HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1985-11-06, Page 26Page 22- CL1[NTON NMS -RECORD, WEPNESDAY, NQ?Vf M ER6,19.$.5
We thank Gad for the special gift of a son, Levi
Shane, born at home October 41, 1985. Levi
weighed 8 lbs. 4 ozs, and was a special birthday
gift for his sister, Danielle, also celebrating her
birthduy October 31. Proud parents are Wayne
and Karen Taylor, Second granchild for Violet
and Rah Taylor, Victoria, B.C. and Lloyd and
Eileen McClinchey, Auburn. -• 45nx
46. In memoriam
In loving memory of a dear husband and step-
father, Russell Amos Giles, who passed away
two years ago November 6, 1983:
lhe world changes year to year,
And friends from day to day.
But never will the one we loved,
From memory pass away.
Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by
wife Doreen and stepsons Kenneth. Keith and
Kevin. 45
In loving memory of a dear mother, grandmother
and weal -grandmother, Melinda Nivins, who
passed away November 9, 1982:
Tho her smile is gone forever,
And her hands we cannot touch,
Still we have so many memories,
Of the one we loved so much.
Her memory is our keepsake
With which we'll never part,
God has her in his Keeping,
We have her in our hearts.
Lovingly remembered by the fomi!y. 45
47. Card of thanks
Many thanks to our neighbours, friends and
relatives for all the lovely gifts received at the
Community Shower held in my honour. I also
wish to thank the ladies who provided the enter-
tainment and who were responsible for pro-
viding the delicious lunch. As each gift is used
and enjoyed, I will remember with much ap-
preciation the though'tfiulness,of the Varna Com-
munity. Mom and I also wish to thank everyone
who helped' at the Trousseau Tea and anyone
who brought squares. Your help was very much
appreciated. Brenda Dawson.-- 45
47. Card of thanks
Thanks to all my family and friends and especial-
ly Dave who made my day o very special
one. -Gwen O'Rourke. ---45 _
I would like to thank my friends and relatives for
cards, flowers, phone calls and visits while I was
a patient in Clinton Hospital. Special thanks to
nurses on first floor, Doctors Street, Hay and
Flowers and Rev. Bauman.--Zella
Patterson. --45
I wish to say thank you to the Huron Plowmen's
Association and to Huron County for all the sup-
port 1 received as the Huron County and the On-
tario Queen of the Furrow. Last Friday's
Plowmen's Banquet was the finale to a wonder-
ful year. Thank you to all who attended e tddes-
pecially the young plowmen who p e
fantastic skit. -Lynne Dodds. --.45
I sincerely wish to thank all my friends,
neighbours and relatives for cards, gifts and
phone calls while a patient in Clinton Hospital.
Also, for food sent to me after I came home. A
special thanks to my friends who looked after my
house while I was away. Thank you to Dr. Harrett
and nurses on first floor,. Homecare and
Homemakers, Your kindness will always and
remembered. . Grace Lawson. --45
We wish to express our appreciation to friends,
relatives and the Bayfield Lions Club for ,their
visits, flowers and cards received d—the time of
our brother Bud's death. - - Fred, Helen, sisters
and brothers. --45
We wish to thank our family, friends and
neighbours for their cards, flowers, gifts and
visits while a patient at the hospital. Also a
special thank you to Dr. Steed and second floor
nursing staff. --Carol and Jomie.-45x
I would like to thank my neighbours and friends
who visited me and sent treats and cards while a
patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Special thanks
to Dr. Baker' and all the nurses, --Eybraah
Crystal Gerrits was one of 100 children who turned out for the annual Clinton Optimist
Halloween Party. Games, such as bobbing for apples, offered candy prizes. Prizes were
also awarded for the scariest, ugliest and most original costume. The Optimist Club pro-
vided free pop and chips for everyone. (Tom McMahon photo)
Clinton 4-H club meeting
By Sheri Oesch
('I .INTON - The Clinton 14-11 Club arrived
at Mrs. Mach's home on time for the
meeting. Upon arrival, Pat Saundercock
handed out the folders for the booklet. Col-
leen Gower then led the members in the 441
pledge and roll call.
