HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-5-7, Page 21 ME OLD ENROL •� NEWS EY MAIL ABOUT JOHN BULL AND ISIS PEOPLE. Qccurreetees jet the Land That 1.eigxi.s Supreme in the Com- Inerei.al World. Small motors aro now being used to;' lawn -mowing in Middlesex. 1,441 deaths took place in London •Jostweek, while there were 2.585 virths. Swearing at a lady in a Notting- icaui trauaway-car has cost a man a line of SOs. Black currant bushes in IX.ent are suffering seriously from the blight known as the black currant mite. A granddaughter of the late Ad- miral Sir John West has become chargeable to the Newport ` AU+bot Poor Law Union. • Two mi i, •11 is at °aznbrn oe. Ithive won gold medals at a circus by giving a banjo and bones duet inside a cage of lions. Miss Margaret Sharpe, M.B., has Been appointed house surgeon at Middlesbrough Infirmary out of ten candidates, eight of whom were men. It has been found that a man who cut his throat slightly at Tyer street, Lambeth, died, not from wounds, but from the effect of ex- citement on the heart. Because he turned two pigs loose among. the crew during divine tier- 'ire aboard, a Dundee ship's mate lies, at Liverpool, had his certificate withdrawn for six months. Since New Year's Day twenty, per- sons have been placed on the "Black List" at Manohes'te.—all women— and omenand charges of drunkenness have at the same time increased by 313. Looking out of a Sheffield chapel gallery window a girl slipped and fell to the pavement, a distance of over 50 feet, and yet was little more than stunned. On the homeward voyage of the Wahner Castle a mysterious disap- pearance ,occurred, Mrs. Brerton, an Inealid lady, who embarked at Ma- dtire, was subsequently missed, and no trace of her could be found. What is known as the "London Miniature Risley --a shooting tourna- ment promoted by the Society of Workingmen's Rifle Clubs—was open- ed at the Crystal Palace by Major- General Sir Ian Hamilton. A collection of documents relating to,anarohism was sold at Sotheby's in London for £20. It included the autographs of notorious anarchists and writings in a dozen languages. • Mrs. Catherine Wright, who is still hale and active at 'Wished, was christened in Gayton church, King's Lynn, 100 years ago last Sunday. The statement presented to the Torquay '.Town Council regarding its sheep -farming undertaking shows a profit balance of £950 for the year. The sheep have a run of 2,000 acres of moorland that surround the town reservoirs. Corn is also grown on the watershed. It is now proposed to rear colts, the intention being to provide all the horses required for municipal work. At a special meeting of the Tun- bridge Wells Town Council it was agreed that the town could not af- ford the usual penny rate this year for the support of the borough band. In a vaccination case at Ayles- bury Petty Sessions the defendant said that the child's name was George Edgard the Seventh. He explained in reply to a question from the bench that the christening took place at a Wesleyan church. The chairman thought that people should not be allowed to give chil- dren such names. Gipsies, who say they have used a plot of land near Handsworth for a 'quarter of a century, are now claim- ing the freehold. Without calling for any local aid towards the cost, the London Coun- ty Council is taking over Bethnal Green Churchyard for an "open space." Alleging that he refused her Holy Cc xnrnunion, a lady has served a writ on the Rev. 0. D. Mason Cox, 'vicar of St. Peter's, Stockport, claiming damages, 'Charged at Northampton with de- ^ertivag • from the. "fighting Fifth," a mart ga`id :—"T� tell the truth, your Wo I left because they took too many boys." It is stated that' a process has been found for making building stone out of slate waste, a mountain,-.,,Qf which has grown up at Lord Penrhyn's . quarries, Bethesda. Injudicious feeding of infants re - :sults from tradition handed down !!rem