HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-5-21, Page 5vist
a E T .I M 1a S, I''1 a. Y 21sti '1190'.
Aching eg
hi the fingers; toes, arms, encu i.ti..
Pats Of the body, are joints Chat
inflamed air � ..1 1 .. rlr u
dsro .11.E 4
that acid condition of the blood cal'.”:t
affects the muscles also.
Sufferbrs cirettd to move, espeeisry
after sitting or lying lottga ai d their
condition is commonly worse in Wet
• Weather,.
• "X suffered dreadfully from rt:eematism,
but have been eonin1Mcly cured Ly Hood's
Sarsaparilla, for whit;' t ant deeply grate-
nate Sirs Easeter;s ti:tiirn, Prescott, Ont.
"I ;bad an attack°u° the grip wliluJ.i Icll u:.
•tyeak and helpless anti ' ers Niru; from rltcu
mattsm. I began Inking flood's Sarsapn
rills and this medicine has entirely cured
me. I have no hesitation in saying it saved
my life." M, J, t+rcDoessee, Trenton, Ont.
. 'OO:.''s. Sarsc& parilla
Removes tho cause .of rheumatism—no
outward application can. Take.it.
M1flfl1FFX PF1H
A11 the neWs of Interest to
Times Readers Happening
in these Counties. -
Huron ,
Another ot the old and respected resi
dents of Tuckersnlith, in the person of
,Mrs. Patrick 11fcConne1,t;jeparted this
life at the iresidonce of her son, Mr.
James tlkreConnell,on the old home-
stead farm, on Tuesday last,'
• If sick headachal misersa ><viiat
are Carter's Little Liver Pills if they
;rvUtl plositivel ''pure •itlt• People'who
have used 'them , sp,ettl t £ran<lt;krof
p]aleir worth-' They are s)tnaltl '•,tn1
easy: to tales.
Huron .county lost another of its pi-
-•oneors, in the -death fon Saturday, May
2nd, of John Powell, who passed away
sifter a short illness of bronchitis at
his home in Turnberry township, with
his family about him, at the ripe age
of nearly 87 years.
- There is ,no one, article in the ;line
sift medicine that gives so large a're-
turn for the money as a good porous
strengthening pl',ts9:er, such as Car -
jeer's Smta.rt Weed a'nck Belladonna
Pa:cktiche Masters;
Mrs Fred Halbfl,is:h had an are"
pleasant experience, while driving ale
ong the Babylon line, last week when
the horse became unmanagable and
started to run. The buggy was upset
and 'throwing her out as it bounded
over the ditch. Neither Mrs. Kalb- '
fleisch nor the horse were injured and
the injury •to the buggy was skighti
The uoliowing is the statsitics from
the assessment roll for the town of
Seaforth, Real property,$500,000;per-
sonal property,'$147, 950 i taxable in -
some, $11,100; total assessment,; $619-
J50. This is a decrease of last year's
a sment »f 4.'2,065. Children betas:leen
the age of 5 and 21, 615 Lbetwraen tele
ages 'of 5 and 16,'4, 3 ; total populati-
pn, 2,116 ;births registered,18 ; deaths,
10; dogs,75; cattle,38; horses, 150.
While rummaging among the debris
in the cellar of what :Was lately the
Hotel Clarendon, :Clinton, iMr. S.
Doan came across a small satchel con-
taining Sa2 in money :and ;two gold
rings It is somewhat remarkable
glow,' ,the satchel escaped deistruction
When the fire made such a " • sweep. I$
was handed to its owner who had
been employed as domestic at the Clar
cndon,and it is hard to say which she
(*ea most pleased to recover, the
money or the rings which consisted' of
her wedding ringand the "keeper."
fir. Neil Maxwell, of Hills g're'en,
in that /village on wednesday
morning. He had been suffering for
some time from that most terrible of
all diseases, consumption.
