HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1985-11-20, Page 22i 1)4.14.0 ,, cWiToNr'WS-i c D,1' P? GQDEB.I 0 •LUCKNOW • WINGHAM :SIXTH , 'INION BA Y FIEL a w;164:s SEAFORTH • MITCHELL °ZURICH o • EXETER STRATFORD 1. Articles for sale YOU CAN GET your out -of -Canada Medical In- surance at C.A.A. Travel Agency, 7 Rattenbury St., Clinton. Phone482-9300.-44tfar HANK'S SMALL ENGINES - Hwy. 4, Londesbor9, 523-9202. Dealer for Canadiana and Bolens Lawn and Gorden Equipment and snowblowers, Weedeater Trimmers, Poulan Chainsaws, Badger Form Equipment. Service to all small engines.--20tf KITCHEN CUPBOARD. Reface your old cupboard instead of replacing it. Save up to 60, percent. Leading manufacturer is having o clearance sale of certain styles. Package includes doors, drawer fronts, handles, hinges, backing, laminate, valance and knick knock shelves, Regularly $1995.00 clearing at $995,00. Coll (519) 653-0176, 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. -47o USED SKATE EXCHANGE and sharpening service for skates, knives, scissors, saws, etc. 1'39 Queen St., Clinton. 482.9412.--41tf TECHNICS portable stereo system, 60 watts R.M.S., 7 band graphic equalizer, music search, Dolby N.R., AM/FM radio, MX tape head, linear phase speakers. $650.00. Phone 529- 7974.-41 tfnx WELL SEASONED firewood for sale, $125.00, 4' x 4' x 8' lot. Phone 482.7594. 45-48 YAMAHA DX7 programmable synthesizer with stand and Peavey TKO 65 space amplifier. Phone 523-9408 after 6 p.m. -47 ATTENTION HOBBYISTS: Radio controlled Porsche, precision steering, with built-in •recharger. Call after 4 p.m.:482.3178. -47 OLD HOSPITAL BED for sale. Asking $75. Phone 482-5446.-47,48 PLANA MERRY CHRISTMAS with apples. Nor- thern Spy, Macintosh, Red 8 Golden Delicious, Snows, plus sweet apple cider 'from Don Mid- dleton's Whitehall Farm, R.R. 3, Clinton. 482- 9838.-47,48ar FIREWOOD: $28.00. Phone 482-7425. -39tf WEEKLY SPECIALS! See our ad in "FOCUS" Clin- ton Boxed Meats just off Hwy, 4 north of Clinton. 1'/I mile south of Londesboro, watch for our sign. Call collect 523-9508.--42tfar TOP OF THE LINE: Roland Bolt 60 guitar amplifier. Excellent condition with very little use. Worth $675 new, will sell for $475. Also, a Epiphone bass guitar in good condition. Asking $200. Phone529.7974 after 6 p.m. - 41 tfnx I. FUR. COAT Full length' Aline winter white sheared seal with brown mink collar and cuffs. Size 16. Excellent condition. $150.00. Call 524-6544. -- 47 ' HUMANE LIVE TRAPS, cedar fence posts, cedar kindling and red potatoes. Phone 482- 3842.•-41,43, CHOICE LEAN BEEF by the side. Special on hind quarters.. Ready for freezer', government in• spected, farmer's prices. Phone Frank Falconer 482-9128. -- 15eow TWO H78-14" snow tires mounted on Cutlass rims. $30.00. Phone 482-7676. 47ar • • G.E. 17 cu. ft. frost -free fridge with freezer and matching 30" self•cleaning stove, gold cqloured. Phone 482.3006. 47tf • FIREWOOD; $25,00 at the bush near Kippen, also milk goats for sale. 482.3076 or 482.9738. 47x ATARI:COMPUTER: Also games and educational software; four colour printer, priced right. 527- 0257. --47x AQUARIUM: 20 gollon with. accessories (stand, pump, heater, filter. etc..) Phone 529- 7132, 47tfn APPLES: Tatman Sweets. Red Delicious. first and - second Spys and Ida Reds. McClymont Orchards, Varna, 1 mile south. 482.3214. 47 •BULLETIN: After 35 years at the same location: Sophie's GOWN SHOPPE is moving next month. All in stock Bridal, Bridesmaids, Mothers, Veils, Hots are reduced up to 50°°. Shop now and make -great savings! Still at 160 York St, at Richmond London. 