HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1985-09-04, Page 24Steven Schipper 7110 0, of Dido k Playhouse is pled tai ail r . poiintment. 'of •Steven Schipper Director Designate of the jinion Country Playhouse. "1 ami delighted to be ableto flare and work in Grand Bend, .at the Playhouse" says Steven Schipper. "a would like to see Huron Country Playhouse' become a community and family oriented entertainment centre, where. programs, plays and .events will achieve the highest measure of excellence and popularity." Tropical Schipper is currently directing Madness for the Shaw Festival which opens on Aug. 15. He is also directing a special video play writter and performed by youth at Young People's Theatre in Toronto as part of the National program of the United Nations's International Youth. Year and Desire Under the Elvis for Theatre Plus in Toronto. "In planning for next year's season, I like to bring to the Playhouse many of .artOtic: country's finest actors, designers, ectora and theyoung artists destined to loin these ranks,"adds Steven I want to choose plays and events which will celebrate the magic of the theatre through joy, laughter and warmth." Steven was born and raised in Montreal and. attended McGillUniversity and Bishop's University before graduating from the National Theatre School of Canada. "As a student, I earned my tuition by working at a gas station in the french section of Mon- treal - that's where I learned what I call `gas station 'french', things like "checkez -Thuile". I'm afraid I'm not fluently bil- ingual", says Steve. "My love of theatre began at University. I read the notice board at the library and decided to audition for the play, A MIDSUM- MER NIGHT'S DREAM - I got a part as one of the Mechanicals. Just three days' after rehearsals began, one of the lead actors playing the part of Lysander, broke his leg and I was re -cast in his place." The Montreal Std kat, tit. the lovers were "the best part 'Or the show, because they mumbled and stumbled their way through theplay, and'seemed so convincing as youth in love: "In fact", says Steven "it was Jamea.Dod- ding, the director of that production wbo ig- nited my desire to direct for the theatre. I am fortunate to have directed across Canada including productions at the Shaw Festival; Stratford Festival, Toronto Free Theatre, Theatre Calgary, Centaur Theatre, 25th Street House Theatre and Prairie Theatre Exchange." "People who have greatly influenced me as a director would include Guy Sprung, Michael Mawson, Des MacAnuff and the many fine actors I have had the honour of working with and learning from. As for the future, I will continue co direct on a freelance basis during the winter months and return home each summer to Grand Bend.' BLYTH FESTIVAL Smash hit deserves to tour By Anne Narejko BLYTH - There's no doubt about it, Gar- rison's Garage deserves to go on tour. The acting is great, the plot is comical and the set is realistic. It will appeal to people of all entertainment tastes because it takes a satirical look at a subject we all deal with - taxes. The play opened the Blyth Festival season in 1984, becoming such a hit that it will be taken on a seven week tour at the conclusion of its run in Blyth, giving theatre buffs throughout Ontario and New Burnswick a •' chance to see the Ted Jolms play. Mr. Johns based his play on small town 'people who don't think much of Revenue Canada. Lorna Springer (Marianne Mclsaac), the garage owner's daughter, recently lost her restaurant, cottage and other possesions because of a mistake made by Revenue Canada. So when unsuspecting tax -man Blair Daniels (David Fox) stumbles into the garage and offers to help mechanic Frank Bonnycastle (Robert King) straighten out his books, all kinds of interesting twists enter the plot. • . One of the most comical, and perhaps believable, characters in the play is town councillor Bert Amberley, played by Ron Gabriel. Bert is a laid-back easy going guy who only wants to get his truck fixed but ends up getting mixed up in the entire mess. . Mr. Gabriel plays the part of the older councillor perfectly. He covers every part of .the character, starting at the way he talks to ;the gestures he makes. Mr. King plays.an unorganized and not to competentmechanic who is being audited Band therefore is in dire need of an accoun , Itant's help. His moods swing from pulling -his hair out -in frustration to laughing, back to throwing tantrums. David Fox plays an accountant who goes NOTICE OF HIGHWAY CLOSING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to the Municipal Act, R.S.O., 1980 Chapter 302 and other powers thereun- to enabling, Council of The Corporation of the Township of Tuckersmith