mother to daughter, and no- thing will alter it till the rearing of children is part of a girl's educa- tion, said Mr. Troutbeck at the in- quest on two babies killed by "nursery biscuits" in London. NLAT. "My brothel Jakey's got a good fob." "Where's he working?" "Down to the electric light plant." "Picking currents ori the wires?" "Yes, How did • you guess? He says he likes the job; it's such light work." ,Mr. Birks — "I don't . like. the }loks of that young man who calls to see Clara." Mrs. Binks — "He looks exactly as you 'lid wheel you irst came to see me." "Was I any such fool as that?" "Yes, you were, and yet I married you, in spite of a.'1 my parents could say; and I am aE;aid that,' in spite of all we can say, our Clara will now be just as big a fool as I was." yin editor of a paper recently stat- ed that he had been kissed by one of the most beautiful married women in the town. He promised to tell her name in the first issue of his paper text month. In two weeks the eir- culation 01 the paper doubled. But when he gave the name of his Wife he 1 aid to leave the town. "'What do you put on your face After shaving?" asked the .mart who steeped of bay cum. "Court &LS. tore" replied gm ttenrvous char}. 110W TO GAIN lEczAvnEr. A Simple Flan that Should Be 'ollowed. by. All Who ,Are Sick If you eould buy tradk your health on the instalment plees -•e y SO cents a week, for a limited number of weeks until cured—would you do it ? Here is a plan worth trying :—Tak- ing into account their power to lure, Dr. Williains' Pink Pills, aro the most economieal medicine, with- out exception. These pills have ef- fected cures in eases of rheumatism, partial paralysis, St. Vitus dance,' 1ne-kgestion, kidney trouble, anaemia, and other serious diseases of the blood and nerves, They have cured hundreds of cases where ordinary medicine had been tried and failed. They have restored helpless invalids to full use of limbs that had long been powerless. That is the best guarantee that these pills will not disappoint when used for simpler ailments. Taking one pall after each meal, (as required for ruiner troubles) a fifty -cent box of pills gives nearly two weeks' treatment, For chronic diseases, when the larger dose is required, the cost of treatment does not usually exeeed fifty cents a week. If you are sick or ailing, is it not worth your while to give so effective a medicine as Dr, Williams' Pink Pills a trial ? What the pills have done for other people they can do for you. Every dose makes the new rich, red blood that brings robust health and strength. They are the best tonic medicine to take at this time of the Year when the blood is sluggish and impoverished. Do not waste money on ordinary medicines, or substitutes ; see that the full name, "Dr, Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People," is printed on the wrapper around every box. Sold by all medicine dealers or sent post- paid at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50, by addressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co„ Brockville, Out. THE TINDER BOX. Necessary Utensil of Grandmoth- er's Day. Mention has been made of the de- cline of the manufacture of snuff- boxes, which in the early years of the last century was a prosperous industry. In this connection it is interesting to notice also the ex- tinction of the tinder -box, which down to about the year 1880 was to be found in almost every home in the land. The decline of these industries was, of course, not the effect of the same cause, for while ';puff -taking is dying out with no other habit to replace it (unless it be that of smoking), the tinder -box was a contrivance which in the pro- cess of evolution had to give place to better inventions. Miller Christy, writing in the Burlington Magazine, says the disappearance of the tindef- box was extra'oedinarily sudden and complete alter the introduction of the friction match. Less than a gen- eration