HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-5-28, Page 51.4 it b) T X E '.., Mi It TIME B,. M A Y 28th., 00B, Itchiiig Skin Ii Distress by day tend night -- That's the complaint of those who toct d i t sbe stili e n1a0 it fort 'lire so .un. with Eczema or Salt .Rheum -and out- ward applications do not cure. They can't, • The .source of the trouble is in the blood -make that pure and this seal- . ing, buritieg, itching skin disease will disappear. ei was taken with an !telling on ray arms width proved very disagreeable. 1` concluded it tva" salt rheum and bought a bottle of floo,l:t :;arsap•trill:t. In two days after I ba•t;:i'a tn':'ng it I felt better and it was not long 4a:='.aro 1 was cured. Have never had any ..in disease since." Mas. IDA E. WAUn, Cove Point, Md, Hood's Sarsa, arilla rids the blood of all impurities and cures all eruptions. WEST HURON TEACHERS ASSOCIATION. BELD IN EXETER, ONT , ON THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, max 21, AND 22, 1:103. The Association met this morning in the .Public School, •Exeter,tlte Pre- sident, Mr. Gowans, occupying taho Pliair. The Devotional exoroisee,were (conducted by inspector Torn. The ltninutes of the last session of the As- soeiation, May 23rd., 1.903,wore read anti ado'lkted, • Messrs. 'kJ. E. Huston, S. Martin, ,F'rayne, Carling and Eacrett,...mrrtn'- jeers of the 'Trusteea,Board of Exeter Tublic School were present to ,we11- porno the Association to Exeter. This they did in bright, happy and inspir- ing addresses. The following Committees were tip, p;ointed ;--Teas. Com., Messrs. McKay, Ifoward• and Tigert, and Misses Wall x'orid and Annie Clark., Assentors, Messrs. Hawkins and 'Tebbutt. Inspector Tdxn introduced the sub- •;;ect of spelling in junior classes. He fzdvioeated the teaching of• the gar sound s before the eye sounds,and of oral but never written spelling with pupils in the P art 1. classes. In a (very clear and instructive manner he illustrated the effect of letters maths sound of adjacent letters in the same word. The teaching of pronunciation should accompany that of the spelling Mr. H: Morrish introduced the sub- ject'of mesio in public schools. He would teach singing as nn aid in tea - piling morals. and patriotism and tin preserving good discipline. The songs should be suitable:. The 'subject was further discussed by Messrs. Tom>, . Johnston, Anderson and- Hogarth. • The subject of Public School • Leav,_ ing classes and examinations was in- - • troduced by..AIr. If. N. Anderson. In an interesting addresshe claimed that such a Class should ba. retained <in the . ,public school, as it raised their status - ;a.nd wQ.s,.ail inspiration .to:pupils. "He • ;thought the old programme of studies • for:the class was a good one; and held that the examination should be , restored, as it would secure better at• • i:endance and in,ter,est_. and give the pupil :a, standard by which he • could measure his progress.. Mr. McKay followed and supple- mented the last spe;ake:es remarks. .tie regret.ied the change which did away with the examination, because ninny of those who pass the entrance now, will not attend the leaving class es, and those who do, do 'not(warkso. • diligently" nor with as•much interest ,. as there would if there were an exam-. ination. He advocated a return ' to the first programme of studies, with an examination of one or two•parfs. The. discussion was eontinu ed by -" -Messrs. Tom, Gowans and Tigert.- Ldjournment. ,A FTJ!:RNOON SESSION. After routine business, Mr. Howard discussed ".How shall we increase the efficiency of our teachers',Institutefs.' He suggested that ,the subjerlts dis- t oussed ,pefore the Association. should pe made more practical, that at least no session should be set apart when the ,public sehool trustees might ' be induced to attend and discuss subjects of interest to our public schools, that. • all should take a lively part in -the ' discussion and that 'all should pay' their fees and 'thus become members of the Associa Lion. It was further discussed by Messrs. Tom, llogarth, Delg,aty,Bluett,JoLn- ston and Anderson. ' A number of little",girls in white, mob' from Misses . Gill's and ' Walrend's classes, then sang most sweetly the • song,' "Break the News to Mother." Mr. Geo.