HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1985-10-30, Page 18The clistrihution.of the HURON COUNTY ATLAS which has been curtailed to other than patrons, as a result of a delay in completion of binding, will resume at the Court House, Goderich on Friday, November 1 when a limited quantity will be available for distribution. By November 16, delivery from the bindery is expected to be in sufficiOnt quantities and at regular intervals to meet all future demands. In the meantime copies of the Atlas, ordered by Patrons, now are on hand and may be picked up at the Court House. We regret the inconvenience which may have resulted for some Atlas purchasers. t� Lir Page 16-CIaINTQN NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1985 r 1. Articles for sale YOU CAN GET your out -of -Canada Medical In- surance at C.A.A. Travel Agency, 7 Rattenbury St., Clinton. Phone 482-9300. -440ar HANK'S SMALL ENGINES - Hwy. 4, Londesboro, 523.9202. Dealer for Ccnadiana and Bolens Lawn and Garden Equipment and snowblowers. Weedeater Trimmers, Poulon Chainsaws, Badger Farm Equipment. Service to all small engines. ---20t1 KITCHEN CUPBOARD. Reface your old cupboard instead of replacing it. Save up 10 60 percent, Leading manufacturer is having a clearonce sole of certain styles. Package includes door, drawer fronts, handles, hinges, backing, laminate valance and knick knack shelves. Regularly $1995.00 clearing at $995.00, Call (519) 653-0176, 9 a,m. • 7 p.m. 44o USED SKATE EXCHANGE and sharpening service for skates, knives, scissors. saws. etc. 139 Queen St., Clinton. 482.9412. 4I tf TECHNICS portable stereo system, 60 watts R.M.S., 7 bond graphic equalizer, musk search, Dolby N.R., AM FM radio, MX tape head, linear phase speakers. $650.00. Phone 529- 7974. 4ltfnx POTATOES: Order your winter supply. Red or white. Will deliver. Phone days 523.9549, nights 526.7214. 44-46x WOOD STOVE: Findlay Conestogo, air tight, 2 year8-old, excellent condition. $275. Phone 482 7388.• 44x • FRAMES;•Custom framing for needlepoint and prints. Large selection of standard frames in stock. Walden Photography, Westfield and Blyth. 523.9212. 44ar CHROME KITCHEN SUITE: Table and four chairs color - light grey. 482-9639, 44x OLDER 21 cu, ft. freezer for sale'. $75.00. Phone 524-9081. 44 • BED AND DRESSER: Chrome table; also Victorian -dresser from on estate. Phone 482-9410 or 482 7082. --44x FIREWOOD: ,$28.00.. Phone 482.7425. 3911 WEEKLY SPECIALS! See our ad in "FOCUS" Clin ton Boxed Meats just,off Hwy; 4 north of Clinton. 11:4 mile south of I bndesboro, watch for our sign. Call collect 523.9508; 42tfar TOP OF TrIE LINE: Rgland Bolt 60 guitar amplifier. Excellent condition with very little use. Worth 5675 new, will sell for $475. Also, a Epiphone bass guitar ,in good condition. Asking 5200. Phone 529-7974 after 6 p.m. 41 tfnx APPLES: Empire, Wolfe,River, Sweets, Kings, Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, Spys, 'dared, Greenings, cider apples, cider weekends. McCly- rhont Orchards Varna, 4B213214, 44 ' • FREE SQUASH with every purchase of apples; ap- pies available: Golden and Red Delicious, Nor• thern Spy, Macintosh, Wolfe Rivers. Snows, plus sweet apple cider at Don Middleton's Whitehall Farms, R.R. 3, Clinton. Phone 482.9838. 42.44ar RURAL DELIVERY magazine reminds people of the old Family Herald, Write for Free Introduc- tory copy. Rural Delivery, a country .journal, Box 1509 Liverpool, N.S. BOT 11(0. 4 HURON COUNTY Historical At s now available. 