HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-4-30, Page 4Th
i O 11 111 Ui.
d o 1 e ttoTORS Wad by Mt f Par Unmet nt 1 vl
Head Oldie, Alto atrial.
tpltal {allraldnpl — *2,500,1>o Important Events in Few Words
worn reed ..--- 2.` 50.00
;£813tanchee to Qnteri°, Quebec,Alberta, For Busy Readers.
Uriah Columbia and Manitoba, •
llten Every Lawful Day from 10 a, m..
to 3 p. nn.; except
e1311s' Virorlcl's alaip uings envof►Wy
Complied and Put Into 'timely and
$atui'daye, 10 a, to, to ] p. m. nen:actir, Shape For t1.ttl headers of
Farmers Sale Notes cashed or col- 00,, Paper --1i Solttl Raise's I„ ujoyntout
'Seted, Forms supplied on application.
Drafts ou all points in the Domin:ou, luPntpgralalis.
Great .Eritairt and United States
bought and sold at lowest rates of
ex 'bap,ge.
Deposits of 51.00 and upwards receiv-
ede interest compounded half yearly,
and added to principal June 30th and
December 31st. Deposits Receipts also
issued and highest current rate of
interest allowed,
Tile Ontario budget speech will be
delivered on Tuesday,;.
Mgr. ,Sbarretti, the new Papal 1)e -
legate, spobo to largo congregations
in St. m]lichael's Cathedral, Toronto,
.on Sunday,
Mrs. Catherine Begley, teoron.tc,
in a serious condition as a result of
using keroseao in starting a Circ; cn
Advances make to fanSaturday esIentg.
fanners, stock Government,
dealers and business rnen at lowest 'ese Ontario suiowhas. at
rates and on most favorable terms. should under discussion what
Agents et Exeter for Dominion should be taken. to erect or he che
g n suitable residence for .the new
Government. Lieutenant -Governor.
t3ICXSON & CARLING, N. D. EU1WO Montreal.—Charles L. Roller, a
sol,IOLtOnS. max t,55
( well-•clreSseci even, 80 years of ' tiee
took carbolic acid Sunday evening at
xed r ;the Windsor, and died instantly. De -
Calendar for. April, 1903
5 12 10 23
MONDAY . , • ... 6 13 20 27
Tvirsneen 7 14 21 28
WnDNk.SDA?- : , 1 • 8 15. 22 29
TRIM SDAY .. . 2. 9 10 23 30
IeRx r,AT' ... , > ..... 3 10 17 24
SATO'ItDAX 4 11 18 25
Ceased belonged to Yonkers, N. T.T. '
Mr. J. D. McGregor, who was eor-
inxerly a member of the Legislature
of Nova Scotia, takes the place of
Senator Carmnielxael, who has resign -
cd owing.to ill -health, and who was
appointed is 1898:
Wn., McCabe, LL.B., nmanaging,.
director of the North American Life
tinsuanee .Co., 'and considered the
greatest life insurance expert in the
Dominion, wiled in Toronto after a
two weeks' illness on Thursday eve -
Ding, aged 58 years.
THE WEEK IN PARLIAMELT idamilton,—Philip Tabb, aged nine
e....,at.. years, who 'lived with his parents at
The weekin Parliament was marked 287 wellington street north, while
crossing the G.T.R. tracks 'at Exn-
erald street Friday morning was run
down by the express train. from. the
east and instantly killed.
by an adjournment from Tuesday to
Thursday as a token cif respect to the
late Sir Oliver Mowat. Both leadeis
and Mr. E. F. Clarke paid high trib-
utes to the Grand Old Man of Ontario, J, A McAndrew was sworn in as
The budget debate was continued. O•egistrar of the Court of Appeal on
Sir Richard Cartwright disowned ail
Thursday, succeeding Mr. Cart -
leis past pledges by claiming that it weight now Master -in -Chambers,
was the duty of the Government to Toronto. The Commission was sign -
first see that the country was pros- ed by the Hou, W. Mortimer CIark,
perous. He boped to see the day
this being the first offmaiasl act of the
when Canada would leave a surplus of 3�ieutenant-Govemnor.
