HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-5-28, Page 4C1i
Read every word, then COWIE and do BUSINESS with us, Expenses Less, Profits Less, Newest Goods, Every
thing relable. Summer Savings for Bargain Buyers, Produce taken in exchange for goods. See our Valencienne-
Laces and Insertions. 200 Patterns to buy from.
White Wear
White Drawers at 23c, 85e, 45c. SOc, 70c,
luso a pair
Corset Covers at 25e, 30c, 85c, 45c, 50e,
55e, 05e, 85e,
Night Gowns and Ohemise 50e, 03c, 73e,
1.25, $1.50
White Under Skirts at 73c, 95e, 1,00 1.15 1.20
1.45, 2,00, $2.50.
Elegant Blouses
best value in the trade
White Blouses at 50c, 75e, 1.00, 1,20, 1,40,
Black Blouses at 1.00 were 1,25, 2.00 were
2.25, 2.15 were- $2.50.
Boys' Summer
Boy's Blcuses, gallatea stripes, trimmed
-. with white braid at 70c.
Boys' sunnier suits sailor Blouse, . knicker
pants, blue gaIlated nicely trimmed
with braid and pique at $1,20 a suit.
Boys' Crash Suits, pleated coat, .knicker
pants at $1,75 a suit,
Boyce Sailor suits, brass button's, blue serge
cloth, feather stitch trimming at $1.25.
;en's Suits
natty, new, up to date cloths
Men's Black Worsted Suits, seire'a and
Rattail lining at 7,550, $10.00
Men's Black and Navy Blue Serge Suits,
single and double breasted at 7.50, 0.00
• $10.00 •
Men's Scotch and Canadian Tweed Suits at
5,00, 0.00, 7.00, 7.50, 8.00 5,50, 80.00,.
Kccp Kool it wig our Whito
Musiins and Liposis
vT hite Muslins, houiton design. 10ti yd.
White M.uslins, double and single stripes 10e
10e White Muslin, open stripe:, also satin
stripes, at 12c yd.
i5e White Muslin, fancy open stripes, 12Se.
20o White Muslin, knotted cord stripe, The.
20e White Muslin, raised Open Stripe, 15c,
20e Dotted Muslin, very fine Swiss, 13t.
35c Swiss dot, also flowered Muslin, 22,
50e White Blousing, tucked 'anol open lace,
stripes, now 40e'a yard.
• Organdies
35e. Black Organdy, very finely spun threads
fast black, now 25c.
5c Plain Dress Organdies, shade of pink,
black, white, itt.23c yd.
Mercerised Striped Organdies, very nobby,
lovely finished goods, the black 25c a yd;.
white 23 yd.
Organdy Lining. in pink. blue, white and
linen shades at 10e yd.
Superior Irish Linen Lawn, 28 inches wide
for 15c yd.
25o Linen Skirting, 37 inches Nide, 'etyfine
'and heavy weight, 20e yd.
Linen and Silk yoiles,plain pink,. blue,greeu,
and Linen shades for 35e a yard.
Linen Voiles, with pink and blue stripes at
• 40e yard.
75 Chamber Sets for $1,95, in pink, blue;
fawn, decorations, with 9 pieces to a
set, only $1.05.
7,50 Dinner Setts, 97 pieces $0.00
9.50 • " `° 8,00 •
1.2 50 " " I0,00
Print Bargains
American Prints 5e, a yard
10c English Prints for °tic a yard.
11c " " 8 c a yard..
12Ac " '° 10c a yard.
• These are guarenteed fast. colors by
the makers and our prices can't be mete by
our competitors. Every yard is. first •'class
anti not seconds.
Wall Papers
At less than others sell them and all new
this spring. Come, see, buy,
Colored Muslins
Colored Muslins beauties in design, colors',
values and qualities at 5c, 7c, 9c, 10c,
124e 15e.
Avory yard a bona fida, bargain
Scotch. Zephyrs, feather stitch stripe,ground.
shades of linen, pick blue extra fine
quality 126c a yard,
k'lain Pink and Blue,Chainbrays, fast colors
extra width 12ie a yard.
10c Check Gingham pink, blue, turkey x•ed
cheek at 8c 2 yard.
