HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-4-30, Page 3A
Or The illystery of a Brother's Legacy..
44-1414+40144+44444-44444 444441440+4414014,14+41144144444
To and fro be peed, up.arid down,
and round and round, trying to find
the solution to the problem.
As he persisted in his "sentry go"
-for that probleni Was hard to
solve - he was conscious of some-
thing;what it was he himself could
not quite make out. it seemed -it
was only seeming); for he looked
about him and saw that it was so -
that there was some one with bira
in the room. It was not an alto-
gether pleasant sensation, and it was
a ridiculous one to boot. But as he
turned the probleni over and over in
hie mind, he thought he heard once,
and then again, rather a curious
sound, like the sound of a chuckle.
He thought at first it was the tlia-
xnond. He paused in. his perambula-
tions and glare'd at it. It had
shown itself .capable of so many lit -
eccentricities - he .could have
sworn that it had already laughed at
him oace-that nothing •would • have
surprised him which cane from that
direction.' Bat it seemed - to •him
that the sound of that chuckle .
not come irem the•neighborhood of
the stone.
He had heard it first when he had
been corning from the mantelpiece 'to-
wards the door. He was passing
the table on his left, and the dia-
mond was on the table just in front
of him. The chuckle - if it was, a
cbuckle, it was very faint, so that it
was hard to niake quite sure -came
from behind. It was SO unexpected
that he wheeled right round to see if
any one else had made a sudden ap-
pearance in the room; but there was
no one there. Then he glared at the
diamond; it looked innocent enough
• es it lay in its tranquil beauty on
the table.
The sound again. It w -as odd
very odd indeed. Tbis time it was
more distinct than before, resem-
bling the chuckle which might be
supposed l'ee issue 'from a feeble pair
of lungs. This time Mr. Hookbam
was advancing towards the mantel-
piece, and it came from in front,
not from behind. He started. He
looked up. There was no one there.
He glanced at the diamond. It
seeme'cl still; besides, the sound did
not come from its neighborhood at
all. Could there be anyone.in the
room beyond? He caught up the
candle from the table and advanced
to see. Opening the door of his
bedroom he passed in. There was
no one there. What Could it be?
As he moved to replace the candle
'eSsiten'n 011 the table he was aware of quite
a strange sensation - as though - he
had passe'cl a living thing.
But of course it was hallucination.
In this case it was not 'dark, but
lignt, light enough, at any rate, to
se F And Mr. Hookhana saw -
saw that there was nothing there.
That should have been sufficient to
content him, Poeaibly it was.
"If I 'don't take care I shall -be
ill. If I die the diamond will be
credited with the honor of having
been the death of me. I had better
go to bed."
But he did not go to bed. Hia
continued pacing to and fro. But he
could not fix his mind upon the
problem, not at all. It annoyed
him,. and not wholly witheut cause,
At a certain point he stood quite
still, he hardly knew why, but he
did. His form was slightly bent,
his head was thrown forward, and
he stared, as though he would re-
solve something out of nothing. And
as he staeed the. sound came ag,ain-
the sound of the chuckle. It carne
from just in front of him. ,One
might have said that he could have
put out his hand and touched the
chuckler, only there was no chuckler
t� be. seen. And almost in. the same
instant the diamond laughed -there
was no mistake about it - the •two
sounds were quite distinct.. The
ctucicle was a trifle wheezy,- the
laugh was the most mutical of
sounds. Mr. Hookhain -whirled
round like a teetotuin set spinning,
He glowered at the diamond. There
lay the stone, on the old oak table,
serenely still.
It •was most absurd. Was he
again going to be victimized by its
selfish••pranks and capers? Could be
not have one night in peace? He
moved towards the table, intending.
to take the diamond and replace it
in the safe. The instant he moved
the chnelde came again. As if in-.
voluntarily he caught hold of the
edge of the table and stood quite
As he dung to the table's edge he
trembled as with palsy. It e geas.
more than a. minute before the fit
. -
passed away. • '
"I -I coeld have sworn rel heard
that voice before." He turned to
the diamond with sudden rage.
