Exeter Times, 1903-5-21, Page 3'it'our Savings Safe CVHION DEPOSITBI) WITll THE CANADA PERMANENT AND WESTERN CANADA MORTGAGE OCR FORA TION Toronto Street, - TOttONTU' I SEOTS GUARD IIILLIUN GOLD MINES WHICH NO ONE DARE VISIT. ,A, Prospector's Rate in Australia —The Venomous Sand Flies of Tasmania.. Near Lake Carey in Western ,Aus- tralia the bony of a prospector, of What had once been a prospector, was found half covered with earth at the base of a little hill where he had evidently been dry -blowing for gold. There had bean a fall of earth which had caught -him and pinned hurl down, Unable to move, he had been attacked by ants and literally eaten alive by millions of the insects. Ants aro the worst enemy of the gold prospector in Western Austra- lia. Not so much for any injury they inflict in the way of bites, though these are bed enough. It is because they spoil all food. The' coranronest sort is a little yellow ant, which has an odor so abomin- able that if one so much as touches a piece of bread or heat, such 'food becomes uneatable and must be thrown away. In some places up near the granite ridge which lies be- 'tweon the coast desert and the in- land waste of spinifex scrub there. are claims rich in gold whichhave been abandoned simply on account of these pestiferous . insects, says Pearson's Weekly. About twenty miles from Mount Reid, on the west coast of Tas- mania, there is a creek which is known to be rich in alluvial gold. Emery now and then during the win- ter inter a party of prospectors go up to this place .and begin gold washing, but so soon as the warns weather comes on back they come. The sand flies render life absolutely unbeara- ble. These sand flies are tiny black insects, so small that a mosquito net will not keep them out. They bite ''enom,ously, and seem speelally •fond of settling upon the eyes. Men are frequently completely blinded by their bites. THE POOR DYSPEPTIC. Xs the. Host itixiserable of Mortals —Only Similar Sufferers Can 'Understand His Hours a Agony,. There is no mortal more. miserable than the poor dyspeptic. Re is nen,- er healthy, never happy — always ail ing, always out of sorts., Every' mouthful' of food brings hours of dis- tress- revery moment of the day 18 spoiled and soured, If you are a dyspeptic, you 'know fiche signs ; the coated tongue, the' dull headaches, the heartburn, the biliousness, the persistent, torment after meals, the hopeless despond- ency. Any one of these signs points to indigestion. The one sure cure for. indigestion is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, They make new blood—that's the whole secret. 'Through the blood they will brace up your strength, t waken your liver and set your stom- ach right. If you ask, your neighbor you will find proof of this right at your own home. Mr. Charles Wood,, ;ars, Ont., one of the thousands of •dyspeptics cured by the use of these pills, says :—"Por upwards ot twelve years I was a great sufferer from indigestion and nervousness. Everything ° I ate • tortured me. I, doctored almost continuously, 'wand used almost everything recommended' for this trouble, but never got more; than temporary relief until I began. the use of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills. Wads cannot express the goad these; pills have done me. I am in better health ;than I have enjoyed in 3°ears, before, and I have proved that Dr.' Williams' Pink Pills cure when other' medicines fail" Bad blood is the mother of fifty; diseases, and Dr, Williams' Pink. Pills will cure them all, because. they convert bad blood into good,' rich, rod Blood, without which there, can be neither health nor strength. Don't be persuaded to try something ..else—take nothing but the genuine Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, Sold by his medicine dealers or sent post paid at 50c. a box, or six boxes for $2•,50, by addressing the Dr.' '" Wil ]cams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont,• -A. res esentative of the Alaska and Dominion Trading Company, who went up the Yukon three years ago, tells a terrible story of mosquitos. tells a terrible story of mosquitoes. In the summer of 1900 he and a friend, with a couple of Indian guides, went up from Dawson