HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-5-7, Page 1Rae 1 Ii013,0.1N &:1V111),DLESEX...•GAZET.T.K.• • Traurrnle YgAR—No EXETER, 9NT., CANADA, THURSDAY IVIORNING, MAY 7i 1908 JOHN Witrir getsteletetealeleeee+ae++a+++*++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4. .:."' s + ae se ee Corn r, Feed and: 'Ensilage I • .1...., I. • 4. ,s2Nrar,reCsArmarmisie "...BP • ,,,....00,01.1"SCOMIMMIMM•04.9..4.11...1.1,11•.: + • . + + + ' + '4V Seeds 4. 1 , + + it, Potatoes, early and late and all kinds Garden and $ A.1 sli 4 Field Seeds. as 'at al* ei• PairAts We have the celebrated Sher Will & Williams"Paint -4; ... cements .4T: ..... * National Portland and Star Portland:Cements . 4: 4+ +. + A full line of Barb and Spring Coil Wire always on * hand. Amuraber of different styles ea et T. 1CKIIV'S CR SOW' . * W+4 +4. Henaall Ce J. eutherland, Notary Public, Conveyan cer, Commissioner, Fire Insurance Agent, and Issuer of leferriage License. Legal documents carefully drawn at reasonable rates. mower to loan on real estate at low ratesof interest. Oillee at the Post; (Moe Henson Brianas.-The Hensel', band which has been reeently re -organized under the able leadership of Ur. C. Liadar, fayored our eitizens with a number of selections on Saturday; evening, and which was'eneeyed by a large number of people. ---Mr. James Sparks while , engaged in week in Mr. Welsh's mills ' had. the misfortune to slipwhile handling a plank and injuring_las knee so that he has been obliged to lay olf work and go about with the aid of a couple of canes. -Mr. Ohas, Kerr of Detroit, formerly of „Hensel!, has been spending the past week or 'Mee at his home here, -141r. F. Ruse, precentor of Carmel Presbyterian church, has been confined to the house through illness, aaelpg the past week, but at. the time.cialeV,riting'. we ere pleased to learn that is is sornewaat unproved.--Ve regret. his week to have to chronicle the "deetai. of Mrs. Francis Rae, wheele occurred at her home here on Friday Afternoon of last week, after an illness of a little over a week. Mrs. Rae was possessed of many excellent qualities and was a kind neighbor and friend, and bete * very sudden deathcame like a shock. of Lawn Mowers. .1. in our village, as she bad alweys look- ed the picture of health and strength, *; The remains were taken by the morn- 4. ing express on Saturday to her forrner home at Oil Springs, a,nd were be- es terred in the family plot there on as. Sebbath afternoon last. A very Mtge 4. FOR PfiRTIGULRR MEM May be you're not particular about ;many things, but you ought to be so about your clothes. %here are some particularly nice things here in. Canadian Tweed Suits at 10, 12, $15,00 -Scotch Tweed Suits at 14, 10, $18.00 Worsted and Serge Snits at 13, 17, $20. Pants and Fancy Vests from $3.00 up to 57.00. The prioe includes the highest grade of vverkma,nship in the making. • W. W Taman'. aelierclacent Tailor-. Lumley .1.1041911•011•151:101911.11191. Baines. - Miss Maud Glenn ',vent. Sunday last under the parental roof. -Wheeling is now the order of the day. -Mr, Chas Cann has improved the looks of his house by painting it. -Mr, Tom Passmore is getting ready to build a fine brick house. - Little Mies Mary Millar from. Beryls: is the .guest of her grandfather, Mr. Robeat Cann.- Quite a, number from this vicinity intend leaving for Manitoba in the near future. Zurich --- BRIEFS.