HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1985-09-04, Page 18From July 29 to August 14 four generations were together in Gilae, the Netherlands, The visitors in Gilze .were from Canada..From left to right are, grandmother, Else DeGroot- Botermans; mother, Joanne Carr-DeGroot; great-grandmother, Jo Botermans-V. Dorst and 18 -month-old daughter Adrienne Carr. Adair. -Connolly Orno H. Adair and Michele J. Connolly were • married in St. Paul's Anglican Church, Clin- ton on August 24. Rev. Gordon Simmons of- ficiated. The groom is the son of Mr: and Mrs. Hugie Adair of RR2 Dashwood and the bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Connolly of RR2 Bayfield. Maid of honor was Terri Clarkson of Sarnia and bridesmaids were Sandy Dries- of London, the groom's sister, Kim' Scott of RR3 Ailsa Craig and a niece of .the' bride, Carrie Con- ' nolly of Clinton, The flowergirl was a niece of the bride, Angie Connolly of Clinton and the 'ringbearer" was a nephew of the bride. Philip Connolly. of Clinton. The best man was Glen . Bullock of RR3 Parkhill, and guests were ushered into the church by Dar- rell Hodgins of RR3 Parkhill, Daryl Hodgins of RR8 Parkhill and Todd Mellin of RR2 Dashwood: A wedding reception was held in ' Varna. The newlyweds have made their home at RR2 Dashwood. ( Frank Philips photo). ID Atej49 • • I 11, ifl R" i rl11, 1 fi3r,)�y�r r VIi .._. t, ;1 y),�.,,��i ?a11 !falconer FUNERAL HOME LTD. BOX FUNERAL CHAPEL 153 HIGH STREET 47 HIGH STREET CLINTON SEAFORTH SUPERIOR MEMORIALS ESTABLISHED OVER 60 YEARS Clinton Area MICHAEL FALCONER 153 HIGH STREET, CLINTON 482-9441 Goderich Area ROBERT McCALLUM 11 CAMBRIA ROAD, GODtRICH 524-7345 Bolger -Morden Susan Mary Morden, daughter of Don and Donalda .Morden of Vanastra, and Murray James Bolger, son of June Bolger of Vanastra and Jim Bolger of Calgary, were married at the Clinton Conservation Park by Rev. Bechtel on June 29, 1985. The maid of honor was Catherine Gaudette of Pem- broke, sister of the bride. Bridesmaids were Joanne Stephen of Huron Park, sister of the bride; Karen Greidanus of Clinton, sister of the bride; and Evelyn Morden of Saskatoon, sister-in-law of the bride. Candice Bolger, daughter of the bride and groom, was the flowergirl and the bride's nephew, Jason Morden, was the ringbearer. Brad Duff of Mitchell was the bestman. Ushers were Lance Anderson of Clinton, cousin of the bride, Douglas Morden of Stratford, brother of the bride, and Gary Bolger of Clinton, brother of the groom. Following a reception at the iyanastra Recreation Centre, the cou- ple honeymooned in London, Saskatoon and Calgary. (Gary Walden photo) Inloor QUOTE Of THE WEEK "Guard • against idleness and sloth, and cling unto that which profiteth mankind, whether young or old, whether high or low." Baha'i Faith For more information Contact Bose 1250 Clinton. If you're NEW IN TOWN and don't know which way to turn, call (VerCiinelf1 hostess at"° 524-2202 or 524-2544 amselear Fall session will start at Sylvan The kitchen✓. at Camp Sylvan will hardly meat in order to foster the wise use of cool down between the departure of the Boy resources now and in the future. Classes Scouts and tie arrival of school classes for usually attend the Boy Scout -owned proper - the fall session of the Camp Sylvan Con- ty for two and a half day sessions, discover - servation Program, sponsored by the . ing the outdoors through stream, pond and Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority forest studies, nature hikes and orienteer- (ABCA). Schools from'Huron, Perth, Lamb- ing. Resource people from the community ton, and'Oxford counties and Michigan, have visit the camp to ;alk about their con - almost filled the September/October ses- servation related hobbies and