Boots and Shoes
Children s Low 'Shoes patent uppers with
3 straps at 75c, 95e. a pair. •,
f)hildren's Low'Shoes yici kit uppers kid
toe caps at 75c, 95c, a pair.
Misses Low Shoes American kid uppers, jet
rosette, one strap furnished with satin
ribbon ancl jet rosette at $1.15
Misses' Low Shoes patent upper,three straps
at $1.10
Ladies' Low Shoes kid upper, jet rosette,
one strap furnished with satin ribbou
and jet rosette 'at $1.35
Ladies Low Shoes, kid upper, one strap,
only $1.00
Ladies' Low Shoes patent leather upper,four
straps very nobby at $1.65
Ladies' Low Shoes vici kid upper four
straps $1.50 pair,
Ladies' Oxford, kid upper just the shoe for
housewear $1.00
Ladies' Oxford Shoe kid upper patent leath-
er toe -cap heavy sole at.$1.85.
Grocery Snaps
2 pounds 25c Cream. Candies for 25c.
3 cakes Toilet Soap for 5c..-
lOe Essences, all flavorings, for 8c a bottle
3 lbs, Lemon Biscuits for 25c.
3 plugs McDonalds chewing or smoking
tukecco for 25c,
10 lbs best pan -dried Oatmeal, 25e.
0 cans Sardines 25c.
8 pounds Tapioca 25e..
3h' pounds best Green. Coffee, 25c,
4 pounds best re -cleaned Currants for 25c.
0 bars Dingman's Comfort or Electric Soap
for 25e.
0 large bars Castile or Oatmeal Soap for 25c
10 pounds Epsom Salts, 25e.
Redpath's Icing Sugar, 8c pound.
8 pounds Washing Soda 50.
10c bottle. Tomato Catsup 5c.
2 pounds Pure Baking Soda 5e.
10 pounds pure Sulphur 25c,
8 gems of Jams or. Jellies, all kinds, 10c each
or 3 for 25c,
22c for 5 pounds Peterborough 0 atmeal and
Syn elegant decorated China Porridge
Dish 25c,
1000 Imperial Parlor Matches, 5c box.
From 25c a pair to $3.50 a pair, We guar-
.tntee our Curtains 25 per cent less than
others sell, Zivery pair new to us this
No old stock. No Long Profits. Small
profits and Cash or Trade our business.
5 --' Dry Goods -
75c Black Lustre, 55 inches wide, gloria
finish, fine weave, only 50e yd.
35e to 500 Men's Braces, a few left, lSo pair.
50e Men's Natural Wool :lost, now 25e pair.
25c Men's Black 'Worsted Sox, now 25e pair.
75e Men's White Undressed Shirts, rein-
forced back and front, lined front and
calx bands at SOe,
Boys' Blouse Shirts, something new at 50c•
and t0c..
mien's Colored Cambric Shirts at 50e, 75e
and $1,00.
35c Ladies' black Cashmere Hose, spliced?
heels and toes, 25c.
Children's Aprons, Dresses and. Pinafores,.
pink, blues linen at 25c, 43e, 50c each..
Wien Rain. Coats.
Less than Cost to you. Buy, buy quick,
$3.00 Rain Coats, Men's sizes 50, 52, 51 -
inches long, a bargain at $2.00 less than.
$7.00 Men's Rain Coats, Premium make,.
every coat guarenteed, seams sown and
gulminazecl for $5.00.
$10.00 Men's Premium Rain Coats, self col-
lars, side pockets, cuff on sleeve, neat•
pattern, thoroughly guarenteed at $8.00.
These rails coats are valcanized through-
out, sewn seams and gulmanised, best made
goods in the trade,
Buy quickly if you want a water proof
coat. Guarentee on every coat.
Ho, everyone th at Buyeth, come with Money or Trade and we an satisfy your heated spirits with kool, kool Fabrics from the newest, newest stocks.
The Coming Merchants of
�B Door Nortll 01 ?os&oIii6e
TheRi oasons Bank ;`A lame number of private bills
€ Bank mIctre passel Th., anti-.C,ig•aretie.aill
tinoorpsrated by Act of Parliament 1855) was for -z1 out of Parliament at ,tike
office,MMoitreal. instance of the goviermmmet. Anin•, 1
solvency hill. intr•oducedby Mr, 1i, D.