-The youngest child of air. and Mrs. William Hildebrand died on - Thursday of last week. The little "hk . one hadebeen ill for several days. - ( Mr. Ed. Wurin left for Crediton Tuesday where he has accepted a situ- ation in the brick yard. -Mr. Cantle has issued a writ against the Toronto News Oomperiteclauniag.$50,000 clam - ages for the injury, he alleges he sus - tai ned, through the publicationsaf the article entitled the "Romance eat the -City of St, joseple", - Mr. John. aEf• Schnell has a :remarkable 'young ha,g on his farm. She is five months alai, and tips the scales at 231. K ippen -- Bruaes.-Communion service was held in St. Andrew's church on Sun- day, -Mise Laura ja,ckson, of Ripley, is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. John Crawford, London Road.-Mucb. sympathy is felt in the neighborhood for Mrs.Robt. Thompson, who Is lying in a very low condition. Kind friends are doing all they caa to minister to her comfort. --Rev. Mr. Cranston of Cromarty, conducted the services in St. Andrew's church on Sunday even- ing last. -Miss May afellis of Clinton, is paying a montkaa visit to her father in the village. -Mr. Geo. Taylor was in Toronto the past week, buying up a load of stockers for grazing. He brought back it fine load with him, Mr. Taylor is a hustler in the cattle:, trade, Our villagereare now devoting all their spare time to gardening, They always like to have (werything neat and orderly. We Can Convince You that our stock �t, Spring, and Summer goods is unequalled. See for yourself. FOWLER BEM THE MOTHERS, HENSALL. , Hay I' Acommarr, ' On ,Stuaday evening --- :e..... 'Frandriving into his brother John's yard, k Mosseau happened with a pecu- liar and painful accident.. While his horse Wok fright at a dog which came running out and began to plunge .and kick, Mr, alausseau was thrown into such a posieion as tereceive three kicks,one on the hand, one OR the face and a very severe one in the side. One to his ribs were broken, and the end a it pressed against the lung. Despite his injuries he drove to Hensel). and had them attended eo by Dr Feeguso n. He is not out of danger, though his splendid physique will greatly aid in his recovery. • Graneon • Biethas-layaras grader was employ- ed on Monday grading the road on Grand Trunk property from Main st. to A. J. Clatlyorthys Wilber yard, - D. G. White received: word of the deatlidesst week of tils dauaelitea, Mrs. ' Birmiaghatu eit'her herne Abreins, 'Wisceneinee-alar.: Chas Lang, see of Dr. Htigh Lang, who haebeen parsin ing advanced studies in Great Britain, has been admitted,- by examination, to the membership of the Royal "College of Surgeons, England. Some time ago be received his diploma of the Royal College of Physicians, He still intends to visit Vienna, wherehe is registered in special coacses in the eye, ear, throat and nose. He will thee spend some tam in Edinburgh to further perfect his knewledge before return - leg home. usnwadCastorla al way's liLtars the . • Cllas. eta:came '1V.12911 Tlaby was we gave lier ri 1.-Osed Mrs was n cesielseae cried for Castolia.,. • rtr,o she berstas Miss; Shrs ot.og. to Cr, rtf4'enstie had elliIdren.slidiave then: CS'stdrla. Merchants Ban , ,I1EAD:OFFICE, .'MOleaaaat • . ; , . „. , CAPITAL (all paid. u) REST .. ..... .. ... „ 'rad:W.:Peseta, General Matager A1GENERAL BANKING BUSIN Interest at Most. favorable diit4e) Bavincis, Bar* accounts and ADetIOSil; fl. 6,000,000: 241004)00 4111)141sT, ' * aaaalaetadof prenehes fSers of Creckissued a,vai)abie, other foreign countries, OlE D !allowed on na, and: 11clertan