HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-5-14, Page 8.a sr-xP.r '21,7jj E X E' I R "L" I Li . i S. M A Y fi1'dUS a 111 Drcss Goods OU OAN JUDGE the store by Dress Goods as well as by anything,. We have a reui rkatble collection of i , yf, wbefore and new and choice fabrics. Mora to see than ever. b k finerqualities. We'd like to compre puce for price, and quality for quality witli any house anywhere in CI'nada. Its so easy to get a good Dress for very little money. If you buy from us, buying goods direet from the makers and in large quantities helps to bring prices down. 05e for La lies' New. Broadcloth, pure wool, tlilrrOr finish, guaran- teed not to spot or sbrink in bleach and alt ttienew shades. 05e for new Basket Voile Dress Goode, pure wool, lovely bright finish, in Meek, brown, fawn grey, reseda green and new blue, 85c for lovely fine Black Broad- cloth Suiting, Ripley's pearl fin- ish. Sold ander guarantee, ask for it, 40e th yard for Jap Washing Silks, heavy cord effects,in creams pinks, hivee, and coral shades—a bargain. tz Cifa Ill E !18 SIORE J "9. ST E V f U T A Dollar is not Much But it will start a Savings Account with us Start one, it will be useful some day. BRr9MGfES in Huron Goulltl at Exeter, G1editon, Zuricli and Clinton. We offer exceptional inducements to farmers wanting borrow money to buy cattle, etc. The Sovereign Bank of Canada GLADMAN & STANBURY, Solicitors. F. E. KARN, Manager Exeter Branch. For Marriage Licenses, Wes:1dlrag Rixigs, Watches, C1cecles Jewelry, Spectacles Etc CALL ON I. HICKS Watch Repairing a Specialty. TO ADVERTISERS. The copy for changes must be left not later than Tuesday noon. Casual advestisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. THURSDAY, MAY 1ITH,1903 Locals Mr. R. Knight spent Tuesday in London. Mr. Thos. Fitton spent a few days of last week in London. Mix's Lee of Lucan spent Tuesday with her sister Mrs. J. Blatchford. Miss Stoneman, of Mitchell, was the guest of Miss Moriock on Sunday, Mrs. T. G. Hariton, of Clandeboye called on friends in the village on Tuesday. Miss Annie idcOord of Iiderton spent a few days of this week with friends here. M r. A, Q. Bobier has purcbasedeithe old weigh scales formerly used on tthe market square. The contract for street watering has been let to Mr. H. Parsons his being the lowest tender. Mr. Salter of Brussels spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Satter London Road, South. Mr, W. J. Clarke of Winnipeg call- ed on many of his old friends last week he left Saturday for his home. —Mrs, Jones, Exeter North, is nlov- ing into the premises and store re- cently vacated by Mr, F. Knight, May, hili : Wednesday, June, 3rd, ,1003. Spectacles and eyeglasses pro- perly lilted, Next visit will be Wed- nesdav, Mass' lith. Rev. 13. L. Mutton, of Centralia occupied the pulpit of the Main street Methodist church on Sunday last at both services, delivering two very table and in ptessive sermons which were enjoyed with profit by triose present, Rev. R. Millyard took M kluttotes work at Centralia au.; _own. Mr, Will Hill lueveng disposed of his business in Buffo. u winch he has con- ducted for a number of years axrived here on Thuzsclay last accompanied by Mrs..Hill. Mr, HUI expects to leave shortly on a prospecting tour through thegreat Northwest while Mrs. frill will zemein for some time here and visit, with friends. A small blaze in the Fanson Block over Dr. Lutz's Drug store called out the fire brigade on Monday evening. The fire was occasioned by a live elec- tric wire in the building but was soon extinguished. The shrill notes of the fire -alarm produr.,ed from the whistle was the means of startling our citi- zens generally, The many friends of the Messrs, Stewart of Seafortb, former residents of Exeter xetex will te�,ret to 1 • .