HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1985-09-18, Page 6k�. !e enSoo... tit* " 190 years ago Septeriber 16, 1885 MISTAKEN IDENTITY - Rev. Tianothy O'Connell had county constable Babcock before Judges Elliot and Davis at the court - ' olh. General Sessions for the County of Mid- diesex,-on Saturday, for what the said Bab- cock didget a warrant for his arrest for guriouS driving; and for saying that O'Con- .nell had two women of easy virtue in the 1110 buggy with him. Babcock said he was mistaken, apologized to Mr. O'Connell,. was bound in $5,000 to behave himself ,toward Mr. O'Connell and allowed him to go. The plaintiff did not wish to press the case on ac- count of defendant having a large family. GODERICH TOWNSHIP - W. Eaton Whitely of the 6th has an excellent yield of fall wheat, one field averaging over 40 bushels to the acre. He sold a load of it in Clinton last Friday at 77 cents which was two cents more than neighboring markets. Mr. Whitely's spring wheat was a good crop also, it is the Arnetka variety. MEDICINAL RELIEF - I have been a suf- ferer of .Indigestion and violent ,Sick Headache for upwards of four years. I have consulted many of the Faculty, but have derived no material benefit from. any source, until I tried Perry Davis' Pain Killer, which, I am happy to state, has done me more good than all I • have ever tried. -Esther Briggs, Bolton, England. 75 years.ago September 10, 1910 TAKE IT AWAY - There is a large stone on Albert Street, north of the mill, which 'was dug out by the waterworks gang and which, if not removed, may cause a, bad ac- cident. Horses are continually shying at it. Why not have it hauled down and crushed for use in road making? TELEPHONES COMING TO BLYTH - The Rural Telephone Company is pushing the work and the system is expected to be in . working order in a few weeks. A NEW INDUSTRY - The News -Record has it on good authority that in the course of 10 days or so the Ontario Gazette will con- tain notice of the incorporation of the Clin- ton Motor Car Company. The intention is to begin at once building the 1911 models for which experienced mechanics are being secured. It will, however, be some time before the industry isin full swing. The company is taking over the Thresher Company property and though the buildings have large floor space, it is expected that next spring the roof will be raised and another Storey added. The 'importance of such an industry 'to Clintoncannot be overestimated, especially in view of the fact that there is a sufficiency of capital behind it. • 50 years ago September 19, 1935 .COAL OFFICE ROBBED- Clinton has not -.had the sensational case of breaking and entering for some time, but Tuesday night some persons, it is believed that two or three may have been implicated, broke into Mustard's coal Office, carried the-safeoutto the cleat shed end pried the;door open They took**PAM, itey the safe cointai , but, as it happened', that; was not,very lunch, only about VA, so the haul was not heavy. The comity ponce are 1 oltAing into the ;matter. It is believed that the. thieves took tools from the CNR section; house -nearby to break into the safe, which is practicallydestroyed, REGRETFUL ACC11)ENT - The many friends of Mrs. Wm. Berry of Brucefield,will regret to hear that she was struck by it car one evening' last week and although no bones were broken she sustained a severe shock y and is still confined to her bed. ,Y R 5 r. Guaranteed Investment Certificates *Sublect to change Geiser®Kneale Insurance Brokers Inc 25 years ago September 22, 1960 PASTURE TOPS - Robert P. Allan of Brucefield led 23 contestants m the 1960 Huron County Pasture Competition. Win-, ners were announced Monday night at a special meeting arranged by D.H. Miles, Huron County Agricultural •representative. Mr. Allan, who was the 1958 world' hay champion, placed second in last year's pasture competition. He won this year's award on the basis of five acres of regular pasture and 11 acres of aftermath, with a carrying capacity of 17 cows and 11 calves. Last year's winner Alvin Betties of RR 2 Bayfield was this year's competition judge. CLINTON CONSTRUCTION - The Brewer's Warehouse is rising steadily on Mill Street. Completion of the rental homes at Broadview acres is expected soon, they'll probably he ready for rental by the end of October. Some of those homes in the Pinecrest subdivision look as settled as if they had been there •for years, lawns and everything. And Maple Street is stretching out from its accustomed two block length in- to a street of more residents. 10 years ago • September 18, 1975 POOL SAVED - Should Clinton's municipal pool be closed permanently, or should it get an estimated $50,000 repair bill even though usage has dropped con- siderably this past summer? That was the question the Clinton Recrea- tion Committee faced in a lengthy debate al their monthly meeting. They came to the decision to try and keep the pool open again next summer. This summer was a financial disaster for the pool. Revenue dropped nearly half to $2,692 from the $4,418 of 1974, and the pont operation rani in the red to the tune of.