professions. sion. Schools from the ABCA watershed par- Students in Grades 11, 12 and 13 from the ticipating in the residential program are: South Huron District High School, Exeter Stephen Central, Seaforth Public, Usborne and North Middlesex District High School, Central, Hilton Genial and McCurdy- Parkhill are once again attending the Con - Huron Hope. servation Program as Junior Leaders. This gives the Junior Leaders a chance to develop leadership skills while . providing valuable assistance to the teachers and Kathie Mnnk f nncarvatinn' ProPrarn ('n - At Camp Sylvan, classes in Grades 6, 7 and 8 learn about conservation and further their understanding of the natural environ - ordinator. Kathie has recently joined the staff of the ARCA as the Community Relations Techni- cian, replacing Kathy Zavitz. Kathie, a graduate df the University of Waterlod, br- ings with her an agricultural background and experience in resource management and teaching, The ABCA is in its 21st year of offering conservation education on the Boy Scout property. Another residential Conservation Program, White Pine Woods, has been add- ed at Parkhill Conservation Area. The AB - CA has other conservation areas which can serve as outdoof classrooms. To find out more about the programs offered by the AB - CA call 235-2610. Music students pass conservatory exam BLYTH - Several area music students recently• passed the practical categor,, of the University of Toronto Royal Con- servatory of Music exam. The practical piano exams were held during the month of June in Blyth. Four; students passed the Gr. 8 exam with Shelley Ann Teal earning first class honors. Julia Ann Trick and Glenda Carter received honors.�+�,Katherine Procter also passed the Gr. 8 level. Karen Vandonkersgoed passed the Gr. 7 exam with Heather Anne Bauman and Mark Armstrong passing the Gr: 6 exam with first class honors. Passing the same exam with honors were Melanie Koch, Susan Meyer,. Lorenda Maaskant, . Lisa Watson and Carolyn Halerwich. Also passing were Angela Conies, Keith Fulker and Angela Reid. Cindy Lou Bernard passed the Gr. 5 exam with first class honors. Sherry Hoegy, Jodi. Hymers, Sherry Lynn Lavis, Heather 'McGavin, Susan Carter and Allison Dunn passed with honors. Jennifer Procter and Tanya Ross passed the Gr. 4 exam with first class honors. Kim Medd, Cheryl Turner and Krista Rathwell passed with honors. Also passing was Myra Postill. Four Gr..3 students passed the exam with first class horrors. They were Lisa Cairn- • cross, Jennifer Hover, Christa Keller and Janice Heise. Passing with honors were Col- leen Keller, Heather Wheeler and Kelly Smyth. Stacey Reid also passed the Gr. 3 ex- am, Goderich Township man dies at age 36 JOHN JOSEPH FELTHAM • John Joseph Feltham of Goderich Township died Saturday, August 31 at the age of 36. He was born in Toronto on November 24, 1948 to Albert and Grace ( Paton ),Feltham. He worked as a carpenter in Toronto. He was a Bayfield scout leader and a member of the Holmesville slo-pitch team. He also served on tie publicity committee • for Goderich Township 1-5-0. He is survived by his wife, the former Elizabeth Katherine Wittenberg; four children, Julia, Joshua, Hadi and Aaron, all at home; and his mother, Grace Feltham of Toronto. He was predeceased by his' father, Albert Feltham. A funeral service was held Monday, September.2 at 2 p.m. at McCallum Funeral Home in Goderich. It was arranged by members of the Local Spiritual Assembly of the Bahai's of Goderich Township with Mrs. Jeannie Seddon delivering the eulogy. Pallbearers were Nick Wittenberg, Jim Durst, Tom Flynn,. Jeff Seddon, John Hart and Jeff White. Interment was in the Maitland Cemetery, Goderich. Earning first class honors in Gr". 