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Little Liver Pills.
1Viust Hear Signature of
See Foe -Simile Wrapper Below..
Vary asaall and as easy
to take as sugar..
mrictul ,011N.71UMPUL.1gct7:4,;;;;I:5i7,11y,;;c.
Sprains, Strains, Cuts, Wounds, Ulcers,
Open Sores, Bruises, Stiff Joints, Bites and
Stings of Insects, Coughs, Colds, Contracted
Cords,. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Bronchitis,
Croup, Sore Throat, Quinsey, Whooping
Cough and all Painful Swellings.
An Augury That Foreshadows the
Spread of the Gospel.
/Entered according to Act of the Far-
Ilantent of Canada, in the Year '0"°
Thousand Nine Hundred and Three,
by Win. tinily, of enrouto, at the
Department of Agricuiture, Ottawa.)
A despatch from Chicago says:
Rev. Frank De Witt Talmage preach-
ed from the following text: Exo-
dus xiv., 15, "Speak unto the child-
ren of Israel that they go forward."
The divine command given to the
children ea.:Israel "that they 'go for --
ward" is applicable to the children
of Go.d at the present time. Xbe-
lieve . we are at a crisis in the
world's history. In 1890 my fath-
er preached a sermon entitled"
Decade of the Century." By it he;
tried to show how easily the world
could be brought to Christ within
ten years if every Christian would
annually bring only one soul to
Christ and these new converts in
turn would also 'individually bring
ono soul to Christ• every following
year. But to -day I want to show
that the world can :be brought. to
Christ even in less time than that .if
the Christian church• will only real-
ize its full opportunity and grasp
it. I want to show this because
believe all the great preliminary
battles . have been fought and won
which are necessary for this final
triumph. As Concord and Lexing-
ton and Bunker Hill and Princeton
and Saratoga had to precede the
Yorktown surrender, so I would
trace the great onward movements
of the human race to show how we
aro fast approaching the golden
milestone where the world can be
redeemed from sin. Then I would
try to show how the Anglo-Saxon
race, as a human agency, can take
the chief part in this gladsome and
worldwide triumph if we will only
oVo forward in Cod's name.
The great battle for the world's
redemption was fought and won
wheu the frowning walls of religious
intolerance were battered down and
the torture dungeons of the dark
ages were forever opened to the
purifying light. Ah, the battle for
religious liberty was a long and a
bitter strtiggle! It was not won in
a day, decade, a generation or a
century. It fought its way through
the flying stones and the bloody
swords and the spears and the mar-
tyrdoms of Christians of apostolic
times. The fight for emancipation
went on among the crackling flames.
of burning Rome. It clutched by
their throats the man eating mon-
sters that leaped into the Roman
Coliseum. It defied the lowering
looks and the blasphemous oaths of
the mobs that gatheredinthe bier-
entine square of beautiful Italy to
see Savonarola, die. It suffered all
ov the agonies which Fox recorded in
his "Slistory of the Lives and Suf-
ferings and Triumphant Deaths of
the Primitive as Well as tho Protest-
ant Martyrs." It steeled_ the back-
bone of lion hearted Martin Luther
as well as of John Huss. It fought
its battle until at last the opened
Bible was placed in the handl of the
common people and every man was
free to worship God according to
the dictates of .his conscience, whe-
ther in the Christian church, the
Kidney Tronbles, no matter of what Jewish temple or the Mohammedan
bind or what stage of the disease, can mos tie
The Bible is full of the gospel in-
vitations "to come." "Come, for
all things are now ready. Come,
come, come!" But upon no page of
the Bible can you find anywhere the
words written: "Come to Christ
against your will!" "Come with
hate in your heart!" "Come with
defying sin on your lips!" "Come
as a trembling murderer is led to
the scaffold or to incarceration for
life!" Thuswe find that .the second
great onward movement for the
be quickly and permanently cured by the
use of these wonderful pills. Mr. Joseph
Leland, Alma, N.W.T., recommends them
te-IL1 kidney trouble sufferers, when he
says:d-I was troubled with dull head-
aches, had frightful dreams, terrible
pains in ray legs and a frequent desire to
urinate. Noticing DOAN'S KIDNEY
PILLS recommended for just such annoy-
ances as mine, it occurred to me to give
them a trial, so I procured a box of
them, and was very much surprised.at
the effectual cure they made, I take a
race realized as nover before Shut
the gospel of esus Christ. was not
only the best.of all religions,. but
also that it is the only gospel
which promisee perfect peace this
-side of the grave as well as salva-
tion beyond.
