HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-4-30, Page 8zammiiihmoseimasummo..ammoNssaNgonA wing. es we are ready for spring, Big Stock, Big Assort, lilt:kilt, Big Values. 'We are prepared for a Big Spring Trade. A FeW of Our Specials for liouse Cleaning Time show the largeet stock awl best values WGirtai118' ALL PAPER3.s-We believe we 6dro6ts in town. We hitve everything in paper from the 3e. line to the choicest gilt decoreted at 25e. Ooine and see OM' show, it will please you, 5c the roll for yery pretty rew pap - ere suitable for kitchens oe bed rooms a big rauge to choose from, 10e the roll for your choice of a big earige of new papers in gilt, glimmer, and pastell effects. • 1 120 the roll for the swellest range of New Pepers that you'll see, Papers in this lot that you would expect, to pay 200 for, Come and see them. 150, 20c, aud 25c the roll for the choicest lot of papers that we have ever shown, ail full gilt decorations, see them. • 8e, Our big bergain lot 25 differ- ent patterns. Last seasons best gilt patterns sold, at 20e and 25c. Our clearing price only 80. Clome quick if you, matt the biggest paper bargains you ever heard ot— this is it. 5e the yerd. Remember *e sell alt the beet matched borders at 5c the yard, You now what the regular houses have been asking. They can't beat 1.1.$. 30c fora lovely range of pure ya dyed Union Carpetsthe kind that a handfull when you take hold them, 70e, our price for the very choices pure wool carpet, all yarn dyed an perfect in coloringe. If you Want a wool carpet we want to see you. Brevets, Tapestry und-Velvet Car pets. We Wive a, lovely range and all a.t ntoney saving prices for you, Art Oarpet squares to fit almost any sized room,hL Tapestry, pure wool and Jute Brussels. All new patterns, very swell. Come in and see them. $2.85 the pair for a lovely range of! Tapestry and Rep Ourts,in suitable for arches, doors and windows. $1.00, $1,25 and $1.50 for three gre big Lace Ourtain bargains. Val that will speak for themselves wh you are introduced to them., 48c the yard for Velvet Corduroy the kind that don't fade, and the boys can't tear it no matter how much they try. Its a sure bargain, only 48c. oissomatsmalko* 130Y WANTED. wanted to learn Harness making, apply to SWEET TO RENT—Cettage on Wantou st, possessionlfiret of May. A.pply to R. GIDLEY, EXeter. APPReNTIOES WAM041).—To learn dressmaking apply to MISS Aux- fiTitON0 atSeell & Rowe's WANTED. — Oood general eervant for family of two. Please, t sort ound- ings. Write at °nee, ei as. A. A. OAMeneere 425 William St. London, Out, QueeeerEavy SEnvioue.—The regular querterly service in connection with the Main-st church, will be held on, Sunday next. Sacrament and Love Feast at 11 E XAL 30t,1 Low dradi118 aruain,s Bargains in Men's Suits, Drs 8 Goods, Ready Made Skirts, Underskirts, Whitewear, in fact Bargains in every departinent. ' Men's Fancy Worztecl Suits, high Men's Black. Serge Suit, up-tteelate Cut vet, up -to -clan., worth $12.50 in eyery way, it was $10,50, you can 1 for $10. buy it now tor $7,50. Alee's Feeley Worsted Suits made in We have a few Men's Tweed. Suits lateet stele, good pattern, a Snit left, they were $7,50, our bargain worth $12, oter bargain. priee $10. price $4,50. — or sale, pure bred Buff Leghorn eggs, noreset- tars, per sittiug 50e, also good early seed potatoes, tharoughlyetested nur- ery stock, 5c. per pound: S. POWELL Exeter. FURINSUED OoTTAGE TO RIJNT, furnished cottage with good garden and. fruit bearing trees also smaller fruite, Will vent for summer months to small fanaily, Apply to G. A. IC. MacLeod, Exeter. Just neoelved a lot up-to-date Dress