HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1985-10-02, Page 142. Yard Sale NEIGHBORHOOD YARD Sale irl Holmesville. Follow the signs. Antiques,' furniture, miscellaneous. Saturday, October 4 at 10 a.m.-40 etoosarsenewaelsto 1. Articles for sole HOCKEY EQUIPMENT: Excellent- condition, boys 13. 14 yrs„ including skates. 482-7772.-40 SHARP-OPTONICA stereo system, SM -1400 AMP, 35 Watts per channel, ST -1400 Stereo Tuner, RP - 1400 belt drive turntable, 1 pr. speakers, audio cabinet, Was $850, will sell for $450 firm. Phone 482-7021.-40x 60" SOLID OAK Buffet and Hutch: Glass shelves with 2 interior lights, like new condition. Phone 524.2416. • -40x TWO NEW CEDAR entrance doors: 2'10" x 6:'10" x 134, one Old Yord, has small window and one Buckingham, solid panels. 523-4452. - 40,41x YOU CAN GET your out•of-Canada Medical In- surance at C.A.A. Travel Agency, 7 Rattenbury St., Clinton. Phone 482-9300.-- 44tfar - HANK'S SMALL ENGINES - Hwy. 4, Londesboro, 523.9202. Dealer for Canodiana and Bolens Lawn • and Garden Equipment and snowblowers, Weedeater Trimmers, Poulan Chainsaws, Badger Farm Equipment. Service to all small engines.--20tf KITCHEN CUPBOARD. Reface your old cupboard instead of replacing it. Save up to 60 percent. Leading manufacturer is having a clearance sale of certain styles. Package includes door, drawer fronts, handles, hinges, backing, laminate, valance and knick knack shelves. Regularly $1995,00 clearing at $995.00. Call 1.800-265- 8142. 40o QUEEN SIZE Water Bed with brass headboard, heater, vibrator, good condition. $600 or best of- fer. 482-7735 after 5 p.m. 40-43 WAGON WHEEL bunk beds. Maple stained. 482- 9745. 40x • • ONE DOWNDRAFT airtight stove made by Temp - wood. Good condition. Phone 526-7581. -40 SKI RACK, 'chrome frame, wood bars, bolt on; 3 piece chesterfield, tri lamp,, table model; super single.Awaterbed with heater; 1984 Hitachi TV, 26" r c; double bed, box spring and mattress; men's size 10 broomball shoes (brand new), knee pads and broom; dinette table: chrome kitchen table with four matching chairs; symphonic stereo. 482.7131 after 5 p.m. 40x KENMORE WRINGER , Washer. two swivel rockers. Good condition, 482.9844. 40x POTATOES FOR SALE: Red Chieftain in bulk. Call Dick Roorda, 482-9862. 40 . FIREWOOD: $28.00. Phone 482-7425. 39tf RENOVATING? We have 6, older style wooden •• porch pillars for sale, one in questionable condi• tion, the rest good: All six for $75.00. Call- 524- 9338 after 6 p.m. 24tfnx , 1983 HONDA V45 Sabre motorcycle. 750 cc only 12,000 kms. Excellent •condition. .Call 524, 6637. 25tfnx • WEEKLY SPECIALS! See our ad in "FOCUS" Clin- ton.Boxed Meats just off Hwy. 4 north of Clinton. 1' mile south of Londesboro wotch for our sign. Coll collect 523-9508. 42tfar THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD -THE BLYTH STANDARD -THE BAYFIELD BUGLE 1. Articles for sale HALF SLIP for under wedding dress. size 12 14 layer of netting with taffeta overlay. for Aline style dress. New.$50,•, °skiing $25. Phone 482- 3514 after 5 am, 34tf •VISSCHER• FARMS:.Cauliflower $6.50 doz.. Broc- coli $11 a case, apples $7 bu , also apple cider, peaches, brussels sprouts,kale, cabbage, potatoes, onions, etc, 3 miles west of, Exeter Hwy. 83, Open daily 9 a.m. • 6 p;m. Closed Sun• days. Phone 237-3442. 38tfar HOCKEY SKATES for sale: CCM Sport Pro. men's• size .8'7; Bauer Special PR95 mens size 7. Munari moulded body, men's size 8. 482- 3814. 39 40 • COLLECTOR'S PLATES Guaranteed. 350 dif ferent. Excellent prices Sunday Best Spring In nocence, Cardinals, Bluejays, Trains Rockwell Mennonites. Brochures mailed. Pedden Anti clues, Strathroy. R.R. 6 Ontario. N7G 3H7 15191 247.3341 40o USED DESKS • Tile cabinefs. I. storage cabinets.. bookcases,. lockers office chairs stocking choirs. drafting hoards restaurant . tables Lover's New & Used 254 Adelofde St S London 1519) 681 2254 Mon Frr. 9 - 5. tat 9 12 • 40o PROPANE REFRIGERATORS: 8 used Servel, 6 - 12 cubic feet, $450 to $750; used parts. Also, pro- pane stoves, Abraham Martin, 15 miles N.W. of Kitchener. (519) 698-2289,-40o • BOOK COLLECTORS: Quality Canadiano & Collec- tible books atreasonable prices. Send your want lists to Bruce Books, Box 1709, Port Elgin•, Ont. NOH 2CO.