Monk, and supported by almost every
board of trade in ,Canada, was also
defeated by a 'government vote.
Tits govern'melit, ae'a resuft of
strong condemnation from the opposi,
tion, have promised to investigate the
jobs arising out 'of the concessions!.
granted to favor individuals in the
The estimates of ;the Department of
Justice were taken up. In the Yukon
very 1alfge allpvareces for living ez-
penses have been made to Judges and
court officials, while telegraphers on
on the government system receive no
jipecia'l srtint.
The sheriff of the territory Ill's pbeen
paid two salaries, one by the Depart
anent of Justice and another by Rho
Department of the interior. -
Capel* tall paid up) — 4«,SO^,00
Resew. r:.u.', — — — $2,"50,00
S8 Branches in Ontario, Quebec, Alberta,
British Columbia and Manitoba.
Open Evciy Lawful Day from 10 a. m.
to 3 p. me except
•Saturdays, 10 a. in. to 1 p. m.
Farmers Sale Notes cashed or col-
lected. Forms supplied on application.
Drafts on all points in the Demin ;on.
Grebe, .:stain and United -States
. bought and sold tit lowest rates of
ex int/age.
Deposits of$1.O0and upwards receiv-
ed. IIItereat; compounded half yearly,
and added td principal June 30th and
December 31st, Deposits Receipts also
issued• and highest current rate of
interest allowed.
Advances make to farmers, stock
dealers and business men at lowest
rates t.yd to is host favorable terms.
This disease can be treated - only by
Agr+r,te et Exeter for Dominion t.t remedy carried . -to the affected
OICKSON Z.7. CARLING, N. 11. HT:RDON, Auris along with the air breathed, for
SOLICITORS. MANATEE nature intended these organs for the
passage of air alone, and sprays, at-
IFXrier g1,r111r(Pfi
Calendar for April, 1903
5 12 19
0 13 20
7 1.4 21
1 8 15 22
2 9 16 23
3 10 17 24
4 11 I8 25
Suxr AY
TatatSDAT, ..-..:.
MUTAT ... .
THURSDAY, MAY 28Ter r903.
Parliament adjouatned on Wednes-
day night until Tuesday, the 2Gth, on
ltscountof the statutory public holi-
:days. •
;The practice of Dominion civil ser-
vants running as Liberal candidatl;s
for Manitoba provincial elections„w-ast
brought to the notice of the govern-
ment. Sir Wilfrid Laurier was asked
to earrvy out his promises of 18 96
by which he stands pledged to dismiss
political partizans. The Premier re-
fused and secured the defeat of a rai
solution condeknning such conduct on
the pari: of political officials.
"I have kept Ayer's Cherry Pec-
toral in my house for a great many
years. It is the best medicine in
the world for coughs and colds."
J. C. Williams, Attica, N. Y.
All serious lung
troubles begin with a
tickling in the throat.
You can stop this at first
in a single night with
Ayer's:: Cherry Pectoral.
Use it also lot bronchitis,
['consumption, hard colds,
.,arid coughsfor oil all kinds.
Throe sizes 75c anonfiri for an or y
told; Loo., just right for bronchitis, hoarse -
note. hard golds Oto.; £Ii, most ocunttniaai
orohronle.T%e and tokoop on hand
J. U, AYx n CO., Lo,Yell, rsacs. '
1omizers and internal medicines utter-
`ly fail. But Catarrhozone doesn't fail
for it goes wherever the air breathed
goes, and its healing antiseptic vapor
is sure to reach every affected part.
Catarrhozone is inhaled through
the. Mouth and after passing through
every air cell of the breathing organ
is slowly inhaled through the nostrils
Catarrhozone protects and heals the
inflammed surface relieves congestion,
allays inflammation, and perfectly
cures all bronchial affections. Price
$ 1. Stna1J.sive 255c:. Druggists .or
Poison & 'Co-, :Kir ton, Ont.