City to a place called Venner's Lake, where it was said that a very rich flnii of placer gold had been made. They were warned that mosquitoes wore worse fn that region than any- where' else, so they provided them- selves with every possible protec- tion, inelueidng heavy hat nets. They found that the tales they had heard failed to equal the reality. Tho in- sects hung over the water like thick clouds of smoke; they were twice as big as the ordinary ape' iMe, and their stints were like prods from a red -bot needle. LONDON STREET TRA 'PIC, Laws Which Compel Drivers to Avoid Crowding. In London the law requ3,ree that every driver shall pass an examina- tion. If he convinces the examiners that he is skilllttll and competent he secures a license. In addition, all vehicles are numbered and the arum- ber displayed conspicuously on the back. 'The "bobby" stands on a platform raised a foot or so above the street level and called a "safety," A po- lice lamb is placed on this and marks the epot Where the driver must look for signals. The police- man raises a hand and all the driv- ers, rivers, even when crowded in the big squares, ,pull up at once, Should one fail to do so, the policeman doesn't yell at him or threaten hies with arrest. He simply pulls out a memorandum book and puts down the number of the vehicle as the offending driver passes by on it, and that night makes a report of it.. Tho next day the driver is ordered to appear before the officer who is- sues the licenses, and, if he fails to give a satisfactory excuse for not obeying the "bobby," his license is revoked. All of which means that the driv- ers aro all skillful leen and have the best of reasons for obeying the sig- nals of the police. "You say there's a man at the door wishes to . see me, Does ho look like a gentleman ?" "Well, not exactly like a gentleman, sir ; just something like yourself," AMBITIOUS NAILS In days when supe:tstilion was more prevalent than it is now, the shape and appearance of the finger- nails were considered to have refer- ence to one's destiny. To learn the message of the finger -nails it was neeeseary to rub these over with a compound of wax and soot, and then -to hold theta so that the sun- light fell fully on them. Then on :the horny„., transparent substance ee thin signs and oharacters were supposed to appear, from which the future could be interpreted. At the present day nail experts say that' a man with red and •spotted nails has a hot temper, while pale, lead-col9r• ed nails are considered to denote a melancholy temperament. h 1 tam crams t. Nar-row nails are supposed to betray ambition and a quarrelsome nature, whi'e round -shaped nails are the dis- tinguishing- marks of lovers of knowledge and people of liberal entiment. Conceited, narrow-mind- ed, and obstinate folk are supposed to have rnnaii nails; indolent people, fleshy; and tlho: e of a gentle, retir- ing nature, broad nails. i5 . A HANDY QUESTION. cis. ;t 1 ' • wayupth , -len theft e Onalong which they were rowing they heard a feeble cry from the bank. They landed and found an unhappy miner allnost at death's door. It appear- ed that some days before he had lost one of his boots in fording a creek. The mosquitoes had settled on his exposed foot and bitten it so fright- fully that it swelled enormously, and becaime useless Unable to walk, the wretched pian had been lying where- they found hint for 48 hours. He had covered his injured foot with clay, but the flesh had mortified, and he was in a desperate condition. He told his rescuers that he had been on his way down to Dawson City to And a partner to help hire work a new claim where gold, lie Raid, was as thick as gravel. He ;had about him nearly three pounds' weight of very petro coarse gold. In his gratitude he promised the Alas- ka and Dominion nian to show him where his El Dorado lay. But be- fore he could do so he died of blood ►iois<tning induted•by tire bites; and the secret of his find' died with him.. The mosquitoes still guard this mar- vellous claim, and 'prospectors are very shy of venturing up into so 'dangerous a neighborhood. Of all• vile insects that exist, none' is more terrible than the Berne •icy. The female lays her eggs beneath the skin, and