47o "PENNY -ROLLER" Trademork. Patented. Wrap pennies, nickels. dimes and quarters quickly and easily. One wraps all. Uses free bank wrappers. Only $8.95 postpaid. (Please add 63 cents tax). Christmas Special 2 for $16. (Please add $1.12 tax). Send cheque or M.O- to Penny•Roller Pro • ducts, P.O. Box 405, ,Fort Erie. Ont. L2A 5N2. 474 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD -THE BLYTH STANDARD -THE BAYFIELD BUGLE I Ters-Recoul,. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES & DATA DEADLINES: Classified Word Ads Tuesday Noon Display Advertising ...Tuesday 4:00 p.m. CLASSIFICATIONS 1 Articles for sale 2 Yard sale 3 Garage sale 4 Antiques for sale 5 Cars for sale 6 Trucks for sale 7 R. V.'s for sale 8 Marine 9 Automotive 10 pets for sale 12 Real estate for sale 13 Mobile homes 14 Recreational properties 15 Out of town properties 16 For rent 17 Apartments for rant 18 Houses for rent 19 Rooms for rent 20 Room 8 board 21 Cottages for Pent 24 Wonted to runt 23 Wanted to buy 26 Help wonted 27 Wanted (general) 28 Business opportunity 29 Tenders 30 Employment wanted 31 Service directory 34 personal 35 Notice to creditors 36 Announcements 37 Mortgages 38 Auction sale 39 Educational 40 Lost & Found 41 To give away 42 Death notice 43 Births 44 Engagements 45 Marriages 22 Lots for rent 46 In memoriam 23 Commercial property for rent 47 Cards of thanks SO` DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT WHEN PLACING AD OR IF PAID WITHIN ONE WEEK AFTER THE PAPER DATE. PHONE 482-3443 MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. 1 Articles for sale 10" THICKNESS PLANER $788; 16" Bandsaw $399; 5 -in -1 Machine $1,399; Sid Tatham Woodworks, Woodstock. (519) 537.2660. • -47o BUILDINGS For Sale: 1985 year-end factory clearance on all quonset buildings. If you are ready to buy, we are ready to deal. Savings from $700 to $7,000 depending on•sizes. For fast action and big, savings call Miracle Span, toll free, 1- 800.387.4910,-47o. STEEL BUILDINGS: Buy direct, and save. Building factory direct discount 20 to 30 -to 40%. Must clear inventory. No reasonable offer refused. Order now, take spring delivery. No storage -charges. Call 1-800-387-8130 or (416) 828- 6262.-47o • WATER PROBLEMS? New Technology, eliminates rusty, smelly, bad tasting water, coliform bacteria, staining, iron, manganese, hardness, chemical contamination and more - fully automatic, tested and proven in over 12,000 rural installations. No messy chemicals, no taste or smell of chlorine. FREE 6 -month trial offer. See For Television from Around The World Coll LARRY FISHER 524-9595 SATELLITE SYSTEM`Sp(CIAL 10' Fiberglass dish (5 yr. warranty) Polar Mount Installed UnIden 1000 Receiver $ 1 9 9' n E 65 Degree L.N. A. • Polarotor or a 65 . per month SATELLITE SYSTEM SPECIAL 6' Perforated Dish t 17A�/� 2000 Unlden Receiver and more Completely Installed or seri. per month 9. • Monthly Leasing Available • Home Demonstrations Value for your money - Backed by Service TV & STEREO SYSTEMS. SALES & SERVICE CHOICE Or COLOUR L & A SOUTHWEST SATELLITE Call Day or Night 524-9595 the results for yourself. If you want Better Water for Better Country Living call toll free 1-800.268- 2656 or write Aztec Water Purification Systems, No, 203-1030 'Kamato Road, Mississauga,. On- tario. L4W 486. The "Lowest" cost System that "Really" works. -47o GARRETT METAL DETECTORS: Contact us for nearest dealer. Ask about Christmas specials, eagerly looking for new dealers in Ontario. Con- tact Canadian Metal Locators, R.R. 5, Waterford, Ontario. NOE IVO. (519) 443-5193. -47o ONE STOP. Building Shopping Centre. All steel straight/slant, quonsets,. cladding. Free brochures on request. For action value and answers call Wally (416) 426-1794. • Leave message or collect evenings 'and weekends. L..474 REPAIRS to T.V's, radios, small'appliances. video games, electric tools, etc. Cable T.V. convertors for sale. Larry's Radio & T.V. Blyth. 