* sear of their serious loss by fire on Monday night last when their large grist Mill was completely destroyed, only the bzick walls left standing. A very large quantity of wheat or grain was con- sumed. Loss is fairly met by insur- ance. Mrs. (Rev.) Holmes of Blyth who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Rollins left Tuesday for her home. Miss Mathews who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. S. Fitton re- turned to her home in Toronto Mon- day. The choir of James street church took part in the concert and tea in Carmel church, Hensall, on Monday evening last. Rev. Dr. Thompson, for over thirty years pastor of St. Andrews church, Sarnia, died on May the 12th, from heart failure. Mr. Frank Willis of Forest has sold out his photo studio in that place and expects to leave shortly for the north- west. Mrs, M. Brewer, accompanied by her niece Miss Della Hill left on Tues • day morning for an extended visit in different parts of the United States. Twenty thousand Tomato Plants 15,000 Cabbage, Cauliflower, Celery, I3russell Sprouts, Pepper, Stocks, As- ters, Lettuce and all kinds of late cab- bege,—L. DAY, Gardener, Exeter. Messrs. Will and Chas. Tom wh have been spending the past few weeks here with their mother, Mrs. Chas. Tom left for their respective homes in the west, Friaay"last. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bcomo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature son each box. 25c. Mr. J. T. Cairns wishes to call your attention to his new complete and well assorted stock of Dry Goods, Groeries, Boots and shoes, etc, which are sold to compete ih price with any other store in the trade. Read ad in another column. Mr. and Mrs. P. Gardiner after a very pleasant visit at London,Niagara Falls, Hamilton and Goderich return- ed home on Wednesday evening last and are now comfortably settled in their new home on Gidley street. Dr. Ovens, of London, Surgeon, Ocu list and specialist of diseases eye, ear - nose and throat will be at the Com, mercial Hotel, Exeter, on Wednesday j T. Ofk1FNS Market Store Keeps on hand a Fresh Supply of Groceries, Dry (cods, Boots and Shoes, &c., making a speci- alty of Staple Goods and Every .Day necessities, Our Prices are very Low our Goods are 000U Qll!iu TEA.—Extra value in 25c Tea, green and black. Give tags a Call ,.. ... N r P Jl'4�,.7w7 OLU ST.a�Nl 9 Farm Produce taken atlghest Prices, c'b0043•..O4)a?04.00•@€ 0.04,04>00®0 JOHN iLTON 0 • e (Successor to Talbot's Bazaar) 4 — e e Having recently purchased ee the stock of W. L. Talbot. of •s` •Talbot's Bazaar, I have de- • e sided to offer a few Water & Lemonade Sets •Z ® at greatly reduced. prices. See m '0 them, they are lovely, and cif 0• ® the latest style. p JOHN CHARLTON o ® (Successor to Talbot's Bazaar.) e Also agent for Hay Forks and es ® Windmills. * .V.0.000o0e4144)444m0o000.000 We have not advanced the price of our tobacco. Amber smoking tobacco, Bobs, Currency and Fair Play chew- ing tobaccos are the same size and price to the Consumer as formerly. G4 e have also extended the time for the redemption of Snowshoe tags to January 1st 1004.—THE EIIrinu To BACCO CO. LIMITED. FOR OPE.RSL' TY .EARS AN OLD AND WELL-TRTED REMEDY.—Mr. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over sixty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind collo. and is the best remedy for Diarnccsa. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and take Mrs Winslow's Soothing yrup and ask for no other kind. It will be of interest to breeders of light horses to read the "ad" in an- other column of Tarentum, the famous trotting stallion. Hear what the Lon- don Advertiser, of Ai.ril 25th says:- The next one I saw the pride of the stable, the one that the boys tip their hats to when they approach his stall. This fellow is Harry., D.,the 5year-old pacer that is already entered down the grand circut, beginning at the Detroit meeting. All I have to say about him is to keep your:eyes on .him—He will show for himself what be can do. He is by Tarentum, dam Rooker Mare. and is owned by Tennant and Curtin,* of Exeter. �.VANTED.