-40o BUILDINGS: Storage, garages, barns, warehouses, stores, airplane hanger. You name it. we've got it. Big special for Oct. 40 wide by 60 long as much as $5,000 bff. Direct from factory. Phone now collect (416) 454-5600. Limited offer. ---40o • WE HAVE COOKSTOVES in every province. There is a reason. -If you cook or heat with wood (or should) write for information $1. Suppertime Stoves, Route 4, Aylmer, Ont. NSH 2R3. -40o BUILDINGS priced below wholesale. Final inven- tory clearance. Various sizes available. All steel, Ten to twenty year warranty. Limited stock available. Act Now and Save. No reserves held. Call 1-800-387-8130 or (416) 828.6262.-400 • WATER PROBLEMS: New technology - eliminates rusty, smelly, bad tasting water, coliform bacteria, staining, iron, manganese, hardness, chemical contamination and more. Fully automatic. Tested and proven in over 12,000 rural installations. No messy chemicals, no taste or smell of chlorine: FREE 6 month trial offer. See the results for yourself. If you want BETTER WATER for BETTER COUNTRY LIVING Call Toll Free - 1.800.268-2656 or write Aztec Water Purification Systems, 203.1030 Kamato Road, Mississauga, Ontario. L4W 4B6. The "Lowest" Cost System That "Really" Works. --40o HONEY Num er,, ,l...White, in your containers or ours. Honeymead Apiaries, Alec Ostrom 462- 7287. -39-42x ONE STOP Building Shopping Centre All steel straight slant half round cladding Free brochures on request. For action value and answers call Wally (416) 4261794 Leave message , or collect' evenings anti weekends. 40o PIANO SALE. Fall Specials, starting $495 includes delivery. Or refinish, restore, Low rates! We buy pianos. Give name, height. Village Piano, 14 Hampton St. Elmira. (519) 669-2280. -400 REPAIRS to T.V's, radios, small appliances, video games, electric tools, etc. Cable T.V. convertors. Call after 4 p.m. Larry's Radio & T.V. Blyth. 523- 4559.- 37tf MacINTOSH AND CORTLAND apples, fresh cider, red and white potatoes, cookies, apple butter, honey, Macintosh $5 bu. and up. Art Bell's Fruit Farm, 524-8037.-- 39tf APPLES: Macintosh, Wolfe Rivers, Snows; sweet _apple cider. Also, 5 varieties of squash for sale 'at Don Middleton's Whitehall Farms. . 482- 9838..-39.42ar ONTARIO GOVERNMENT TENDER STANDING FUELWOOD FOR SALE To improve growing conditions for valuable trees in Hullett Township, the Ministry of Natural Resources is selling marked standing trees, tops and cut wood to a reputable fuelwood contrac- tor. FUELWOOD VOLUME: Approximately 94 standard cords, 36 tops and cut wood. LOCATION: Clinton area. The two fuelwood areas will be sold as one lump sum to one contractor - no partial sales. Tenders will be received until 5:00 p.m.,, October 25, 1985, with a public opening at 9:00 a.m., October 28, 1985, at the Wingham Df'strict Office, Hwy. No. 4, South, Wingham. For further information or to obtain the tender package contact Murray Hall or Harry Wilson at 357.3131 or 1-800-265- 3003 (if calling long distance from within the 519 area code). Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources Hon Vincent G Kern° M,nwv Mary Mogtord opnuty M,n,srer APPLES FOR SALE: Pick your own or already pick- ed. Corner of Varna- Holmesville Rd. Henry Slotegraaf 482-9272. - 39tf. OVEN STYLE barbecue,. 530.00; one pair Rally rims with F60-14 tires, $60,00 for pair. Phone 482- 9398 after 6 p:m. • 39,40 OIL FURNACE, 145,000 BTU, new controls, new wet pack fire -pit liner, 200 gal. tank, 100 gol. oil. Open for offers. 