HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1985-09-25, Page 52Page 22 Regional Value Spotter, eptember 25, 1985 Let food be your medicine (NC) — "Let food be your medicine, and medicine your food," said Hippo- crates. However, when Hippo- crates handed down his ad- vice, the family's food was unadulterated by preserva- tives, refining processes, or chemical additives. Since that time people have been adding supple- ments to their food. Euro- pean women used to place iron nails in apples for a few hours before eating the fruit. They believed this gave them rosy cheeks. The Hopi Indians burned corn leaves, then added the mineral -rich ash t6i tortil- las, while the Pima tribes added a pinch of limestone to their flour as a nutri- tional supplement. • With today's technology and testing procedures we know a great deal about the nutrients in foods and, in theory, we can get needed vitamins and minerals from three balanced meals daily. A balanced diet can be planned by selecting foods from four primary areas — meat, fish, and poultry, fruit and vegeta- bles, cereals and grains, and dairy products. However, studies of diets reveal that most people do not eat well-planned meals. YOUR VERY GOOD HEALTH Dr. Allan Sornersall Since the turn of the cen- tury refined white flour, re- fined sugar, and marbel- ized red meat have become staples in the North Ameri- can .diet. Our insistence on • refined foods means our diets are high in fats and sugars, and low in"vitamins and minerals. In addition, millions of people are on diets and con- suming Less than 2,000calo- ries a day, making it impost sible for them to gain all the needed nutrients. Therefore, nutritional supplementation has been on the increase. People from all walks of life are be- coming more knowledge- able about nutrition —from the condition of the soil from which our food comes, to its preparation, presenta- tion, consumption, and ef- fect upon our bodies. Store shelves are heavy with nutritional supple- ments from a variety of manufacturers and the con- sumer needs awareness of quantities and ingredients. Natural substances are preferable to synthetic, for the natural ingredients are accompanied by trace nu- trients, such as other vitam- ins, minerals, enzymes, co- enzymes and o- enzymes.and flavonoids. Dr. Allan Somersall is Spe- cial Consultant to Shaklee Canada. If you have any questions on nutrition or diet call Shaklee at 1-800-263- 9138. For fine Fashions and Accessories, Children's wear, Furniture, China and Linens, Shop Kingsmills. Serving London for over 120 years Hours: Mon. - Sat. 9:30 - 5:30 Fri. till 9, (KINCISNIES 130 Dundas St.,Downtown London 432-7111 or 1-800-265-1500 010.) hatnbuxger. Pala and french fries are a, On farni,Esr meals or snacks for teenagers. Couple these types of meals with break- fasts of coffee and sweet rolls, and it adds up to an inadequate diet that may hinder the development of an adolescent's full biologi- cal potential. The,second decade of life is one of dramatic physical change and emotional tran- sition., It's. a • decade in which the adolescent estab- lishes the food habits he or she will carry through life. Unfortunately, teen- agers give little thought and pay even less attention 640, Dr. Allan Sornersall to their nutritional needs. Generally their diets supply fats, sugars and a modicum of protein; plus a lot of empty calories. And on the whole theedon't get an adequate supply, of vi- tamins and minerals. As parents we attempt to instill good eating habits in our children, but our influ- ence wanes with the ons- laught of adolescence. The approval of a teenager's peers lo prabpbly the single most influential factor in. their dietary habits. Furthermore, over- weight female adolesce are vulnerable to the attr tions of crash diets, whic creates its own set of health problems. Growing bodies need the support of every essential nutrient td meet the de- mands of rapid physical growth and increased activity. Nutritional deficiency may not show up for many years — diabetes, hypo- glycemia, heart and liver disfunction — and one area of protection lies in thesens- ible use of food supple- ments during the final years of growth. Vitamins and minerals are the build- ing blocks to the develop- ment of healthy tissue and convert food into enerky. As parents, it is our -re- sponsibility to, instill in our children the importance and necessity of good nutrition.