530,000,000, although surpluses were Otteuan Tixe Winnipeg eastbound
the horror of his life preyicus to
1893, ;train was delayed 12 hours Sunday
Mr. Charlton, at the solicitation cf lay an accident about two utiles east
Sir Wilfrid Laurier, revived the agi- � nSudburyatdMarkstyis on Station. A
tation for reciprocity with the TJnited piled
States, He denounced the British The engine plowed into the obstrue-
Preference and supported Hon, W, S. tion, and was wrecked, with two
Fielding's contention that it should be `!tars. Engineer Barnhart of North
abolished, t bay was killed.
Hon. J. Israel Tarte made astrong j "Toronto.—The lion. William Lount,
attack on the government and declar- 'Justice of the Common fleas Divin-
ed that while the cabinet was adyocat- i ton of the high Court, died Friday
ing Free Trade in the open, they afternoon at 3.80. The deceased
arranged a secret deal, with the menu- 12udge had been suffering from
facturers to maintain a high tariff. i Bright's disease for a long period.
He reflected on the Ministry by stat- l U•. Justice Lount was a son of the
ing that some of his former colleagues late George Lount, formerly Regis -
were dishonest men, 'who stabbed I ;trar of Sinicoe County, and a nep-
bine in the back and forced hint to hew of Samuel Lount, who was exe-
resign. cuted for his participation in the re -
Mr, .Tames Clancy the Conservatise beilion of 1837. Darn on march 3,
member for Bothwell, clearly showed 11840, at holland Landing, Ont., he
that the Government intends to make f was educated at Barrie High School,
a. did set in favor of reciprocity with ' and graduated from the University
theUnited States. He exposed the of Toronto. He was called to the
plot 17 revealing Sir Wilfrid Laurier's bar in 1863. I = wc, s representative
job w+ catch the vote of A r•ericar:s , for Simco.' in al House from
encs r rg the Northwest, even at the ? 1807 to 1S71..- . epresented Cen-
expenee of Canadians. Mr. CIancy ; tro Toronto in Liberal interest in
called for a policy for all Canadians, ; 1896 7. Ile was appointed Queen's
and the abolition of sectionalism.
' CounseI by the Ontario Government
Mr. Davis, Liberal also supported in1876, and by the. Dominion Gov -
the reciprocity scheme and submitted ! ernment in 1881. On Jan, 30, 1901,
that the west aid not care for home he received his judicial appointment,
markets. ; succeeding Mr. Justice Rose in the
Dr, Sproule. ('cnservative member . Court of Common Pleas.
for East Grey made astrong attack on �I•1t3FOREIGN OREIGN NEWS -
the extravagance of the present admin.- cL*••"
istration and showed how the expen- 12,000 persons took part in the
diture had grown to an undue ex- recent riot at ieronstadt, Russia,
tent. . The rioters tore, up paving stones
• and wrecked houses.
ONE COMMON CAUSEOF BEAD-; The Hague.—The First Chamber of
ACHEthe States General has adopted the
treaty of arbitration between 1iol-
land and Venezuela.
St. Petersburg.—Tio special, per-
mits are now required for Travel in
Central Asia, excepting in certain
portions of the military- defence. •
:Madrid, April 23.—A special des-
patch from x'ddelilla, Morocco, says
illuley 3foharurned, the Sultan's bro-
ther, has been proclaimed Emperor
at Fez.
.Berlin. The Governments of Prus-
sia and of the Grand Duchy of Meck-
lenburg have decided to expel the
Mormon missionaries, of whom there
are 145 in Germany and 90 in Prus-
Vienna.—A band of 'Macedonians
recently surrounded and slaughtered
forty 'L'ashiba zouks and fifteen Gend-
armes. near Pel ritch, Macedonia,
out of revenge for the murder of
their leader.
San Domingo, Santo Domingo.—
The Government forces at Darahona,
San Pedro De Macorish and Selbe
have joined the revolutionists .in' the
northern part of the island, and the
ovoran:ow of President 3tasquez
I complete. ii. provisional Govdrrunenl
hap been formed.
; Stickholme Sweden. — .. Despatches
from Finland announce that an -ex
I. Senator, two editors, a former Brit-
ish consul and several leaders of the
Young Finnish party, have been or-
dered- to leave Finland within, a
week, under . the recent decree pre-
scribing • measures for the mainten-
ance of order.