"What trick are you going to play
me now?"
As he steed glaring at the crystal
with what was apparently unreason-
able rage the sound came. again •-•
the sound of the chuckle. And now
It was net one ohuckle, but several -
a sort of continuous cachinnation,
more a cackling than a chuckling.
Mr, Hookhain turned an ashen. face
In the direction of the unseasonable
mirth, and the ,lools returned to it
which had been so notfceable at the
Sphinx's Cave - the look of ex-
treme old age. "It's his voice," he'
The sound ceased. All was
Still,. But he had localized'
. the,' spot from whence it seem-
. ecl to issue - the orcl arnachaire•His
Own arm -chair, the only one the
room eontained. And a film mock-
ery of an arm -chair it was.
t°.t The chair was etepty. That was
npithloouht s But. fie he
still stent) stitring,, eoniethitig a
aliadoWy Outline e,-; began to appear
about the neighborhood of the seat.
Mr, Hookham's hair came as near
to standing up on end as ever a
man's came yet. He told himself
that 'it was a delusion; still bis flesh
began to creep, for the worst of it
was that it was a delusion from
which it was impossible to take his
eyes away. The outline 'deepened.
He saw outlined, the figure of a man
who seetned to be squatting on the
seat. Tbe outline gradually Mee in,
Mr. Hoeithata's sensations, as he be-
held that outline slowly taking the
form, shape, and substance of a man,
are not to be described in words.
It seemed to him that the process
of materialization lasted hours; but
then it is proverbial how slowly the
time does crawl when we are not en-
joying ourselves to any great extent,
and no man ever enjoyed himself to
a less extent than did Mr. Hookbani
then; but when it was finialted,•
thee% in the • aritachaire Was seated'
what seemed to be a man. Aneold
man, a little • old man, clad in a
suit -of rusty black,' He made a
fit for the chair -there was rooni ir
it for at least treeof him.- then&
it must be allowed that M. Hook -
ham found there was quite enough
with one. He was sitting forward
in the chair, by no means in an up-
right position - as though his back
were weak -and his elbows rested on
the arras of the chair. He had a
long, . narrow, clean-shaven face,
which was very white and drawn -
it looked a very careful one, and it
was by no means the face of a man
whom one would take for a friend.
His hair, of which there was a great
deal, was long' and snowy white. It
was drawn back from his mean, re-
ceding forebead - which style of
wearing it by no means added to the
generally pleasant appearance of his
countenance. And he was grinning
-it would be a libel on laughter to
call the mirthless grin which con-
vulse'cl his face a smile -and as he
grinned, he chuckled; it was the
sound which had first startled Mr.
Hookham's ears.
"Matthew!" he gasped, and then
we.s still.
The tgure on the chair continued
chuckling. It seemed almost me-
chanical, as though it was a trick
be liad. He kept his keen, cruel
eyes, which were as bright as a lad's
at twenty,. bright. with an ,almost
unnatural brightness, fixed on the
old man cowering by the table.
'Sarrany,': he said.
He spoke in a harsh, grating voice
which harmonized with his general
appearance - it was curious what a
strong resemblance it had to Mr.
Hookham's. When Mr. Hookham
heard it he gave a groan and seemed
to cling closer to the table. The fig-
ure in the chair coatinued
"I thin you I would come and see
the fun."
And he chuckled as a hen cackles -
as though he never could leave off.
There was silence, a silence which
lasted some three or four minutes.
During the whole of it Mr. Hook-
bam trembled with a trembling
which was quite perceptible, and
that in spite of the support afforded
by the table. The sight of his dis-
tress seemed to afford the figure in
the chair the keenest satisfaction. He
never ceased his chuckling, though
the sound of his mirth would have
conveyed anything but a mirthful
feeling to sensitive nerves. He re-
peated his words again -
"I told you I would come and see
the San -he, he, he, he, he, he, he,
His "he, he, he's!" bade fair to
stretch out and bridge eternity. But
the sight of Mr. Hookham's 'abject
misery seemed to pall upon him af-
ter a time.
