HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1985-11-27, Page 10Page 1O--CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1985
itehie baptism highlights Hensall United Church service
HENSALL - Denise Victoria Ritchie,
daughter bf Paul and Julie Ritchie was
received into the church through Baptism
on November 24 at the United Church.
The service, conducted by Rev. Stan
McDonald, was well attended with Sharon
Wurm as the greeter and Wayne Corbett,
John Rowcliffe, Steven Corbett and .Jeff
Corbett as the ushers.
Mr. McDonald spoke on the subject of the
baptized into the caring, loving community.
.Be spoke of how baptism, as an initiation
rite incorporates people into a community of
which Jesus Christ is the head.
"'lfie Church, he said, "should always be
a visable sign of the community of love."
The choir sang under the direction of
Belva Fuss. Joanne Rowcliffe gave the
Minute For Missions and spoke of the work
of the Blind Mission.
During the Children's Time the
kindergarten department students
presented Honey to buy Bibles for children
overseas. They were then presented with
their Bible Of The Month Club Pin as a sym-
bol of their sharing to bring God's word to
children overseas.
'rhe congregation was reminded next Sun-
day would be' Communion as well as the
reception of transfer of members into Hen-
sall Church, Sunday, December 8 would be
the annual White Gift Service and Pageant.
The Bible Study Fellowship continued un
Wednesday morning at the United Church
with the group studying God and The
Miracles. Wednesday, November 27 Will be
the last Study Group Session until after
Christmas and New Year.
PCW meet
The Hensall Presbyterian Church Welllen
( PCW) learned about the art of natural
flower arranging on November 19 when
Thea Wisch was the guest speaker.
Mrs. Wisch made a centrepiece wreath at
the meeting. She invited the PCW to attend
her open house on Saturday, November 30
and Sunday, December 1.
In other business, the PCW set the date of
their pot luck luncheon for Monday,
December 2 at noun. It was noted that in lieu
of the Christmas gift exchange, money will
be donated to a charity.
People report
Weekly shuffleboard games were played
at the Hensall Community Centre on
Thursday afternoon. Game winners were
John Pepper with a score of 208; Pearl
McKnight, 15fl; Jeanette Turner, 149; John
Cunsitt, 146; Walter Spencer, 138.
Jessie Arnistrong has returned home to
the Northerest Nursing Home after a
hospital stay.
Rose Pyke left for Florida on November
22. She is visiting with her sisters at River-
vieW for the winter rpnnt,hs.
Visiting with Glen and Pearl McKnight in
Hensall on November 24 were Nelson Me-
Clinchey and Mike French of Brantford,
Carl and Virginia Elg of Atwood and Berny
Finkbeiner of Zurich.
Presbyterian Church
Rev. Kenneth Knight conducted the ser-
vice in Carmel Presbyterian Church,
November 24. Carolyn Live played the
Beginning_ this Sunday, special services
will be held to observe the Advent season.
Choir members are asked to meet at 10:45
a.m. each Sunday morning.
A joint meeting of the Board of Managers
and the Clerk Session will be held on
November 28 at 8 p.m.
Work nearing completion
• By Wilma Oke
VANASTRA - The construction work on
Toronto Street is nearing completion. At a
council session on November 19, Engineer
Henry Lenten, of R.J. Burnside and
Associates, reported on the work which in-
cludes a new storm sewer, curb and asphalt
Mr. Centen informed council there has
been a substantial ever -run on the back fill
material that, was required due to the con-
tamination of the existing material on the
construction project. Because of compac-
tion problems he cautioned council on 1 he
desirability of having the curb and rough
coat of asphalt placed this fall. Provided
that proper compaction had been obtained
and a satisfactory job could be expected.
Council indicated they were, interested in
having the'curb and rough coat work done.
Council asked Mr. Conten to bring in a
supplementary' report nn the Charters
Drainage Works. •
A request from Bob Kinsman and Herman
Niebuhr was accepted for a clean-out of the
Shepherd urair`y,and the Garry Drain on Lot
1, Concession0,10,11 and 12, H.R.S.
While council discussed but took no action
on a resolution from•the Town of Durham re-
questing the Province of Ontario to amend
the School Board and Teachers Collective
Negotiations Act, Councillor John
Brownridge declared a conflict of interest.
The amendment would provide that where
an agreement cannot be negotiated between
the bargaining unit, Teachers Federation
and the School Board. that the.matter shall
be resolved by binding arbitration and it
shall be an offence for teachers to strike or
walk out. It will, also be an offence if the
school board locked them out:
It was the last meeting for Deputy Reeve
William Brown and Councillor John
Brownridge while the two new councillors,
Rowena Wallace and Bill Carnochan, at-,
tended as observers. 'They will be sworn in
at the anauguai meeting on December 3,
beginning their three year term of office.
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Communion will be celebrated on Sunday,
December 8 at 11:30 p.m.
Ane Qr Lodge
Amber Lodge Rebekahs met un
November 18 with Vice Grand Sister Lois
Jones presiding, assisted by Vice Grand
Sister Bonnie Upshall.
Several sisters reported having visited
Sister Bertha in South Huron Hospital. Mrs.
McGregor expressed her sincere thanks for
the visits and gifts.
Final plans were made for the Christmas
Party at the December 4. The meeting will
cornmence with a turkey supper at 6:30 p.m.
Horticultural Society
Christmas carols were sung by the
members of the Horticultural Society of
Hensall at their November 12 meeting.
Durum iy Mickle play eu i.iie piano.
Jean Barnett of Goderich and lax nu:. -
band, showed slides of flower beds fr ern all
over the world.
Members present were presented with
paper white Narcissus bulbs.
The annual meeting will be held January
15, at 8 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall.
Winners of door prizes were Helen Ander-
son, Mabel McClinchey, Erla Coleman,
Marg Hayter, Bev Moir, Jessie Shanks,
Dorothy Ostrum and Mildred McNaughton.
Bantam Hockey
Hensall Bantams captured their first win
of the season when they defeated Zurich 5-3
on November 20.
The game was close, fast and hard hitting
in the traditional two town rivalry. Hensall's
Brian Moir assisted by Dwayne Lawrence
was the only scorer in the first period. Hen-
s acott tseit unassisted opened the scor-
ing in the second with less than a minute
Zurich's Dean Martin and Todd Laporte -
both scored within nine seconds of each
other near the end of the second period to tie
up the game.
Hensall opened the third period with a
goal from Moir, assisted by John
Rooseboom and Shawn Vanstone. Two
minutes later Bell scored his second of the
night, as sted by Rob Taylor with a minute
and a half left. Rooseboom assisted by
Vanstone and Jim Dickens put the game out
of reach for Zurich. Zurich was able to pop
one in with 44 seconds left to go.
The boys will be playing in Mitchell Satur-
day and their next home game is against
Goderich December 4 at 8:30 p.m. , •
Surprising Puckers defeat brewer's
On November 19 action was hot this week
as hockey fans filled the Bayfield arena.
In the first game, the surprise Puckers
defeated the Brewers, 8-6. John Graham
opened the scoring at 15.56 unassisted. Al
Dunn hit the nark next from Dennis
Merner, and then again, this time from Bill
Campbell. The newly acquired Marvin
Merrier showed why he was called up from
the minors as he scored two quick ones, one
at 1.29 and the next with 42 seconds left. Bill
Campbell assisted on both.
'Brian Van Aaken opened the second with.
a powerful wrist shot from centre ice - Cox
had no chance. At the 19 minute nark the
Brewers finally hit the score sheet as Mur-
ray Connolly scored from Brian Cooper and
Bob Snell. At 11:23 Brian Cooper scored the
second from Bob Snell. A minute later Brian
Van Aaken scored again, this time from
Marvin Merner, and the teams left the ice
with -the Puckers leading 7-2.
In the third, the Brewers fought back hard
scoring four goals, Rob Boyes got the single
and big Bob Snell scored the hat trick. Rob
Chapman, Mike Wood, Rob Boyes, Brian
Cooper and Murray Connolly all picked up
assists: Al Dwin scored the Puckers' lone
goal from John Graham and- Marvin
Game two saw the powerful Blades' club
hand Varna it's fourth loss of the season. Ken
Van Wonderin opened for Varna, unassisted
at 12.40. The Blades struck back with two of
their own, the first from Brad Holmes
assisted by Jim Fleming, and the second
from Travis Postill unassisted.
Varna again opened the scoring in the se-
cond, and this time it was Scott Consitt from
Dale Stephenson. Don Heard -replied for the
Blades from Bob 'Fingers' Hespel and Dar-
rel Postill. Mark Taylor scored Varna's
third on a nice set up from Dan Taylor andDale Stephenson. With poly 43 seconds left,
t w i''' e,d .Jlii . r...uiog put the Blades ill
front on a well executed solo effort.
' The third was all Blades as they outscored
Varna 4-2. Don Heard picked up a pair, as
singles went to Brad Holmes and Travis
Postill. John Pounder and Darrell Postill
picked up the assists. For Varna Ken Van
Wonderin, who played a strong game, pick-
ed up his second from Bill Stephenson, and
Scott Consitt I who is still recovering from
his Stag and Doe!) picked up the single.
NOTE: The Bayfield Recreation League
has its first celebrity in its midst. Bill Car-
nochan is a new Councillor for the Township
of Tuckersrnith. Congratulations 'Curly'.
On November 22 the first game was a
chippy one with both teams eager to win.
