HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-5-21, Page 6THE RKETS Prices of Grain, Cattle, etc in Trade Centres. Toronto, Vey M. -Wheat -The market is quiet, with prices un- changed. No. 2 white and red quot- ed at 71 to 71ne micalle freights ; No. 2 spring nominal at 7(4 to 71e on Midland. inanitebte wheat steadY; No. 1 nerd quoted at 82e tioderoch, and No. 1 Northern at 81c Code - rich. No. 1 hard, 88e granting in transit, lake and raft, and No. 1 Northern, 87c. Oater-The market is cadet ; No. 2 quoted at 80Sie middle freight and at 20Se high freight. No. 1 quoted alac east. Barley -Trak is cptiet, with No. 8 extra quoted at tide middle freight, anti No. 3 at 42e. Rye -The market is quiet at 51Se east. , • Biteliwheat-Trade clull, with priceslbe.... 6.10 0.00 nominel et 40e east. ' TSick fats a 5.85 0.00 Lights , . , , 5.85 0.00 .... THE VICTORIA STRIKE. not so good. Rivets eontinue to go to Chiang° anid Buffalo for cat- tle to complete their cargoes, and aleo because they are cheaper there than here. The foliowleg was the range of qu,otations: Exporters' cattle- Per 100 lbs. Extra to choice ...$4.•65 $5.20 Bulls ,.. a.... 3,75 4,25 13uteliersa- Picked lots a a 4.65 4.90 Go•oci. load,,..........4.40 4.65 Medium a. ,,,,, 4.25 4,50 Fair 8.75 4.25 Cows a .,. ... 3.50 4.2a latex -tors, light ... .... 4.00 1.50 Feedere, short-Iteeps 4.50 6.00 Stoekers .„ 3.50 4.00 Sheep - Expert, ewes, light .. 4.50 5.00 bucks ... a 3.50 4.00 C rain -fed hunas 5.50 6.00 Do„ bucks a a.... 5.00 5.50 Barnyard lambs ... 8.50 4.50 , Calves, per cwt 4.50 5.00 Silo Sow ...............4.00 ..„ .„, ... 4.00 4.50 Stags ... a 2,00 3,00 Selects, 160 to 200 Peas -The market is quiet, with sales of No. 2 at 63e high freights. Coini-Market is dull. Canadian feed corn quoted at 40 to 41c west, and et 40c here. No. 8 Americau sallow quoted at 51 to 52c on track, Toronto, and No. 3 mixed at 60 to 51.e. Flour -Ninety per cent. patents unchanged at $2,671, middle freights, in buyers' miens for export. Straight rollers of 0 specica brands for domestic trade limited at $8.25 to $3.35 in ba/s. Manitoba flour st•eaely ; No. 1 patents, $4.10'; and secoads, $3.90 to $4 ; strong bak- ers', $3,80 to $3.00, bags included, Torent o. Millfeed-Bran is dull at $17 here. 'At °wield° points bran is quoted at $15.50, and shorts at $17. Mani- taba bran in seeks, $18, and shorts at $20 here. THE DAIRY MARKETS. Butten-The market is quiet, with prices easy, In consequence of good , $500 tee or a year's ineerisonment xeceipts. We quote :-Fresh large i wil h ioss Of pension, and mill be in- rolla. 15 to 16e: choice. 145 runs. !elieibie in the future for Govern - 16 to 17c ; fresh dairy tubs, 15e: • ment employ. The bill eatto forlyins secondary grades, 13 to 14e; cream- interfe.rence with einaloyes, the col- ery prints, 21 to 22c; solids, 18 to lection of strike funds or enceurag- 19c. ing- the strike ihi any manner. The Eggs -Receipts are moderate, with bill further empowers the police to sales of case lots at 13e per dozen. deetroy documents entouraging the Chose -'Market steady. We quote- steike, make printers thereof offend - New, 121 to 12Sc per la. HOG PRODUCTS. Dressed hogs are steady. Cured meats are unchanged, with a goad lice are empowered to forcibly en. - demand. We quote :-Ilacon, clear, .ter 10' to 10Sc, ia - an .ton d ease lots. inectinge, An amendment expressing regret Pork -Mess. $21 to $111.50; do., at the strike and promising that short cut, .'__0 to $23. Parliament would consider the Smoked et:eats-Hams, 12a to 13a -c; rolls, 11 to 11-.1-c; shoulders, 101c; backs, 14 to 14Sc; breakfast bacon, 11 to 141c. Lard -The market is unchanged. We quote :-Tierces, 10Sc; tubs, 10tc pails 11c; compound, 8 to 9e. BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY% NOrtfyi, Deluge of Oue Law Makers at Toronto. ,e - READ A SECOND TIME. The following bills were read A seeond time; Respecting the Lindsay Public Li- braleY-etli*OgPotxh. lispe City Of London -- Mr, Beck. Respecting St. Paul's Church, Dunnville, Ont.