"Get bp!" 'His • -voice •.bad rather
the sound of a. snarl, but hecon-
tinued chuckling all the time. "Let
me see your face, my Sammy!"
After a furtber momentary inter-
val 'of silence, which the cheekier
did not seem to take altogether
pleasantly, Mr, Hbokliam did get up,
and as he regained his feet he turned
his face towards the figure on the
chair. Ile looked at him steadily.
As he looked his calmness gradually
returned. The look of dreadful fear
passed .(1.001 him, and instead there
came a look which was not love.
"So it's you!"
As he uttered the three little
words his voice reminded one of the
gratihg of a saw.
"Yes; it's me."
The figure on the chair had evi-
dently no regard for the niceties. of
grammar. They looked at each oth-
er long and steadily, the two old
met. And as he looked,- on Mr..
Hookhana's face therebegan gradu-
ally to appear such a look of hatred
that One almost, wondered that the
other could bear to face it.
"I 'thought it was you when I
heard you first."
"Good brothee, to remember his
brother's voice for xnore than six-
teen years."
"I was not likely to forget it, if
it had been sixty,"
Mr. Hookham turned, and began
slowly to pace towards the opposite
end of the roam.
The old man watched him as he
"You look old and • worg and
thin." The criticism was -uttered
With a sort of indescribable glee.
Mr. HoOkharn sneered; but he said
nothing. "You're not talkative,
Sammy. One would think that bro-
thers would have a good .deal to say
to each other, remeeting, for the
first time, after an abeetice of more
than sixteen years,"
Mr. Hookhani turned. He ad -
vented close , tie the figure "oh' the
(Agit. He rose' front the chair With,
• screaine'..
"Toni toecia ree, or 1 will strike
on dead!"
Mr, Hookhain never quailed, al-
though the other's passion was dia-
"I am not afraid of 'death, Nor
am X now, afraid of you."
"Are you sure?"
The newcomer thrust out his hand
and placed it on the other's shoul-
clod As he felt the tonal). Mr. Hook -
bane shuddered quite perceptibly.
"Ah, Sammy, don't you be too
sure!' '
"I am sure, I never feared you
"But you fear me dead."
"Nor do I fear you dead."
The two men stood face to face,
You could see then what a, curious
likenese there was between them. It
extended not only to the voice, but
to the form and features - only
Samuel was on a somewhat larger
scale than Matthew. He was a lit-
tle taller,. a little stouter, and a lit-
tle broader across the chest. He
looked a little younger too; his hair
was iron -grey, and he wore it on his
forehead, while Matthew pushed his
off his brow, and its hue was snowy
white. They stood regarding each
other for some moments silently.
Then Matthew thrust his brother
from him with such force that he
sent him reeling half way across the
room. -
"You devil!"
"Nay, it is you who are the devil,
Mat, not I.". .
"Yee!" cried. Matthew,' with • a
chuckle • which was • very 'like a
scream, "I am the devil's own!"
"That is so. You are the . devil's
own -- living or dead.'" • •
They stoo'cl againcontemplating
each other • silently.;• then • Serene'
turned and.began pacing, to and fro,
up and down the room. Matthew
watched him from his perpendicular
position for a ti1110. Then, resealing
himself, he continued to watcli him
from his position on the chair.
"I told you I would come and see
the fun." Samuel sneered, but he
vouchsafed no other answer. "It's
the diamond has brought me." Sam-
uel sneered again.
"What do you think of the dia-
mond, Sammy?"
"I find it rather a good example
of a stone."
"He, he! Yes, it is rather a good
example of a stone." Samuel resum-
ed his pacing tie and fro. "It's
something to be the owner of such
a stone, isn't it, Sammy? Look at
It, Sammy, look at it now!"