Paris, April 23.—Alfred Dreyfus
has .submitted to Minister of War
' Andre a lengthy letter, in which • he
earnestly asks for a reopening of his
case by means of .an investigation by
the Minister. as the supreme source
i of military tustire. Tho .letter,
whirls is dated Paris, April 21, con-
' frms the reports that, Dreyfus has
j been living quietly here for some
1 time past: Tt promises to caths*± a
trexm'nilous itgitalien an -tong the
various, elemr'nt s ' of the political
greups fur -end. agaipst Dreyfus.
James O.,. Plat -tarn,
; Vit• tine, tittle Uintster ,to , Belgium, a4
dttnd.. goo *,f,
Perhaps the nest general cause cif
headache and pails across the eyes is
nasal catarrh. The simplest cure is to
inhale the tnedicsted vapor of Catarrh- i
ozone which trztcex Es every Or cell;
and air passage of the threat, lungs
and nose. It kills myriads of germs at
every breath, clears as'.ay mucous dis-
tharges,preserves and heals the mem-
lame. t.atarrhozone is just a splend-
id remedy for headache, and its actit n •
si certain and unfailing in diseases of •
the Thi -oat ited Dregs. Deafness,
Bronchitis, Asthma anti Catarrh, A
teia . will convince the most sceptics 1
that Gat.arrbozone i, all richt. Large
size $1.tt0 . trial size• 23c. Drt:,,giste,
or PoI oti & Co. Kingston, Ont.
Dr. Hamilton's Pills cure Constipa-
i -i alth
" For 25 years I have never
missed taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla
every spring. It cleanses my
blood, makes the feel strong, and
does me good in every way." --
John P. Hodnette, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Pure and rich blood
carries new life to every
part of the body. You
a .reinvigorated, refreshed.
You feel anxious to be
Motive. Youbecomt strong,
steady,courageous. That's
what Ayer's Sarsaparilla
will do for you.
ZOO to bbftltt, Ali dntygista.
Ask year doctor What he thinks of Ayer's
ilareaparina. Ile knows all about -this grand
old family medictrto. Yellen kis advice and
wo Mill bo littisf ea.
d. C. AYER 110., Lowell, plass. ,
The 30th Annual Capferenee Session
of the Evangelical Association church
of Canada was held in the pleasant
Village of Dashwood. beginning at
9 a, in. ou Thursday, April .lath. Ou
account of the unavoidable delay of
Bishop W. born, chairman of the
Conference, the chair was occupied at
the openingby Professor S. le UIn•
bach, of Union Biblical Institute,yNap-
erville, Ill, At 10.30, however the
Bishop arrived and after addressing
the members in his usual, hearty man-
ner with words of encouragement and
inspiration the business of the Confer -
ante was proceeded with. .All sessions
were opened with devotional exercises
which are by no means of secondary
importance in gatherings ot this kind.
Licenses to preach was yoted to the
following applicants for the ministry.
W, W. Nash, Eben 0, Weber, Louis
Atnacher, F. Segmniller, and W. Web-
er. Rends. IZ. L. Merger, A.. D. Gis
cizler, W. Zimmerman and N. S, fMet.
fessei, were voted upon and err oeivod
as Elders of the church S '
great power and blessing wez'e deliver-
ed during the evening services and
upon the Sabbath by Bishop W. Horn
Editor of the Evangelische Magazine,
Rev. G. Heinmxller, Editor of the
Ohristliche Botschafter, the principal
German organ of the church, and the
oldest religious church paper in Amer-
ica, having been published continu-
ously for over a halt century; and also
by Rev, Mattill, Senior Agent ot the
Publishing House which is located in
Cleveland, Ohio. The followingwere
elected delegates to, the General Con-
ference. of the church, which will be
held at Berlin, Ont„ next autumn (D.
- Prof. S. L. Umbach, and the
presiding elders, Rey. M. L, Wing,
Reb. S..R. Knechtel and Rev. J. Cr.
Litt. Though brief, yet appreciated
wes the address of the Rev, Dr. Hend-
erson of the Presbyterian church,
Hensall, upon the subject of the Lord's
Day Alliance, an organization which
we look upon as haying accomplished
much good in the land, and which we
consider worthy of hearty sympathy
and support.