In the application to the Le.gislar
tura •by the Huron, Bruce & 'Grey
Electric Railway Co., which was be-
• fore a committee of the House on
Tuesday a former ratification of 'the
bylaw of the town of Goderich taking
*.50,1000 pf stock in We, railway was
asked for, but as it was ascertained
that such action' was • not necessary
owning to all informalities having been
loured ley the promulgation of the
iiy'law'and as the clause had been
inserted in; the proposed a'xtendmen8
•merely for the purpose of facilitating
the flotation of the debsr tures' by
evading 'tiresome and vexatious ,in-
' restigation and considered by couh-
" ° eel, this clause was voluntarily with-
.drawn by the Company.
Col..White's time ]las •expired• and
Major Moserap is d,aily expecting to
be gazetted Lieutenant Colonel. • t
Permission has been given to 1/he
Bla:nshard and Missouri Cheese and
tatter Cornpany to, increase their
,capital stock from $3,000 to $5,500:
taint fawn( indilgestion; dais p(3pria,
and too heasty eating, is relieved at
once by taking )ane of Catirter's Little
Liver Pills immediately after dinner
don't forget thins.
Rev. Dr. T. G. '\'V'illiam,of Montreal
at the oming me eting of the Mon-
treal Methodist Oonforecuce, will ask
to be relieved or Ministerial duties,
and will accept a position with a life
insurance company. Ilis action is olv-
ing to ill -health
Your Tongue
If it's coated, your stomach
Is bad, your liver is out of
order. Ayers Pills will clean
your tongue, cure your dys-'
pepsia, make your liver right.
Easy to take, easy to operate.
25c. Ali druggists.
r'''antyour monetache or board a beautil al
Own or rich black? Thon neo
an 1JAE 'S DYE Whe
�.1'11U1 iBUn d e
1 1t . n
1) I ise h � Ogg d' ra
.• r
U dozen ! tt
ntt silo g
0 with $ ,
in charge of Joan Graham, WAS upset
in the 'ditch near AAvionton,pn Tuoes
day, and six hundred dozen eggs were
smashed. T
ehorses shied d at a
traction engine standing on the road-
The Bev. Fred Langford, son of the
Rev, Dr. Lanlgtorcl„who goes to Cen-
tral Methodist Ohurell Stratford, in
June, has been obliged to retire for a
While from the ministry op !atocount•
of poor health. He has boon appoint-
ed license inspector for Calgary dia..
tri Et, N. W. :12.
'The death ucaur:red, on Tuesday
morning, of last week, of a very high
ly respected lady in the person of
Mrs. John Thistel jr., which occurred
at the 'family residence, lot 6, eon: 0,
Downie, She had been ill but a short
time, and her passing away 'caused
deeb regret in her neighItoi+hood•,!;
where slie was highly esteemed.
Mr. Oliver White, of Herniate, Man,
arrived home last week ;on a visit to
his mother and other relatives in St.
1VIarys. 1VIr. (White has not been well.
AlSew! •mouths ago he was kicked 'by
a horse, and has not entirely reovere-
od yet from the injuries be sustained
Ile will remain home for several
While tekinig stock a couple +big
weeks ago, Mr. Wm. Morena, of Mita
obell, injured ono of his legs on a,
sugar barrel, At the time no atten-
tion was paid Lo tha matter, but af-
ter a 'few tl'ays the train was so ,ine
tense that the sufferer- was taken to
his bed• and a' doctor called in. Blood
poisoning is said to have set in.
''Now, Mr. Speaker, the Conserva-
tive party believe in a policy'of such
adequate protection as will maintain
and strengthen Canadian industries ;
suck a policy as will give our own
market to our own people. That pol-
icy we have dada re d in all parts of
the country. we believe that sueh a
policy is in the interests of all parts
of (Canada and of all classes of the
community. I think that word 'ade-
quate' attracted the attention of We?
hbn. friend (from Haidimia"nd, and 1
will give him a (very (good authority
for the use of that word . by and (by
In the rr estlern states the policy of
protection has found favor with the
farmers, because they see ;built up in
all that western country great in-
dustrial centres; because they feel the
advantage of a protected home mar-
ket, and because they know that with
out the protection of ;that home mar-
ket they would get very much less
for their products than they do ,now:
993 1 said before, I believe that the
fulmars in the western part of:Dain-
adlt will 'have the samia' exaCtcience,
and they will learn even 'more than
they know at present—the, advantag-
es to this country of the protection
of the home market so far as all etas
es of the (people are concerned." Mr.
