HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-4-30, Page 5f. •-lir
2,000 KIttED BY 8R1T1811
.Col, Cobbe Has Been Relieved
by Brig. -General Manning.
Bad Mullah's Forces Receive. a Severn
Check—How Plunkett's Careens Met
Disaster—Nobly They ?ought and Well
e-111ajor Gough'ss Ilfobilo Column Err.
gaged the Enemy Near Danop and
Lost Two Officers and 11 ,lien. With 4
ORircrs and 28 Alen 1t'ottnded,
Aden, Arabia, .April ‘24...—The re-
ported British defeat in Somaliland
has been confirmed by official state-
ments from Berbera, the capital of
Somaliland, Est Africa,. The officers
of the llardinge say that 10 officers
and 180 men out of a total British
force of 220 men, wore killed recent-
ly in an engagement with the So-
' Meavy Death List.
The despatch closes with a list of
the :Cancers and men missing, and 1
l�i,aq� 'doubt killed in action," viz.: Col,
W, W, `V,. Plunkett, Captains John- 1
Stott, Stewart, Olivey, Norris and
e1.thi ion, and Lieutenants Gaynor
and Bell,; all of the Zing's African
Rifles; Capt. .Vizoy of the Second 1
Sikhs 'Capt, Sime of the Indian flied-
foal' Staff, two white privates, 48
mon of the Second Sikhs, and 124
mon of the African Rifles. Tho two
• Maxim -guns weyo also lost:
Adria; Arabia, April 27.—Briga-,
• flier -General Manning, after an en-
gagement with the Marl Mullah's
forces, has relieved Colonel Cobbe,
near Gumhturu, Somaliland, 45
I Iles westward from Galo'di. About
2,000 of the Mullah's men were kill -
en. 'The British loss is not known.
The few details obtainable of the
xeVerse to Colonel Plunkett's detach -
intent, April 17, show that the Mul-
lah's forces consisted of 2,000 horse -
Men and 1.0,000 spearmen, They sur-
rounded Colonel Plunkett's force in
ithe openand the Somalis, after a
heavy rifle fire, charged repeats -dly
ninth their horsemen and spearmen
bit all sides. Tho British detach -
dent held out until its ammunition
anis exhausted, and then charged
With the bayonet, but it was ulti-
sagely overwhelmed by *eight of
ituinbers. The British force'feught
until all its officers and 170 men
Siere killed. Most of the handful of
litaen who reached the camp were
The Somalis' losses are reported
to have boon enormous. Tho Mul-
lah's forces aro reported to aggre-
gate from. 3,000 to 4,000 mounted
linen and about 80,000 spearmen.
13ohotle, Somaliland, East Africa,
Saturday, April 25.—Major Gough,
in command of a mobile column
Llii;aged the enemy near Danop. He
lost 13 men killed, including two
+ulnen", Officers, and four oiflcers and 213
men wounded. The enemy had two
3iundred killed. Major 'Gough praises
ingbly the conduct of his force un -
Bens trying condi ions, 'and while
grating at close ,..alters. He +re-
ltommends several men for gallant
behavior. He is now retiring on Bo-
iiotle, and is expected to arrive
here April 28.. Supplies . have been
sent to meet him.
.c_:._ er
British Peace Budget Brought Down by
Chancellor of the Exchequer.
London, April 24.—The budget,
;Which was introduced in the House
of Commons yesterday, shows an es-
,imated expenditure for 1003-08 of
The Chancellor of the Exchequer,
!lir. Ritchie, fixed the national debt
Charge at 5135,000,000, of which
$31,500,000 is available for the
sinking fund. The estimated reven-
ue on the existing basis of taxation
is $778,850,000, giving an available
surplus of $54,080,000.
Grain Duty Abolished.
Mr. Ritchie's proposals included
the following:
The abolition of the duty on grain.
Four pence (8 cents) taken off in-
come tax.
The taxes on sugar and coal are
Grain Tax lnfamons.