—Good lady cook at once, ood wages, apply Commercial Hotel, l,a xeter, W. HAwiisIIAw. _v. .i 1.-11S W l K we are prepared to offer bargains in every dFnartlnent of our store. .)rtss Gods badies7 Millinery, Ladies' 1'iiite Wear, Prints, Muslims, Lace Cur- Shire ,tains, Carpet Ends, Boots and Shoes, &c. 18.1 1 and We have ,just opened up the :largest and bes assort - we l ed stock of Ladies' W' hitewear and Shirt Waists ever shown ��e have several li.ecea of black, c quali- ty, in Exeter, Every garment of the best nuke and finest q a ty, all nicely trimmed in the latest styles. • NOTE SOME OF THE LOW PRICES fancy Dzees Good, beautiful goods, extra good quality, regular 90e a•ncl $1.00, Your choice for 60c a yd. WOOL WANTED, — All those who who have wool for sale would do well to consult 'rtr. J. t,obblediek's ad in another column. WANTED. — Good general servant for family of two. Pleasant surround- ings. Write at once, MRs. A. A. C IrBELL, 425 William St. London, nt. MOULDERS WAITED.—Accustoine to gereral work, and who want learn stove plate. Apply giving ex- perience, references, etc.—The Gurney Foundry Co, Limited, Toronto. `ALVES FOR SALE.—A choice lot of we 1 -bred calves to be offered for sale at the Central Hotel, Exeter, on Fri- day, May 8th. Private sale all day. Terme cash. F. MYERS, proprietor. EGGS s FoR HATCHING. — For sale, pure bred Buff Leghorn eggs, non -set- ters, per sitting 50c., also good early seed potatoes, thoroughly tested nur- sery stock, 5e. per pound. S. POWELL Exeter. WANTED. — Moulders Improvers. oung men who have had experience, nd want to attain greater experience ver a larger range of work, princi- ally stove plate.—The Gurney Foun• ry Co., Limited, Toronto. —Meth- odist the rc PANSON. At pars- oiTage, Hensall, by Rev, Dr, Medd, on Saturday, May 2nd, Mr. Bel - back of Exeter, late of Rodgeryille, to Miss Lilly, eldest daughter of Mr. fe, Fanson, of Exeter. GRAFTING &PRUNING —Mr, S, Pow- ell wishes to inform the citizens of Exeter and vicinity that now is Inc proper time to have their fruit trees attended to, He has wide experience in grafting and pruning. Leave your orders now. Also a few choice early seed potatoes for sale, apply STEPHEN PowELL, Exeter. f We have not advanced the price,af our tobacco. Amber smoking toba'oco- Bobs Currency and Fair Playchew, ing tobaccos are the same size and price to the Oonsumer as formerly. We have also extended the time for the redemption of Snowshoe tags to January 1st 1904.—THE. EMPIRE To•. nACOo Co. LIMITED. To TUE FAis rERs.—Why not follow'. the advice given at the Farmers' Testi-. tutu meetings end introduce new poultry blood into your flock, I are booking orders now for eggs from pure. bred WHlTE & GOLDEN wyandottes The best general purpose fowl. Egg:. 15 for $1.00. Speak for setting earl J. Station, Exeter. Ladies,we have the fittest and best value in White Wear tliat bas ever been shown in Exeter. See our veru- es, they are sure to please you. Our Store is notedfor having the very Iatest.things in Dress Trimmings. - Call and see onr immense range. Another lot of Lace Unrtieus A few more Ends of Brussels, Wool j"tet arrived, hest value we have ever . and Union Carpet left. Your choice sltowu'�i1.00, +i1 1,25, �' 1.50, vet y special, eclat, ' of any, loss than wet. �. Art S in S from Se t r yard. We have a fine range of Wrapper- etts, very pretty colors and patterns via are clearing at Se per Terri. Last week we received a lot of Men's Women's and Children's Shoes-, right. in shape, right in quality, right in price. t Our Prints are considered the best. value in town, %Ve sell the best Print in our store for 10a We have placed ou our counters a lot of ndds earl ends of Farcy Colored Ribbon, suitable for neck ribbons You take your choice for