HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1985-09-25, Page 16A 1., 1 LASSIFIED (1. Articles for sale YOU CAN GET your out -of -Canada Medical In- surance at C.A.A. Travel Agency, 7 Rattenbury St., Clinton. Phone 482.9300.-4441r HANK'S SMALL ENGINES - Hwy. 4, Londesboro, 523-9202. Dealer for Conadiana and Bolens Lawn and Garden Equipment and snowblowers, Weedeater Trimmers, Poulan Chainsaws, Badger Farm Equipment. Service to all •small engines. - 20tf KITCHEN CUPBOARD. Reface your old cupboard instead of replacing it. Save up to 60 percent. Leading manufacturer is having a clearance sale of certain styles. Package includes door, drawer fronts, handles, hinges, backing, laminate, valance and knick knack shelves. Regularly $1995.00 clearing at $995.00. Call 1.800.-265- 8142. 390 JOHN DEERE 68 rider, 8 hp with 34" mower, $849.00; John Deere 111 lawn tractor, 11 hp, 38" mower, $1,795.00; John Deere 316 L & G tractor, 16 hp. hydrostatic drive, hydraulic lift, 48" mower, $3,495.00; MTD 16 hp L & G tractor, 48" mower, $1,295.00;, John Deere 317 L 8 G tractor, 17 hp. hydro drive, hydraulic lift, 48" mower, I $3,995.00: Glenn Guest, Huron Tractor Ltd., Ex• eter, Ontario. 235.1115,- 38,39ar . TROY•BILT TILLERS now on sale, powered wheels, rear tine. 20% off plus dealer bonus savings. Buy before September 30, factory authorized dealer, Huron Tractor Ltd., Exeter and Blyth. 38,39ar 1976 GOLD WING. fully dressed, new exhaust', and back tire. $2000. or best offer. 482.3339 days, 482-5355 evenings. • 38,39 WE BUY AND SELL used towers and antennas. Bowes Electr.onic Shop, Hamilton St„ Blyth: 523- 4412. 38,39ar FIREWOOD: $28,00. Phone 4827425. - 39tf • RENOVATING? We have 6 older style wooden porch pillars for sale, one in quesitionable condi- tion. the rest gsod. All six for $75.00. Call 524- 9338 after 6 p.m. 24tfnx • 1983 HONDA V45 Sabre motorcycle. 750 cc only 12,000 kms. Excellent condition:.Call 524- 6637. 25tfnx - WEEKLY SPECIALS! See our ad in "FOCUS" Clin- ton Boxed Meats just off Hwy. 4 north of Clinton. 1 ' ,, mile south of Londesboro, watch for our sign., Call collect 523.9508. 42tf6r HALF SLIP for under wedding dress, size 12-14, layer of netting with taffeta overlay for A-line style dress'. New $50., asking $25. Phone 482 3514 after 5 p.m. 341f CUCUMBERS FOR PICKLING:,All sizes avdilable. • Located'5 miles east of Clinton on Hwy. 8. Please phone before 9 or after 4.. John Segeren 482- 9217. 3739 VISSCHER FARMS: Cauliflower $6.50'doz., Broc- coli $11 a ci1se, apples $7 bu„ also apple cider, peaches, brussels sprouts, kale, cabbage, potatoes, onions, etc. 3 miles west of Exeter, Hwy. 83. Open daily'9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Closed•Sun- da.ys. Phone 237-3442. 38tfar AIRTIGHT COOKSTOVE; Large firebox holds fire 24 hours. Efficient downdraft burn is easy to con. trot. We have stoves in every province in Canada. Selling,direct from the manufacturer to you. Cook your meals, bake your bread & heat your home. Information Kit $1..00. Suppertirne Stoves, R.R. 4, Aylmer. Ontario. N5H2R3,, 390 USED SKATES: Size 2. '6' -. and. 8, Bauer 100. Phone 482 ,9941 after 6 p.m. 39ar • THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD -THE B]L,YTH STANDARD -THE BAYFIELD BUGLE ('ltntori News -Recoil CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES & DATA DEADLINES: Classified Word Ads Tuesday Noon Display Advertising ... Tuesday 4:00 p.m. CLASSIFICATIONS 1 Articles for sale 2 Yard sale 3 Garage sale 4 Antiques for sale 5 Cars for solo 6 Trucks for sale 7 R,V.'s for sole 8 Morino 9 Automotive 10 Pets for sale 12 Real estate for sale 13 Mobile homes 14 Recreational properties 15 Out of town properties 16 For runt 