523- 4559.---37tf APPLES FOR SALE: Pick your own or already pick ed: Corner of Varna/Holmesville Rd,' Henry Slotegroaf 482-9272, No Sunday sales. 39tf FREEZER MEAT:Young, lean, government in spected beef. RAady for freezer. Walter Lepp ington after 6'p.m. 482-9754.. -47x APPLES, cider, potatoes, apple butter, onions, honey and cookies, cooking Spys and Macintosh. $5.00 a bushel at Art Bell's Fruit Farm. 524. 8037. 47tfar • 10" TABLE SAW. $300.00. Phone 482.7660. 47x 60:' OAK BUFFET and hutch, glass shelves and two interior lights. New condition. Phone 524- 2416. 47x A LADIES long camel dress coat size 11. Ideal for young slim school girl. Phone 482.9189.. 47x 1. Articles for sale C & F FURNITURE NEW & USED We Can Offer BETTER PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY 1/2 miles south on Hwy. 21 GODERICH 5247231 We even take trades White Westinghouse self c'ean, white with black glass front RANGE, .. $325 Viking 30" RANGE, white :145 Beach 30" RANGE, white. . . . $95 Inglis 2 speed WASHER, gold. . $265 W estinghouse WASHER & DRYER, gold. . . $425 Westinghouse DRYER, gold . . . $145 Westinghouse DRYER, white. . • $125 Gilson 23 cu. ft. FREEZER. - . $145 Westinghouse 14 cru. ft. frost free FRIDGE, white $335 Apt. Size FRIDGE $95 Speed Queen TWIN TUB, gold . . $135 GREAT CHRISTMAS GIFTS! For Drivers: The one and only Street Atlas of Ontario; in compact book form; fits glove compartment; contains highway guide and mileage chart; 300 street guides to all major cities and towns throughout Ontario. Over $250 worth of maps in easy to read book form. Only $39.95! For Students: Bar- tholomew World Atlas with complete index; col- our maps of entire world; popular reference book. Or: multi -colour world wall mop; laminated; washable. Regular $39.95. Now only $29.95 each, till December 31. Decorate student work areas, bedrooms, rec-rooms, etc. Order now! Tax and shipping included. Major credit cards accepted or send cheque or money order 1o: Maple Leaf Map, 4800 Dundas St. West, Isl- ington, Ontario. M9A 4X7, Or call: (416) 239- 5553: 239-5632. Rapid courier delivery. Money back guaranteed. --470 • FOR SALE - REASONABLE 2 portable insulated metal buildings. One is semi -finished as a cottage with bath and kitchen etc. Second, large room with hydro, window, etc. Would make a good storage room. Both 36' x 24', Phone 482-7508.-47-49 CONESTOGA air -tight wood stove, never used. $500.00, 565-2974.-47x COOEY single shot 22, mint condition; Weaver 4 power scope with see through mounts. Call 565- 2974.-47 x 1A. Snowmobiles BUY NOW before the snow flies. Arctic Cat J.A.G. 3000; El Tigre 5000, both in good condition w, covers. Call 482-9260 after 4 p.m. weekdays, ----46,47 5. Cars for sale 1972 CHEV KINGSWOOD stationwagon in good running condition. Asking $400.00. 482- 5068.--46-48 1976 BUICK CENTURY, 68,000 miles, $1600 or best offer. Call 262-6279 after 4:30 p.m. -47-49 1981 VOLKSWAGEN RABBIT Diesel, LS, standard trans. Very good condition. 482-3685 or 482- 7025. --47 12. Real estate for sale FOR SALE BY OWNER: Three 'bedroom home, closed in sunporch.• Close to downtown and Catholic School in Clinton. Large treed lot. Phone 482-9303 after 5 pam--47 FARM FOR SALE Huron County, E% Lot 35, Concession 13, Township East Wawanosh. G Located 5 km. west of Wingham. 6100 acres with about 78 workable. . Buildings Include a stone house and bank barn. °The land Is rented for the 1985 crop year. ASKING 695,000. For further information contact: Stephen Wright FARM CREDIT CORPORATION BOX 155 GODERICH, ONTARIO N7 A 3 Z2 or phone 524-8381 Attention Farmers A. For Sale 16' PATZ SILO unloader. Phil Clark. 