A. Staifeas Fuzee -This village had narrow escape from almost total de- struction on Saturday: Fire was dis- covered at midnight in a etorehouse beside the railevay trackof the Lon- don,Hurati and Bruce line. The alarm was quickly given, end the villagers turned out te.tebet proyea a fonreaoer fight wall the flames.. Just as day was breaking then:as bed been • check- ed and was under central. An hoar 'Ater all (Tenger hed, ateeeed. The properties destroyed were:, storelieuse Squire Patrick's office leatteiekaehotel stables, llacRee's geneetel estobaeitethe village post ••; office. . ;Tao elaaaawill anumet to poseibly $14,0tale ..la?tataiatit kaeserellove the fire eriginaleaMuathe iikelihedaele that 'a eparia rvo ni a, .0 ass. mg locomotive teuud its way. t.,nrough a breateen parie of gleee, in the store- hotiseelend badasincieldetea until the aillagekew eta wrapped inaela to bee, • Exeter,.1Vitlieloipal taounail. Council met parainat do adjourn- ment at Town Hall, May lee •aetteene 0ouncillore Manning ands Cobbledick, Minutes of peeviousaindetieg read and confirmed. ' Hawkins -Gillespie -That they ask or tenders for street watering.-- Car. iied. • putting in culvertehauling tee, ******4-044*.seate+4444,444444 *041elae.444,4+4•44++4444,440 'Nelson Baker, eep, culvert on con 2, 50e ; Henry Essery, rebate of • of '02, statate laboa$8.00. 'Comacil adjoarned to meet, again hi * • Tdwn Hall, Crediton on Tuesdity, tae 20th day of May next. Gravel tracts Name let a 2 p. in,, and Po • of Revision will be held hi the To noon at 10 a. m. a Hamra Euseen, Tp Clerk, Credito A NOansa,-The tinclereSgued having sold out his mattr°. stock to Ma, Clark, and intends going west. • in the near future, would like all his debtors to call and settle before the 15th of May, and to have everything settled up be- fore leaving. Thanking you all for our patronage in tbe past. a- Ea. aseia, Harness Meker. • Baines. -Mr. Henry Ei Lase, ...‘aF,F. who is attending the Legleeatisee at Toronto, arrived honee last ;awl attend the funeral a his bratheran- law, the late Mr. Bertrand. -Mr, Ed, ICestle hes sold his liareees and ead- diary goodseetc., to James Clerk, and. is offering his real estate for`stele. Mr. Itestie intends moving to the Worth - west in the near future' --Deputy P.O. Inspector Fisher of.London, wae here i on Monday attending to the teanefee **.leteest*********000044***** +4,4444404,4444*.tat, l'of the postoffice to Mr, BarneyBienvii • 4. • o • • • • 4.• Boy wanted to learn Harness , Makine IME_TO Orr AR Bli:rttoDed Shoesj.. reknihr n's 0.vas Slibesjusttji summer'weai foi. Boys"`Cdilyps Si100.,$, Tor stininle),,- int a' ;30 Oa io+E New le of "Boys', and Girls Shoos at a Verrelose 4,,-.141102.1.141P Sp11.0.0.t 1 evlact nova be-poetraaster. ealts - • . ' W; Kerr, will be aesistech,a-elliase, • fe,ature-of the watch -weed. ''Capacle Hawkins -Gillespie-- That thee'fol- --, S. Chisholut spent la,sa. Sunday 'a,6 the for elatiaai.alas" and Mr. R. Ie Borden, lowing accounts be passed and orders.) home cif her parent's in Ingersoll,- a tae leedereetalie Opposition, reamyed , drawn on Treasurer foe same:; -0. ile atte Mick and tile yards have aolne-thersalidtat, - 't lias following. .--, flelin,eale,1111,,aeupte,ac,vtsriske,501sig;th!.t tocaMreatyakl:plaN8.02aft,a.ea "menced work for the ..summer. . M. -Eon. :::rt,,A - el Tarte voted agelaet easa Vat.a. 'leaden has, pat in a meelerh :Itteaeeovereiinent.. ' He forced lielaWah .was st S. Handford ''. labor; Week machine plant. It has' e capteas :pet-ter:sort to aainia, that inereased . an-, - a • . e- •- ...t..