HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-5-28, Page 1. -T C IRON c. MIDDLESEX U-AZETT E
ar�v oinar540
+4.44++++++44+++++++4++ ++ ++4-44.14•';~•>»*ir•;~•E 4.4.+++•tr4F•1.03'+i+0
• 4+
Assessor !liners has egmipieted his
work for this year and shows.lhe fol-
lowing stailatics Agumber of acres;.
42,474; number, of wares cleared,.:38.r-
,3'L9f; fatal value of real proptrrty'',,�.1,
P '.
1 t
' on property,
value f er
al o a s ,
.814;950,; _ p a? J? y
1 andEnsilagey
+g+ '87,00 ;it mount o taxable income,
$500 ;total value of rel and personal
414 We have the celebrated Sherwin & Williams Paint
r-- f ^1 4.4.
Potatoes, early and late and all kinds Garden and
Field Seeds.
. 4•
E�1 �£++£„i,+.l§•+g•+O4++ '+• +l•o ++++ ++§++•i• *+�+•k+++ k+++++++++++++.+1'++
L is
National Portland and Star Portland Cements
A full, line of Barb and Spring Coil .Wire always on
hand. A. number of different styles
of Lawn Mowers.
Latest thing,
on Cloth 1
is always to be found at this
tailoring establishment. If
you havent a good tailor and
are looking for one, try us,
'One trial will convince you
that you cannot get better
satisfaction for • the, same
We Gan
that u •of lin
our stock Spring
and Summer goods is
' unequalled. See for
- money than we will give you. TURN
Via Chicago & North-Western R'y,
First class round-trip tickets on sale
from Chicago May 3rd and May 12th
to the 18th, to Los Angeles and San
Fransisco... Corresponding low rates
from other points. Favorable limits
and stop -over privileges. Low one
way settlers rates to Western points
in .effect daily .un til June 15th.. Three
trains a day frorn Chicago to the
Coast through without change. Daily
and personally conducted tourist car
excursions to California, Washington
and Oregon. For particulars apply to
your nearest ticket anent or addrees
B. H. Bennett, 2 East King St. Toron-
to, Ont.
W. W Taman.
Merc ia,rit 'i'aiIor,
We have a nice clean stock of fresh
Groceries,. which, we are selling at'
"eery logy prices.;:.' Sae our Ready
Made Clothing. • : Ask for our Floor
Oil Cloths and Carpets, • We .quote tti
few prices.
10 lbs Cornmeal for 25e.
10 lbs Oatmeal for 25C. '
81bs rif Tapioed, for 25c.
13 bars Electric Soap'25c :
4 lbs first-class Currants for 25c
First-class Coal Oil 18e. •
Also Linseed, Machine and Cylinder
Ott always on hand.
Floor O1I'6iotlis
2 yards wide, good materia] at 50c a
yard. One yard wide at 25c,'
We have a•number of different designs
,. in Carpets ranging in price from 17c
up to 90c,
Ready -Made Suits at very low prices
'Height• of rigor stash-naturee,poev-
pr slo'wlydown, vitality 1ess,reaup,eiga.-
�tive power' less, .endurance power less
Stop .the progress'of decay, tone up
the ereakened nerve oenfres,, impart
vigor to the tiring brain, prepare. for
the crisis. A means pf remarkable
protency in, the renewal of ,decreasing
vigor is found in Terrozone. It brigh
tens up the whore: ,beim•; imparts., a
sense of power and .strength. By the
use of E'errozone, old age is pushed
bank twenty years. 'Ferrezone ••gilvee
strength, vigor, endurance, vim. Your'
drt'tuggist has it„ Cot a box to -;;dray;
Sexsmith '
12tss Sarah Northcott spent the
eg...holiday with Lriends in St, Thornes.
Kiss 33.I.. 'W ost' 'wa
s/ a, a2 • Ct et r
ih, a c ,
ripeant a few diays 'of 'this week' with
NORTEI END STORE. her sister, Mrs. ,Chaplman, 'who l'st.i11
• continues very i11.
Children Cry for If you are tired taking the large
old fashioned pills, try Carter's Litt
.Liver Pills. A. man can't stand every
thing. One pill, a dose. Try. thein.:
Merch its
ank f
CAPITAL (all paid up)
TRos.:It Y Si3B,
• General Manager
E. F. t111,tiDJlTh ,
Superintendent of. Branches
Interest at most favorable current rates, allowed an
Savings, Bank accounts and Deposit Receipts.
* Letters of Credit issued available in China, Japan and
' foreign countries.
r!o ie'rt and taxable ineceme, $6,802-
850 ; matte • p erpons from 21 to 60,
illeaz{s45.0redogs, 304; bi tellies, 2 3 ; to=
ppbpulaation,j3,19Cltnu,mbr,'r, of galtri
tle, 6,800 ; number of. sheep,755 ; num-
ber of hogs, 5,095 number of horses,
'1,818 ; number of 'liir'tlea,3'0.; • deaths:
25,; acres of wood. land,. 3;904; ;, acres
of swamp, 74,2i; ' acres of orchard a,ncl
garden, 625; aorss of fall wheat,,4,-
035 ; number of steam boilers, 12.
Mr. and .lrrs. Wes.,. Welsh and&an-
ghter, of Exeter, spent the holidayin
The game .ot base' ball between. the
Victoria! .Col'lege base ball teairn, ,of.
Toronto and the Lucan Trish Nine was
witnessed by a very large crowd,who
vveziei'most enthusiastic throughout
the game. The game ; resulted in,.a.
victory; for •t'hle holm;e team. The
morning scorn was 9 to 4 and the af-
tex''noon 14 to '
It's not the weather that's at fault, It's your
system clogged with poisonous materials, that
make; you feel dull, drowsy, weak and miser-
able. Lot Burdock Blood Bitters .cloar away
all tho poisons, purify and onrioh your blood,
make yon feel bright and vigorous. .
Sunshine ,
Mr. • Edgar ]+'arson Sundayed in
Waoldhaim. t,
.Mr. W. .Clark is spending a t Ifeaw
klays on on.
lays >k I:; dt
Mr. P. Duncan spent Sunday under
the parental roof.
Miss Stella Bray is visiting her cous-
in, Miss Pearl Duncan.
!Miss Fina Tli'le.tleher and Edith,
Maize spent •Monday in Kirkition.
Mr. Walker Kerslake spent Sunday.
the guest of Miss Maud Pletcher.
tMi J Austin I•re,vvibt !pent Sunday
with his friend,,Mr. Nelson Clarke.
Mr. R. I3allanytne and • Mr. D. Clark
spent Sunday at Mr. Wm. Fietciier's.
Mr. Wm. Fl(etcli(er ' had the mis-
fortune to have one of his colts hurt
badly•by the wire fence, last Week. •""
Quite a number from here attended
the tea-Imeeting at Woodham,;in Mr.
B.eaVer's grove, All report ' . • good
.Those unitap' y pells;ons Who suffer .
from nervousness, dyspepsia should
use Carter's Nerve Pills, which are
made expressly for sleepless,nervous
dyspeptic sufferers. -Price 25 cents.
Miss Aida Dinsd,ale•spent the' bolt=
day with relatives in Exeter.
Dr. Hannon, Chairman •of the Exe-
ter District, ' preached an excellent
sermon on "Faith," in 'the Mtethodis!t
church, on Suhday: 24th inst.
The Rev. 'R. ,I:I, Barely, of IYVIiILnere
ton, spent a ifew days lately at the
home of his father-in-law, Mr. Wm.
Ivison. •
•We are pleased to note t] aadeXre,
R. Thompson, who has 'been ill for !so
long. is improving. Her many friends
will be glad to hear of her speedy re.
Mr. J..13. Dinsdale was lay delta.,
gate from the .Kippen: pircnit to the
Exeter District meeting. held in Park
hill, last Wednesday, and 'L hursday..
He as racc;cm.lianied by Mrs: .Daus-t
dale;;, who visited friends in the .
eini y of ihat'toWn.
Pbe Stanley Branch Sabbath School
of •'Che Brucefield Presbyterian Church
int)enci'holding o,'avvn • social oul.Mrc
Donald Grassick's grounds, on "the
evening of. June 5th. The popular
Hensall baliti will be present. and will
add 'very much to the evening's en-
Clandeboye. •:
The.ttiiisses Flynn were in Exeter on
Monday. •
Miss Merlin visited at Mr. Geo. L.
Ciairt,e•r's over Vittoria Day.. • •
Illus. (}Dtr.) dome was in London,
over. the ,holiday, visiting .friends.
etre. • t 1
1 1..
.9 .I31act;w •ar, o
. c anu 11Zi..s L. .31.
i3lac;ktt611, spent Sat.urtlay. in ]•lean-•
W. A. iCook was in Ibieter Mon-
day in connection with the slp.oi'ts
there,. •
Mr. A. Blackwell, who has leen
hoax.: several days lately, returned to
the city Thursday. evening '
Mr., Albert Cunningham, of. Lon:
don, visited his parente, Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Cunningham, on Sundtay,and
Monday. '
Nast.'that Vi,cli.oi•ia .' Day. ts• affix!,
the next excitement to be looked for
ward to is 1.1141 usual ru'sh'of'stra+ty-
berry festivals.
A great many from Here attended
the ra'oes in .Parkhill, on u' •ond;ayt
Among ot�i ors was+E: 0..Jeinos,. our
vl:,tcrttn h,orecline n.
Messrs. Sid. and T...13. Hodgins were
in Parkhill with their horses, Monday
both suceeeded.in :securing a 3rd. in
the green race and the fres-for-all
r'e:Vecti volly. •
'Phe Young Peop,llls' Sesioly of St.
James. e lurch held their usual meet-
ing Tuesday evening. A singing class
is in be formed for the.cultivationbf
the vocal talent: in the society.
uentune Castoria always bears the Signature:
or Chas..11. Fletcher,
\vhcir baby woo sick, we gave het' CoatGr•9,,
1'rlren she was a Child sbe cried for Cnstori!
,'. Ya e;"ng to Cec•torl^,.
