HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1985-10-16, Page 21Live Mme►.8 Ctinktit 442 ' • LIVE ENTERTAINMENT This Weekend Thurs.-Fri.-Sat. October 17, 18 & 19 „MASQUE" WE ROCK WITH THE BEST! The Biggest Live Rock'n Roll Bar In the Area. Page 20—CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16,1985 Coming Events Cornmunity Calendar BINGO: Vanastro Rec. Centre. Tuesdays. 8 p m First reg. cord $1., fifteen reg. $20. games, three share -the -wealth. Jackpot $200 must go Lucky Ball $120.00 (if not won) Lucky Ball increases $20 per week. Admission restricted to 16 -years and over. —14tf THE DUTCH CANADIAN Senior Citizen Reachaut will. hold o Craft Teo and Bake Sale on October 18 in the Legion Hall frorn 2 4 30 p m 41 42.i PLANNING FOR HEALTH in Huron Courtly An op portunity to discuss the planning and co ordination of health services in Huron County Sponsored by the Huron County Community Sei vices Council. Wednesday October 23 8 p m Clinton Town Hall. Everyone welcome 41 41 GODERICH TOWNSHIP 1-5 0 Old lyine Dance Township Hall, Saturday October 19 1985 (San cing 9 1 to the Wonneua Trio 55 0(1 per put son Ladies please bring sandwiches. Phone 524 4163 or 524 9417 41 42 THE HURON COUNTY Health Unit is offering another Stress Control Workshop Thursday November 28 with Dr Richard Earle of the Cann lion Stress Institute MacKay Centre for Serifars North Street Godench 9 a in 4 p m Regis$ia tion 8.30 a m Session begins piomptly at 9 Registration fee $25 00. Pre r egrstrotion is re quired. Completed registration for in with pay ment for each interested person befor rt. f 1 cloy November 8 Limited to 100 portiripants and are accepted on a first corse basis 41 42or BLYTH BLOCK Parents faintly rnfur manor' night 8 p.rn . October 22 Blyth Public School A short chrldrens film Jest ribing the Block Permit L'i1. gram will be followed by question period with Constable Marshall. 41 42 COUNTRY & WESTERN Jamboree at Vanastro Rec. Centre, Sunday October 20. See October 15 issue of Focus for -further details 41 42 SIDE EFFECTS A play about women and phot moceuticals is back at Blyth Memorial Hall on Oc tobe.r 19 at 8:30 p.m. through the sponsorship of Women Today and • the Ontario Arts Council • Tickets are available for $6'00 at the Triangle Discount and Women Today office :n Clinton The Saga in Blyth and the Bayf told Country Store. 41,42 CLINTON LADIES Auxiliary to Bi 140 Clinton are having a mixed Euchre Party Friday, 0: lobe'. 18 at 8 p.m. Admission 51 Ladies. please bring 'sandwiches. 41 42x THE FALL BOOKFAIR, Svinday. Oct. 20 1985,11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Concert Holl 88 Yonge Street Toronto.. Rare' and oecund•hunn hooks reaps prints and related items. 52.5.0 EMI ancet. '416) 598-2024. 42o BAZAAR: 'Lunch, baking,' deli, crofts canned goods,. vegetables, Christmas. items at 1.0.0,F. Lodge Hall,, Princess. St.. Clinton. 12 noon ,tit 4 p.m. October 23. 42 -THE HURON COUNTY Heolth Unit invites you to attend the Child Health Clinic. held of the Health Unit office, Huronview Building. Clinton on Fri• day, October 18, 1985 from 9:30 • 11:30 a.m. for 1. Health Surveillance: 2. Anaemia Screening. 3. Immunization,:- 4. Fluoride. Adult Immunization will also be offered at this Clinic'. 42ar TRIANON: Will present a musical children's pro• gram at the Clinton Branch Library on Thurs. Oct. 24th at 4:30 p.m. Admission frs'e. Sponsored by the Huron County Public Lihrary, with the assistance of Ontario Lihrary Service Saugeon and Outreach Ontario. 42ar HURON COUNTY Family Planning invites you to attend Farnrly Planning Clinic every Thursday from 6 30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at Huron County Heolth Unit Public Health .Wing, Huronview, Clinton Counselling and medical services provided leo w ANNIVERSARY SERVICE Londesborough United Church Sunday'. October 1985. 