The Rally of the Young People's Al-
liance of Christian Endeavor was held
-on friday evening, Crediton and Zur-
ich Alliances were favorably represent-
ed and assisted in the song service of
the evening. Addresses were deliver-
ed by Itev, M. Clemens, of Hespeler,
on "Opportunities of the Young
People," and by Rev. W. 0. Hebn, of
Stratford, "The essentials of success-
ful Y. P. A. work" Then followed
an impressive address upon the Dea-
coness Cause in aur Conference by
Rev. L M. Moyer, of Toronto. •
The Ordination service was conduct-
ed on Sunday afternoon, Following
this was the missionary meeting, in
friends of missions contributed the
noble slam of 52745.35 for the mission-
ary interests within the bounds of the
Canada Conference. • Cf this sum the
Sunday School alone gave the grand
sum, of 8195,85. Not only was the
spirit of "Take any life and let it be,
consecrated Lord to Thee," but also
that of "Take my silver and nay gold,"
manifested in these liberal gifts tor
the extension of the border of God's
kingdom among men. May his bles-
sing ever rest upon gift and giverand
we still praise God from
all blessings flow. Praiseworthy- was
the singing of the Dashwood church
choir during Conference, and long to
be remembeied was the kind recep-
tion and entertainment of the minis-
terial brethren on the part of the
members and friends of the aggrega-
tion, The report of the stationing
committee as read on Saturday even-
ing was as follows
lererth District.—M, L. Wing, P. E.
St. Jacobs, J. A. Schmidt ; Elmira,
W. Zimmerman ; Wallace, H. Dierd-•
amm ; Listowel, L, K. Eidt ; Walker=
ton, E. S. atoyer ; Normanby, M.
Clemens; Carrick, L. Wittick ; Mild,-
ild-may, H. A. Thomas ; Hanover, D. H.
Brand ; Elmwood, 1V, Holtzman ;
Chesley, W. 0, Hehn ; Por,t Elgin; D.
Rieder ; Parry Sound, to be supplied;
Winnipeg and Selkirk, Man., W. E.
and one to he supplied ; Rosthem,�.
Sask., A. W. Sauer ; Didsbnry, Alber-
ta, C. G. Iaaatz ; Wetaskawin, to be
West District.—S. R. Knechtel, P.
E—Hamburg, E, Burn and E, F.
Heist ; North East Hope, Eby ; Tavis-
tock, D. Creb; Sepringville, 0. S.
Einkbeiner ; Stratford, A. Y. Raise, ,
Milverton, J. H. Grenzabach ; Malt-,
land, A. D. Giscbier; Zurich, W, J.
Yaeger ; Dashwood, 3. O. Morlock x
C)tediton, G. D, Damm; Aldboro, E
Meyer; ltliddleton to be suppplied :
Fullarton; G, Finkbeiner.
East District.—J. G. Litt, P. E --
Berlin, L. H. Wagner ; Waterioe.
S. el. Hauch ; Campden, E. Ii. Bean ;
Morriston, 3, W. Bean ; Blenheim, 0.
H. Leihold ; R,ainhani, 13. L. Merner ;
and H. D. Wing:'loronto, I. M. Moy-
er and A. Cleroens ; Hespeler, E, D.
Becker ; Hamilton, G. F. Braun ; Nie-
gara, S. F. Braun ; Gainshoro, N. S.
Me.hfessel ; Arnprior and Kilialoe, el.
Gischier• Golden Lake, G. II. Wagnei
Rochinglatin, 0. G. Hallman.
Mans > Bovie say they. are 'alt nerves," easily
startled and upset, easily worried and irritat-
ed. blilburn's 3Ieart and Nerve Pills are just
the remedy such people require. They restore
perfect harmony of the nerve centres, and give
„new naive force to shattered nervous systems
f r.,•
ekes short roads,
ood for everything
that runs on wheels.
Staid Evoryveliers.
Made byy.IMPERIAL OIL 00.
Popular flmeriGan CoBSUl
In Canada. Safi$ fie Knows
of Remarkable Cures
Wr'ou..[illtl J u
Paine's Coed ' Compound
Great SpringAlieaiG lue.
