HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1985-10-16, Page 7POO O.—P.4MM NNW COR EMM," C,il3NR I9$5 Thanks to four ambitious Grade 7 students, Blyth Public School has a newspaper to keep students up-to-date on happenings within the school. However, the four budding Barbara Walters' have yet to put a name to the newspaper. The newspaper staff are, back row, left to right, Tammy Bearss and Leah Richmond. Front row, Tabatha Montgomery and Kelly Cook. ( Alan Rivett photo) School has newspaper BLYTH - Four enterprising Grade 7 Blyth Public School students in Mr. Yeats'. class have started their own newspaper for the school. 1 Kelly Cook, Tabatha Montgomery, Leah Richmond and Tammy Bearss worked hard to get the first edition to the students, and the second edition should be out shortly. Reporters have been appointed to each grade, and its their job to report classroom events, special features, sports contests and humorous happenings. The paper also features a short story each week -. the first one by Jenny Allen of Grade 8 called Destiny of Death. It is hoped the newspaper will continue to give Blyth students the "sco.op" on local events. Chaunce 's airstyling Queen St. Blyth, Ont. (519) 523-9722 •EUROPEAN PRODUCTS •ALL QUALITY HAIR CARE PRODUCTS •FASHION ACCESSORIES ARRIVING MONTHLY ON PROMOTIO.N!$ ONLY... • NEW! • Igora Fleur gives you the opportunity to experience a new you, without the permanence of regular hair color. •Igora Fleur allows you to change your hair color to suit your moods and fashion. •Igora Fleur leaves your hair soft, shiny and full of body. •Igora Fleur colors have excellent lasting properties. requ.qsts BLYTH - Council here will be requesthig, additional government assistance in 1988 to help offset the salary costs for the village's summer recreation program. Concern has been raised by council members and parents that additional super- vision is needed for the children involved in the program. This summer two full-time counsellors and a part-time assistant were in charge of 115 children. While no com plaints were raised about the program or the counsellors' work, concern has been voiced that additional supervision help is re- quired in order to maintain the quality of the program and ensure the safety of the children. Blyth requested government assistance at provincial and federal levels for eight sum- mer employees this,. year. Funding was given from the provincial government to cover the salary of one full-time counsellor. The second salary was paid from village coffers. Children from Blyth, Hullett, East Wawanosh and Morris Townships took part in the summer program. Blyth Council cave some conl+,'`lderation to requesting tingnCial supppo�rt from the area municlpalitiesobut a breakdown of registration figures showed that. the n'iajority of children involved'came from Blyth. Ninety-four of the children (82 per cent) came from Blyth; eight children (sevel}.per cent) frorn East Wawanosh; seven children (six per cent) from Morris; six children (five per cent) from Hulled Township. The projection for the 1986 program estimates that the same number of children will take part in the program. Costs estimated for four youth employees, work- ing seven hours a day for eight weeks at $4.15 an hour total $5,200. That figure could be reduced by $1,300 with a grant to cover one salary, leaving the village balance at $3,900. Based on the registration figures, the costs could be split by the four participating municipalities: Blyth, $3,198; East Wawanosh, $273; Morris, $234; Hullett, $195. If funding was available to pay the salaries of two youths, the total cost could be $2,600 and shares would be divided as: Blyth,"t,1:f3; Last Wawanosh, $182; Morris, $156; Hallett, $130. council had anticipated that a breakdown of registration figures would show a higher percentage of participation from neighbor- ing municipalities. However since the figures were lower than estimated, council agreed that the townships •wouldnot be ask- ed to make financial contributions to the program. As Clerk Larry Walsh pointed out, "it's like nit picking." Council agreed to approach, the govern. ment for more funding, placing :particular emphasis on the fact that Blyth is the only municipality in the area to offer a summer program for children. Council will also look at raising registra- tion fees in 1986 as another