524- 4367. 47,48 C. Wanted NEEDED: Farm Families to host international agricultural trainees Adril - November. Must pro- vide family atmosphere room and board and training allowance. Write: Angela Morton, 626 First Street, London, Ontario, N5V 2A2. --47o WANTED: Trio of geese - any breed. 482- 3261. 47x D. Livestock YORK CROSS Landrace bred gilts, available for December and January forrowing, bred to col- oured boars, as well as our usual selection of York, Hamp, Duroc, Hamp-Cross buroc boars. Priced reasonably and guaranteed. Bob Robin- son, R.R. 4, Walton. 345-2317.-•-47-50 12. Real estate for sale UNIQUE STONE & Brick Home on 3 acres, 3 bedrooms 9 1''2 baths, livingroom, large kitchen, recently renovated and decorated, combination wood/oil furnace, large steel shed. Near Hen - sail. Cal( 262-2686. 47 ..... w.LLExs _ . REAL ESTATE INC. ,d NEW LISTING: George St., Clinton, bright and spacious 4 bdrm. family home, 4 pc. bath on upper, 2 pc. on main level, country style kitchen, finished workshop plus loads of high and dry space In basement. Economic, clean gas heat. Asking. 659,000.00. t � ° fl i, see nek,, ,..-.EU^ �,.u: OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS. First Time Of- fered! 2 bedroom brick bungalow on ex- cellent lot and Iocatlon. A quality house needs redecorating. A rare property. Don't miss It! FENCED LOT WITH BARN next to Clinton Race Track. 2 acres. Only 612,000.00. COUNTRY - Small acreage with good homes - we have several - still time for you to celebrate "Christmas at home in - the country!" 524-2667 482-3307 OFFICE GORDON HILL HOME SUNCOAST MALL IQBAYFIELD ROAD GODERICH E. Farm Services CUSTOM PAINTING and reconditioning of gravity bins cattle trucks, wagons, trailers and all kinds of implements and equipment. Phone Gords Welding, 482.5216.-45.48or TRUCKING AVAILABLE. Hevink. 262-5708.--47 SERC Sales -Service -Installation •darn Cleaners •Bunk Feeders °Stabling *Manure Conveyors FREE ESTIMATES R. 2 BLYTMDonald Ge Wood R. M' REAL ESTATE LTD. JUST REDUCED - Beautiful 11/2 storey brick house on 10 acres. Large steel shed, near Auburn - must be seen THIS 1 '/z STOREY HOME FEATURES large family -style kitchen, 3 bedrooms, some recent renovations. BRICK DUPLEX has larga units and is in a convenient location to schools, uptown and post office. VANASTRA - 11/2 storey house, vinyl sided, 3 bedrooms, full basement, recently renovated.' 28,000.00. 4 BEDROOM, 2 storey house in convenient location, $24,900.00 HENSALL - 21/2 storey brick home, beautifully finished, must be seen. 4 BEDROOM HOME near the hospital, nice lot, lots of room, carport, $29,500.00. 3 BEDROOM - 11/2 storey house in Vanastra, $17,500.00. LAYER QUOTA, 5909, on 75 acres. Split level home. INDUSTRIAL ZONED 5,000 sq. ft. building in Vanastra. WORKABLE ACREAGE & BUSH, river fron- tage, near Auburn. 115 HURON ST. - cozy 3 bedroom home, treed lot. VANASTRA - 3 bedroom with many extras. Call for details. . Rose Workman, Clinton 482-3455 MAURICE GARDINER REAL ESTATE LIMITED 34 STANLEY STREET GODERICH 524.2966 'We May Be Number One! But We're Still Trying Harder!' ,.r,.uurt CALL US • TO WELCOME e_ • •„ OPEN HOUSE 128 East St., Clinton OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, NOV. 24th 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. 1600 sq. ft. 3 bedroom renovated home with feature oak cabinets in kitchen; 12 ft. by 23 ft. family room, colored steel building 30' x 36' with 2 bays and office; Underground hydro; 0.62 of an acre fully landscaped. 