Edwin Arnold's "Light of Asia"
might bum brightly when fed by
the oil of the poetic imagination of
the' gifted English writer,: who mar•
ried a dark skinned daughter of the
east, but Arnold's "Light of Asia"
was found to be as dark as India,
with its teeming millions in utter
darkness — darkness black as that
of Africa, or as dark as the benight-
ed human beings who, as . cannibals,
are banqueting off human flesh. As
all peoples must believe is a Gocl of
some port, so to -day, as never be-
fore, the intelligent, -iviltzed na-
tions know. that the gospel of Jesus
Christ is the only gospel which will
bring true peace and progress to the
world.. When a native chief asked
QueeneVictoria, the source of Eng-
land's strength she handed hind a'
Bible. So, to -day, os. of the civ-
ilized races are ready to. confess that
the strength ol the mightiest earth-
ly governments is centered in tho
word of 0 ed. Whore the Bible is
not, there are superstition and ig-
norance and brutalizing crime.
Thus many preliminary battles
have already been fought and won.
Now comes the practical question,
What race . of people is going to
start forth to lead in the last great
battle,. which is to be fought for the
redemption of the world for Christ?
Has Jesus .a right to look
with hope toward any people
more confidently than to the
Anglo-Saxon race ? From, what
race came the crusaders, Godfrey
and Frederick Barbarossa and Bald-
win of Flanders and Richard the
Lion Hearted and Frederick II. ?
From what race came the pilgrim
fathers, who crossed the seas im-
bued with many noble ambitians,
the chief of which was to carry the
gospel of Jesus Christ to the far-
thermost ends of the earth ? Among
the hearts of what people was the
great foreign missionary cause first
born ? 1Vho to -day aro striving
most of air to civilize and Christian-
ize the world at large ? Is it not
the members a the A uglo-Saxon
race ? Are there any people who
can be more justly called a Christian
people than the Anglo-Saxons ?
great deal of pleasure m recommending Weald's redemption was taken when
them to' all kidney trouble sufferers. - bigotry's swarthy limbs were man -
Price 50e. per box, or 3 for 11.25; all acled, when the hissing tongue of
persecution. was stilled andewhen re-.
dealers or The Dean Kidney . Pill Co.;
• liberty- could lift up ,hersiillng .
Xoronto, 0ht.
, face toward .the heavens and
stretch forth her white hands to
lead, as well as to protect, a free
human race.
But from a spiritual standpoint
why do we say that a great battle
was won because commercialism has
brought all the world into sympa-
thetic touch? Is the enhle sunken
under the seas, the telegraphic wires
strung overhead, the railroad lines
bringing New York and San Fran-
cisco into closer communication
than were once Nev York and
Georgia, and the: great steamboat
lines turnieg all oceans into ferries
—are, any of these to have anything
to do with the advent of the millen-
nial dawn? Is that wonderful in-
vention of Johannes Gutenberg call-
ed printing, the outgrowth of which
is the modern newspaper press, to
TO have no part in the world's redemp-
tion? Oh, yes. The Bible does not
say that the world shall grow grad-
ually better and better, but it does
say that ,when the "gospel of the
kingdom shall be preached in all the
world for a witness unto all na-
tions then shall the end come." And
how can that gospel be preached
quicker to all people than through
the medium of the telegraph and
telephone and rail ro a.d train and
Passenger steamboat lints n
freight boats? When the revision of
the Now Testament was completed
some years ago was not the book
telegraphed verbatim in one night
from New York to Chicago? And
ran. Wo not, through the compiest
of a mercenary commercialism, scat-
ter practically in the twinkling of
ELD- eye the gospel of Jesus Christ to
the farthermost parts of the earth,
so that ehoe nations shall, be born
in a day?
As a spring medicine it as no equal.