later—almost, in fact, with- in a decade—the tinder -box had be- come little more than a vague tra- dition of the past, and examples were to be looked for only in the cabinet of the antiquary, the cases of the museum -curator, or the shop of the curio -+dealer. To -day the tin- der -box is so unfamiliar an object that few persons can give an in- telligible description of it, or the manner of its use. Among the contents of the tinder- box the tinder, from which the box derives its name, deserves first no- tice. Tinder was made usually from some light, loosely -woven cotton or linen fabric -preferably the latter. The lighter and thinner the fabric the better the tinder; for tinder made from any thick. closely -woven fabric did not take fire readily. Rag - tinder was always home-made, ,or no shopkeeper or hawker ever sold it. The making of it was one of the minor domestic accomplishments of our gealydmothers. It was under- taken weekly, or as often as re- quired ; . and the eperau'tion con- sumed a considerable quantity of household linen. Arany of the old tinder -boxes purchsled "nowadays will be found still- to " ontain • por- tions of the original rag -tinder. SAVE T'►•+H BABM •-y, "I can truly say that had it not been for Baby's Own. Tablets, I do not believe nay baby would have been alive to -day." `3o writes. Mrs, Albert Luddin'gton, of St. Mary's River, N.S., and she adds "lie is now growing nicely ; is good na- tured and is getting fat." It is gratifying to know that in all parts of Canada, Baby's Olin Tablets are proving a real blessing to children and a boon to mothers. These Tab- lets are a speedy relief and prompt cure for constipation, sour stomach, wind colic, diarrhoea, worms, .and simple fevers: They.;, break up 'cold, prevent croup and allay the irrita- tion accompanying the cutting of teeth. Baby's Own Tablets are good for children of all ages from birth upwards, Lind are guaranteed to con- tain no opiate or harmful drug. Sold by medicine dealers, or sent by mail', post paid, at 25 cents a box, by Writing direct to the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Teeth of all kinds have been wor- shipped, and are, in fact, still ven- erated as relics in some religious. shrines, Buddha's tooth is presery ed in an Indian temple, the Cinga Mese worship the tooth of a mon- key, while the elephant's and shank's tooth serve a, similar pirpose„among the Malabar and Tonga islanders re- spectively. The Siamese were for- merly the possessors of the tooth of a, sacred monkey, which they valued very highly; brit in a war with the Porto uese they lost ft and had to pay 8,500,.000 to get it back again. It is now kept in a small gold box enelosed in six other boxer' in one of the many temples of the Siamese capital, y - ere— TRAIN rx TIi ,IN STOPPED BY GRASS-, HOPPERS. Trains have often been. stopped by' swarms of locusts getting on tete' track and clogging the wheels of the engine and coaches so that they no longer get a. grip on the metals, and revolve without .moving forward. From Jibutil comes the report that atrain has bean stopped near Che - bele by a grasshoppers' swarm. The train carte to a standstill. By put- ting sand and pebbles on the rails the oilioials got the train at length to continue its journey, but near B'olholl • the locomotive again stop- ped on an incline, and the train ran backwards through the brake mech- anism being clogged with the in- sects. 4 Smart: or Onto, Crri of TOLEDO,. �i fRd LUCAS COUNTY. j FitANIC J. CIII1NISY makes oath that rte is senior partner of the arm of F, J. 0HPINNY et CO., doing business in the City of Toledo, Uuuuty and State nfot•assed, and that said luny will pay the sutra of ONL HUNDRED Det r LARS for each and every case of UA. TAltltli that cannot be curecl by the Use of IIALL'S OA'FAltltkl UUxt•+. I'11AN1C J, U.U1•.N1ay. Sworn to before Ino and subscribed in my presence, this Gth day of .December, A.D. i li,1U. A. W. Gd.EA.SON, SEAL 11 ' 11 otuly/ Pithfie Hall's Caterrit Cure is taken inter- nally, and acts directly on the b1ooQ and vitreous surfuros of the system. Send for testimonials, tree. 1•' J. Cldb.