propos- ed to enact a By-law for stopping up, closing and selling certain parts of Fifth Avenue, Plan 133, in the Township of Tuckersmith and County of Huron. The proposed By-law and description of the lands affected may be viewed in the MunicipalOffice of the Corporation, of the Township of Tuckersmith at the ad- dress hereinafter noted. The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Tuckersmith will hear, in person or by counsel or agent, any person who claims his land will be prejudicially af- fected by the said by-law and who ap- plies to be heard at a meeting to be held at the said Township Municipal Of- fice on the lith day of September, 1985 at the hour of 8:15 o'clock in the after- noon or so soon thereafter as the said meeting may be held. DATED at the Township of Tuckersmith tubus 14th day of August, 1985. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF TUCK ERSMITH GMB 117, R.R. No. 5, CLINTON, ONTARIO NOM 1L0 Robert King and David Fox stand out in Garrison's Garage by the•book. While getting his car fixed, he spots Lorna Springer, and in an attempt to win her affections, offers to help Frank get his books in order. However, Lorna's dislike for Revenue Canada tests the accountant's ethics. Playwright Mr. Johns gets into the act by portraying garage owner Garrison Spr- inger, a successful, authoritative man who wants to help the mechanic and protect his investment. He too shows his, acting ability by "brow -beating" his daughter and then being helpless while faking a heart-attack. • But the acting is not the only impressive part of the playr.'The overall 'set design and costumes add to the brilliance of the show. Set designer Jules Tonus has the Blyth stage looking like a small town garage, com- il Hyland \ Seeds/ SEED WHEAT orders now being taken for these three varieties AUGUSTA outstanding in Yield and Sprouting resistance. HOUSER Superior yield and winter hardiness FREDRICK Ontario's proven performer 0 Don't take a chance with your 1986 wheat crop! Buy certified Hyland Seed from us DURST FARM CENTRE 275 HURON ST. (HWY. 8 WEST) CLINTON 482-7706 Your Area Hyland Seed Dealer" The "Package Deal' for Farm Owners. Customized packaging under one policy lets you protect just what you need to and save money. f r'�pr r�q�n W,Y.ta,�tit� souni EASTIIOPE FARMERS' MUTUAL. EIRE INSURANCE COMPANY P.A. ROY INSURANCE BROKER INC. 14 Huron St., limon. 482.9357 plete with tire racks and cars. The Honda Civic adds to the play's authenticity as does the Playboy calendar. Although the set has been redesigned to fit. three different stage sizes, Mr. Tonus is sure the changes won't harm the sets attrac- tiveness. Garrison's Garage is Ted Johns and the Blyth Festival at its best. Pot luck supper Well attended The Bluewater Blind Club held a potluck supper with, a good attendance. Helping serve the supper were members of the Beta Sigma Phi Sorority. The supper, games were enjoyed by those present. The next meeting will be the third week in September. HURON CUSTOM SERVICES CUSTOM COMBINING Corn, Beans, Grain Several Combines (Including 4WD) Available. READY TO SERVE YOU GRAIN BUGGY -TRUCKS AVAILABLE Will Quote any job -Competitive Rates DONALD GEIGER 236-4865 or HOWATT BROS. 523-4500 OU E I .' .•, STOCK,.NOV OFF -whlle.prosent stock lasts - SEE KAREN'S FOR A COMPLETE LINE OF IMPORTED B & D FASHION ACCESSORIES INCLUDING Bangles, Hair Clips, Sunglasses, Earrings, Pearls. Cosmetic Bags, Mirror Compacts. Tweezers. Sponge Applicators, Nail Files. WE PO: •FACIALS *MANICURES •PEDICURES *MAKEUP •WAXING •EYELASH TINTING *COSMETICS AND SKINCARE 17 ALBERT ST., CLINTON 482-3454 Your Can Df'.' With Confidence -hien You "®ehVerYour 1985 White Bean Crop to I)J e ill at • N ft 4 n I N i ;( -101 ftittlkiltat Ken R. Campbell & Sons Ltd., Seaforth Howson & Howson Ltd., Blyth, Ontario Palmerston Elevators Ltd. Bar' B - Dee' Farms, RR 1 Bornholm are also white bean receiving satellites for Thompson's We want and, appreciate your business Hyland Augusta Seed Wheat again the top yielder Followed by Hyland Howler Seed Wheat Be sure you buy Blue Tag Seed Only This assures you of "Certified" #1 Seed for "Purity'' - "Quality" and "Top Yields." Any other facsimile is not the same. Available only at Thompson's or a Hyland Dealer Also there is Cert. #1 Fredrick seed wheat. For Larger growers wishing Certified seed in Bulk we can supply. Please order` ahead. ALL SEED IS TREATED WITH VITAFLO " 280" - Custom Fertilizer Spreading - Soil Sampling Service - Computerized Reports - Recommendations from a Qualified Staff For purity, top germination, disease free Sow only Certified Hyland Seed Hensall 262-252' . Mifchell 348-8433 C matt tear Allsa Cretlig. 293-3221 Port Albert ..52.4-700.1•