St. Joseph and its harbor got some
more fret advertising when the esti-
mates for harbor in,prevementsavare
being considered in committee os sap-
pily in the Dominion Parliament. on
Tuesday night. The following is the
At the meeting of the Exeter. Dis-
trict of the Methodist church held at •
Parkhill;on T:ulgsc'yay and • Wednesday,
the 19th and 20th inst., the following
ministers were present :—Rev. Messrs
Rigsby, Anderson, Millyard, Harts
Knott, Ayhurst, Holmes, Cooper, Hut-
ton, Helnnon3 Medd, ll alott, Thibatt-
des.u, Andnew,s, Sanderson.
O,n Tuesdaty evening nn open, metsto
in,g was held, at which Rev. Dr.Han-
non presided, and addresses were de -i
livtared by Revs. J. Ayhtirst, B. L.
Hiat't.on and. Coo per. A number sof
selections were given by the, choir.
Rev. Mr. Ayhurst took as his.theme
"The character of the preaching
through which God gave the great
Wesleyan revival.” Ile referrc41 to
the early influence of good parents,
high .ohurchism puritanism, religion of
the non-5'lonfoximists, the ..booj s The*
ley read. In time he was led to , be:.
Neve in the doctrine of justification
by faith and he became i.m'busdj iwitiii
God's spirit. The religion of England
and Scotland then was a formalism,
the field was .white fon the harvest:
Mr. Ayhuist dwelt forcibly on the
power of experimental religion as
shown in the great revival. The per-
sonal testimonies of John Wesley and
bis followers were 1•.great factor in
the wonderful work. -
Rev. Mr. Hutton spoke on the value
of lay we ikers in .btelping the.rWen,.-
leyan revival. 150 years ago the mot
to was, "All ;at it,always at it." The
la3 elneaching has 'much to ,1,o wit}i
the success of the revival. There was
a consecr ation of time and talents.
Ha referred to the tact that laymen
are mentioned in • the scriptureeas co-
workers with Paul and other 'a�po1sitl-.
e,s. Their names shine 'out as stars
in the word: He depliored .the ladle
that lay preaching is not practised to
the extent it was .in :Lhe Inaslt, and
hoped that this deficiency would be
removed. He p]rayed for such. ti .•bay
t]sm of fi're''tltat the altars' ivhicl
had been thrown down 'would be re-
builtand that there would be a great-
er zeal. in the work of saving a per-
ishing world.
Rev. Mr. Cooper had as his subject,.
"The plata and power of class leaders'
Class meetings were first organized
1742 >Chtn proved so useful that
John• Wesley app'ro'ved of and adopt-
ed them. Mr. Cooper cenbatted the
idea that class meetings were not ad-
apted to present couditions. IIe gave
the opinion of some eminent minis-
ters as to their usefulness. •The•tran
sient character of the -,ministry was
an argument in favor of class leaders,
of men who would welcome strangers
encourage the despairing, etc. Were
class leaders to devote more Line Ito
;trepanation, ,. were the .members }in!
vary their • remarks and were the
iryms sung less funeral, ,class meet-
ings would become more. popular, and
be a potent factor in the church.
report of the discussion as it appear-
ed in the daily papers:
A lung discussion took place on the
item of $5000 fo rimprovemennts at
tSt. Jloseph, which met with strpng
ctspi)siti0ll. ,
Mr. Me J':wen(Liberal, South Huron)
asked that the vote be left over for
another year, because the expenditure
would be absolutely useless. . • -
,DIr. Tarte, under whpse retinae
some 410,000 has already been spent
at St Joseph, put in a strong plea for
the vote on behalf of those who jihad
already inv'astedmoney in the locality.
IIe declared there was nut a wharf
within thirty miles, and . that there
was a population of 20,000 that would
use the wharf.
Mr. McEwen declared 'that thorn
were no people to use .the wharf, uul
that' he took no stock in talk 'of ,big
investments there.
Mr. 5lherrit.t moved that the d:em
be struck out, but finally, on Mr.