Goods Snowflake Canvas Salting In b'aek Canvas Suitingsin black and navy, end navy, avevy di eSti4 and fashion- • alde. material ful, snits and skirts. soe correct thing for unlined Skirts and. them eegoee you bey your spring met, Salts, newest thing for spring wear. A few Snaps n Whitevvear Night Gowns of Ane while Cotton, Ladies White Drawers made of fine embroidery trimmed front, and sleeves white cotton, four rows tucks, ern- 6pemel, .70, each. broidery trill, 50c and 75ci. Underskirts made or good white Ladies' Corset Covers naade of good Cotton trimmed with insertion and coterie, full or tight fitting front, tucks, embroidery frill, very pretty. trimmed, with insertion, tacks and Only $1.2,5, embroidery, 25c, 35c, and 50c. Ladies' Black Sateen Skirt, wide frill on *bottom, special 900 Ladies' Fancy Shirt Waists .4e. ........ 1 0 • JOHN CHARLTON (sac..., to Talbot's Bazaar) 0 41: 41. 0 • Raving recently purchased e the stock of W. L. Talbot, of • . Talbot's Bazaar, I have de- 2 es. cided to offer a few j. • : Water &Lemonade Sets : + at greatly reduced prices. See e -It them, they are lovely, and of • o the latest style. -0 :•' JOHN CHARLTON i • . (Successor to Talbot's Bazaar.) 4, 411' Also agent for Hay Forks and 4' • 0 0 Windmills. It 0.0400-0000.044.000-0+0,00040 • BIG CASH SIORE J Pt. ST EMfART THE— For Marriage Licenses, Sovereign Bank of Canada. Capital paid np $1,300,000.00 Surplus 270,00.00 emen OFFICE TOEmero EXECUTIVE OFFICE, MONTREAL President, - - H. S. HOLT, ESQ . General Mgr. - D. a. STEWART, Es Q. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Deposits of $1.00 and upward re- ceived and higliest rates of interest allowed. Deposits Receipts issued at favors,hle rates. Leans mede to far- mers on their own natnes at reason- able rates. A general Banking Business done. OETICES AT Exeler and Cradifon F. EXABN, C. W, GILMOUR, Manager. Manager. GLADMAN & STANETTRY, SoliciborS. TO ADVERTISERS. The copy for changes must be lefe - not later than Tuesday neon. Casual advestisemente accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. THURSDAY, APRIL 30Ten 1903 Locals Rev, W. M. Martin is in Toronto this week at a meetingof the Seynod. Mr. and Mrs. Jabez Dennis and child, of Zurich, . are visiting Mrs. Dennis' parents this week. The Bishop of Huron will make his annual tour of the Deanery of. Huron from May 5thto 10th inclusive. The celebrated. trotting Stallion, Tarentum, sire or lia,rrrD: and other fast ones will be at Hawkshaiv's stab- les, Exeter, Wednesday noon. Full partic ulars next week. . Mr. E. 0. Pickard has very success- fully passed his final examination at the Royal College ofDental Surgeons and is now admitted as a licentiate of dental surgery in Ontario. Mr. H. N. Anderson, principal of our public sehool staff, will move into the r esidence recently vacated by Aire Dave tt. who has moved to Grail Bend for the smarmy. • The 'Marty friends. of Miss Pauline Johnston will be plea.sed to learn. that this inestiroable ettertaitier has taken (Unto herself a companion ha her travels, in the person Of Ernest a Reynolis, Buffalo. She was married to that gentlenian itt that city last week. • Weciclirig Ring Weitclies, Clocker , Jewelry, Specteoles Etc. CALL ON R. UICKS 'Watch Repairing a Specialty, Miss Julia Spicer has returned from a pleasant visit with. friends ha Hamil- ton and Brantford. The twentieth annual meeting of the London Conference of the Metho- dist church will be held in Wingham, on June 41h, 1903, at 9 a. u3, TO CURE A COLD IN ONE,PAY • Take Laxative Brom° Quiniee Tablets All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. Mr. Charles Down occupied. the