17 Apartments for rant 18 Houses for ront 19 Rooms for rent 20 Room & board 21 Cottages for ront 22 Lots for rent 23 Commercial property for rent 47 Cards of thanks 24 Wanted to rent 25 Wanted to buy 26 Help wanted 27 Wanted igenerol) 2B Business opportunity 29 Tenders 30 Employment wanted 31 Service directory 34 Personal 35 Notice to creditors 36 Announcements 37 Mortgages 38 Auction sale 39 Educational 40 Lost & Found 41 To give away 42 Deoth notice 43 Births 44 Engagements 45 Marriages 46 In memoriam 505 DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT WHEN PLACING AD OR IF PAID WITHIN ONE WEEK AFTER THE PAPER DATE. PHONE 482-3443 MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 9:00 a.m. to 5'p.m. For Television from Around The World Call: LARRY FISHER 524-9595 ,J„I 11111 11t11 AM, -.. SATELLITE SYSTEM SPECIAL. 10' Fiberglass dish 15 yr. warranty) Polar Mount Unldan 1000 Receiver 99 100 Dove° L.N.A. Polarotor 5,• SATELLITE SYSTEM SPECIAL 6' Perforated Dish Rainbow 7000 Receiver $ 59n and more Completely installed • • Monthly Leasing Available • Home Demonstrations Value for your money - Backed by Service TV 8. STEREO SYSTEMS. SALES & SERVICE L & A SOUTHWEST SATELLITE Call Day or Night., 524-9595 1. Articles for sale GUN BARGAINS: Save up to 40%, subscribe to "THE GUNRUNNER". The Canadian • monthly newspaper listing hundreds of new used, modern/antique fireorms for sale or trade. Subscription: $15 per year. Gunrunner, Box 565T, Lethbridge,. Alta. T1J 3Z4. Sample copy $1.50. -390 - TWO PAIR hockey skates: one pr. size 4, Bauer Junior S.upremes; one pr. size 2, Microns. 565- 2731, ---39 • - HOCKEY SKATES for sale: CCM Sport Pro, men's size 8"2: Bauer Special PR95, men's size- 7; Munari moulded • body, men's. • size 8. 482- 3814. •-39,40 Attention 4RI Formers ANIMAL TRAPS: Conibear, Longspri.ng, C,pilspr- ing, Snares, Lures, Books. Lowest „prices: Satisfaction guaranteed. Free Catalogue. Trapp- ing booklet $2. Milton Trapping•.Supplies,-.Dept. C2, 'R.R. 2, Milton, Ont. L9T..2X6. 1-(416) 828- 9198.--390 AMAZING'NEW Dill ion MKIII Gas Welding Torch! .Welds 8 cuts aluminum, stainless steel, and. cast iron. The revolutionary new gas -mixing chamber redAs oxidation; distortion., slag; use of flux & fuel consumption is cut 50 • 70%. A better torch and we can prove it! Eurotech Welding Equip- ment Ltd., 2481 Islington Ave,,, Rexdale, Ont. M9W 3X9. (416) 742.732,1. Dealer inquil ies welcome.: -•390 . CLOCK MOVEMENTS 1 .-4, 56.95, 5 • 24 55.50, 25 - 99 55.00,, 100 $4,40. Westminster •Chime Pen- dulum $19.95. Numerals, Faces. Free catalogue, Marco Soles, 8836 Selkirk; Vancouver. B.C. V6P 4J8.(604)261-4245. 390 • BUILDINGS priced below wholesale, Final inven• 'tory clearance. Various sizes available. All steel. • Ten to twenty year warranty. Limited' stock available. Act Now and Save f No reserves held. Coll 1-800-387-8130 or (4,16) 828.6262. -• 390 WATER'PROBLEMS: New technology - eliminates chemicals, iron bacteria & coliform bacteria, staining, odour, iron, manganese, hardness, bpd taste and more -. fully automatic, tested and p ven in over 10,000 rural installations. No messy chemicals, no taste or smell of chlorine. FREE 6 month' trial offer. See the results for yourself. If you want Better Water for Better Country Living Call Toll Free • 1-800-268-2656 or write Aztec Water Purification Systems, 203-1030 Kamato Road, Mississauga, Ontario. L4W 486. 390 • • PIANOS: 'Granas, apartment -size, uprights, players. 't'(ew & used. From 5495. Organs: por- tables, from $695. World-famous makes from The Piano & Organ House, Kitchener, Lta: (519) 743-6000. 390 ' USED STEEL adjustable shelving, pallet racking, storage cabinets, Lovers New 8 Used, 254 Adelaide St. South, London. (519) 681 2254. Mon. - Fri„ 9 . 