HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1985-11-20, Page 11THIS ORIGINAL DOCUMENT 1S 1N VERY i'OOR CONDITION
Pot luck supper to start agricultural meeting
by Doris Hunter
Bayfield Agricultural Society avoids
the ,Ja>t nary "round of annual meetings by
g theirs. for November 21. It is always
endly gathering with a delicious pot
lug , supper to establish a good mood, com-
Mbocing at 6::30 p.m.
The formal proceedings, which manage
not to be too formal, get underway at 8 p.m.
Bayfield is saddened by the death of Ruby
Uniac who had many friends in the village.
Sympathy is extended to her family.
Fred Lebeau is the latest to enter hospital
for surgery. He is doing well at University
Hospital, London.
St. Andrew's United Church has decided
to face the facts of winter in the snowbelt.
They have arranged for a group of members
to contact if blustery weather makes driving
to church dangerous and the possibility of
cancelling service a necessity. The persons
to call are the Re% Paul Murray, John Siert-
- sema, Ted Dunn, Phyllis Campbell and John
The Trinity Ladies (mild had a ciiueessfiil
bazaar on Saturday. The Parish Hall was
decorated with Christmas cheer, the mer-
chandise quickly disappeared ' but the
delicious cookies and lots of hot tea provided
a pleasant afternoon of sociability. The
ladies are grateful for the help given them
and the attendance of so many of their
friends and supporters. The Jesson's il-
luminated sign at The Cheese Nook was a
cheering welcome on that dreary day.
Curling Season j
Bayfield's curling season opened with a
fun night of curling. The new executive with
Grant Turner and Bob Rogers as co -
presidents welcomed many new and regular
Curling is every Monday evening at 7 p.m.
The mystery draw donated by Grant and
Ede Turner was won by Marion Graham.
The first regular night of curling saw Mat-
ty Francis and team win over George
Telford. Alice Brandon and rink beat Joe
Koene and Bill Mcllwain defeated the Bob
Rogers rink. The mystery draw was
donated by Bob and Louise Rogers'
Nip'n'Tuck. The winner was Alice Brandon.
November 4, the second might of curling,
changed the standings as Joe Koene and
team won over Matty Francis and Bob
Rogers took a win over Alice Brandon.
George Telford and Bill Mcllwain's teams
played a very close game with Mcflwain's
team winning. The mystery draw donated
by Steve Rock, Courtneys was won by Nor-
ma Gosse.
Bringing the curling season up-to-date
was the third game on November 11. Going
ahead with $8 points saw Bill Mcllwain and
rink win over Alice Brandon and go into
number one position. Matty Francis took an
early lead over the Bob Rogers team and
went on to. a victory. Joe Koene's team
defeated George Telford. After three nights
of curling the standings are: Bill Mcll.wain,
Joe Koene, Matty Francis, Alice Brandon,
Bob Rogers and George Telford. The
mystery draw was donated by Paul and
Norma Gosse and was won by Bob Rogers.
�Archdeacon to visit St. James Church
By Blanche Deeves
MIDDLETON-Archdeacon William
Graham will be the special guest of the St.
James Anglican Church congregation on
Sunday, November 24.
The 4 pm Evensong service will be held to
dedicate the new church sign. Archdeacon
Graham will give the Homily. After the ser-
vice, lunch will be served in the church hall.
Regular morning services will be held at
11:15 am.
On November 17 services were led by
Rev. Aubrey Bell. Lee Ann Wammes col-
lected the children's offering and Jeff Wain
read the lessons. The regular offering was
collected by Don Middleton and Edward
The Trinity Anglican Church Women
(ACW) will hold their. annual Corporate Ho-
ly Communion Service on Friday,
November 29, in honor of their patron saint,
St. Andrew.
The service will be held at 11 a.m. follow-
ed by a pot luck luncheon.
Guest speaker June Taylor will discuss
her work with Friendship House, a Huron
County shelter and support system for abus-
ed women.
Wrapped gifts for Friendship House will
be received on December 1 at St. James
Church. Donators are asked to label their
gifts with the age, size, and whether the gift
is for a boy, girl or woman.
The St. James ACW held their November
meeting at the home of Estelle Wise,
Members agreed to make donations to the
Huron Day Centre for the Homebound, the
Town and Country -Homemakers and the
Canadian National Institute for the Blind.
Another donation was made to Blind Mis-
sion to help purchase vitamins.
In the penny savers' report, Lois Wise's
team brought in the winning total of $197.50
and Mrs. Wise's team gathered $127 in pen-
nies. New team captains are Bev Schilbe
and Evelyn McNeil.
A new ' member, Mary Puffer, was
welcomed to the ACW.
Plans are underway to set up a Sunday
nursery at St. James. Call Hilda Bell at 565,,
2825 if you can make a donation to help
establish this. service.
People report
Proud grandmother Margaret Middleton
reports that her granddaughter Martha
Early won the Reserved Grand Champion
title with her prized Sussex lamb at the
Royal Winter Fair. Martha also won the
wool classes and earned top marks in the
Reserved Grand Champion Guinea class.
Mrs. Middleton's grandson, Mike. Early,
was the Reserve Grand Champion in the
market steer class. He outscored his father
George Early.