pule pit of James St, church on Sunday evening last. Mr. Down is a son of Mr. John Down of this place and probationer for the Methodist Minis- try, Be has just been writing on his'. annual examination papers. Miss Jessie Robertson, who was for some time teacher he our public school, and who resigned last winter to take a similar position in Wallace - burg, has resigned her school there, and has gone to her home in Goderich, where she will take a -rest for a few months. If the price of cement continues to rise like it bas been doing in the past winter, haying advanced 10c again last week, there will be very little building of anything that requires any quantity of this material used this summer. It may be all right fcr stock -holders in cement enterprises, but for the builder it mill check him in his operations. We have not advanced the price of our tobacco. Amber smoking tobacco, Bobs, Oureeneyeand Pair Play chew- ing tobacco :4 are the same size and. price to the 'Consumer as formerly. We have aleo extereled the time for the redemptien of 'Snowshoe tags to January.lst 1904.—TnE EMPIRE To B&000 00. LIMITED. • , Among theguests present from ,a distance at the Halls -Gardiner nuptials were;—Miss Fanny Smith, Mr. Fred Miners, London; miss Dawson, Dun- lop ; Mrs. (Dr.) ManDonald, Detroit ; Mrs, P, T. Halls and Reggie, Miss Viriggins, Goderich Mr. Smith and 'Mee Ida Smith, Blyth; Miss Tarlton, ,Byron ; Mr, and Mrs. Alex Gardiner, .Walton ; bliss Laura Andrew, Gorrie. Nome= —The attention of the rate- payers is called_ te the notice in another column re the construction of grandlithic pavements. The council have under their co/federation the lay. ing of pavements in different parts of our village and haye made notice to that effect. :Waft 0 -DA That is what the people say of our Stock who have been to $ee us.- We will say the stock is New, -Fresh, and Clean and what you will appreciate most Of all, The Prices are the Lowest. Of course this week is Special Bargain Week but eveiy day mid vveek you. will find prices in every line that are genuine bargains. Trijollr 256 Ta iIiOrll•;...4titt..131.a61( FAN BRAND TEA is the finest Package Tea on the market, we have it, Itc)sS' orx MAXI). ONO. SCS1110.6.1:•.......01112.1X611.9, .11911114. TENNIS MEETING.-- Those who are interested in tennis are requested to assemble at the school Hall of the Tri,e vitt Memorial church on Friday May let at 8 p. m. foe the purpose of reor- ganizing and forming a clab for the coming season, Dr. Ovens, of London, Surgeon, Ocu list, and specialist of diseases eye, ear - nose and throat will be at the Oom, mercial Hotel, Exeter, on Wednesday May, 6th: Wednesday', June, 3rd, 31903. spectacles end -eyeglasses pro- perly fitted. Next visit will be Wed- nesday, May 6th:a Welaave noteedfanced the price of our tobacco." Amber smoking tobacco - Bobs, Currency and. Fair Play chew, ing tobaccos ere the same size and price to the Consumer as formerly. We have also extended the time for the redemptionsif Snowshoe tags to January lst 1901.—TEIM Earentn To - Renee CO. LIMITED, To THE FARMERS.—Why not follow the advice given at the Farmers' Insti- tute meetings and introduce new poultry hlood into your flock. I am booking orders now for eggs from pure bred WRITE & GOLDEN wyandottes The best general purpose fowl. Eggs 15 for $L00. Speak for a setting early. J. SENIOR, Exeter. FOR OVERSIXTY I EARS AN ?LD WE-TzTtrRSbEDY.-1r. Ws1 w's hinggrasbeen used ot over sixty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic. and is the. best remedy for Diarrhrea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sol Ignta,rsif iggel.littvse oiLtaLurilea. B2,5e sure and take Mrs value 4-inslowls Soothing nun and a& for ,no other kind, , GRAFTING &PRITNTING.