Sutherland assuring the House that
the money would not be used unless
cit appeared to be In the- general in -
!barest, rile 'item carried,
I. - A c cry distressing and common ma-
lady, doubtless it has its origin! in
some unbalanced oandition of the n:sr-
'y'ous '+.yst;t7a. One of -the simplest,
safes( and most :efficient remedies . is
6erviline. Tw'dntly droph in a little
sweetened water gives almost immed-
iate relief,
and this treatment should
be supplemented by bathing the region
of pain with Nervil+ine:M To say it
acts quickly fails to express the ire -
salt. FDruggists sell it everywhere)
Sans• 4 . _.� .,,�« .
ekes short roads.
ncl light 'loads.
Brought Back To Perfect Health From What" Promised To
• Be A Fatal Termination
Thousands of estimable and primin- -
eat people uninfluenced by newspaper
notices or even the advice of friends,
have, in some Heaven -directed way us
ed Paine's Celery Compound and sav-
ed themselves from Suffering and
;Would to Ica'cpn that ,Lhe';thous-
ands burdened and oppressed with
physical agonies,evearied, despondent,,
sleepless and weak in this month - .of
May, could hear that mysterious whis
par, "Malik Woman 1, Paine's Celery
Compound will banish that disease
and give unto tike that perfect health
and life which lead to happiness and
contentment" .
Take courage afflicted one; though
physicians bronounce you incurable,
let us assure you of positive aid and
cure. The. .virtues of Pain''es Celery
Compound will giveyou in as large a
measure, the soma blessed retsults
that were esep,e'rie need by Mr. - T.
Simons of Everton, Ont., who grate-
fully writes as follows :-= - •
"I have suffered from ,nervousness,
run-down system and heart weakness
for a long Lime. Very often Spells of
unconsoiousness would come over me
and last for an hour or r so each
time. When consciouness retnrneili,I
would find myself exhausted and quite
sick at. my stomach. •I doctored long
without any good results. I then
happily commenced with Paine's Cel-
ery Compound, and soon pecame a new
man. I am ,feeling splendid just now
and as strong as ever before in my life
thanks to your great medicine. I ad -
rise all sick people! Io use the [great
compound that did' such h grand work
for me."
If you are in need of tree medical
advice, write .to Consulting Plliysicii-,
an's. Department, The Wells '& Ricih..
ardson Co.., Limited, Montreal, ;Que.
All correspondence is sacradly confi-
Dr . C. A. 'ellinton,of the San Fran-
sisco board of education, has made a
special study of the effect of cigarette
smoking among the public school chil-
dren of that city, and expressed him-
self in the following unmistakable
?'AI good deal has been said 'about
the evils of .cigarette-emuking,.. hut.'
one-half the truth has never been
told. T have watched this 'thing for
a long time, and I say eemly and de-
liberately tlt,at t believp eigare4 te-
smoking to be . as Strad a habit as
opium smoking. I am talking now of
boys, remember. The effect upon
grown men is of course, not so mark-
ed. -
A-eigaret Le fiend will lie and stci'il
just as a morphine fiend will lie and
steal. Cigarette -smoking blunts the
whole moral nature. It first stimul-
ates and then stupifies the nerves. It
sends boys i.nt consumption. It giv-
es them enlargement of the heart,and
Bends them to the insane asylum: I
am physican to several boys'schools,
and I am.often called in to perseribe
for palpitation of tjie,heart.. In nine
oases out oft of :te;a. it is caused day
the cigarette habit. I have seta
bright boys turned into .dunces and
straight forward honest boys made
into miserable cowards by cigarette -
smoking. I am not exaggerating. 1
ata sp n axial v tee truth... teat every
ul ysiician and. nearly every teacher
ood for everything
that nano on wheels.
may he often quickly relieved and it.e
unpleasant cons3quencs averted by tak
ing thirty drops 0L• Norviline its a
little sweetened' waiter: It 'instantly
relieves nausea, and by its soothing
and stimihlatingproperties, calms tho
,I Said Cv::ryvehore. slomaeh and enabler it .to go on and
1' complete 1 h proems of digestion. The
F action o.f. Nerviline is • i >7I ;:
s mI ,Y cbarm•i
:w4;:;,';'1;47th,,tb.;.;7t:,.'•"'k..�e„-.^ta,'azsx+fG'.+�'"• ing, pleasant., pencLratingancl power_
ful. l'Jir'uggi;sts sell it.
