HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-4-16, Page 8R 1L Lift., tOQA. TFWART'S 01111016111 SPRING IS HERE. -And we are ready for a rous- ing trade. Our stock was never in better shape t han this season. Complete in every department, and then such good values. The whole store is a vast sea of bargai ns. The advertised items are only the spray. 8Se. Do you want some? They are going out quick 125 pieces of regular 121e Prints, widest width, best quality, dark, medium and light shades, all fast colors, They ac•e a lot of lull' reumants that came cur way, 5 to 20 yards in each end. Take your pick at 8kc the yard. Some people say we are selling our Wall Paper too cheap. We don't think so. We are satisfied with small profits and quick sell - ing, Coyne in and see our loye- ly new stock of up-to-date Wall Papers 3c to 25c the roll for pap - ers, and Se to 5c the yard for all our snatched borders. 40c the yard, This will he our $1.95 the yard, regular value last lot of those Jap corded wash- ing waist Silks, pink and white, blue and white, beaver and white, coral and white, dell blue and $2.50, our best English Linoleums, fu114 yards wide, new floral effects New block and tile effects, and new scroll patterns. If you are white, and solid cream. One of the best snaps this season, only going to buy a new Linoleum, now is your fortunate opportuni- 40c. ty, quality guaranteed, only $1.95. ran* meseneseurameemm me 65c the yard. for a lovely We are ready for the big - lot of ladies' Broadcloth suit- gest kind of a Carpet trade. ings, new Mirror finish. All Our Carpets come to us dir- the new shades, the kind ect from the mills. No that don't crockle, spot or middle man's profit to pay. shrink. swell for Suits or odd Come in and see our display. Skirts. We can interest you. _,mess. mummers= OUR M11L,L,iNERV is just as new as new can be, everything right down to the minute, style, quality and value are what we offer you. Leave your orders with us as early as possible, and we will give you good service. .Men's and boys' Ready-to-wear Suits, an immense stock to select from, values are in your favor. BIG UN 8TOR J ft. ST EWfiR.T THE overeign . san of Canada, Capital paid up $1,300,000.00 Surplus 270,00.00 HEAD OFFICE TORONTO EXECUTIVE OFFICE, MONTREAL President, - - - H. S. HOLT, Esq. General Mgr. - D. M. STEWART, ESQ. SAVINGS DANK DEPARTMENT Deposits of $1.00 and upward re- ceived and highest rates of interest allowed. Deposits Receipts issued at favorable rates. Loans trade to far- mers on their own names at reason- able rates. A general Banking Business done. OFFICES AT Exeter and Crediton F. E. BARN, C. W. GILMOUR, Manager. Manager. GLADMAN & STA: -BURY, Solicitors. ® arc -r -- TO ADVERTISERS. For Marriage Licenses, The copy for changes must be left not later than Tuesday noon. Casual advestisement' accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. THURSDAY, APRIL 16Ta, 1903 Locals Weci.ciiirtg iRitigs, Watches, Clocks Jewelry, Spectacles Etc CALL ON R. HICKS Watch Repairing a Specialty. Mr. A.E. Gurney, of Sarnia, spent Good Friday with his brother, Mr. R Gurney. Mr. Chas. Tom is on the sick list.; Public schools will re -open on Mon- day, 20th lust, W. L. Talbot was in London on business this week. Miss Pringle is spending her vaca- tion at her home in Staffs. Mr. John Srrang, who has been ill for some time; does not improve. Mrs. Saxon Fitton and son were in Toronto visiting friends during Eas- ter. Mr. 1Soore, of Godericb, has eccept- ed a.position as clerk with Snell & Rowe, See Popplestone & Gar - diner's add on inside page. Mumumumereseemseemesenemesum Mrs. W. L. Talbot is spending a couple of weeks with her parents in Dorchester. Mr. and Mrs, Bleasdell and family spent the Easter holiday with friends in Brantford. Miss Dorrington left on Thurs- day last for Thedford, where she will spend her vacation. Mark Clark, an inmate of the House of Refuge. Clinton, called on friends in town this week Mr, 1Vm, Grigg of Woodstock,spent Good Friday with his parents, Mr.and Mrs. Wm. Grigg, sr. Mrs. Wade, of