—Mr; S. Pow- ell wishes to inform the citizens of Exeter and vieinity that now. is 'tele proper time to have their fruit tree's.. attended to. He has wide experience in grafting and 'pruning. Leave yout orders now. Also a few choice • early seed potatoes for sale, apply STEPHEN POWELL, Exeter. REDUCED POSTAGE.— By a, recent change in the postal regulations, hews letters addressed to a* newspeper, when marked “Printer's Copy,". and. left unsealed, will pass through the mails at the rate of one cent per Awe ounces. Correspondents of the Teems .will please take note of this, ind only use a one, cent stamp on unsealed correspondence; unlets the weight ex- eeeds two ouiacesi - Now the rate at which book and newepaper manus- cript passesis 1 cept per .2 soz. The rate on fourth class matter, iee„ in- cluding merchandise, etc., is now I cent per oz, Ladies' Black Silk Waiste, in size Lindies' lohick Shirt Waists made of 2, Si, 30, made up in latest etvIe, good reemerized sateen, box pleat trimmed witb tucksand hem stitch- down front, fancy yoke, Special 50c, ing. Only a few left, they go at. $8. . Ladies, made Shirt Waist made of 2 only, pale blue telifeta silk, made good mercerized sateen, trimmed In latest style, trimined with fine with tucks and hem stitching, latest tucks And hen& Witching, fancy cuff cuff and made in latest style, you can and collar, Its it beauty for only $3 50. have one for $1,50. We pay highest Prices for all Farm Produco. Remember the stand "The R. Pickard Store" SNELL Liadi s' Shirt Waist Sales We have just opened up the largest and best fisort- ed stook of Ladies' Whitewear and Shirt Waisi s eyer ghpyrri in Exeter,. Every garment of the best make and fine9 ty, all nicely trimmed in the latest styles. NOTE.SONkE OF THE LOW PRIOE mt an WLi ITE,WEAR Night Gown s, nicely trimmed with lace and ernbroide- ry, 50c, 75e, $1.00. Ladies' Skirts with rale, lace and insertion trimming 50e, 75e, $1.00, $1. 50 $2.00 and $250, Ladies' Drawers, with cluster tucks and frills, 25c, 40ce 50c and 75c. Ladies' C/hemises 50c and 75c. SITRT WAISTS One nice range, insertion trimmed 75e, Nice' range with lace trimming and tucked $L00. Beautiful -with n11 over lace and ineeetion trim - g, $1,50. The elicese thieg on the market. „Lovely allover lace 1:and insertion trim- inifig with la e a. t et leeks all round $251; , We are the big wrapper dealers of Exeter. Here you will find them in all kinds and colors made Up in the latest style at prices to snit every one, from $1.00 to $1.50. Ordered Clothing a Specialty, Saxon Fitton will occupy the dwelling in conneetiou with the store. Mr. T. Fittonehaving moved his household effects to his brick dwelling, south Main street. HER, YOUNG SPIRIT CALLED HONIE. ektend our sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Sanies Taylor in the loss of theie youngest daughter, Bernice Ger- aldine, whieh occurred on Saturday last, at the age of te o years and six months. The little one had been a great sufferer for over a year, - hav • where cargoes ot ruse invariably pre- ing, when at the age of eight months cede the missionaryee It is every true etizen's duty and privilege to know the temperance laws and the attitude of ru'ers and candidates towards them; to i•ee that temperance is en. - forced; to agitate for better tem per - mete haws; to elect to office active temperaece men and. uphold them ; te cill on bad officials to enforce tem- perance laws,and seek their removal if they refuse; to agitate for temper- ance reform by voice and pen; to train the young in temperance in -home, sehool . and cburch.