It purifies and enriches the
blood. Acts on the Kidneys, Liver,
Stomach and Bowels. Cleanses
and -invigorates the entire system
from the crown of the head to the
soles of the feet.
Don't be sick, weak, tired, worn
tnci weary.
lurdock Blood Bitters
Another great preliminary battle
for the world's redemption was
fought Lead won when the parliament
of religions assembled at the World's
Pair in Chicago. Then all the Litel-
ligent ufseinberte a of the Ang10-SairOn' per chamber 'of Jerusalem.
The final redoroption. Of the world
would not be far off if we weld
Only bring Jesus in touch with all
Mankind. An imaginative religious
writer once had this beautiful dream
about how the world, was finally to
be conquered for Jesus. It was, I
believe, to be in the year 2001. A
great internatfenal war was about
to burst over Europe. All the na-
tions of that continent were divided
into two sides. England, Germany,
Norway, Sweden, Belgium and Hol-
land Were on the one side. France
Spain, Italy, Turkey, Austria, and
Russia were upon the other side, The
great armies were marshaled into
twomighty hosts, the trea4 of whose
feet and the rumble of whose cannon
made the earth shake. The night be-
fore the decisive battle was to open
the camp fires of the sleeping sol-
diers stretchedfor miles and miles
away. But the night before that
battle opened a strange being was
seen to go rapidly through the dif-
ferent catnps of the nations. Upo
the beeast of each soldier he pinnea eroceeding out of the throne of .God
and of the Lamb' until it seems to
lose itself in the ocean of a bliesfiil
eternity." I have quoted theseaawo
verses from the R. V., and they
state the complete absolution from
condemnation of all believers in
Christ. The sting of death is sin,
and. the strength of sin is the law,
but thanks be to God, who giveth
us the victory through our Lord
Jesus. Cluist (1 Cor. xv, 56, 57).
8, 4. That the righteousness of the
law. might be fulfilled in us who
walk not after the flesh, but after
the Spirit.
The law of God is holy and just
and good; it is perfect as God Him-
self, but because of our sinfulness
and inability to keep it it becomes
to the sinner the ministration of
condemnation and of death, shut-
ting our mouths if wo would at-
tempt to plead anything but our
guilt and pointing us to Christ,
who was made a sin offering for us,
the end of the law for righteousness
to every one that believeth (d.1 Cor.
iii, 7, 9; v, 21; Roin. iii, 19; oil, 12;
x, 4; Gal, iii, 21, 22). Coining as
sinners, having nothing but sin tend
receiving Christ as our Saviour, He
is made unto us righteousness, and
this we are accepted in Him before
God, not that we may be fit for His
presence only, but that we may by
righteousness before men commend
God to men (I Cor. i, 80; Epti.
6; Matt. v, 16; Tit. iii, 8); that
people reading us may see God.
5-9. For they that are after the
flesh do mind the things of the flesh,
but they that are after the Spirit
the things of the Spitif. * * * But
ye are not in the flesh, but in the
Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of
Gerd dwell in, you.
Flesh and Spirit, carnally
minded and spiritually minded or
(as in Eph. iv, 22, 24; Col. iii, 9,
10) the old man and the new roan
are other ways of saying unsaved
and saved, unrighteous and rtitht-
eous. The unsaved live unto them-
selves, enjoying the pleasures of ein
for a season. They are in bondeege
to the world, the flesh and the devil.
The saved live no more unto them-
selves, but unto Him who has re-
deemed us by His blood and has
given vs His Spirit to -live in us,
making us temples of the Holy
The Anglo-Saxon race is best
qualified to lead in this great for-
ward movement for Christ also be-
cause in this century it holds a po-
sition of dominant power and in-
fluence among the nations analogous
to that held by ancient Rome at the
birth of Christianity. They geo-
graphically hold the strategic points
of all the world. Open the map of
the world where you will and drop
your finger at random. Gibraltae,
the key of the Mediterranean, held
by 'England. Suez canal and the
sovereignty of Egypt by England.
Eastern as well as northern Africa
dominated by England. The islands
of the Pacific held by Germany,
England and the United States.
North and South America dominated
by the United States government by,
its Monroe doctrine. Europe for the
most part controlled or influenced by
Germany or England. Both supreme
in their own ways—England by her
navy, Germany by her army. The
whale and the lion practically un-
conquerable in their own domains'.