Sir lVillianl Vernon -Harcourt
;(Lib.), former Chancellor of the
Exchequer, followed. Sir William
said he thought it was scandalously
unjust that the well-to-do classes
should be relieved to such an extent,
While the wage earners' only advan-
tage was the remission of $10,000,-
$10,000;000 in indirect taxation. The grain
tax,ho added, was an infamous one
and he was glad, therefore, that it
was repealed.
The speaker vehemently complain-
omplained of the proposed expenditures for
South Africa, which he claimed
enaaht +,.i ncut. fou • the Zar.
..�� .Accent' Foe.
To health and happiness is Scrofula—1
^as ug13 as aver since time itnnleinorial.
It .causes benches in the neck; dis-
fng'nres tite skin, inflames the mucous
lawm •Fa:1'. wastes the muscles, weak -
e bones, re, Itioes • the power of
n ., ;irs..• 1{,• fI'•'.iar,e end the capacity
for incest.'"). and dcveloae into con -
4. e.., .,
n•' id en bad eerofula sores
• , .• .-•,,, and kept them
ton, three months.
i•, :.i no good until
•, S ;rsn;,asilla.
• ••,, to heal, enol
, ,. niter, of serer:
-7, erout:mock, Ont.
ash anclper;
00th, fsoa.
Eight cents a pound is
what a young woman paid for
twelve pounds of flesh.
She was thin and weak and
paid one dollar for a bottle of
Scott's Emulsion,and by tak-
ing regular doses had gained
twelve pounds in weight before
the bottle was finished,
Eight cents a pound is
cheap for such valuable ma-
terial. Some pay more, some
less, some get nothing for
their money. You get your
honey's worth when you buy
Scott's Emulsion. '
We will send you a little
SCOTT & BOWNE, Clilrmsxs,
Toronto, Ontario.
soc. and $1.00 ; all druggists.
The Colbmtles, 1ie Surber asserted,
ought to contribute towards the
support of the navy.
No sober-minded man could justify
the enormous expenditure of the
King's Visit to Gay Paris.
Paris, April 27.—Elaborate ar-
rangements aro being carried out ra-
pidly for the welcoming of Ding
Edward. They aro on a scale of
truly royal splendor. The fetes will
follow those held at the time of the
visit to Paris of the Czar of Russia,
and will include a 'number of event's
affording opportunity for brilliant
spectacular effects. When Ding • Ed-
ward arrives, at 3 o'clock next Fri-
day afternoon, President Loubet, the
members of the Ministry, and' . the
staff of the British Embassy will
proceed to the Bois de Boulogne sta-
tion to meet him. The station will
be hung with rich golden tapestry.
The meeting between the President
and King will occur under a silken
canopy. Throughout the entire route
soldiers will be massed pn either
side of the thoroughfares. King Ed-
ward will stay at the British Em-
bassy, which, during his sojourn,
will bo regarded as a royal resi-
Adjourns Vol. a Day in IFlemory of Sir
'Oliver Mowat—Tlie'Buclgot Debate.
Ottawa, April 20. The House
showed and voiced its respect for the
late Sir Oliver Mowat this aftcr-
ioon, when it• adopted a resolution,
moved by Sir Wilfrid Laurier, and
seconded by Mr. R. L. Borden, to
adjourn to -morrow night, and stand
adjourned till Thursday at 3 o'clock
p.m., to allow all who so desire to
attend Sir Oliver's funeral. Both gen-
tlemen delivered eulogies to the late
Lieutenant -Governor's memory. The
budget debate was continued by Sir
Richard Cartwright and Icon. J. I.
Ottawa, April 21.—The entire af-
ternoon session of the ITouse of
Commons to -clay was taken up by
Mr. John. Charlton, who spoke in
favor of reciprocal trade relations
with the United States in natural
products. The election of Dr. Wal-
lace to succeed Mr. W. C. Edwards,
nova a' member of tho Sonato, in the
representation of Russell, was an-
nounced by the Speaker. Dr. Wallace
was introduced by Sir Wilfrid Laur-
ier and Mr. D. 0. Fraser.