- Mawson presented the sub : joct, "Patriotism in Public Srchoole," and Tory ably showed its 'creat tru- e portunce.•' die would not teach it as a special lesson, but by .giving it- a proper eoneoption of our ,great res- ources, history of our glatious • past the geography o four land and empire and the -literature of our best writers along this line, as well as by singing patriotic aongs and displaying suit- able 'pictures on the walls of the sehool room. The subject created Much interest, and was quite fully ;disou.ssed by 'Messrs. Huston John - "sten, Tom Delga.ty, Hogarth, Ander- son and Bluott Misses Gill's and Wainand's oLassies sang -again end ,delighted &very one. Able and exhaustive reports of the '•0. E. A. tvexte givten ,by Messrs. J.• H.' Tigert and 1'. Gowans for tho pub - lie school section; I.I. Huston for the Dizzy ? Then your liver isn't actin' well. You suffer from bilious- ness, constipation. Ayer's Pills act directly on the liver. For 60 years they have been the Standard Family Pili, Small doses cure.An avulses; YYxa your meastacho or board 477)7; Mr brown or rich black 7 Than nee BUCKINGHAM'S DYEv°lnl 'trews trustees' section, and Inspector Tom for the Inspector's section. Mise Wulrond took up, geography for third classes and very clearly ex- ptakned in, an excelexcellent. paper what she Week= in that Class' Mr T. 11. Brownlee diseussed several .of the 0. E. A. resolutions. 11e WaS opposed to raising the age lim entering the teaohing profektsio to-inerease the Model terra t months. Ile was followed 'by Air. 3, W. Hogarth, who ably discussed. others.. -Adjournment • EVENIN,G SESSION. In the evening a very stioc ;'At Hume • was held in the O lows' Hall at which many of ,t zli.ers and their friends ass.smb1, .d. Tho chair was .occu.pied by the dent, Mr. 1?. Gowans, who delivered an excel:leut oddness on "ohazactor or essentials to success in our pro- fession, Week=it for n, and o eight essful ddfel- he foa- Prose- I,nspector Torn. in a well -delivered 'address presented effectively the des- ixability of establishing sellout librari es. 11rr. Heywood and Drs.. e.nderson and Kinsman and Misses Gill, David -,son and Martin, with "Misses 13irown and Martin as a<coo,ner.anists,pontrt bute]. much .to the enjoyment of the evening by their excellent singing. • A reading by Miss Carling.was well received . Mr. George .Gaorott's elarionet solo pleased everyone. Then beet of all came, tliSadainty hunch of ice• Bream,, cake and lemon, ade serovided by Inspector Tone and the :Exeter teachers and their friends. iIJxeter, 1vIayi.22nd,. 1.103. ] ORENOON• SESSION. The Association met at 9 a.• in. Mr. H. I. Strang, B. A., :pond acted devo- tional exercisets. The minutes Of the afternoon and evening sessions were read and adopted. Hearty votes or thanks were tender ed the Oddfellows for the use of their hall 'teat night, and ins'pectorTorn , for providing the:ice-oreaau, and lemon • ade. - hl 111GNa ugnton then dile- cussed several: of the O. E.• A.resolu- tion. Ile thought the Arithmetic a -most important subject and therefor should receive as 'much attention as it has formerly. Mr. D. McDougall continued the dis cussion of a number of resolutions. Mr. Tom read the proposed regula- tions, re the. High School Entrance and commented briefly thereon. Mr. Strang further discussed them, and as he is a member of thecom- mittee to whom these resolutions are to be referred. Lor consideration, be invited discussion from the teachers this afternoon on these regulations for guidaince. tThs (Auditors' Report was received and adopted. The election of officers was then proceeded with, with the following re.. suit:-- President, Mr. Allan 'Bowles; Vice -President, Miss Pringle?, ; Be.e.