•• number of our villagers assembled at 6'00 - : Thos. Welsh, doe.$7.58e jaMee itrof 30,poo hmoir a, daat..-agas. 'Gaga protectio7 " 1.1c1 mot mean increapeat et4apeetenaeleaelataa'Jevie,eTratieealla' a boamerage to those whe *List in the Liberal leaders, :ADDITION OC - Some tithe ago it the station on the sad occasion, and Persona, do, $1.00 ; Geo. Atkinsoe, Motz is around again after a serloaa. pekes. a re atterson. when made to the i Defacates.Rivera Delliti very much sympathy is feib for the de, $4,00 ; Themes Webster, edo, $5.25; illness, and intends returning to her „place ainisetf fairly au record, mad- la thaearneedienatese may sise Wiu. Davis, Jre do, 55.20 ; jamee home Al Manitoba net week.. --.Me. leaved his main argument against tthe by me,speefaseaeasee,aaa-dee n bereaved husband, son and daughter. -Another ot those sad events occurr- -Willis, do, $3 00 ; W. 3. Bissett, part Herb atomise left for Na,pitika, Mani- policy of aaanaea for Canadians" and vsativiiich haesee.xistedira alleee ..1^,,••• 0Q-.00 : Rd. AtIcason, lealea toba, last week, having accepted a. yatar ed in aliti townshipf H at what is ra'''''`a' "" • ,, o ay, „.. , W 3 •Bissett charity to Mrs position in a hardsvare store out there prabaically admitted that for yea,re he is withdraw/pa Tho re son :„2iI4 t1. knovian as Dixie, when Mrs. John 'ac ' " ' • has been eteceiVing the people in this step le thetaha Aniericans are• fishing' Grainger passed away. Mrs. Graing- as in other matters: • the -river oat aayway lay e to er was well known in this neighbor- The redistributicina committee met hood and will be missed by a large circle of relatives and friends as well as by her sorrowing husband, who has the heart felt sympathy of the com- munity in his sad bereavement. The funeral cortege to the Fansville ceme- tery on Tuesday afternoon last was very largely attended, testifying to the respect felt for the deceased and sympathy for the sorrowing husband. s -Mr. A. Lewis has re-engaged with Mr. Ja McArthur, hardware merchant, as tinsmith. -Mr. Abe Case, son of Mr. Geo. Case, London Road, and who is assistent agent it the Owea Sound railway statian, was home recently for 0 few (leas en a eeesa__mr,, eereee a ve a. wept le s.ettsion ere an a parted. this life on Sunday morning aloerehae Millet a nate imicony to hie gnama' m 42 aea Paalatek aa the sacra* last after a btiefilinessaklas.Chas.Wolf residence onRichmond street north.- Trtent.--A meeting of the clatirch and (Mary Wieland) at the age of 41 years, House cleaningds noW the order of the Sabbath school is to be held to-nightShe was born in Egmohdville, and with the fair sex. -Mr. as. Bell (Thursday) for to decide asan aattaut„ - married to her now sorrowing bus- dayversary being held here next moth.- band about 10 years ago. Decea,sed Sutton, $7:0) ; Alex, Dyer, postage, 00c; 31. Spackman, ref. dog tax, $1, Carried. ..`" Council adjouraed to 'Friday; May Sth, at 8 o'clock fa m; - • • ' Biaaaaa'S Clerk. as tinsruith.