-afr. liareourt. Respecting the Village of Hanover -Mr. Truax. Respecting the Art Museum of To- ronto -Mr. Pay. To chaage tae boundaries of the alSown of Berlin - Mr, Lackner. Respecting the Elgin Loan and Savings Company - Mr. Pattullo. To confil'at by-law No. 597 of the Town of Niagara Fails - Mr. Gross. Respect -leg- the Lake Superior Power Company and certain other companies -Mr. Oonmee. Respecting the Village of Fenelon Falls -Mr. Carnegie. Respect in g the Municipality of Shuniah-Mr. Conmee. Respecting the International Tran- sit Company. - Mr, Conmee. Respecting the Town of Aurora - Mr. Davis. Respecting the St. Thomas Street R ail w ay -Mr . Mac di amid. Bill to Suppress It Receives Second Reading. • A Melbourne, Victolia, desnatch says: In the Legislative Assembly on Weduatiday Premier Irvine made speeca on the subject of tie strike. He said the •country faced a loing- meditated revolt against estabinaed authority. The issue concerned ev- ery country. The strike had thrown the State into confusion, and it would be a. fight -to a finitile The Premier that moved elle sec- ond reading of a bill providing for the eappression of the strike, which is not retrospective, and which will not remain in forte after the ter- reination of the strike. It provides that an employe leaving bis work without giving four nights' notice is to be assumed to have Seined the strike, and will incur the penalty of ers against the law, and declares meetings to be unlawful if four strikers are present. All persons refusing to disperse are liable to ar- rest without warrants, and the po- grievances of the railroad men if they return to work was defeated by 58 to 30 votes. FOUGHT TWELVE TO ONE, Brilliant Feat of Arms in the Capture of Sokoto. Montreal, May 19. -Grain -No. 1 A London deepatch says :-The Manitoba hard wheat, 77e; No. 1 - capture of Sokoeo on 'March 11 was. Nerthern, 76c Vert William; peas, effected by a British column of 500 61e high freights, '71e afloat here ; men, with eight guns, against 6, - rye, 52c east, 571c atioctt here ; 000 of the enemy's horse and foot. buckwheat, 47c; oats, No. 2, 35c The Fulanis charged with fanatical afloat, 37c in store ; flaxseed, $1,20 ibravery, undeterred by a withering on track here ; corn, American, 52c ,I Maxim and rifle fire. They had no their tracks on all highway e or afloat. Flour - arenitoba patents,iproper leadership, but the isolated ree'dwa:". . $1.10: seconds at $3.80 to $3:90; !bands contained to advance oyer Both of the bills in•troduced bythe Ontaio straight rollers. 83.35 to 'heaps of dead and dying, often only . Premier are part of the recomenend- $11.50; in bags 81.60 to $1.70 ; i individuals reaching alime a yard ation of the Assessment Commis - patents, $3.70 to $4; rolled oats, jar two of the square, where refusing i°11' milkirs' prices, $1.85 in bags, and 'quarter, they were shot down while .FINAL READINGS. $3.85 per bbl. Feed -Manitoba bran, I shouting "Allah," with their last Resperting the allantsville and $18 ; shorts, $20, bags included ; breath. Thirty chiefs around the Lake of Days 'Railway. - Mr. Tud- Ontario bran in bulk, $17,50 to Emir's great white flag were defiant hope. $18 ; shortS in bulk, $10.50 to $30,i to the last, and their cOrpses were To amend the Art ineorportiting Free isions-I-Teaily Canadian short I found hedging the standard aelicn the Oa North Lanark Railway Com - cut pork, $24; short cut backs, British entered the city, which con- panie-'Mr. Caldwell. 03.50; light short cut, $13; come sieted, mostly of thatcheci houses.- To legallee anti-,. confirm By-law pound refined 'lard, 81 to 9-c ; pure ate sera -rained walls extended seven,Ne• 670 6f the Taint of PetroTea.- BILLS INTRODUCED. Mr, Powell - To authorize the City of Ottawa to fix certain as- semaclits and issue certain deben- tures. Dr. Jetleop - To conarm By-law No. 247 of Beamsville. Ma Downey -- Respecting the GS -tenth Railway 00, Mr. Pense - To ineorpoi ate the Xingsten and Frontenac Go. Pr, Jeeeop-Respecting the City of St, Oath:allies. Mi. Cameron - Respecting the el'ause in the measure permitted the marling of Seaday earn. The bill as finally assented to, but the ammo in question was struck oat. A similar clause in the hill re- earecting the Saraia Street Bali'. ay was treated in the saane maw aer. • LINEN FACTORY. The request of Bfacebridge for Permission to beaus a linen industry by granting them freed= from tax- ation for ten years was granted. TAXATION 01? LANDS, The Premier's bill