avenin to in- crease funding. In 1985 the registration fee of $5 per child was used for purchasing crafts and supplies for the eight week course. If registration was increased to $10 per child, an additional $575 could be used to offset salaries. Myth church decorated for service By Kathy Bromley Blyth United Church was beautifully decorated for the Thanksgiving service by Linda Wilson and members of the Sunday School. Greeters were Marjorie McNall and Albert Wasson. The ushers Barbara, Doug, Sherri and Jeff Howson. Service was conducted by Rev. Ken Bauman, who also sang a solo. Special music was presented by the choir., under the leadership of Margaret Kai and organist. This Sunday, Rev. Norman Irwin, from Compassion, London, will be here, meeting first with the Church school children, and later with the congregation. Pot lucklun- cheon will be served afterthe worship. Saturday, October 19, from 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., bring your car to the church park - TURN YOUR PUMPKIN into a USED CAR... with low mileage 1985 BUICK LeSABRE 4 door, 22,000 km. 1985 FORD LTD.,4 door,13,071 km. 1984 FORD CROWN VICTORIA 4 door, 29,000 km. 1981 PONTIAC PARISIENNE 2 door, 6.7,900 km. 1981 AMC CONCORD DL 2 door, 75.000 km: 1980 BUICK REGAL LIMITED 2 door, 81,000 km. 1980 BUICK CENTURY 4'door, 65.000 km. 1981 CHEM SUBURBAN 46,000 km. 1982. FORD F-100 PICKUP, 78,000 km. 1980 CHEV %TON 94,000 km. 1980 FORD LTD. 4 door, 91,000 miles 1979 CUTLASS CRUISER STATION WAGON 87,000 km. AMMS CAR SALES LTD. -BLYTH- SALES DEPT 523-4342 SERVICE DEPT 523-9581L Vow TME BLYTH STANDARD RV SI DICTIi OPTOMETRY David Langstaff Ltd. Optician 87 Main Si. SI.Iuth, SF./WORTH O,ptometrist's and Ophthalmologist's Prescriptions filled I'roniptly SUMMER HOURS: Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 9:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Closed Wednesday & Saturdays COMPLETE OI'Ti(;Ai, SERVI(;E 527-1303 HEATING' LYLE YOUNGBLUT PI.LJJ%IBiNG and 11 F. A T IN(; BI,1TH. ONTARIO PHONE 523-9585 INSURANCE GENERAL 'J. Richard Ih:Ilintt 15191 523-9725 LIFE H. John Elliott 519-523-4323 ELLIOTT INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. ' INSURANCE iN ALL BRANCHES Established 1910 BLYTH, ONTARIO NOM 1H0 519-523-4481 LIVESTOCK „MORTALITY INSURANCE REPAIR Cal BURKE ELECTRIC Ltd. Electrical Contractors Appliance Sales & Service to all makes Retrigerdtion Service Open 6 days a week 38 Years Built by Quality & Service Wingham, Ontario 357-2450 Long distance TOLL FREE 1-800-265.3025 1� PLUMBING iERVICE Robert Worsell Plumbing Heating Sales & Service Box 68, Auburn 5267597 ELT. DALE SEi'TIC TANK PUMPING— SERVICE 1 MPINGSERVICE CLINTON PHONE 482-3320 or 527-0284 ELECTRICAL FRED LAWRENCE Electrical Contractor HOME, FARM AND COMMERCIAL WIRING PHONE AUBURN 526-7505 Cil nthn Nerws-Recor I INCORPORATING -THE BLYTH- TAHDARD-THE WAYFIELD SUM, Buying or Selling, The Classifieds Can Looking for effective advertising with quick results? The Classifieds can! Phone the Clinton News -Record 482-3443 or 482-7741 ing lot to have it washed! The Teen Club will be there to serve you. October 19, at 11 a.m., the Church School is manning a "Food Booth" at the Auction Sale of the estate of the late Annie Craig. The school is asking the people of the con- gregation for donations of food or money to help buy necessary items. Grace Poore is co-ordinating this project and is looking for donations any time this week: ' Re -Organizing CGIT The Blyth CGIT has started again. The first meeting of the new CGIT group in almost 10 years, was held October 7, in the church parlor; at 7 p.m. Leaders, Lorna Fraser and Brenda Cook discussed another time and evening which would suit more girls in the community and surrounding area. Girls . from Blyth, Auburn and Londesboro areas, .are more than welcome to attend. • Middies will be needed for these girls. If anyone has a pair tucked away in the attic or trunk somevbhere, and are willing to sell or donate them, please call one ofthe. leaders, at 523-9687 or 523-4789. It, will , be greatly appreciated. This group is being established for girls aged 12 to 17 and more members are need- ed. • • The meetings are being planned for two times a month, with many activities to be held and guest speakers participating. • The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 22, at 8• p.m. in the United