--Mets. EL- LIOTT, Press Supt. \At Ulti '111Y Se(4 n I illSt in such a ease io It,l i thegovernment equally re- spoestble it, the mutter. When Judas sold his Lord fte, thirty pieces of silver, he brought the money to cast it into pultlic treeenry, bet ib could not be received because it. was the price of blood, but what about the millions that come iuto our public treasury Surely we stand guilty before God as a nation, not only regarding our- selves but also in our relatiore to 'heathen and leee enlightened people, swallowed some blades of grass, winch lodged upon her lung, causing from time to time abscesses to form, which gradually weakened her constitution. It was thought she might survive this and grow out of the trouble, hut pneu- monia set it and the poor little staffer.- only,lingered a few days. She was unusually bright and in and many a child was seen to drop a tear as they viewed her remains on Sun- day last. MEDALS FOR ENTRANCE PUPILS, — With she double purpose of promote ANOTNIER ORANGE IN Busnenss.— Mr. W, L. Talbot, who over a year ago purchased the Bazaar known as 'Levett's Fair—last week. disposed of his business to iver. 3.• Charlton, who. took immediate possession. Oharlton, has been a resideet. Exeter for over four years, and. dur- ing his residence here has made many friends among the people, and. is also well and favorably known in the neighboring.] ortall ties. Mr. Charlton will still give, his attention to.the hay fork agency, and the Bazaar will be looked. after by Mrs, Charlton and. a, staff of able assistents. See add on local page R,ETIE,X110- FROM 11UIN STESS.—N- 10. Thomas Fitton, who has been hi the jevvellery trade continuously here for upwards of 85 years, this week retires teem active business life, having die - posed. of his stock to his son, Mr. 5, Fitton, who has always been assoeiat- ed with his father bathe business. Mr. Fitton is one ainong the very feve of our former townsmen who have re- mained in the Elaine bushaess, in the same location and without any ,changes during the past two or three decades. By close attentioe busi- nese and centinuation in the same, he has made for himself a fair tompete mace and won a Well earned rest. Mr, work and. r e warding Merit: 'W-04Ftrel-r: 'oe Mis4.";Ellen E.Halls second daughter 'II selle_99.1. , GARDINER—HALLS — The marriage ing renewed enthuseasm W, H., Kerr. of The Post, 13rnsee1e,, offers two medals for comp-di:tem among the entrance examination. seholars of Huron Co. The pupil who takes the highest number of marks at "of .74r*:Iliaraes Hails to Mr. Peter Gar. diner Peek' piece on Wednesday . at Iiiglinelean at her mother's residence AndietteStreet. The ceremony was perferneeilby the Rey. B. Mittore the next, entrance examination will of Centralia ep the parlor which was receive a handsome gold medal suitate tastefulleliteovated fore the occasion. ly engraved, while the' second pupil in The bride" was handsomely gowne 1 in rank will receive a silver medal with white organdie and carried a hand appropriate engraving. The scholars laoquet of pink and white carnotite s, in Huron County have in the. past her only. atteuilant being her little stood high up among I'rovincial can- ne p he w.Mas ter Regg'e Hatteof G oder- didates. We trust the stimulation or jell' as rin .i -le suer. Tile ireeldieg this contest will cause our pupils to March was played by Mrs, F. W. Mc - land at the top of the list in the Pro- Donned of Detroit. After the cere- vince. The awards will be given as ese"ny and cong•ratuletions )8f .. the soon as the marks are published. The ''' f r'enes presene