Ottawa, April 23.7 -Three contri-
butions were Made to the budget de-
bate to -day, James Clancy, T. 0.
Davis and Dr. T. S. Sproule were
the 'contributors.
Ottawa, April 24.—The budget de-
bate was continued in the House of
Commons to -day, and when the hour
of adjournment arrived the Speaker
still had before him a long list of
members who desired to speak be-
fore Mr. Borden's amendment is put
to vote. Speeches were delivered to-
day by Mr: C. B. Ileyd, Mr. Richard
Blain, Mr. Frank Oliver, 1Ir. Jebel
Robinson and Mr. Vrooman. •
Prosecution Practically Concluded on Sat-
nrday—Newspaper Contempt of Court.
Toronto, April 27.—The cu-
p o e
tion has only two or three • witnesses
to .call and. it will rest sae case.. in
the Gamey bribery charges. • The
Commission did not sit on, Wednes
day afternoon in respect to the
memory of the late Sir Oliver Mo-
watwat. The defence will begin its
case to -day, and beak officials, will
be the first witnesses. Later of Ann
Stratton will testify in his own cle-
fence. • ".t'he defence has now received
51,800 for witnessfees and the pro-
secution 52,000 from the Govern-
ment for the same 'purpose.
' iliurder and 'Sudden Death.
Dalton, Y. T., April 2 7 .—Atexan-
der Coutts of Eastern Canada • was
shot through the lungs and probably
fatally wounded at the new town of
Fairbanks, in the. recently . discover-
ed Tanana diggings by William
»unekle, former mining recorder at
Fairbanks, on April 7. The shoot -
jag is the first to -occur in the - Ta-
nana 1.3asZn, and eanitontent • among
the miners runs Ingle
Hebert Crane front Ontario and
known in Dawson was killeci at
Nome Feb, 17, by a slide of earth
et instant a death,I •To was 4.0
years of age..
Toe 'retire Statietl•es of ]Fire and Life
During .the year 1902 the net cash.
for premiums received by lire insur-
ance contpaflios •atnountod to 510,-
686,558, an increase of 5980;205 as
compared with the previous year. Of.
the aggregate sunt 52,117,041 was
received by Canadian .companies, an
increase of $889,681; "56,946,019 by
British companies, en increase of
$851,472; and $1,572,593 by,
American companies, an inelease
of 5086,205. The gross amount of
policies, new and' renewed, totalled
5899,684,167, as against $821,522x••
854 for the previous twelve months.
This amount was made •up: Canad-
ian, $222,7$0,1.00, a gaits of $51.,-
886,095; British, 5556,692,1825, a
gain of $7.4,550,598; and American.,
5120,211,152, a gain of 511,724,-
625. The not amount at risk at
date (31st December) was 51,083,--
700,935, being 545,022,316 more
than in 1901. It is divided as fol-'
lows; Canadian, 5255,049,293, an
increase of 533,292,656; British,
5694,660,815, an increase of 5169,-
169;587; American, 5153,909,827, an in-
crease of $11,560,070; The amount
paid for losses aggregated 51,158,-
4,158;953, being- a decrease of 52,615,998,
as -compared with the year previous.
The losses were apportlfoned as ' fol -
.laws:' Canadian, 8870,722, decrease
5139,177; British 52,725,648, de-
crease 52,164,59.4; American 5562,-
588, decrease 5313,277.
The following- is an abstract of the
business done. by life insurance com-
panies in Canada for the year 1902:
Total premiums, 517,143,561, in-
crease, 51,953,707; Canadian corn-
panies, 810,099,762, increase 5965,-
872; British companies, 81,415,273;
hnere.t'e. 868,607; American compan-
ies, .:5,628,526, increase 5919,228.