Chilaren ?y for
0006030::' -.:qessesseeseemeev
Our graduates readily secure good
s positions because our high grade train-
ing• prepared them to render Prst-class
Z services. Business men want first-class
workers and have no time to waste up- s
on the other kind. Commence a zourse
0now and be ready for a position in the 2o fall. write for handsome catalogue., .nl A
Principal Gs
lotme6.essaloos>leeec eso seisooe'zee0
Portland 'Cement
7 .0 HAVE Suet, received al, quan-
tity i f the. best grade of Port -
and c.-mt. nt
Cain 1 e had at either Centralia or
Exeter Storehouses.
5000 lbs. of wool wanted for which
the highest Market In keg. will be paid
in cash at Centr'aliri and Exeter store-
f all
We are agents for the celebrated
Maxwell Binders, Mowers, Rakes, Nay Loaders, -Sew
Also the Wilkinson Plows and Straw Cutters, and Fleury Plows ane.
Grinders. Toronto Air Motor Windmills Binder Twine in season.
latv.ggies, : Waggons a and a Otter-.
We are agents for the McLaughlin Cutters and Buggies:and for the
Chatham Wagons.
A Full Line of Sewing Machines, Washing Machines and Wringers,.
One Door South of the Central Hotel.
R. H.GRAHAM, Late oKing)'st. West.--
No. i Clarence -square, corner Spadina avenue,,
Toronto, Canada; treats Chronic diseases, and makes.
a specialty of Skin Diseases, as Pimples, Ulcers, Etc.
PRIVATE D J SEASES as Impotency, Sterility, Va ri-
cocele,. Nervous Debility, etc., (the result of youthful,
folly and excess,) Gleet and Stricture of Long Stan d—
ing; treated by• galvanism, the only method without
pain and all bad after effects. -
Diseases of Women—Painful, profuse or suppressed menstruation,
ulceration, leucorrhoea and all displacements of the womb.
OFFICE HOURS -9 a, in. to 8 p. m. Sunday 1. to 3 p. m.
Oristillu and UNPIN
DON Prol1nt1i
Weare; i v i ri gex cell ent sa-
tisfaction in flour since re-
Dry Sett Wood Wanted
H. ii itE ZE a
modellin g our mill
London, Huron and Bruce. hr.
London. depart 8.15 A, .
I A•40P,
Centralia ...... ,5.1 5 50
Exeter 9.3C 6.0
Hansen 9.44 6.15
]Zippers 9.50 6.26
Brucefleld 9.58 0,33
Clinton 10.15 6.55
l,y Wingham arrive 11.10 8.00
eoINa SGUTU— Passenger
wingham, depart .,0.13 A. sr. 3,15 P. st
OAlitcn 7.47 4.26
SRoafield 8.05 4.49
FJrIv 11 .22
C�Apb`c ilia - 8 466
London ,arrive..., 9,37
Branches are taught -in the F. 0. He
COLLEGE. Our students are not~
guaranteed nice jobs, but after a.
course in. this College it will be.
No -Trouble for Them to Hold;
Any Position.
We aid them, if possible to obtain
employment, but we first equip them•
to maintain the high reputation this,
i school has acquired. J. I9• WESTERVELT,
5 02
Anyerie sending a sketchCand desEorIGintioGn may'
quickly aseertnir our opinion tree whether an'
invention is prat ably patentable. Communica-
tions strictly ccr,8dentiai. Handbook on Patentee
sena tent. Oldest agency for securing
Patents ta,i.en through Munn & Co.
special notice, without coarse, in. the
Sdentifik American,
A. handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest c r-
onlation of any scientific Runnel, Terme, 03 a•
year: four months, ¢L 8015 by all netivsdeatOrs.•
MUNN & Co. 3oItiraadway,Ncw �� �
Drench Office.626 FSt wab5t"';ton, *), C.
See n
To Cure Awr, Laid hi One Day
Take Laxativerolt'lt`l, o0,1inine Tablets. oiR
Seven Million boxes sold in past 12 months. This signature, 'al. 4/4•
Cures Grip
lin Two Days.
„f„.• box. 25c.: