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Exeter Times, 1903-4-30, Page 1
TI IB,TIETH YEAR --No HURONMIDDLESEX TTE `' EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING: APRIL Num INS : i+++ ++>~+++.1. 4441 +4.14++. cit. d culls •hetes •+++4444,4 •+•ss__€ d•+ 4++ 40. +SII+• '1' '4°. 4 $+ e....., Seeds Potatoes, early and late and all kinds. Garden and Field Seeds. Paints We have the celebrated Sherwin & Williams Paint Cements . National Portland and Star Portland Cements ,g. o A full line of Barb and Spring Coil Wire always on 33+'. ' hand. A. number of different styles of Lawn Mowers.• E64+144.4.+++444.+++++++++++44+ 4++++++d•++++44++++4.F••k444•€+•F• FOR Pi`IRTIGUIAft MEN May be you're not particular about a;aany things, but you ought to be so *Mout your clothes. there are some particularly nice things here in. •O nadian Tweed Suits at 10, 12, $15,00 cotch Tweed Suits at 14, 16, $18.00 Worsted and Serge Snits at 13, 17, $20. Pants and Fancy Vests from $3.00 up to $7,00. The price includes the highest grade of workmanship in the making. W. W. Taman. Mcrceseirrt ll'ailor., Elimville LEAGUE OFFICERS.—League officers for 1903 are as follows:— Hon. Presi- dent, Rev. W. H. Cooper ;'President, - Martha, Hern ; 1st. Vice President, Will Johns ; 2nd. Vice President Ger- . trude Hagar ; 3rd Vice President, Liz- zieYohns ; 4th Vice President, Ethel Brown ; Treasurer, Victor Snell; Corr. Secretary, Chas. Johns. Step neh The following are the totals taken. from the Assessment Roll of the Tp, of Stephen for 1903, Total no. of acres 56784 ; no of acres cleared 49474 ; no. of acres of orchard 585 ; no. of acres of fall wheat 2926 ; acres of wood land 7310. Total asses& $1,809.720. Total asses& personal prop- erty $10.100. Male persons between 21 & 00, 878 ; pop., 3996 ; dogs 400 ; Bitches 3 ; cattle 6495 ; sheep 1380 hogs 2546 ; horses 1877 : 81 steam boilers, H. EILBER, Olerk. Winchelsea BRIEFS.—Ed. Clarke, Esq. -.visited friends at Woodham on Sunday.—Mr, Thomas Wheeler our village -black; smith speut Sunday at Mitchell.—Mr. M. Clarke spent Sunday at home.— Children Y o Mr. D. McDougall our teacher called • on friends at Woodham on Sunday CASTORIA last.—The Sunshine Quarette attended We Can Convince You that our stock of Spring and Summer goods is unequalled. See for formerly of Hensall, is here on a visit. yourself. —Mr. W. M. Harburn and wife were out near Cromarty on Tuesday attend- ing the funeral of Mr. Geo. Leary, Mrs. Harburn's father,—Miss Maggie (Muff of Tuekersmith, was in the village last week visiting _ her aunt, and proprietor of the Hensall Obser- train from London and long ere he Miss Violet Whitesides.—Mr. George p P . reached Kirkton our Joynt has purchased a very line ver, was in th.e village on Tuesdayvillage was the manRifacture, isnportatirtn and sale Gillespie—1,obbledick — That the driver Farmers and others complain last, on business.—Mr. S. Hardy, of crowded rnth anxious fades. eager to of cigarettes On notion of Cobble- clerk notify the county clerk that the HIensalI G. J. Sutherland, Notary Public, Convey= oer, Commissioner, fire Insurance A. ent, and Insurer of Marriage Licenses. Legal documents; carefully drawn ab reasonable rates. Money to loanon real estate at low rates of interest. Oiliee at the Post Mee Hensall BRxrlrs,—Quite a large number of the $ensall Lodge, No. 223, I. 0. U. F. accepted an invitation from the Exe- ter brethren to attend the anuiver- sary services in Trivitt Memorial church on Sunday last.—Mrs. Kaizer Mot of small white seed beans which spent last week visiting friends in they are offering for sale at a very Seaford-1.—We regret to say that low price. - Preparations ,are being Mrs. F. Rae has been and is very dan- made to send a deputation down to gerously ill at the time of writing.