The diamond was on the table. A
singular thing had happened; one of
those numerous singular things
which were always happening. The
diamond. had not disappeared - for
it was visible enough - but on it,
or over it, for it was difficult to say
if it actually teethed it, was a fig-
ure - the figure of an ape. Not of
any recognized species of ape - it
was not even the "missing link" -
but it was an amazing kind of beast
which bore, so far as form went, a
fantastic resemblance to an ape.
But the most curious thing about
this very curious -et:eature was its
coloring. As 'Mr. Hoolchana looked
at it he , saw the colors come and
go, flash and vanish, one moment
dazzling the eyes, the next becom-
ing, in their subdued radiancy, and
in the marvelous magic of their com-
binations, like the glorious dream of
some great colorist.
Yet there was nothing beautiful
about the creature - that is, if a
thing of beauty is a joy even for a
moment, or if every beautiful thing
has its , own peculiar charm. For
there was nothing either joyous or
charming about that fantastic cari-
cature of a baboon, or ape, and that
in spitenof all its gloriously glitter-
ing array. On the contrary, Mr.
Hooldnaan, as he looked at it, was
conecious of a very strong feeling of
disgust, of nausea; nay, more, he
was constious that its mere presenee
there made the whole room replusive.
Nor was the effect lessened by his
brother's repetition of the welds, in
the tone which, mettephorizally, went
all down his back..
"Look at it now, Sammy, look at
ft now!"
.Mr. Samuel Rookhara 'did look at
it, and he might have been excpsed
if he had straightway tinned • tail
and fled, it did fill .him, with such a
'dreadful sense of nauseous
He went to the window, giving a
wide berth to the table by the way.
Flinging the casement open he 'thrust
his head out to get a breath of air.
The ape, if it was an ape, and Mat-
thew, or Matthew's ghost, both fol-
lowed him with then eyes. As he
observed his brother's discomfiture,
Matthew. - or his ghost - became
hideously jocose,
"He, he, he! What 'do you think
of the diamond, Sammy, what do
you think of it now?"
(To Be Continued).
To prove to eou that Dr.
Chase's Ointment is a certain
and absolute cure for each
and every form of itching,
• blectlingand protruding piles,
tho manaracturers have guaranteed it. slates.
thnonials -In the daily press and ask your neigh -
bora whatthoy think *fie You oan use it awl
get your money back if not curerl. Sect a box, at
all dealers or g,DMANSON,DAT1V3 &VO.,Torontiak,
Dr.Ghase's Ointment
Even a simpler remedy for insom-
nia, than the repetition of "go to
sleep" is said to be found in German
medical gymnastics, which prescribe
a certain .exercise to he done just
before gettiog into bed. The pa-
tient must first stand upright, slow-
ly raising the arms forward and up
till they are stretched anove the
head, He must then d,s slowly
bring them forward and down again,
at the same time beinding the body
in the same direction, being careful
not to bend the knees, till the finger
tips almost touch the ground, by
which time his head will be housing
downward and his body bent limply
in two, a position that produces a
relaxation of the muscles and a con-
sequent feeling of laziness. This ex-
ercise, repeated two or three tint,
has been•known to have exeollent re-
state; but, of course, everything de-
pends on its being done slowly, and
on the patient kt1�lng lilinSelf to
hang with absolute limpness When
his head IS pointed 'doWnward.
,Seasonahle and PrOlkinhie sf
Mate for the alley Tillers e i
4; of the Soli.
The eow that, is generally under-
fed is the cow giving or capable of
giving a large flow of milk, In many
herds all the cows are fed the same
amount of feed which is a serious
mistake. When a cow already on
liberal feed begins to decline in
milk yield, the feed may be redaceCi
gradually without affecting the milk
flow. While a cow is in the early
stage of her milking period, the feed
can be gradually increased, watching
the milk yield to see how far she
responds. To feed to the best ad-
vantage, it is necessary to make a
record of the yield of. milk from each
cow. It would be well for each
dairyman to keep in mind that the
time to feed a cow liberally is when
she is fresh, and giving a good flow
of milk, and not to wait until the
yield begins to drop before giving
the liberal feed,
Linseed meal, cottonseed meal, and
the best grades of gluten meal now
manufactured, are of about ,equal
feeding value for cows, pound for
pound, This-- class . contains this
largest ainount of protein of any of
the common feeds-, and for that rea-
son the most valuable. • Gluten feeds
as now sold rank•about raidway be-
tween this group and bran in feed-
ing valuenaBran a,nd oats rank dose
togerther in feeding value, the oats
probably being a little more valu-
able pound for pound.