Net amount in force, 5508,794,871,
increase 845,025,337; Canadian,
5308,205,453, increase 523,520,832;
British, 541,435,454, increas3 51,-
219,268; American, 5159,153,464,
increase 520,285,237, . Claims -paid
(including matured endowments,)
56,907,415, decrease $274,913; Can-
adian, 53,555, 281, increase 596,019;
Britislt, 5803,498, decrease 568,428;
American, 52,703,581, increase
5187, 028.
• I
e S i.. i, 'rr1
�olwl it zto it to orrga reetalq,
her hind is as active as ever, abs
lie the Mother or the Modern trained
nurse. Ilei' serviees for the wounded
will dis ase -ridden sold
iers at tl
Crimea, Will be an inspiration to
noble minded women for all time.
she battled with fever and disease
and won the 1? ay British Govern*
ment of the flay to a realizatiori of
their barbaritlr in neglecting to pro.
vide doctors and nurses for a htigtf
alxny in the field..
"You Imbeolle 1"
Another story illustrates the fool«
ish eagerness with which a membeli
will grasp at a suggestion when he
is floundering for his word,. The
representative --for Pedunk, let ua
say, was on his feet tearing oil a
few yards of sonorous platitude and
furious triteness. Tie had come to
the point.where he was saying:
• "This fair Canada of ours, which
extends from the Atlantic to the er
,'•`T° the Pacific, you imbecile!„
promptecl his deskinate'
"To the Pacific; you ilitbecile!
And in the impassionmentof ora-
tory he wondered why the house
laughed until the ceiling shook.
a ants
There are
1 so more important or-
gans of the body than
'the bowels
If they are irregular, health must
be imperfect.
Constipation is the common ail-
ment of the age.
Nothing is worse for the bowels
than the frequent use of cathartics.
They do not cure Constipation—
they aggravate it. A laxative
does cure.
T ia..'tin LETS
are a Gentle Laxative and
a Tonic combined!
The !Meal Remedy
for Constipation
Ta LlsS.r 25 Cesare
dalei'il was in an uproar. vats.
THREE -CENT FARES. son the captain, with his sold- eoun
arrived, they were beating calle
Analysis of the Toronto Street liaftwayl, but stopped when they saw the en[leab
Report by Chicago raper. iers. ' fart of the Lord's Ines- thro
Discussing the annual report of the' o Paul by Ananias was, "I save
Toronto Street Railway Company, show him how great things he It
The Public, t surfer for my name's sake" as ti'
printed in Chicago, says's 16), and Paul, knowing fault
the report shows that the service' was not moved by these things and,
could be furnished at a profit upon an xx, 24), though he din sneak
straight three -cent faro.
nine of them as shaineftll treat -
"As the number of passengers car -
rigid was 44,437,678, the gross earn -t, (I. These. ii. 2). .Our Lord
self taught us that "in the
ings at three cents straight, without'
considering the increased patrons e'd u a shall 'rave tribulation"
in consequence of the lower fare, in „Kai, 33), and through Peter
t' "t us that we must not
would have been 81,333,180. Against
It rho fiery trial strange (I. Pet.
this the operating expenses, as xe- •
12, 13).
' ,the chief captain
> near and 'took hint and cotn-
profits. The outstanding boii7ls �. d
L erg sal and j�'ore
All kinds of Hemlock or Pine', e:tber in
the rough or dressed as you wish,
,A few of my Spring Prices.
Coal at bins . ,' .. $6,00
Coiled Spring Wire per ewt $2,80
Dry Hemlock Barn Boards at
Dry Hemlock Jointing and Scant-
ling at '$15.50 per M.
No. 1 B. 0, Shingles at 80e per bunch
Cheaper grade ...... .68e per bunch
1 inch Hemlock ...*14-.13O per M.
1 inch Pine.........fg12,EO per M.
It will pay you to write or call and
see.rne before you buy.
A. J. Clatworthy's
Lumber Yard, Granton.