482-7864, 40x PIONEER: Partner qnd Paulen Chainsaws. Two high quolity chainsaws at competitive prices backed by complete parts and service. Come and compare. Robert Glen Sows, Clinton. Phone 482- 9292. 40,41 • WOOD BURNING heater with thermostat, with insulated chimney. with one insulated "T". Phone 482.7094, 40x OPTONICA FM AM stereo receiver, Optonica RT - 1144C stereo cassette deck. Optonica stereo turntable. To be sold as a unit. Phone 482• 7094, 40x SLABS OF HARDWOOD by the load, approx• imately 8 cords, delivered. Phone 357.2838 or 529.7642. 39.42 APPLES' Macs, Wolfe River, Snows, Kings, Sweets, Cortland, cider apples. cider weekends, McClymont Orchards, Varna. one mile south, 482.3214. 39,40 ELECTRIC FRIDGE and stove, end table • wicker with glass top, two months old, Kroehler Lazy Boy chair Phone 482.5396. 40 • TABLE SAW 8" stand, ' 7 hp motor, 5100.00. exec cis° hike. 535.00: doll cradle, 510.00; long handle round mouth shovel, 3 wheeled adult bike, 482 3064 40x DINING ROOM SUITE. 9 piece walnut (all wood), 5900.00 or best offer.. Fur coat, ,black Persian Lamb size 16. Excellent condition. $200 00. 482 5404 40x " TE EM FARM is still open with tomatoes, beans. •cauliflower, broccoli', squash, onions, potatoes, and pumpkins. also dig your own or ready dug cedar trees Open seven days, TE -EM FARM, R.R 1 Bayfield. 482 3020. 40 c'lintoii News -Record CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES & DATA DEADLINES: Classified Word Ads Tuesday Noon Display Advertising ... Tuesday 4:00 p.m. CLASSIFICATIONS 1 Articles for sale 2 Yard sale 3 Garage said 4 Antiques for sale 5 Cars for sale 6 Trucks for sale 7 R.V.'s for solo 8 Marino 9 Automotive 10 Pets for sale 12 Real estate for sale 13 Mobile homes 14 Recreational properties 15 Out of town properties 16 For rant 17 Apartments for rent 18 Houses for rent 19 Rooms for rent 20 Room 6 board 21 Cottages for rant 22 Lots for rant 23 Commercial property for rent 47 Cards of thanks 24 Wanted to rant 25 Wanted to buy 26 Help wanted 27 Wanted (general) 28 Business opportunity 29 Tenders 30 Employment wanted 31 Service directory 34 Personal 35 Notice to creditors 36 Announcements 37 Mortgages 38 Auction sole 39 Educational 40 Lost 6 Found 41 To give away 42 Death notice 43 Births 44 Engagements 45 Marriages 46 In memoriam 50` DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT WHEN PLACING AD OR IF ?AID WITHIN ONE WEEK AFTER THE' PAPER DATE. ' • PHONE 482-3443 MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. C) a 1. Articles for sale RCA DISC PLAYER still under warranty, excellent • condition, $150,00; 3 Michelin winter tires 230 x 15, good condition, used 4 months only, 525.00. •Call 482-3255 before '2 p.m., anytime on weekend, ---40x ONE PR. SCHOLL'S pumps. size 8, cushioned ar- ch, beige With brown. Excellent condition. Priced to suit 482.3095.-- 40x CAR TOP CARRIER (Bubble) in good condition. Phone 482-7109.--40 C & E FURNITURE NEW & USED We Can Offer BETTER PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY /7 utile south on Hwy. 21 GODERICH 524-7231 We even take trades LANDSCAPING TREES Blue Spruce, 1 ft. -4 ft. Dig your choice. take sod with disturbed tree roots. SPRUCE: •2.00/ft. BLUE SPRUCE: °3.50/ft. LOCATION: 1'/G miles East of Wingham on Highway 86 Mrs. Marsh centre of three houses East of school, un - 357®2387 5. Cars for sale 1978 MERCURY BOBCAT, automatic, one owner, 74,500 km, (46,500 miles) certified, new paint. job, $2,400.00 or best offer. Phone 482-9398 after 6 p.m.- •-39,40 1977 AMC PACER: 2 door, 6 cylinder, power brakes. $800. or best offer. Phone 565.2554. - 38- 40ar ' 1975 CHEV MALIBU, 50,000 original miles, 6 cylinder, autdmatic, reasonable shape'. $1500.00, as is. Phone 482-9588.--40-42x 1980 MUSTANG: Two door coupe, 6 cyl. auto., P.S., P.B., sporty, metallic gold, JVC AM. FM cassette. Will certify. 