tespecting the taxation of lands in the Districts of Algoma, Manitoulin, Thunder Bay and Rainy River was' passed. It provides- that if taxes are not paid for three years, the land Shall be farfated to the Province. LAND GRANTS TO VETS. The House went into come/pace on Mr. Davis' bill to amend the 'Amt. to provide for the appropriation of certain lands for the volunteers who eareed South Africa and the vol- unteer militia who.. served on the frontier in 1866. Dr. Jesisop took the ground that what was ka-town as the Home Guard, who were on active service, bat did not fight, should certainly be allowed to participate In the ad- vantages.allowed to the others. • Mr. Davis pointed out that the veterans have the advantage of set- tlers in that they would get raore benefit front the rise in varue in ten years. - receiving free cit cost land worth 50 cents an acre, they would be receiving 8,80 worth for nothing. They would be given all minerals found on their property, - and tax exemption for ten yeass, which ordinery settlers do not get. If tie veterans kept their New On- tario grants, they would reap a sub- s t ant i al reward. The hill WaS reported without amendment. THE PREMIER'S BILLS, ThE IIGUSE..! NUM NEWS Notes of Proceedings in the Can., adian, Parliament. The following bills wore read first time: To confer -upon the Commissioner of Patents certain powers for the re- tie/ of J. S. McDouga1l:44r. Cowan. To incorporate the Nepigon iron Range Railway Company. a- Mr. Dyment. To ineorporate the Chatham, More risburg, and Lake Erics Railway Company. - Mr. Stephens. To incorporate the City and County Bank of Catlett-Ia.-Mr, Rosa- mond. Tile following private bills were read a second time, and referred to committee: An Act respecting t,be Interprovin- cial and James' Bay Railway Com- pany. -Mr. Belcourt. " An Act reepecting the Lindsay, Bobcaygeon, and, Pontypool Rail- way Co. -Mr, Vrooman, An Act respecting certain trust funds of the Diocese of Moosonee.- Mr. Osier. An Act to incorporate the Colum- bia Improvement Co,, Limited. - Galliher. the Town of Rat Portage. The Premier introduced four pub - Ma Cameron - To extend the pro - Lie bills, the most important being \deicers el the Act enabling certain ' one to amend the act tor the nil. - persons to develop Water power on provement of public highways. The the liaieinteticatia. e new Inn aleoliahes the provision that Dr. Pine -To amend the Public when a system. of comity roads is Health Act. adopted, in order to obtain the Mr. Caldwell -Respecting the Lake • , Government's grant the mileage Superior. Power Co. end oertam hall be based on acreage. County other companies. Councils are allowed to lay out Mr. Lucas -To amend the Act re- ,LEseeli systems as they see fit. County specting the mortgages on real es- councils will also be able to buy up tate. toll roads whether they florin a come Mr. Kribs-Recipecting vaccination plete county system or not, and and inoculation. deaiv the Coverlet -tea -Vs grant so far Mr. Sutherland -To amend the as it goes for such purpose, arrang- General Road Co.'s Act. Mg to pay the municipalities not Mr. Dianna - Reopecting the directly interested in them a sum Church of England Cemetery at Sar - to which they may be entitle.d on nia. the basis of their assesement. The Dr. Pyne - To amend the Act to thee in wbich County Council May supplement the revenues of the take advantage of the act is to ' be Crown of Ontario. extended. Col. Matheson - Respeceing the NT.A.GARA'S BANKS. flame Sayings and Loan Co., Limit- ed. Another bill intradUceal by Pre - Mr. Base - Respecting statute la- liner Ross aims at pree-enting the nor. Mr. Ross - An Ace respecting amendments of the law in connec- tion -a-it.11 the revision of the As- eesemant Act. Mr. Idrib's measure provides that no cbild in the province shall be vac- cinated or inoculated against the wish of its parent or gavadiecn, and makes vaecinalian. voluntary. Dr. Peete's amendment to the Act to atinnaiment the reveinies of the Crown is to the effect that all rail- ways Eleall be liable to a. mumicipel meeesinent and 1,0 pay taxes on An Act to incorporate the Mount Royal Savings Bank. -Mr. Bicker- dike. The following bills were given a third reading: ••An Act respecting the Winnipeg