does it so quietly and painlessly that the unhappy victim knows nothing • of it until there hatch out several hideous insects, each with three rings of bristles around its body, and provided with sharp nippers, These take six weeks to develop beneath the skin, and 'then produce dreadful sores, which become gangrenous if not quickly atttended to. The Berne fiy'ie. known over large areas of Brazil, but seems to he far more common than anywhere else at the foot of the G•oyaz Mountains, where tradi- tion has it that one of the richest of the old Inca urines in situated. Sev- clral expeditions have penetrated the 'forests in this direction during the past twenty years, but each has been driven back by the attacks, of this hateful insect. Another ancient mine once 'Worked by Yndians, and reported fabulously rich, lies in the mountains of Dur- ango in Mexico. But so venomous and numerous are the scorpions which inhabit this barren region of rocks ,and sand that almost every exploring party which has endeavor - `red to locate this long -lost treasure house has lost ono or more of its members, and money will not per- suade the natives of the region to venture there. .. The little boy picked himself out of the puddle, where his rude play- Mates had 'thrown hila. Ho wiped the mud from his velvet trousers, his silk stockings, and his lace collar, and straightened out his long, gold- en•cur'ls as well as their demoralised and bedraggled coalition. would pee - 'nit. "This," he paid, bitterly, ""is 4 . ,. •T what comes of being Ynamina's scurfs pet." ltaggsby--y"Do you believe ebeenee tiv:aerts the heart grew fonder 9" 1'Vaegebee--"Yes, but I've fend fi thih„ti with most if d es # 'deal ixiia`xo s, : .►. Joseph Chamberlain was delivering a political speech in Birmingham, England. The hall was so packed that not another human being could have crowded in. The enthusiasm was tremendous ; but suddenly a scowling plan arose in the middle of the' crowd. "what did Mr. Gladstone say in 1872 ?" he howled. "Shaine 1" "Put him out 1" y l yelled the crowd. 7 Three sturdy men hurled the inter- rupter a few yards, and others help- ed hien to the :street- • •. As he was pieldne himself up and brushing off the dost, he grinned pleasantly at a man who bad follow- ed him from the hall, and who ask- ed.-"What sk- ed •"What did Mr. Gladstone say in 1872 ?,, .' "I don't know," he replied,. `rand I don't care. I had a terrible tooth- ache. and I couldn't butt my • way through that crowd. ,and the only thing to do was to get thrown out " .'STATE Ole OHIO, CITY of TOLEDO, LrcAs OOLTETY. (SS FRANIC J', OHFINEY makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of p'. J. U13h'Ni1Y &: 110•, doing business in the Olty of Toledo, Uounty and State aforesaid, and that said first will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL- LARS for each, and every case of OA- TAIIRki that cannot be cured by the Use of HALL'S CATAIttk1 0131211. ?HANK. J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me anct subscribed in my presence. this Oth day of December, A.D. 1b:81' A. W, GLE•ASON, • SEAL : .otar•g Publra Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter- nally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J . CHENEY .0 00., Toledo, 0_ Rol,t by all Druggists, 75e. -Hall's family Pills are the best. PAID FOR HIS BOAST. A loan moved to the country and bought a farm. He was just getting settled when a man with a book fence under his arm leaned over the and said "Just bought this land?"- ?" - "Yes." "Very fine farm." "Yes, sir ; very fine." "Must be worth $2,000." "More than that. I paid $3,000 far it. Then there are indications of coal on it, which are alone worth $5.000." "You don't mean it ?" • "Yes, sir. There's coal on it. Then the new railway is going across one corner. I consider my farm worth $15,000 at any man's money." "Fifteen thousand, eh ?" "Yes, sir, $15,000 at least, I wouldn't take a penny less. • What are you putting down in the book?" "Oh, nothing much'. You see, I am the tax assessor. Other farms round here are not worth more'n $1,500 or $2,000, but I've just put yours down at the figure you men- tioned because you insist. Good mornin', sir ; glad you've moved into