R. L. 9leorden, speaking on the Done
servative policy. Hansard, 1903,page,
The Lite Giving Virtues o?
Paine's Celery Compound
Runnel a Latlg Who Wa8
Drawing Near the Grave;
The Life Building Medicine That
Wives and Mothers Need
in May.
Paine's Colter v Compound d oes a
wondrous work for sick and half dead
women in May. The, conditions of
winter have baen detrimental to the
health of women and girls everywhere.
they have -declined in nervous vigor,,
the blood is reeking with impurities,
the,excretdry organs 'do not perfor m
their work, and the digestive machi-
nery is sadly out of gear., Thi human
machine must be cleaned, repairedand
strengthened in May. Paine's Celery
Compound does tho work surprising-
ly fast,and gives a guarantee of per-
manent health and long life. It is
the :one spring medicine that truly
nourishes, regulates, and invigorates
the entire nervous system from the
brain to the minutest nerve filament.
It ;gives a full, rich supply of energi-
zing blooc1 ,it clears the muddy, un-
healthy skin, it gives an increase, Gu
weight, end more refreshing Hleen.
Whatever be your condition unhappy
sufferer we:give you a blessed assur-
ance of anew atad lasting Health
through the use of Paine is • Celery
Compound. ears. Flora S. Brantley,
Levis, P. Q., writes thus -
"Eighteen months agog was terrib-
ly afflitced with daily headaches and
was despondent, nervous and weak.
1Vledical assistance and patent medici-
nes 'faired to bring me relief. My suf
2erintgs increased, and I was told 1
would not get better again. I was suf
feeing so muoli tbat 1 was satisfied of
diel if it was 'God's wi2J. Ct'heegfrbor
kindly suggested; tlt:e'use of Pain's
Celery Compound, and to please her 1
decided to try it. The first few doses
seemed to send now life into my blood
and I went on using the compound. 1
have taken five bottles and can honest
say I am fully &trod. I ani sleeping
well appetite in ;good condition, get -1
ting back lost flesh, aitcl fettles active
as a girl of !fifteen. I think my cure
is a'perimancnt one. I thank God Via
Paine's Oilers!, Cohnpound ; itt saved.
my life to my husband and children.
If you are in need of free medical
adtwice, write to Consulting,Pllysicie,
en's. Department, The Wells •t& Aicbe
ardson Co.., Ltiinited,.Montreal, due.
All correspondence is sacredly cenfi..
Shylock was the man who
wanted altl ound of human
p man
flesh. There are m an y
Shylocks now the convales-
cent, the consumptive, the
sickly child, the pale young
woman, all want human flesh
and they can get it—take
Scott's Emulsion.
Scott's Emulsion is flesh
and blood, bone and muscle,
It feeds the nerves, strengthens
the digestive organs and they
feed the whole body.
For nearly thirty years
Scott's Emulsion has been the
great giver of human flesh.
We will send you a couple of
ounces free.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists,
Toronto, Ontario,
5oc. and $..00 ; all druggists. r
Wherever there are s:cklyheopte with weak
heat is and deranged nerves, Mitburn's hear t
and Nerve Pills will be found an eit'ectait
medicine. They restore enfeebled, enervated,
exhausted, devitalivod or over.worked men
and woman to vigorous health,
Tho Ontario Government published
a report Saturday on the Ontario fuel
supply. It estimates Ontaio's fuel
bill at $115,0,00,000.. The report ,is
with special reference to the manufac-
ture of Ontario peat a $4 a ton eau -
als anthracite at $0 a ton.
For Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infanttun,
Oramps, Colic, Di.trnccea, Dyseute:s, and. :-um-
merComplaint, 1)r. b'owler's l;stiact ut Wild
Strawberry fa aprompt safe and sure etre
that has been a popular favorite for nearly 00
The (members of tho)'Independent
Order of Odd$ellows in Ontario have,
;within the past few days through
their treasurer, Mr. McCormack{ and
a special com itlee, purchased apiece
of ,property just north of Oakville, on
the lake shore road, for ,which $7,000
will 'be paid just as soon as the title
of the site has been proven. The de-.
sire of the order for many years will
then be realized, and a substantial
atr!uet'ure costing many thousands oQ
dollars, will be erected to he known as
the Oddfellows' Homo, in which aged
members of the order,'widows of de-
oeasad members, and orphan: children
of deceased members will be taken
care ' of. Fut',ly $,2;0,000 has already
been contributed toward this work,
and the recent purchase of the land
is the crystalization of much effort in
the practical accomplishment of
the fixed purpose.
• lt'e not the weather that's a,t fault. Ilia your
system clogged with poisonous materials, that
makes you feel dull, drowsy, weak and miser-
able. Lea Burdock Blood Biters clear away
all the poisons, purify and enrilh your blood;
make on feel bright and vigorous.
Another new cure for consumption
is announced. A. cabal frlom Bastin,
Germany, states that a Dr. %Sommer -
field has been remarkably successful
in the (management of otherwise in-
tractable cases by allowing afflicted
individuals to inhale the vapor 'from
a 'misture of powdered eucalyptus and
sulpher. The allegged compound has
the 'merit of being a new: ones iYct
few ,medical men now a days look for
any radical:results from local appli-
cation. The, mere: killing of the tu-
bercular bacilli' in the itinsue(s, %is'not
so much the main eonsideratlon as
rendering the 'soil in .which they ex-
ist unfit for their further production.
The consensus of medical opinion is in
this direction as is evidenced by the
alenost universal indorseme,nt of 2h
sanitarium treatment. B,y it thet.pe •
tient is made strong suough to or;er-
•Go:me the disease.: '
Lahti prices in Southern Manie:dins.
has raised with a bound. Last year n
Minnesota firm bought up 5,000 acres
near Pilot Mound at from $5. to $10
an acre. Others soon came, and very
soon the ;price Gwent )up until within
a fere ,months the ,value increased to
from $•IC •tto :$20 per acre, andj no w
there are no farms lever unimproved
to be had at less than twelve dollars
toter sere, hand as high as twenty• ffve-
dollars per acre has been paid. There
is no danger now -.,of prices ever fall-
ing below present values, and tbo gen
eral opinion of real estate mein( says
a Pilot Mound correspondent, is that
ot five years we will see 'thy
prices to F135 per sere, and theybatso
their opinion on the fact that land
which will produce 25 • busiiols of No.
1 wheat per acre almost any year and
double that •tivantity of oats is cheap
at the last named price.
There is no foiin of kidney trouble iron a
backache mown to Bright's disease, that
Dean's Kidney Pills will not relieve or cure.
Ityon are troubled with any kind ot kidney
complaint, give Doan's Kidney Pills a trial.
The crops of Ontario are awaiting
rain eagerly, according to Mr. C. tr7.
'Ta'mes Deputy Minister of .A,o2'itcnl-
ture, and Alr. R •.Ii'. %Stu r crt. trilsee'4
tor of the Observatory, buut 80; 'lar
no serious results aro anticipated in
this section. In the Ottarwa Vallcy4
and in the 'Montreal district, however
the farmers are really suffering from
drought, since in those sections they
have practically had no rain to speak
of since. March, The heavy reins of
whi rn ret'resllted the soft on.
Central, South and Western Ontario,
rrrare lacking there. The p„_esent si-
tuations in the tinore fertile scctic'nt1
of Ontario is not serious, but may pe-
come so if the hot arid dray weather
of the past two or three weeks •con-.