A word of thanks comes from the Hoover
family, for the generous support shown "to
them by people and organizations in the
community, particularly Mr. and Mrs. Ed-
ward Deeves, John Deeves, Mr. and Mrs.
Noel Flagg, the Clinton Legion, the Salva-
tion Army, St. James Church and Ontario
Street United Church.
� Surprise party held for the Parsons
By Margaret Hoggarth
KIPPEN-The Energetic Eight started
their winter get-togethers early with a sur-
prise birthday party for Phyllis and Harold
Parsons on November 13. They both
celebrate birthdays in November:
� {zczrz� jou
I am very grateful to all
who voted for me on
Tuesday. -
and Thank you all sin-
cerely for your support.
ask you to bring your
Township concerns to me
at any time.
IT-very sincere thank
you to the voters of
Clinton for your
response at the polls
and for giving me
another opportunity
to serve on Town
Council for the up..
coming term.
Ross S. Carter
To the people of
Clinton who supported
me at the polls on
November 12th.
Congratulations to
Rosemary Armstrong®
Bev and Doris Hamilton hosted the even-
ing with Bob and Frances Kinsman and Al
and Margaret Hoggarth also present.
411-1 News
The Kippen Kitchen Kuties will be joining,
other 4-H clubs in the area for their achieve -
1 wish to convey
a sincere Thank You
to the citizens of
Clinton for their
confidence in electing
me to Clinton Council®
Bonnie Jewitt
ment night on Tuesday, November 26 at 7"
pm at Central Huron Secondary School in
Clinton. The Kippen Kitchen Kuties, con-
sisting of 13 girls under the leadership of
Joyce Wilson and Eileen Townsend, will.be
putting together, an exhibit on Pie Designs.
Shoppers at the Vanastra and District Lioness Bazaar were able to try an early sampling
of Christmas treats baked by the members of the Calvinette group of the Vanastra Chris-
tian Church. Tammy Walsh, Patricia Kelly, Tammy Bell, Kim Embling and Lisa Sher -
ban were offering the fancy cupcakes for sale. i Shelley McPhee photo I
Bazaar aids nursery work
by Maureen Dunsmore
VANASTRA - Another Christmas Bazaar
is over and the Lioness Club reports that it
was a great success. ,
The bazaar profits allow the Lioness club
to keep up their donation to the Lady Diana
Nursery. The money goes to pay for the
transport, of one child to the nursery.
The Lioness thank the businesses of Clin-
ton and Vanastra for their donations for
bazaar door prizes. The winners of the
stockings were adult, Ruth Bond of Clinton
and child's, Isabel Iris of Vanastra.
Several other draws were made at the
bazar.' The Vanastra Vikings had a draw on••
a Cabbage Patch pony and Paula Jeacock of
Vanastra was- the winner.. The Cabbage
Patch cake was won by Sandy Ryan. Her
sister Susan won the. candle cake. In the
Lioness draw for a Cabbage Patch bassinet
and Premie, Jennifer Harman of Bayfield -
took the bassinet home while Jordanna Dale
of Clinton won the Premie.
The Lions also thank those who played the
wheel to win a pie or purchased their baking
Public School
The students at Vanastra. Public School
will be skating at the Clinton Arena on
Thursday. This will be the first of 8 or 10
times that they will be travelling to Clinton
for this sport.
Report card day is Tuesday, Nov. 26. In-
terviews will be held all day and in the even-
ing on Nov. 27, which is a Professional
Development Day.
The children were selling crafts at the
Vanastra. ' and District Lioness Annual
Christmas Bazaar last Saturday.'
Historians to meet November 25
Bayfield Historical Society -will be holding
-its last meeting of the year on Monday at 8
p.ni. in the Municipal Building.
Elizabeth Kettlewell will be the speaker.
Noted for her work researching railways
defunct, she will be talking about
the famous Clinton School Car on Wheels. '
New Looks
for your Windows
Custom-made for your home
from Norholme Decorating Centre and Draco
To the electors
of Clinton and
1 wish to thank you for
allowing me to be your trustee
for the Huron County Board of
education for the past 5 years.
I also wish to thank all the
personnel employed by the
Huron County Board of
Education for their hard work
and co-operation over the past
5 years.
Franklin M. Falconer
Thank You
to my loyal supporters:
1 would like to convey
my sincere thanks
to all those who
supported me In the
past election. 1 would
also like to congratulate
th; se who were elected
to Clinton Council.
Custom-made treatments!
New looks for your
windows - a house gift
you'll always be proud of.
1. In a variety of textures and
patterns all designed to
shut out cold night air,
help to control sound
inside and out. Draw them
open from the centre,
from right or left to allow
warm sunlight directly into
the room. Valances too, at
similar savings.
2. in metal or wood for a
combination of sunny
openness and closed -in
privacy when you want it.
We offer a spectrum of
colours from bold to soft
and gentle. And wood in
its natural state for that
special room.
Roller Shades
3. Ruffled, scalloped/fringed
or tasselled, lovely solid
colors and pretty prints.
You've never seen shades
so beautiful before -and
you know they help save
energy. Choose yours
Pleated Shades
The tasteful look of
fashionable fabrics that
filter Tight in varying
Window Shades
Phone for Norholme Decorating's
Shop -at-home service.
54 Who Strroet Curio
(Juilt oppostts the Post OffICft).