350 pages, 13x18 inches, 65 naps of townships, towns, hamlets; 1,000 pictures, stories of 600 families, churches' businesses, municipalities. Ideal Christmas gift. $59,50 each plus $6.00 ship- ping, Order with remittance to Huron County Treasurer, Court House. Goderich, Ontario, N7A 1M2. Delivery 4 to 6 weeks. 44o "PENNY -ROLLER" Trademark. Patented. Wrap pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters quickly and easily. One wraps all Uses free bank wrappers. Only. $8,95 postpaid. (Please add 63 cents tax). 'Christmas Special 2 for $16. (Please add $1,12 tax). Send cheque or M.O to Penny•Roller Pro- ducts, P.O. Box 405, Fort Erie. Ont. L2A ° 5N2. 41.440 BUILDINGS priced below wholesale, Final rnven tory clearance. Various sizes available. All steel. Ten to Twenty year warranty, Limited stock ovailable. Act Now and Save. No reserves held. Call 1 .800 387 8130 or (416) 8286262. 440 LASSIFIED THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD -THE: BLYTH STANDARD -THE BAYFIELD BUGLE Clinton News -Record CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES & DATA DEADLINES; Classified Word Ads Tuesday Noon Display Advertising . Tuesday 4:00 p.m. CLASSIFICATIONS 1 Articles for sale 2 Yard sale 3 Garage sale 4 Anllgoes for sale 5 Cars for sale 6 Trucks for sale 7 R.V.'s for sale 8 Marine 9 Automotive 10 Pets for sale 12 Real estate for sale 13 Mobile homes 14 Recreational properties 15 Out of town proportles 16 For rent 17 Apartments for rent 18 Houses for rent 19 Rooms for runt 20 Room & board - 44 Engagements 21 Cottages for rent 45 Marriages 22 Lots for runt 46 In memoriam 23 Commercial property for rent 47 Cards of thanks 24 Wanted to rent 25 Wanted to buy 26 Help wanted 27 Wanted (general) 28 Business opportunity 29 Tenders 30 Employment wanted 31 Service directory 34 Personal 35 Notice to creditors 36 Announcements 37 Mortgages 38 Auction sale 39 Educational 40 Lost & Found 41 To give away 42 Death notice 43 Births 500 DISCOUNT FOR. CASH PAYMENT WHEN PLACING AD OR IF PAID WITHIN ONE WEEK AFTER THE PAPER DATE. PHONE 482-3443 MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. BUILDINGS. Storage garages bards. warehouses, stores airplar.e'hongar, you norne it, we've got it. Big special for October. 40 wide . by 60 long as much as $5 000 off Direct from Inc tory phone now collect (416) 4545600 Limited offer. 44a - C & E FURNITURE NEW & USED We Can Offer BETTER PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY 1/2 mile south on Hwy. 21 GODERICH 524-7231 We even take trades 1. Articles for sale 5. Cars for sale 1978 BUICK ELECTRA Several options, can cer- tify. 523-4205. 44 1978 FORD LTD II Brougham. air conditioner, P 5 P.B good condition best offer. 482.9574 between 6 and 8 p m 44 1979 DAISUN 310 Best offer. Phone'. 482. 7190 43 45 1972 OLDS DELTA 88 455 4 barrel power steer- ing power brakes snowtires. Asking $600 00. Call 482 9931 anytime. 44, 45 10. Pets for sale WATER PROBLEMS: New technology • eliminates rusty, smelly, • bad tasting water, coliform bacteria, staining, iron, manganese, hardness., chemical contamination and more. Fully automatic.. Tested and proven in over 12,000 rural installations. No messy chemicals, no taste or smell of chlorine. FREE 6 month trial offer, See .the results for yourself. If you want BETTER WATER for' BETTER COUNTRY LIVING Call Toll Free 1.800-268.2656 or write Aztec Water Purification Systems„ 203-1030 Kamato. Road. Mississauga, Ontario. L4W 4B6. The, "Iowest' Cost System That "Really- Works. 