`•vh,.Irn.,, 46413 , t,,,rtar.b.r,hc gave them Cerduria,
Miss M. and Will Ilod;ge sprint Sun
dea. at Mitc,bpki.
Miss. Violet and'Lou Walks visited
with Miss Aislili-,r,.p, Monday,
/Miss. Lil'ltan;'Werx;v dissent Monday
with Miss, .Pearin,'of St, Marys..
frYliss •Forest, yf ti•rantutl, visited.
last week With Margaret Stephen.
Miss- Lottie Leads lone, of !Hamilton
hlas returned to her home, townline.
Wilbur Nethercott, of St. Mereis,
is the guest 'of ]ris,i 'ousinc Al:ex: Leade
Mr. and Mrs, Armstrong, ofiBrant
ford, pent Ilis vacation with Mr..R.
Switzer, sr.
;Muss .Emma Robertson has gone to
Buffalo, where she purposes making
bier future hq'ma3.
Mr. W.J.'Heard,. and Goo rge, Lead -
stone, of Guelph, spent the holiday at
their resps•gketivss. homes..
1lrliss ManRpbertson,and friend,.
Miss Essery, of Centralia, visited over.
Sunday with Mrs. J. Robertson. •
'Tho anniversary services of Ander-
son Methodist 'church win be preach-
ed on•Sunday; J'u.no 14th., by theR,ev.
J3. • A. Graham, 'of "Well.;urn., S pedal
jnusic is being provided for the occas-
For Cholera l,torbus, Cholera Infantum,
Cramps, Colic, Diarrhcen, Dysentery, and 1%m -
m' r Complaint, Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild
Strawberry is a prompt safe and sure care
that has boon a popular favorite for nearly 60
-s -_ - ,
Sailing parties are all the go with
the young people "now -a -nays.
Miss Lotttie.Maxitin dicot ..(4th.. in
Toronto, visiting friends.
Mrs. Green spent Sunday and Mon-
day near Listowel, visiting her son.
Miss Stuart, .of Toronto, is visiting
her sister, Mrs. Dr. Stanbury,at pre-
Mr. :Oliver Rhynas and wife el f
i oderitch, spient Sunday withf'riends
in town.
Mr. Harry Brandon, of 13e1•;grave,
was theu st f Mr.
g e A Vali.. Brandon,
fox `24th.
Messrs. Wm. Mustard and William
Jowett, left on Tuesday for Wiarton,
for a tug which they purchased up
,Mr. Will Robinson, iliiss Wright,
and Miss Flossie- Stanbury attended
the Teache'rs ,Convoention, at Exeter,
karst week.
Smitth,. elf Barrie, , SHent. Sun -
deo. and Monday • with his son„t Dr,
Smith, in. the village,, and returned
omy on,'me day...
;l1r. Bryan,book agent, spent Sunr
day and Monday in ihe..village.
:,4..laige number. from surrounding
towns, spent the 24th in town, picnic -
• klr. D.. McCallum, Mies Mary For.
erfield,. Mr. W. Cole, and Miss Scir•'
idrett, of Beigrave, spent Saturday
and Sunday with Mrs. Jas. Ferguson,
in our vil,lasge. •
•Mr. John Bitggal•t • and wife 14ave
rented the Qnoe'n's 'lintel '11.0r the,
for the summer, and will run :t board
ing house, and will no doubt give
geed aecomodation"do suulnler else
!tors. ••
Mr. and Mrs. S.Andrew spent Sun-
day ,with friends in Exeter. "
Mr. and Mrs. A. Pym, of; I[tenscit tt
spent Sunday the 'gueste of his ;liare
ants. u
(Kiss Linda Miners,'' of. *London,..
put the holiday under the parental'
t Mr. and.Mrs. J. Hind, of I3xeter,
silent Monday with their relatives,
The Sunday school scholars are al -
readyy1st. practising for the picnic en
Mr. Roy Ilodgson, of.Granlon,spent
thebolietae v ,t'li :his sister, Mrs: R.
. Mr,..Che.s. • duct Mabel Miners, of
Met er, spent Sunday under thti'pare
ental roof. • .
Mr. and Mrs. S. Blackwell, of Blan-
shard; spent Monday tIte guest of Mr
and Mrs. jams Earle.
Mr. and Mrs.•Jasapn , Hawkins
tweed: n couple of days of last week;
vv1tT1 relatives al. Ssafonth
Mr. Walter Horn has •erected a Line
new fence around Lis property which
• adds greatly to its appearances..
Victoria Day was celebrated • very
quietly in our enlarge: Some went to
W',odhaam, Exeter, and the shooting
match, at Winchelsea, While others rc-
mii.inecl at home.
Stn?i:ute labor is quite the order •of
the clay -nova; and many disc!uss:ionr;
t to ndvisa flit. o f do-
ing away with• the road work system
and adopting the plan of some of our
border townships.
Beal estate is booming in our •vil-
lage. • Mr: J.• G. - Jones,, of \Vinoh -
seu, .hits pur'ahtrsod the 'faliol'l 'b n..
perky on both corners of the' str e'li.
UMW' buying he r:e-sold some elf it
again, i1•Tr. ,T ;johns, blaoxtshnitlt, buy-