Then where can you find a people
mentally and spiritually and phy-
sically .better equipped to carry
forth this" gospel message than the
nieinliers of the Anglo-Saxon race ?
To • donquer the world for Christ
God is going to use giants now as
he used giauts 'of Old: "God made'
the violin.", • . tra.:clevarlue•asedto
sey, "but God had to first..malie. an
Antonio Stradivarius before he
could put together his best violins."
Under the power of the Holy Spirit
the apostolic messengers were able
to scatter the gospel messages ev-
erywhere. But how could such won-
ders have been accomplished in so
short a time unless God had first
sent forth a messenger, mentally
and spiritually gigantic, as ho did
when he sent forth Paul ? And
where can God get better modern
emissariesl if we are willing to do
what wo ought to do, than among
the members of the Anglo-Saxon
race ?
This glorious consummation of
Christ's earthly kingdom, I believe,
Will bo achieved under God's omni-
potent power, working through the
Anglo-Saxon race. Who will lead
the way ? The beginning of every
great movement in the world's his
tory has been humble and incon-
spicuous. The origin of the Chris-
tian church itself, now numbering
Its millions in all lands, was in a
single room, in which,' all told,
there were only 120 persons. Where
will the movement for the final
triumph begin ? It may be in such
a church as this, but it will bo
somewhere where there is a band
of earnest, consecrated, praying
souls—men and Women self sacrific-
ing, ardent, agonizing ht supplica-
tion to God for power. There is an
old proverb which goes something
like this "The best way for a city
to keep its streets clean is for ev-
ery man to clean the sidavalk in
front of his own home.," The best
way for the Anglo-Saxon race to
start on this worldwide mission is
for tis, as individuals, to start here
and start now. A little handful, un -
dor the power of the Iloly Spirit,, wo
may accomplish at least as much for
Christ as did that littIo band of
prayinte men and WOnlen ib the 111.
114 S. S. LESSOR
MAY 31,
Text of the Lesson, Rene. Via., 1-
14, Golden Text, Rena. viii., 14.
1, 2. There is therefore now no
condemnation to them that are in
Christ Jesus, for the law of the
Spirit of life in Christ Jesus Wade
me free from the law of sin and of
We may be very thankful for one
lesson front this glorious portion. of
Scripture, but we trust that 00
teacher will be content with . the
verses assigned as a lesson, but will
not only read the whole chapter, as
suggested, bat will study the whole
chapter. Dr. David Brown says:
"ln this surpassing chapter the sev-
eral streams of -the preceding argu-
anent meet and flow in ono 'river of
.the, water of life, clear as crystal,
a badge or a sign. The next morn-
ing the bugles sounded, and the
armies were drawn up in battle ar-
ray. But when the generals gave
the command "Fire!" and "Charge!'
not ono gun spoke, not one soldier
moved. Then the generals began to
inquire the cause. They found out
the reason. The strange being who
the night before went from camp to
camp was Jesus Christ, 'rho badge
which was pinned upon every sol-
dier's breast was . the. sign of the
cross. Jesus had at last conquered.
The 'sign of forgiveness and of love
and pardon and sinlessness had at
last spiked the guns of war and
turned every soldier into an emis-
sary of peace. There is only one
way I would change that wonderful
dream of the gospel writer. In the
last great hatile of sinful war I
would not have the members of the
Anglo-Saxon race participants. The
night before the battle was to open
I would hove Jesus Christ go
through the camp of the Slav, the
Malay and all the peoples of the
earth, led by a white skinned guide.
That guide I would have the ruddy,
flaxen haired Caucasian, the guido
whom I would call the Anglo-Saxon
race. Oh, my bother and sister, by
the consecration of your lives and
prayers will yon not help make
this scene possible ? Will you not
here and now start forth, by God's
help, to conquer in the near future
the world for Jesus Christ ?