- cillors, Mr. G. S.. Ilo�vard,• Kr: Tres iW . W. di 4•oh ton • Come - McDougall, Tr n ns McDougall, Mr. J 11. Tigert ;, 11/iss Hamilton, Miss Pattersdn. Eighty-six teachers were reported present. Twelve little girls and boys from Misses Carling's and I teCallurn's class es sang a .Kindergarten song in a pleasant manner. Mr. Allan Bowles took up the sub- ject of Discipline ;impnelssing its im- portance because it is the. foundation of character. As aids to secure,he suggested- indirect methods through .the character of the teacher, clew Yards, ,flower beds, . etc. He conieju sd that if in -early years, a.ehild's °i stincts and tendencies be di:reeted in the proper direction, then when r as - on devel-opes hs does what: is . ;;ht, because it is .xiight. The class trained by Misses C. rling axxd McCallum sang another Jae er- garten song with great accept , ce. MEN'S SECTION. The discussion on discipline -as con tinned by Messrs. Tom-, Stran , : Del- gaty, Bluei,'t and Hogaaith. Mr. Del'gaty intiroduc(ed "11/4 rale," and spoke-wgainst talle-ibearitu and other evils. He spoke elaquenL y on the influence of Christian cha eater in the Leaeher, and sLrong13r ag inst parents shifting the rosponsibilit of the moral training of their cbil ren from their own shoulders to thos of the teacher gr. W. ]1; Johnston spoke on r, number of points of interest to mal toachier's. ' Adjournment. ment. ]:.iA•DIES' SEC.T ION. The Vice -President, Miss Olarkroc, cupied the chair, ' while Miss i:d'ihh. Wiggins acted as Secretary. •11Liss Vosper opened the discussion a! i "IYi6aiplina,3" dealing especially. with truanioy. The - discussion was o'ontinued ,py Misses Gill, Steevaxt, Clark and Wiggins. • Miss :Consitt read ra (very interest- ing paber on the same subject, which was followed by a short discussion Miss Murray read very •able papers on "Moral Training," in which she made many valuable suggestions of :ways ire which 'parents and teachers can do much along this lin , The discussion following this paper was taken p art in by Mises Gil,, \Valrond, Clark and Wiggans 1n the absence of Miss Sha•man,. Inspector Tom gave a ;talk on some points or interest to female,teaohers. this talk. drew but several questions .1e which Mr. Tom••.replied. The session then adjourned - E. WIG Gt.NS, Sec.' d li1 E111:NOON SESSION The -Association met 1.45 p. m. The minutes of theforenoon session were read and adopted. In the discussion on the proposed ro gulations, Messrs. Baird and Hogarth held that it was unwise to have sub- jects on the programme for whiell no examination is •provided. Mr. Tiger'!. thought history and nature study should net be subjects for e.iamination. it was moved -•by Inspector Tom., semended by her. McNtrulght;on,• that • in history the limit should bo, the Stuart and Guelph Periods and all of the .Cana di an his taty.-Carried • It wets antnad'•by Mr. Bluetit. secs ended by Mr. Mawson, that a.tl,,stubr jeots in the t'iresoribed course for lin- cexamine e trance o also subjects of ex zn it u ab esua a r , tionwith t c tz n of . Nater tit heed.l 0 , a Study stud Drawing', ' an the ander standing that the courses in litera- ture be modified us 'Suggested by this meeting : llistery as in the foregoing resolutions, and in literature, . theft the oounse consist of. 10 or 12 selec- tions from the reader. Mr. Baird read an excellent' -paper on the Schools of Huron during tlbo last fifty year:), in which hede,soribed the seitocl-houses, teaohing Inspection, public examinations, and the cartiifi- Bates of the early days. He then cum pared the moiltods of teaching iu the sehools forty years ago with those in use in the present 11 was' 'moved by Mr, Strltng,, size- ondeci by Mr. Tom, and adopted that a hearty vote of thanks be tendered ] Tr. Baird for his excellent paper, an that it be publisbodi n local papers, and one of our Educational Journals. Inspector Tom took up the subject "What should be taught in Arithmo- tie.r' Ile would make the snbjoet,in- teresting py giving simple questions, and also SOARS relating to every day transael�ions. Ile would have a clien- tal arithmetic paper at the Ent -,ranee The address -was interesting and the' discussion was continued py • Messrs,. Delgaty, 'Tobbult, Hogarth and others,. Mr. Strang thou tools up "Diffieul-. ties in Analysis and - .Parsing,"anti ex- plained many difficulties, with Itis usual :clearness. The Resolution Committee brought in the following resolutions:- t 1. That in the opinion