the neighborhood, and hope you'll stay some time." • BATkf"N.ID ONCE A YEAR. "The marbles in Westminster Pal- ace are treated tb a bath once a year. They are first sponged off with water and then 'pickled.' The pickle consists of a solution of soft soap and sulphur, which removes the incrustations due to the smoke .laden atmosphere and is said to do the marble no harm." • "Wonder why Van Major is always referring 'to his 'velvet lawn' ?" "He's got a right to. He told me that with the grass seed he has sown and the red sod He's bought it has cost hini 'lust $4,75 a yard." 4 BABY'S BEST FRIENID. The best friend babyoan have is a' simple medicine that will relieve and euro the minor ailments that make his little life often very miserable. Such fI friend is Baby's Own Tab- lets. They cure indigestion, sour stomach, constipation, simple fevers, diarrhoea, and allay the irritation accompanying the cutting of teeth. All mothers who .have ,used these Tablets praise them. Mrs. F. L. Bourgeois, Eastern Harbor, N.S., says :—"I have used Baby's Own Tablets and look upen them a baby's best friend. have found thein an excellent remedy for colic, and they have done our baby much good ie many ways." Little ones take 'these Tablets as readily as arldy, 44 01 the =ether has a guar- antee that they eonttain no opiate or other haemlei drug. Once need ale N Mt' tisod wllel'e tiler° a little' one,' is the atom' d by 'drug iste or oeeiit ,. aOA 4414,4 , oat. IrSY t d, a lx�Alil' aro, ;'.Wn Results from common soaps eczema, coarse hands, ragged clothes, shrunken f1annelsj ,isk for the Octagon Bar WOMAN AND THE PROVERBS, A wonderful similarity exists in the sayings about women current in the various nations, The Spanish rhyrno has it; "Were a woinan as little as she is good, a pea pod would "make her a gown and a hood," An old English. saying: "If a man lose a woman and a farthing he will be sorry he lost the farth- ing." - The French adage: "A nhan of straw is worth a woman of gold," The German: "There are only two good women in the world—one dead and the other can't be found." The Scotch say: "Honest men marry soon; wise men never," In Fife they say: "The next best thing to no wife is a good wife." The Arabian declares: "Words are women; :deeds .are men,". The Persian sage says that a wo- rnan's wisdom is under her heel." The Getman affirms that every daughter of Eve would rather be beautiful than good, The German also asserts that whenever there 'is mischief brewing a woman and a priest aro at the bottom of it. The Persian asserts that women and dragons are best out of the world., The Corsican says: "Just as a good and a bad horse both need the spur, a good and a bad woman both need the stick." The Hindoo: "A man is not obey- ed by his wife in his os -n house, nor does she eonsider him her husband unless he beats her," Another Itdndoo proverb says: Minard's Liniment for,sale everyurhere ROCKS S IN D IA NS WORSHIP. "The idea of sending childreet to bed early to punish 'era!" exclaim- ed Hors. Gomel, who was discussing her relatives. "That isn't any way to c'reet them," "Of course it isn't," answered her husband. "If you want to convince 'era that you mean business, snake 'em get yip an flour or so earlier in the inortring," Mrs. Suddenricll (a smart woman) —"rid ye write to the Iligbstyle Engraving Company for specials= of all tlis:ir latest VIM( cards?" Daughter -- "Yes, maw, .. an' they just strut 'e►n— 'bout a hundred of 'Mu. all sorts an' kinds." '"What names is on 'em?" "Names of all the' big -wigs in tie' county, "Put 'eat on th' parlor table." STIFFEREB FOR SIX YEARS' DQDD'S KIDNEY p'ILLS CURED MRS, i'&u FP'IYLAN, OP NA- RANEE. And Now Slie Recommends Them to Other Young Ladies or Married Women. Napanee, Ont., April 27,—(Special) —That Dodd's Kidney Pills are one of the greatest boons ever conferred on suffering womankind Is the ex- peiicnce of Mrs. John 0. Huffman, of this place. For the benefit of her sister women she has,..