— the Government at Ottawa, for the Mr, Wm. McKay, principal of our purpose of interviewing them on be- public school, has purchased the half of a grant .for a harbor here, dwelling he has been leasing from Mr. which we have no doubt but that Petty, and intends improving it very they will succeed. --Mr, Richard Ham- much,—Mrs. McKenzie lefb here Inst iiton and Thomas Webb have been week to visit her mother in Auburn, improving their property on Ontario who was very seriously i11, and who street by erectinga new fence on the only lived a few days after her daugh- ter's arrival.—Mr. Dayman left here on Monday for Winnipeg where he intends engaging at his trade, that of stone and bricklayer, —The handsome new verandah in course of erection is adding greatly to the appearance as well as the comfort of the Methodist parsonage.—Mrs. G. S, Thon;pson is also adding to the appearance of her home by the addition of a neat yeran- dah.—The Rev. J, 9. Henderson left here on Monday for Manitoba where he intends spending a couple of months.—Mrs. 3. S. Case of Toronto, formerly of Hensall, is home for a few days visiting her parents.—Mr. F. Rae is home having been called here owing to the illness of his wife.—Mr. A. Mc- Morran who has been visiting his sister, Mrs. Jas. White, is now visit- ing relatives in Lucknow.—Mr. F. Pile is building a new addition to his dwelling.—Dr, Campbell of ' Zurich, left the station on Tuesday morning for the Old Country, where he intends spending a couple of months. During his absence Mrs. Campbell will remain with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Murdock. —Dr Blackall of the Queens Hotel, has very much improved -the appearance of his bar by having a new metal ceiling put on and having the room nicely painted and papered.— Mrs. Walter Hanson is very poorly at present,—Mr, Chas. Kerr of Detroit, Grand l3r lrld BRll zs. Mr. W. B. Oliver was in Parkhill, on. Monday on business.— Mi+, Stacey, of Hensall, has engaged with Mr, 3, Brenner, to paint his hotel over, which will brighten up the ap- pearance of it greatly,— Mr, Sy, Green drove his first set of stakes on Tuesday, so it wont be long now till there will be plenty of fresh fish caught.—Messrs. Mollard & Co, haver, FOWLER BROS. THE CLOTHERS, HENSALL. .. Eden tea -meeting on Monday evening last. Mr. D. Golding also sang a solo which pleased everybody as Dave is an excellent singer. — Two of Farqu- har's youngmen visited friend's at this place on Sunday last. — Mr. Ed. 1 Fanson sports a new buggy.—Mr. Nel- son Sanders visited friends at Exeter last Sunday.—Mr. J. Traquair is im- proving nicely ib is hoped he will soon be around again.—Mr. William Creery accidentally let his team run away smashing the wagon to pieces but luckily William got off without a scratch. EInVORTH LEAGUE ANNIVERSARY— On Sabbath afternoon a very in terest ing and profitable sermon was preach- ed by Rev J. A. Ayearst, .of Lucan. On Monday evening an enjoyable tea was provided in the basement- of the public school house, after which a musical and literary entertainment was rendered in the church. Short speeches were made by. Revs. Ayearst, and Knowles. Solos by the Misses Beaver, of Crediton, ,were well receiv- ed, as also were the, instrumental se- lections of Dr. Orme and Mr. Abbott, of Centralia. Select recitations were given by Mrs. Knowles, the Misses Smith, Miller, Gamin and Rook. The Sunshine quartette . also rendered some choice selections, Proceeds, about 845,00. BRIEFS.— J, Essery is recovering nicely from a severe attack of the grip.—Mr. E. Buswell visited under the parental roof on Sunday,—Mr. A. Harris, of Farquhar was arecent visi- tor at Eden. — Miss G. Elliott, of Exeter,"attended service at Eden, on Sunday. —Mr, W. Quinton, has one of the families brougb.t out by Mr. Cameron's agency living in one of his houses. TIS E -- shorb vacation left this (Thursday) morning for Toronto to write on' his University examinations. We wish him success. ---Mr, and Mrs. 0. Carter and Mrs. `1.'