Knocked intro a-cocked,hat.., You for-
get all about them when you. see Ross
and Taylor's grained doors and in-
tern* finish. Call and see them "No
Why go to one place for'rough lum-
ber and to another for interior finish,
*lien you can be supplied with all
kinds at one establishment.
We keep everything in the building
line in the shape of wood, and sell as
low as any one in the trade doing a
legitimate business. We are practical
men in our line, and know just what
you require. Call and see us we make
no charges for advice.
A. large supply of Shingles on hand,
and more coming. •
Tanks for cistern, Barn or field made
on short notice.
the s
ported, were $1 015 361 32, which a.ddin
leaves a balance of $317, 69 as gross 34. Then i f pt All
amount to 53,473,373.33, over two -
him to be ,bound with two the
thirds of which bear 4; per „says and demai:deii who he was 1•ooplt
interest, and the remainder 6 pet what he had done. slieite
cent. The interest is accordingly, in the riot at Ephesus, some survii
about 5170,000. This would reduce , one thing anii some another. en tiff
the net profits to $147,769, which, i'lot was caused by those who and t
without any provision for sinking biped idols, but this was by crew
fund, would allow only 2 1-3 per wit° professed to worship the villas-
cent. on the stock as reported. But Cod, so that these at Jeraisa-
the stock as reported is understood were more to blame than the
in Toronto to be fictitious. The Siar..s, Laving more light than Cap
bonds—$3,4778,378--are said to have had. Those who caused this the i
paid for the road- Upon that as- =teem 1 o have' been ti.o same mane
sulnption there would be no necessity ,of people as those who made there
for dividends, and the whole 5147,- ile at Antioch (Acts xv, 1, 24) questi
769 could be put into a sinking fund vete: s of the word, troublers garil
for paying off the bonds. At that uls Art not thou that 1: crew
rate this would take less than gyp -
years, without considering the inter- Whitt before these days meekest
est earning power of the sinking proar and led -Jest out into the AIRS
fund." :mess 4,000 hien that were mur-
sq ..In
We have unlimited private funds for invest
ment upon farm or village property at lower
rases et interest.
$Ii)rNCEWITIIAn,.,citE0)iLAN'D1 N
EXL11+111�—Wo offer for rale on reasonable
terms, thstt•very desirable residential property
known on Lot Nos X80 math The oftHuron � Street, situated
The' e
There is ratted upon the land,a eoniforiable
and commodious brick dwellings also the
necessary outhouses, The bouae is in good re-
pair and bas llamas. The lot contains an acre
of land and is excellent) adapted for garden
fug or fruit growing. 'mere is a plentiful sup-
ply of hard and soft water, The property le up )
to date and the terms easy, for particulars ap' .
ply to U1oxsoN 6c ciaaresto barristers Exeter
or toA,..E, Hoorah, Row P. 0,, Penna, U.
A., nxoprietor,
.gen for the WEttantee AMMAN= COM-
PANY,. of Toronto ; also for the Pam= FIRE
NSVRANOE. C0MPANx, of London, 'England;
• P. S, Graduate VIctoria .uivereity
office and residence, Dominicu Labors.
tory, Exeter.
Barristers Solicitors Notaries, Conveyancers,
Commissioners, Solicitors for the IMIolsons
Bank, Etc,
Money to Loan at lowest rates of interest.
s, R. caramels S. A. L. Ir. piOxcsOw
(Successor to Elliott & Gladman)
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public,
Conveyancer, Etc,
Money to loan on Farm and village
properties -at Lowest rates of interest
Money to Loan.
OFFICE — (Formerly Elliott and Gladman,)
1 i MAN, L. D. S. AND
D. S. D. D. S., Honor Graduate
of Toronto University: Dentist.
Teeth extracted without pain or
bad after effects. Office in Fan -
eon's block. West side of Main
ie is
The season for beginning for spring)
work is here and you ars looking for
the best machinery, We handle the
Deer! ng Binders, Mow-
ers, Rabes,.Drills, Cultivators
and Disc Harrows, which
are Manufactured in Hamil-
ton and Chicago. •
ten ,'iliRepaiis for above Machines always
A on hand.