While there is considerable differ-
ence of opinion as to the advisabil-
ity of grinding grain for some farm
animals, it is generally conceded
that it pays to grind for the dairy
cow. A cow giving a large now of
milk needs all her energy to secrete
the milk and to digest the large
amount of feed which must be used
for that purpose. It is for this rea-
son important to make the process
of digestion as easy and rapid as
possible. A good grinder with suit-
able power to run it, should be part
of the equipment of every well con-
ducted dairy farra.
A great deal of attention has been
given by those investigating feeding
questions to determine how much of
the three classes of food material,
protein, carbohydrates and fat is
needed by animals under certain
conditions. It is evident that if it
be possible to determine just how
much of each of the three classes of
nutrients is needed and it be known
how much various feeding stuffs con-
tain, the problem of' what and how
much feed would be much sim,plified.
Work along this line has been of
great value to the feeder, although
the matter has not yet been reduced
to that exact basis which will enable
us to lay down fixed rules.
Notwithstanding the high estimate
commonly held of the oats as a food
for horses and for nearly all other
live stock, no other crop, as a rule,
it subject to such neglect in care
and cultivation. While nothing re-
sponds more readily or derives more
benefit from careful and thorough
preparation of the soil, proper fer-
tilization, timely and judicious seed-
ing, oats at the same time seem
destined to be the one crop of the
farm that is supposed to be able to
yield satisfactory returns under the
most adverse circumstances that
sometimes occur when nature does
occasionally lend ai hand and as-
sists over the hard places occasion-
ed by the neglect and indifference of
the farmer.
Ground occupied by corn, beans,
potatoes or other hoed crops seems
most suitable for growing oats.
Plowing should begin as soon as the
condition of the soil will admit, for
much depends on early seeding for
a. favorable outcome of this crop.
The roller should follow eachday's
plowing, and no harni results if the
harrow follows immediately after ;
for the oat crop especially needs
that every precaution should be
talcen to save the moisture already
stored just beneath the surface to
assist over the prolonged periods of
drought liable to occur.
To aid in this work the soil should
be reduced to a fine tilth and the
im,proved tools now available leave
no excuse for careless, slip -Shod work
in this direction. The amount of
seed required per acre varies with
different farmers from two to three
bushels. Two bushels of well -cleaned
seed that has not had its germinat-
ing qualities injured during its cur-
ing process and sown with drill has
many years been considered amply
The benefit to be derived from roll-
ing the ground after the drill is a
Matter of adverse criticism by many,
but all admit the improved condi-
tion of the ground for the future
working of the self -binding har-
13ulletin 40 from the Central Ex-
periment Farm, Ottawa, by Prof.
Frank T. Shutt, discusses the value
derived from growing and plowing
under of clover crops. The experi-
ments concluded at this station
cover a period of eight years, and
contain considerable date of practi-
cal importance. The advantage de-
rived from plowing under of clover
is briefly stated as fellow's
1. There is an enriohment of the
soil by the addition of nitrogen ob-
tained from the atmosphere.
2. There is an increase to the
store of available mil:zero:1 plant food
(phosphoric fad, potash and limo)
in the surface of the soil taken by
the clover in part from depths riot
reached by the shallower root eys-
1,ems-of ()thee farm crops.
8, There is it large 'addition of
humus, whereby the soil is made
more retelitiTe Of Wanner
and better aerated, conditions /DAM^
able to vigorous crop growth.
Humus also furnishes the material
best adapted for the development of
those forme of germ life that act
so beneficially in the soil,
4. As an agent for deepenina' and
mellowing soil, no crop gives such
satisfactory results as clover.