l5c per yard, A large stock of GOOD FRESH GROCERIES always on hand, which we sell at roc's bottom prices. We are prepared to pay highest prices for all Farm Produce Remember the stand. The R. Piokaid Store. Wt-IITEW3AR Night Gowns, nicely t rite fined with lace and •t n broide- r•a. tele, r r c 1.00,. lfadirr0s' Skirts �� with frills, lace and insertion -trimming 50e, 75e, $1.00, $1;s50 $2.00 and $250, Ladies'- Drawers with claster tucks and frills, 25; 40c, 50e and 75c. Ladies' Chemises 50e and 75c Sl -PRT WAISTS One nice range, insertion • trimmed '75c. Nice range ' with lace trimming and tucked $I.00. Beautiful line with all over lace and insertion trim- ming, , 50. - zn g, $1, The nicest thing on the market. Lovely allover lane and insertion trim- ming with neat tucks all round $25t: pers We are the big wrapper dealers of Exeter. Here you will find them in all kinds and colors made up in the latest style at prices to suit every one, from $1.00 to. $1.50. Ordered Clothing a Specialty, MEETING OF RA•rEr .ERs.—A pub- lic meeting of the ratepayers of the Village is called for 12 o'clock noon May leth for the purpose of nominating a candidate for councillor to fill the position declared vacant. owing to the continued abseuce of three months, of Mr. J. T. Manning frons the council board. Election will be held on May 26th. GAME WAIIDENs.—In case any of the readers should require any imfor- mation concerning our game laws, we publish below the list of offic ers for the county of Huron. 3. A. And- erson, Seaforth ; Jas. Creech, Exeter; John Currie, Goderich ; John Gill, Exeter ; John Hewitt, Brussels ; Peter McKay, Ohiselhurst ; 0. J. S. Naftal, Goderich; Joseph Rider, Olintnn; John Sands, Saltford ; Alexander Scott, Westfield REV. IRL HICKS FORECASTS FOR THE WEEK ENDING MAY 20TH. — The centre ot the Mercury period falls on the 18th and the reactionary storm period is central on the. 17th or 18. About these days storm conditions will reach another maximum, even if the daily cycle which set in at the pre- ceeding period should not subside up to this time—a thing very probable in a combined Venus and Mercury dis- turbances. After storms the 17th and 18th look for change to very much cooler for two or three days. OARD or THANKS. — The Messrs: Willis on behalf of the firm of the late James Willis and son, lumber mer- chants, desire to thank their numer• ous customers for the liberal patron- cage accorded them during their long ontinuance in business and having sold out their entire stock and busi- ness to Messrs. Ross & Taylor of Exeter, would bespeak for their suc- cessors the further continuation of their patronage of the village and surrounding country. - LACRossE.—At a meeting held in e Town Hall last week a lacrosse rub was formed which will hear tete name of Shamrocks with the following officers :—Hou. President, T. B. Carl- ing ; President A. Q. Robier ; Vice - Pres„ N. D. Hurdon ; Sec'y-Treas., 0. H. Sanders'; Captain, Herb Ford. ; Managing Com. R. Kinsman, 0. H. Sanders and. H. Ford. The club will start with a good, healthy member- ship and having the material in town for a first class team the public may expecte number of interesting games this season. very pleasing solo was rendered by Mrs. (Dr.) Orme of Lucan, as well as appropriate music by the James street choir, PRESBYTERY of HURON,—This Pres- bytery met in Willis church, Clinton, on the 12th, inst. Rev. Mr. Larkin,' nioderator. A resolution was unani- mously passed congratulating Rev. A. McLean, of Blyth, on his having the degree of D. D, conferred upon him by Queen's College. John Balfour of Kippen, and J. Fraser, of Bayfield, were elected commissioners to the General Assembly. A motion was passed expressing sympathy with Mrs. rnosranus, on the death of her husband, John McManus. an elder of the Presbytery. James Foot, of Brucefield, was reported as a student, and Rev, E, Sewers, was