•.given the fol- lowing statement far. publication "I have been troubled for about six years with Kidney Disease and ,the pain was so great I could not 'stand it. I could not entertain any company, "One night when I was feeling miserable,. I read some wonderful cures by Dodd's Kidney Pills and I decided to try them. The first box brought an improvement, and by the time 1 had taken six boxes I was completely cured. "I can recommend Dodd's Kidney Pills to any person suffering from Kidney Disease, and I make this Statement hoping it will help other young ladies or married. women." • Mrs, Huffman is only one of many lvomen who have proved that many feneale complaints are the result of "Drive out a woman's nature with thsordered Kidneys and are assuch a pitchfork and it will return again leasily curable by using Dodd's Kid - and again." pey Pills. The greatest medical authorities ;say that when .food is not thorough- ly digested it leaves a mass of un- digested matter at a standstill, when immediately fermentation sets in, and which thrives from various gases and poisonous vapours, creating ful- ness of the stomach and bowels, bad breath, furred' tongue, dizziness, but the worst of all is this generated poison passes into the blood, from which it is carried to the brain, nerves, kidneys,' and every import- ant part of the human anatomy, dangerous, of this kind Cases and should be treated by a remedy of reputation. We have such a. re- medy in Dr. August Tioenig's Ham- burg Drops, which has been success- fully prescribed by the medical pro- fession throughout the world fore more than 00 years. It is a Phar- nlaceutical preparation of the high- est possible order of merit. St. Jacobs Oil, Ltd., of Baltimore, are the solo proprietors, 50 cents. Di notion's in eleven languages. Sweet Girl — "The roan I marry must be , both brave and brainy." Adoring Youth — "When we were out sailing and upset, I saved you from a watery grave." That was bravo,' I admit, but it was not brainy." "Yes, it was. I upset the boat on purpose." These Carvings Are Done by Time and the Elements. a Of natural effigies, none are More remarkable than the two which can be seed in Conchise and near Los The shows the former face lef an Iridian chief, 'while the 'latter ia a surprisingly °natural representa- tion of a gigantic •whale. The face of the Indian chief is an immense effigy, the profile being several miles in length ; it is formed By the shape of the summit of a mountain range, and offers a spectacle of aface of great diguity looking upwards. The Indians revere it as the countenance of Conchise, a great chief. It is not uncommon to find the skeleton of a whale on the summit of the coast ,ranges of California, and once, when a new 'street was being marked out in Los Angeles, the skeleton of a whale actually was dug up out of the earth. How these sea monsters found their way to these spots is not known. Thus, when you hear that the form of a whale is to be seen ixr the side of the rock, you are not surprised, but you become interested when you find that it is really a carving done by time and the elements, and not the remains of a once living creature. The rock has fallen or crumbled away in such a manner as to form the under part of the whale, the lower jaw, the open mouth, the nose and the eye—a won- derful eye—of the leviathan, while the upper part of the body is formed by the curvature the rock, Mind's Liniment Cures Burns,.etc, The intervals between the meals of large serpents like the anaconda or boa vary from 20 to 2-00 clays, Lever's Y -L (Wise Head) Disinfect -1 ,apt Sogp powder is a boon to any Thome, It disinfects and cleans at the eamt time, "Mister," said Meandering Mike, "If I was to tell you dat I had seen better days would you believe me?" "bertninly,," aiflewerod Mr, Leander Straggle "this is one of the most Pttatiefactory days that our versa- tine41hnate hats yet produced." , • f Shouting isn't Proving In the matter of the se -called Catarrh Cures: Other% prate and promise; we per- form end'provo. Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder is a powder put in the nostril, not in the month. It is not a remedy but the cure, and the healing effect is felt at once. The breath will come freelyy, filling the system with a new vigor. Cads and Catarrh are relieved, and headache fully cured in ten minutes. Catarrh of twenty years' standing cured in a few dayo, Hon. George Taylor, the well known politieian, of Scranton, Pa.. writes : lAflect of Dr. AONSW'S GATAeralAL f OWDSR can truly say was magical. First applica- tion cleared my bead instantly. T used it according to directions, and I have not had the slightest symptoms since." Dr. AGNEW'S LIVER PILLS make even a high liver a long liver. For dullness of the skin, eruptions, languor and bowel irregularities, every pill is as good as a physi-y • clan, although they cost only • ten cents tor forty descant. tod In Italy automobiles are not al- lowed to go faster than 15 miles by day and 8 by night. One, smile snakes a Ilintation. One flirtation makes two acquainted, Two acquainted make one kiss. One kiss makes several more. Several kisses mako an engagement. One engage- ment makes two fools. Two fools make one marriage. One marriage makes two mother -in-laws, Two mother -in -caws make a red-hot time. HONORED ABROAD. Word has recently been received hat Massey -Harris Company, Ltd., have added another laurel to their many successes. This time the vic- tory was scored in Australia. The Massey -Harris Stripper -Har - nester in competition with some ten ether types scored a signal success at Sere •hfeld, South Australia, on 25th November, 1902 ybeing award- ed. rd- ed a total of 471} points, and hav- ing only 476 Ibs. draught. The figures given of the next com- petitor were 467 2-8 points and :572 lbs. draught. The Stripper -Harvester is not used in Canada—it is not suited to the nrnhditions of the climate but in Australia there are more Stripper - Harvesters used than there aro Binders. This report only goes to show that llfessey-Harris machines lead where - ever they are. They would not do so if they were not built well and With good materials. Auntie—"Now, Thomas, can you tell- me who made the Milky Way ?" Tommy—"It was the cow that jump- ed over the moon." Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff eG l,"8 se we arerest believers lame ,1011... it7v we secure the best tearowzz tra '1 �--se 1e in letdt and that' Mrs. Henpecque--"Atarried men live longer- than •singie leen," ° Henlieccjuo —"Yes : and it serves thein right for being such fools." 'You t a little more vales than you elcpect when you buy this tea. We want ' our continued ed oa"ders. Black. Mixed. Ceyloon. Green. Ask for Red label. FORTY CENTS—enI•IOnTY.b B g"ILl'r-rer t -f DR. HAM1tIOND'S OPINION. Expert Testimony gn Wheeling— The Revival. Dr. Hammond; wee of New York's most foremost physicians, and an active member of the New York Ath- letic Club, was recently interviewed by a representative of the New York press, and asked 'his opinion as to the merits of cycling as exercise. The doctor stated very decidedly that he considered it absolutely the best possible, if taken with discretion. He of course excluded all persons with very weak hearts, or people of extremely delicate constitutions, but said that nearly every patient go- ing through his hands rode a bicycle when convalescent, and that it was remarkable what progress they made towai ds health. In Canada there bas been an un- precedented revival in wheeling, and it can be traced to no better cause than to the introduction of the Hy- gienic Cushion Frame. To use the words of the advertiser, "It is to wheeling what the `Pullman' is to railroading," and these words put the argument in the proverbial nut- shell. It allows the rider to hold a uniform position, while the wheels accommodate themselves to the roadbed. It has matte bicycling an absolutely pleasant and healthy form of outing. ` "Massey -Morris," "CIeveland," "Brantford." and "Per- fect" bicycles have this cushion frame. "And what do you expect to make of your son when he comes of ago, Mr. Smith?" "Oh, I don't know," replies Smith, despondently, "I think he'd xziake a very good hus- band for a rich girl." ,w+ra•.w--,,.,e may,,.. Peg t,l Gatos Single o4 dgtible-,li bb, strop durable a- ��tea1, will not r got tidke'6ri. e tse, With eslf.00tioO tato es, h hh eposi er, way. A Child eau 'pan o close in 4 Strang �? fro nd•--n4 tx'f p t�bb tri vVi 18410 �t t P t 6a Ulm ewe b'e �slsb� 4 Cin . e tnadte, Lfs off h ul4y, g TlxgE e r rel'onyot 0o.,L itQ l,' , a ti111 One dlt rests,1. „ este Pal atmo, tin .,o ..rr M?:it, .'# .wl.:•+'v�� t , n,; `. 