4'.Agentfor the Cyclone Woven Wire
Fence Co: Call and see the wire,
and get prices.
We also handle the McKie Buggy,
of Plattsville.
Amos Townsend
treate 1 Door South of Farmers' Store.
and c,
Col. Pridoanx's Career.
The London Chronicle says: • Pol..
Prideaux, who has prepared a biblio -'I
graphy of Robert Louis Stevenson'e
works„ has had an interesting and
distinguished career as a. political of-
ficer under the Government of India,
and has been on many delicate mis-
sions in his time. When he went on
the famous official visit to Bing
Theodore of Abyssinia in 1865 he was
among those who were "run in" by
that erring ruler, and suffered a
couple of years in captivity •at '
dala, before - Napier' got in with'-~ the
relief. Colonel Prideaux is not new
to book work, and he has already
had to do with bibliographies of Con-
eridge and of Edward Fitzgerald, and
he is understood to have made very
complete and comprehensive list of,
Stevenson's work in all forms. •
Florence Nialitingale.
Florence Nightingale, the heroine of
the Crimean war, the woman whose
self-sacrificing generosity was the in-
spiration for the foundation of .the
Red Cross Society, is living at , the
ripe old age of 88 in London. She
was visited by the Ting and Queen
the other dav_ sous 7•"..* '_•"'••
Sick Headache ?
Food ' doesn't digest well?
Appetite poor? Bowels
constipated?' Tongue coated?
It's your liver! Ayet's Pills
,are liver pills; they cure dys-
pepsia, biliousness.
ISc. Ali druggists.
t Rant your "u•uata.he oY beard ;t be4uttful'
brown err ,'1' i,l.a, k1 .Then use
�1qp for the
UUtw li t$. AM'' DIE t`i'e& skor,
ora. „/ eaotara ra, o. q.. P. NAL ♦ Co., NAeMM, N. N.
The property of Samuel Cudmore,
Hurondale, Ont, with small contribu-
tions from herds of J W Ellison, and
W H Harvey, in all 80 -head of Short-
borns ands Yorkshire sows to be sold
on the fair grounds in the
Village of Exeter
County of Huron en
Catalogue on application to
Hurondale Ont.
°OAPhr T. E. ROBSON, Auctioneer,
Ilderton. Ont.
!kr Mills
°Hia inn and 6lioppina
0116 PiOmp ll
. \V'e aregiv irgexcellent sa-
tisfaction in flour since re-
modelling our mill
Dry Foft Weed Wanted
(� '�y
The undersigned will . have a
car load of Buggies arrive on the
first of April, and if you want a
Buggy, call at the McCormick
shop before you buy. These
Buggies are finished in different
colors, and are extra grades.
(a?Don't forget the stand, Mc-
Corinick shop.
Agent at Exeter, Ont.
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
quickly ascertatr out' opinion free whether au
• Invention Is pro) ably pDatentable. Communica-
tions strictly cc5.ldential. Handbook on Patents
sent free. Oldest agency for seducing patents.
Patents tat un through Munn 6t Co. recetwe
specie/ notice, without charge, in the
Seaetififkr American,.
A. handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest ctr-
inflation of any scientific journal. Terms, $3 a
year • four months, $1. Sold by all newsdealers.
MUNN & Co.361Broadway, New York
Branch Office. 625 L' St.. Wasil:'eton. D. C.
We have a large amount of private funds to
loan on farm and village properties atlowratos
ot interest. GLADMAN & STANBURY
Barristers Solicitors, Main St. Exeter .
D.A. ANDERSON, (D. D. S. 0.18.
Honor Graduate of the Toronto University
and Royal College 'et Dental Surgeons of
Chicago with' ollof Prost! etic PDe Dentistry ate of
honorable mention.
