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Exeter Times, 1903-5-14, Page 2
CANADIAN saaGT j wI ARLIE ROSS 11' 'rROV.BL:S III. sor.rrB A 'RICA. 13te Is Wanted by the Brakele War Ofieee on a Serious Charge. Major -Charlie Rose, the famous Canadian scout, who served with distinction throughout the South Afr•iean war, is in disgrace, says the Nelson, (13. C.} Daily News. He is accused: al selling Government pro- perty,and a warrant for his arrest has been issued by the authorities of the British War Office. Ross, how- ever, has escaped across the Por- tuguese border, and is for the pre- sent evading the stern justice of the Iiriish military. MUSTARD ROIL THE BRAIN. Girls who value a good complex- ion and cheerful spirits aro advised to eat plenty of spinach. It eon - tains salts et potassium . and iron, and other wholesome ingredients, The iron in it is easily assimilated. A 'vegetable not generally made mucin of by housewives, because it is among the less expensive loads, it is put in first place by the food experts, and should be more gener- ally used. People troubled with poor esemories are' urged to eat mustard, The seed of the mustard plant is credited with very quickening, liven- ing properties, said to have direct inflames on those brain -cells that have to do with forgetting and re- mernbering. Nervous folks ought to partake often of cheese, which acts as a sedative. They should beware of eating cheese to excess, however, as it is a tax on the digestion. Implicated in the transactions which have brought shame upon the once famed soldier area number of ether young Canadians well known in Ontario circles. Altogether, since the close of the last campaign and the disbanding of the irregular col- onial corps which took so active and gallant a part in the recent war, the Canadians who elected to remain be- hind in South Africa seem to be do- ing their best to bring discredit on their native land. From the record ie;eiltly established they have been succeeding. The astounding story, which implicates members of some well-known Eastern families, was only leeon'tly received here from an officer once commander of D Squad- ron of the Canadian .,cents, and now on the staff of the Transvaal Government Railway. It appears that amongst the ofIl- ce 's of his own corps, K., Major Ross held an unenviable reputation as a libertine, and maintained it openly. He delighted to shock Ms companions by advocating the worst forms of Mormonism, and when tell- ing his camp -life yarns claimed to have been married several times in Utah some years ago. As an early result of Ross' actions, officers of the Canadian scouts wore forced to give up their Pretoria regimental club house. WHOLESALE LOOTING. His fellow -officers had, to quote the military official at Pretoria re- ferred to, for a long time been con- vinced that he had been doing away with a large number of cattle and horses belonging to the Government, but his position of commanding offi- cer kept him safe. His private loot when on trek often amounted to a wagon load, and sometimes a great deal more. He managed to get it to Pretoria, where it was stored by his many female admirers'. Pianos, eariiages, wagon loads of female ap- parel, saddles, and live stock all went the same way. When the regi- ment was disbanded last June no one could undo: stand the action of the military authorities in keeping the matter quiet when they could not possibly have helped knowing 'what 'was going on. The prevailing opin- :on is that it was to give Ross an opportunity to get away without the icanclal that would undoubtedly have provoked a fresh host of complaints on the part of the pro -Boers con- cerning the cruelty of the British troops. Ross evidently seised 'the opportun- ity given, for he has for some time been moving his Stock and all his ill-gotten possessions northward to- wards Portuguese territory. At last, however, the British authorities de- termined to take action, and about a month ago Tindall and Mortimer, a leading Preto, is firm of lawyers, were instructed by the Crown to pre- pare a case against him, and issue papers for his immediate arrest. IN PORTUGUESE TERRITORY. Major Roes got wind of ...the turn affairs had taken in time to work his way across into Portuguese ter- ritory, and when the constabulary arrived in hot pursuit they found that he had escaped. A number of civilians are mixed up in the charges, and two of them, Americans, have been arrested. War- rants have also been