Western Land Corporation, Liniitech -Mr, McCarthy. An Act respectiag the Ontario and Qu'Appelle Land Co. -Mr. McCar- thy.' An Act respecting the Canada Northwest Lead Co„ Limited. -Mr. McCarthy. An Act respecting the Great Northwest Central Railway Co. - Mr. McCarthy. The Act to incorporate the New Canadian Co., Limited, was read a second time aad passed to mittee. e0M- PENSIONS. Colonel linghes (Victoria) was in- formed by Sit Initidericle Borden that Canadians disabled in the South African War received the same pen- sions as the men of the British army. The Canadian. Government contributed nothing to this, arid had not considered the advisability of supplementing the Imperial pension. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Hon. Mr. Fielding informed Mr. Talbot that the Grand Trunk Rail- way Company had received no loan from the Dominion Government since Confederation. At that time the company owed the Province of Can- ada $25,670,393.53, whith was taken by the Dominion as an asset. No payments had ever been. made by the company on this debt. CATCHING OP FISH. washing 'away of the beaks of the Mr. Lemieux Gaspe) was informed Niagara River from Chippa.wa to by Mr. Prefontaine that the Govern - Fort Erie, and provides for -widen- I ment had rednived a petition from ing and improving the roadways, the fishing interests of Gaspe, pray - and authorielag the Victoria Park ing Sant the Government would pro - Commission .to make an agreement hibit the catching of fish for use as with a company to provide for the land fertilizer, and also prohibit the construction and operation of an tee of trap nets for cod and herring, electric railway from Chippewa to on the ground that these practices were destroying the -fisheries. The Fort Erie. The Premier intaioduced a bill also Government had declined to act in as an amendment to the neunieipal the matter. eat, to provide that no personashall ST. LOUIS EXHIBITION, be disqualified from being elected a member of any municipal corpora- Mr. Lemieux (Gaspe) was inform - tion by reason of any contract or ed by Mr. ' Fielding that Canada agreement granting exemation from would be represented at the St. Louis International Exaibition of taxatoi°1111.1.133LING AT SETOWS. would not be attaches of the Bri- 1904. The Canaidian Commiesioners The fourth bill introdimed by the tab. Conimiselon, bat would be Premier provides for iraportant granted all the rigbts and arivileges changes in the act relating to cire of .an independent national commis - Mises and shows. The Provincial sloe. licenee is increased from $50 to ELECTtON LAK. $100. The license may be with - In the House Mr. Fielding mioved drawn if gambling or games of the following resolution: "That a chance are found. in the show. The select committee composed of plenalties for intriegement on the mw Messrs. Charlton, Ca,sgratit, Russell, are iacreesed, the minimum from 'aarketnsDeeners- (gt. John and Bier:. $100 to $200 -arid the maximum. ville), Northrop, Thompson (Beadle mend), Ingram, arid Fielding be ap- pointed to consider the state of the laws. respectin.aDondmion elections, and- that. lir. ' to :areend the Dieminion Electioets Act of 1900.be referred to this com- mittee." Telegraphic Briefs From All Over the Globe. CANADA.. :Woollen mills are to be establish- ed at Brandon, The Mohawk Institute, recently de - strayed by fire at Brantford, will be rebuilt, Chatham's population is norW 9,- 222„ an increase of 355. The eol- ored citizens number 586, a decrease of 8. The Provincial Government will erect a monument to Sir Oliver Mowat. The Niagara. camp will begin this year on June 16.