A Few Timely Words of Warning
to Farmer, Dairyman and
The Weekly News. of Sheffield,
Eng., which is simply the weekly
editien of the Sheffield Daily Tele-
graph, and which, like the latter
paper, has a very large circulation,
in Yorkshire, Lancashire, and the
North af England, has in a recent
issue the following timely, and kind-
ly as timely, advice to the Canadian
farmers on the subject of their butter
which they ship to Britain. It reads
thus :—
for Canadian butter about to open,
utter a word of warning to our
it is not, perhaps, out of place to
Canadian brethren ; especially when
we find Messrs. Weddel, the well
known dairy produce authorities, do-
ing the same thing. The Canadian
farmer is open to inetruction, and if
anything is wrong as far as he is
concerned, he will improve matters.
Of that we may rest assured. In this
case, however, we think it is not so
much the farmer as the creamery
managers and the shipping people.
The fact appears to be that Cana-
dian butter has depreciated more on
the English markets than have
Australian and New Zealand. It is.
therefore, recommended. that the
Canadian Government, which does
'so 'much for agriculture in the Do-
minion, should .insist on having :the
'Canadian creamery rooms thorough-
ly disinfected every spring time, and
that the temperature of the railway
carrie.ges should be lowered when
conveying the butter from the agri-
eultural districts to the seaport.
Tho butter, too, ought to be kept
two or three days in cold storage be-
fore it is put on board the steam-
ers ; and, after all this
or rather before, the butter should
be packed in thicker boxes, which
should also be 'Cry and waxed in-
side before being used. The vegetable
parchment also, which is employed
in being put round the butter, ought
to bo the real article and not imita-
tion. We have no doubt these mat-
ters will have the cordial attention
of the dairying authorities of Can-
ada, and in thus drawing attention
to them we d6 so quite as much to
show British farmers how active our
merchants are in the interest of our
trade rivals, as to show how neces-
sary it is that we should not fail to
came up to the requirements of our
customers, whether these customers
be the grocer in tho nearest market
town, or the private purchaser or
wholesale dealer at a distance. It
is only by selling a really good
article, made up in the hest or most
attractive Way, that we can hope to
hold our own in the butter trade,
To find the rarest bird in existence
you must go to the mountains be-
tween Anam and Lents, where there
is a certain kind of pheasant. For
many years its existence was known
only by the fact that its longest
and most splendid plume was in
Much request by mandarins for their
headgear. A single skin is worth
$500, and the bilel livingwould be
priceless, for it soon diesin cap-
tivity. •
Are many times an indication or Symptom of functional
They are in most cases due to functional wrongs, to which
women only are subject. .
" OTJT oi NgICVS " women
are the nightmare of doctors:
“CRA.NKS' is often the designation
of those patients by physicians unable
to understand the cause of their
irritable condition.
ST. J411%M WAFERS have rendered
great service to suchphysicians in
Great Britain, who prescribe them to
nervous women.
ST, JAMES WAITERS afford great
relief, simply by strengthening every
organ affected by the functiot...1
wrongs in women, such as wera
stomach — weak back— and weak
S. JAMES WAFERS help stomach,
digest food and send the nutriment
through the blood, and this is the
honest way to get health and strength,
the kind that lasts, develops and
breeds the energy which accom.
plishes much.
!!Thi.s441:CillizricIUNSTRrti, it7170:1701109W:ILIPII
'4.."(1°r1611*Ioatfedirel nateRET'•
all s &Chem
Price in Canada: $1.00;
Six bottles for $5.00
"Have used $t. James Wafers
*with such success as to Ilace
them on my liet of reliable&
Dr. Chan. K. Springer,
Itondon, eengialle.
St.James Waferr are sot a secret
remedy: to Me numerous doctors re-
commending. Mem to their ,yalicnts
we mail the formula upon reveal.
Where dealersare not selling the
'Wafers. they are mailed upon re-
ceipt of price ot the Canadian
branch : St. Jamas Wafers Ca.. 1728
St. Cathodes $t., Montreal,
Recipes for the Kitchen.
Hygiene and Other Notes
for the Housekeeper.
eeassellefeeeoGoe)o eeeeeeite
A chimney
taken a lighted
lamp is
of the and most
quickly prepared "hot applications."
Simply slip the hot chimney into an
old stocking, and apply to the pain.