2 piano were Kathleen Smyth, Alison Jongejan, Leslie Lawrence, Heather Zurbrigg, Joanne Bos, Tammi Medd and Andrea Ftizgerald. Kari Lee Davidson and Joanne Bradd passed the Gr. 1 exam with first class honors. Receiving first class honors in singing was -Vicky Hackett with Ruth Ann Watts earning honors. The event was co-ordinated by Shirley E. Vincent of Blyth. Museumobile comes to town CLINTON - The Canada North Museumobile from the National Museums of Canada containing many interesting treasures of our Canadian north will be com- ing to the Clinton Public School on September 12,13,16 and 17. Canada North, the first Museumobile pro- duced by the National Museums of Canada, opened its doors to the public in Margaree Forks, Cape Bretpp• n in 1973 and has since travelled the Atlantic provinces, Northern Ontario and the prairie provinces of Manitoba and Saskatchewan. The Museumobile is full of many fascinating items, including models of pre - ice age animals such as the wholly mam- moth, scimitar cat and saiga antelope; mounts of contemporary fauna, including DR. 1K. HAY FAMILY PHYSICIAN wishes to announce the opening of his family practice at. 105 SHIPLEY ST. 2nd FLOOR 529 GYPSY LANE CLINTON BLYTH 482-3000 • 523-4433 Office hours by appointment BEST INTEREST 1�4% 1 Guaranteed Investment Certificates *Subiect to change Gaiser-Kneale FYI Exeter 235-2420 Clinton 482-9747 Insurance Brokers Inc. Grand Bend 238-8484 Goderich 524-2118 the arctic hare, wolverine, snowy owl and long-tailed jaegar; Inuit utensils, hunting implements and clothing; a Viking ship model; actual artifacts from early explorer ships; collections of whaling harpoons, religious artifacts, hunter's traps, . Nor-. thwest Mounted Police regalia; an in- novative . look at the effects of modern transportation, communications and natural resource development; and an uni- que interactive computer which familiarizes the visitor 'with • the Inuit language. There is no admission charge and ,the general public is invited to visit the exhibit. On September 12, the exhibit runs from 1-6 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. On September 13, 16 and 17, it runs from 9 a.m. until, noon, 1-6 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. Jim McCall Blyth, Ontario 523-9506 PRYDE MONUMENTS (Established since 1919i District Showroom SU NCOAST MALI Goderich, Ont. Open Daily 10 am to 5 pm Telephone: 524-2337 Evening Jpointnlents • CaII , DON DNNO E Telephone 5244621 FulkimeMemoriafeAninseller Fellowship Bible Chapel 162 Maple Street Sunday, September 8 Clinton 9 45 a ri. Worship & Remembronce 11 a m Sunday School 8 Family Bible Hour Speaker. Graham Russell 7 p.m. Evening Service Speaker: Uel Finlay 7 30 p.m Tues. • Prayer 8 Devotion Listen to Just Neighbors on Cable 12 Sundays 1 30 p m & Tuesdays 8 30 p m United Ontario Street united Church MINISTER 105 Ontario St., Clinton, Ont. ORGANIST Rev. David J. Woodall, B.A., M.DIV. Louise McGregor 11 a.m. Public Worship 11 a.m, Church School Wesley -Willis United Church MINISTER•REV. JAMES BECHTEL. 8. A., B.D. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 9:45 o.m. Service of Holmesviile 11:00 a.m. Service at Wesley -Willis Church Services Christian Reformed Christian Reformed Church 243 Princess St. E., Clinton Sunday, Sept. 8 Guest Minister Rev. Homer Samplonius 10 d.m. Worship Service 7:30 p.m. Worship Service All Visitors Welcome Baptist 85 Huron St. CLINTON FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH REV. GILBERT KIDD Sunday, Sept. 8 11 a.rn. Morning Worship & Sunday School Wodlnesdoy 8 p.m. Home Bible Study EVERYONE WELCOME 524-9130 Anglican St. Paul's Anglican Church Rev, Gordon Simmons. B.A., M, Div. SUNDAY, SEPT, 8 11:30 a.m. • 1st & 3rd Sundays -Holy Communion 11:30 a.m. -2nd & 4th Sundays -Morning Prayer Everyone Weldarne