Clinton News-Record, 1985-10-09, Page 69• by .'Egerton% PaV Caffeine has 4.0 • *ItiY come under fire by" consumers and health ex.w perts who now question the • amounts safe for rep.* Faculty An.eciliarieo - t:Insumpttvixibee-ayse of its •• possible -contribution to birth defects, heart disease, cancer, osteoporosis, sleep problems, stomach ulcers, • nervous disorders and breast . disease. According to Health News, published for the lay public by the • University of Toronto's Fa- culty of Medicine, one in four Canadian adults de- pends on caffeine to stay alert and one in 30may con- sume enough to be health - damaging. Many youngs- ters consume ,onounts — mainly from cola drinks that may disturb their men- tal functioning. On average, Canadians consume two to three cups of coffee daily, two cups of tea and a 5 -oz (140 ml) serv- ing of cola drink, which translates to an average daily taffeirie ingestion of 230-290 mg: But about a about 350 mg. (the amount Medical Sciences third of the population in three to four cups of cof- Room 239844, Uniyersity 01 takes in 500-600 mg of caf- fee). Regular use of more Toronto, Toronto, OneM8S feine a day (equivalent to th,atz 650 mg of caffeine 1A8. Watch for nextissue • eta er,.23rd., 04,a- 040 0)- C irlaisd adaittive drug that alters moo rl and behavior — a cental ner- vous system stirteitant and an analeptic, mfatiingthat it awakens, in vigniatcS and prolongs muscillar ei- durance — hence its popu- larity for athletic perfor- mance. To tell if you're getting too much, Health. News suggests the simple test of eliminating all caf- feine sources for a day. If a throbbing headache and other withdrawal signs ap- pear about a day later, re- lieved only by a caffeine "fix", chances are you're addicted. • Physical dependence on caffeine can occur when daily consumption exceeds may pose a health risk: A useful chart lists amounts 01 caffeine in commln foods and niediCations. Among the immediate Of- fects of caffeine are: stium- ,lation ofbrain activity; wOr- sen i n g, of fine motor movement; insomnia (disrupted sleep patterns); regular • heartbeats and raised Wed pressure in Some people (usually tran- sient); raised blood sugar, elevated fatty acids and in- creased blood cholesterol. The hill report on Caffeine may be read in Health News, published by Canada's larg- est medical school. Sub- scriptions .08 arm" may be obtained hywritingt0 Health News,'FacultY ,of MedicinO, • Our e. as ;, • jacKet or top tt at artdtombin it with those "just right" accessories for a well dressed look this fall. ° Enjoy the 13+.10 Tradition of Quality, personal service and value in !MEN'S WEAR.. 388 Richmond St Weekdays 975:30i Downtown London Friday nite.till 9- p.m. 433-2889 Mk, VISA, AM EX Wet N Wild Snowmobile • A.T.V. Drags & Wheelie Water Skimming Contest <16 Hully Gully Sports 11.R. #/ Varna, Ontario Phone 262-3318 Open daily 9 - 6, Wed. and Thurs. to 8; Sat. 1111 5, Sun. 1-5. Closed Monday • Snowmobile Drag Races Pre -season Special FREE KID'S YAMAHA SNOWSUIT With every new snowmobile Supplies are limited