Clinton News-Record, 1985-09-18, Page 2"age2—
Albert Buffinga and Wayne Kennedy of RRI Londesboro have been best of buddies for the
past 27 years. The two Hullett Township boys went to school together at SS5 Hullett
Township and renewed acquaintences with other classmates at a weekend reunion.
(Shelley McPhee photo)
Still not happy..-
• from page 1
agriculture community.
-It has one more circuit into London than .
Plan 5 and one more curcuit out of Bruce •
NPD then Plan 1.
-It provides for better future supply•to nor-
thern Ontario.
.said if. anvone in the area
wanted to voice their concerns about the
hydro project they could attend the public
hearings. The preliminary hearing will be
held at the Guelph Holiday Inn, 601 Scott-
sdale. Road, on October 16 at 10:39 a.m. The
main hearing will be held at the same loca-
tion on November 12 at 10:30 a.m.
-It has lower transmission losses. -
134 McDonald St®
We provide 24 hour a day service to all women who have
been or are in the process of: SEPARATION or DIVORCE.
We are a complete support service. We have had the
following programs in progress since June 1983 and have
helped over 200 women in HURON COUNTY.
1. Divorced or Separated Women's
2. Battered 'Women's Group
3. Teenagers group for children from -
broken homes
4. Day out craft group
5 ® Family night for men & women &
6. Sr. women's group with support in
all fazes of widow, separated or
invalids in the home
We are a shelter for women who are beaten mentally or
physically and wish to try to live in a better atmosphere.
We refer MATES to a group to help them vent their
frustration in other ways than on their family 482-3933.
We Advocate Family Violence Prevention
CALL 1®800-265-5506
Locally can 524-6245 (Goderich)
By Alan Rivett
BAYFIELD - Citizen participation has
been the key to the success of the planning
workshops which drew to a close with the
summary meeting on August 27; according
to Huron County planner Cindy Fisher who
was in charge of the workshops. • .
"They were all well attended. It was not
only a chance for the planning department
to provide the public with information, but
for information to come back to us, "said
Ms. Fisher 'in assessing the four public
planning workshops.
The summary meeting was also well
attended with 50 people in attendance.
Ms. Fisher says the need for the update of
Bayfield's secondary plan is great. The plan
is 11 years out of date, originally written in
1974, and some of it is no longer adequate to
Bayfield's current growth.
"What we need are policies to direct its
growth. We can't allow policies to be open-
ended or up for interpretation," she said.
e Mito
summaryowned.endpotentialwill idge
directed at keeping Bayfield 1'he drainage problem in the village a1
the way it i;;;; :says Ma, Fisher. Someajtizens reCtiveti attention. Reeve Johnston said the
expressedthe secondary plan 'may change high water table and the', clay soil which
the character of . the village from a slows down drainage are the major;reasons
retirement spot and turn it; into a "Grand for the poor drainage. council bas received
Bend," meaning it will cater to the tourism a study from the engineering firm of B.M.
• trade. Ross and. Associates for a new drainage
"We can strive for that (keeping Bayfield system which could cost in the neighborhood
the' way it is) by planning ahead for of $i.7 -million which can be phased over a
change, 'she said." I don't think we can say period of years. The Old Mill Road project,
change isn't going to happen because however may delay the plans.
Bayfield has changed in the last five years. In addressing these concerns, the
We can direct that growth rather than planning department has recommended a
reacting to it. number ofossible policy directions, said
"It's hard to get people to think beyond Ms.. Fisher. These are:
five years, when we need to be thinking 10 to -detailed policies toprotect river land east
20 years in the future. We can check the plan of the bridge from development.
every five years to see if we're still on the -policies to guide further residential or
right track." commercial expansion or limit this
Ms. Fisher says there is a genuine desire expansion by designating areas for
. by Bayfield citizens to keep the core area of -stringent residential
mero land f existing bylaw
Bayfield as it is. Most people at the meeting g
rejected the idea of more businesses regulations.