$7,349 this summer. STANLEY DUMP OKAYED - The On- tario environment ministry has approved a proposed landfill site for Stanley Township. The 100 acre site, along the Bayfield River, northwest of Varna, may be operational by late fall or early spring:. • Approval of the. site overrode objections filed by farmers and arewesidents at an en- vironmental board heatang held .in July. . Several residents and two petitions contain- - ing more than 260 signatures opposed the, site on grounds it would be Ila costly tl operate and' would pose a threat 0, he delicate environment of tyle nearby Bayfield River. • •• OFFIRR programto be discussed The Ontario Ministry .of Agriculture, and _Food farm management staff in Huron " County is planning. an information meeting at the Clinton Town Hall on' Tuesday, Sept. 24 commencing at 8 p.m., to further explain the application requireinnents of the new OF- FIRR program, Norman MacLeod; Program Manager, OFFIRR, Ontario. Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Toronto, will comment about pro- gram eligibility and factors affecting eligi- ble debt. The Huron Farrn Business Management staff will present information about the' • • financial documents required. A properly completed balance sheet, (net worth state- ment) dated within three months of the ap- plication, a 1.984 accrual income and ex- pense statement, a cash flow projection and production plan for the coining year will quickly expedite processing of your applica- • tion in Toronto. . In addition, John Bancroft, Brian Hall, Dennis Martin and Don Pullen will be available to answer questions about OF- FIRR on an individual basis. Anyone with an interest in the OFFIRR program is invited to attend. Holmesville 4 -Kers bake delicious, hot pies The Helmesville 4-11 meeting on Sept: 16 was held from 3:45 to 6 p.m. at the Goderich Twp. Hall. The next meeting will be on Sept. 23 at the same place. I wish to.correct some mistakes from last weeks report. Our press reporter is Jennifer Flynn. Adrienne Bartlett, Tressa Rodges, Shari Lobb and Julie Davison are other members. Before liscussion we baked two pies in the kitchen including, Chicken Pot Pie and Apple. Both were delicious and hot. It made a gum! auppet : Then we said the pledge, had roll call and had comments on the biscuits we had to bake. Lori Forbes gave the treasurer's report. Then we had discussions on the bake sale. Our 441 club will be holding a bake sale on Sept. 28• at 9 a.m. at the auction barn of Richard Lobb in Clinton. We discussed "Steps iii Pastry Making." Then we tested four different types of pastry. Some were very displeasing? ! We then ate our two pies and adjourned. Exeter 235-2420 Clinton. 482-9747 Grand Bend 238-8484 Goderich 52.4-2118 Z PRESEtJ"r se> uP PET LAHco IN1sTR1r S' Friday - September 20th 7:30 p.m. at Fellowship Bible Chapel Maple St., Clinton ALL KIDS WELCOME 9D CS; FREE ) a Come & Check this out! Do something nice for your hands and feet. Pamper yourself ! Try our new manicure and pedicure service. Make your appointment with Jac- queline Bradley, our trained cosmetologilt. the HAIR SitiD "the friendly shop that cares" CORNER OF GIBBINGS AND RATTENBURY STREETS, CLINTON PHONE FOR APPOINTMENT 4-81-7047 OPEN Monday • Friday and Saturday till 4 p.m.: plus Tuesday and Thursday evenings. P. .. ..... CONCERNING A PROPOSED. ZONiNG BYaLAW AMENDMENT TAKE NOTICE that the Council .of the Corporation of the Town of Clinton will hold a public meeting on Monday, October 21, 1985 at 8:00 p.m. at the Clinton Town Hall to consider a proposed zoning by-law under Section 34 of the Planning Act. The proposed zoning by-law will change the zoning on part Lots 18, 19 artd 20, R.P. 37 from 'R1 Residential Low Density' to 'CFi Community .Facility Zone' to allow for the establishment of a clinic for the purpose of psychiatric consultation. ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make written or verbal • representation either in support of or In opposition to the proposed zoning by-law. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relatingto the proposed zoning by-law is available for inspection between 9:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.mat the Town Office. DATED AT THE TOWN OF CLINTON THIS 16th DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1985. °r ic 0 11 3;, -a z tlt a LJ u FREDE CK SEE KEY JOSEPH -----� �i DUNLOP CANADIAN SEE KEY P LJ CC t' ca ' Cameron Proctor Clerk -Treasurer Town of Clinton P.O. Box 400 CLINTON, Ontario NOM 1L0 (519) 482.3997 Area of proposed rezoning from R1 (Low Density Residential) to CF1 (Community Facility Zone). P 10 STREET STREET IMO 111101,111111111 NATIONAL (, MAP 5 t_ ts— Isrls 0 J V PRESENTING AN EXCLUSIVE OFFER ON FINE PORCELAIN CHINA Now you can collect a'heautiful.set of china through our exclusive otter. Build a complete service for four, eight or.more, 00 one convenient, 5.PIECE PLACE SETTING* PRICE CLINTON, 0 QUALITY SERVICE CARRY OUT SERVICE 5% 011 Every.Wednesday Senior Citizens up 10 $50.00 STORE Mon. 8:30 -.6 Tues. 8:30 - 6 HOURS .Wed. 8:30 - 6 Thurs: 8:30 - 9 ' Fri. 8:30 - 9 Sat. 8:30 - 6 ' low-cost plan. Diane China is stain - resistant, and fully vitrified for, durability, and will he enjoyed for many years to come. And now it can he yours at tremendous savings! With $25°° in Purchases P1. '' 'l111.1.: • rick c• in, rid,. . I )ruder 1'1,111•, Cur, ;,mini. I tc„cn I tl-l1, Rrc.1;1/ Rutter. .4.144 20 -PIECE SERVICE FOR FOUR ONLY 2$396 olvovR PLAN! PLACE SETTING VALUE $10.65 WHEN PURCHASED AT REGULAR PRICES. DINNER I'LA71:. Cl 'I' 'CFR I M1•.-Sl:1t T PIS! 1 . PREAI& ITT Eft $2.69 2.29 1.89 1.89 1.89 Diaie Clina ss MATCHING ACCESSORIES ARE ALSO AVAILABLE. Ther marching accessory piece .ire AIM) ilV:11111hle tot complete your collection. Eich accesaury is ,available throughout the entire program with no pttrchttse requirement! 45