-Last Friday was -.Arbor Day in our school here, The children. cleaned up the yard in the forenoon and spent the afternoon in games. The teachers rewardedi the pupils for their good work with oranges and candies. -Oa tinda,y evening Rev, S. Krupp of Caron Yacht-, occupied the pulpit in the Evaeagelical chueeh, Mr. Krupp intends Ideating here in the near futhre,-Mr. alethew Winer., sr., and johe Fraud). ara on the sick list at the time of writings -Frank North, cottof the 3rd con. of Hay, started . ,lashaleri a' a eaalettetee Barras. -The old rricitlaer earth has been greatly reviena by the recent May showers and the crops are steal- ing along very fast now. -Miss Obaxe lotte Hodgson of Toronto spent last week yisiting friends and relatives in to learn the tinsmitheng with 37 G. and around here. -Mr. T. Gould of ). Young & Son, hardware raerchante of Bethel was in this community Sunday our village. evening, -The Rev Mr Cootier preach- . , DRATR OP MRS, W OtR.—There de- . for organization. $50.00 aa0 CA.LIFORNIA ANDtR,E- TURN 1h Via Chicago & North-Western Rye Pirseclass round-trip tickets on 'sale from Chicago May 3rd Read May latla tothe 18th, to Los Angeles met San Fransisco. Correspondine peaperly ease/ere any 'close season ea their,seaa, Me. peefontaine's. touree is adopted that mei -own peoPle may have then, share of pereats out -of. :the.: Detroib. Rivet' fleheries walla:. "-f- loats ' ty.inargb, - The 331.'01140d. VIN-positor of ,22tel. telt. had the foliowing reference to the marriage' of a Young raan who is from other points. 'Payola:tele almite alloo„.1._Ines LQ741 betraee'lesigatiejaeeta weeeddereeg, . ana. atop-ovee privilege, s. LoW, enea ttains a day from Chicago to the atialliara Westawaaa the way settlers rates to Westere• 'peat -tea OTAIfeed Coast throu h withoutchen e D • aahes Wholesale Company, .; Toronto. ‘lab;aletraliaictessiLoimzzxise In effect daily until June 15th. Three T-11.,111ter aka allitei who is attending the Philadelphia tDioenn.tal Coilege, is horee on his 'meta Shipka Braars.---Mr. E. Paulin of Dash- wood has engaged. with Mr. Thomas Keys to put up 123 rods of page fence. -Mrs. Keys is improving slowly after an illness of fiye months. The far- mers in this vicinity' have finished their seeding.-Our,caltle drover, Tom took in a number of fine cattle on May 1st. Good luck Tana -Miss Annie De- tour who has been working for J. D. Hannan has left, for her home. -The carpenters are at work on H, Wings building which when finished will add to the appearance of our village. - Commencing 1VIallth our stores will We are pleased -ese bear that Messrs was a, member of the order of the Wm. Stavane satila'"Wm. Baines are Lady Macabees,who with the Knights beta recereaaine• and. will we hope soon of the Macabees marched to the fun - be but ingoek ealtb. again. , PIFT-K,E1.4AT,YRi:R8 OX Vat SAU111 FARat...464+.#ero ate ofthe old pion- eealitedinitakettiat can reeall 50 years of cettatentIaboreen. the same feriae, bualyealeasseatio -well known tqattla aroxi4 herr. Wito Gunn in gltlio ee leas 40-„,-,,,ittr.r*uniung - men tape ee stetickaatieteet alaW Of hig.axe la eatly typhoid feyer, returned home icIlOte-da,4010ysifairty-•:good bealth Miinday morning. • There were also nod atanAttiihe_calebeates Isiseighty- Present at the funeral, Miss Ada 'Vie - third. bliaa'alasasae*tlall OfEr:u1so Wad and her sister from Grand Rapids aot'ogoilyopphig 4.sto-w6-clathg day Mich, Harry Wieland of Eginondville, tgiff1-16`'''.getaibs a • step AralPa 'tad' and Henry Wind of Detroit. • The "taotktra;Pl-' tiheaastitl3tehr4try;;maf5..arlaY441, An- ed to the bereaved relatives and tt't sympathy of the comraunity is extend - forty. 