issued against two Canadian subalterns, who went from Montreal to take coulinisbions as scouts and who, after the regi- ment was disbanded, commenced farming under conditions of their grant. They continued to be con- nected in a measure with military authorities, and their relations gave them opportunity to commence a course of fraud which they have pur- sued .on an extensive scale. They sold illegally Government goods, but were in the end caught by a member of the criminal inves- tigation department of the South African Constabulary dressed in plain clothes. To him they offered to dispose of a number of cattle which had been secured from the C, overninent on the plea that their first stock had died. They were quickly arrested, spent Christmas in jail, and are now, awaiting trial at the approaching spring assizes. Captain King, one of their su- perior officers, who retained his commission, was known to have as- :-isted in the fraudulent course which the Montreal officers have been pur- suing. It appears that he was the Government agent to whom applica- tions had to be made for restitution of dead stock, and, although know- ing that the cattle were being .sold for private gain, he continued to honor the requisitions, even going so far as to share in the spoils. He was reselitly asked to resign his com- mission, and will probably appear in court with the others. The above are hut a few examples L^ criminal r t of the actions u , incl . p by fel ieer Oi nerlian alma which have tends heele, it.ih1ging the naine oi' Calle ada into discredit in South Africa. Fevered „others are in serious trou- ble, notably a lieutenant of C Squadron, Canadian Scouts. He, too, has been selling Government dealing' almost tyholcisalo IYrnp,:,•,.,, t. in lttii'Se9 nisd nrule5, The Mance of tilt' elfhcol•s Mention- ed above 'ilia in possession of your correspondent, but are withhold for the prc.,aent; est the rawest of mili- tary friends. S•pinks -- "What made bine so mad? Winks - "He told his wife she had no judgment, and she just looked him over critically from head to foot and said she was beginning to realize it." 4- , HEART DISEASE. A Trouble Much. More Common Than Is Generally Supposed, A healthy person does not feel the heart at all. 1f the heart inakes it- self felt it is a sure sign of some one of the ninny phases of heart trouble. Some of the symptoms of heart trouble are shortness of breath, trembling of the hands, vio- lent throbbing or fluttering of the heart, sharp spasms of pain, oppres- sion on the chest, dizziness and clammy sweating, irregular pulse, and the alarming. palpitation that is often felt most in the head or at the wrists. Of course people sulfuring from heart trouble haven't all these symptoms, but if you have any of thein it is a sign of heart trouble and should not be negleeted for a moment. Most of the troubles affecting' the heart are caused by anaemia, indi= gestion or nervousness, and when any of these causes lie at the root of the trouble it can be surely cured by the use or Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. You mustn't trifle with com- mon medicines, and above all you shouldn't further weaken your heart by using purgatives. You must cure your heart disease through the blood with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. You can easily see why this is the only way to save yourself. The heart drives your blood to all parts of the body. Every drop of your blood flows through your heart. If your blood is thin or impure your heart is bound to be weak and dis- eased; if your blood is pure, rich and healthy, it will naturally make your heart sound and strong. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills actually make: new, rich, red blood. And that new, rich, red blood strengthens; your stomach, stimulates your liver, soothes your nerves and drives out. of your system all the disorders that helpedv- to disturb your heart. This has been proved in thousands of cases. Here is a case in point. Mr. Adelard .Lavoie, St. Pacoine, Que., says: "For nearly three years I was greatly troubled with a weak heart, and in constant fear that my eand would come at any time; the least exertion would overcome me; my heart would palpitate violently and I would sometimes have a feel- ing of suffocation. I was under the care of a doctor, but did not get re- lief, and eventually my condition became so bad that I had to dis- continue work. While at my worst a. neighbor advised me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I did so, and they simply worked wonders in my case. I used only half a dozen boxes when I was able to return to my work, strong and healthy, and I have not since had any sign of the old trouble." 