ex- cellent condition, near Clin- ton. LAYERS 11000 production quota, full stair step cages, automatic feed. Good 4 bedroom home on 100 acres near Ripley. Contact Ken Thompson Maurice Gardiner Real Estate Ltd. Goderich 524-2966 Residence 524-7514 Real Estate Ltd. Broker Clinton Phone: 482-9371 Residence: 523'-9338 BLYTH: Dinsley Street, 11/, floor brick, 2 bedroom home. New roof recently. BLYTH: 1 acre lot an King Street. 2 floor brick, 5 bedroom home. All recently decorated. 1 ACRES: Sixth Line East Wawanosh Town• ship, good brick home. Very scenic. VANASTRA: 1 floor home, finished basement, electric, 27 Regina Road. 123 ACRS: 60 acres workable, 22 acres hardwood bush, large brick home, near Blyth. Blyth Creek crosses property. 94 ACRES: 55 acres workable, on south Maitland River, no buildings. 2'/2 ACRES: 3 bedroom brick home, like new throughout, Hullett Township, adjacent to Wildlife sanctuary, 10 ACRES: Good brick home and utility barn, Hullett Township. CLINTON: Albert St., 4 bedroom, 2 'floor frame home, F.A. oil heat. KINBURN: 5 acres, good 11/2 floor home, barn for 600 hogs and 100 veal calves. Try an offer, Vendor very serious. • 60 ACRES: Farrow to finish for 60 sows, mile from Blyth Marketing Yard. 73 ACRES: Hullett Township, barn for 600 hogs, good house, F.C.C. mortgage. 1.8 ACRES: Goderich Township, 5 bedroom home, well landscaped, lorge workshop. LONDESBORO: 3 bedroom frame home, large lot, utility shed. 3 ACRES: Goderich Township, Victorian Style home, 3 or 4 bedroom, brick home, combination'wood and oil furnace, all very well kept. LONDESBORO: Mobile home 12' x 60' on large lot with steel shed. BLYTH: Wellington Street, 1'/, floor brick home on large lot, close to business section. CLINTON: 189 Huron Street, 1 floor home, gas heat, low cost housing for handy per• son, 292 ACRES: West Wawanosh Township, general farm, good buildings overlooking Maitland River. 12. Real estate for sale JOHN L. 'U DDY COMMERCIAL PROPERTY - 2 storey brick bldg. with residence above plus 1 floor frame bldg., large lot, pav,.d road, in Walton. 2 STOREY FRAME HOUSE with 4 bedrooms, good basement, could easily be duplexed. REDUCED - Beautiful 11/2 storey brick house on 10 acres. Large steel shed, near Auburn - must be seen! THIS 1'/, STOREY HOME FEATURES large family -style kitchen, 3 bedrooms, some recent renovations. VANASTRA - 11/4 storey house, vinyl sided, 3 bedrooms, full basement, recently renovated. '28,000.00. 4 BEDROOM; 2 storey house in convenient location, $24,900.00 ' HENSALL - 21/2 storey brick home, beautifully finished, must be seen. 4 BEDROOM HOME. near the hospital, nice lot, lots of room, carport, $29,500.00. 3 BEDROOM HOUSE - 11/2 storey, with many renovations including insulation and furnace, in Vanastra.$24,000, LAYER QUOTA, 5909. on 75 acres. Split level home. INDUSTRIAL ZONED 5,000 sq. ft. building in Vanastra. WORKABLE ACREAGE & BUSH, river fron- tage, near Auburn. 175 HURON ST. •cozy 3 bedroom home, treed lot. - VANASTRA - 3 bedroom with many extras, Call for details. Rose Workman, Clinton 482-3455 MAURICE GARDINER REAL ESTATE LIMITED 34 STANLEY STREET GODERICH 524-2966 'We May Be Number One! But • We're Still Trying Harder!' CALL US- TO WELCOME fi HOME CHINIGAY STREET, BAYFIELD White sided bungalow with separate garage, kitchen and living room both 17' x 12', 2 bedroom, family room, sunroom on back of garage, utility room laundry, mature treed lot, one block from Main Street and one block to lake. Priced to sell at $79,900.00. 