\ laY cC 00., Toledo, 0. `;o1, by all Druggists, TSc, hall's 7:'aruily fills aro tete best. Wille -- "De., you love mo as much as ever?" husband — "I.reckon so." Wife — "Will I always be the dearest thing in the world to uou?" Husband -- "1 am sure you will, un- less the landlord raises the rent." A rlow arrival had come into the family circle, and Tom, aged Ave, was taken to see the "little strang- er." lie looked the infant over with a calm, critical regard, and then, turning to the maid who accom- panie'd him, he said, very decidedly: "Jam, you can keep that in the kitcl.en," err s •may«. s� 006 64,47 5 • The Doctor Leads Illi 6y f -•)e Nose Nicety -nine hearts out of a hundred are failing to do their work. There may be no pain there, but it is felt comas:hcrs for some organ is robbed of its proper need of blood by this insidious heart failure, and distress follows. Common sense says, cure where the trouble and pain begin. Use D.R. AGNEW'S HEART CURE, because it begins at the blood's distributing organ, healing that rapidly and making it etrong and able, quickly sends strength and health to every other organ. It is the only 1xay that combines science and sense and relieves and cures. Hawne A1aEY, of Peterboro, Ont., writes : "•I suffered with iuy heart, nerves and general de. bility. The best doctors said I must die within a month. On my wife's advice I tried DR. AG1 t '8 HEART OUSE. Relief from the first dose. I am fully cured. Weighed 128 pounds --now 180 pounds. ns. Acxsn"s OINTMENT %rn drive Rnes away forever- knnd pimples. totter, , Beta heum. a mOErie � blotches t -f Germany at present possesses eight million men who have been through the ranks or are at pre- sent in 1:er ainiy. DR. HARMOND'S OPINION. Expert Testirsony on Wheeling -- The Revival. Dr. Hammond,. one of New York's cost foremost physicians,- and • an 'active nibxn'ber of the New York Mate retic Club, was recently interviewed by a representative. of the New York press, and • asked his opinion as to the merits of cycling as exercise. The doctor stated very decidedly that he considered it absolutely the best possible, if taken with discretion. He 'of course•.., excluded all persons with very weak hearts, or people of extremely delicate constitutions, but said that nearly every patisnt . • go- ing through his hands' redo a bicycle when convalescent, and th at it was remarkable what progress they made towards health. In Canada there has been an un- precedented revival in vfheoling, and it can be traced to no better cause than to the introiuctir,n of the Hy- gienic Cushion Frame. To use the words of the advertioer, "It is to Wheeling what the 'Pullman' is to railroading," and these words pint the argument in the proverbial nut- shell, It allows the rider to hold a uniform position, while' the wheels accommodate themselves to the roadbed. It bete, made bicycling an absolutely pleasant and healthy form of outing, "MasseyHarris," "Cleveland'," "Brantford" and "Per- fect" bicycles have this cushion frame. • MInard'e Liniment Delle leuralgia Baffin Land is now known to be an island, and one of the largest in the world, having' an area of 800,- 000 Square miles, Pure soap 1" You've heard the words, in Sun -fight Soap you have the fact. Ante for arse actn$oe ixor, 233 tf, TRADE AND INDUSTRY. The glass factories of Sweden have formed a trust. Bank deposits have increased 85 per cent. in tell years. The bicycle factory in Japan is about to start with large capital, There is a platinum famine, and inttustry 'demands loudly the discov- ery of new deposits of the precious metal. England buys eggs and butter from France and Denmark, chickens from Scandinavia and Russia, and her green vegetables from Holland. Tho yearly gross earnings of the