Ron Keys opened the scoring for Varna at
the 11.46 mark of the first, 26 seconds later
Bill Courtney tied the game from Terry
Bick. Bill Stephenson put Varna back in
front only to have Paul McKee tie it for the
Hawks at 6.10. Then he started the second on
a nice solo effort, and thenhe hit again,
completing his hat trick at 10.42. Dale
Stephenson notched one in for Varna at 6.18,
and then it was Bill Stephenson from Lorne
Taylor to tie the gamd. With 52 seconds left
in the second Dale Stephenson scored
another to put Varna in front. •
Bud Robinson opened the third from Fred
Schilbe. Varna countered with two of, their
own, Scott Consitt from Dan Taylor and
John Dawson, and then Dan Taylor. The last
ten minutes of the game was all
Knighthawks. Paul McKee hit from Bud
Robinson, Steve Telford hit for a pair with
one assist going to Fred Schilbe, and then
Terry Blok rounded out the scoring from
Paul McKee, and the game wound up 9-7 for
the Hawks.
The second game of the evening was much
better played hockey, with the Brewers and
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the Warriors playing to a 6-6 tie. Murray
Connolly picked up two for the Brewers in
the first with Brian Cooper picking up the
assist. Bob Rodgers scored.the lone Warrior
In the second it was Bob Rodgers again,
this time from Ken Merner. At 9.23 of the se-
cond Brian Cooper put the Br';wers back in
front by one before John Blanchard got roll-
ing and tied the game again. Dave Telford
picked up the assist. With 1;1 left on the
clock, Murray Connolly got his third of the
night and the Brewers were ahead again.
It seemed like the Murray Connolly show
as he opened the third from Brian Cooper.
The two hooked up again three minutes later
to put the Brewers in a comfortable 6-3 lead.
With 5:48 left, Wes Gozzard got the ball roll-
ing for the Warriors. Thirty seconds later it
was Rusty Brandon, and the Warriors were
within one. With only :05 seconds showing
on the clock, Andrew: -Cooper nailed one
from the Rash Marks, and the game was
tied. Ken Merner picked up the assist.
Commenting on this week's hockey, John
Graham said, "As having the distinct
misfortune of having to referee the
Knighthawks-Varna game on Friday night',
I do apologize. I should have known better
than to disregard the complaints of some of
the most knowledgeable players in this ex-
citing and fun -filled game of hockey. -
On Saturday morning, Nov. 24, Bayfield's
minor hockey team played Huron Park, and
despite their efforts were defeated three to
nil. For Huron Park, Dwayne Glanville
assisted by Mike Bowerman opened the
scoring at 2:30 in the first. The second
period was scoreless, and then in the third,,
Donald Hockenson made a single at 7.42
followed by the third and final goal of the
game. This was scored at 5.27 by Troy.
Cooper assisted by Jason Kramer.
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WI meeting
By Margaret Hoggarth
KIPPEN - The Women's Institute began
their citizenship meeting on November 20
with dinner at the Four -Way Inn Restaurant
in Exeter.
Two important anniversaries were
celebrated, Margaret Hoggarth was
celebrating 25 years in Canada and Evelyn
Workman was celebrating a birthday. Mona
Alderdice presented gifts to the honored
Eighteen members answered the roll call
with a current e7ent. Report of the board
meeting was given by Hilda Payne and the
area convention. report was given by Grace
Following dinner, the members visited
the Exeter Times -Advocate where they
were welcomed by Bill Batten and HarryDe
Vries. The W.I. learned about the prepara-
tion or each week's paper, assembling each
page, the various ma ines and cameras in-
volved in getting the paper ready to be
printed by the Einco P inting in London and
its final delivery. They .o gave the history
of printing in earlier times.
United Church. News
Rev. Lorne Keays presided in the pulpit of
St. Andrew's on November 24. His sermon
was based on "A Man who dared to ask
The Sunshine Girls will meet on Wednes-
day, November' 27 at the home of Faye
Kinsman at 8 p.m. The guest speaker wiiil be
from the Exeter firm of Ellison Travel.
Rev. Lorne Keays would appreciate get-
ting the names and addresses of those folk of
the Kippen and Br'ucefield churches who
have gone, or are going, south for the
winter. His telephone number is 482-9959.
Worship service
By Blanche Deeves
HOLMESVILLE - Worship Service was
held in Holmesville United Church on
November 24 with Rev. J. Bechtel in charge.
The Goderich Township 1-5-0 , Choir
ministered in the music for the service.
The Enterprising Seniors will meet
December 4 at 12:30 p.m. for their annual
Christmas pot luck dinner. Members are
asked to bring prizes for bingo.
Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Avery of
Holmesville on the loss of her husband,
Wallace. ,
Congratulations to Jean and Clarence.
Perdue who became great-grandparent's on
November 22. Twins, a boy and girl, were
born to parents Kim and Don Hargranes In
St. Andrew's feast
The ladies of Bayfield Trinity Church will
be celebrating the feast day of St. Andrews
on Friday, November 29 at 11 ann., when
Rev. Aubrey Bell will officiate at a commu-
nion service. This will be followed by a
potluck luncheon and then Rev. Paul Mur-
ray will i nrke a slide presentation of the
visit which he made to Oberammergau for
performance of the decennial Passion Play.
The feast of St. Andrew falls on November
30. Although St. Andrew has become
associated with Scotland and is recognized
as its patron saint, he was an apostle, a
Galilean fishermah who brought hiS brr;ti r
Simon Peter to Christ.