Sarnia, spent a few days of the Easter vacation with her sister. Mrs. S. Gidley. Messrs. Handford& Elliott shipped a car load of very fine horses to Mani- toba, on Monday last. sirs, John Snell attended the funeral in London on Tuesday, of her uncle, the late Robept Darch, Miss Mabel Kemp left on Monday for Port Stanley. where she will re- main for some ttme with friends. Mrs. Hemp and Miss Gertie have returned home from Burlington where they have spent the past few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Wes, Idawkshaw and daughter, Myrta, of London, spent the forepart of this week with Mr. and Mrs. John Hawkshaw, Mrs. James Crockett of Dorchester who has been visiting with her daughter Mrs. W. L. Talbot for the past month has returned home. Mr. B. Either, of Ulby, Mich„ in re- newing his subscription, says : Th Times is a welcome visitor each week, and I am always anxious to get the news from home. Mr. H. Huston and Mr. Gowan left on Tuesday for Hamilton to attend. the Provincial convention of teacbers and OPENING ANNOUNCE1VIEN school taustet s, wl.ieh is being held tu, that city. May 24th is the date set by the Temperance Legislation League of Ontario for the holdiraig of a prohibi- tion convection in every electoral district, The regular monthly meeting of the Womans Econoinio Association will be held iu the library hall on Friday afternoon at three o'clock. A full at- tendance is hoped for; The marriage of Mr. Shirley Bobier, and Miss Lilly Driuttwater has been announced, They will remain for the summer in charge of Mrs. Bobter's residence duriug her visit in the W est. Matey peonle say they are 'all nerves," easily startled and upset, cosily worried and irritat- ed, Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are just the remedy suck people require. They restore perfect harmony of the nervo centres, and give new nerve force to shattered nervous systems. We have been asked to correct the statement we made some weeks ago, in reference to the purchase of Mr. Geo, Willis' residence, by Mrs. Yeo, We understand her father, Mr, Ohas. Tom was the purchaser. 4. • TALBOTS BAZAAR (This ad. Changes Every Week • Lettuce and Onions -F • fresh from oui own green- • house in London, consequently g. we can recommend them. They will be found very appe tiling at this season. 1+ Another lot of stationery to band to -day. We are doing + quite a little trade in Station- ery, try us. ,g We keep combs, brushes, 4. hair pins and a host of other little things and sell them at + reasonable prices too. We have put in for this week's selling some. Talbots Bazaar st • Wedding Presents a Specialty. 4. 4 4. 4. 4. • 4. 4. • • 4. 4. 4. .fix. =s✓ 4.4.44+4.4.+4.4.++++ CareitiNli Mr. and Mrs, Will Ross, and child, spent n, few days of last week and this the guest of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Ross. Mr. Ross rendered valuable assistance in the choir of the Main-st. Methodist church, on Sunday evening. BLACK KNOT. -War has been de- clared against the black knot and if any of our citizens who have trees in their gardens affected by this pest, had better have it cut off and burned as they are subject to heavy penalties if they neglect this duty. The many friends of Sir Oliver Mowat, throughout the province:will learn with deep regret that he had the misfortune to fall while preparing to retire on Sunday evening and fracture one of his thighs. It is feared the re- sults may prove serious to the vener- able statesman. Miss Amy Johns, who has been at- tending the Alma Ladies, College, St. Thomas, is spending the Easter vaca- tion at her Name, and on Sunday evening last delighted the congrega- tion of the Main-st. Methodist church with the solo, "Ninety and Nine" beautifully rendered, We have not advanced the price of our tobacco. Amber smoking tobacco, Bobs, Currency and Fair Play chew- ing tobaccos are the same size and price to the Consumer as formerly. t4 e have also extended the time . for the redemption of Snowshoe tags to January 1st 1001. -TEE EMPIRE To BACCO CO. LIMITED. HAVING ILIBA.SEID the