Unties. In Manit•ob,t and the Terri-
tories; there have been ab,unclant:
showers, and aeon sn ry r and
for the sake •af the Baste.rn Districts'
Children Clry for
which axe really suffering it. 14 ItOirid
‘vill exten.l ea w., .
tr 1 dt ,tr .
tlbtt t t 11.• a
1'O11.11) AT LAST
.A livoa pill Otis 18 -magi awl sore, that aot•s
Senile', Wm:WY and thereet hli-. that does not.
gripe, 1.1xa-Ewer I t11s puss.:. -cs diene
tie,, and1a assure for Liver, Complaint'
Constipation, Sick ie'citehe. etc,
;The 'clay 'o€ Toronto to rn tking>"'an
interesting departure in Home Show
and is holding a leaver forte of eq-.
uine exhibition in the open air on the
s2terneon of July and,ixa connection
with the Old name gathering which
the Board ;Of Trade of that City has
urreedng.' Instead of extending a
' Show o€ over one week - in Madison
*Ina re It cwiil'all ho done in an hour
of a sunny tsuininer•, afternoon, The
beautiful Queen's Park and i'niverel-
• ty oval in Toronto furnish roadway
"-Around adjoining circles or over two
Asililes, and on ;these ,trill be arranged
upwards of 590horses and carriages.
An army of judges trill make the
awards simultaneously, and the jut:r-
;ing will not ecentsy. abovie an hour,
:then the whole exhibition will move
..aro.und-the octal and pass in view of
' around the oval and pass in review
:before Ills Ixseg1o ee, the (
r ainor
Gineral of Canada, Iiord lli.n(•C. It
!is expected !that over 200,000 people
l will witness, this unique Horse Show
'It is de,Si,gned to show to the',(housi-
} ands o£ home -Coming Canadians how
important a contra oC the horse breed
ting industry Toronto has become.
( Franco-German Frontier Incident That
IFYored Soldier to Tears,
, Relations between the French and
IGermans. have considerably improved
of late years, and can even be de-
scribed as cordial, but this does not
mean that the lost provinces have
been entirely forgottert on this side
of the ,frontier, as the following
touching story, which The Petrie
has just received from its correspon-
dent at Saint Die, in the Vosges,
- will show: A detachment of chas-
seurs-apied was marching the other
day close to the frontier when it
perceived just across the border a
farm -house, on a bench in front of
which a man was sitting. Iio was
a soldier, too, and catching sight. of
the French sergeant he rose to his
feet, stood at attention, and saluted
in accordance with the rule in such
a case.. Barely twenty yards away
the rifleman watched him fixedly,
taking in every detail of his uni-
form and accoutrements, and at last,
yielding to an uncontrollable im-
pulse, they removed their kepis, and,
waving them aloft, shouted "Viva la
, ,,
I`rance.,So moved was the German
soldier by this demonstration that,
covering his face with his hands, he
burst into tears. The tall, fair-hair-
ed man, who looked barely eighteen
years of age, was an Alsatian, and
the sergeant, as soon as he had res
lized the fact, addressing the charm
seurs in low and sad tones, said,
'"Como along, boys, let us be off; wa
must not tempt the poor fellow.
Only cowards desert." A moinent
later the detachment was leaving the
spot, but the Frenchmen, as they,
uv L lar -114.14, •flea
All That Was Necessary.
"You must abandon all business ca es
for the future,” says the physician.. v'
"But I fear that I have not yet 1c -
cumulated sufficient money," protests
the multimillionaire.
"Sufficient?" repeats the doctor
"Why, my, dear sir, you have enough
money, to. pay physicians' fees for the
rest of your lifel" ,
Kidneys and
s Liven
Any with the
proper performance of the
functions of these most im-
portant organs should never
be slighted. If it be, serious
consequences are sure to
follow. s.,,••••••••••,,
Price, 25 Cents
May 21th, 1903
Return tickets will be issued at
Between all stations in Canada,
also to Buffald,Suspension Bridge
N. Y., Detroit, Pt Huron, Mich.
GOOD GOING MAY 23rd, 24th
or 25th. •
Valid teturning from destination
on or before May 26th r903..