United States Steel Corporation aro approximately equal to the grass revenue received by the United States G o vernment. Seventy ,French firms manufacture motor cars and their combined out- put last year ivas 12,000 cars. Tho industry employed 180,000 work- men, earning on an average of ,x`860 a year~each. A'direct weekly train from. Moscow to Dalny on the Yellow Sea has just been installed. The time is thirteen and a half days, with two days steamer added to Shanghai and one and a half added to ,Nagasaki, Ja- pan. Lever's Y -Z (Wise Mad) Disinfect- ant Soap Powder dusted in the bath, softens the water and disin- fects. Divers' boots weigh 20 pounds apiece. The helmet weighs 40 pounds, and the diver carries 80 pounds weight besides. Treherne, Jan. 6, 1902. Massey-Hex/Ss Co., Limited, Winnipeg, Man. Gentlemen.—It gives me very much pleasure to inform you that the No. .4 Binder which I purchased from your Age.rt hero last summer has given the very best of satisfaction, going its work to perfection and drawing light — very much lighter than I expected. My crop was very heavy, and some of it very badly down, but your binder dist its work splendid.I had no trouble what- ever. I hope you will sell lots of binders for 1903 and save my bro- ther farmers lots of trouble. I wish you every success. 'R. M. PERRIS. 1i weak but ingenious ,young guy Was incluce.I to believe he could fly, So 110 built a machine That required gasoleno— And be then flew a trifle too high. Mlriard's Liniment for sale &very there "Young man," said the pompous in ividual, "I did not always have this carriage. When I first started in life I had to walk." "You. were lucky!" chuckled the youth. "When I first started . in life I couldn't walk." For Orr'r sixty Years. As OLD AND WELL-TIMM- M- 8anSDT. — Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over sixty years by millions of mothers for their obildren while teething, with perfect success. It soothes 'the child softens the game, &days all pain, cures wind colic, and lathe bast remedy for Diarrhea. Is pleasant to the tas,o. Sold by druggists in every part of tho wor d. Twenty-tive cents a bottle. Its value 1s ieoatoutable, Ile slue and ask for Mra Wlnslow'e Soothing Syrup and Nike no other Irina. 1-19 The sunniest partof the British Tines is the Channel Islanlds. There the sun shines four hours out of err- r itabove' horizon.. e y ten is the MlOard's Lininient••Cures Burns l etc, Only 49,746 acres of flax were grown in Ireland last year. This is a decrease of 10.8 per .cent. on the figures •for.. 1901. - Jil..0 I eb, 5, 1903. Massey-H'a't•ris Co., LilniteT; Toronto, Ont. Centloinen.—Please send nee one of your 1903 catalogues of farm rna chinery. I have used no machinery that gives as much satisfaction as Massey -Harris. • "My queenl" fondly exclairne'd the infatuated youth. "•My Jack!" soft- ly responded the blushing maiden, But all the same there will be ' ""no cards" at the wedding. AN dDifilfrADLI F050 V.A.LUE • OP A SERMON, It is conceivable that a sermon may have a legitimate commercial value of its own, and Queen Alex- andra has lately sent out cheques for £15 each to two charitable in- stitutions, the money being the pro- duct of a year's sales of a sermon preached before Her Majesty at Sardringliam. The sermon was preached ten years, ago, and was printed by command of. the Queen for the benefit of the Gordon Boys' Nome and the British Home for In- curables, which have received from this source altogether more' than $7,500, VOICE FROM THE PRAI ,I I S TELLS OF TRE GREAT WORK DONE EX DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. ' Thos. L. H.ubbs Tells How His Kidney. Strain Vanished When He Used the Great Kidney Re- medy. Iienlis, N.W.T., April 13,--(Spe- cial)—In this new country where medical attendance is often hard to get the action of special prepara- tions is carefully watched and the results_ are carefully noted. Cense rfuently, conclusions are arrived at that are of value •to the public, ' And the almost unanimous conclusion is that as a family medicine there is nothing to compare with Dodd's Kidffey Pills. ' As a tonic it has made a name for itself, while its cure of all stages of Kidney Disease from Bright's Dis- ease to Backache might be consider- ed miraculous if their frequency did not make them almost common. The following story told by Thos. L. Ilubbs, a farmer in Indian Head municipality, is one of the many that have given Dadd's Kidney Pills their reputation, "About one year ago," says Mr. 