HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-4-23, Page 1•
iii4.4.1444!144.+4.++ 4+44++>.4ri cis +4.44+4.4.44+444.44+
;1+• Vit+.
. We have received a shipment of Barb and Spring j
+. oil Wire, No. 9,'12 and 1.3, Now is the time to get
your Fencing Wire. 4.
1, W 4.
e have 2 oar loads of • Durham. Portland Cement ; +
call early 4.
+ amts
4, have dust what you need, the celebrated Sherwin c� +� here, have decided to locate in Ci
WilliamsRead Mixed Paints put upin - Pints, I ton, and have or that �t a home there
,'�' • l y r � and have left for that place, -Sacra-
went of the Lord's Supper will be dis-
G. J. Sutherland, Notary Pnblio, Conveeen
son of a tangly of eight and his death
first out -side of the parents in 65
me, Commissioner, Fire Insurance Agent, and -- :--�
Insurer of Marriage Licenses. Legal doouanents
carefully drawn at reasonable rates. Monett Thames load,
to loan on real estate at low rates of interest, ,
Qffioo at the Post Woe Hensel].i urn XN Sv xxis eaG.-Many residers
of the TrMUs will be grieved to learn
of the death of Mr. Thomas Allin,
which occurred on March 10th,
1003, at , Seni
fully passed an examination on the nnipeg,hisin h methe 75th i yearenue of
rules and orders in operating . trains, his age, Mr, Allinwas well and fay-
-Mrs. Mowbry, of Whithcbureh, who orably known here, having been a
has been visiting her son -in law, e resident in this locality, at what was
E. Thompson, has returned home.- known as Allins Corners, for many
the rooms years. Some years ago he removed
Mr. Davis has fitted up to Winnipeg where he has enjoyed
oyer his store for Miss Mary Carlisle the good will and respect of all with
who will carry on her dressmaking whom he came in contact, He was a
there. -Mr. W 13. Beek and daugh- very quiet and peaceful man, a con -
ter, left this week for Dodge centre, sistent member of the Methodist
church. dying in the Christian faith,
which had sustained him all tbrough
Iife;- To Mrs. Allin who is now left
alone, the sympathy of the entire
community is extended in her sore
bereavement in the loss of a loving
partner in life. His remains are at
rest in Etimwood cemetery, Winnipeg.
BRIEFS. -Mr, C. H. Chapman, as-
sistant agent at our station here, was
in Stratford, last week, and sucess
4 ' Mia•, where they will reside with Mr.
Now is the time to do our S gin; Painting, We ' reek's son.- Mr. Graham and wife,
�'' � g; ,�, who thought somewhat. of locating
$ persed in Carmel church, on Sabbath
morning, The Rev. Mr. McLennan,
of Ki•ppen, will -reach the .prepara
tory sermon on Friday proceeding at
2.30 in the afternoon, -- Mr. Dent,
barrister, and Mrs. Dent; of Mitchell,
were yisiting Mr. Dent's sister, Mrs.
Sutherland, this week.- Mr. Billings,
manager of the Molson's Bank was in. dale, -Miss M. Cameron spent Sun- Rev. R. W. Knowles concluded his
Whitby, duriug the past week attend- day with Mrs. Millar, of Fullerton.- se ies of addresses on the "Beatitud-
mg the funeral. of his mother. - Mrs. Bob, Graham called on friends in the es"last Sunday evening in the Metho-
Taylor was in Toronto, last week village, Sunday. -Miss Nellie Sweitzer dist church. The sermon was as
visiting her son. -:Miss Shaw, of Bees- spent her Easter holidays with Mrs, usual up to the mark, the congrega-
sels is visiting her relatives, Mr, and A. Bickel, of Seaforth.-13. A, L. W, tion large and attentive. -Mrs, V.
Mrs. Joseph ye
Taylor, -Mr. Geo. Mur- Anderson, of St. Marys, Suutlad at Rats, is visiting her daughter. Mrs,
ray, of Clinton, formerly of Hensall, home. -Mrs. Ratcliffe and son, Geo., Chas, Zwicker, for a few days, -There
a was in the village on business last visited with Mrs, J, N. Ratcliffe, is talk of starting a cycling club in
re -
week. -Miss Gibson, of near Bruce- Thames Road. - =+Ir, and Mrs. R.
our village. We only hope it will field, was in the village on Monday Stapleton, of Welburne, visited with suit in something practical. - Mr,
visiting Miss Harvey. - Mr. W. N. Mrs. L. Cameron, on Sunday. - Mas-
Zwicker is bound not to be left
Colwill has • leased from Mr. G. J. ter Wilbert Nethercott, of St. Marys, on the road. His new rubber tired
Sutherland, as agent for Geo. Ingram, spent his Easter vacation with Mr. W. buggy will certainly slip along easily.
his large fine shop to be used.'as art Arthur. -Mr. and Mrs. W. Smith, of This is good for the carriage makers,
implement wareroom.-Miss G. Lloyd, Science Hill, spent Sunday with Mr. -Our much needed painter, like the
of London. was home during the past C. Hyde. - Miss Emma Robinson, early morning dew, has suddenly dis-
week visiting her mother. -Mrs. Geo. teacher, of Kehuryville, has resumed appeared. -Gardening is the chief
Found left here last week, for Winni- her school duties again. -:dr. and Mrs. occupation of our villagers at present,
peg to join her husband. who has Hazlewood. of Kirktou, sir. and Mrs, -School has re -opened, and is in full
been there for some time.- Miss Bell Thompson, and family, of Metropoli- swing. All the teachers returned
Sparks, has been home for the past tan, were Sunday visitors at the home
week or so visiting her parents.- The of air, Sas, eturray.- Mr. J. Arthur,
ball of Mr. Watson, instructor of and sister and friends, of axedin+.,
dancing was held on Friday evening were the guests of miss Edythe
in Millar's hall, and a very pleasant 'Arthur, on Sunday last.- errs. James
time was spent by all present. - Mrs. Murray has returned after an extend-
°. Cook, who has been visiting her ed. visit with 1 daughter, errs. D.
parents, in Wroxeter, has returned.- Hazlewood, of Pet iia.
Mr,. Billings, of the Molson's bank has much appreciated by the merchants.
purchased a fine driving outfit, - Mr. and those confined in the stores all
and Mrs. Abe Johnston, are visiting Sexts;mith day. - Mr, Joe. Banes is busy colt
McArthur, hardware merchants,at their old home in Michigan. -• Mr, BIZIErs-lids Sra Northcott visile- breaking: Our citizens are not con-
friends in' Sarnia over Easter h th' but firstclass
� b b
quarts, half gallons and gallons.
Se s
We' have a quantity of first class Timothy, Red
and Alsike Clover seed, also Garden seeds of all kind
'We carry a full stock of Bee Supplies of all hinds,
frames, e�c.
et SOW 3:
+ 1+
We Can
=.And n
Baxees.-Miss Sarah; Atkinson, has
returned from an extended visit with
her sister, Mrs. R.P. Bilyea. of Thorn
lifted. to help to defray the expenses.
of this department of the conference,
The eyening was a, great success and
all returned home well satisfied with
the evening's programme,
A fuller aceuunt of the meetings of
the Conference has been laid over tilt
next week.
BnIFrs,-.-Mr. Samuel G, I ampor
of our village has purchased the cele -
imbed shire horse Looking Granby
from T. J. Berry of Hensall. for which
he paid a handsome sum. He is a
grand type of a draught horse being
only four yearsold andweighing 100 .
nyf i 0
pounds. Some of our best horsemen
have been to see him and say he is
just the kind of horse they have been
lookingfor,-The tuneral of the in-
fant daughter of Samuel and Mar-
garet Lamport took place on Friday,
Rev. R, W. I nowlee, conducted the
service and preached ten i•npr:issive
funeral sermon in the Evangelical
church. - John Dyer. and William
Lewis,, V. S., report a good time at
the croquet match on Friday, the first
of the season, They give promise to
be champions at this popular game
this season,, -Robert Sweet Esq. .and
the Methodist Parson took a purchas-
ing tour through McGillivray and
Biddulpli township, on Monday, in
search of Shorthorn yearlings. -
that our stock of Spring
and Summer goods is
unequalled. See for
May be you're not particular about
ers there and. some stayed at. home, -
Miss Ella Millson and Miss Ella Her-
bert of Lucan spent Easter at the for-
mers parents. -Mr. Newton Millson
visited at Lucan Sunday evening. -
Most of the hurry up farmers around
here are done seeding.
many things, bat you ought to be so
about your clothes. There are some
particularly nice things here in.
Canadian Tweed Suits at 10, 12, $15,00
Scotch Tweed Suits at 14, 16, $18.00
Worsted and Serge Snits at 13, 17, $20.
Pants and Fancy Vests from $3.00
up to $7.00. The price includes the
highest grade of workmanship in the
BRIEFS,-Rev. J, J, A. Ayearst, B. A.,
. Taman. of Lucan, will occupy the pulpit of
the methodist church, next Sunday
ing. He also swill preach the,
iter+clearse ')minor.
BRIEFS. -The weather has been
veryfavorable lately most of the far-
mers are through seeding. -Miss Ger-
tie Miller, was the guest of Miss Edna
Godbolt on Sunday last -Mr. Nelson
Fletcher and Miss L, Hunter were the
guests of Miss Mabel Sawyer last Sun-
day.-Mr.A.ustin Hewitt of Anderson,
visited Nelson Clarke on Sunday last.
-Mr. O. Snell and Mr. E. Johns of
Elimville called on friends at this
burg last week. -Jones & Clarke have
-employed a new clerk. - Mr. Walker
Kerslake was the guest of Miss Maud
Fletcher last Sunday. - Mr. Lewis
Fletcher Sundayed at Elimville.- Mr.
Bern and sisters were the visitors at
Mr. Frank Brock's last week. -Mr. M
Routly is recovering from hie recent
Vl ha ei n
(Laid over last week)
BILIEms.-Mr, and Mrs. Clarke of
4Jlandehoye spent Monday here the
guest of Mrs. J. V. Millson.-Master
Victor Sanders a student at the Park-
hilL high school is spending his vaca-
tion with his mother here. -Mr. Frank
Parkinson sports a beautiful young
driver one that can "git there". Mr.
Parkinson purchased it from Mr.
Frank Davis for which he paid a
handsome figure its sire is grand Falk-
ner, a well known English running
horse and is owned by Adam Beek, M.
P. -Easter was very fittingly observed
in our burg, some were here and oth•
Anniversary Epworth League Ser-
mons at Eden, at 2.30 p. m. - The
young people of this community are
again' reminded of the good times
they may have at the tea meeting
next Moniday evening at Eden, in con-
nection with the Epworth League,
The Eden' people are noted for giving
first-class tea meetings, and literary
and musical programmes of ' a high
order. Next Monday evening, we are
told will be an exception. Hurra for
Eden i -The changeable weather -
cold and wet, have produced large
crops of "Colds" The early grain
sown has not yet sprouted; lambs are
not frisky; birds are shivering and the
little "chicks"think they have come
itoo soon
-At Eden of the Centralia Methodist
church circuit, at 2.30 p. in., nest Sun-
day, Rev. J. A. Ayearst, B. A., of
Lucan, will preach the anniversary
Epworth League sermons. On Mon-
day from 6 to 8 p. ,n., a tea meeting
under the auspices of the Epworth
League wiil be given. Speakers after
tea, Revs. Knowles, Ayeerst and ease -
Donald.. Recitations by errs. Know-
les, Miss BIanche Rooke, Miss Smith,
of Centralia, and others, also the
Sunshine quartette will supply the
music, Dr. Orme and Abbott, musical.
and others from a distance, solos, etc.
John Essery will preside. It is well
known that those who miss a tea
meeting at Eden, miss one of the
richest treats of the year,
of 11
AST AL (alt paid up)
General Manager
promptly, much improved in body y
and mind by reason of their well- Convention, in May.
earned rest. -Mr. Fred. Young is on Per J. ],vans. -Adjournment.
the sick list, we bespeak the sym- J. GRIGG, Secy.
pathy for him of all his boy and girl P. S. -Two resolutions were placed
friends. The mumps are no respector
of persons, they lay hold upon old
and young alike. - Early closing is
t+.44.04444.4.4.4+444).4+4+44. 04440$40444400404400!