The claim that Paine's. Celery,Com-,
pound is the only honest medicine in
the world for the cure of rheumatism,
neuralgia, nervous and blood diseases,
is sully borne out by the strong aid
convinciog letters of testimony receiv-
ed constantly by the proprietors of the
popular medioine. Nothing else has
ever possessed anything like the pow-
er of Paine's Celery Compound to re-
store a healthy nervous tone to the
entire body and to thoroughly cleanse
the blood, making it impossible for
rheumatism, neuralgia and other
troubles to find a lodgment in the sys-
tem. Ministers, professional men
generally, newspaper men, public 'otli-
cials, and all brain workers, men
whose daily outlay of vitality because
of hard, trying, anxious work, is ex-
cessive, find renewed nerve strength
and vitality in Paine's Celery Com-
pound, General WM, 11, Henry,l
American Consul in the City of Que,x
bee, say's
"It gives me great 'pleasure to in,.
dorse Paine's Celery Compound, both
on account of ' the results obtained
from personal use of the remedy and
knowledge of the remarkable cures'. it
has performed. I believe it has no
equal in curing diseases of the nervous
system and building up these who ere
weak and oat of health. It has cured
several friends of mine of rheumatis=m
in its worst forms, and I have no hesi-
tancy in recommending it to all afflict-
ed with that disease.
KILLED BY A. I>ro$SE'S .KCS — Don"s
a1d Ross aged 16, son of Rev. Wm.:
Ross,Presbyterian clergyman of Prince
William N. B. died .on Sunday of in-
juries inflicted by the kick of a horse
on Friday last. He was leading the
animal to water, when it, kicked him
suddenly ou the torehead fracturing
his skull, The young than was a
nephew of Mr. D. A. Ross, town,
Accident;- As Mr, Thos. Hackney,
and Miss Hackney of Usborne were
driving home from Eseter,on Tuesday
the horse became frightened and shied
throwing both he and bis sister out,
In the fall Mr. Hackney sustained a
fracture of bis shoulder. The injured
member was set by Dr. Browning,
and the patient is progressing favor-
ably. No other damage was sustained.
day last the members of the local
lodge of the Independent Order of
Oddfellows, fittingly celebrated the
anniversary of the birth of the ore...
by attending Divine service; .A i u l
attendance of the members of the
lodge were present at the lodge rooms
at 10:30 a. m„ where there numbers
were increased by a large representa-
tion of the order from Mensall, After
assembling at the lodge rooms they
marched to the Trivitt Memorial
church where a very able and profit-
able address was given by the Rector,
Rev. 1dr. Perkins.
The Passenger Department of the
Chicago & North-Western Railway
has issued a very interesting folder on
the subject of the Christian Endeavor'.
meetirg to be held at Denver, July 9th !,
to 13th, together with information as
to reduced rates and sleeping car ser-
vice, as well as a short description of
the varions,poinIs of interest in Color-
ado usually visited by tourists. Send
2 -cent stamp to W. B. Knishern, Pas
senger Traffic Manager, Chicago, for
copy. • -
-- .
'T:Er,IAN Ci3UR(ibi ,,'
For General Assembly Presbyterianl'.
church in the United States, May 21st'
to June 2nd, The Union -Southern
Pacific will sell very much reduced
round trip tickets to Los Angeles go-
yia New Orleans, or by Denver,
Salt Lake City and San rroncisco, re-
turning sane or diverse route. As
this is anopen rate it will give the pub-
lic and delegates to the Presbyterian
Assemblyrat Vancouver, in June an
opportunity to attend that Conven-
tion returning..
Tickets on sale May 2nd and May
llth to 17th inclusive, good for return
until .Italy 15t13. Liberal stop -overs.
privileges going and returning.
For rates and further information
address r`
T. P. A., Union Pacific R. t.,
14 James Building, Toronto, Ont.
JOHNS.— Suddenly, in' London, •on
April 24th, 1903, Solomon Johns,
aged 74 years.
ialYLOrt. --- Iti Exeter, on Saturday,
April 25th, 1003, .Bernice Gereldine
Taylor, youngest daughter of Mr,
:and Mrs. Jae, Taylor, aged 2 years
6 nlonthc.
GAftnINElt—Halts—In Exeter at the
residence of the bride's mother, Mrs.