appointed to assign him subjects for sermons. The report on Sabbath Schools was read by Rev. 3'. Hamilton, It showed a decrease in scholars of over one hundred. But an increase in average attendance, and in the committing of verses and catechism. Recommenda- tion5'of the report, were adopted,' call- ing the attention of parents and tea- chers to greater earnestness in this department of Sunday School work, and also the attention of pastors and others to the great advantages of the Teachers' Training Course. A com- munication from the Rev. Mr. Mus- grave was read intimating his desire to retire from the rninistry about the end of the present year, and asking the Presbytery to take the usual steps to that end, The Presbytery acquies- ced in this desire, and expressed sym- pathy with Mr. Musgrave in his pres- ent illness. W. IV. Aitchison, a re- cent graduate of Knox College, was, after examination in theology, phil- osophy. church history,- apologetics, etc., licensed to preach the gospel. The Presbytery then adjourned. Communication Exeter, May 13th, 1933. DEAR MISTER, I:IEDITER. — We he waantin to knaaw of there be goin' to be ennything a doin in Exeter, on 2.1 of May. I do hope thear will he, Ax sum one to get up sum mat. Us yus- ed. to have fine spoort a hew years ago. Neow do ax like a guide Man. Yates truewly, 3 ex. A Bt7SINESSS ENTERPRISE.—Messrs. Ross & Taylor, of the Exeter planing mill have added to their already large enterprise by the purchase of the busi- ness which has been successfully car- ried on for the past thirty years by the late James Willis. They have purchased the entire stock of lumber shingles etc, and have leased the yards fox a term of years, With this addition to their stook they have now a very extensive and well equip - ed lumber yard. We have not beard what, the Messrs, Willis intens to do but we sincerely trust they will decide to remain as citizens in our midst. W, F. M. x.—•'Che women's Mission- ary convention held in the James et. church on Tuesday was well attended. `iThe various churches in the District being well represented, upwards ot 'one hundred and ten delegates being /present. The morning session began at ten o'clock by devotional exercises led by Mrs. Sherritt of Greenway, fol- lowed by election of Sec-treas., or- gaziner, appointment of Committees. etc. An address of welcome was read by Mrs. 3. Cobbledick and replied to by Mrs. Murray. At the afternoon session severe n l interesting and roll. table papers were given by delegates on Mission work generally interspers- ed with vocal selections by Mrs, Chowen, Mrs. Holmes, and Mrs. (Dr.) Medd after which the service of Holy Communion was dispensed byRuy.Dr. Hannon, At both the afternoon and evening service there was a good at- tendance of delegates and visitors, The evening session opened with a songledMrs. Stoneman of service e , by Hensall, Addresses were delivered by Mrs, P. Wright, vice -President of London branch W, M. S. and Rey. E. I+7. Malott, B. D., of Kippen, A Zurich t� ur .i Ra '€ k•.t r rt We Carry Qood Lines in Furniture AND MAKE PRICES EASY FOR ALL w. Cs' Graduate of Dr, Myers School of Embalming. Opera House Block. BRIEFS.—Dr. Smith. of Bayfield, has consented to take Dr. retmpbell's practise, during the letter's absence in the sad couutry.—child of Mr. Win. Denomy, near Zurich, had both ; legs broken on Friday last. The fath- er it seems was engaged in moving a log and the little fellow. in some way, got before it at a time when it got be- yond the father's control. The child was five years of age.—Mr, Wm Slack had two bones of his foot broken, re- n • i he cull hi engaged in o egetn t re- cently, while eng g p portable saw mill which is getting out lumber for Fred Hess & Co, of this village. Mr, Slack is getting along as well as could be expected, bub will be unable to do anything a 1 his business for some time..