If steam is needed, take a damp
warm cloth, and wrap around the
chimney. If the heat is for a cough
or the croup, wrap in flannel rag
smeared with mutton tallow and
turpentine. Applied to the chest or
throat, relief will be had almost at
once. If your feet are cold at night,
place a bot chimney to them and
they will soon be warm. A lamp
chimney is especially practicable dur-
ing summer months, when the fires
are out, for you can light the lamp
and thus have hot applications in a
few minutes. Croup, colic, tooth-
ache, earache, coughs, rheumatic
Spirit (I Cor. .vi, 19, 20; 11 Cor. pains and many other ills flee before
iv, 14, 15). This is the way that it
should be, but it is often not so. the hot lamp chimney in thts house-
because after we receive Christ the
flesh, or old man, is still in us, and
instead of being reckoned dead, pkt TWO LUCIOUS DISHES.
off, denied, it is yielded to, indulged,
pampered, and thus the Spirit
Southern Mullins with isIberres.—Nothing can be more Straw-
and God dishonored. We aro
licious than the follciwing recipe of
taught in these verses that the old
sinful nature never can be improved, southern muffins served during the
never can be subject to the law of strawberry season for breakfast
God, but when we receive Christ we
receive a new nature, a divine na-
ture, are born from above, and we
must let Christ have full control.
10, 11. But if the Spirit of Him
that raised up Jesus from the dead
dwell in you He that raised up
Christ from the dead shall also
quicken your mortal bodies. by His
Spirit that dwelleth in you.
The words "in Christ" and "Christ
in you" describe tho believer, the
justified • person who has passed
from death to life and shall not
come into judgment for sin (John
v, 21), but in the resurrection body
shall appear before the judgment
seat, of Christ to be judged for ser -
Take 4 eggs, 2 cups milk, 2 cups
flour, a little salt. Beat the eggs
very light, whites and yolks separ-
ately. Beat in 2 cups milk, add the
flour very gradually, beating all the
time ; e teaspoon salt. Bake in
well greased muffin tins from 20
minutes to half an hour in a very
hot oven. If properly cooked they
will.uff up so that, when - chine, the
inside is very nearly hollow. With - a
Sharp- knife cut off the top of each
muffin. Fill the hollow center with
selected ripe strawberries, sprinkled
with sugar.. Put on the top of each
muffin and sprinkle with powdered
sugar. Serve with cream.
Strawberry Sponge Cakes.—Beat
vice, our works as saints -tried andi2 cups granulated sugar and the
whites beaten stiff, 2 cups pastry
flour, 1 heaping teaspoon baking
powder, sifted twice, and lastly 2
tablespoons boiling water. Bake in
two long baking tins. Make a soft
frosting with 1 cup granulated sug-
body, and for this we wait and cup milk boiled until it strings.
either approved and rewarded
yolks of 6 eggs.together. Add the 6
else rejected (Rom. xiv, 10 ; Cor. v,
10; I Cor. 14, 15; ix, 27, R.V.)
The body that becomes a, temple of
the Holy Spirit shall by the Spirit
in duo time become an immortal
body like unto Christ's glorious
groan (verse 23; Phil. iii, 20, 21 ; Pour it into a bowl and add 1 tea-
l: John iii. 2), but it seems to me
that +here is in this eleventh verse
some reference to the present body
in which tho Spirit has come to
dwell and His power and willingness
to keep it if only we will be willing
and je.For as
as many as are led by
the Spirit of God they aro the sons
of God.
The spirit of adoption which we
have received beareth witness that
we are the children of G ed. Some
ask, HOW does the Spirit bear wit-
ness ? And they long for the wit-
ness of the Spirit, supposing it to
bo some feeling or peculiar ex-
perience. It is made so plain in I
John v, 10-18, that any one who is
willing to be taught by the Spirit
cannot fail to see it. Co4 says that
He loves me and gave His only Son
for me that I might not perish
(john iii, 1.0). 1 believe this and
receive Christ and then take IXis
word for it that it is all as liTe says
it is ; that by Ilis sacrifice for mg,
receiving Him, am a child of God
(John i, 12). Thus I, receiving and
resting on the word of the Spirit,
have the Spirit's testimony or wit -
nese, for the Spirit bears witness by
His word. Feelings may come and
go, but the word abides and changes
not. Going on through this chapter
and just believing God, we rejoice
that in 'Christ we are joint heirs
with Him of all that He is heir to
and that . freely we reeeiyn in Him
all things (verSes 17, 32):
spoon flour. Beat until thick en-
ough to spread. Take ono cake
from the tin, spread with frosting
and cover with halved strawberries ;
dust with sugar, and put the other
cake on top. Cover with sugared
That rubbing a lint flatiron with a
piece of hard soap will smooth and
clean it quite as well as beeswax ?