of this Associa- tion, t:he 'labile .School Leaving ex- amination should be • re-established in two parts,inx luding all subjects of the course, and that the :examination pa- pers be prepared by the Ec}ue;ation department, and the answer of the candidates read by the Board of EN: - miners, \consisting of the High Schiool Princilpal,• the Inspoct'or and five teachers, elected by the Teachers' Instituto of the Inspectorate, and that the Secretary of the West Huron Association communicate with the, Secretary of the other Associations in the Province, aslfing their co -opera. tion. 2. That in the opinion of this As- sociation the topics for Entrance Com position should be given on the paper. The Association accepted the first resolution but rejected the second It was moved 'by Mr. Tebbulltet ele- ended by Mr. Bluett, and adopted that a Hearty vote of thanks be ten- dered the .President and other offi- cers for having helped to make the Institute meeting such a success. The Institute closed by Singing the National Anthem. W. II. JOIINS.TON, Sees-Treas., W. II. T. A. d • FOR SORE THROAT and hoarseness with their xttendaiut dangers may be speedily averted and remedied by the use of Nerviline.• Ex-. collent to gargle with -ten times bet- ter than at mustatrd • . plaster and' .move Convenient for the outside, and speedily allays sinflammations Nerdi- tine aures becaa]tse it is five' times stronger than other ,rehnenies-penes trates the tissues instantly, soothes' the pain and cures simply because that"s whose it is made for. D rug. gists sell it. . ONE-WAY RATES To; many points in the states, elf Cal- ornia, Oregon and Washington.'•r. ,EIVERY DAY The Union Pacific ;will'sell One- way Colonial Tickets at the following rates from Missouri River terminaais $25.00 to San Francisco, Los Angeles and many other California points. ta:20.00 10 Ogden and Salt Lake .City, ,*+'r-0.00 to Butte, Anaconda andeHel- ena. $25.00 to Spokane and Wenatchee, Wash. • - $25;00 to Everette, Fairhaven and New Whatcoin via Huntington and Spokane. *25.00 to Portland, Tacoma' and Se- attle. , : 25.00 to As la „ ,e �,h nd,lZoseburga, Dug•- ene',. Albany and Salem, via Portland.. 'Tickets on,sale daily its. June 15th, 1903: From• ,Chica,go to:St, Louis ,prolpor- tionately lotyerates are in affect by lines connecting with the Union Paci- fic to all above points. ' Pox - full information call ton or, ad- dress H. F.\ Carter, T. P. A., 14; Janes Building, Toronto, .Canada. Ft B. Ch.oate, G. Ai 126 Woodward Ave., Die i:roit, Mich. sasaaateetzesztrii Eight.. cents a pound is :'what a ' young woman paid for twelve pounds of flesh. She was thin and weak and paid one dollar for • a bottle of Scott's- Emulsion, and by tak- ing regular doses had gained twelve pounds in weight before the bottle was finished. ' Eight - cents a pound ' is cheap for such valuable ma- terial. Some pay more, some less, some get , nothing for their money. You get your money's worth when you buy Scott's Emulsion. We will send you a ,little free. SCOTT' & BOWNE, CHEMISTS, Toronto, Ontario. Sac. and $t.00;.all'druggists. .:11MIEREWEEMEligeLtevifteteseees...sea• sea, see? Castoria is for Infants and C"_l:it'_rttl:+. Cas4orin, is v, harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It wontains neither Opium,. Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years'. use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays Feverish- ness. Castoria cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and ]flatulency. Castoria assimilates the Food, regulate& the Stomach and Dowels of Ix.fants and Children, giving healthy - and natural sleep. Castoria, is the Children's Panacea--Tlio Mother's Friend. - Castoria, "Caetoria is an excellent n,edisine fo_ children. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good effect upon their children." Da. G. C. Oscoon, Lowell, Mass. Castoria. "Castoria Is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any pre- scription rescription known to me." H. A. ARCHER, M. D. Brooklyn, N, Y THE FAC–SIMILE SIGNATURE OF APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER. The etfT.uR COMPAP.Y. YT .., u.:R:. •: - O•--•; GET RID OF THAT COUGH Before the Summer comes- Dr. wood's Norway Pine Syrup conquers Coughs, Colds Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Bronchitis, and all Diseases of the Throat and Lungs. If you once try Carter's Little Li- ver Pills for sick, headache, i3illzusnes or constipation. you will never be without them. They are purely vege- table, small and easy to take. Don't forget this. ' MEETING OF COUNTY COUNCIL The Council of the County of Hur- on will meet in the council chamber in the town of Goderich at 3 o'clock P. Al. on the second day of June • next. W. leeet , Clerk. Dated at Goderich May 20th, 1903. Hour, F r ,v Gracrro Fina Flours, Family. - 9ine Flours, Pure Manitoba and Graham. `Oats, Linseed Meal and Oil Cake, 100 pounds Oil Cake, $1.40. Binder Twine t Aider your Binder Twine from us. WVel1�ell cheaper. than the other fellow U Pure Manilla, 650 feet, g13c • Some for - - llc Aboc'e prices good to June 15th, only. • Groceries Nice l0le of Groceries. We sell Vim at 8 box. Nice thing for summer. 5 lbs Clean Currants 25c. 31b Box of Biscuits 20e. b -i . � Mfl i('11Lfl TREVETH ICI Grand Trunk Railwai susteln Excursion • • - OIn Safurdiy, June 13th Minerva Encampnient,No:47, I.O.O.F. Wingliani, has completed arrange- ments with the G. T. R. to run its Annual Excursion to Via Hyde Park. From the following places, on .Satur- day, June 13t11, 1903. at the following fares:- LEAVE ares:LEAVE FARE Lucknow - - - 6.20 A. ti. $2.05 Whitechurch - 0.33 " 2,05 Wingham• - - - 0.50 '•2,05 Wingharn Junction 6.53 Belgrave - 7.01 " 1.85 Blyth 7,14 " 1.75 Londesboro - - 7.22 " 1.65 Mateo. - 7.45 " 1.60 Brtcefiild' - - 8.05 " 1,45 Kippers= ' - - 8.15 " 1,35 Bxeneteeallr - - 8.22 " 1.35 E - . 8.35 " 1.35 Children under 12, half fare. Returning, special train leaves Sar- nia at 10 p. ni. on Monday, June 15th, running through to Lucknow. An opportunity will be afforded ex- cursionists of spending a couple of days in Detroit as a special excursion. rate to that city frcin Sarnia and re- turn by boat has bet n secured and on the arrival of the train at tearnia those desiring may leave for Detroit by boat or trolley, returning M$nday evening in time for the excursion twain which does not leave till 10 p,m. Everybody come on the biggest and best excursion of the year, J. A. , ChairmanMORTONof Com. TENDERS WANTED.— Tenders will be received up to the 15th of June 1903, for the erection of the new Thames Road Manse. The Carpentering and Mason Work, and Painting to be tendered,for separately. Plans and Specifications can be seen at the home of Mr. Paul Madge Thames Road. The lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. JAMES GARDINER, PAUL MADGE, Chairman of Com, •Secretary. COURT OF REVISION.— Notice is hereby given that the Court of Revision for the Assessment Roll of the Village of Exeter, will bold its first meeting on Friday, May 29th, 1903, at 8 o'clock p. m, Interested parties will govern themselves accord- ingly. GEO. H. BISSETT, Clerk. Dated at Exeter this 18th day of May 1903. COURT OF REVISION— TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE The Court of Revision of the Assess- ment Roll for the Township of Us - borne for 1903, will be held at Town- ship Hall, Elimvii]e, on Saturday, June 6th,at I0 o'clock in the forenoon, All persons having business at , said Court will please take notice and gov- ern themselves accordingly. F. MORLEY, Clerk. Whalen, May 12th, 1003. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the Estate of William Baker, late of the Village of Cen- tralia, in the County of Huron, Yeo- man, Deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to "The Re- vised Statutes of Onteste'• 1891 Chapter ter i 29 that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said William Baker. who died on or about the llth day of May,1903, are required on or before the 15th day of June, 1903, to send by post prepaid or deliver to Messrs Gladman & Stanbury, of the Village of ]txeter, Solicitors for the Executors of the last Will and Testament of tho said deceased, their Christian names and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, the statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them. And further take notice that after such last mentioned date the said Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the de- ceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and that the said Executors will not be liable for the said assets whose claim notice shall not have been receiv- or any part thereof to any person or persons of ed by then at the time of such distribution. GLADMAN & STANBURY. Exeter, Ont. ors for Da ted the 10th day of May, 1903 the Executors: Sprin Prices --ON-- Lu hhr, Caai and Wire All kinds of Hemlock or Pine, either in the rough or dressed as you wish. .A few of my Spring Prices. Coal at bins . $6.00 Coiled Spring Wire per cwt $2.80 Dry Hemlock Barn Boards at . ..$15.50 per M. Dry Hemlock Jointi..... g and Scant- ling at .......... . $15:50 per M. No. 1 B. 0. Shingles at 80c per bunch Cheaper grade .68c per bunch SPECIAL 1 inch Hemlock .... $141aSO per M. 1 inch Pine.. ...$12,80 per M. It will pay you to write or call and see me- before you buy, A. J. ClatiWorthy's Lumber Yard Gran ton. FOR SALE,B,f:JCK RE S DENCbl W1TII AN .A CRE O LAND IN I a, carerae�onresoial " f �h We a o for Mlle et l._b hX�1a r. s e ta. ''b bid i a farms. that very dosna le e n ��l p petty � B known as"1 be Hooper Homestead stftuated on Lot No. 86, south of Unroll Street, Exeter. 'Dere is erected upon the land,a comfortable and commodious brick dwelling, also the necessary Outhouses. d'he hum is in gonad re. pair and has 0 rooms. The lot contains an acre of land ;Audis excellently adapted for garden lug or fruit growing. 'There is a plentiful sup- ply of hard and soft water, ;rile property is up to date and the torrnseasy, for particulars ap 1. ply to b1OrCON & CARUSO barristers I!ixo•cr or to A. E. Boox'sn. stew" P. 0,, Penna.11. A., proprietor. INSURANCE. 1i'+RNTF ST 1•,i..LIO'Z', Agon for the wka'wai AsertaAscs Unit,: PANT, of Toronto; auto tor the 1 N«xrx Irtxs NSFRA NCH COMPANY, Of l.andc n, E tgiarld ; 4L7..zANClt INSv'RANc-a COMPANY, v, of I.rq a,nd MEDICAL W.1.1W\VN11vt, al. D. w.•f. • P.li, Graduate Vieta,ie • reify office en,i rexideoee, 1.r,.wul•nt:� Labor* tory, Exeter. - . TTCll. DICKSON & CARLING, Barristers, Solicitors. Notaries. Conveyancers, Commissioners, Solicitors for the Maisons Bank, Etc. Money toLoan at lowest rates of interest. OFFICE :-MAIN STREET, EXETER. e. R. CARLING, B. A. 5. R. DIOICMON' F. W. GLADMAN (Successor to Elliott & Gladman) Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer, Etc, Money to loan on Farm and village properties at Lowest rates of interest. OFFICE MAIN STARBIT EXETER • ootttcs for $5.00 6 i_ GG ES! BUGGLES! Qogou Want a Buggy? We ;have the finest stock in town 11 the latest styles, in tlatx newest eolors. Our prices are low as can be founi fuer first-class meteriai and workplan ship. BEFORE YOU BUY - CALL AND 66E -U8. J F Russell Two Doors South Tow, Hall. We have jfiat put in -,teak several new Pianos in the tateet dis'gns and. of the Best :vlak's tee I' tpnlear Pi ices.. We will esteem it a pleasure tb show them to you.' Organs :iiways in stock. - A; good second. h tn,i Ilrll Oran in: good order, for sate cheep, The Bicycle fireanca Is with us and those Cushion Frames are just what you want, Wo have them at moderate prices. washing bran WS. ° 'rt•he leading Makes always in: ORO THE jI y� bran to a ...e set at prices that cannot be iv'1r„...,...---n`�+f wh= `' ywhere, also repairs for OA/ T telest ° DENT $ rteii`and see us. We are always ,user but will be glad to give you any • IiINt~MAN, L. D. S. AND.'eftformation about our goods you may DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. di D. S. D. D S., Honor Graduate esre. of Toronto university, Dentist. Tooth extracted without pain or bad after offents, Office in Fan - son's block. West side of Main treat, Exeter• cdInachinos HONEY TO LOAN We have unlimited private funds for invest meat upon farm or village property at lowes rates of interest. DICKSON & CARLING Exeter. jONEY TO LOAN, We have a large amount of private fund's to loan an farm and villa e ro erties at l owrates of interest. OLADATAN & STANBURY Barristers