locating on Main Street. There were also housing
negative feelings towards businesses The majorissueMore in the residential and
establishing on the side streets. Some,
however, said additions to the core area can open space workshop was the need for more
be desirable if. they add to decorum such as apartments in the village, especially for the
the newly constructed Butternut Corner. growing senior citizen population. Also,
A policy direction to protect the core area group homes will have to be included in the
could be looked at when designing the plan because of government legislation
secondary plan, she said. Also, the parking permits them in all residential areas.
problem would also have to be dealt with in There were also comments regarding the
the plan. Sidewalks for , the core area, property between Long Hill Road and the
however, would fall under municipal river. Currently, the plan categorizes this
responsibility rather than with the planning area as hazard land while it is designated as
department. residential in the zoning bylaw. However,
A comment was made during the meeting the zoning bylaw recognizes the existing •
concerning the inclusion of commercial buildings but prevents more buildings from
fishing operations into the plans because of locating there.
the lac Of space west o e k f dockage t f the bridge
so approval.
11 ,
Tender awarded for swimming poolwork
By Wilma Oke
Tuckersmith Twp. - Council has awarded
the tender for the repair of the swimming
pool at the Vanastra Recreation centre to
Ken ,Smith Pools Limited of Seaforth for
$14,852; one of five tenders.
Henry Centen of R.J. Burnside and
Associates attended the council session to
discuss and review the swimming pool
tenders. Also up for discussion was the
review of the plans for the reconstruction of
the Toronto Street water main, sanitary and
storm sewer and road reconstruction under
the Ontario Neighborhood Improvement
program at Vanastra. Mr. Centen was
authorized to tender for the Toronto Street
reconstruction in the.three local newspapers
and in the Daily Commercial News.
The tender. of McGregor Farms Limited
for snowplowing the township roads in 1986
at a rate of $32 per hour plus $26 per day
standby was accepted.
Russell Archer and his wife attended the
council session to discuss the proposed
purchase of Lots 1 and 2, Plan 133, and his
intentions forLot 3. ,
Reconstruction of bridge okayed by council
Centen of R.J. Burnside & Associates as the
John Lawson, custodian, at the Vanastra
Recreation Centre was granted a four per
cent salary increase retroactive to July 1.
By Wilma Oke
TUCKERSMITH TWP. - At a special
meeting of Tuckersmith Township Council
tenders were opened for the reconstruction
of the bridge at Lots 30-31, Concession 2,
Huron Road Survey.
The 'tender of W.G. Kelly `Construction
Limited was accepted at the price of
$351,266.65, the lowest of five received.
Council accepted the petition for the
repair and improvement on the Charters
Drainage Works and appointed Henry
Surplus of OHIP numbers
There are more OHIP numbeis than there
are people in the province of Ontario, says
provincial health minister Murray Elston.
The MPP for Huron -Bruce was attending
the Huron County plowing match on Satur-
day meeting with constituents. He spent
some time talking to reporters.
The health minister said while the surplus
OHIP numbers weren't unknown, it came as
a surprise to him when he was sworn in as
cabinet minister in the Liberal government
of David Peterson at the end of June.
Some of the surplus numbers are caused
when married women separate from their
husbands, get their own OHIP numbers and
then reunite with their spouses. However,
the OHIP number is left outstanding.
Although he didn't go into details, there are
other causes of Surplus OHIP numbers.
"This is what my ministry is looking into,"
said Elston. -
He has spent the summer getting to know
his ministry throughout the province.
' The two big items on his agenda are the
Ontario Drug Benefits, and extra billing
with the doctors.
He said the problems with OHIP and the
ODB are not new ones, rather they have
been ongoing for the past four or five years.
1985 1984
20 14 22 13
15 6 21 11
13 5 20 8
17 2 , 22 14
18 1 17 6
19 3 14 5
20 5 15 1
RAIN 2 mm 29 mm
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