Members of the club talked about achieve -
*Subject to change
Insuronce Brokers Inc.
Grand Bend
merit night and then switched the meeting
over to six and seven.
Six involved the bake sale and seven con-
cerned the judging and achievement night.
i,uxie showed the club tea biscuits and
asked them to judge them. Mernbers wrote
down their comments about the biscuits and
then discussed them with the entire club.
The meeting ended at 8 p.m.
Dan and Anne McInnes' pumpkin weighs more than five-year-old Scott Bromley. The
couple grew the pumpkin from a seed to 26 inches high. It weighs 135 pounds. ( Janice
Gibson photo)
Leaders for scouts needed
By Maureen Dtrnsmore
VANASTRA - Cubs and Scouts. Leaders
are being south for Cubs and Scouts. •
Cubs involves boys.ages 7 to 11 and Scouts
is for boys ages 11 to 14. Anyone interested
in 'being a leader for these groups please
contact Jim Ryan at 482-3886.
• Vanastra Public School
The Vanastra.Public School will be laying
a wreath for •Remgr'nbrance Day services in
Clinton. Tammy, Bell and Brandon
Thibeault will represent the school at the
Vanastra and District Lioness
This Thursday is the monthly dinner
meeting of the , Vanastra and District
• Lioness Cl
Bayfield Lioness Club:
The Vanastra Lioness Christmas Bazaar
issetfor November 16 from 10 a.rn. to 2 p.m.
at the Vanastra Recreation Centre. Lioness
members will be selling tickets on. a Cab-
bage Patch bassinet and Cabbage Patch
Premie, to be drawn at the bazaar. The pro-
ceeds from the bazaar go to Lady Diana
Nursery and other community projects. If •
you are interested in putting a table in the
bazaar please call Sheila at 482-7065.
The Lioness are also selling tickets on
Cabbage Patch twins. This draw will be
made one week before Christmas, on
December 19. ,
ub. Vuests will be members of the
Roads topic
of discussion
Warden entertains 300
• Paul Steckle, Huron . County's 1985
Warden, entertained about 300 of his county
associates, as well as members of his im-
mediate family at the "Warden's Banquet"
in Goderich.
The family guests included his mother,
who' resides in Zurich, his brother, William
and his wife Betty, whose miiced farming on
the Bronson Line' encompasses dairy and
hog interests, and who also operate a school
bus. Three sisters who came from much fur-
ther afield were Esther, a nurse in a
Cleveland Hospital; Fern who with her hus-
band gave up teaching in the West on the
death of her father-in-law, and Who are now
dairy farmers in Ohio, and Mary who is
1 yr. Deputy Reeve
4 yrs. Councillor
28 yrs. Manager agfC
Presently your
representative on:
Hospital Board
Maitland Conservation
-Public Relations
Landfill Site
severances and the fate of the 10th Line
bridge were among the topics discussed at a
r tepayers' meeting attended by aver 30
Ernie Snell of Westfield announced he
would be challenging East Wawanosh
Reeve Neil Vincent in the upcoming
municipal election. The other four members
of East Wawanosh council all announced
they would be running again. Jim Taylor,
Vaughn Toll, Fred Meier and Don Schultz.
John A. Currie and Ray Hallahan both an-
nounced they would be seeking council
John Gaunt also announced at the meeting
that he will seek election to the Huron Coun-
ty Board of Education.
A good deal of time at the meeting was ,
spent discussing a disagreement which nc- •
curred last year between Huron County and
the township over the Kruse Pit, nil
Mr. Currie asked council members what ,
actually happened at the pit.
Mr. Vincent said it was a case of "too
much runaway operation ( by the county)
without the proper permission t from East
Wawanosh council 1".
East Wawanosh Road Superintendent
Ralph Campbell briefly explained the situa-
tion. Last year when the county was making
improvements to'a nearby road, it entered
an agreement with East Wawanosh for the
township to supply gravel for the project.
The county was authorized to remove the
top of a hill on a township road allowance
and remove 10,000 to 12,000 yards of gravel.