- Lord Dundonald will visit each of the camps in. sue - cession. Two small children wandered into a drug store at Sandwich on Satur- day and asked a doctor if they had smallpox... Theo had. Mr. J. V, 'Teazel, 3:C.C.,. of Hamil- ton, has been appointed to the High Court of Ont•ario, Common Pleas Division, ie. place of the late Mr. Justice Lount. A by-law to raise a35,000 for school purposes at Winnipeg, and Eunother setting apart $100,000 for the erection of a contagious dis- ease hospital was lost. - Halifax is to have a naval reserve depot and stops to this end are to be taken at once. This will be the first in Canada, but there is one in every other British colony. Biel, deposits of iron have been discovered by Messrs. McAdam & Grogan at Little Vermillion, Creek, 18 miles west of Saddle Lake, on t,he north side of the Saskatchewan. Fred. L. Young, agent of the Mercantile Register of San Fran- cisco, hirg been arrested by the Van- couver police charged with obtaining money by false pretences from local. business concerns. R. E. Milligan, the New York wa- ter expert, who has been. investigat- ing London's supply, reports that the quality of the Springbank water is excellent,, but no larger quanti- ties can be expected. The Thames enight be p,urified. A Sydney, C. B., despatch states that Sir A. L. Jones, head of the Elder -Dempster Company, of Liver- pool, and Sir Alston Dixon, a great shipbuilder in North England, are interesting themselves in a project for the erection of a steel shipbuild- ing plant at some port in Nova Scotia, where the best facilities for such works are obtainable. panadian lard, lae to 11c ; finest miles around the place and were Mr. tvivna• !from $200 to $300 and imprinone• lard, 11 to 3.1Sc; hams, 121. to 13c; pierced by eleht Teta A fay dave ( To colifirin By-law No. 575 of the I ment from 30 days to three months. bacon, 14 to 15c; freshakilled abat- , , toir bogs, $9 to $9.20. Eggs -New laid, 12t to 13c. Butter -Fresh creamery, 19 to 19. Cheese -On- tario, 11.1c; townships, 11Sc. Po- tatoes -The market for potatoes has become strong durink the past few days ; a carload of finest stock was sold on track yesterday at $1.15 a bag of 90 las„ but it is said that it would be imposaible to buy the same goods at less than $1.115 to -day. Holders are demanding. $1.35 for lots when drawn away from cars, and $1.40 for smaller lots when taken away from store. UNITED STAikS MARKETS. Chicago, May 19. -Grain trade was dull and prices were easier to -day, July wheat closing So lower; July corn a shade higher, and oats off tc. September provisions closed from 2Sc lower to 2,1cihigher. aliiineeepolis, May. 19.-Wheat- C'Eteli, 781c; May, 77tc; July, 764 to 761e; track. No. 1. hard', 701c; No. 1 Northern, 781c; No. 2 Northern, 7'7fic; No. 3 Northern, 76 to 7.6;c. Buffalo, May : 19. -Flour -Quiet. .Wimat-Spring steady; No. 1 North- am, 82e; winter firm; No. 2 %Yalta, -88c; No. 2 redo 81c.. Corn -Quiet ; emehanged. Gats -Steady, unchang- ed. Barley -Unchanged. By - No, S.,. in store, 57e, Canal freights - Meat, 4/c, 0 •••••••14...1 LIVE STOCK mmutrirs. Toronto, May 10. - At the Weet- ern Cattle Market to -day there was an active business transacted in both butchers' and export cattle, turd the prices for the former ad- vanced from 15 to 25c per cwt. Sheep, iambs, and Calves were un - 'di -fanged. There were not many choice ship-' pimg cattle offered, and ovving no- tive amongst buyers, the market for them was strong, hotter pricee in eome inatances being paid for them than there would Oth- obrWiSc MVO 'WM. There are atilt Mazy tvomment nand light ones weer and the dithand for them 'Wee Fulanis tendered their submissioa to I Town of Sarnia. --,Mr. Hanna. To confinn lizajteiv acce al, 1902, Provincial -detectives wili have free Under ahe new law Dominion an.d . . later the populace returned and the i access to Ala gainae thea March 19th and installed 1 Tome of Goelerich."Ti . 4.1 --'amn Stres - and Commiesioaer Lugnrd, who arrived '01 the Emir. The British then retired to. I n'jnPee-tirig the Ross en AO: r' !public gatherings. • • a eiae i man (Heron), ' wards the coast, leaving a. garrieon. liondtal.--afr. Fox. a - Reepticting the Town of Brace - CANADA AND GERMANY.brge.--al r. Teeth o p e . i The Houses on motion of the Mine ister of Education, ratified the or - Views of London Tames' Berlin i der-in-Ponneil dated February 25) 1908, loaning $50,000 to Toronto IiniverEity for the new Medical C orresp ond.ent. • The 'Berlin carreeponelega of The Landon Times wired on Theesday an article on the contemplated tariff war between Ge -many .and Canada. "Canada's action cannot he challeng- ed be- the extreme protectionist party in Germany," says the cor- respondent, "and if Germany ma- tinees to treat Canada araordieg to the spirit et the extreinista, the re- sult will simply be the entire ces- sation of trade between the two