679,500. Vendors re- locating. BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN: Local Drive-in Theatre being offered for sale as a going concern, together with 10 acres prime development land. Ideal family business. $27,500: C -Tine loor home on Mery St. Just listed. Immediate occupancy, has recent roof, new flooring In bathroom and kitchen. BUILDING LOT, RAGLAN ST.: Choice location, huge lot 132' x 175' sublect to 25 foot right of way over north side. 115,000. $49,900: 3 bedroom air conditioned home with heated garage, 16' x 32' pool, many fine features. SPLENDID MODULAR HOME: "Bet- ter than new" Immaculate double -wide features 2 full 3 pe. bathrooms, master bedroom has 3 pc. ensulte with raised tub. New listing: 139,900. $57,500: 1.4 acres, beautifully renewed 3 bedroom home with double garage, main floor family room, natural woodwork. Near Bannockburn Conser- vation Area at R.R. 5 Clinton. GODERICH ST. W., SEAFORTH: 133,000 buys this fully refurbished 3 bedroom home carpeted throughout, excellent condition, Immediate oc- cupancy. DAIRY FARM: as going concern, 100', acres workable land. 32 tie-ups, milk quota's, Holsteins, equipment. Ex- celent house. Hwy. location. Whave a good selection of Dairy, Poultry, Hog and Cash Crop farms available. Call for details. JOHN L. DUDDY REAL ESTATE LTD. MLS REALTOR - MEMBERS OF THE HURON REAL ESTATE BOARD John L. Duddy Rues W. Archer Peter Damsflita Offlee 482-3652 482-3933 or 9428 4,2-9849 482.3766 CHINIGAY STREET, BAYFIELD White sided bungalow with separate garage, kitchen and living room both 17' x 12', 2 bedroom, family room, sunroom on back of garage, utility room laundry, mature treed lot, one block from Main Street and one block t0 lake. Priced to sell at 879,900.00. HAMILTON ST., BAYFIELD 5 year old Brick Raised Ranch, 4 bedrooms, chandelier in dining room, patio doors with deck off kitchen, fireplace In rec room, water softener, central vac., T.V. tower, etc., alum. soffits and fascia, Insulated garage with electric heater. PRICE REDUCED TO $79,500.00. Excep- tional buy!!! CONTACT Dianne Alexander MAURICE GARDINER REAL ESTATE LTD. HWY. 21 BAYFIELD 565-2513 Real Estate Ltd. Broker Clinton Phone: 482-9371 Residence: 523-9338 NEW LISTING: 292 acres, West Wawanosh, general farm, good buildings, overlooking Maitland River. CLINTON: 189 Huron Street, 1 floor home, gas heat, low cost housing for handy per- son. BLYTH: Wellington Street, 11/2 floor brick home; on large lot, close to business section. LONDESBORO: Mobile home 12' x 60' on large lot with steel shed. 3 ACRES: Goderich Township, Victorian Style home, 3 or 4 bedroom brick home, combination wood and oil furnace, all very well kept. LONDESBORO: 3 bedroom frame home, large lot, utility shed. 1.8 ACRES: Goderich Township, 5 bedroom home, well landscaped, lorge workshop. 75 ACRES: Hullett Township, born for 600 hogs, good house, F.C.C. mortgage. GAS PUMPS AND FAATI,000 TAKE OUT, Queen St., Blyth, 60 ACRES: Farrow to finish for 60 sows, 1/2 miles from Blyth Marketing Yard. KINBURN: 5 acres, good 1'/2 floor home, barn for 600 hogs and 100 veal calves. Try an offer. Vendor very serious. CLINTON: Albert St., 4 bedroom, 2 floor frame home, F.A. oil heat. 10 ACRES: Good brick home and utility born, Hullett Township. 21/2 ACRES: 3 bedroom brick home, like new throughout, Hullett Township, adjacent to Wildlife Sanctuary. 94 ACRES: 55 acres workable, on south Maitland River, no buildings. 125 ACRES: 60 acres workable, 22 acres hardwood bush, large brick home, near Blyth. Blyth creek crosses property. VANASTRA: 1 floor home, finished basement, electric heat, 27 Regina Rood. 1 ACRES: Sixth Line East Wawanosh, good brick home, very scenic.