J. P. Ross (store, lately vacated by T. G. Harlton, I have opened up a general stock of Merchandise, and solicit a share of the pat- ronage of the people of Exeter and vicinity. As I am a stranger to the most of the people in the neighborhood I purpose making a Secia1 fittrd6tioo1or one week that I may have as many as possible call and make acquaint- ances, I will 01v6 You Mc Fronts o11 all th IA :Goods you may wish to purchase from me next week, beginning Monday, April 20th, and continuing until Saturday evening, April 25th. Remember you get them at cost, laid down. There is no money in for lee, but I want to see you. Perm Produce Taken fir! .e .. CiAilRaNsTS,; "' J. Po STAND, The Acton authorities are dealing vigorously with the cigarette eyil. The council have passed a bylaw im- posing a license fee of $75 for the sale of cigarettes, The Acton Free Press editorially observes: "Right think- ing citizens generally will appreciate and commend the action of the coun- cil in passing the cigarette bylaw. With a $75 license fee the cigarette abomination will no doubt be largely curtailed in Acton. Milton passed a similar bylaw last June and reports idicate very satisfactory results." APPRENTICES WANTED. -To learn essmaking apply to Aims ARM - BONG at Snell & Rowe's WANTED. -Two (2) first-class coat - m kers, male, at once. Union wages. A. H. Loma', & Co., St. Marys, WANTED -Wanted at once a good general servant apply to Mrs. Burdon at the Molson's Bank, Exeter, Fon SALE OR LEASE. -The hotel in North Exeter will be sold or leased on reasonable terms, apply to L. McTAG GART, Hay P. 0. WANTED. -Fifty (50) girls, at Mc- Cormick's new biscuit factory. Steady employment and big pay. The Mc- CoRMxoic M'F'G. CO., Ltd., London, Ont. MEETING OF GRADUATES, - There will be a meeting of Huron County graduates of Toronto University, in the Collegiate Institute, at Clinton, Saturday, April 18th, at 3 p. m. All graduates are requested to be present. FURINsHED COTTAGE TO RENT. -A furnished cottage with good garden and fruit bearing trees also smaller fruite. Will rent for summer months to small family, Apply to G. A. K MacLeod, Exeter. Fon SALE --One large copper kettle holds 110 gallons, splendid for boiling maple sap, original price $75, will sell now at $25. Also one splendid hub boxing machine, hearty new, price $45 will sell now for $25, at D. BRAUNDS, Exeter North. SANITARY NOTICE. -The household- ers of Exeter are requested to clean up their back yards and remove all filth and dirt. By attending to this matter they will greatly add to the appearance of their premises as well as aid in permeating a good sanitary system. Look out for the Inspector. To THE FAEMERs.-Why not follow the advice given at the Farmers' Insti- tute meetings and introduce new poultry blood into your flock, I ate booking orders now for eggs from pure bred WHITE & GOLDEN wyandottes The best general purpose fowl. Eggs 15 for $1.00. Speak for a setting early. J. 8E'NIoit, Exeter. ARCAIN WIU1.. L IN O EdRNY CA LI G BELOW. NO BETTER PLACE TO. DO BUSINESS If you want a Dinner Sett, Tea Sett, or Toilet Sett, NOW is A. few snaps for the Easter trade, in dainty Cotton Goods, your time, they are going to go at quick selling prices. Dress Goods and Gent's Furnishing. 97 piece dinner set, pretty floral de- sign, good quality, a great bar- gain, regular price $12.00, our sell- ing price...... ...$7,85 97 piece Dinner Sett,beautifully de - costed in green and brown. They are a snap, Regular 310 00, our sale price ... . $6.75 97 piece Dinner Sett in green an d brown, very pretty and good dual. ity. They must go. Regular price $7.75 going at ..,, - $5.75 44 piece Tea Sett, china, very fine quality, a very pretty design, was $9,50, You can buy it for ....$6,50 If you want a Toilet Sett now is your time. You can buy a beauty, 10 pieces for $2.00 Ladies' we are sole agent for Queen Quality Shoes, If • you want something up-to-date, and fit like a glove. see them before purchasing. Linoleums and Wall Papers No need to replace your discolored Odds and erds of Wall Paper. floor covering after house cleaning A lot or bundles of Wall Papers when new Linoleurus are selling at 1 are placed cn our counters, put this price. 