44o HONEY:' Number 1 white, in •your containers or ours. Honeymead Apiaries,' .Alec Ostrom 482- 7287. .39-46x 'ONE STOP Building Shopping •Centre. All steel straight' slant, quonsets, cladding: Free brochures on request.. For action value 'and answers call Wally (416) 426-1794. Leave message or collect evenings' and • weekends. 44o POULTRY: Pigeon, Ph.eqsant National Monthly Newspaper, only $12 per year.. includes Free 40th Anniversary magazine and Avian Book catalogue when sent with this advertisement to: Feather Foncier, 5 Lake Road, Forest, ,Ontario, NON 1J0. .440 WE BUY Piano's. Special from Village ,Piano' Shop (behind Kentucky Fried'Chicken). Elmira: Pianos 'only $495! We restore, refinish, repair, and tune pianos. .(519)669.2280,669.2311. 44o REPAIRS to T.V's. radios, small appliances, video games, electric tools, etc. Cable T,V. convertors for sgle. Larry's Radio &. T.V. Blyth. 523- 4559. 37tf, , • APPLES FOR SALE: Pick your own or already pick ed. Corner' of Varna Holmesville Rd. Henry Slotegraaf 482.9272, No Sunday soles, 39tf ELECTROLUX VACUU'MA.P. 280, with power noz zie and all attachments (in excellent condition. like new), a bargain! Call Centralia 228 6531.• 43,44x LINDSAY ORCHARD: R.R. 2, Bayfield. Bayfield Line Concession. We have Kings, Cortlands Wains and Tatman Sweets. Pick your own Spys. 482.9143, Open 7 days. 43,44 RECONDITIONED: Fridges, freezers, washers. dryers and stoves. All are newer models. Trade ins from local stores; 887.9608, 43 46x JENNAIR indoor barbecue, double grill for built in counter top. Excellent condition 482 7552. 43,44 BOYS' BROWN 3 -piece suit size 18, like new double bed; 4 pair matching drapes, 70, long by 4" wide, Gendron buggy; Kirby vacuum cleaner with attachments. Phone 4827207. 44 1 FLUFFY bundles of fun. Himalayan kittens, solid. blue and blue points. All shots, and health guaranteed Phone 524.9819. 44 BLUE POINT SIAMESE cat. 7•months-old Female, Has shots. Phone 529 7382 44nx GODERICH. Picturesque setting, 4 bedrooms, large family room with walk out to 'pool area, stone fencing around pool, two car garage, sunroom, with cathedral ceilings, 1.43 acres, Located on river two minutes from Goderich, 1 minute to golf course. Will hold mortgage to qualified people. 524.8850 after 7 p.m. - 43,44 ' APPROXIMATELY 20 acres in Bay County, Florida Near Panama City Property described as follows E , SE... of SW' 4. Land cleared and good road, 5244 8787. 44,45,46x ®LUCKNOW GODERICH •WINGHAM BLYTH INTON BAYFIELD: ;':< o SEA FORTH • MITCHELL ZURICH EXETER STRATFORD e• 12. Real estate for sale PRIVATE SALE BY OWNER IN THE S0'S Older yellow brick home, 11/2 storey on 66' x '83.5' corner lot. 3 bedrooms, 11/2 bathrooms, stained glass windows, large kitchen, built-in dishwasher, central vac, gas forced -air heat, many more features. • Inquire at 482-3016 MAURICE GARDINER REAL ESTATE LIMITED 34 STANLEY STREET GODERICH 5243966 'We May Be Number One! But We're Still Trying Harder!' • r...uut,. CALL US - TO WELCOME YOU HOME M1N5. TO SEAFORTH-CLINTON NEW LISTING LAKEFRONT COTTAGE Sunset Lane, 3 miles North of Bayfield • 2 bedroom vinyl sided, in- suiated walls and ceilings, new Bay Window facing lake, electric wall fan heater, furnishings included ... Priced to sell at $44,900. Year round area, winter water available at cost of $50b. 12 GAUGE MOSSBERG pump shotgun (perfect condition), 12 gauge Cooey single.. 22 cal. Cooey single Morlin peep sights (perfect target rifle) Phone 482.7884.after 6 p.m. 44x , ONE LAKEWOOD Air Tight Wood Stove lined with fire brick and equipped with circulatirlg fan, one 24" Moffat electric range, both in very good ion di ion. Phone 526.7242. 