.G, Melton visited in Ailsa Craig Monday. K irlCtOn Joky;(7"mT18 & Sots 4444444040044444.4 4444+44* +444•440444.4.44• m BRIEFS. —Mr. and Mrs. H. Vickers spent Sunday the guest of Mr. Silas Shier.—Mise Bella Barr is visiting • friends at Motherwell, -- Mrs. Wm, es Avery presented her husband with a i baby girl—Miss Ida Weeks spent Sun- day with Miss Eliza Shier. — Mrs. • Henry Mill of Woodham spent Sun- 44 day with herrn other Mrs; Wm. Hazle- wood—Mr, George Vickers of Mitchell • ap ent Sunday in the burg.—Mr, Wm, ® Boys' Canvas Shoes for summer, .0g Hazelwood, sr. spent Sunday with Mr. •• 4a, front.—Miss Amite Knapton, of Park Aaron Sawyer of Wcicdlh t?:—: Ir.and ® Nice New Line of Boys' and Girls School hill, spent Saturday and Sunday the Mrs. Hutcheson of Mb. Fotast spent ♦.1, guest of Mrs, A. D. Mollard, -= Mrs, Sunday with Mrs. $, Doupe. — Miss + Shoes at a Very Close Price.. Fetrean, left for Detroit, on Saturday, Selves spent Sunday with Mrs. John .o. after attending her mothers funeral.— Moore.—George Farthing spent Mon- r` Mr. Langton, of Parkhill, was in town day in St. Marys. 'We are glad to hear • last week, on business, — Mr. James that Mrs. Brook and her brother Roy ® o Mollard, ix. left Monday for Grand Jameson arrived safe in Calgary—Me, 41+ /©© % Elair Maris, Michigan and Mrs. Wm. Balfour and family 10; A CARD of 'I'>TANiiS.-Dear Editor attended the funeral of Mrs, Balfour's •4 Boy wanted to learn Harness Making, will you kindly permit me space in mothered, Fullerton on, Sunday.—Mr. 4 4e+ yoretur valuarn ble atertleerebies ot'ighte tandMis gsas,Du1]ssespentMonday- 49b4Q+4m04c Ad0 9 Dm604044i+64 ! d@ 64&m4404+404oe444dd4i+4 Maccabees of "Dorcas Hive, Grand party on Thursday evening Iasi in Bend" for their kind sympathy shown honor of the return of their brother ns during our sad bereavement, being Will J, C. Brown from South Africa— the death of my mother, and also for the prompt manner in which the death claim of one thousand dollars was paid. It having bean paid within thirty days after her decease.—SARAH S. Rush. Brewster, April 25th, 1903, Shoes NOW IS Tii2 TO RET I,RRIR Ladies Buttoned Shoes, regular $2, 50 for.,., ,... ...... •, 1e 5 •' • Men's Canvas Shoes just the thin for; J g.k. summer wear for • Zurich BInIEFs.-Mr. and Mrs. Kellerman and Mrs. M. Fenn, of Dashwood, were the guest of Mr, 0. Fritz, on Sunday. —Miss Dora Eilher has returned home after a pleasant visit of some days with friends in Dashwood.—Mrs, Kruger, of Detroit, is visiting her mother, Mrs, Henry Sipple, for a few weeks.—Miss Clara Surerus, left for Pigeon, Mich„ on Tuesday. — Messrs. Oliver Surerus and Wm. Kaercher left for Oshawa, Mich., on Tuesday.— Mr. Robert Stelek, principal of the public school, is cm the sick list. We hope he may soon be restored to his former health.— Mr. Nelands, editor Mr, and Mrs. 3, B, Roadhouse of St. Marys spent Sunday in the village.— Fred Johnston spent Sunday under the parental roof, — Mr. and Mrs. George Hazelwood and family spent Sunday in the village.—Mr. and Mrs. Thos.. Roadhouse spent Sunday with friends in Centralia.—Mr. John Moore who has spent the past two veeks in the North West has returned. —Mr, Win. Hazelwood jr. spent Sunday in the burg.—John Hart of .Woodham spent Monday evening in the village Miss Ida Irvine spent Sunday with Miss Nancy Stinson.—Mr. Osten Hew- itt spent Sunday in the village.—Miss Lizzis Switzer is on the sick list.— Mr. Silas Shier is improving slowly, (Too late for last issue.) BRIEFS.