countries, which would seriously lee - indite Germany." . • . The Beaten. Conner • melines to this opinion evidently, as it advises the German Government to exercise residence, as further discrimination might be apt to strengthen- the 'ten- dency for an Imperial commercial Union between the British colonies and the motherland. TEN KILLED IN STRIKE RIOT Troops and. Mob Clash at Valpar- aiso, Chili. A Santiago, Chili, despatch says: The strike of dock laborers at Val- paraiso is becoming more serious. The strikers, after setting fire to the quay as well as to the offices of the South American Steamship Com- pany, had a number of encounters with the police, ;during which ten persons were killed and two hen - tired were inartaa, detachment of three thousand troops leas been des- patched to Valparaiso to quell the dieoreler. The Governetent luta re- amed all offerto compromise the dirfacialties, wild is determined to adopt the steriaett racaalareS to re- store arrive, • Third readings were given to the following bills: Respecting the Sandwich, Windsor and Amherstburg Railway and the City Railway Company of Windsor, I de ri ted. -Mr . Auld. Respecting the City of Landon. - Mr. Beck. Iteepecting St. Paul's March, Dunnville, Ontario. -Mr. Harcourt. Reepecting the Hamilton Electric Light and Cataract Power Com- pany, Limited, and the Hamilton Cataract Power, Light and Traction Company, Iamited.--ain. Carstiallen. The following bills were given their sawed reading: Respecting statute labor. - Ma. Ross. Beepecting amendments of the law in connection with the revision of the Assessment Act. - Mr. Ross. To amend the High Schools Act. - Mx. Harcourt. * NAVAL BASE AT SYDNEY. British Admiralty Site Has Been Selected. A Halifax despatch says :-The British Admiralty is likely to es- ta.blish a naval base at Sydney at an early date. Two naval °facers, acting under instructions from Ad- miral Sir A. L. Douglas of the North 'American 'squadron, have been in Sydney for several days examin- ing available sites, and it is an- nounced that they have selected a harbor front property for Admiralty purposes. It is not unlikely that fortifIcations will also be construct- ed there, as Sydney is now con- sidered by the Imperial authorities' as a port of great strategic import- ance, in view of the maintenance of a strong French squadron at St. Pierre, Miquelon. As a fortified naval base it would also be a guardian of the St. Lawrence route, and an unexcelled coaling base in time of war. nr.,EamaC RAILWAY. The bill to amend the Aet incor- porating the Heron, P,ruee and Grey Electric Railway was before the Railvvey Committee, it empowers the company to change its name to the Ontario West Shore Electric Railway, and grants permission to make extensions to Winghern, Lon- don, Parkhill, ten Sarnia. Objec- tion was taken to it because it would pa,raliel the Leaden, Parke iii Etn.d Grand Bend road, end it was allowed to stand over until ths interested parties had a conference. AGAiraTST SUNDAY CARS. There was considerable diseuesiott over the bill respecting the !i1 - and Caledonia Rail \veer. A GENERAL STRIKE SOON. -- Victorian. right Only. an Outpost Skirinish.. In a 'clespateli from Syiclney, N. S. W., the correspondent of The Lon- don Daily Mail, reports secret meet- ings on the part of the New South Wales trade unionists, notably the railroad and street car men. The corespondent says he conferred with the edictal head of teat:a unionism In New Smith Wales, Seim deelared that all •worlerrein would support the railroad men solidly, and that wi- lefis the Victorian Goveterment Ear - rendered the struggle woeld extend to the other States, the Vietorian 13. lit being only cut outpost' skirm- CHANCE FOR CANADIANS. Forms of Tender for Army Sup- plies From South Africa. An Ottawa despatch says: Sir Wild frid Laurier has reeeived a letter from Lieut. -General G. Lyttleton, Officer .cammanding the troops in South -Africa, ..aateci Pretoria, April 6, in which he says: "I. have the honor to inform you that tenders are being called for the sappier of bread and forage to the troops for certain statioes in the Cape Colony, and for bread, forage anal 'groceries for all stations in the Tranevaal and Orange River Colony for a period ,o1 .six months, come