54500. • Phone 523- 9227,•-40 1975 FORD ELITE: Very good condition. New tires, full instrumentation, P.S., P.B. Asking $1200 as is. 482-3222. - - 40x 12. Real estate for sate . W.CKNOW ' GODERIcw 0WINGHAM VxULYTH NTON BAYFIEL !F'='y3oISE&tFORR.�T-H • MITCHELL °ZURICH 0 EXETER STRATFORD 7. R.V.'s for sale HANDYMAN'S SPECIAL: 1968 17 ft. Rambler. toilet, fridge, stove, sink and furnace. • 482• 3383. ..--40x MODERN THREE be2iroom home, recently decorated, two bathrooms and sunroom with gas fireplace, carpeted throughout. Deck and nicely landscaped lot with paved drive. Must be seen to be appreciated. Phone 482.5287. 40,41x 10. Pets for sale 3 bedroom 11/2 storey brick home near schools and close to downtown. Fenced backyard. Large living room with natural pine floors. Country kitchen with peninsula. Wayne Wigelsworth CENTURY 21 ALI, POINTS REALTY INC. 524-2111 or 482- 3091. FOR SALE BY OWNER Two storey brick business building, close to main Intersection, Clinton. Now containing 2 shops, 3 apartments, lot approx. 52' x 135'. Owner retiring. Ph. 482-9410 or 482-7082 FOR SALE: Two female Siamese Kittens,' seven weeks old; half Arabian Stud Colt. Phone 529 7382. 40tfnx 12. Real estate for sale i ONE STOREY frame house to give away in Clin- ton. Must be removed from lot. Phone business hours 482.3493 or evenings 482.7385. 39.40 12. Real estate for sale 2 bedroom bungalow with enclosed breezeway and attached garage on approximately a 'At acre lot. Close to the school, is electrically heated, was re - insulated within the last 4 years. Located in Goderich Township and therefore has low taxes. Dominic Bradley, CENTURY 21 ALL POINTS REALTY INC. 524-2111 or 482- 7841. CarladaTrust Realtor LINCOLN, PLAZA OFFICE; WATERLOO 884: 1260 VILLAGE OF BAYFIELD - $10,900 - Build your own year-round or vacation home on this beautiful fully -serviced, well -treed lot on Cameron St. Close to lake on paved road, EXECUTIVE CLINTON HOME - Raised ranch with both walkout and deck overlooking . ravine. Main floor family room with fireplace, bar, 4 bedrooms 2 with ensuite. MODERN COUNTRY LIVING - Spacious raised ranch home on large lot just south of •Clinton. Extra large kitchen plus separate dining. Walkout to large raised deck. Asking 579,500. For Information on the above properties call CATHIE SCHWARK 884-1260 or482-3051 A. For .Sale JOHN DEERE 453A adjustable row width soybean header,.Best offer; Phone 482.7181. 40 FOR SALE: 756 International gas tractor with cab and heater. Good working condition. Also available with 18-4.34 snap on T.rair duals, Phone 523-4806 or 523.9499. 40nx 40 YOUNG GILTS: Berg's Stable Cleaner, over 400 feet of chain, 40 ft. outside chute, two -years• old; 36 BNL farrowing pens. 524-6475. 40x •K K = K GK G -K GK GK.GK G MIM:MaBA:aMM OWN' j G.K. REALTY & INSURANCE INC. 14 Isaac St. CLINTON 482-97470,482-3721 Bill Counter 482L3687 Hal Hartley 482-3693 MODERN 2 B.R. brick bungalow, elec- tric heat, carport, roofed deck, 2.8 acres near Clinton. Call Bill. UNIQUE - Recent addition to older home has resulted in an exceptional 3 b.r. residence, on a large land- scaped lot; 16 x 24 detached garage. Call Hal or Bill. FRAME, 2 B.R., gas heat, carport, cen- tral, maintenance free exterior; cozy starter. Call Bill. 17 FRAME. 1'/s storey. 3 b.r., gasheat, attached garage; well landscaped lot; in the 30's. CaII 13111. WE LIST AND SELL Residential - Commercial Agricultural - Recreational and Seasonal Property WITH OFFICES IN GODERICH CLINT x N EXETER. GRAND BEND tylK_GK "K OK C"... K K ,®ice- ____ Hensall Livestock Sales SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 12:30 P.M. Ali classes of Livsstodi WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Hargreaves Clinton • 4212-7511 Barry Miller EKotler -23S-3717 K Irk ton :1214205 Gregory Hargreaves 262.2419 Case Model 1830 SKID STEER LOADER 66" bucket. Excellent condition. Being sold at a sacrifice price to settle a bankruptcy. only X5,90try 0. LOBB'S FARM EQUIPMENT Bayfleld Rd. Clinton 482-3409 B. Custom Work CUSTOM SWATHING & silo filling Phone Hank Reinink,523.9202 or 523.4569 22tfar J.C. ENTERPRISES custom combining Phone'526 7523. 