'Rte would again impress upon those who are ailing that they must get the genuine pills with the full name, "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People," on the wrapper around every box, Sold ,by all dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by writing to the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. 4 Cheerful Widow - "Why so dis- mal?" Future Husband - "I am afraid our wedding trip will take all the cash I've saved up," "What of it? A wedding trip only hap- pens once in five or six years." b A BLESSING TO CHILDREN. Strong words, but truthful, and the experience of a mother who has thoroughly tested the value of Baby's Own Tablets. Giving her experience with the use of this me- dicine, Mrs. Geo, Hardy, of Four- che, N. S., writes: "I have used Baby's Own Tablets and find then] a blessing to children, and I am not satisfied without a box in the house at all times." These Tablets cure all the minor troubles of babyhood and childhood, They are prompt and effective in their action, and are guaranteed. to contain no opiate or harmful drug, They always do good - they cannot possibly do harm. Good-natured, healthy child- ren are found in all homes where Baby's Own Tablets are used. You can get these Tablets from any drug- gist, or by mail at 25 cents a box by writing direct to the Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co,, Brockville, Ont. POINTED PARAGRAPHS, When you hear a man coir plain be- cause there is "nothing cloi'ag'.' the elft nepe oxo hc'e ionrl of d•dng notl;- int;:, Some people waste all ti eir sym- pathy on others instead of reserving a few closes for their own trials and tribulations, lir'le bitterly "My parents literally sold me to you." Hubby (more bitterly) --- "You needn't twat inc with my unfortunate financial investment." 19-03 Sunlight Soap will not injure your blankets or harden them. It will wake them soft, white and fleecy. tf. 7B filatfltoba Northwest theses r Laius THE C.SEAT PRAIRIE INVfSTM511T SUBPART, (Limited), ]Winnipeg, have opened an office for vale of their stock and Manitoba and lk'orthwest land, at 71 Victoria •treet. The Manager, Mr. J. J. i3orobank, will bo pleased to give any information to intending pur- ehasers or investors in the West, rrther in stock, homesteads, improv- ed or unimproved farms. Prospectus furnished and corres- tondcitce solicited. Men love to hear of their power but dislike to be reminded of their duty. MInard's Liniment for sale everywhere Since 1008 no member of the Royal Fancily leas been Lord Lieu- tenant of Ireland. Minurd's Liniment Cures Dandruff, In after years it makes a man feel sad where he thinks how fresh he used to be. Dr. August Koenig's Hamburg Drops is the oldest and most re- nowned blond purifier and health re- storer in the world. To ensure per- fect health, take Dr. Argust ICoe- nig's Hamburg Drops. 4• PAPER FLOORS. Paper floors are growing in favor in Ge: many. They have no joints to harbor dust, fungi, or vermin, and feel soft under foot. They are also cheap than hardwood floors. The paper is spread in the form of paste, . rolled, and, when dry, . paint- ed to imitate wood. "Bridget," said a young house- keeper, who was somewhat fresh from school, "it would be useless for rue to disguise the fact that your ignorance of grammar is very mark- ed. Let me try to correct you. For instance' Does it sound right for me to say, 'Bridget, you've been a- settin' in the drawin'-room'?" "No, ma'am," said Bridget, frankly, but with evident surprise; "no, ma'am, it don't sound right, but I were only a-settin' there the niather of a half- hour or so wid my cousin Terrence, who is just over. I s'pose the housemaid has been a-tattlin.' " STATS of Onto. CITY OF TOLEDO, i LUCAS COVNTY. 1 Fb FRANK J. CHENEY makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. 