11 a.m. morn- ing service with guest speaker Mac Corson (former minister) 7 30 p.m. evening service with Rev Dave Snrhur 42 BOnK FnR FXPO now Bed and breakfast from 525 R V sties privote cottages Von West Bed & Breakfast Registry 2006 115 Schoolhouse Ave. Coqu tlam B.0 V3K 4X8 (604) 526 8164 42o COLLECTORS MARK the date! 'The 4th annual Forest City Nostalgia and Antique Show and Sole returns to Centennial Hall 550 Wellington St.. London Sat Oct. 19, 12 noon to 9 p.m. Sunday. Oct 20 11 a.m to 6 p.m. Admission $1 .75. Over sixty quality dealers displaying a• high assort- ment of antique and nostalgia items This weekend don't miss it 42o PLAN TO ATTEND one of the area's largest Croft Show and Sales. The 7th annual London Arts & Crafts Christmas Show and Sale returns to Centennial Holl Friday, Oct. 25, 11 a.m. to 10 p to Sot. Oct. 27 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Sunday. Oct. 27 11 a.m to 6 p.m A craft lovers' paradise' 100 crafts people in o spectacular show and sole' The perfect place to start your Christmas shopping. Admission only $1.50. Infor• motion (519) 679-1810. 42o GARAGE SALE There will be a 50 family Garage Sale at the East Wowanosh Public School, Belyrove on Saturday, October 19th from 9:00 to 2:00 p.m Something for everyone. 42 TRY DIXIE LEE'S Complete Catering Service. Delivery. serving and clean-up is available. Economical - 2•piece chicken and 2 salads as low as $2.29 each. Phone 4827337. 42-51 ar FALL SEWING CLASSES are starting soon at Mary s of Clinton. For complete listing. see Oc- tober 15 -Focus". E,nroll now! Phone 482- 7036. 42ar 1 CLINTON CAMPUS BASIC MASSAGE ,tet:•/ Starting Thursday, Oct, 24 - b weeks - 7 p.m. -10 p.m. - $18. to register can 482-3458 7r HOLLANDS GEBAK DUTCH PASTRIES E.D. VAN LOO 163 FULTON ST., Corner of Dunlop, Clinton' Please place your order 3 days In advance S3.95 dozen PHONE 4 8 2 -7 71 O HAPPY ANNIVERSARY 47 YEARS! Wilf & Hazel Parker OCTOBER 27, 1985 Love, Butch, Nancy Steven and Karen EUCHRE: Wednesday. 'October 23, 8 p.m.. St. Joseph's Church'Hall, Clinton. Admission $1.50. Everyone welcome. Sponsored by Knights of Col. urnbus. Ladies please bring lunch. 42 'TURKEY SHOOT: Sunday. October 20, Huron Fish & Game Farre, 2' , miles West and 117 miles north of Clinton. starts 1:00 p.m. Everyone welcome. 42ar EUCHRE: Londesbora Hall, Oct. 18, Nov. 1, Nov. 29 Dec. 13., 8 p.m. Adrnission•$1.00: Ladies please bring lunch. Sponsored by Lond'esboro Women's, Institute. 42x WORKSHOP on volunteer board development and standard of performance for groups and in• dividuals providing service to persons who have a developmental handicap, Saturday, October 19 from 9.30 - 4 p.m. at A.R,C. Industries, Main 5t:, Dashwood. 510:00 fee includes lunch. To register or make inquiries, call 519-284-2418. 42 SMORGASBORD SUPPER: St. Andrew's United Church, Kippen at Brucefield United Church. Wednesday. November 13 5 8 p.m. Adults 57.00. 12 and under 53.00, preschool free. Ad- vdnce tickets only. 42.44ar ' ' • CLOWN suit rentals. adult and children sizes available. Contact Clinton Kinette Club. D. Boughen 482 7951. 42 44ar, . KID'S CONCERT with Kirit and Jerry Brodey, Saturday October 19. 