One way tickets at low rates
on sale until June 15th, to points
in Manitoba, Colorado, Utah,
Oregon, Washington, British Col-
umbia and California,
For tickets and all information
apply to
Exeter, Ont. Agent
...ora maw',':-,L'axettoe,
Iaike most nglish ena Lad
smokes cigarettes a great deal, and,
copying the prevailing fashion, se do
the gilded youth of the Capital, It
is not probable, however, that the
use the same brand of "Turkish" ad
the Governor-General, whose vigor,
ettes aro imposing, fat, four -inch.
Ions' affairs, that Bost about as much
as a very fair cigar, They are
brought over by Lord Minto hint
self, and, it is sad to relate the pit
chequer of 'Canadagots not a cent
of revenue from. them, says Day by,
1)ay in Toronto News. Everything
foil His Excellency's use comes fu,
of courte, . tlaty free. Si'ilich is
enough to cause one to become a re
Republican, Here are we of the com.,
monaity paying big imports on opt
imported cigars and tobacco, while
Lord 1112nto pays nothing! Horrible !
However, the whole question is ob-
sscurod ' by smoke, and, until that
clears away, cannot be judged on
ire merits..,... • • • •.
The soy.
A boy Is an odd piece f furniture,
y I
but he is the ground and chief ingre-
dient of the man. Delude not yourself
with the belief that the boy is not all
be pretends to be, for he is a great deal
more. Lie is an iucom-prehensible fel-
low to any one but another boy, and
because he will presently grow into
the awkward between hay and grass
Period that separates boyhood from
manhood, and to a lumbering idiot
then, don't signify that he is an idiot
now. He never is. But his chrysalis
state fetters him and makes him seem
like one sometimes.
The boy is all right
Col. setucioil.•s Suspension.
Ottawa, 7dak'`,, —Col. Hudon of
tho 72.112. C. has been suspended. It
is said that it is owing to a disa-
greement as to the pay of the men.
Tho amount totals $1,200 of, 31,500.
Sir Frederick Borden, spoken to re-
garding the matter yesterday, said
that an official of tho department
had been sent to ISingsten to in-
vestigate the matter. Sir Frederick
says that Col. Hudon has not been
well for some time.
MArr'IiINNEY—In Stephen nn Sunday.
Alav, lith,; Vera only dau:bter of
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mawhinney.
MARTYN—In Exeter on Mny 14th,
Emily Jane, daughter ot Thos. B.
and Sarah Marlyn, aged 28 years 8
months and 18 days.
The Council of the County of Hur-
on will meet in the council chamber
in the town of Goderich at 3 o'clock
r. u. on the second day cf June next.
W. LANE, Olerk,
Dated at Goderich May 20111, 1903.
Notice is hereby given that the
Court of Revision for the Assessment
Roll of the Village of Exeter, will hold
its first meeting on Monday,May 29th,
1903, at 8 o'clock p. m, Interested
parties will govern themselves accord-
GEO. H. BIsssrr, Olerk,
Dated at Exeter this 181h day of May
The Court of Revision of the Assess-
ment Roll for the Township of Us -
borne for 1003, will be held at Town-
ship Hall; Elimville, on Saturday,
June Oth,at IO o'clock in the 'forenoon,
All persons having business at said
Court will please take notice and gov-
ern themselves accordingly.
F. MORLEY, Clerk.
Whalen, May 12th, 1003.
In the matter of the Estate of William
Baker, late of the Village ot Cen-
tralia, in the County of Huron, Yeo-
man, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to "Tho Re-
vised Statutes of Ontario,' 1S97, Chapter 129,
that 8.11 creditors and others having claims
against the estate of the said William Baker.
who died on or about the lith day of May.1903,
are required on or before the 15th day of June,
1003. to send by post prepaid or deliver to
Messrs Gladman & Stanbury, of the Village
of xxeter, Solicitors for the ]ixecutors of the
last Will and Testament of tho said deceased,
their Christian names and surnames, addresses
and descriptions, the full particulars of their
claims, the statement of their accounts, and
the nature of the securities, if any, held by
them. And further take notice that after such
last mentionoa date the said Executors will
proceed to` distribute the assets of the de-
ceased among the parties entitled thereto,
having regard only to the claims of which
they shall then have notice, and that the said
Executors will not be liable for the said assets
or any part thereof to any person or persons of
whose claim notice shall not have been receiv-
ed by them at the tune of such distribution.
