HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1985-10-30, Page 42Re lar tune -may Gone are the days when keeping a car engine in tune had to be a regular pro- cedure if the engine was to start without excessive cranking. Remember cranking? If you can answer yes to the above, you also probably remember that 1600 kilometre grease job and oil change. There was no such thing as an oil filter to replace, of course; just change the oil. While cars have changed greatly overall, several car parts and systems have changed little. Nearly half of the cars on North American highways still have conventional distributor points and con- denser, thereby requiring more frequent tune-up service, according to the Car Care Council off Detroit. And the distributor cap and rotor today are replaced as frequently as they were 10 years ago. The sparkplug continues as the most frequently replaced part in a tune-up. The air filter has in, creased in replacement frequency. So while advancements in technology, Womputerized engine controls and unlead- d gasoline have resulted in longer maintenance intervals on some parts and systems, cars still require regular servic- ing to run properly. But this servicing no longer is simply a tune-up. The traditional tune-up has evolv- ed into a procedure described as an engine performance analysis. Pay attention to car's signals Out of sight, out of mind. That's the case with a car's windshield wipers, which are probably the most neglected safety items on an automobile, says the Automotive Information Council. The rubber blades sit against the win- dow glass during egg -frying heat and bone - chilling cold and are thought about only when it rains or snows. Too often, when called into action, they do an inadequate job because they haven't been replaced when worn out, and that can be a safety hazard. Replacing the rubber refill blade is an• easy and inexpensive do-it-yourself pro- ject. ' To check 'm see if the blade needs replac- i,ig, squirt tile windshield with washer. aid and tu,-n on the wipers, checking at al'sp ed:;. iA vip'Ts fail to clean the glass pro- perly , leaving your visibility blurred or the glass streaked, they need replacing. Why do car e premiums go up Sometimes it is difficult to understand why your car and house insurance premiums increase even though you haven't made any claims. . Most of the insurance business in Canada is operated by private, free - enterprise corporations, and these com- panies are in business to make a profit. In recent years however, more money has been paid out.by insurance•coinpanies in claims and operating costs than has been received in premiums. In 1984, for every premium dollar received, $1.12 was spent for claims,. adjusting expenses, overhead, commissions and taxes. • Since total premiums for policies cover- ing houses; cars, and businesses amounted • • to over $8.5 billion last year, the proper- ty/casualty insurance industry paid out $961 million more than it received. No business can operate for a'prolonged period of time spending more money than it makes. Insurance companies are no dif- ferent.. If everyone's claims are'to be paid in full, insurance companies must collect adequate premiums for their products. Insurance brokers represent many in- surance companies, and can offer you in- dependent advice to find the right in- surance company to satisfy your needs. s will keep car runlung: smoothl Wat,'sthe difference? Instead of reutinlely replacing things like the points; condenser and plugs, the technician must make a thorough diagnosis of what's caus- ing hard starting, poor performance, reduced fuel economy or increased emis- sions, He no longer can replace some parts and make a few simple adjustments to get the engine running like new. If you'reexperiencing ergine problems, you may oy May not need servicing of one' of the sub -systems, such as the• ignition system, the fuel' system and the emission control system. This is where accurate diagnosis comes in. A. Peso 1'I You can aid this diagnosis by COW [i'lwlicating with your merandc so he Can isolate and diagnose a specific problean. Give him as many details as -possible. The more information you can provide, the quicker and more accurately the technician can isolate the problem, repair it and get you back on the road. From 0311 of us at Clinton Auto Parts -' Safo Driving this Winter" LEFT TO RIGHT - LARRY GIBBINGS, COLLEEN COX, DEAN REID, JOHN DIXON, NANCY -. BROWN. ABSENT AT TiME OF PHOTO: BILL FLEISCHAUER. LTD. AUTOMOTIVE • TRUCK • FARM IMPLEMENT PARTS 267 VICTORIA. STREET OPEN: Monday -Friday a a.m..s:ao p.m. Clinton Saturday 8 a.m. - 12 noon (former Clinton Chrysler Plymouth location) CANTON AUTO PARTS 482-3934 THE RAD SHOP 482-9393