5, Clover also serves a useful
purpose as a catch crop during the
autumn months, when the ground
would be otherwise bare, retaining
fertilizing Material brought down by
the rain, and also that formed in
the soil during the summer months,
much of which would otherwise be
lost through the leaching action of
6. As shown conclusively by the
particulars we have submitted, ob-
tained by carotid experiment over
a numlier of years with the more
important farm crops, the ploughing
under of green clover has a most
xnarked effect in increasing the soil's
Horses and Pigs Are Great Friends
in Persia.
Among the curious ideas of the
Persians is the belief that the pre-
sence of a pig in the stable is good
for .bhe horses' health. Doctor
Wills, the author of the book en-
titled "lathe Land of the Lion.a,nd
Sun,'•' writes that as soon as last ar-
rived' at Shiraz his groom 'asked per-
Mission:tie buy a litt14 pig. '
These Wild pigs are strangely thin,
and as 'a,ctivesas a terrier. They are
very affectionate,. and show their af-
fection Strongly to the horse or
groora. They will answer to the
name of "Marjahn." When. the
horses leave the yard they are ac-
companied by the pig, which is in-
consolable if left alone in the stable,
and shows his grief by piercing
squeals, and by attempting to
scrateh his way out. As long as
even one horse is in the stable piggy
is perfectly happy.
When we all camped out on ac-
count of cholera, I marched some 28
miles, lifarjahn never left the heels
of my horse, and was able to keep
when I galloped, but anything over
half a mile was too much for him;
he was not, of course, in such high
training as his wild relatives, and
when distressed he would commence
to squeal, and would look up in a
most appealing manner.
He remained with us in camp, nev-
er leaving my horses, with which he
was on. the best of terms, I used
often to put the horse to speed wthen
out for rides, and on Marjahn's be-
ginning to squeal, the horse would
look round and attempt to slacken
his pace, and Marjahn, if really left
behind, would show great distress.
The pig would bathe in the river
and show delight in wallowing and
swimming. As he got • bigger lie
used to charge strange dogs that
chased him, and was always more
than a match for them, generally
turning aggressor, and obstinately
pursuing them with many grunts anti
Maajahn, when a fine young boar of
Mae years, was following my horse
one day as I raced him against a
friend, forgetting in the excitement
the distress of the pig. Our gallop
being over, I saw a black spot far
away on the plain,. It was poor
Marjahn, who had burst a blood ves-
sel in his attempt to keep up with
us. When we reached him he was
quite dead. I never cared to keep
another pig, and the groom's grief
was very great.
The prosecating witness, who had
a luanp over one eye, a black and'
blue. spot under the other, a nose
that pointed decidedly awry, and
various strips , of court plaster on
his face, evidently arranged without
any regard to their realistic effect,
testified that the defendant hack
knoc.ked him senseless and then kick-
ed him In the head and face for seve
eial minutes.
' "If he len.ocked you, senseless,"
asked the police justice, "bow do
you km)* he kicked you after you
Were dew's?"
The witness scratched his jaw and
"I know it, jedge," he replied,
" 'cause that's what I'd a done to
hirri if I'd got him down -you can
bet on that!"
The books which Britain exported
last year weighed 180,000 cwt.
That filiserlos Thls Terrible Disease
Cured by
fauriyon's Dyspepsia Ours,.
"Dyspepeia is the parent of failure
and the harveSter of blasted hopes."-
If I tried I do not believe 1 ould over,,
estitnate the value of ler Dyspepsia Cure,
It has brought peace and happiness into
thousands of homes where ail bad been
discord on eecount of etch and ailing
stomachs. kt cures all forme of t1)1•. -
pools. and indigestion, such as rildriff
food, distress after eattitg, bleating of
the stomach, palpitation of the heart,
shortness of breath, and ail affections
of the heart caused by indigestion, *bid
on the uternach, belching wind or sour
food, bad taste, offensive breath, loos 01
appetite, faintness or weAkneia of the
stomach, improper cirmilation, coated
tongue, heartburn or waterbrash, hifialla-
ed or uleerated stomachs, shooting pains
of the stomach, conlitio4ion ard costive
bowels, dizelness, fainthess and Jack ef
enerty. It makes good rick blood and
Vitalizes the whole syetern. Makes old
and wern-eut stomachs ainiost as good
as new. Permits you to eat what you
want and all you want.-atrunyon.
biunyon's* lEoyipepals, Cure relieves
Stomach 'distress instantly, Price 26c.