numbering abet'et tifeY, winning pupils. tweet be residents of . . a. dainty vvedding breakfast eriVse‘eeeree Huron. "- ed after Which the bridal parte:IA.4;cm- , A POPUTAR • PASTOR. —A most en. the evening trein for Niagata Fans, joyable reception was held in the par- liainilton and other poin4 "•'' The -fors of Knox church last week by Rev. ; bride's going away gown wii?e': a, navy Mr. and Mrs. Ranisay on the occasion t blue venetian. Mr, Gardiner, of the 'of the sixth anniversary of the form- fl.rin of Popplestone & Gardiner gen- induction as pestor of -,the church. ' eral merchants, is One of our most The hours of the reception were fro m enterprising business men and the 8 to 10 o'clock and during that time ; bride has been a resident of .131teter hundreds of the mernbers of, the eon- for some time and their popularity gregation pressed. forward" to salute was amply demonstrated in the very their pastor and his aimable lady'whoe handsome array of wedding gifts of are held in the highest, . esteem by ] Which they were the recipient s. their people. A dozen of thesity eler- : Guests were present from Detroit gy were also en hand to join thelLondon,St. b,ferye, Goderich and more felicitationd of the evening but there.1 immediate points. After their return was no speechmaking. The church Mr. and. Mrs. Gardiner will take up parlors were tattefully deeorated, an' heusekeeping in Mr. Stanlake's brick orcheetra, was in attendance and re- 1 esicle lice on Gidley street, freshmen ts were eerved eo the guests.' There was ,the ',greatest 'enthusiasm' ,NN EXETER Ja ROT WINS AVOR.-- elson our shovtrn by.: 'the oli,igregif41911 with! Vriiin the Swan. Lake, Echo, Man:, we iwyihiico,lienMliarev,.Ltarosihseitoytetagt -`'ilttliii.tWeerlee...a,!.1,nP"'" esteemed townsman, Thomas. Prior, ' fiud that Mr: NPrior, son of who for some time served. as clerk .ta meeting of the •Lifeehe with Mr. J, A. Stewart, a.nd -.who re- mitisibnets for the distrib-Soith moved front here to Swan Lake,Man., Huron4 beta at licos, Aptillgtlii,ti* mi made for himself man'y friends n that follOwhigyseere granted lieenses'-fde far west town, wive demoustreted . the eneueng Yeart —Seaforth-7,1aver;nei, eteir friendship to hiba in a very tan- Chtietania gible eva,y, prior to his remeval froni Stephens.: Henderson 13; DeLacey ; 'shop, 'EdveaAtd:' DitIVShiL Ncr,Oher. Baytield—tai:ernare: .E. E11140, G. Geeeesiadee elneier6W, six moetlie„,, Hensail, taveens,W. P. M.00alighey;' ' 'EXeter— tAveros; WM. Page, W-", T. Acheson, "WirtelleWkshawsJ, Shaddock ; shops, F. i "Knight, rainier Bro. Town- ship of Stephene-taverne, 0,. L. Moser, Joseph treenerc-J. Hannon, B. Can - 'Anglian), Moses; 9, Deitrich,' Hill, Wm, Feltz, Wm. Moffett left to beaniriterested resident identify - over till next meeting Mrs, G. Graf- in yourself, though in quiet yet in ton. Township of Usborne — Joseph Stephen; Township of Hay Mrs. Nicholson, J, P. Rao, rt, R. Johnston. Township of Stanley—Renry Shafers, Mrs, P. Murray, 0, 0. Blake. Town- slaip of Tuekersmith—George Strong, left oyer until twit meeting, Chas. Wilson.— WM. 13e.LneesTVNE, W,CLT,I.T.NOTEs, In Ingham county, Michigan, &jury returned a verdict, of $1,033 damages in favor of the wife of that pdace to Holland, where be 'noire occupies a good position, as saleeneW Hiebroth.er, Iterreorr, having .suceettet ed him at, the lorrnervlace.