Halls, by Rev,' B. L. Button of Oen-
tralia. Mt'. Peter Gardiner of Exeter
to Miss Ella E. second daughter of
the late James Bails, formerly of
Mtn vide
Messrs, John Lucas and Will J, 0
Brown, of ,l .irkton, who have been on
service in the Soatbt .Africa Constabul-
ary force for nearly two years, return-
ed home last Saturday, They came
along with &bout a dozen members of
the force; and stayed a couple of weeks
in England, on the way.
The action of the St. l.farys Cream-
ery against the Grand Trunk Railway'
for damages caused by injury to a'
car of :hatter in transit, has been de-
cided in theirfavor. The railway had
paid for the salvage, but refused. to
pay the full value of the butter, By
the judemeut they are ordered to pay
in full $480 and the costs of the action.
If you
r• FOR ing for a
and want
to visi the West you can do so with
very l- tie expense as the UNION PA-
OIFIet will sell One-way Colonist Tick-.
Os EVERY DAY at the following''
ratefront Missouri riper terminals :
. 25,00 to San Francisco, Los Angeles
am d many other California points.
820,00 to Ogden, Salt Lake City,
(Butte, Anaconda and Helena.
$22.50 to Spokane Wanatohee.
$25.00 to Portland, Tacoma, Seattle,
and many other Oregon and Wasbing-
The UNION PAOIFIC has extended
territory to which round trip Home -
Seekers' Bxcairsion tickets will be
sold as follows :
Flxo x MISSOTIRT T,s Rlvlmt m'itl.'INALs
To many points in Kansas, Nebraska
and Colorado
To many points in We oming, Utah,
Montana and Idaho;
To inane, points in Oregon and Wash-
One fare plus $2.00 for the round trip.
Tickets on sale April 7 and 21, May
15 and 19, Jane 2 and 16, 1903.
For full information call on or ad-
dress, H. F. CARTEII, T. P. A., 14
Janes Building, Toronto, Canada. or
,F.. B. CHOATE, 12fi' Woodward Ave.,
'Detroit, Mich.
UNTIL J1:72,TE 152II •
Maxwell, who assaulted Mr. Shafer,
of Seaforth, a short time ago, Was on
Monday last, sentenced to ten years,
Word was received from the Secre-
t,ary of the Enron Old Boys' Associa-
tion of Toronto, R, A, Walker, stat-
ing that it is not the intention of the
society to accept the invitation of any
town in pae.ticular,•for tl1e running ,of
their annual excursion to this year,
A Sad Letter from a lady Whose
Husband was Dissipated.
Row She Cured Him with a Secret
"/ had for years patiently borne the disgrace,
seffering, misery and privations due to my
husband's drinking habits. Hearing of your
marvellous remedy for the cure of drunkenness,
which I could give my husband secretly, I de-
cided to try it. I procured a package and
mixed it in his food and coffee, and, as the
remedy was odorless and tasteless, he did not
knowwhat it was that so quickly relieved his
;'craving for liquor. He soon began to pick up
flesh, his appetite for solid food returned, he
stuck to his work regularly, and we now have a
happy home. After he was completely cured I
told him what I had done, when he acknowl-
edged that it hnd been -Ins saving, as he had
not the resolution to break off of his own
accord. I heartily advise all women afflicted as
I was to give your remedy a trial."
What is
Castoria is for Infants and Children. Castoria is a
harmless substitute for Castor 011, Paregoric, Drops
and : Soothing Syrups, It contains neither Opium,
Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant.
Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of
Mothers., Castoria destroys Wormsand allays Feverish -
BOSS. Castoria, cures Diarrhoea and Wind. Colic.. Castoria.
relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and.
Fltytulendy. Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates
the Stole -tech and Dowels of Infants and. Children, giving"
healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is the Children's.
Panacea—The Mother's Friend.
"Ojtstor1n is au excellent- medicine fo.
ebildilen. Mothers have repeatedly told me
of its geedeffect upon their children."
Da, G. C..OSGoon, Lowell, Mass,
`t tlastoria Is so well adapted to children
that 1 recommend it as superior to any pre•
setiptiot lrnowu to me."