Personal letters addressed to Prof.
Illunyon, Philadelphia, U. S. A., contain-
ing details of sickn'ess, will be answer-
ed promptly and free advice am to treat-
Went will be given.
t -f
One useful quality the German
Emperor has to perfection is the
power of instant application. He can
take up a piece of work and become
immersed in it at a moment's no-
tice. Certainly the facially is one
Which no Emperor who has to travel
about and show himself should be
without. Here is an instance of the
concentrative power of the Kaiser.
A little while ago he came over for
a night at the Opera at Wiesbaden
from Mainz, where he had spent the
clay reviewing troops. Fie drove
straight from the performance back
to the railway station to cateh the
midnight train for Mete and more
reviews, A few adventurous English
visitors took up their stand by a
level crossing a mile out by Wiesba-
den, so as to get an uninterrupted
view of the Royal train as it passed
by. Their curiosity was rewarded
by a full view of the Imperial sa-
loon -carriage brilliantly, lighted and
the blinds undrawn. Only a mile
out of Wiesbaden, with the songs of
the German prima -donna not out of
bis ears, yet there sat an Emperor
at his desk, writing as diligently as
the most industrious and most in-
ferior of novelists.,
A well-known humorist happened
to be riding in a re' a carriage
wbich held one of th es who
travel in fear of coil
At every jolt or su op she
cried out: "Have we e the met-
sai„dititdo you,tention, but remained wrapped in
solemn slimes, Presently the lady
going to be killed?"
als? Is it an accident? Are we
Her fellow -passenger paid no at -
are you not afraid
of railway accidents?"
"Not 1, madam," answered the
other reassuringly. "It has been
foretold that 1 am to die on the
eTail1dIli°en'e'rvous lady changed car-
riages at the next station!
A. keen old Scottish curler, who
always .appeared on, the ice with a
cap having . useful -flaps, .whiclihe
pulled 'clown over his ears, appeared
one day in•a new headgear.
"Hullo!" said a friend, "where's'
yere mild lug warmer?"
"Ah! I've never worn it since my
at72‘‘..dwhat was.e"nl
I'm sorry to hear of
"A man offered me a 'drink, an' wi'
they 'dashed flaps, 1 didna hear
There Aro Two Reasons Why There is no Treatment
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ficial as Dr. Chase's Nerv'e Food.
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The bedy of man can be influenced
In health or disease only through
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During the winter the blood be-
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For two reasons Dr. Claase's Nerve
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Through the medium of the Wood
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This great food cure sharpens up
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good and actually adds XVIIW firm
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using it.
Liquid medicines always have a
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Food, and for this reason any bone'
fit you fedi is lasting and you ea*
be certain that with each dose your
blood is getting richer and your
eystent is being built up.
Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 50 cents
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imitations the portrait .and signa-
ture of Dr. A. W. Chase, the fainous
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SO= ST,414,274ZNO
Improve the Ventiniary
Social Standing of the
The London Daily Exprees Atop the
following exeellent artiele 011 Tm.
inPeariliatis atibraatY t*lie-orinIaatizecAtaii°11;42etrisberra;
of the Government are in favor of
the militia ballot, the scheme does
not recommend itseU to the moro
important members of 4144 bot:y.
The Government, as we learn, bas
been seriously considering not only,
the leek of men, but the question
the 1.iwrease of the arrner, and before
any consideration is glven to a forin
of ballot 'the voluntary system will
be given another trial on lines which
will vastly improve the soldiers'.
condition, and result, it is hoped, in
the bringing in of recruits not now
attracted by the 'terms Oared.