—Our village was the scene of great excitement on Friday evening last when word. was received that our soldier boy, Mr, W. J, C. Z, Brown was on his way home and that he ho- ped to arrive here on -Saturday. He arrived in St. Marys on the evening xi• amounting (exclusive of interest) to engine, 84 ; A. G. Dyer, salary, $55. — $4,000 was expended in the erf,ctiou of Carried. a Public School ; and $4,000 was raised As the Assessor has to return his by sale of debentures for the comple- tion roll an or before April 30th, and as of the building. there are several parties who have --a--- not paid their dog tax, it was moved Exeter Municipal Council.by T. Hawkins, seconded by J. Cob- bledick that unless the same is paid forthwith steps will be taken tocol - Council met met purau:ant to e_ijourn- lect.—Carried. anent at Town Heli, April 2Jtti. All Gillespie— Cobbledick— That J. T. present, except Councillor Manning. Westcott be appo%nted truant officer Minutes of previous meeting read for 1903. Carried. and confirmed, Council then adjourned to Friday. Mr. Harding informed the council May lst, at 7.30 o'clock p. m. that the Government Scale Inspector ' G. H, BISSETT, Clerk. had inspected the town scales and ! found that they were not working 1 Council met at call of Reeve at satisfactorily and advised that a new Town Hall, April 24. Absent come - scale should beprocured.—Councillors 1 cillors Manning and Hawkins. Hawkins and Cobbledick were a •p- 1 Minutes of previot}s nieeting read pointed a committee with power to i ani confirmed. act. t Cobbledick—Gillespie, —, 576,$ rya A communication from Mrs. C. T. : 5.w No, 2, 1003, re dog tat be repeat - rooks, superintendent of the anti- ed and section 77 of consolidated By - Law of 1000, be and is hereby in full force, and persons violating said sec- tion be proceeded against.—Carried. B Narcotic Committee, was read asking the Council to memoralize the Domin- ion Parliament re the prohibition of of the difficulty there is in obtaining Dashwood, spent Monday in town.— see our ero who had been away in dick and Hawkins it was resolved to council will take no action in the Africa workmen. Labor is abundant,- and Several you .m people of Centralia, for years fighting for on notify the government that the maul- { matter of good roads.—Carried. rices good,but men to . hire area visited with a.iss Handford, on Sun- country and his God. A comnuttee ci al council are •in sympathy with ; Council adjourned to Friday, May P J v agent for the Oanada L' and Co., was scarce article.—Quarterly sacramental day — Mr D Newell of Sbratford was immediately appointed to prepare the effort to protect file youth of Can- ! 1st, at eight o'clock p, 11I. service will be held in the Methodist a programme for a reception meeting ada against the formation of a habit I GEO. H, BISSETT, Clerk in the village on Thursday and Friday to be held on Monday evening in last, in the interest of his employers. I "Aberdeen Hall" and when the event- s to its utmost capacityanda most hearty welcome was given our return- s soldier, WillBrown. The program- me consisted of solos, duetts, instu- mentals, choruses, reading,recitations and speeches, Rev. S. Anderson was church next Sunday. Love feast will that is a menace to their good health —_ ' be held after the morning meeting. and morals, and that a copy of this ret ' event- ful evening came the hall was crowd solution be forwarded to John Sher- i THE SAVINGS BANK OF HEALTH The sacrament of the Lord's supper will be administered immediately of b d S th , crowd- ed Messrs. Wm. Finkbeiner, Ezra Fink- einer, an Ezra nec a were visit- ing at D. L. Fausts on Sundaylast. They also attended Conference at Dashwood.—Rev, Father Alosius, Iate of Cincinnati has been appointed by the Bishop to take ch trge of this par- ish. The Rev. Father officiated here presultng elder of the night. The pro - for the first time on Sabbath last.— gramme drew to a close by all joining Mr. Duraart ]eft on his exploring tripin the national anthem.—F. P. John- in new Ontario and the West, on Tuesday last.