4 yards wide, goof wear- out to sell at a price. Now is ing, good patterns for $1.55 per yatd. Iyour time. We have a full range of Trunks, that we intend to sell at quick selling prices if you want anything in the Trunk line, see them. Complete stock of fresh Groceries, at lowest prices. We pay highest Prices for all Farm Produce. SNELL E TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets 411 druggists refund the money it et Sails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each boy. 95c NEW STORE. - M t'. J. T. Cairn having leased the J. P. Ross store on main street has opened out with a bran new stock of dry goods, groceries etc. and is for a week offering to all who will favor him with a call and make a purchase the profits on all dry goods, for one week. See his ad. on this page. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. -A story and a half frame house, containing 7 rooms and summer kitchen, brick foundation. .A. quarter of an acre of land with good well of spring water on the premises, corner lot, situated on tlurpn street three blocks east of Main street. Will sell cheap. Apply to SAM'L. SANDERS, Telegraph Office, Exeter. Social. EVENING. - The "Willing Workers of the Trivett Memorial church intend holding a social even- ing in the school hall on Tuesday evening, the 21st inst. There will be a table with various kinds of cake, confectionary, jellies, candies, etc, for sale. Amusements and music will help to make the evening pleasant. Refreshments will be served and a silver collection taken up. • WILL MEET 'IN WINNIPEG. - The Grand Orange Lodge of British Amer- ica the supreme governing body of the Orange Order in this Dominion, has been called to meet in Winnipeg; on June 10th, and the railway com- panies haye promised single fares from all parts of Canada for the round trip. The original date for the meet- ing was the last Tuesday in May, but that was considered inconvenient for many of those desirous of attending, Tux VOLUNTEERS. - We under- stand that :he Minister of Militia has decided that the camps of instruction' this year will he the same as that of last year. that is, that the officers and non-commissioned officers, together. with a few men, but not the whole regiment, shall take instruction at some central point not yet decided upon. It is expected that the offi- cers of London'District will be order- ed out the latter part of June. - VESTRY MEETING -The annual Eras - ter vestry meeting of Trivitt Memorial. church was held on Monday evening in the school room. of the church. The Warden's financial report was read and the finances were all in good shape. Messrs. r. J. Knight and Thos. Hawkins were re -appointed peoples' and rector's waidens respectively. r. J, Davis was appointed vestry lerk, C. H, Sanders and N. D. lime don auditors, R. B. Saniuel Treas. and E. Elliott lay delegate. After this routine of business the meeting was adjourned for two weeks. THE MCCORMICIi DELIVERY. -Early on Wednesday morning the,farmers were to be seen wending thein way to• xeter from different directions and riving to the station where their agons were loaded up with the fferent machinery purchased by em from the local agents. Messrs. Brown and Snell of the McOorwick Implements, About 2:30 a procession was formed at the depot and upwards f 51 wagons were in line along main reet. On reaching the Commercial otel they were grouped and photo- graphed by Mr. Jos. Senior. The farmers of the country are agressive and £eel the importance of purchasing the necessary machinery with which to cultivate their land and leap the golden grain. The directors of the company entertained their customers to dinner. LAID AT REST. -on Sunday even- ing last, after a long and painful ill- ness of over eleven weeks, one of our nmst esteemed residents, in the person of Mr. James Willis, was called away to his long home, in the 74th year of his age. His illness was