;el:icier:0 committee, in Conjunction
with the Army Board, is to conside
er by what means a eUfliciency of
men can be attracted to military
The latest reports from recruiting
centers are discouraging, an as 4
is intended to increase the cavalry,
by larger squadrons and new r
merits, it is considered necessary for
the army to enter into active com-
petition in the labor market.
-Tiani. Tip Tr•Tr.
It is proposed to "catch the sold-
ier young," or in other words to
unidertake, the training of boys for
the army from the day they leave
school, feeding and clothing them,
.and passing them into the rank's,
ready trained, at eighteen for home
ioce. er proposal is to abolish
that heavy taxation on the soldier's
pay -stoppages; ant that the pri-
vate's pay shall be 7s. a week clear,
with food, clothing, lodging, fuel,
light, repairs, boot -mending, etc., to
be paid for by the State.
Every class of unnecessary and
irksome parade is to be swept away,
and soldiers are to have the privil-
ege of sleeping out of barratics, cent-
ing in to parade and duty like 'work-
men in a factory.
This opening of the barrack gate
and relaxation fram the stringent
rules whic,h were devised for the
rough, scratched -up armies of long
ago should prove a material factor
in recruiting. as the army eystena
arid some of its punishments are faLlt
of touch with the new eentuny.
Opinion is expressed that the ab-
surd, belted, red *dress of the infan-
tryman Should also give place to a
costume of some dignity.
The 'scale of pensions will also be
extended, so that a man discharged
after twelve years' service, Who joins
the militia and completes 21 years'
total service, will draw a pension.
The new committee will deal with
every manner an.d form of bettering
the lot of the soldier. The velum -
tory system is to be tested thor-
oughly, and if the new plane fail the
question of limited compulsory ser-
vice may be seriously considered.
The name Militia is to be abolish -
10 order to popnlarize that
branch of the service, the new name
being "The Imperial Defence Infan-
try," and as Militia and Volunteers
are to be brackete'cl in work to some
extent, the Volunteer battalions will
become "The Imperial Defence (Vole
unteer) Infantry."
Each of the new Army corps Is to
have an Arm,y Board, on the lines of
that at the War Office, with the gen-
eral commanding as president. The
members will be the deputy and as-
sistant officers corresponding in rel-
ative position to the head offecials
comprising the Army Board.
The question of contracts is also
to be investigated. Some further
frauds have been brought to light
in which the War Department is a
heavy loser.
Laughable Incident of the Siege
of Paris.
During the siege of Paris, it was
the province of the city officials not
so much to destroy their enemies
from outside, as to prevent honest
Frenchmen and others from being
unjustly condemned. This was some-
times a difficult task, for fear was
in the air, and every third man was
liable to suspicion as being a spy.
One night a powerful feflow was
brought in before Captain Gander,
of the police, A spy is usually
gentle and conciliating until he sees
tne game is up ; but this man was
violent and a. little drunk. His
only proved offense was that he had
been seen loitering near the foatifica-
tions. It seemed as if he must be
armed, and with great difficulty a
dozen men succeeded in getting oil
his coat. There, between his waist-
coat and his shirt, was a murderous
looking knife.
"Proved !" cried the roomful ot
guards. "He is a Prussian spy."
Captain Garnier exanaibed the
knife carefully. He tried to find the
name of the maker, but failing in
thht, he put the blade to his nose.
Then he took up a candle and looked
more carefully still at the prisoner.
"The man is drunk," said he.
"The best thing you eao do is te
take him home."
"But the knife I" insisted the ser-
"The knife is all right,"
"I should think it was all right'
broke out the owner, "seeitig that
I'm cutting Meat all day with it foe
these confounded Parisians !"
He was dim/lased. But the guards
Were not satisfied. They surrounded
their captain, doubtful even of him.
"Why did you life the knife to
your face ?" inquired the sergeant.
"Was that a 4siga you made to the
fellow ?"
"No, my friend, I was simply
smelling Of if, d.it &welted shefral
ifiably of onican41