44,45x CB RADIOS. 40 channel. SSB. 1 Realistic 1 RCA with SWR meter. Your choke $150.00. Quality Yamaha M.S.2 AM FM turntable with power booster, $200.00. Call 482.9495, 44 APPLE SALE: Macintosh, double red and yellow Delicious, Empire, Ida Red. Northern Spy. Russets, $6 per bu., apple cider $1.50 per got plus container, red & white potatoes $4 for 50 lbs , apple butter, honey, bulk cookies and onions at Art Bell's Fruit Farm. 524 8037. 4411 HALLOWEEN SPECIAL. White potatoes. 50 lbs $3.50; cauliflower $6.00 a dozen. Also broccoli squash and kale. Te -em Farm. R.R 1, Bayfield Ont. 482.3020. 44ar 3 bedroom red brick home on 3.25 acres. Surrounded by pine trees. Large kit- chen, dining and family room combined, games. room. Priced at only '58,900.00. BRUCEFIELD 5. Cars for sale 85 POLICE CARS, Trucks, Vans, Station Wagons and 4 x 4's. 3 1980-82 Lincolns and Cadillacs, 18 1981-83 Fords, Chev's and Plymouths; 18 198082 Fairmont' and Volores, 4 & 6 cylinders; 7 1979 81 Fairmonts and Volare Station Wagons, 6 197881 Vans and Suburbans; 7 1978.80 4 x 4's, Jeeps and GMC Pick•Ups; 101977.81 1/2 and Ton Pickups. 6 1980-81 Dodge Club and Crew Cabs; 4 1974 78 One and 2 Ton Dumps; 6 Van bodies, caps and utility bodies. Mighton Car Sales. 4 miles west of Durham on No. 4 or 6 miles east of Hanover on No. 4 Highway. Phone 1.369.3136. -44 3 beciroom frame house with eat -in kit- chen, separate dining room, a 3 pc. and a 2 pc. bath. Porch on front and back, metal tool shed and T.V. tower. Low taxes. Asking '31,000.00. BASELINE ROAD Picturesque country setting, quality and space for the family that enjoys the outdoors. it has been refurbished and is o pleasure to show! Asking price '59,900.00. . CALL 524-2667 LES WILLEMS S24-8451 GORDON HILL 482-3307 SUNCOAST MALL BAYFIELD ROAD num) inns n,,. GODERICH A. For Sale Henson Livestock Soles SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 12:30 P.M, All cloaca• of Ltveeloc>t WI INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Hargreaves Clinton - 441.1411 Barry Miller Easter -233-1717 Klrttton - 111-e204 Gregory Hargreaves 241.1414 WANTED TO BUY 25 to 30 tonnes of good mixed grain. Phone 523.4472, - 43,44x CLINTON E ECU IVE H ME 79 ERIE STREET, CLINTON 4 level brick, split with Mansfield siding. Large front foyer, dining room, sunroom, 4 bedrooms, family room, games room, laundry room, sewing room with walk-in closet, 2 bathrooms, fenced Yard, patio doors onto patio with privacy fence, steel shed. Included in price - built -In dish- washer, oven, stovetop. Priced to sell at $87,500. 12. Real estate for sale REAL ESTATE LTD. 2 STOREY BRICK HOUSE - Good location, duplex or single family home, large garage. NEW LISTING - 11/2 storey house with 3 bedrooms, good condition, partly renovated. VANASTRA - 11/2 storey house, vinyl sided, 3 bedrooms, full basement, recently renovated, 128,000.00. 2 BEDROOM - mod(S�es ®me at Heritage Estates. 2 OR 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, well insulated, very good condition, reasonably priced. Vanastra. 4 BEDROOM, 2 storey house in convenient location, $24,900.00 REDUCED! - Duplex two 2 -bedroom apartments, nee work. Asking '23,000.00. 2 OR 3 BEDROOM, TUDOR -STYLE COT- TAGE - Only 3 years old, Bluewater Beach. Asking '32,900.00. HENSALL -' 2'/r storey brick home, beautifully finished, must be seen. 4 BEDROOM HOME near the hospital, nice lot, lots of room, carport, 529,500.00. 3 BEDROOM - 11/2 storey house in . Vanastra, $17,500.00. 