A Snap
Ladies Buttoned Shoes, regular $2, ;50
for .,,.:,... .,...�.
Men's Canvas Shoes, just the thing for
summer wear for , $ 0
Boys' Canvas Shoes for sunun.er, 80c
A Nice New Line of Boys'and Girls. School 1
00044+®04440eateea 94060A44444 +p0+504444444.4.4.44+.4444f'
Shoes at a Very Close Price..
$3.00 ; W. J, Heaman, yise, 85c; Mem-
bership fee, Educational Association,
Toronto, $1.50 ; J. E. Oreary, wood,
Ter W. J. Evans and S. Mar;in.-
That a vote of thanks be tendered our
delegate for the report of proceedings
at Toronto, now submitted also that
an order be issued for travelling ex-
penses incurred.
Per H. Huston and S. Martin, -
That the necessary repairs to the east
fence be left in the hands of the G.
and F. and repairs. committee.
Per H, Ruston and G. Eacrett. -
That the report of the principal be re-
ceived and approved.
Per S. Martin and G. Eacrett.-That
a vote of welcome be made by the
board to the approaching Teachers'
_ , tent wit env ing u rs
intends occupying the rooms over bis a drivers. -Anumber ofthe members
store, recently vacated by Miss Car- Bert O'Brien is laid up with the of the Y. P. A. of the Eyangelical
lisle, Messrs. R, Graham and H. mumps- Milton Russell is around church drove to Dashwood on Friday
after being laid up with the mumps.- evening last aa,d took part in a pro-
Jaines Gould has been laid up with gramme given by the Dashwood Y,
the Grip for a few days. - Mr. and P, A. They report a good time. -Mr.
Mrs, Warren and William and Beat- Conrad Kuhn is improving the ap-
rice Warren were all laid up with pearance of his lot on King street by
Grip last week. -Roger Northcott and putting up a new wire fence. He' is
•several of the family had the grip last now having material drawn for the
week and also Mr. and Mrs, Wildfong erection of his new dwelling.- Our
had an attack of the Grip; -=Grit, seems gristmill is now using coal for fuel
to have had full sway in these parts instead of wood. The latter being
for a few days. hard to procure now. -Mr. W, S, Eng -
ie OBITUARY, -It becomes our sad land's house is nearly completed. Mr,
duty this week to chronicle the death Wm. Winer will move into it as soon
of one the pioneers of Ontario in the as it is ready.- 7xr. J. Lamport has
person of Mr. Joseph Gould who pass- moved. from his farm into the rest-
ed away to his long rest on Sunday deuce lately occupied by Mr. Isaac
morning last at the advanced age of Hill, sr., and can now be considered
87years, and 5 mouths. Mr. Gould one of Orediton's citizens. - Messrs.
came to this country from England Eilber & Rau have just completed a
when he was a young man and settled drain on the north side of Victoria
in the county of Ontario where be was street. The drain was over 70 rods
afterwards united in marriage to Miss long -err Louis Bertrand, who has
Mary Moon who predeceased him been ill for a nuinber of weeks is ire -
about two years and a half. About proving slowly,
the year 1868, Mr. Gould and family Saaooz REroRT- The following
moved from Ontario to Huron County pupils of the Crediton public school
and settled on the farm now occupied were successful in the promotion
by bis son Jas. In 1830 Mr. and Mrs. examinations held April 7th 8th and
Gould retired from active life and mov- 9th. Names are in order of merit-
ed to Hensall where they resided until Jr 4th to sr 4th, Medicine Bertrand,
Waffle Hill, Verd.a Short, Idella Fah -
nee, (. ertie Short, Frazer Brown ; sr
3rd, to jr 4th, Laura Heist, Garnet
Se eitzer, Eddie Weiner, Frank Fink-
beiner ; jr 3rd to sr 3rd, Ida Ewald,
Bertha Finkbeiner, Annie Ewald, Al-
vey Holtzman, Nelson Shenk, Irvine
Falmer ; sr 2nd to jr 3rd. Lillian Geis-
er; Adeline Finkbeiner, Roland Ell -
bar, Reta Kienzle. Ethel Wray, Lucy
Mast, Elvin McZurray, Mildred
Brown, Edna Pack ; intermediate 2nd
feat horse as can be found being only to se 2nd, Edna Pack (to jr Sed) Pearl
five years old and weighs 2000 pounds. , Dashwood Geiser, .Edith Hill, Garry Wein, Glad -
The horse is a light bay in color, and ys Hedden, Edith Mangnus, Pearl
Lias a fine neck and good shoulders, Ex.GTE0 LUMBER VeinHeist, Clarissa Hill, Lizzie •W oife, and
witb straight clean limbs. Mr. Geiger .Largestoctc of Lumber -pine and hemlock, Charlie Finkbeiner (equal) Charlie
is quiet proud of his new horse. 170,000 feet of hemlock lumber .for barns etc., Anderson, Sylvester Wue rth, Harry
also shingles. laths and cedwr pests. Prices Trick, Clara Boltzmann, Earnest Ape
reasonable -nee WILLIS, Yard : East side' of pleton, Wm Oestrcicher, Roy Falmer
Main st , Lizzie Snell, Minnie Finkbeiner and
BRIEFS. - The Evangelical church Luella•Stahl (equal) Hilda Shenk.
was crowded to the doors last Friday_ _
Fitzsimmons, of Clinton, were the
guests of Dr. Blackall, on Sunday last,
-Mr. W. Lindenfield, started last
week to Iearn the tailoring business
with Mr. Bert Fowler, merchant
tailor. -Mr. A. Murdock purchased a
driving outfit from Mr. Geo. Joint,
last week, - Messrs. Ortwein and
Smallacombe shipped a number of
tone of onion sets, last week to Toron-
to and other places. -The Epworth
League scored a fine success in their
anniversary services on Sunday and
Monday last. Rev. R. Hobbs of Wing -
ham preached helpful and eloquent
sermons. 'on Sunday afternoon and
eyening+ In the afternoon at the
mass meeting of both Leagues, ad-
dresses full of helpful thought and
good cheer were given by Rev. R:
Hobbs and Rev, J. S. Henderson of
the Presbyterian church. On Monday
evening a full house greeted Rev. R.
Hobbs, to listen to his popular Iecture,
"The Triangular Man." Mr. Hobbs
was in splendid form and fairly de-
lighted his audience for two hours.. It
was indeed a splendid lecture,giyen to
a splendid crowd by a splendid man, -
Miss Stewart, sister of Mrs. J. Shep-
pard, has been i11 for a few days. She the death of Mrs. Gould after which
is better now. -Rev. R. Hobbs of Mr. Gould liyed with his daughters
Wingham, was the guest of Rev. E. here until the time of his death. Mr.
and Mrs, Medd during his stay in Hen- Gould leaves behind him a family of
sall,--Mrs. A; Murdock sang a fine one son and two daughters besides a
solo on Mon day evening in the Meth- large number of grandchildren to
odist church. Mr, G. Trott played the mourn their loss. The family have
obligato parts superbly on his violin. the sympathy of the whole community
A HANDSOME Ho0SE,-Itr, Owers in their sad hsreavement. The funeral
Geiger brought home a handsome took place on Tuesday to the Exeter
Clydesdale entire horse last week, cemetery followed by a large con -
from Mitchell He is as near a per- course of friends.
QUIET WEDDING. -A very pretty
though quiet wedding was celebrated
on Tuesday evening, 21st,_in the Meth-
odist parsonage. The contracting
parties being Mr. Garnet G. Smalla-
combe, one of our most highly respect-
ed young men, and Miss' Bertha B.
Henry, a. churning young woman
from the township of Tuckersmith.
The nuptial knot was tied by the pas-
tor of the Methodist church, Rev. Dr.
Medd. Afterthe ceremony was over
the happy couple repaired to the home
of Mrs. Smallacombe, sr., where a
sumptuous wedding supper waited
them. We join with hosts of other
friends in wishing Me, and Mrs.
$6,000,000. Smallacombe a long and happy life.
+$2,700,000 St.Marys
E. F. i1EBD0l ,.
Superintendent of Branches
Interest at most favorable current rates allowed on
Savings, Bank accounts and Deposit Receipts.
Letters of Credit issued available in .Ohina, Japan and
other foreign countries.