0.111...NEY & CO„ doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will puy the sunt of ONE IIUNDICED DOL- LARS for each and every case of CA- TARRH that cannot bo cured by the use of BALL'S CATAILRIL CURL. PRANK J. CHLNBEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, .1.D. 18,i6. SEAL A. W. GLEASON, A'cum, Public Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Inter- nally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, Send for testimonials, free. F. I. CHENEY & 00., Toledo, O. mold by all Druggists, 750. Hall's Family Pills aro the best. Yes, Cordelia, marriage is a help to some 'nee. It inakes them think a little more and talk much less. Fur Ortr sixty Years. Ac Oi.D AND WELT:TRIED REMEDY. - Airs Winslow, . oothingSyrup has been used for over sixty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect succuss. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the bast. remedy for DlarrInea• Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the word. Twenty -tire cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable, Be sure and ask for hers. Winslow's Soothing Syrup and take no other kind. 1.19 Most of the cheaper padlocks used all the world over -come from South Staffordshire, England.. Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, etc' When a woman nudges you with her elbow it is equivalent to saying "I told you so." Oil City, Feb. 5, 1903. Massey -Maris Co., Limite'sl, Toronto, Ont. Gentlemen. --Please send me one of your 1903 catalogues of farm ma- chinery. I have used no machinery that gives as much satisfaction as Massey -Harris. There seems 'to be a shoddy liking better en some people and the bright side of life. att Ceylon Tea Is the finest Tea the world prochsces, and is wild t,nly an lead packets. Black, !Mixed and Green. 'apan tea drinkers try "Salads" Green tea, t -i TRAINING HORSES. However little credit a horse may commonly receive for possessing deli- cavy of scent, there aro some per- fumes grateful to trine. Horse train- ers are aware of the fact, and make use of their knowledge in training stubborn and apparently intractable animals. Many trainers have favor- ite perfumes, the composition of which they keep a secret; and it is the possession of this means of ap- pealing to the horse's aestheticism that enables so many of them to ac- complish such wonderful results. C}YliiCK UPON THIEVES. The Christiania police have hit up- on a characteristic method of keep- ing a control over the proceedings of prole signal thieves. Each of these gentry has re:eived a nunibor and is now required' to report himself at ]east twice a day at headquarters. fly this time the chief constable is speedily able to satisfy himself whe- ther the members of the fraternity are "in town," or whethe•, as fre- quetitly happens, they have made an e :cum cion beyond the city precincts to attend to a "job." Benin, which only four years ago was the worst center of fetish wor- ship and human sacrifice in the world, has now a club and a golf- gro und. Three Stomachs on a Week's Vacation. Eat, drink and be merry while giving the digestive apparatus a healing, wholesome rest 1 It can bo done by the use of DR. VON STAN'S PINEAPPLE TABLETS. Pineapple will digest meat in a dish at 103°. The rest cure is the best c -e, the only cure for dyspep- sia. That's the whole story except that the large tablets digest food, the small ones tong up the digestive apparatus. -Price 35 cents. Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder; opens a new tunnel in a choked up nostril and lines it with a new mem- brane. In ten minutes will relieve cold or catarrh or cure the most obstinate headache. A quick cure - safe cure -not a slow remedy. 17. t-£ 1 He who never seeks his opportun- ity will never fwd it. DR. EAMIVLOND'S OPINION. Expert Testimony on Wheeling- The Revival. Dr. Hammond, one of New York's most foremost physicians, and' an active member of the New York Ath- letic Club, was recently interviewed by a representative of the New York press, and asked his opinion as to the merits of cycling as exercise. The doctor stated very decidedly that he considered it absolutely the best possible, if taken with discretion. He of course excluded all persons with very weak hearts, or people -of extremely delicate constitutions, but said that nearly every patient go- ing through his hands rode a bicycle when convalescent, and that it was remarkable what progress they made towards health. In Canada there has been an un- precedented revival in wheeling, and it can be traced to no better cause than to the introduction of the Hy- gienic Cushion Frame. To use the words of the advertiser, "It is to wheeling what the `Pullman' is to railroading," and these words put the argument in the proverbial nut- shell. It allows the rider to hold a uniform position, while the wheels accommo'clate themselves to the roatlbeil. It has made bicycling an absolutely pleasant and healthy form of outing. "Massey -Harris," "Cleveland," "Brantford" and "Per- fect" bicycles have this cushion frame. Necessity keeps a man from get- ting rusty. 