Solicitors for the Executors.
Da ted the 10th day of May,
Springy Prices
Lnmber9JOoal and Wire
All kinds of Hemlock or Pine, either in
the rough or dressed as you wish.
A few of my Spring Prices,
Coal at bins ..$6.00
Coiied Spring Wire per cwt $2.80
Dry Hemlock Barn Boards at
$15.00 per M.
Dry Hemlock Jointing and Scant-
ling at $15.00 per M.
No. 1 B. 0. Shingles at 80c per hunch
Cheaper grade .68c per bunch
1 inch hemlock ....$514.60 per M.
1 inch Pine $12.60 per M.
It will a:you to rite or call
p1see me before ou buy. and
FOR SALE •- '.laiiICK ,R143
S llI
EXETER -We alter for Rale en reasonable
terms, that very desirable residential property
known as"ThoBooper Bonicrtead" eituated
on Lot N o• 30,.south of Huron street, 1';xeter.
There is erected upon the land,atomPo
rt b
and i u brick dnod o s � elli a th
necessary outhouses. The house is in geed ro-
pair and bas 9 rooms. The let contains an acre
of land and Isexoellonti adapted for garden
ing or fruit grawbr There is a plentiful sap
ply of hard and soft .water, The property is up k
to date, and the terms easy, for particulars ap
ply to Incases & ()annum barristers Exeter
or to A.B. BooPsu, new P. O. , I'erne, U.
A., proprietor'.•.
Agon for the WESTERN Gestin tr en C'osr-
pANY, of Toronto; also for the Pr'OCNrx FIRE
sst'RANCE COMPANY, of London, England;
. BJ.iOSVNIZti ti M. D. NI. 0.
SI • P. Ji,, Graduate Vie tells ,n +v,-rsity
office and residence, Uouiituou Labora-
tory, Exeter.
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries. Conveyancers,
Commissioners, Solicitors for the Maisons
Bank, Ete.
Money to Loan at lowest rates of interest.
s. R. CAMINO, B. A. L. H. DIO86oIr
(Successor to Elliott & Gladman)
Barrister, Solicitor, Rotary Public,
Conveyancer, Etc,
Money to loan on Farm and village
properties at Lowest rates of interest
Money to Loan.
OFFICE — (Formerly Elliott and Gladman,)
D. S. D, D. S., Honor Gradnate
of Toronto University, Dentist.
Teeth extracted without pain or
bad after (greets, Office 1n Fan -
son's block. West side of Main
treet `Exeter•
We have unlimited private funds for invest
meat upon farm or village property at lowes
rates of interest.
Bayou °'' ant a
We have the finest stock in town
All the latest styles, in the new es
Our prices are low as can .be four'
for first-class material and workman
Oft LL SND see -U6.
J ussell
Two Doors South Towr Hall.
AHappy au!
ospon s New Year
Is what we all expect and desire.
Begin by making the home
bright and cheerful, and if your
family are musical, you cannot
add to the brightness and cheer
of home m ore than by placing in
it a Piano or Organ. 12 will not
only add cheer to the home but
will help your children to take
their proper place in the social
and business world when your
aid is withdrawn from them.
Sewing `, adieus
In Sewing Machines we curry a,
large and varied stock of the
very best makes, also needles
and repairs for all machines.
Sheat and Bank music
Hymn Books, Bibles, &c, always
in stock. Call and see us.
Our terms are the best.
We have a large amount of private funds to
loan on farm and village properties at lowrates
of interest.
Barristers Solicitors, Main St. Exeter.
D. . A,RDERSON, (D. D. S. L D.S.
Honor Graduate of the Toronto University
and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of
Ontario, with honors Also Post•graduate of
Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentistry (with
honorable mention.