'Tubbs, "I was thrown from a wag- gon, causing some strain on my Kidneys. I tried several medicines but could get no relief till I was in- duced to try Dodd's Kidney Pills. "Dodd's Kidney Pills relieved me almost from the start and by the time I had finished one box my pains were gone. They have not come back either." TO 1.'I'.EVENT PNEUMONIA. Now this means a lot. Pneunioniex once established, must run its course and wlren statistics show us that 'lIlore people die annually throughout alto Northern, Middle s nd Western Status from this, than from any 'other 'disease, it becomes us to stir ul;solves and ascertain what reme- dies we can adopt to prevent a cold developing into pneumonia. I give ,you these right here :—Dr. August ,Xoenig's I•lhrnburg Breast Tea and St. Jacobs Oil, the former taken hot on the approach of the first symptoms of a cold—for pneumonia does not carpo first, it is a neglected :cold and exposure that precedes pneiunonia. In conjuectiorl apply St. Jacobs 011 across the top por- tion of the chest and throat, cover with oil skin, on top of which put bot flannel cloths ; place feet in hot mustard and water, take a hot 'lemonade with a dash of Jamaica knot Medford, oh, 'd'ar no) rum, and you will be all right most likely in a day or two. "What is ability?"' "Ability is that to which a man ales his own success." "And what is luck?" "Luck is that to which all others owe their success." Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. The world's stock of unmanufac- tured copper in the hands of dealers udually stands at about 90,000 tons. ,n4 I know TTTNAItD'S LINIMENT will cure Diphtheria. JOHN D. BOTJTILLIER, French Village; • • ' I know MINARD'S LINIMENT will cure Croup. J. F. CUNNINGHAM. Cape Island. I know MINAitD'•S LINIMENT is the best remedy on earth. •• • JOSEPH A. SNOW. Norway, Me, 7--59 1,025 British seamen lost their lives during 1901, but only twelve passengers by British ships. I'01 EtAINTAl5 HC ROBUST HEALTH 1-18 Mrs. Dauber — "This is one of my son's paintings.:' Crittick —"Ahem! Yes." Mrs. Dauber "Yes; he's quite wecde8 to ' his art, Crbttick -- "Rather an imprudent marriage, wasn't it?" In summer the aoatinttotui coil Page WovenWire Fence taltos up the akuok. ll fences sleeken in ware weather earl tighten in cold--eae�tiopt the. Page reeoa In the 'tvinto zo anbao);. Page ap ing cell tae m tip the sleek ln.Auk:r- ums:m kesitoutiewnter No levee sagging in aumnior noetxeboi or S r:la%S s is whi- ter. Common arlisipod trlretis/rot d rlug teutperett an if it stays steadied; .,1t tightens ft loosens again worse tan ever. Faye wire Is temper toregu ata its earn tension and whiter. 800GO1n eiotP twirefencelnueonow, to or , rho Page Wire Vence Co., Limited, tititikor�•e, Ont. Viottx'eai, P,Q,and dt•.robn, N.B., 9 EAT' . On the ea sas Libby [uathcoiis Wo soil the product in keyopening cans. Turn a key and you find the lneatcxactiy as it left us. We put thew up in this way; Potted Ham, Beef and Tongue Ox Tongue (Whole), Veal Loaf a Deviled )roam, Brisket Beet .Seeded Smoked, Deef, oto. ,A11:natural flavor foods—palatable and wholesome. Yourgrocorshould hevethoin "Row to Make Good Things to Eat" will be sent free to any address for the asking Libby, McNeill & Libby Chicago, 1105018 cr ,. •oa> .