5;h :?t0.it Wee r g . 'ifl * r ; ;hofs#,, '4 ALUAI3LD IN VENICE. III Venire water is sarirewhat of a luxury, as the inhabitants have to depend upon the rains, and there is no company for supplying the city, The water for thinking and domestic uses ie collected in sttbtorl'anean re- servoirs, where it is said to be fil- toted. It is doled out at the public ,yell , whish are opened ono flour daily for that purpose, and they aro carefully locked up. Spitzbergon is one of the few countries as yet unclaimed by any nation. Anyone may dig the coal found in the cliffs there. ST, TN01Y[AS NAN GIVES ADVISE. TELLS HIS FRIENDS TO USE DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS FOR KIDNEY PAINS, Lew Dake Well -Known Hotel -keep- er Gives His Experience With Canada's Great Kidney Remedy. St. Thomas, Ont., April 20.- (Spe-cial.)-Everybody in St. Thomas and the surrounding country knows Lew Dake, proprietor of the Dake House and ono of this railway center's most popular citizens and many people know that for years he was the victim of a very aggravated form of Kidney Disease, To -day he is a sound, healthy man, Ile used Dodd's Kidney Pills. Speaking of the matter recently, 71Ir. Dake said' "I had been troubled for over five years with my Kidneys and pains in my back. Nothing I used could give me any relief till finally on the advice of a friend I started to use Dodd's Kidney Pills. "Ihy the time I had finished one box t' pains and Kidney Disease was guts. That is over five years ago now, and as I have had no re- turn of the trouble since, I think I am safe in concluding that the euro was permanent. "I advise all my friends who are troubled in the same way to use Dodd's Kidney Pills." Dodd's Kidney Pills cure all stages of Kidney Disease from Pain. in the. Back to Bright's Disease. About 90,000 tons of butter is made yearly in the United King- dom. Lifebuoy Soap --disinfectant - is! strongly recommended by the medi-i cal profession as a safeguard against' infectious diseases. 4 In order to be sure you are right you must go ahead and find out. Treherne, Jan. 6, 1902. Massey -Harris Co., Limited, Winnipeg, Man. Gentlemen. -It gives me very much pleasureto inform you that the. No. 4 Binder which 1 purchased from your Agent here last summer has given the very best of satistfac'tion, 'doing its work to perfection and drawing light very much lighter than I expected. My crop was very heavy, and some of it very badly drown, but your binder did its work splendid. I had no trouble what- ever. I hope you will sell lots of binders for 1903 and save my bro- ther farmers lots of trouble. I wish you every success. R. M. FERRIS. The armies of Europe now, absorb yearly three days' earnings of the entire population. Minard's Liniment Believes Neuralgia -T• Britain's public debt is first men- tioned in the national accounts in the year 1694. scan.Jaox Port Mulgrave, June 6, 1897. C. C. RICHARDS & CO, Dear Sirs. - MINARD'S LITI- MENT is my remedy for colds, etc. It is the best liniment I have ever used. MILS JOSIAH HART. 7-59 The Emperor T'ountain at Chats- worth is the loftiest in England. The jet rises to a height of 267 feet. 4TI'NE S S At Raven Lake Siding, new Victoria Road, Ont. Apply at works, or at lattice, 16 Kin ST. WEST, TORONTO. 0.20 Raven Lake Portland Cement Co., Limited. YOUR OVEROOATo and faded Suits would look bolter dyed. If no agent of ours in your town, write direct Montreal, Box 158, BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO. Montreal. 1-44 Ace ; . A' n is the greatest remedy in ihe world for all bodily for which An external remedy may be used'.• l'rlce, 25d and 50c. T aMMT&M .a•'ktit!r wgt. m t' '1}•t•KW! &;?tt`em`'t". t-% BE CO DS • Latest Novelties, all styles. Correspondence invited, Ian - close 2c stamp for circular. riNE UNIVERSAL SPECIALTY. CO., p. 0, Box 1142, Montreal. 6-57 Dominion Line Steamships Montreal to Liverpool. Poston to Liver. pool. Portland to Liverpool. Via Queens. town. Largo and ]Past Steamships, Superior accommodation for all alarms of passengers. Saloons and Staterooms are amidships. Specialattentionhas been given to the Second Saloon and Third -Class accommodation, Por ratesof Passage and all particulars, apply 16 any want Utile Company, or Rickards ;Mills s Clo, 1). Torrance 50a. 77.State St, Boston. Montreal and Portland, tr4I` r• fi jnE sit'.