—Mr. and Mrs. Isle, of Dashwood visited at Mrs. Heiser's on Sunday.—Mr, L. Williams, returned home Thursday evening, after spend- ing several weeks inPortHuron. t vitt, M. P., with a rat to lay same ::...rte ter the evening service. The pastor d ld' b before the (louse ofxr^ ` ons, and to l Is Iots of red and vitalizing blood to will preach.—Rev. F. E. Nelda; B. D. 1 g ase his good office in`. i, of the propos-' nourish and invigorate the body. If will preach at Bethesda next Sunday ed legislation,—Carried your blood is thin and watery, use afternoon at the usual time Last = A communication from the Laura "Ferrozone." It supplies the necessary Sunday while Ur. Samuel frore Secord Memorial Committee asking elements such as phosphorus and iron, of Usborne was driving home from aid, was filed. , and quickly restores lost strength and Exeter, hie horse became unruly and dashed into a wire fence. The animal P g , Cobbledick— Gillespie •— That By- ; spirits. Ferrozone is an unequalled Law No. 3; 1003, for the transfer of ,restorative for the tired, the sick, and with J B Roadhouse. bleeding to death. Mr. Oudmore the Exeter Union Burial Ground to the,run down it stimulates appetite. the Municipality of Exeter, as read a ' aids digestion, soothes the nerves, was severely cut and it was with diffi- ,oulty that it was prevented from stop has secured a situation at carpen- teringoa ouse. — Miss Irene Robinson intends taking a trip to the Old Country in the near fut- ure. fortunate) was not hurt. first time, be now read a second and and makes the system too healthy for y Th d f d third time and finally passed.— Oar ; disease ; h d i Ne tonic does so DEATH OF Mn. chronicle —We have 1 ried, much good in a short time as Ferro - this week to chronicle the death of Hawkins—Gillespie—That the conn- I zone. Get it to day from any druggist_ Mr. Gould which occurred on Sabbath cil be constituted a cemetery board, ' for 50c. per box, or six boxes for $2.50. morning, April the 18th, at the home and the following named gentlemen !By mail from N. C. Polson & Co. of his son-in-law, Mr. Roger North- th Babylon. ), pl be invited to assist the said committee' Kingston, Ont. cott, of the township of 13ay. Mr, d , d y, th 19 h ' t in promoting and carrying on the ! Dr. Hamilton's Pills cure Constipa- Gould was born in Somersetshire, work iri connection therewith, viz:— , tion. England, in the year 1316, and ems- d t tb' Dr. Lutz, Joseph Senior, W. Weekec,a0.00 1 O CALIFORNIA .AND RE F. W. Gladman and Thomas Prior,— years of age, locating in the township Carried, TURN' The Reeve suggested that Messrs. Via Chicago & North-Western R'y. Cobbledick, Senior and:Lntr, be a com- : First class round-trip tickets on sale mittee to make pians of new ground I from Chicago May 3rd and May 12th and schedule of prices for the appro- ; to the 18th, to Los Angeles and San vat of Council. The suggestion was . Fransisco. Corresponding low rates unanimously adopted. " from other points. Favorable limits Cobbledick.— Hawkins — Thet the Kilpatrick Assessors. At that time I and stop -over privileges. Low one Wm.Sanders,oue of the oldest settlers ( following accounts be pass a anti or- I way settlers rates to Western points DEATH OF MR. HENRY BENDER.— The death of Mr. Henry Bender. of e ab lou Line, took ace at his residence, encs on Sunday, o t inst., being about 85 years of age. Mr, Ben- der has been a resident ofis town- ship for a good many years, and was one of the early settlers. The funeral EXETER THIRTY YEARS AGO From an historical sketch of Huron County we find that the first council elect of the municipality of Exeter niet on April 15th 1873 at one o'clock p. m with Isaac Carling, Esq„ Reeve of Reacland t recounty of Ontario, takingwhtookhLutherlace ian n Tuesday cemetery, of which Verityto and , John