mencing October 1. I enclose ten forms of tender for each coloey, for distribution to any applitants that there may be. Would you kindly send me a list, giving the names and addresses of those to whom forms have been issued." General Lyttletan encloses a form of advertisement for insertion in the' lea -ding papers, and asks that the acectumt be forwarded toaltim. Should there init be an.y tenderers in Canada he proposes to send the names and addresses of successful tenderers, so that merchants at Canada may have an opportunity of offering their flour to the accepted contractor at South Africa. Police Commissioner Greene of New York has dismissed from the force Inspector Adam A. Cross, for neglect of duty and =becoming con- duct. He had, been on the police force for 25 years. Weary 3.1Euggiesi-"Youtivon't git flothia' ,dectmt in there. Thera peovle is vegetarians," 'Hungry Harry -"Is Ibat right, ?' Weary ileggl es-' 'Yes, they got a dog, wet SPIKES THROUGH HEAD. Fiendish w oil% in. MasSaereoE jaws in Russia. A St. Petersburg despatch says :a -- Additional details/ of the Kisheneff massacre of Jews aro' printed here daily. The correspondents give the number' of 'victims thus itte buried in the Jewish cemetery at 44, and say that al persons seriously wounded are etill in the Jewish Resell:el, The horrors reported scarcely bear re- Polnis)a. In one instance spikes were - driven through a woman's head into the floor, axed cases ot bodily mutila- tion have been authenticated. About 800 to 1,000 persons were arrested, ah energetic °Fidel having been sent from. Odense to deal with the situa- tion. The apathy of the local au- thorities during the two clays of rapine and murder appears to have been fully established. AUSTRIAN HELD FOR PLOT. Accused of Planning A.ttack on . Xing Edward. A Vienna despatch says: Bs the Lower ISIouse of the lieichstratch on Wednesalay the Premier, Dr. von Xcenber, was interpollated with re- gard to the arrest at Gibraltar of an engineer named Naqht, an Aus- triai ssubject, who is charged with plotting an attack upen Xing Ede Ward during his Majesty's recent visit to Gibraltar. The .interevellite tion stated that although there was no proof agates% Ne,elet he was kept In coinfleement. The Peel:dor was atiked to take proceedings to obtain his liberation. DARKNESS AIDS IiISEASE. GREAT BRSTAIN. British imports and exports for April showed decreases of $11,988,- 000 and $1,780,500 reepectively, TJNITED STATES. Ex -President Cleveland, " U.S.A., writes that he is not desirous of being a Presidential candidate. Mrs. W. Lee of Buffalo, N. Y., died at Charlotte, N. C., from the effects of a chicken bone, which caught in her throat. addition to the site Mrs. Eddy has given $100,000 for a new Chris- tian Science Church edifice at Con- cord, N. H. St. Louis laundrymen have refused to handle work sent them from Chi- cago, where the laundry worieers are on strike, The Augusta, Ga., Chronicel, estab- lished in 1785, the oldest newspa- per in the South, was sold at pub- lic auction for $75,000. Just before the Timbeia, sailed from New York on Saturday, an infernal machine inIorking °mice and con- taining 100 pounds of dynamite was found on the pier. Joseph Trapani, the head of a gang of Italians who defrauded New York insurance companies by bogus deaths, was sentenced to an indeter- minate period of from two to four years. , • To resist the demands of a -union being organized among the. drivers /or firms dealing In building 'ran- 4oliel, • in New Yerk'the lumber dealers and brickyards have ordered a lockout which may throw 100,000 men into idleness: Miss Alice Roosevelt's favorite costume is a white gown, and a large black hat with a drooping plume, and with this she carries -the little silver mounted cane which causes much comment, and the fad bas been adopted by other society mei dens. Result of Enquiry Into Malady Affecting Miners. A Berlin despatch says' The Govi- erueneent Commission, vditica has been investigating the .tropioal worm 'dis- ease win& has attacked 20,000 INIestphallan miners, reports that only those who rarely see the Mal - light are afflicted. The disease is frequently fatal, and eatesee inabil- ity to labor. The Government leas decided to employ 150 doctors, spe- cially