4RC8sR,, M. D. Brooklyn, N. F"
A Lady who cures her husband of
his Drinking Habits writes of her
struggle to save her home
"It had fora long time been thinking Of trying the
Tasteless Samaria Prescription treatment on my
husband for bis drinking habits, butt was afraidbe
would discover that I was giving himmedicine, and
the thought unnerved me. I hesitated for nearly a
week, but one day when he came home very much
intoxicated and his week's salary nearly all spent, I
threw off all fear and determined to make an effort
to save our home from the ruin I saw coming, at all
hazards, I sent for your Tasteless Samaria Pre-
scription, and put it in his coffee as directed next
morning and watched and prayed for the result.
At noon I gave him more and also at supper. Ile
never suspected a thing,and I then boldly kept right
on giving it regularly, as I bad discovered some-
thing that set every nerve in my body tingling with
hope and happiness, and could see abright future
spread out before me—a peaceful, happy home, a
share in the good things of life, inattentive, loving
husband, comforts and everything else dear to a
woman's heart; for my husband had told me that
whiskey was vile stuff and he was taking a dislike
to it. It was only too true, for before I had given
him the full course be had stopped drinking alto -
was gone, and tt I hen sent for anothern the r lot, to have e on
hand if ho should relapse, as be had done from
promises before. Ile never has and I am writing
you this letter to tell • you how thankful I am. I
honestly believe it will cure the worst cases."
A Plucky Young Lady takes ate
Herself to Cure her Father
of the Liquor Habit.
A portion of her letter reads as follows :--
" My father had often promised mother to stop -
drinking, and would do so for a time but then
returned to it stronger than ever. One day
after a terrible spree, he said to us : It's no.
use. I can't stop drinking.' Our hearts seemed
to turn to stone, and we decided to try the
Tasteless Samaria Prescription, which we had
read about in the papers. We gave him the•
remedy, entirely without his knowledge, in his.
tea, coffee, or food regularly, according toe
directions, and he never knew he was taking it.
One package removed all his desire for liquor,
and he says it is now distasteful to him. His
health and appetite are also wonderfully im-
proved, and no one would know him for the.
sante man. It is now fifteen months since we
gave it to him and we feel sure that the change
is for good. Please send me one ofyour littla
books, as I want to give it to a friend."
and pamphlet giving full particulars, testimonials and price sent in plaint_
MPsealed envelope, Correspondence sacredly c
nfdential. Enclose stamp
for reply. Address The Samaria Remedy Co.,, 23 Jordan Street, Toronto, Canada.
as � ceaeasau *Z4 . ,�".dec y r .,ave �..,. 6gttiF4n,�. raii0 3
" Cures Grip
1, L'.:
4 ne Da . -
��Cure Id in an Two Days.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tabletse .. ani eveo25ce
Seven Million boxes sold in past 12 months. This signature, %LA
Brunches are taught in the •Ft C: B.
COLLEGE. Our students are not
guarenteefl • , nice . jobs, but • after a
course in this College it will be
No Trouble for Them to Hold •
Any Position,
We aid them, if possible to obtain'
employment, but we first equip therm
to maintain the higb reputation this
school bas acquired. •
Lohdon, Huron and Bruce. .
CIOIie Noa'r u-- Passenger.
London depart 8.16 A. XL. 9..40 r, W.
Centralia.. 5,1 6.60
bxotor ... 9.30 8.0
Henaail 9.44 6,16
ILippen...... 9.60 6.25
13rueoflold 0.55 6.33
Clintret 1015 8 55
wvingham arrive...,11.10 8.00
(tomNe�� SoriTIl.�- Passenger
4Pingbam, dopart , O,F3.a. ln. • 315 P. ;lir
Oilmen 7.47 4.i5'
I3r'tleef,eld • 8.06 4,90 '
KKiepen - .15 4.57
ildnsall 22.. t-, 02
Fluter $.35" 5.10
t7ontratist 8.46 6,25
Lontiori ,arrive........ 9.37 6.12
im ti dement
We are agents for the celebrated -
Maxwell Binders, Mowers, Bakes, Hay Loaders, Etc, .
Also the•Wilkinson Prows and Straw Cutters, and Fleury Plows ands-.
Grinders, Toronto Air Motor Windmills Binder Twine in season.
Btigg a sy : Waggons m and Cutters,
We are agents for the McLaughlin Cutters and Buggies and for the -
Chatham Wagons. •
A 1ul`i Line of Sewing Machines, Washing Machines and Wringers...
One Door South of the Central hotel:
Advertise . in the-. TIMES it Pays '