'TO paint YQ. $ ROUSE Wall ▪ and out wity 3;est the right•tantt,it of color for freshness, beauty aid strength. keep `aroma ROU $ chSer- • Yul and Imigbb thtonghont aann- mar and winter. `�'O brand Torah 1!Oi'JSE E1 wit • quiet elegance amenget it reI- lows. Price just right for the purest and Write for our booklet "B" tclMs.g all about it. Ra: isay & Son, Montreal, Est.1812. PAINT MAKERS &KERS il t asset, :re, s; ac ,Headlight" 500o " Victoria" Don't Experiment with other and Inferior brands, " Little Comet„ ' NUL/ 5 rc—.xa.:.a,rr�.nv mrw ---• �."1s.. ,. sraaom9•Tzza. -'I hear your engagement to old Goldman's daughter is announced." "No, it was announced." that's the same thing isn't it ?" "It was announced ; it is now de- I nounced. I've just been interviewing her fat her 1. Alfred A. Taylor, of Margaree, says : "One bottle of MINARD'S LINIMENT cured a swelling of the gamble joint, and saved a horse worth $140.00." Thos. W. Payne, of Bathurst, sav- ed the life of a valuable horse that !the Vein had given up, with a few bottles of MINARD'S LINIMENT. 7-59 The hum -an skeleton„ exclusive of teeth, consists of 208 bones. For ever Sixty Years. AN OLD AND WBtL•Ta1so i4eMEDY, — +11r8 Winslow e:teething Syrup has been used for over sixty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens theume allays all pain, curs wind collo, and lathe best. remedy fee Diarhoea, Is pleasant to the Wale. Sold by druggists in every Pars of the world. Twenty.Ovecents a bottle. Its value is tnoaleulable. Be sure aid ask for Ale. Winslow's Soothing Syrup Ind take no other kind. - 1-19 It is only necessary to boil a cork for five minutes to make it fit any bottle. • MMMinard's Liniment Believes P1euraltria Nettie — "Now that you have Ibroken your engagement with Fred shall you return to him the dia- mond ring lie gave you?" Minna — "Certrinly not, Hettie; it would be a constant reminder of the happiness he l:ad missed." Put a variety into Summer living—it's not the time of year to live near the kitchen range. Libby's . Veal Loaf Potted Turkey Deviled Ham Ox Tongue, dm. quickly made ready to serve Send to -day for the little booklet, "How to Make Good Things to Eat," full of ideas on quick, de- liolene lunch serving. Libleyte Atlas of the World mailed free for 5 tWo-cent soaps. Libby, McNeill & Libby Chicago, U. S. A. t— CL VINO vaaA iq* �� e e LAMS' m dlt'g diw be dens parfcotl, by our Stanek Presses. 'Try la imtleN 0 MANDY'S'4,414 "i7tPeams:escac8 ibex 71E'llekw-epliemeass Any quantity of dry, mixed weed, tui ab e3, brick burning, fer early delivery btete Price, f.o.b. your ri addle Address,'$1MP>?i arICiC 00., 1 Toronto 3b:, Tomato.Toyt phone Main l g. LM3ORERS -kTE0 Apply at Raven Lake Siding neap Vieteria Road, or at 16 Xing Sti hVest, Toronto. ��f 419.20 haven Lake Portland Cement Oe., L1t:dt RUBBER COORS Latest Novelties, all styles. Correspondence invited. En- close 2c stamp for circular. rl9E UNIVERSAL SPECIALTY CO, P. O. Box 1142, Montreal. f1.57 Dominion Line Steamship** Montreal to Liverpool Boston to Liver- pool. Portland to Liverpool. Via Queens- tomt, Large and Bast Steamships. Superior acoom modal for aft classes of passengers. Saloons and '&stereo are amidships. Special attenttonhas been givpp to tic Second Saloon and Third -Class `accommodation. 14 to an particulars, apply y n, all aY pP y a n oa 1 , tee of passage p ro r a of the•:Company, or lttaharda, Mills & Co, h . Torrance k Co.. Y • 77 State 81.. Boston. Montreal and Pestling; t—f r �a1TAfldt Inestrurnonts, Drums, Un1forrvtn, Etc. EVERY TOWN CAN HAVE A BAP1 Lowest prices ever quoted. rine catalogue( 800 illustrations, mailed free. Write us for any; 'thing in !Susie or Musical Instruments. lIIALEY ROYCE & CO., Limited; Toronto, Ont„ and Winnipeg, Man, 1.4� OHANCES LEMOINIS We have Mexicans, WE California Navels, HAVE Valencias, and THE Sevilles. BEST Carload every week. All ' the above at market prices. We can also handle your Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Maple Syrup and other produce to advansi tage for you. fE•IE DAWS©II COMMISSION CO., Lifrlitediy Cor. West Market et., TOOtONTO. 1 45 estersee acidt lent in1rsi.l.ya-. Yoilravings;aro unquest'ctlably safe. 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