2 p.m. Blyth Memorial Hall. Phone 5239300. Tickets $4.00 or 58.00 for three event series, 42ar Side Effects tells of HOT TURKEY SUPPER The Lucknow United Church Women .invite you to attend their -Hot turkey Supper. Tuesday October 22nd, 4:30 -' ] ; 0 p.m Adults $6 50. Children 12 and under S3 00: 42 The Family- of RUSSELL & MAM; AIiU, I (;O()I) Irish to inrile relative,, ani! friends to irn OPEN HOUSE to celebrate their parents 40th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY in l.onr/r',choro ffa!! TNI)AY , OCTOBER 29, 1985 2:,30- 1:30tr.m. Your presence is your gift. %7/ system's victims A young, single career woman, a middle- aged housewife whose children have grown up and a young mother of six sit in a waiting room at their doctor's office with one thing in common–as women. they're all victims of the health care system and the phar- maceutical industry. The scene comes from the play, Side Ef- fects which is returning to Blyth Memorial Hall on Oct. 19 at 8:30 p.m. Performed by a cast of five talented and versatile women, the play portrays the situations of both Canadian and third world women. It visits the offices of the president of a multi -national pharmaceutical com- pany, the doctor's office, the homes of various Canadian women and the villages of Bangladesh. Mitzi House plays Granny, an old healer woman who's been around "since this dance has been going on." She adds humor and wisdom to the chilling facts about real life stories of women abused by drug industries and doctors. The rest of the cast including Josee Beaulieu, Heather Esdon, Laurie Fyffe and Mary Burns play a variety of characters. They tell the sad story of Mary Ann, a nurse who becomes addicted to tranquillizers and ultimately attempts suicide before beginn- ing the long, hard process or withdrawal from valium. We meet a middle-aged housewife suffer- ing from empty -nest syndrome and a young career woman who learns she has a rare form of cancer because her mother, during pregnancy, took DES, a wonder drug which was supposed to prevent rniscarriage. We also meet insensitive doctors who regare their women patients as childish, ig- norant hypochondriacs: Writing a prescrip- tion seems to be their answer for every ill. And, we meet C.B., the ruthless,..profit- hungry president of Drugs • For 'All, a multinational pharmaceutical corporation, who targets women's "health" around the world as the source of his profits. Side Effects, which is touring Canada this year as a co -production of Women's Health Interaction and the Great Canadian Theatre Company, aims to -encourage women to start questioning the kinds of• drugs they take and become more knowledgeable about their health. It is brought to Blyth.through the co-sponsorship of Women Today,and the Ontario Arts Council. Tickets are $6 and available at Bell's Variety and Sunrise Dairy .in Wingham, Taylor's General Store in Belgrave, Arm- strong',s Bakery in Lucknow, Triangle Dis- count and Jana Natural Food in Goderich, Blyth Saga in Blyth, Tasty Nu Bakery in Zurich, The Birch Tree in Hensall, Triangle Discount and Women Today's office in Clin- ton, Clarkson's Variety Store in Brussels, Triangle Discount in Seaforth, Becker Store in Exeter, Bayfield Country Store in Bayfield and Doug and Nancy's General Store in Dashwood. 2Vattedeua a dew-ay/44 eutodteir /e Gt t f.&% t4 azer ma6otetta CUld V . 0441t 6e% de4460,aft eptlayelete daeee'. 2Oe 46# tit yo.0 !tee awe adotteir to- G.eraftg,azsccs dtedivria9 WOODLAND DRIVE—IN —BAYFIELD- 7 4t 7Uetee.444n 'd 1 a'rd d`j AUTUMN DAYS BAZAAR October 19, 1985, at 2:30 p.m. Tea and Bake Table and Deli Sponsored by Madeleine Lane Auxiliary St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, Clinton Have you tried them yet? CHICKEN OR FISH NUGGETS fes.- 6PAK...I 599 9PAK...2,99 20 PAK...S . 