—Mr. and Mrs, Dennis returned from Exeter on Monday.—Dr. Smith and Mr, A. Erw- in of Bayfield were visitors in town on Saturday.—Mr. John McArthur, banker, of Hensall made a short busi- ness trip to Zurich last week.—elessrs. Dan end August Koehler are visiting friends at Sebringyille this Week.— The regular meeting of the W. U.T.U. was held Monday evening at the home of Mrs. D. Stet uhaclt.—Mr, Guenthee of Dashwood vii S. R•annies on visited at S Monday—Mi-ss'Thersa Axt who has been visiting with friends at Bruce - field the past few Weeks has returned home. --Mr." Fred Ileickhell visited Dashwood on Sunday, --- Mr,. F. E. Darn and E. Christie are here in con- nection with the Sovereign bank rec- ently established bere, DxyxsxoN CovnT.--There were five cases disposed of at the sittings of the Divisioroo th re Monday v last. In the suit of Hildebrand vs Tiedeman and 1~artleib for wages of son, judge- ment was given for plaintiff for $20.81 and costs. E. J. D.Cooke for plaieti#f urnitur ! Furniture! 'cr•r teu,.cyalkYLaer,..L 1,5: '; •TAITA•?+b_ roti:. a .. AVING PURCHASED the Furniture and Un- dertaking business of R. N. Rowe, we announce to the public that we have on hand, without doubt, the largest and best stock of Furniture in the county. A visit to our store will convince that we are selling at the closest margin possible. It will pay intending purchasers to call and inspect our stock and . get our prices before placing orders elsewhere, We do all kinds of Ordered Work and Repairing and Picture Framing o. the Shortest Notice at Reasonable Prices. Satisfaction ',guaranteed with every purchase. Et Undertakers and Funeral Directors E J. D. Atkinson, Practical Embalrner,Graduate of Embalming College, Toronto. L. H. Dickson for defendants, Miller vs Babcock, was a, case which was only argued as to jurisdiction of the court reserved judgment. L. H. Dickson for plaintiff ; W. Proudfoot fox defendant. Primeau vs Rout,"ter was an action for wages, but as de- fendant is now living at Ottawa, and has been under the doctor's care for some weeks the case was adjourned till next cou rt. H. J. D. Cooke for plaintiff; W. Proudfoot for defendant. Ortwein vs Becker was a suit for store account, and as items sued for were not correct, judgment was given tor defendant with costs. Plaintiff plead- ed his own case, W. Proudfoot for defendant, Ortwein vs McOlinc•hy was another suit for clothes bought about nine years ago, and which de- fendant said were paid. He also pleaded the statute of limi.tattons, and the plaintiff was nonsuited. BORN CHAP MAN.—At Sexsmith, on May 9, 1003, to Mr. and Mrs. Wtn,Ohapman a son. 1 DIED Bekrit.—At Centralia, on Monday, May iltli, Mr. Wm, Batter, aged 67 years, 7 months and 6 days. WoLPxs,—At Sault St Marie, of ty- phoid fever, on May Sth, Henry Wolfe, son of Mr, Chas, Wolfe, of Crediton, aged 28 •Sears. Many people say tney ai c alt nervus, 00.81i7startled and upset, easily worried and irritat- ed, Milburn's Heart and Nerye Pills aro lust the remedy such people require. They rosioro perfect harmony of the nerve centres, and give now nerVe force to shattered nervous systems The essential lung -healing principal of the ping tree has finally boon successfully separat- ed and reftned into a perfect (cough medicine —Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup.Sold by all doalere on a guarantee of satisfaction. Price 26 coots. If you are in need of free medical advice, write to Consulting Physican 's s Department, The Wells & Richardson Co. Limited Montreal, Que. All cor- respondence is sacredly confidential. E GO TO THE Roller IVlil' For Pure Manitoba Fl : ur (Star) Pag{ry (pri) Wheat! t (Breakfastncessfood) A. good supply of Mill Feed and Chop always on hand - Give our Flour and Feed a Trial and be convinced that it is all right. Roller and Plate Choppers in use to suit customers. 1-1fkRVEY 131305 MILLERS - Chilarren Cry CASTOR Q.4►