1'/2 STOREY BRICK HOUSE in Blyth, ideal for bed & breakfast or 2 apartments. 5 ACRES, ON THE HIGHWAY - 5'bedrooml house, or good building site with drilled well. NICE 15 ACRES NEAR CLINTON - Lots of privacy, house & barn. BEAUTIFULLY RENOVATED 2 storey brick house'on 10 acres, 2 steel sheds, Auburn area. SEAFORTH -`1/1'11��rick house in good condition, closertor Ttc School, insulated with Urea. MOBILE HOME at 5 Season's Park. LAYER QUOTA, 5909, on 75 acres. 'Split level home. GODERICH - Commercial zoned office and residence complex near the Square. AT THE EDGE OF TOWN, .n'odernized 1'/2 'storey house and shop with heat & hydro: INDUSTRIAL ZONED 5,000 sq. ft. building in Vanastra. WORKABLE ACREAGE & BUSH, river iron• tage, near Auburn. 175 HURON ST. - cozy 3 bedroom home: treed lot. VANASTRA - 3 bedroom with many extros. Call for details. Rose Workman, Clinton 482-3455 JOHN L. DUDDY OPEN HOU E SAT., NOV. 2 2:00 - 5:00 P.M. HAMILTON ST., BAYFIELD 5 year old Brick Raised Ranch, 4 bedrooms, chandelier In dining room, patio doors with deck off kitchen, fireplace in rec room, water softener, central vac., T.V. tower, etc., alum. soffits and fascia, insulated garage with electric heater. PRICE REDUCED TO $79,500.00. Excep- tional buy!!! tvh OPE : HIUSE SUN., NOV. 3 2:00 - 5:00 P.M. CHINIGAY STREET, BAYFIELD White sided bungalow with separate garage, kitchen and living room both 17' x 12', 2 bedroom, family room, sunroom on back of garage, utility room laundry, mature treed lot, one block from Main Street and one block to lake. Priced to sell at 579,900.00. OPEN H SE SAT., NOV. 2 11:00 - 2:00 P.M. HOUSTON HEIGHTS, South of Bayfield 8 yr. old Cedar sided with stone front and sides, 3 bedroom, air conditioner In dining room, fireplace in living room, pool table In basement, separate garage ... Reduced to 559,900. Open to offers. CONTACT Dianne Alexander MAURICE GARDINER REAL ESTATE LTD. HWY. 21 BAYFIELD 505.2513 598,500: 3.000 sq. ft. 2 storey 10 year old home on 2 acres features 5 bedrooms, dressing room off master bodroom. Main floor family room with brick fireplace in addition to finished rec room and office. BUILDING LOT, RAGLAN ST.: Choice location, huge lot 132' x 175', subject to 25 foot right of way over north side. '15,000. INCOME OVER '2,000 PER MON- TH: Commercial building on Main St. with 3 leased Stores and 3 rented apartments. Details at listing office. NO. 14, REGINA RD., VANASTRA: 960 sq. ft. 3 bedroom with dormer. Master bedroom, 12' x 18'; full base- ment: 100 amp hydro; 10' x 10' shed; full width concrete driveway. '26,900., im- r, ediate sale required. -BUILDING LOTS- Ransford St. 68.3' x 132' 58.500 Ransford St. 102' x 132' (1'/v Lots) 515,000 Dunlop St. 66' x 79.2' Serviced. S 12,000 $32,500: Estate Sale, 3 bedrooms, natural gas heating, close to down- town. 138 Victoria St., Clinton. 557,500: 1.4 acres, lovely kitchen, main floor family room, 16' x 20', natural woods used in restoration. Near Bannockburn Conservation Area at R.R. 5 Clinton. 552,000: 3.6 acres with 1980 double wide and large barn. 1,380 sq. ft. modular home has 3 bedrooms and 2 full bathrooms. Located on Hwy. 8, 2'/2 miles west of Seaforth. PRINCESS ST. WEST: 40' x 9' concrete block building with 3 large bays suitable for vehicles, boats, etc., also 2 storey building 16' x 2W for storage uses or small barn. Property has 313 feet of frontage. Full asking price '49,500. REANN L. DUDDY L ;ESTATE_ LTD. MLS REALTOR MEMBERS OF THE HURON REAL ESTATE BOARD John L. Duddy 482-3652 Russ W. Archer 482-3733 or 9428 Office 482-3766