114i nInch7:wea.Mi aild'e't.afth his friends in their sad affliction. eral and took partin the service, also sending a beautiful floral wreath. The funeral service was afterwards held in the Evangelical churcb, of which Mrs. Wolf was a member Miss- Mary Wolf who left setae days ago for the Soo, to attend ber brother Henry. who is and has been dangerously ill. from an at- -at s ips 'rah and OBITtIARY. -Ile Angel of Death beaclosed on Monday eveninge at 7 Owns three•'filiaaterni0.00...rlie can has been in our midst daring the past Wednesday and Fridays at 0. -The to -day sand :104 ol,ovith de- luge week ahd has called away one of or light, He iiaasle aleetteVeltb proininent business men and an old family of grandehildren settler, in the person of Mr. Alexander pealic will kindly govern eliemselves accerdingly. Lucan eatasee•-•see • Bennes.-The Woman's lilissietara- I Society of•the afetlibdist church will , hold a coevention in Exeteron Tues- day May 3.2tlain the James St. churele 4, good progfaniaa of- interestaag; sub- ,-jectF'.to be alscassed has been arrangs i ed. Among the members- en the, peo- gristle are,scaloe, aselIts. Or. Orme mid. Mau J. E. Schmidt of ihia tawnee The: Rev. I. O. Stringer and Mae, Stpiggev /WI a flying visit to relatives .end friends jn this vicinity last week. and Mrs'. Stringer's missionary field- is the fatthest North of any station fer Gospel work in the world,. being wilh- the .Artio °male and at the mouth Of the McKenzie Risser., -Mrs. Stringer was bora near Lecan, on the tame awned by Mr. Thomas Guilfoyle, while Mr. Stringer is a -neallew of Coope. They are enjoying a welt earned respite fronataete toil in the great lone lend.' ” • EX,EaEle las:an= Vane istOralre JigIiii0,114.0Vgailagriejat aiso • shingles. lathe WA •006,11, east& arias reasonable.--ea.seaetteae; Yard :•EaSt.eirld of Mats St • latuaesa-The cenient 'Work of • our vietieclieothoose ienete -dempleted.,-e. Mr, Ferguson of Creditor): hasemaised late tbee-„house eeceetly 'ea,ceeed, by • Haaretsapita . While -.-MrS Sniith has neeeedatito the hease, v4toritoa..by, Mr. 'Abe' Een.ning.,-Mr.':Gepeep;' Smith - is ,.Pveaogp-a.`-bknoid .stntio this•Week ft/La boa. SeeTheebesterient•- foeclastaara is .'0400St John 1.1ord 0,nd PLOP, are IA, pat aeseteents. barnsios.taa 13oz oftjoniloo is, vasitiagallettitiele'Chas, plien,aeteatie:-Saiitie.hae 'sick lis(,aaaira load 'Smith, atreaa'ahasi, 1)11011 Iaid 111) Withtliseetinitape ,a1S0 has Miss Patellas Stecey. elated teileen whualme been.asek, the •p esti ..aWomeathale'ebitiesehet asettekeetafee. ,Chae: Beale:Me the sick list. ..011.11dr.eit-0.11 for • on every side acid his future life prom - Louis Bertrand, who has carried on ises to be as bright and happy as the past has been, . ; •—aa -e" Stephen Council The council. of the township of Stephen convened in the town. hall,, Orediton, on Monaaya the Ulla :of May 1903 at 10 a. in. All useialria Were •peeseat. Minutes of preseleoes meet- iag Were Veld and atlapeecl. Aacleesoa-alYearlee.--a That, the 'ass. sessotaCiaill Tar. 1003' he Accept:eat:MA , tale niagess,or paiclehiS saleseyeaefeaease WilarthSee-Welata. asT a te. b yelaae as ,of 1003 teuthoiaeing flip '4'eev,i-,;, Treesurertabotaiw Ithe sure,. :Oa. 