Everything known to the Dental Profession
donointhis office. Bridge work, crowns, al-
luminum, gold and vulcanite plates all done in
the neatest manner possible. A perfectly
harmless anaesthetic used for painless extract.
Office one door sontb of Carling ;Bro's store
Exeter, Ont.
You may not be able to
get enough coal or wood
to keep you warm this
winter but you can dress
warm in our
Suits that fit and suit
the pocket,
Opposite Post Office, Exeter
••.0 ^"? ..S"'i..',-•�tR+•"'it`a'Ri r±?,?:..a*kt..' ••••13h'Ti •
4ouWanta uggy
We have the Guest stook in town
All the latest styles, in the newel
Our prices are low as can be foun'T
for first; -class material and 'Workmai
J F Russell
Two Doors South Town Hall.
A Happy ani
Prosperous New Year
Is what we all expect and desire„
Begin by making the home
bright and:cheerful, and if your
family -are musical, You. cannot
add to the brightness and cheer"
of home m ore than by placing il3'
it a Piano or Organ. It will not
only add cheer to the home but
will help your children to take
their proper place in the . social
and business world when your
aid is withdrawn from thein.
Sewing Machines
In Sewing Machines we carry a
large and varied stock of the
very best makes, also needles.
and repairs for all machines.
Sheet and Bock music.
Hymn Books, Bibles, &c, always
in stock. Call'and see us.
Our terms are the best.
of Worthington's Canadian
Stock Ton ic.
Tames Leask, breeder and feeder of
the sweepstake fat cattle at Provincial
Winter Fair 1901 and 1902, says
Dear Sir:—
I have fed your Stock Tonic to
cattle and like it very much. It mak-
es them thrive well and put on flesh
more rapidly. 1 think it is the best
Tonic I hare fed to horses. We` are
also feeding it to oar hens this winter
and they are laying better than they
have done for a long time, It pays
to feed it. Yours truly,
Greenbank P, 0., Feby. 23, 1903:
Dear Sir:—
I had a mare stocked in both
took it down completely and put her
in good condition. It has done my
cows good, Think it is a good thing.
and can recommend it.
B. CHURCHILL, "Dairyman." 012.
Clinton, Jany, lith, 1903.
Purify your animals' blood .before'
turning them on the grass. They will
surprise you in the fall._
10 Ib. box, 200 feeds, 50c. ; 50 Ib. sack
Tli6 Worthington Drug 60•,
For Sale and Guaranteed by:
Carling Bros, Exeter; Cook & Son,
Hensall; E. Schmidt, Lucan.
.At. Ounce of
660,900019,- W400000000000000
CENTRAL ADO Worth a Pound
ot Cure."
®Our graduates readily secure good
positions because our high grade train-
• ing prepared them to render first-class 5
oservices. Business mon want first-class 0
5 workers and haveno time to waste up -
ib on the other kind. Commence a course e
fy now and bo ready for a position in the le
fall. Write for handsome catalogue.
® Principal
0000000000000000000006 ee
DR. W. H. CRAH A M, Late °xf ing�St.west.
No. I Clarence -square, corner Spadina avenue,
Toronto, Canada, treats Chronic diseases, and makes
a specialty of Skin Diseases, as Pimples, Ulcers, Etc,
PRIVATE DISEASES as Impotency, Sterility, Vari-
cocele, Nervous Debility, etc., (the result of youthful
folly and excess,) Gleet and Stricture 01 Long Stand-
ing, treated by galvanism, the only method without
pain and all bad after effects.
Why not cure that cough of
yours now ? Do not let it
go on • and get worse. A
bottle of one of our own
Cough Medicines will cure
you. We carry a large as—
sortment of
Cough Medicines
Cough Lozenges
Act wisely and get some of
our remedies.
Diseases of . Women—Painful, profuse or: suppressed menstruation, y' u StOt"
Omer] 13A13Rs-9 a, tri. to 8 p. m. Sunday 1 to S p. lila.