5, Sat. 9 12. 34o HONEY: Number 1 white, in your containers or ours. Honeymead Apiaries, Alec Ostrom 482• 7287, 39.42x B. Custom Work CUSTOM silo filling. Phone Hank Reinink, 523. 9202 or 523-4569.- - 22tfar J.C. ENTERPRISES custom combining. Phone 526- 7523. 38-40 WILL DO custom combining of soybean and corn. Phone 523-9277. 39,40x CUSTOM combining of corn, low rates. Phone 482.3194 before 8 a.m. 39,40 D. Livestock SERVICEABLE AGE Boars - Hemp, Duroc, York, also Hamp x Duroc and'York x Hemp, with all test information, reasonably priced. Fully guaranteed. Call Bob Robinson, Walton. 345- 2317. 38-41 COMPLETE DISPERSAL: Crystal Brook Polled Herefords: Saturday, Oct. 5th, 12 noon. Ron 8 Nadine Wells & Family, R.R. 2, Cargill, Ont. (519) 366.2669. Located 4 miles N.W. of Pinkerton. 390 C & E FURNITURE NEW & USED We Can Offer BETTER PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY 1/2 mile south on Hwy• 21 GODERICH 5247231 Wo even take trades NORM HAMILTON... GOVERNMENT SURPLUS DEALER 524-8602 27 Picton St. East Goderich •40 Legal Size 4 Draw File Cabinets •Office Tables & Chairs & Desks • 12 inch Contractor Saws 610 inch Contractor Saws •6 inch Jointers •14 inch Band Saws *Air Compressors, Air Hoses *Metal Saws •16 Speed Drill Presses, Drill Bits •Wood Lathes 66 inch Bench Grinder •8 inch Bench Grinder *Vises 4-5-6 inch •Wood Clamps, all sizes •Conference Table 8 ft. x 42" •10 Metal Bookshelves THERE'S NO CHEAPER PLACE TO BUY! �6a STOCKER SALE 1000 HEAD at Hensall Livestock Sales Ltd. on SATURDAY, OCT. 5 AT :00 P.M. Consisting of: Steers, Heifers and Calves FOR INFORMATION CALL: Victor Hargreaves Clinton -482-7511 Barry Miller Exeter - 235-2717 KIrkton - 229-6205 Gregory Hargreaves Hensall - 262-2619 or 262-2831 Auctioneer: Larry Gardiner A. For Sale 1973 FEED BLOWER Truck. 1977 Feed Blower Truck. 1976 Dation Mobile Grinder. 471 Detroit Diesel. Excellent condition. Call (416) 957- 3926. --390 Hensall Livestock Sales SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 13:30 P.M. All classes of Livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Hargreaves Clinton - 412-7511 Barry Milier (mister 22S-71717 K t rk ton - 229-6295 Gregory Hargreaves 262-2619 1. Articles for sale E. Farm Services G Sales-SePvit.e-lnstollationT1 •Barn CleJners !Bunk Feeders JJ *Stabling *Manure Conveyors FREE ESTIMATES Donald G. Ives • R.R.2 BLYTH• 887-9024 •LUCKNOW GODERICH•WINGHAM BAYFIEL e 11.YTH � INTON 4 44PSEAFORTH MITCHELL •ZURICH EXETER • STRATFORD rvem�Y r-"' 12. Real estate for 'ale HOUSE FOR SALE in Village of Holmesville, suitable for couple. Close to store, United Church and school. Has Union Gas heater and gas cook stove. Modern bathroom and doors. New sun - porch, new roof, drilled well. Large lot, suitable for forge garden. Apply to Mrs. June Porter, R.R. 2, Goderich. N7A 3X8. Phone 524-8002.- 38-39. ONE STOREY frame house to give away in Clin- ton. Must be removed from lot. Phone business hours 482-3493 or evenings 482.7385,-39,40 PIANO SALE. Fall Specials, starting $495 includes delivery. Or refinish, restore,,low rates, We buy pianos. Give name, height. Village Piano, 14 Hampton 'St. Elmira. (519) 669-2280. -390 TREES, EVERGREENS, flowering shrubs, hedging, fruit trees, excellent selection. Baker's Nursery. R.R. 2, Bayfield. 482.9995, .--37-39ar REPAIRS to T.V's, radios, small appliances, video games, electric tool's, etc. Cable T.V.,,convertors. Call after.4 p.m. Larry;s Radio & T.V. Blyth. 523- 4559. -- 37tf MacINTOSH AND CORTLAND apples,'fresh cider, red and white potatoes; .cookies, apple butter, honey, Macintosh $5 bu. and up. Art Bell's Fruit Farm. 524-8037. --39tf • BOYS SKATES: Bauer Supreme Custom 100, size 7: •Good condrtlon • 560.00. Phone 482.9437. 