<uc µ..a t. , Ni^i n Y•,: •.,�•.. a . There are several ways of adulterating teas—an inferior brand iniged in is the essua>l way, is a uniform • tea of a opeci 1 age growth. We value yo'Lr continued net orders too much to adulterate in any way. Black. Mixed. Ceylon Green. Ask for Red Label. rorcr ( CE,ivirs-41? ouLD B 1 Ti' t -f have stood the teet'..gf. mummer surt.:fpr t10 • yyears. They atond fot_peeterras tate -dare. bility, wSI not emelt. Mater or fall- away. They preserve your how 044 trtop'it!now Wel throtiihout the Metre/ of pure paint. Beiing made tight, they ore easy vrork,, hist Seise,, look batter .and. e_t spt the right pine.,` , roar ^leatelhort some for Booiei'et 13. free.. elnoadre houses aro painted with Iianostsz a Paints. 1842 I1 AI&SI 5 •�. 14-26 ILLS AN ,,y kINT' ENT should be in EVERY CANADIAN HOUSEHOLD. REDUCED COPIES OF GENUINE LABELS. Pill:—Black on Greee. Ointment:—Brown amts Green on White. EOLLOWAY'S PILLS are of immense value to the weak and ailing. Although. thoroughly searching, their action is so gentle that delicate persons reed have no hesitation in taking them; indeed, they should never be without a supply. The Pills give speedy relief In cases of Headache, Biliousness, Nausea, Dizziness and Trembling Sensations. Females will find them highly efficacious, EOLLOWAY'S OINTIi ENT, is pre-eminently a household remedy; once used it is sure to have a permanent place in the family medicine cupboard. It quickly allays inflammation and irritation_-, and is in the highest degree scathing and healing. Apply it to Bruises, Burns, Scaids, Cuts, Wounds, Boils, Abscesses, &c. it also relieves and cures Bronchitis, Asthma, Sore Throat, Quinsy, and other affections of the Throat & Chest. yl 4 13-33 t—f H..x '.._(;,,war:,:.,, • •4r:5--, ,A, OUR BRANDS. I�Idwrard l000a " Heaciiight" G90a " Engle " oe 2oes " Victoria lr 6t Lithe Comet" Experiment with other and Inferior brands, USE EJDYS CANADA $$ rm.:rumesnte, Drums, Onifrorms, Etc. EVERY TOWN CAN HAVE ARA 4D Lowest prices ever quoted. Fine catalogue. 500 illustr. et ions, matted free. Write us for any. thing in Music or ifiusteaal Pee transom Is. 1 IIALEY ROYCE & CO., Limited, Toronto, Ont., and Winnipeg, Man, 1.20 pATENTs Conto&s DAPThH Toronto. , _ Write for free odviaa f—+1—ba BE Latest Novelties, all stylet. Coreeepondenco invited. close ' 2c statute kir- Circular. C i CNIVERSAL SPECIALTY "CO.1 P. 0. Box 1142, Montreal. 0-57 . Dyeing ! Cleaning Por the very best send your work to the 'i BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO." Look for agent in your town, or lend desire Montreal,Toronto, Ottawa, Q•ucioc, 1-44 ®minion Line Steamships Montreal to Liverpool. Boston to Liver.. keel, Portland to Liverpool. Via Queens- town, Lara and Vast Bteamshsps. Su erior acoommodatlon for all *lames of passengers. Saloons and Statorioms fro amidships. Special attention has been gluon to the Second Saloon and Thlyd•Olass accommodation. For rotator Damp and all particulars, apply to any•9g tt Of the Company, Or ktlghards Mitis & Cos 7), Torrance & Co., M 'Mato 81. eloaton arra E Mot treearPorthole,tee. INT ma,as.-fomrA "tics ad'a.wa:"boat a eau Any quantity of dry, mixed word, suitable for brick burning, for early delivery. State sash, price 1.o.1'. yours' a+'ion. Address, SIIIFSONI IJIUIGphone MaK 00in..7071 . Toronto Bt., Toronto. Tee.; • 7.19 ORANGES MMON ' Wehave Mexicans, WE Valencie Californias, Navels, AV and HE HE Sevilles. BEST Carload every week. AIX the aTHE at market prices. We can also handle your Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Maple Syrupand other produce to advan- tage for you. . . THE L AWSOH COMMiSSIOH CO., Limited ~ ' Cor. West Mar;act et., TOreONTO. 1 45. DOLLAR Deposited withns is secured byour $7,600,000.00 of Pald•np capital anti Reserve Fund. Our Invested funds exceed $23,600,000,00 Wo allow inter. est on deposits ab 31 Per Cent• per antrum, ootnpou'nrled half -yearly THE CANADA PERMANENT 1ENT and WESTERN CANADA MORTGIAQE C0RPa iirlaN,; Toronto Strout, ToroTo`i! YOUR SAVINGS SAME