99 • CLINTON 482-7337 y Festival to hit Contact Ontario Cake Walk, starring Anne Anglin, was a hit on the Blyth Festival stage in 1984. The Col- leen Curran play;,will be featured by the Festival at Contact Ontario, one of Canada's largest cultural trade fairs, to be held in Toronto this , weekend. Next season Cake Walk will return to the Blyth stage. I TORONTO - The Blyth Festival will be , taking part in one of Canada's largest cultural trade fairs, Contact Ontario, to be held October 17 - 20 at the Constellation Hotel. Representatives from the Blyth Festival will be among the more than 700 performing artists and sponsors from over 300 com- munities across the nation and outside Canada to take part in the four-day 'event. Contact Ontario provides a showcase f touring artists of dance, music and theatr and a market place for those artists to link up with potential buyers of touring perfor manes. The Festival will present a scene frorn Cake Walk, the 1984 hit play by Colleen Curr "ran. The play which is on tour will rr':Jrn tQ the Blyth stage next season. i Now in its 14th year, CONTACT wilt feature singers; dancers, storytellers, pupa peteers, theatre companies and solo artistsr including performances by Valdy, Nancy White, Garnet Rogers, Theatre Ballet of Canada, the Blyth Festival and the Amadeus. Ensemble. In addition to the 4, performers who will showcase their work over 200 artists and their managers will also promote their product through exhibits and. video presentations in the Contact Room, Participants will also be invited to attend workshops on aspects of professional book., ing and tour management. CONTACT was developed specifically as a marketing tool in response to community - needs and growing professional talent in On- tario. Through recent surveys, the Ontour office has determined that the majority of the more than 300 provincial sponsors who attend CONTACT select approximately 68 percent of their artists as a result of seein them showcase. CONTACT not only offers cornmunitS sponsors a broad sampling of the arts pro- duct available but also provides performers – particularly emerging talents - with much needed exposure to the entire' provin- cial market. 116 Red Cross BABYSITTING COURSE will begin MONDAY, OCT; 21 AT 7:00 P.M. (must be 12 years old) Anyone interested please call 482-9460 after 5 p.m. QUEEN'S SEAFORTH Thurs., Fri. & Sat. TA SHE All The Way 'Blue Jays' CATCH THE ACTION on our GIANT SCREEN Hay Township Recreation Committee Mystery Bingo Thur., Oct. 17 Zurich Community Centre Jackpot ' $500 must go Bonanza Prize over $800, 54 calls 4 flash games • 1 early bird • 10 regular dames • 1 mystery prize Over $2000 in cash prizes. Doors open at 6.30 p.m. Bingo starts at 7 45 sharp Every time you attend bingo you have a chance to win a 20" colour TV - draw made at Christmas bingo ALL PROCEEDS FOR "NEW" ' BALL DIAMOND Bring your dabbers. No one under 16 allowed to ploy t4c �l�*th Iraq Join Us This W eekend. OCTOBERFEST 1985 Friday and Saturday Oct. 18 tr 19 RIBS -PIGTAILS -SAUERKRAUT Served in the Dining Room 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM Served in the Lounge 12 NOON-8PM ® SUNDAY BRUNCH. Served from 11 am - 2 pm Includes: Salads, Fruits, Hot Dishes, . Dessert and Beverage. "ALL YOU CAN EAT" • SUNDAY BUFFET Served from 4 pm -. 7 pm Includes: Roast Bcef, Salad Bar. Dessert and Beverage. - Entertainment in the Lounge every Friday and Saturday evening; Licensed under L.L.B.O. 523-9381 Clinton Royal Canadian Legion HALLOWE'EN COSTUME DANCE Saturday, October 26 DANCING 8 PM - 1 AM TO LIVE BAND PRIZES FOR 'BEST COSTUME Admission: $6,00 per person • • • • 0 • • • 0 • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 T•_b i. 4: ii.YY Pii`.T_ik i.l,i Y• pi NY"y vifil„✓f';i,Y ff,Y Yv rY l�:tir, GODERICH 524-7811 (4,414,104444.5041041 ,.40444.4..44... o... P'YYVII Y.•. i.... L, i. ,, Somewhere, somehow, someone's going to pay. FRI.-SAT. 7 & 9 SUN.-THURS. 7:30 P.M. coma TILL THURSDAY, OCT..17th AT $t00 iuP..M. PEE -WEE HERMAN IN PEE- q EEIS DV 00••00••00000.0••000••••10• 4440.. ••war®•At•Dearer••,.. 1 ' 2:00 TUESDAY STILL IN EFFECT ADULTS YOUTHS 52.00 i rt. FAMILY • • • 0 • • • • a 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0 •. 0 0 3, 0 0- a