of long dur- ation, and at times it was hoped be might still survive, then again it was feared the end must come, but with most remarkable vitality he lingered on the brink until his life slowly ebb- ed away. Mr. Willis was rtnative of the north of Ireland, and carne to this couutry with his parents, when but a child. He was married itt Goderich to Miss Eliza Robertson: of that place, thirty-two years ago, last March, who with -three sons, George and Will, at home, and Frank, in Forest, mourn the loss of a kind, affectionate hus- band acd indulgent parent. Deceased came`to Exeter from London, twenty- eight years ago, where he had been in the lumber business for three years, and started in the same line here, which business has been successfully managed by himself, and more recent- ly under the management of James Willis & Son. He was industrious, shrewd and careful, and possessed iu an eminent degree. the qualities, which almost invariably bring success in this life, Personally he was a very quiet man, and lived much within himself, but was well versed on many subjects, being an ardent reader. He .vas au adherent of the Methodist church, and an attentive listener, al- ways when in health being found in his accustomed place in the sanctuary. By his death another of the pioneer business men has been removed froth our midst. His remains were interred in the Exeter Union Burial ground, on Wednesday, followed by a large concourse of sorrowing friends and neighbors. fl Prominent flmerioan Bishop Writes for Vie Benefit of Canadian Sutferer8, He Strongly Recommends Paine's Celery Compound The Health Giving Spring Medicine. Thousands of prominent clergymen in Canada and other lands through the use of Paine's Celery Compound are happily pursuing their pastoral duties and ministering with success to their congregations. !lean; trouble, sleeplessness, nervousness, sluggish and impure blood, weak digestion constipation and headache, are the troubles that di eg clergymen down to deeper sufferings and pet ill. To -day Paine's Celery Compound is the chos- en home medicine of salt wise and pru- dent ministers and priests. A vast number of them owe their lives and present good health to D. Phelps' world renowned preset ipan u that "makes sick people wetl." • Rev. John 5, Michaud, Bishop of Burlington, Vt, writes as follows: " I have been asked why I recom- mend Paine's Celery Compound, and 1 desire to put on record frankly my reasons for this endorsement, hoping that nty words may inspire those readers who need health and strength with faith to try Paine's Celery Com- pound and prove to themselves its worth. "At the Fanny Allan tlospital, an institution in which Iani deeply in terested, Paine's Celery Compound has been usedssu c fu t s c e l y. The sis- ters of Mercy. at Mount St., Mary's Academy on Mansfield Ave., rely up- on Paine's Celery Compound as a tonic incl strengthener. In my own household one of the domestics has taken Pelee'.s Celery Compound for liver trouble of long standing, and says. It has done more good than any other medicine.' Several priests have spoken to me in •{,raise of this remedy, and I believe it has the con- fidence of my associates. Even did I not know from personal observation of the worth of Paine's Celery Corn - pound I should feel like praising it for the simple reason that it is pre- pared by the Wells & Richardson Co., �i firm whose members I have known for nearly a quarter of a century, and in whom I have perfect confidence.'' 11004101116. PRINTS 5c for a nice choice of new patterns, fast colors, 8c for a good choice of new patterns, heavy and fast colors. 100 for a large range of the newest patterns and the heaviest print made. All perfectly fast colors, DAINTY WASH DRESS GOODS - 15c. the yard for a beautiful silkeen, Soniething new, 10 new patterns. 20c a yard cotton Crepe de Cherie, very new beautiful colors. 