Church basement. It is 'hoped that more girls can make it out on Tuesday, at this meeting as the Hallowe'en party will be held. . Gardnersstudy herb uses The October meeting of the Blyth Hor- ticultural Society was attended by members and visitors from Clinton, Seaforth, Auburn Filter Queen "IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN VARNA" 482-7103 and Brussels to'hear Mary Ann Griggs, who spoke on herbs. The herb growers motto is "Herbs are for use and delight." They are used for medical purposes, in cooking and for flavoring foods and drinks. Entertainment was provided by Freda Pipe and Alice Brothers of Brussels, who played piano duets during the meeting. John Hesselwood reported on the provin- cial annual convention held at Windsor on June 19-21. He and his wife, Vera were delegates from Blyth. , November 12. will be the Christmas meeting beginning with a pot luck dinner. Jeannette Martin of Clinton will be the guest with a presentation on floral arrangements, gifts and -supplies. Everyone is welcome to attend. Euchre's top scorers On Monday night, there were enough peo- ple to fill nine tables for euchre. Vera Hesslewood, and. Lillian. Letherland of Auburn took the high scores. Low man for this week was Millar Richmond, while low lady' was Nora Kelly. For the most' lone hands, Vi Howes took it for the ladies, while Len Shobbrook won it for the men.. The special prize for this week went to Marg Thorndike of Clinton. Euchre will be held again Monday night at 8 p.m. Everyone is invited to attend. Help UNICEF By putting coins Into Trick -or -Treaters' UNICEF boxes on Hallowe'en, you are help- ing UNICEF . fight the five biggest child killers in the world: polio, measlips, whoop- ing cough, tetanus and tuberculosis. Today, most of these` diseases are only a bad memory in the developed world, but in the Third World nations they remain a major threat to child survival. BLYTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Rev. Roger Gelwicks Service 10 a.m. 2:30 p.m, Sunday School 11 a.m. X11; TAKE NOTICE that persons may be nominated as candidates in an election between 9 o'clock In the forenoon and 5 o'clock in the after- noon of nomination day, Monday, October 21, 1985, but nothing in section 35 of the Municipal Elections Act, R.S.O.'1980, c. 308 prevents a person filing a nomination paper with the clerk during his normal of- fice hours during the four days immediately preceding nomination day. OFFICES FOR WHICH PERSONS MAY BE NOMINATED REEVE - 4 COUNCILLORS - 2 P.U.C. COMMISSIONERS Electors are hereby required to take notice and govern themselves accordingly, and further take notice that the manner in which said, nominations shall be filed is set forth to section 36 of the Municipal Elections Act. Nomination forms and full particulars of procedures to`be followed; may be obtained from the undersigned. If a greater number of candidates than required to fill the said of- fices are nominated and make the required declarations, notice of the time for the holding of the poll, including the advance poll and notice of the last day for making applications for a. certificate to vote by proxy will be given forthwith. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that where the number of candidates for an office who are nominated at the end of nomination day Is not sufficient to fill the number of vacancies to which the candidates may be elected, subsection 1 of section 40 respecting acclamation applies to 'those candidates and. on the Wednesday, following nomination day, October 23, 1985, the clerk may, between the hours of 9 o'clock in the forenoon and 5 o'clock In the afternoon, receive and certify additional nominations for the remaining vacancies in the office In respect of which was an insufficient number of can- didates. Given under my hand this 7 day of October, 1985. SHOULD AN ELECTION BE REQUIRED THE SAME WILL BE HELD ON MON- DAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1985 between the hours of 11:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. ADVANCE POLL ON NOVEMBER 2, 1985 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. DEADLINE FOR OBTAINING CERTIFICATE TO VOTE 13Y PROXY IS NOVEMBER 12, 1985. Given under'my hand this 2nd daVof October, 1985. LARRY B. WALSH CLERK TREASURER VILLAGE OF BLYTH NOMINATIONS Notice to Municipal Electors VILLAGE OF BLYTH A 41.