ONTA�+RIIO. ,. �A .
W. 8 CHiSHOLM Manager
Y P wog
BRIEF'S. -"Three by-laws were voted.
evening. It being the evening set(
apart for the members of the Young I EXETER SCHOOL BOAR O
People's Alliance of the Canada Con There was a. special meeting held
ference, who were in session here the
past week. The Crediton and Zurich in the town hall on April Sth. Absent
Alliances were well represented, Me, Evans. The following is the order of
J. II. Floltzman of Orediton the Presi- business duly submitted, per S. Mar -
dent of the General Alliance of the 1 bin and G. Eacrett that H, Huston be
Conference acted as chrirmau. Ad- the
board'sde1onfte so ol ethe
f o thaome
ons -
dresses were delivered by, Revs, Clem- n
ens of Ilespeler and ��� . 0. Hoehn of tees at Toronto. (
Stratford, Mr. Clemen's address was Per 13, Huston and W. J. Carling I
on "The Opportunities of the 'Y"oung that the Council be requested to ap- I
People at the Present Age". His topic point J. T. Westcort as truant officer
was well handled and was very instru- for the current year.
dive. The other speaker, Rev', Hoehn Per JL Huston and S. Martin. that.Tlie best ii"ood for IXorses, Pigs, Calv, etc, in pacl�ages and this
whose topic was "The Essentials cf l this boars expresses its hearty con -
in the hands of our delegate to submit
to the resolution committee of the
Convention. One protesting against
his duties in the Public School. -Mrs,
McLean and family. of Chatham, are
spending some days at the Commer-
ciat Hotel in this village. - Mr. and
Mrs. Rausch of Berlin visited with Mr
Casper Rarig of thel4th con, over the
Easter holidays. -Several loads of the
members of the Y. P,+A. visited Dash -
woad alliance on Friday evening. -
A pleasant evening was spent at the
home of Mr, William Bauter, Babylon
Line on Monday evening, friends from
Zurich and Dashwood were present
-The regular greeting of the W. C.
T, U. was held Monday evening at the
home of Mrs, Rennie, -Mr. and Mrs.
John Ost of Blenheim Tp. spent Eas-
ter with the former's parents Mr, and
Mrs; Jacob Ost, Bronson Line. -Rev,
Ranch of Walkerton visited his broth-
er Philip afew days lase week. - The
many friends of sir. J. D. Merger,
general merchant, of this village will
be pleased to barn that he is now se
far recovered as to be able to he about
the house again after the operation
which he underwent some time ago
the frequent change in text books, for appendicitis.- Mr. John Dumart
expects to leave in a few days on a
trip to New Ontario and the west.
Mr, Dumart has been a resident of
Zurich for thirty years and has been a
good citizen making,hosts of friends
in both town and country and should.
Zurich he decide to snake„an investment and
pitch his tent elsewhere in the future
BRIEFS. -Mr. Scnoellig of the Gos• all will regret it. -Solomon Hardy and
hen Line visited with his son, Dr.
George, of Detroit, during the Easter
holidays. -Miss Annie Hess and Miss
Dina Rickbell visited with friends at
Dashwood, on Sunday. -Miss Harte
assistant teacher in the public school
returned Sunday after a pleasant visit
under the parental roof at Brucefield.
-Mr. Wm. McClory of Hensall gener-
al agent for the Deering Company of
the United States and Canada was in
the village on Tuesday. -Rev. Henry The best remedy for sore, weak
Holtzman of Fullerton visited his
brother big, G. Holtzman on Tuesday lungs, is the soothing vapor of Ca, -
on his way to the conference at Dash- tarrhozoue which traverses every air
wood. -Mr. and Mrs. Wentaufer and cell and passage of the breathing ori
two daughters returned to their borne ens. It trewts remote arts that
at Blyth on Tuesday after a pleasant g p
visit with relatives and fiends in and 'cough inixtizres :rad spray's can't ap-
around Zurich, -?,faster Harold John, proach, and kilts thousands of germs
uncle, Thomas, Johnston. -Miss Addie away pain,conge?tion and iuiiamma-
the second to ask government action
to secure better care for the physical
welfare of our pupils the country's
wards and Canada's hope for the
family wbo recently returned. from
Michigan have decided to settle in
Dashwood for awhile. -Mr. Deering
of Exeter was in the village on Tues-
day on his first trip of the season
collecting cream for the butter fac-
ston of Clinton returned Home after at every breath. Oatarrhozone drives
spending his Easter holidays with his
Sararas is visiting her sister Mrs,
Neib at Sebringville. - Mr. and Mrs.