+.:' .:, elatef,iretettt 4f •"54 A CHANCE FOR CLEVER PEOPU : rt It should be easy for people who drink delicious Blue Ribbon Roc, Label Tea to say something that will induce their friends to try it Twenty-five cash Prizes will be awarded in order of merit to those sending in the best advertisements for Blue Ribbon Red Label Tea. First Prize - • Second Prize Third Prize - - + 4th to I3th Prizes, $Io.00 each 14th to 25th, $5.00 each W eve $2ao.00 xoo.00 • 40.0o Io0'oo 6o.00 $500.00 In addition, beginning with the week ending April 4, a special weekly prize of $5.00 will be given to the one sending in the best advertisement during that week, making for the nine weeks $45,00 in special prizes, or a grand total of thirty-four cash prizes, $545 - ND X'rli 0 N 545. NDX'Tli0N 1st. No professional ad. writer, nor anyone connected directly or indirectly with the Blue Ribbon Tea Company may compete. 2nd. Advertisements must not contain more than 5o words, and shorter ones are. preferable, 3rd. One of the cards used in packing Blue Ribbon Red Label;Tea-there are two in each package -must be enclosed 14th each batch of advertise- ments sent. 4th. The competition closes June 1, 1903, and all competing advertisements must reach one of the following addresses on or before that date. Blue Ribbon Blue $Uabben Blue IFLabbon Tea Co., Winnipeg, Man. Tea Co., Toronto, Ont. Tea Co., Vancouver, ' ;.C. 5th. No person shall be awarded more than one of the main prizes, but may also take one or more weekly prizes. 6th. In case of a tic, decision well be based on all the advertisements submitted by the competitors in question. Mr. 1.1. M. E. Evans, of the Winnipeg Telegram, has kindly consented to judge the advertisements and award prizes. 11x21 advree-tioesnerato that ffaik to win si prize, but which aro good eno-rag3a to be accepted for publicatiosa will bo paid for at the rate of $1.00 each. Unless expressly requested to the contrary, we will consider ourselves at liberty to publish the names of prize winners. A good advertisement should be truthful and contain an idea brightly and forcibly expressed. A bona fide signed letter with address and date from one who has tested the tea, is a good form. An advertisement for an article of food should not associate with it, even by contrast, any unpleasant idea. The best advertise - meat is the one that will induce the most people to try the article advertised. Seen. y©uar Inspiration in a Cup of Blase RabFoon ]toed Label Tea and the Money is yours. .14.4Sgf.'',x A-al fS i f S43t `," Sw vtri MtaStit r'S irr4, »4ck ;1 t -L That label is only put on the best paints made-Ramsay's Paints. We make thele and guaran- tee them for value, strength, beauty, durability and economy. Send post card mentioning this paper and we'll send our booklet showing how some beautiful homes have been painted with our paints. A. RAMSAY & SON, Paint makers, • ltiOlidTLFBAL.. >'ietd. ass. 14-26 High Carbon Lateral Wire and Heavy Hard Vertical Dere Not the cheapest but the most quality for the money. If your Dealer does not keep LAMB FEE%1CB write us direct. ;The R. R. LAMB FENCE 00., Limited, London, Ont 117STrataxalacs eat eh cr. ismeraor...taltaasodassa Any quantity of dry, mixed woe d• suitable for brick burning, fcr surly delivtry. State rash l,. Price, f.o. your sa ion. Address, 81111F80N BRICKCO, 1 Toronto St,, Toronto. Tele- phone Main 707. 7-19 Ins truments, Drums, Uniforms, Etc. EVERY TOWN CAN HAVE A OANH Lowest prices ever quoted. Finn catalogue. 600 ittnstrations, mailed free. Write us for any- thing In Atonic or Sinatra' Instrurttouts. WHHALEY ROYCE & CO., Limited, Toronto, Oat., and Winnipeg, Man, 1s20 ORANGES Li;iiONS We have Mexicans, WIi California Navels, HAVE Valencias ' and THE Sevilles, • BEST Carload every week. All the above at Market prices. We can also handle 3•our Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Maple Syrup and other produce to advan- tage for you. • NE DAWSON COMMISSION CP,, Limited,, Cor„ Wast Market et„ TOilOi'TO, 1 45 ' 111 JT BONK BIN WE OWN A NUMBER Of issues of Govern- ment 'and Municipal debenturespurohased after thorough expert investigation. F o r people who want an absolutelysure invest- ment they oannot be excelled. We ha*Cs other good Bonds yielding attractive in- terest rates -as high as G par cont. WR TE FOR LIST. DOMIN0011 SECURITIES Corporation,_ Limited, 20 King 8t. East, Toronto, ttcrt,.gym 1, I ^ r _. . 13-25