Everything known to the Dental Profession
done in this office. Bridge work, crowns, al-
Iuminum, gold and vulcanite plates all done in
the neatest manner possible. A perfectly
harmless anaesthetic used for painless extrac-
Office one door south of Carling , Bro's store
Exeter. Ont.
The Phenomenal Well -Bred Standard
Trotting Stallion.
Leads all other stallions in Canada for sir -1
ing extreme speed. and high stepping action
for road and carriage purposes.
TARENTUM has now produced three colts
showing better than 2.10 speed, one going
miles in 2.05, who is now entered in over $25,-
000 in stakes down the Grand Circuit Harry
D. commences the Grand Circuit at Detroit
in the $5000 Chamber and Commerce stakes
and also in the 2.11 $2000 stakes, and then goes
down the Grand Circuit through other large
stakes. Tarentum is the only stallion in Can-
ada that has produced a colt pnenomenally
fast enough to face the Grand. Circuit that
won second money in his second start in a race
at Memphis in a field of eleven starters, all
speedy onoe. Dorthv Wilton having got a
mark at Lexington. Kentucky, the previous
week in 2.09k. In this race Orin B. by Grey-
stone , the sire of Tarentum. won 1st money.
Harry D, by Tarentum won 2nd money. Major
Hal, 3rd money. Doherty "'Ninon 4th money,
time 2.09:1 and 2.101.
Monday.— Simon McKenzie's Tuckcrsmith,
for noon; Blake, night. Tuesday.— Zurich
noon ; 0rediton, night, Wednesday.—Exeter,
noon ; i'lirquhar, night. Thursday.—By way
of Staf & to Dublin. noon home, nigght. Fri-
day.—At his own stable, 'Egmondville. Satur-
day.—Athis own stable, kgmondvilio.
Farmer's common mares, $15.00 to insure.
Well bred and standard bred mares20,00 by
the season and $25.00 to insure. Stud fees clue
January ist, 1904. For tabulated pedigree see
large posters, or address.
A. CIIARLESWORTif, Egmondville, Ont.
At Lowest
Having bought out the entire stock
of the late James Willis, we are in a
better position than ever to sell Lum-
ber, Shingles, Lath and all Building
Material at lowest prices. The com-
bined stock of Shingles as contained
in both yards is heavier than we wish
to carry, so we purpose to make a
material reduction in the price of
Shingles until we get our stook re-
duced. Take advantage of the reduc-
We thank the people of Exeter and
the surrounding country for their
patronage in the past, and solicit a
continuance of their custom. Our
motto is smaller profits and quicker
A. J. Clatworthy's RO$S
Lumber Yard, Grantor'.
of Worth ington's• Canadian
Stock Ton ic.
James Leask, breeder and feeder of
the sweepstake fat cattle at Provincial
Winter Fair 1901 and 1902, says :
Dear Sir:—
I have fed your Stock Tonic to
cattle and like it very much. It mak-
es them thrive well and put on flesh
more rapidly. I think it is the best
Tonic I have fed to horses. We; are
also feeding it to our bens this winter
and they are laying better than they
have done for a long time, It pays
to feed it. Yours truly,
Greenbank P, 0., Feby, 2$, 1903.
Dear Sir:—
I had a mare stocked in both
took it down completely and put her
in good condition. It bas done my
cows good, Think itis a good thing
and can recommend it.
B. CnuxcEXLL, "Dairyman,"
Clinton, Jany, 17th, 1903.
Purify your animals' blood before
turning them on the grass. They will
surprise you in the fall.
10 lb. box, 200 feeds, 50c. ; 50 ib. sack
The Worthington Drug Go.,
For Sale and Guaranteed by:
Carling Bros, Exeter; Cook & Son..
Hensall; E. Schmidt, Lucan.
"An Ounce of
Prevention is
Worth a Pound
of Cure."
Why not cure that cough of
yours now , Do not let it
go on and get worse. A
bottle of one of our own
Cough Medicines will cure
you. We carry a large as-
sortment of
Cough Medicines
Cough Lozenges
Act wisely and get some of
our remedies.
D3hid s(tore