trained, to combat the mal- ady. The saferers will be isolated. Cleanlimese and sienteane are the peinental requisites. GENERAL. It is Liggett reported that the Rus- sian troops have withdrawn from Nov.chwang. . The relations between Turkey and Bulgaria, arising out of the incur- sion of iusargent bands into Mace- donia, aro strained. BREEDERS AT CALGARY. INDIANS PLAYED LACROSSE., lYfore Akin. to Warfare Than Friendly Sport, The present ga-me, modified and re- duced to a science, is intense en- ough, but the old lacrosse, as played by the magnificent aborigine war- riors of a, century ago, was more akin to warfare than to friendly; sport. Months before a tribal match was due the players would be selected and weeks before they would pre- pare by fasting - in fact, by going into rigoro-us training. On the night before the day of the match all the players would assemble around a great fire, and there would begin a wild, fierce cletn,ce, with mad music ever rising lousier and faster, the dancers leaping, screaming, shaking their cross -sticks, an invo- cation, this, to -the Great Spirit for victory. On the next day, on the playing groupd; a great crowd would assem- ble -ancient warriors, squaws and children - and the young braves who were to play -would gather in the woods in two parties, indulging in the Wildest war whoops while they festooned and painted theme selves. Then; at a signal, when thar goals were set and all was made reedy, out from the trees they would pour, shouting, leaping gnil somer- saulting wane their lady lovers ran forward to greet a.nd cheer them. The genie director would count the 'sides; make. a Tong speech .and•give the sigeal to plqy. Matches might •consist of from 20 to 100 games, and were spread over several days, beginning early in the morning . and lasting ear itito thca day. '"At the start the ball wasigend orally throatn 'high: into the • air, .and' then the wildest scramble 'would en- sue as it fell, and a score of players would leap up at it to strike. Wher- ever the ball went, there the field would follow with wild yells, and one at last, would pink up the bail in his .stick, and make off like A deer, twisting, ducking, leaping, doubling, while forty or fifty braves pursued at top speed, for there were no restrictions in the way of bound- aries, in a wild and glorious stain- pede.-Pearson.'s Magazine. to a Importation of Horses ie. the Northwest. A Calgary despatch says :-This is agricultural week at Calgarty. The annual meeting of horse and stock breeders' associations is in pro- gress, an'd the week is to close with a fat stock show. Reporte presented show the number of horses imported into the Calgary district for 1.002 amounted to 4,756, -valued at $106,- 880, or an average of $22.47. The average value of ' animals imported into Manitoba. and the Territories was $80.57). The Seeeetary of -the a,ssociation urges that a mildwed valuation shoind be placed on horses imported into Canada. He says the Canadian west is being flooded with a class of horses that is already too plentifully reareseeteil in the coun- try at the pre'sent Aline, and which are bought at slaughter prices on the- overstooked ranges., cif Montana, and the effect has been to completely de- reoratiee the limited market for the grade animals and misfits produced by the Western breeders. DO SOMETHING. Don't stand with your hands in your pockets, And look like a knot on a log; Tighten your "galluses," spit 011 your hands, And hurnp yourself out of the bog. Oh, never allow the spring breezes Thrfoulgiyh ryuosutlre;whiskers to mourn- Remeomildie jratdlet,et Portime, that downy Smiles only on the people who hustle.' Chop cordwood, dig drains, or split rails, But don't sit around like a dumb thing; The spring is here, the milliliter is ' So ligeoart'o work and do something. -The IChan's Spring Advice- --a- - THE RING'S ANCESTRY. According to a Jacobite authority, only one drop of Xing Edward's blood is estimated pure English - that which he derives from, Margaret - Tunor, wife of James IV.Sof .Seet- land. Two drops of French 'wine from Mary Stuart, five drops 6f Sooteh blood from James IV. and. Darnley, Queen adary's hus- band. Of the rest, &eat drops are Danish, and four thousanti end forty aro Germans