8c. to 25c. a big assortment of color- ed Muslins. A full range of Dimities, Organdies and Lawns, C"lillinery Millinery We have an up-to-date milliner in connection with the store in the per - sou of Miss Morlock. We will accept produce in payment of same. Satis- faction guaranteed. Dregs GoodS 50c and 75e for the new shades in all wool Violes, 75c. per yard, the new Etamino Cloth, $1:00 per yard, Flaked Homespun. New Waist goods in fancy Velours, fancy and plain Lustre, Silks and Vel- vets, Gent's Furnishing Just in and ready for your inspec- tion, a line of spring Shirts, that for beauty of pattern has never before been matched, The best and newest Neckwear for Easter at popular prices. HATS: -The most stylish line of Hats that we have ever displayed, is ready for your inspection now. We have the best the market affords. Ordered Clothing A fine range of spring Suiting, in the newest shades of Scotch and Can- adian Tweeds and worsted, Prices away down. A complete line of ready-to-wear Clothing. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR PRODUCE. CALING BROS.' Furniture and n ertaking We Carry Good Lines in Furniture AND MAKE PRICES EASY. FOR ALL W. C • HUSTON, Graduate of Dr, Myers School of Embalming. Opera House Block Furniture! AVING PURCHASED th Furniture and Un- dertaking business of R. N. Rowe, we announce to the public that we have on hand, without doubt, the largest and b> sr stock of Furniture in the county . A visit to our store will convince that we are selling at the closest margin possible. It will pay intending purchasers to call and inspect our stock and get nur prices before placing orders elsewhere, We do all kinds of Ordered Work and Repairing and Picture Framing on the Shortest Notice at Reasonable Prices. Satisfaction !'guaranteed with every purchase. Undertakers and. Funeral Directors J. D. Atkinson, Practical Embalmer,Graduate of Embalming College, Toronto. FOR OVERSIXT TEARS AN OLD dNI) WELL-TRnEn REMEDY. -Mr. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over sixty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething,with perfect success It soothes the child, softns the game, allays all ExETER Baia cures wind colic. and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Its valve is incalculable, Be sure and take Mrs Winslow's Soothing yrup and ask for no other kind. GO TO THE BORN VINCENT. -In Exeter on April lith 1903 to Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Vincent a daughter. STANBURY-In Exeter to Mr. and Myr, J. G. Stanbury on Saturday, April llth. 1903, a daughter. MARRIAGES Toms -GEIGER -At Marquette, Mich., March 19 by Rev. C.M. Thomson P. E. Rev, Jos. Toms, Minecqua, Wis., to Miss Fannie youngest daughter of Abraham Geiger of Hay. DIED WILLIS.-In Exeter on Sunday April 12. 1903 Mr. James Willis in the 74th year of his age. STEcKLE-In Zurich, on March 25 Mel- inda, daughter of Mr. and Mss.Jno. Steckle, aged 5 years 1 month and 23 days. HEARTS THAT ARE' DISEASED. will never be cured liy the false, un- natural stimulation of liquor,_ First increase your vitality, build .up the. system, strengthen and purify the blood - then the heart will respond and grow strong. Ferrozone is precisely what to take, it gives you an appetite and a diges tion that will look after everything that is eaten. Ferrozone improves nutrition, makes ricb, vitalizing blood and is positively the most powerful restorative and strengthner known to science ; it improves the nerve tone, regulates the heart's action, makes the feeble strong and the sick well. Ferro - zone will do you untold good and costs only 50c„ at druggists or N. C. Polson & Co., Kingston, Ont, • Dr, Hamilton's Pills Stimulats the Liver. Roller Mill For Pure, Manitoba Family Flour(stal) (Princess) • WheatletPastry (Breakfastfood) A good supply of Mill Feed and Chop always on hand Give our Flour and Feed a Trial and be convinced that it is all right. Roller and Plate Choppers in use to suit customers. fkR.VEY 'f3R.O8 MILLERS uepaine Castor's always bears the Signatuiry of Chas. ti. Pletcher, when Baby was sick, we, gave her Casters,{ when' she was a Child, she cried for castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castorim tvlieushe iiad Children,stie gave them eastoria.