'More then$2500 taeheet elieeeittee expenditure of •tae- toryhehipe mit such time as thetteade teatieleiriedeaete coneetecle being re hu huidSalle% be passed „ and sigued,ay the Ileetie - Carried. very- successfully (lateen., the past num- ber of years, the business of cabinet making and carpentering. Mr. Ber- trand was born in Wintenburg, Ger- many, a,boot 55 years ago, and was a resident•of Crediton for 25 years. De - ceased had been ailing for some time but his death came as a shock to his so-rrowitig relatives and friends. The funeral takee place today(Thursda,y)aft ternoort at 1.30 to the Orediton •.cerne- aery, the service being conducted by Ilee I- O. F. of which he was a valued eeiembgerr-efeer which a memorial ser- &•04/A'aeatelci in the Evan elical *et leaves to mourn their ea two sons, Edmund and oflDetroit, four danghters Valle of Detroit, Mary and ;home, besides his brother ."Sebewaing, Mich, s.nd Stuttgart, Germany. His - Andersen- N.ruel,th- 'that by_jaw javing pre -deceased hitn be - Ne, 2 epee be aeaceereeee. by ingtord 'ming to this country. mit the names Of the foliose -lea path- ' . ' • —0.---- master's, vize-No. 10; johns, alattt earl THE wHeit. pr PARLIAMENT 81.11)Statating the naree,cif aletataitaletelt- -ta"-ht--• ze:iaellt,l'o.:10e,y'eT121.1.abri:da,e. -:::1,0,7e,t,,e• jaoinelliebe .saiaTdhee tfveatLuribeuoifd thmeemPbaerrisia, na:estsair,sy. Dieterich •, tap. 80, Malcoaat 'alter to week .just closed was the speeches Heyd, Oliver, Sutherlaticl, (Essexa, Webb; to Fetainand 'aftatatota Anderson.We.-'-:Li the Owl.- Roche (Halifax), Maclaren (Hunting - slap corned Revision iseseeeles la . the ton), Halmes, Thompson, Schell, Ross (Ontaric)s atallihearaGrants Puttee, towel bail, Oral:140+,9n Tuesday, May Lemieux, and Hon. Wm. Patterson, 28th twit at 10 a, ipeaCarried, . er&9utteraofnces were The folieWlng me-lora:were keen ted: Deleesuelneetleefite30e' 0 tVVO them -Go-al Roads elachanery Co., edge agreecl as to the policy of the goverra for grader and express, $10,70eattotiert e, Be se ,80 e ment. Some wanted increased prate°, Seth eati limber for. alettlancl, Rixon & Co., One ear cedar tion, others free tresae, while a third leak, $a70.00;, Heist, ' Wolfe, madte tlaerciffip rsettetibtlyli t yvv. i t(i)ii i e $10.00 ; Ca T. Railway, freight on der rue°sItaiofriavsuroefa atmer, hauling 'lumber from statical, United States end the 33ritish prefer - of 'cedar, lumber, '$4,8,00; Mattel Mee_ i ance they were equally happy in their I disagreements. Nothing in the Liber. t1 policy except the holding .of power tan bring them together. Bach has his parish end of the game to play and each played whet he thought, would serve to catch the votes of his constit- news,. - Tilos:, opposed to tbe goveras- inent's elatituae joined hitiels with thoee favoring it in supporting what was offeeed for their votes. , For the 0orieervative policy of "ade- quate protection." Messrs. 131ala. Vrota mail, Rocbea(141arquette), Bell,' Rich- eadson Taylor. Ilackettaallorlialtemp, belnea, covering culvert and senses, con 8, 750 ; Alex. Wild,' tile, $1.04 ; Henry Kuhn, tile account, •$11,13 ; Philip Lane, stone for roadie 52.60; Ware Oliver, rock -elm plitnite 4133,76 ; G. Steno. repairing bridge, $200 ; saes Sharrow, repaielug calveeta an ger road, 500 ; .Wilfeeil LaLonde grailing, $0,00 ; 0. W. Christie, drawing plank, Sosaph Guinan, salary 48 as eessor, $80.00 ; dna. Wein, eepititing culvert and aitch, $2,00 ; Peter Xraat, rep calveet, $4.00 ; Lyman Glenville, Pep. niud creek bridge and filling in approach, $3,00 • Joao Lawson, pett-lHenderson,Broder and Clarke were as ing box, $1",/5 ; ae, McKeever, Mee neletahaving no diftereueee on any and personally constricted tourist ear ' -Themereniony was performed by Rev. W,' et , -„Smith, of Colborne street excursions to. California, Washing-'-- , and Oregon. ,For particulars- app yao your nearest ticket agent or adds B. H. Bennett, 2 Bast Klag St. Toron- to, Ont. GENERAL EL.BOTION THIS FALL:, Evetthing points fo a genetala0e: tion thiefale The departmeiitsa here ace prepatalige for it and „the idea is to go to thesaaantry before 8ir Wu-. frid Laurier's balsa "-aetorueessi shat- tered as to force harete retire. ,.This aa_., :will in fatsere. :reside in Toronto."