162 Albert St., Clinton Classic brick home of character and elegance lovingly renovated by the present owners. Features include for- mal dining room, 14'- x 20' family room with fireplace, 4 piece and 2 piece baths, splenasd central hallway, restored wainscotting, cherry staircase. 579,500. BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN: Local Drive -In Theatre being offered for sale es a going concern, together with 10 acres prime development land; . ideal for family business. $27,500: One floor home an Mary 5t., lust listed. Immediate occupancy, hos recent roof, new flooring In bathroom and kitchen. CUTE AS A BUTTON: '3 bedroom bungalow In quiet area, all newer car- peting, eat -in kitchen, easy to heat and maintain. 448,500. New listing. BUILDING LOT, RAGLAN ST.:'Cholce location, huge lot 132' x 175' 115,000. $49,900: 3 bedroom air conditioned home with heated garage, 16' x 32' pool, many fine features. SPLENDID MODULAR HOME: Im- maculate doubla•-wlde features 2 full bathrooms. Master bedroom has 3 pc, ensulta with raised tub. $39,900. CROSS-COUNTRY SKI AREA: 1.4 acres, beautifully renewed 3 bedroom home with double garage, main floor family room, natural wood- work. Near Bannockburn Conservation Area at R.R. 5, Clinton. 157,300. GODERICH ST,, W. SEAFORTH: $33,000., 3 bedroom home carpeted throughout, excellent condition, Im- mediate occupancy. DAIRY FARM: es going concern, 110 acres workable land. 32 tie-ups, milk quota's, Holsteins. equipment. Ex- cellent house, Hwy. location. BROILERS & STARTED PULLETS: •Choice 100 acres, excellent house and buildings. Call Peter. Wo have a good selection of Dairy, Poultry, Hog and Cash Crop farms available. Call for details. JOHN L. DUDDY REAL ESTATE LTD. MLS REALTOR MEMBERS OF THE HURON REAL ESTATE BOARD John L. Duddy Russ VA. Archer Peter DUmsma Office 482-3652 482-3733 or 9428 482-91149 482-3766 HAMILTON ST., BAYFIELD 5 year old Brick Raised Ranch, 4 bedrooms, chandelier In dining room, patio doors with deck off kitchen, fireplace In rec room, water softener, central vac.; T.V. tower, etc., alum. soffits and fascia, Insulated garage with electric,. heater. PRICE REDUCED TO $79,500.00. Excep- tional buy!!! CONTACT Dianne Alexander MAURICE GARDINER REAL ESTATE LTD. HWY.21 BAYFIELD 565-2513 13. Mobile homes 60 x 12 two bedroom Mobile Home to Rent. Venastro Mobile Home Park, $250. plus heat & Hydro. 482-7066. 16. Articles for rent PLYWOOD FORMS. wedges, portable cement mixer, power trowels, wheelbarrows, etc Form ties stocked. Corriveau Rentals, Zurich. 236 4954, 8 a,m. weekdays and otter 5 p.m.. anytime Saturday. 32tfor 17. Apartments for rent ONE It TWO Bedroom Apartments. like now con dition. Central location in Blyth. References 482- 9210. 40tfor BACHELOR APARTMENT in Brucefield. Available December 1st, Call 482-3120. 47,48or , 18. Houses for rent NEW 3 -BEDROOM house for rent in Boyfleld Available Nov. 1, 1985. Phone,236.4230. 44tfar BAYFIELD: 2 bedroom home for rent, centrally located, available immediately. $300 plus utilities. 565.2804. 46-48 FARM HOUSE: 5 miles north of Zurich, 4 riles from Varna, 6 miles from Bayfield. Oil furnace appliances included if desired. John Robinson 482-3444 days, 482-7784 evenings. 47,48