HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1985-10-30, Page 15fellowship and Friendship
rea obituaries
Anderson -Jean
Richard Ross Anderson of Goderich and
Anne'Catherine Jean of London were mar-
ried in a double ring ceremony at St. John's
By The Lake Church in Grand Bend on Oc- •
tober 5. Rev. Cheryl Englert officiated. The
groom is the sun of Ross 'and Barbara
Anderson of Belgrave and the bride is the
daughter of Harvey and Mary Jean of Lon-
don. The bride's sister, Mary Susan Sage of
Ottawa, was the matron of honor. The best
man was Don Pearson of London and ushers
were Jim, Jean of Grand Bend, brother of
the bride, and Rick Ball of Hanover,
brother-in-law of the groom. A reception
was held at Oakwood Inn, Grand Bend.
Following a wedding trip to Island of An-
tigua, the couple has taken up residence,in
Judy Carter '
Judy Carter, daughter of Jim and 'Dorothy
Carter of lMndesbo.ro, graduated from the
[University of Western Ontario with an
Honors Bachelor of Arts Degree in English.
She was also on the Dean's Honor List. Judi'
is attending teacher's college at the ['river- .
situ of Western Ontario,
Sorority buys
Ross McEwen
Ross McEwen of Belgrave died on
October 21 at University Hospital in London
after a lengthy illness. He was 82 -years -old.
/ Mr. McEwen is survived by his sister,
Jean McEwen of Belgrave. He is
predeceased by his parents, the late Mr. and
Mrs. Robert McEwen.
Mr, McEwen was a member of the
Presbyterian Church in Belgrave.
A funeral service was held on October 23
at the McBurney . Funeral Home in
Wingharn. Rev. VictorJaniieson presidedat
the service, .Burial was in Wingharn
Pallbearers were Ross G. Anderson, Paul
McKee, Ross Procter, Garner Nicholson,
Graham Anderson and Tom Cameron.
Donations to the London Kidney
Foundation would be appreciated.
Elmer H. (Bud) Le Beau
Eliner H. ( Bud) Le Beau of London,
formerly a farmer in Stanley Township,
died in Victoria Hospital in London on
October 24, 1985. He was 81 -years -old.
Mr. Le Beau was born in Alsip, Illinois in
-Cook County on February 1, 1904. He was the
sun of the late Napoleon Le Beau and Amelia
Ile is survived bytes wife Helen R. Lewis;
Mrs. William 1 Omerine) Watkins of Clinton;
Arthur. of Vancouver B.C.; Lester of
California; Maxim of RR5 Clinton; Clarence
of RR5 Clinton and Fred of Bayfield.
The funeral service was held at the
Beattie Funeral Horne in Clinton on October
26. Rev. Leslie Grant officiated.
Pallbearers were John De May, Randall
Brocket, Robert Le Beau, Rick Le Beau,
David Middleton and Pete Le Beau.
A graveside service and burial were held
at the Clinton ('emetery.
Cornelia Elizabeth Beimers
Cornelia Elizabeth Beimers, 81, of
Auburn, died Wednesday, Oct. 23, 1985 in
Clinton Public Hospital.
She is survived by her husband Gerrit
Reimers, of Auburn and two sisters Jana,
Mrs. Fred l)stwood, of Toronto and Betsie
Appledorn, of Denbos, Holland.
Funeral services were held Saturday, Oct.
2(i at the •(''hristian Reformed Church, Blyth
with Rev. Roger Gelwicks officiating,
laterniL'nt Hall's Cemetery, Auburn.
Funeral director was Tasker Funeral
Pallbearers included Harry. Arthur, Jack
Vincent, Tom ,lardin, Larry Johnston, John
I>e Vries and Casey Van Amersfort. •
Music, crafts and parties
keep Huronview folk busy
HURONVIEW-Jim Rose and his band of
musicians provided lively entertainment on
October 21. -
Ceramic classes were held in the craft
room on October 22. Several ladies are kept
busy making•noveltyitems for Christmas.