Solicitors, Main St. Exeter, DA • ANDERSON, (Q• D. S. L DENTIST. Honor Honor Graduate of the Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, with honors Also Post -graduate of Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentistry (with honorable mention. Everything known to the Dental Profession done in this office. Bridge work, crowns, al- luminum, gold and vulcanite plates all done in the neatest manner possible. A perfectly harmless anaesthetic used for painless extrac- tion. Office one door south of Darling Bro's store Exeter, Ont. - (21795) The Phenomenal Well -Bred Standard Trotting Stallion. Leads all other stallions in Canada for sir- ing extreme speed, and high stepping action for road and carriage purposes. TARIBNTUM has now produced three colts showing better than 2.10 speed, one going miles in 2.05, who is now entered in over $25,- 000 in stakes down the Grand Circuit. Harry D. commences the Grand Circuit at Detroit Commerce stakes and Comm in the 5000 Chamber stakes,and then goes and also in the 2.11 $2000 down the Grand Circuit throuh other large stakes. Tarentum is the only stallion in Can- ada that has produced a colt pnenomenally fast enough to face the Grand Circuit that won second money in hissecond start in a race at Memphis in a field of eleven starters, all speedy ones.• Dorthv Wilton having got a mark at Lexington. Kentucky, the previous week in 2.091. In this race Orin B. by Grey- stone , the sire of Tarentum. won 1st money. Harry D. by Tarentum won 2nd money. Major Hal, 3rd money. Doherty 'Wilton 4th money. time 2.091- and 2.1071. ROUTE Monday.- Simon McKenzie's . Tuckersmith, for noon; Blake, night. Tuesday. -Zurich noon ; Crediton, night, Wednesday. -Exeter, noon ; Farquhar,, night. Thursday. By way of Staffa to Dublin, noon • home, night. Fri- day. -At his own stable.'Egmondville. Satur- day.-Athis own stable, 1Lgmondvilie. TERMS Farmer's common mares, $15.10 to insure. Well bred and standard bred mares $20,00 by rho season and $25.00 to insure. Stud foes due January 1st, 1901. For tabulated pedigree see largo posters, or address. A. CHARLESWORTII, Fgmondville, Ont. At Lowest. Prices Having bought out the entire stock of the late Jaynes Willis, we are in a better position than ever to sell Lum- ber, Shingles, Lath and all Building Material at lowest prices. The coni- bined stock of Shingles as contained in both yards is heavier than we wish to carry, so we purpose to make a material reduction in the price. of Shingles until we get our stock re- duce. Take advantage of the reduc- tion. We thank the people of Exeter and the surrounding country for their patronage in the pas(, and solicit a continuance of their custom. Our motto is smaller profits and quicker returns. • RO'SS TAYL EXETERy ONT. S.`. artin. W T OTHC16 S1 Y of Worthington's Canadian Stock Ton ic. James Leask, breeder and feeder of the sweepstake fat cattle at Provincial Winter Fair 1901 and 1902, says : Dear Sir: - 1 have fed your Stock Tonic to cattle and like it very much. It mak- es them thrive well and put on flesh more rapidly. I think - it is the best Tonic I have fed to horses. We; are also feeding it to our hens this . winter and they are laying better than they have done for a long time, It pays to feed it. Yours truly, JAMES LEASH, Greenbank P, 0., Feby, 23, 1903. Dear Sir: I bad a mare stocked in both legs,. WORTHINGTON'S STOOK FOOD took it down completely and put her in good condition. It has done my cows good, Think it is a good thing and can recommend it. - Dair man.. B.CHURCHILL, p Clinton, Jany, 17th, 1903. Purify your animals' blood before turning them on the grass. They will surprise you in the fall. 10 lb. box, 200 feeds, 50c..; 50 Ib. sack $2.00. Tie Worthington Drug Go., GU LPH, ONT. For Sale and Guaranteed by: Carling Bros, Exeter; Cook & Son, Hensall; E. Schmidt, Lyman. "An Ounce of Prevention is Orth Pound and Worth a � of Cure." Why not cure that cough of yours now ? Do not let it go on and get worse. A - bottle of one of our own Cough Medicines will cure you. We carry a large as- sortment of Cough Medicines - Cough Lozenges Act wisely and get some 'af our remedies: Bfowilitig