Isaac Bean of Goderich, visited at Mr.
andjMrs. Schoelligs of the Goshen line
line' last week. - Miss M. Handford
visited with friends at Dashwood on
Sunday. -Mr. Hy. Pletsch, of Mild-
may was in town to visit acgnaintan-
ces on Saturday last.- er. J. J. 'Mer-
rier of Dashwood. spent part of R ed.-
nesday in the village. - Mr. Robert
Steck has returned to town to resum tion.
tion; it makes breathing easy and reg-
ular, and exerts a marvellous influence
on Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Bron-
chitis, Clatarrh, Deafness and Lung
Trouble. Catarrhozone cures at once*
is delightful to inhale, and. simple to
use. Price $1.00 ; trial size 25 cents.
Druggists, or Polson & Oo. Kingston,.
Ont. -
Dr. Hamilton's Pills cure Constipa-
flnr!I N&ts for Home and Farm
Faints . Murata and �labastinn
Hollywood and Jewell Ready
Mixed Paints, isc, 25c, 450,
and S5c per can
Ganiul ells Varnish Stains
Make old furniture look like new
15c, 3oc, and 500 per can.
For walls and ceilings, price 45c
and 5oc per package, used
with cold water,
6arriaje anti Wagon Paints
i For painting all kinds of vehicles
, 25c, 5oc, and €roc per can.
allit anU aisOfu«6 rusIlGs
Of every description from 5c up, The E ery best value ever offered
in Exeter.
�LiUUia� atioll 1
Sto61( Footi
°p� ' ++ eurrance in the action of the Dominion
on here, ope for $20,000 for permanent
roadways, carried' by a vote of 354 to people several gaod ideas how to make
58. A second by-law for the extension a success of their work. Quartettes
of water services and electric lighting were snug by members of the Credi-
for $6,000 was carried by 301 to 56, A ton and Zurich Alliances which were
third for the election of two commis- well rendered and greatly appreciated
stoners annually who, with mayor, The "second portion of the .urogram
will constitute a board of management was taken over by the conference,
for electric lighting and water -works, Rev. A. Y. i3aist of Berlin acted as
carried by 388 to 78-- After being con- chairman. The ministerial choir sang
fined to his bed for the past eight a beautiful selection. Rev, J. 'd. Moy-
naonths with partial paralysis, death er and Rev. L. 11. Wagner, of Water -
carie on Sunday afternoon .to quiet Loo spoke for some time about the
the sufferings of Mr. James Dunsmore D work of the Confer -
He was 82 years of age having been
born in Londonderry, Xeeland, in the
year 1821, Mr. Dunstnore is the second
�resaion of the ,manufacture importa-
tion and sale of cigarettes and that A
copy of this resolution be forwarded
to the member of this riding, also that
the communication from Mrs. (1. T.
Brooks, Secretary of the anti -Narcotic
Coni, of the W.C.T.U. of this village
be respectfully acknowledged.
Per W.J. Carling adjournment,
April 20th -Regular meeting of the
board. held in the town hall, at 8 p. m,
Absent W. d Carling.
success in
instructive and- ga,ye the young Government Lii moving for tbe sup -
Per S. Martin and G, Eacrett.-That
ance. Rev. Moyer gave several tonal- the following accounts be approved:-
ing instances of the good done by the IR. N. Rowe, box, $1.00 ; S. Fanson,
Deaconess in the homes of the poor in I scrubbing, $6.40; Snell & Rowe,the City of 'Toronto. A collection was brooms, $1.80 ; Advocate 'Muting,
at 50c, $3,50 and $i3.5o.
Everything in this line at lowest
Co Spring, Coil Sprin Plain Galy . and all kinds of Fence
Staples, etc, Big stock on hand.
All Kinds
From $1.25 to $t,75
Wires, Hooks,