That soap should never be used in
washing silk, or silk stockings.
bran water, four tablespoonfuls
bran to a quart of water.
That when the potatoes get old
and tasteless rice makes an excellent
substitute ?
That a small broad paint brush,
bought, of course, especially for the
purpose, is very useful in the kit-
chen. With it bread and rolls may
be lightly rubbed with warm raillea
and buns and cake pans neatly
greased without soiling the fingers.
Much neater than a bit of rag or
That a large cloth on a mop kept
especially for the purpose, is better
to take the dust from hardwood.
floors than the broom covers that
are usually employed
That old linings that are to see
service again, and muslin dresses,
are greatly improved by dipping
them in gum arabic water instead of
starch ? Four ounces of the gum
are dissolved in e. quart of boilin
water and bottled. Dilute accordi
to the fabric. The gum water
not thicken the material like starch,
and makes it look like new.
That the pretty halftones and
photogravures found in the maga-
zines of to -day, that one hates to
throw away but doesn't know how
to keep, may be mounted on white
or gray mats, which can be procured
quite cheaply, and form an interest-
ing collection ?
Spread out the number of yards in
double width. Wring sheets from
cold watee fold, and place over the
cloth ; then fold in half -yards. This
leaves every other layer next to the
sheet. Set away over night. In the
morning unfold and hang over a door
to dry.
Was Very Weak and Nervous.
Heart Palpitated—
Would Get Dizzy 46113-
1111v CanadianWomen Troubled inthilWay-.
Ars Yoa One of Theml—
If so, You Can Be Oared!
WILLrf_DO T.•1•01...•••••••
Mrs. Denis Hogan, Hazeldean, Ont.,
writes:—During the year 1901 1 was
troubled very much with palpitation of
the heart, followed bya fluttering sen-
sation and great pain. I would get
dizzy, and was very weak and nervous. Be-
ing advised to try MILBURN'S HEART
AND NERVE PILLS, 1 procured. three
boxes, and since taking them I have not
had a bad spell, and feel better than I
have for years.
Price 50e. per box, or 3 for $1.25; all
dealers or The T. Milburn Co., Limited,
Toronto, Ont..
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Weal, Nervous Discased Men.
Thousands of Toting and Afiddle Aged Men are annually swept to a premature Reeve
through early indiscretions and later excesses. Self abuse and.Constitutional Blood
Diseases have ruined and wrecked the life of many a promising yowler man. Have
von any of the following symptoms: Nervous and Despondent; Tired in Morning;
• No Ambition; Memory Peer; Easily Fatigued; Excitable and Irritable; Eyes Blur;
Pimples on the Face. Dreams and Drains at Night; Restless; Haggard Looking;
)31Otches; Sore Throat; Bair Loose; Pains in the Body; Sunken
Eyes; Lifeless., Distrustful and Lack of Energy and Strength.
Our New Method Treatment will build you up mentally, physically
and sekually. Curets Ounrantood or no Pay.
*'No Names Used Without Written Consent.
A rnEravoins WRECK.—L 11APPIt LIFO.
f'. P. EInaltSOK has a Narrow Escape.
"I live on a faxin. At school I learned an early habit, which
weakened tue physically, sexually and nientally. Fatuity Doctors
said I was going into "decline" (Consumption). "Tbe
Golden Monitor.** edited by Drs. Kennedy dr Kergen 1.0 law toy
hands. 1learned the truth and canoe. • Sett Meat Mut eappetime
vitality. I took the Nem Method Treatment and wan ettred. My frientle think 1 Vat
cured of Consumption. I have sent them many patients, all of whom ,,re cued.
Their New Method Treatment supplies vigor, Vitality and manhood."
• Consultation Fro, BookeFroo. Write fOr ()tisanes Monk for Home Tenement.
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