In returnEast Wawanosh wanted soine im-
provements made to a section of township
. road.
In a nutshell, said Mr. Campbell, the coun-
ty took more gravel than the township had
agreed to give it and then. would not fix the
road to the township's satisfaction.
"It's been a dirty deal all the way
through," said Mr. Campbell, but he added
he is proud of the way the township council
has stood up for him and now the problem is
Mr. Snell said the job should have been
stopped in the early. stages before it turned
into such a problem. However Mr. Toll said
«council was powerless in the matter when
.the county chose to "walk over top of till
township". '
Hiebo Siertserna commended council for
its stand in the matter and suggested the
people of the township should stand behind
their council members. -
Mr. Currie asked if the township would be
willino look at a new, less rigid policy
regarding severances, One that: would pro-
vide more areas in the township for new
businesses and homes. . . ' .
Mr., Gaunt spoke out against such a prac•
tice, saying • it upsets the agricultural '
character of the community. "Until they
realize that agriculture is number one, they
'ean stay the hell out of the township."
Mr. Currie pointed out that. the increased .
. assessment from new homes and businesses
would increase the township's tax base:
When asked to 'give ati'update about the
fate of the 10th Line bridge, Mr. Vincent(. .
reported•soil tests have been completed at
the site. He said council has been instructed
by the, Ontario Ministry, of Transportation
and Communication to make minor repairs'
to the 1911 structure.
As'far as council's role is concerned, Mr.
Vincent said council must keep lobbying the
Ministry of Transportation and Com-
munication for fund' to replace the bridge.
East Wawanosh council also is. committing
funds yearly to reserves earmarked for
replacing the bridge.
On. the subject of taxes in the township,•
Mr. Snell claimed taxes in East Wawanush
have risen 30 per cent in the past three
years. While farmers get a 60 per cent
rebate on their taxes, the business man does
Mr. Vincent said there are many factors
contributing to increased taxes. including
higher levies to the county and the boards of
education. •
Earlier in' the evening, the member's of
council had given reports On the various
committees they r•epres,ent. East
Wawanosh's representative to the Wingharn
and District Hospital Board, Lorraine Cook;
was unable to attend, as was John Elliott,
the township's representative on the cnu:-41
board of education.
employed with a '1'V station in Halifax, and
her 'husband a former school teacher now
completing a law course. Brother Jim and
his wife live in Petersburg where Jim is of-
fice manager of Trimbee Mill Equipment
Inc., and his wife is a legal secretary.
On November 3 Jim and his wife 'enter-
tained the entire family in Petersburg so '
that they could all enjoy Christmas
festivities together, some 20 members being
Paul's' wife, Kathy, chief cook in the
Zurich Rest Home, has supported Paul
throughout his term as warden,' and best
wishes are extended to this couple who have
clearly demonstrated their dedication to
public service.
An election will be held in the Township of Goderich on
November 12th, 1985, between the hours of 11:00 A.M.
and 8:00 P.M. for the position of Deputy Reeve and for the
position of Member of the Huron County Board of Education.
• Voting will be at the following places -
POLL NO. 1: Dr. M. Raithby's house - V.L.A.
NO. 2: Gerald Bell's house - Lot 21 Conc. 4
NO. 3:
NO. 4:
NO. 5: Township Community Centre - Holmesvilie
18�Ee Thonipsotro
Albert Schilbe's house - Lot 35 Conc. 4
Township Community Centre - Holmesvilie
PR1�G 20's
'3/person, '6/family
Dance (Ian Wllbee Orchestra)
Costumes, Entertainment, Contests,
Period Photos, Speakeasy, Refreshments
b 1 c
(Including dinner) '45/couple
Proceeds to Blyth Festival Cerpital Projects
• Mother, Farmwife,
Health Records
• Employed Part-time by
South Huron Hospital
• Avid Curler, Bali Player
Coaches T -Ball in Varna
As a mother 1 care about the
direction of education in
,Huron County, because
your children and ours are
there Now!!!
Trustee, Board of Education
Pearling Tfiritin9