39 • APPLES: Macintosh, Wolfe Rivers, Snows; sweet apple cider. Also, 5 varieties of. squash for sale at ' Don Middleton's. Whitehall Farms.` 482- 9838.--39.42ar BOAT;'motor,' trailer and accessories; 16' canoes, fibreglass dnd cedar strip; pool, table 4' x 8' Brunswick slate; gas -powered woodsplitter.' Phone 524-6417.-.- -39nx COUCH AND CHAIR: Good condition, $10.00; kit- chen table; good working gas'stove. Phone 482- 7369.--- 39 APPLES FOR SALE: Pick your own or already pick- ed. Corner of Varna/Holmesville Rd. Henry Slotegraaf 482-9272. .-39tf ONE ALUMINUM door with closure; quantity of wooden frame windows all different sizes. Pric- ed reasonably.'482.3095. - 39x OVEN STYLE barbecue, 530.00; one pair Rally' rims with F60-14'tires, 560.00 for pair. Phone 482- 9398 after 6 p.m. •39,40 TOP Or THE LINE Roland Bolt 60 guitar amplifier. Excellent condition, with very little use. Worth $675.00 new. Will sell for $475. Also, a Epiphone bass guitar in good condition. Asking 5200.00, Phone 529-7974 after 6 p.m.- 39tfnx SLABS OF HARDWOOD •,by the load, approx• imately'8 cords;'del'ivered'.'Phone 357.2838 or 529-7642.--39.42 CHECKED' RAINCOAT, ' size 42; 2 pair heavy braces. All for 58.00. 527-0422 at noon. 39 AUTOMATIC washing machine. Three programs, heavy duty, white. Asking $300,00. Phone 482. 5315.-- 39 - CUSTOM SILO FILLING with self-propelled Forage Harvester equipped with 3 -Row Narrow Head. Phone - H. LOBE $E SONS LTD. BAYFIELD ROAD -482.3409 - FARMERS Call Lobb's for CUSTOM LIQUID WASTE REMOVAL Lobb's now offers IRRIGATING OF LIQUID MANURE in addition to our TERRAGATORS and TRUCK -MOUNTED HYDRAULIC AGITATION UNIT WITH BOOM capable of handling.rnost types of tonics PUMPING*IRRIGATING SPREADING* HAULING For prompt service, give Lobb's a call N� LOBB i SOMI LTDy ttAYFttI,D rfOAD•487 3,401 APPLES: Macs, Wolfe River, Snows, Kings, Sweets, Cortland, cider apples, cider weekend's. McClymont Orchqrds, Varna, one mile south. 482-3214.-39,40 1982 YAMAHA 250 Exciter, excellent condition. Only 3000 km., bought new in 1984. 5900.00 or best offer. Call 482.9971. -39t< TOMATOES AND BEANS: Pick your ownand ready picked, also large selection of vegetables, Cauliflower, and broccoli in freezer quantities' Garden mums and. gladiolas. Nursery stock now reduced. Cedar trees, pick your own • already. 'dug. Open 7 day's. TE-E•M FARM, R.R. 1, Bayfield. 482-3020. ---39ar HUMANE LIVE TRAPS, cedar fence posts, cedar kindling, red potatoes, wooden clothes harhpers and trapper baskets.' Any size. Phone 482• 3842. • 25eow • CHOICE LEAN BEEF by the -side. Special on hind quarters.. Ready for freezer, government in spected, farmer's prices. Phone krank• Falconer 482-9128.- 15eow • BABY CARRIAGE, good condition 525; doll cradle $15; table saw, stand, 't h.p. motor $125, chrome high choir $12; cuckoo clock $10. Phone 482-3064. 39x K OK 01( GK GK OK GI GIL REALTY & INSURANCE INC. 14 Isaac St. CLINTON OP" 0 2. Yard Sale 482-9747 or482-3721 Bill Counter 482-3687 Hal Hartley 482-3693 MODERN 2 B.R. brick bungalow, elec- tric heat, carport, roofed deck, 2.8 acres near Clinton. Call 6111. UNIQUE - Recent addition to older home has resulted in an exceptional 3 b.r. residence, on a large land- scaped lot: 16 x 24 detached garage. Call Hal or Bill. FRAME, 2 B.R., gas heat, carport, cen- tral, maintenance free exterior; cozy starter. Call Bill. 7 0 7F 0 0 0 0 FRAME. 1'/A storey, 3 b.r., gas heat. attached" garage; well landscaped lot; in the 30's. Call Bill. WE LIST AND SELL Residential - Commercial - Agricultural - Recreational and Seasonal Property WITH OFFICES IN GODERICH CLINTON. EXETER. GRAND BEND O 1.7 0 K.GK 0aK GK GK GK G YARD SALE: Saturday, September 28, 1985 at 90 Raglan St., Clinton from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m, Real bargains. 