Trssrs. ick and Edres edWDrew, up land there, and was, married when congregation he had been a member, councillors who subscribed to the there to Miss Mary Moon of the same township, who pre -deceased hint a He leaves an aged widow and one son declaration of office in the presence of little over two years ago. By thisto mourn his demise. Joseph Acheson,J. P. Michael Eacrett union they had two sons and two was appointed clerk, Robert Sanders daughters. The names of the sons grated to this country when he was 30 Clandeboye lTreas. Joseph Acheson and George being John, who died three years ago, and James, who is still residing on the ENE'1:EI, LUMBER, YARD. farm his father first located ou in coming to the township of Hay in•the Large stock of Lumber—pine and hemlock, 1870. The two daughters are, 170,000 feet of hemloekhhumber for barns etc., yearg al, o shingles, laths a d ce ar poste. ' c s Mary Ann, wife of Wm, Northcott, reasonable.—JAS WILLIS, Yard :East side of and Sarah, wife of Rodger Northcott, Main st both of the township of Hay, About VESTRY MEETING. — The -annual the year 1883 the deceased retired vestry meeting of St. James' church from farming and together with his Olandeboye, was held in the church on wife removed to the village of Hensall Tuesday evening, April 21st, A good- d lived 1 til about two years ly number were present and the in- cumbent Rev. G, McQuillan, occupied was postmaster and held that position a great number of years. For several years previous to its incorporation, Exeter had regnired a status which gave it the reputation abroad of being one of the livliest villages in the wes- tern section of the province, and and the idea of a separate municipal existence forced itself upon the in - an ave ter, until habitants as one of the hest levers to ago, when his wife 'died, after which 'll operate for the building of the London he lived with his two daughters. the chair, The warden's report show- Huron and. Bruce Railway, then being Mr. Gould, in religion, was a ed the finances to be in a very sans- agitated, but by no means certain to Baptist, but owing to their bo- factory condition, the assessment hay- be built. The incorporation was ef- ing no church of that denomination in ing been increased $1,00 during the fected by the Special Act of the Ont - this neighborhood, he regularly at- year, and $100 was paid on the par- ario Parliament, being the Stith -Viet., tended the Presbyterian church while sonage debt in the last six months. cap, live assented to March 20th, 1873. I thsecond clause thereof, residing to Hensall, and the funeral The officers for the coming veer are as We quote e b theR J follows W Hodgins clergyman's showing the superficial limits of the sermon was conducted y Rev, , p ' P corporation of Exeter which shall S. Henderson. In politics he was a warden ;Louis O'Neil eo le's warden P consist of the follozvin Reformer and took a deep : interest in (re elected) : stdesmen, Levi Carter comprise and con g matters..pertaining to church and (re-elected), Sydney Hodgins ; vestry lots and parcels of land that is to say state, and was well read and informed. clerk and treasurer, R, Jell (re-elected) The south half of lot 1 in the first con - of the Townshi of Hay the While engaged in farmii,g he was .delegate to Synod, R. Hodgins, (re- ttorthlialt' Lot no; 20, T ots 21, Z?, 23 1 t d) 1 & tryn DR, the shove r ttli Messrs , • o ,the w chanty brought t i t named officers t HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. CAPITAL: (all paid. up) REST THOS.:PYSHE, General Manager $6,000,000. $2,700,000 E. 1'. IISBDEN, Superintendent of Branches AC GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED Interest at most favorable current .rates allowed on Savings, Bank accounts and Deposit Receipts. Letters of Credit issued available in China, .Japan