The October birthday party' took place on
, October 23, with the Gorrie Seniors in
charge of the entertainment. A medley of
songs was led by Alvin Mundell, Mel Dennis,
Harold Robinson. Velma Mann and Marion
Mundell played piano duets. Mouth organ
selections were played by Mel Dennis and
Alvin Mundell. Janet Hogg played a medley -
of piano solos.
On October .24 Region 3 of the Ontario
Association of Homes for the Aged,'met with
members of the other area regions at the ,
Fairview Home in Cambridge ,This was the
first conference of the fall season: Those at-
tending from Huronview were Tim Collyer,
toys for® hospita
CLINTON - Young patients at tllc'('lintn'1
Public' Hospital will have new toys and a toy'•,
chest, thanks to a. donation from the Beta
Sigma Phi Zeta Omega:
• ' At their October 22 meeting; the group
voted to spend $50 on 0 purchase: In the Scr-
` vice (committee report given by Dianne Col -
Iyer another 'notion was made hi donate $50
towards the purchase of font care qui
rnent for•llurnnvicw residents with the other
sorority chapter: It was also. agreed to pay
the $25 annual fee to 131n4'k 1'a rents.
It was reported that the Clinton Ktnolics
are hosting a Red Cross Blood Donor
on. November 13 at Central Huron Secon-
dary School'. Sorority ,nu'inbcrs 11111 (assist
by telephoning' previous donors to 'rennin!
therm of the clinic.
Gail Sinclair reported rnr the ; oi'iitl cum -
mitt(' and reminded members that -die bus
trip to Lulu's is scheduled for Nnl•elnber 311.
Another upcoming event 1` the nu\ed
volleyball game in .January.
Jack Carter, Madelon Yeats, Corrine Van-
Miltenberg and Frank Bissett. The topic for'
the Residents' Council discussion was on
Rights and Responsibilities • of residents,
and proved to be a worthwhile and infor-
mative session. •
The weekly- Huronview chapel -service
was led, by Mrs. Prouty. Readings were
given by Olive Colwell, Mabel Scott and
Mildred Marwick. -
Huronview's Octoberfest was a gala event
which took place in the auditorium on Oc-
tober 25, A good crowd .of residents and
visitors were on hand to celebrate this hap-
py occasion. Piano music was provided by
Gord Harrison of Goderich.
I'Ilironview welcomes new resident Muriel
Anderson -of Stanley Township. •
`I'o the family of the late Mr. George Mann
of Clinton, sympathy is extended.
The .flowers. in the.chapel Sunday morn-
ing, were donated by'Leah Currie.
IS a1l & .falconer
Clinton Area
Goderich Area
524-7345 J
(Established since 19191
District Showroom
Goderich, Ont.
Open Daily 10 am to 5 pm
Telephone: 524-2337
Evening Appointments
Tekephone 524-6621
Full-time Memorial Counsellor
Sorority hears about shelter
CIANTON - The October 22 meeting of Xi
Epsilon Beta. Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi
.was held at the home of Vivienne Ray with
17 members present, • A presentation was
given by OPP Sergeant Jerry. Hilgendorf
and Judy C'ieslar about : the Survival
Through. Friendship House in Goderich
which operates to assist •battered worsen
and their children. Members learned riiany
interesting, facts and frightening statistics
about the problem of.wife battering.
During the . business portion of the
meeting, members discussed the liability
insurance for the chapter, as .well as Block
Parent information and a request by the
Huron -Perth Separate School Hoard for
resource people in the community.
Rita' Van Dyke announced•that. the IGA
tapes had been turned in for a cheque for
Way's and Means. '
Social ('hairrnarl, • Mary Marsh,
discussed plans tor the Hallowe'en Party
,and the Christmas bus •trip to liulu's on
November 30. Seats are still available for
the mystery shopping tour on Saturday,
November 9. The public is invited to join the
group by contacting Mary Marsh at 482-9623
for details....
Service Chairperson, Lois Fitzgerald,
announced -that 1;iz Herman 'had phoned
regarding assistance at the Group Horne in
Clinton, Several girls decided to' spend an
evening getting to knob(' the residents on
November 5..