39x 5. Cars for sale 1978 MERCURY BOBCAT, automatic, one owner, 74,500 km. (46,500 miles) certified, new point job, $2,400.00 or best offer. Phone 482-9398 after 6 p.m. -39,40 1979 OLDS DELTA 88, 4 door, new point, 350 four barrel, clean car. 53700 certified. Also 1971 Pon- tiac Le Mans, 2 door, 6 cyl. Excellent, condition. Rally rims, $1700 certified. 482-7044 after 5 p,m.-38,39 1980 THUNDERBIRD Town Landau, fully loaded. Just married, must sell. Call 482-3431 days or 1- 294-6773 -294-6773 after 7 p.m. -38,39 1977 AMC PACER: 2 door, 6 cylinder, power brakes. 5800, or best offer. Phone 565-2554. -38. 400r ROYAL LEPAGE_ ITS GOOD TO KNOW SOMEONE W1101WCJNIS 445 Main St., Exeter Office 2351222 Res- 235-2473 Ron Cottrell CLINTON Three bedroom two storey home. Centrally located. Two bathrooms; 'natural gas furnace, large modern kitchen with built -In dishwasher. Owner tronsferred, anxious for offers. Asking 528,900. OWNER BEING TRANSFERRED Attractive home located In a quiet subdivision In the village of Brucefield. This lovely home boasts three spacious bedrooms with en suite off the master. Large living room, complete with cozy fireplace. Separate dining room with patio doors onto large deck. Beautiful bright kitchen with loads of cupboards. Electric heat pump. Includes central oir conditioning. A very economical home to run. Huge attached garage with lots of storage. Basement fully insulated and ready to finish. This home has been tastefully decorated, q pleasure to show, and priced to sell at $82,500. BRUCEFIELD Neat three bedroom home located on 21/4 lots, three pc. bathroom, nice big kitchen, living room. Low taxes Would make an excellent starter home or ideal for retired couple. Asking 527,500. For more Information on these and other listings, please give me a.call. 1;13AILEY Real Estate Ltd. Broker Clinton Phone: 482-9371 Residence: S23-9338 NEW' LISTING: Blyth, Wellingston St., 1'/z floor brick • home on large lot, close to business section. FAST FOOD: and gas pumps, Village of Blyth, high volume.. LONDESBORO: 3 bdrm. frame home, large lot, utility shed. 1.8 ACRES: Goderich Twp., 5 bdrm. home, well landscaped, large workshop. 2. ACRES: Hwy. 4, Blyth area, large brick home in excellent condition, plus heated shop suitable for many uses. LONDESBORO: 1 floor brick bungalow, paved drive, double garage, excellent condition. LONDESBORO: Mobile Home 12' x 60' on large lot with steel' shed. BRUSSELS: 3 bdrm. 11/t floor home, under 530,000.00. VANASTRA: 11/4 floor, fenced yard, very good condition, 74 Victoria Blvd, 3 ACRES: Goderich Twp., Victorian Style 3 or 4 bdrm. brick home, combination wood/oil furnace, all very well kept. , BLYTH: Hwy. 4, 81/2 acres, no buildings. 182 ACRES: Furrow to finish form, Hwy. 4, Stanley Twp., 160 workable, good buildings. 79 ACRES: Goderich Twp., all workable, all drained, 2 miles from Clinton. 95 ACRES: Hullett Twp., good cropland, all drained, no buildings. 20 ACRES: Morris Twp., good frame home, hog finishing born, liquid manure system. Easily converted to farrowingbarn. 50 ACRES: E. Wawonosh, 25 workable, good frame home, large born, silo and drive shed. Priced very reasonable, 7S ACRES: Hullett Twp., barn for 600 hogs, good house, F.C.C. mortgage. 100 ACRES: 6th Line Morris Twp., 95 workable, owner very serious, 60 ACRES: farrow to finish for 60 sows, '/t mile from Blyth Marketing Yard. GARDEN FARM & ROADSIDE MARKET: Hwy. 21 near Bayfleld. KINBURN: 5 acres, good 11/2 floor home, born for 600 hogs and 100 veal calves. C,