-- c1/4"crnPm1atis°ssothaes cooklegof the public to &hrmewthaesr'aefilaaftlivs!Afs this town, t 9:n1' : giolv fake enepeasee.. aTthdet Misa Westaway, town. We with* to in the post office.deaartme.ntinaandserola. the Intereoloutaa edway. the general good Wishes , to es of manipulatialis .by. which large iiein 111 japingo,cuatirtrsiedau: .vc:trp4tatilt nceexiite_ytie a' are-' be- obi; ihbariPapeeta.redgrde°d°n3liffea.r 111"a117.' Ye -114'1:43-1•e'' W. S. Fielding is arranging 'for, a- big I • • etsnes --• -a- • surplus for the fiscal year, Thi e „bale LAZY LIVBELS AND sTAT:Glatslit abee, which will be •reacbed on the es .„.. „ 'KIDNEYS • a "robbing Peter to pay PeuI" basis, when tn. ese otrzr r;p. eitoinn iwnigl 13,1a1e08311-01t4',111bnatn iteneberilinha t°hnesnabefl.4432;allonrri 1etthoVer pmorseoxiifetaeaticr suffering 'gblagnct (11317- „ the ability of tae people:to Mulish the offenders. The •whOle maarigemene is ease Commences- This cate.ae avraided by kee ing your vitelityeat higle-water mark the blood rich and puresalay tak- ing Otte Fearozone Tablet after each mFeaejr.rozone has a mild but rapid ac- tion on the liver and kidneys, and is seea„, eertaialyabe greatest prottacer of red General declares is a deficit 000t.he, furnishes esese excellent which Lhc i example resent ,.of„6vaolasialjaiiingeta'raetaatipaeeeetaas.L. uttotrizeczlienneceee: isters or the crown are prep red to ga ean Innhe hada And -40,114he in order to lead their miesters the disappear at once wrhoe,itss,06, :coata;th'I people -astray. When the year 1003- iseea, •Get it t'. -clay', Price' t*,,, patiniesefsawIlymehxapvoeseddit,taapep suPposed aura Druggists, awed and in- .s.tota Gat. stead, the offsetting shortage will be Dr. Hattaltou's B:iikasc ewes. church e bride- wete supported by her eietersatfia Tenn-launter, and Mr, Charles Westawav, brother of the gream, aetet1 as Only ehe iturnediate of the contract-. na'aeetlea weee in attendmace. , The :tirade -lea very well known and pone- laraaaaing lady ia this city, -and. until quite recently was on the publie school steft .rancl. taught at Huron. street, ,Tlie greitint aoienerly resided hergaandia. also Well knewri. 'And l'Iles„'WestaWay left on the. 3.30 trairefor:Deteoit and Cleveland, and looked upon"as a carefully taut ploe to deceive the electorate as -to the real condition of the country's finances. Sir Sa illiam. Malock's action in re- presenting his. depaatment as having a surplus of $5,000, which the Auditor "Tages, u xstlan Gement. Don't expe.riment with any other just as goodJ, We expect a'..car of this celebrated Portland Friday, May Oth,, 13 BarbfWir,e4, Fence llookS oiled Spring Wire Page Wire Gates. Fence Staples Fence 'Machines At Lowest Prices. 7rmorsrx, _ acar,anemtamizars.-nsvt-1--Mtilamoguktorizon rtiouse CIeaiin »eeds Ready Mixbd Paint, 15c, 250, 45e, and 85e poi can. Ready mixed Floor Paint, 40c per can. Campbell's Varnish Stain, 15c, 300 and 50c per can. Paint Brushes, a good blush for 10c and 1.50 Kalsomine Brushes 9.5e Alabastine and Murano, 45c and 50c per package Carpet Whips, 1.0c Tacks and Tack Efaarnitrs, 5c, 1.0e and Tack Puller and Claws 10c, CUR PRICES ARE LOW 001ISISTENT MO QUALITY V