- thefootball club, ef which he Weeea; active and respeeted methber he Netie the recipient Of a very handsoli) d writing desk, accompanied by a very' 'fiettering addressees' e mark of their esteem. A,mong the feoroplimenta,ry things in the addrees; •We quote some. “During your stay you luxe Proved inarked manner with the best move- ment in the community. Faithful in the performatice of duty, consistent in CharaCter and conduct, you won, the respect and set an example among your associates eirorth imitating," We are always pleased to learn of the euccess atbeined by the young mete who leave here to Make for themselv- es a name abroad., and bespeak for or friend, 10Ison, a bright and prosper- 51ousfuture. man maimed for life while intoxicat- ed, said veedict, being against 'the sae ItEv. Ilit. Reeis' rORECASTS loon:keeper who furnished the liquor FOR Text Freest W.U.EX xrM.111' Imasommunus 2. Furnit We Carry Qood Lines in Furniture AND MAKE PRIC EASY FOR ALL C. I -1U T•1N9 Graduate of Dr, Myers School of EMbalming. 0/1..1.11 Opera House Block. Furnitur 1 Furnit re! 1tt,,,c,b,.4,4.,...'zi,i474'.-14. eeeeeaif minim A.VING PURCHASED th Furnithre and 'Un- dertaking businesS'of R. N. _Rowe, we announce to the public that we have on hand, without doubt, the largest and best stock of Farniture in the county. A visit to °lir store will convince that we are selling at, the closest naargin possible. It will pay intending purchasers to call and inspect our etock and gekone prices before placing order e elsewhere, -„lite do all kinds of Ordered Work and Repairitip.; and Picture Framing on the'hortest Notice at Reasonable Peices. Satisfaction guaranteed with everY purchase, — . Und6rtakers and Funeral Directer-±; ATHE S INT J. D. Atkinson, Practietil Ene4lener,Graduate of Embalming College, Toronto. der,peopeised by theSt, Man..' at. different periods ha reedet.. vulcan etoren period eeee .5, ing stages of thithe periods*4tb.open- Aeen letrextencling to the last days of „April, that. i114PK8 weenier, tal° barenee tex'. "an „ s o therly winds set hi an those de,vs in western sections of the Con-airy.Ff01.11 the 1st to 3rel inclusive, these to growing storm conditions wil.r 10- crease as they advance eastsvard pe- ch.anges ross the country. resulting in wide, cloud areas, with active storms of rain, wind and thunder, on, end teach - mg the 2nd and 3rd. in she natter e of things, rising barometer, change of winds to Westerly and n Ortherly, 'anti on cooler WoeattlaheerseWsiltlofrniolls7gig close nthaeIar f many northern to central sections touches of chill and frost during some of the nights in the first week in May. On and touching the tith and', 71h look for decided, and rapid change fp failing barometer and quite warm, tesulting in sharp electrical storme ifm the Oth and. 7th, Moor, eroese$41,16'; .0)ftestial equator on the 6th in a reac- ',Winery storm period, and heavy time-, storms will be most natural on - d next to that day. As, tbee teforms pass eastward across the conti try, change to ising barometer a, witch, eooletwill follow from the w giving possible frosts in eepams 7n tor ttawiniotdohinntheleansilvgeli.ts betweeo, the h DO 1;;OU'BEL011,GAS GO TO T'RE— For Pure Manitoba Family Flour (Staa) Pastry (Princess) h eat lot (Breakfastfood) A. good supplyif Mill Feed • and-Phop always ive our$16%a .f-lreed a Trial ahd .be:abrivae4d that it is all::ikht: I2;g1.er andylate Oh:bppers in use custipmers. 6 tOnt4,011 'a' b it,t ' t r II eiLda 60.11401P:C. Ifyou have:liege, ,.1t11t.e,, 0, „ S ti 64 ell*ti: E:Fe:i16i Ilk tsytto L°:'5.4. a' i5.'d.14, ok' t if: , ,'4,4i." F(47,i4. , , , eel tz!!4I ltiekd , t re.Whietifeee!eteetia, ,IllrsOsIttaitititOr.,,,e;',0iipiPoSw;c..9.O,ljtici;),404c", e 0 a 6 . oni7206, ,:laetter?.trtlf.,,,,. EY 113R08 miutAs 46114:66g101r=1VC$132002169=MIEWIRMI15~ qren cry for RI Pilisittrre Omisf, which robbed him of his senses, It — Storms of ram, hail and thnii- 4 ,41