3840 WILL DO custom combining of soybean and corn. Phone 5239277 39 40x CUSTOM combining of corn low rates Phone 482.3194 before 8 a m 39 40 WILL DO CUSTOM combining of corn Reasonable rates. 4823518. 40 41 D. Livestock SERVICEABLE AGE Boars Hemp Duroc York also Hemp x Duroc and York x Hamp with all test information reasonably priced. Fully guaranteed, Call Bob Robinson Walton 345 2317. 38 41 STOCKER SALE 1000 HEAD at Hensall Livestock Sales Ltd. on SATURDAY, OCT. 5 AT '1 w00 P.M. Consisting of: Steers, Heifers and Calves FOR INFORMATION CALL: Victor Hargreaves Clinton - 402.7511 Barry Miller Exeter - 235-2717 Klrkton - 229.6205 Gregory Hargreaves Hensall 262-2619 or 262-2831 Auctioneer: Larry Gardiner Real Estate Ltd. Broker Clinton Phone: 482-9371 Residence: 523-9338 10 ACRES: Good brick home and utility barn, Hullett Twp, FOR SALE OR RENT. , 21/2 ACRES: 3 bedroom brick home; like new throughout, Hullett Twp., adjacent. to Wildlife Sanctuary, 94 ACRES; 55 workable, on south Maitland River, no buildings. 200 ACRES: 160 workable, good buildings, Auburn area. 130 ACRES: Maitland Con., Colborne Twp., 100 workable, 1 floor bungalow, new.barn equipped for cattle and sows Good har• dwopd bush. 95 ACRES:'90 workable, excellent cropland, near Clinton, 4 ACRES: near Clinton, 1 floor home, garage and small barn, very neat hobby farm. 100 ACRES: E.• Wawonosh, modern home. Auburn area. 43 ACRES: Hwy. No. 4 near Belgrave, good brick home and frame barn'. 125 ACRES: 60 workable. 22 hardwood bush, large brick home, near Blyth. Blyth creek crosses property. • LONDESBORO: 1 floor brick bungalow, paved drive, double garage, excellent con• dition, CLINTON: Albert 'St., 4 bedroom, 2 floor frame home, F.A, oil heat,. LONDESBORO: 1900 sq. ft. ranch home, at7 tached garage, inground pool, very modern. VANASTRA: 1 floor home, finished basement, electric heat, 27 Regina Rd. BLYTH: Large brick home orh( double lot neor the arena and shopping area, • WORKMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. VANASTRA - 1'/, storey house, vinyl sided, 3 -bedrooms, full basement, recently renovated.' 28,000,00, 2 STOREY BRICK DUPLEX - 3 bedro,om & 2 bedroom, good location, large garage as additional income. 2 OR 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, well insulated very good condition reasonably priced Vanastra. REDUCED! - Duplex with two 2 bedroom apartments needs some work Asking '23.000.00 2 OR 3 BEDROOM, 'TUDOR -STYLE COT- TAGE - Only 3 years old Bluewater Beach Ask ing'32 900 00 • ' HENSALL - 2' 7 storey brick home, beautifully finished, must be seen. 4 BEDROOM HOME near the hospital nice lot, lots of room, carport. 529.500.00, 3 BEDROOM - 1' , storey house in Vanastra, $17,500.00. 11/2 STOREY BRICK HOUSE in Blyth, ideal for bed & breakfast or 2 apartments. 5 ACRES, ON THE HIGHWAY - 5 bedroom house, or good building site with drilled well. NICE 15 ACRES NEAR CLINTON - Lott• of privacy house & born BEAUTIFULLY RENOVATED 2 storey brick house on 10 acres 2 steel sheds Auburn area. 80 ACRES near Bayfield with cottage. could be residence, bush & workable land, MOBILE HOME at 5 Season's Park LAVER QUOTA, 5909 on 75 acres 'Split level home GODERICH • Loi,mercial zoned office and residence complex clear the Squore AT THE EDGE OF TOWN, modernized 1', storey house and shop with heat & hydro. INDUSTRIAL ZONED 5 000 sq. ft building in Vonastra. WORKABLE ACREAGE & BUSH, aver iron• tage, near Auburn 175 HURON ST. cozy 3 bedroom home, treed lot, VANASTRA - 3 bedroom with many extras. Call for details, Rose Workman, Clinton 482-3455