President Nancy Anstett is going to lay
the sorority Remembrance -Day wreath on
behalf of Ix>th chapters..
'Th(' next sleeting will.be on November 12
at the home of Linda Meade.
Poinsettias give breath of life
Over 80 Kinettes across Huron and Perth
('aunties will be catching t14e Christmas
spirit early as they sell poinsettias to raise
money for Cystic Fibrosis.. .
:Icicle Drennan of Goderich, co-ordinator
of the sale; said the eight Kinette clubs in
/one K will be participating in the
I'oulsettia'Flower of 1 -lope Sale.
The profit realized by the sale of these
Bowers will go to the Canadian C'y'stic
Fibrosis Foundation for research and
assistance. ('F, with its slogan, Give A ('nilt•1
the Breath of Life, is the national cause for
K It15111cn 011(1 K inette cloh
Zone K has Kinette clubs in Dungannon,
(;oderich, Clinton, Exeter, llensall,
•;y1itehell, St. Mary's and•Stratford.
Mrs.. i )rennin say's that from November 1
to 15. the KMet teswill be of collecting orders
for , the flowers in their .respective
communities. Although size of the flowers
play vary, the most common size available
will be six-inch pots at $5 a piece or an eight -
inch put with a triple poinsettia at $15.
The zone co-ordinator says each club or
town could have a different delivery date,
but the flowers will arrive before Christmas.
"0 ye loving mothers, know ye
that in God's sight, the best of
all ways to worship Him is to
educate the children and train
them in all perfections of
humankind; and no nobler deed
than this can be Imagined."
Baha'i Faith
For more Information
Contact Box 1250 Clinton.
Fc'llOu'sh/J) Hi//le (;h..1)('!
162 Maple Street Sunday, November 3 Clinton
'J 4'1,1 , • V'y li(•rr,,,rnhrm,r
I( rl !n '„rnr{,ly Sr f,,,n1 1 4 0001y R'hl,. Il,•,i,
Speaker Clanton Wnhrr
7 p rn Fvernnq Sot v, Spnntrr Neal Lowry
7 10 I. rr 1„r,,. t ..t -,,,,r it ()c.,rl,r)n
ATTENTION T,me hnnq' for Inst Nr,ghhnurs on ( ahlp 12
npw winos lar ',wider, 5 p n, R Tuesdays R 30 p m
(�//tr//'1(►,�+Prr'cl..l nite(I Church
MINISTER 105 Ontario St., Clin?en, Ont. ORGANIST
Rev, David J. Woodall, B.A., M.DIV. Louise Mcsirlegor
11 n rn Public' Worship
11 c► rn Church School
11 e'slvo-U illis 1 nitwit Church
'4 a5 n m ',(rv,. n (II Hnlrnnsv,llp
I 1 00 a m Sprv,rp nt WPcIpy Wlllrs
Sprakrr Mr RnhParr
Christian Reformed
Christian Iieforrne(I (;hurch.
243 Princess St E Clinton
Sunday, November 3
Rpv H,nnpr Sampinnn,s
10 o.m Worship Service
p„n, Worship Service
All Visitors Welcome
CI INTON Rt V C0Iilif01 K100
Sunday, November 3
110,m. Mnrn,nq Wnr,,h,a & Sundry Srhnnl
Wednesday 8 p.m. Hnrnr R,hlp Study
574 9130
Si. I'tuul .s kngliean Church
pr., (,r „inn S rmmons BA M D,v
11 .1(1 n , , 1 ,r R (r(t Sunriays tartly Communion
toil11 4111',unsays Mor num Prayer
4 ,•nryn„r, Wrlrr,rnr
113(4 r, n,
TO MARRY - Bill and Joyce Dowson and Tom and Barb Consitt of.
Varna, wish to announce the forthcoming marriage of their children,
Brenda Jean and Scott Russell. The -wedding will take place Satur-
day, November 9. 1985 at 3•30,•Brucefield United Church, Reception
to follow at Varna. T A photo
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Children's Hospital of Western Ontario
f „> IllfrII((h1(110) x011 511) (>(ci' ,'?1;')