and other foreign countries. very successFiil: and cleared up' rand .e ec e ; se ec yes - and 24 in the Townshipof Stephen, into a s a e offine cultivation and the north Half of Lot 15, Lots 10 two hundred acres -of, land -on the 3id 17 18 MAO 20 and bbs south half of 1 constitution evident 1 g 1, d 111 The preamble g G Hodgins 3. Cooper and G. Carter. At the close of a very satisfactory ids .ta a and'4th concession in the township of Lot 21 in the township of Usborne." Hay. He was possessed of .a strong meet gr t stated that the village robust cons t'u len, a tba ne a 87 of Frances and Exeter of which the years old age me Sts, and of 87 new village of Exeter was formed years and nearly 6 months, and up to BRzn s con- tained over 1,000. George Willis was elected to the Reeveship in 1874 and 1875 and Whar- ton Hodgson in 1876 ; after which the positing was filled by Lancelot Hardy. On the withdrawal froni the town- ships Exeter assumed 1 -27th of the debt of Stephen (amounting to 31.010) on which an annual interest of $97,05 was paid to that township, and a sinking fund of 5 per cent raised ; also 1 -25th of. the debt of Usborne (amount- ing to $1,000) on which interest and sinking fund amounted to $110 per annum, The village gave $10,000 on its own account as a bonne to the L.H, a common occurrence to see a dozen ,& B,R„and paid $1,100 yearly towards teams waiting for chop.—Ms, Bert interest and sinking fund on this debt. Williams who has teen home on a(The Manitipal Loan Fund Surplus, 'in it was dee ' d djourn to meet again on Friday evening May lst. F —Miss 13. Simpson left Mon - within about a month of his decease, E day for Virden, Manitoba where she was enjoying fairly good health. The funeral cortege to the .Exeter ceme- tery on Tuesday the 21st, was very largely attended, testifying to the re- spect felt for the deceased and sym- pathy for the family. w. mea84in0 tyr storia always bears the Sigratur.. of Chas. It Fletcher. When Baby was sick, we gave her Csst4,14 C D 1 T r K1 ONTARIO., N T it l l O when she was a Child, She cried for C•astOria, 4 J 1 1 i a.d/ + i V 1 {• da 9h d pJ , n / When she becainc Miss, she ctung to Castoria. IF V e a H 1 ! H i.d L Il/11 Manager ieushc,had O ildrezeslic gave them Castoriao will reside for sometime. Blanche will be missed in social circles of this vicinity, Her popularity was shown to some extent by the large number of friends and acquaintances who assem- bled at the station to see her off—Miss E. Simpson was in London Monday, -- Miss Cobbledick of Ailsa Craig is visiting Mrs. Charles Carter.— E. 0. Jones, lsq. was in London Saturday on business.—"Dow” Lewis is i usy renovating his house when completed ib will make quite an improvement to that corner.—The choppibg mull is be- ing run to its full capacity. It is quite ders drawn on treasurer for saute: —S. t in effect daily until June 15th. Three Handford. labor, 3150 : Mr. Belbaek' trains a day from Chicago to the do, 03c. ; Thos. Welsh, $4 3S ; W. , Isaac, $2.82; S. Baskerville, 81.38 : , Roast personally llywithout change. tourist Dailyr James Parsons, 54.38 ; A. Taylor, and !excursions toy conducted f eYeursions California, Washington $2,50 : R. Davis, $4.50 ; George Atkin- + , soft, $1,50 ; D. Russell, $1.23 ; D. Ram- I your Oregon. For particulars apply to ohr,1.50 Rd. Terry,allowance on ; your nearest ticket agent or address tile. $18 ; I' Smith, reairing gasoline ' B' H. Bennett, 2 East King St. Toren to, Ont. Galvanized Barb Wire Galvanized Coiled Spring Wire Galvanized Plain Soft Wire Galvanized Weaving Wire. •' Galvanized Fence Staples "Galvanized Fence Hooks Galvanized Poultry Netting t paces IEJSIVASSVOile M,..tnsGalva ized n. Coil $n',. Fencing Sand Screen Wire, Screen Wire Cloth, wire Tighteners Wire Stretchers, Page Wire Gates, Ever'ything in Fencing AT t1EflMHNIE'DwtlftIE