HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-4-16, Page 4"; t' EXETER TIME APBIL ioth ion,
Compare Our Prices with WhatYou are Giving :Elsewhere
Itand by us for 30
10c bottles Masnrets Essence Lemon, Van-
illa, etc, for Se.
1Q0 bottle Tomato Catsup for 5c.
R fibs best pau-dried Oatmeal for 25c,
3 lbs best Green Coffee for 25e
2 pounds Roasted Coffee for 25e.
6 cans Sardines for 25c.
6 bars Electric Soap 25c.
6 bars Comfort Soap 25c,
8 bars Toilet Soap for 5c
100 Redpath's icing Suga.c Sc pound.
10 pounds Sulphur for 25c.
10 pounds Epson Salts for r3c.
4 pounds best re -cleaned Currants for 25e.
2 pounds best Baking Soda for 5c.
3 pounds Washing Soda for 5c,
G packages pearline for v5c,
Ice Castle t Plums, Gooseberry,were 12hc
Jams - Peach, Bed and -now 10cor
and Jellies, Black Currants 3 for 25c.
3 plugs :YlcDonald. Smoking or Chewing
Tobacco for 25c,
15c. bottle Nonsuch Stove & Pipe Polish 10c.
3 pounds Lemon Biscuits for 25c.
We Buy for Cash and can not be
Lace Curtains and
For Windows from 15 to 25 per
cent less than regular prices.
Lace Curtains at 25c, 35c, 50c, 70c, 75c, 90c,
95c, 1,20, 1,45, 1.75, 2.00, up to $3.50 a pr.
Window BIinds at 35c, 40c, 45e, 60c, 70c,
complete, pulls, brackets, etc.
ays and Secure the best Values-Going-Going-Going
Wall Papers
All new this season, 100 patterns
to buy from at prices lower than
Regular 9c Papers for 30, 34c. single roll,
Regular 8c Papers for 5c single roll.
Regular 12ic Papers for 8c and 9c single roll,
Regular 150 Papers for 10c single roll.
Regular 20c Papers for 12?c,& 15e. single roll
Regular 25c Papers for 18c & 20c single roll.
Ceilings and Borders to match.
Our Wall Papers are made by
new Double Process, in which you
have the best Manilla Papers, per -
feet Stamping and prettiest run-
ning and block designs.
Carpets, Cheap
2 pieces Hemp Carpet 25c. for 20c.
1 piece English Ribbed Hemp Carpet 30e
for 23c per yard.
45c. Union Carpet for 35c a yd.
50c. Union Carpet for 40e a yd.
75c. Wool Carpet for 60c per yard
$I.25 English 3 ply Wool Carpet for 95c. yd.
90c patent Tapestry for 75c,
2 pieces Japanese Matting, 1 yard wide
24c per yard.
Soot and Shoe
Trade with us increases rapidly. $500 of the
latest styles to hand, the wear of these
goods is not excelled as W. I3. Marsh &
Choteau are among the biggest boot and
shoe makers in Canada. Try us for a nice
new natty up-to-date wearable pair shoes.
Dress Goods
Silk Glorlas, black, navy, cardinal, cream
and white at 75c, 90e $1.00 a yard.
Silk Solienne Voile, very new, 31.25 a yard.
Wool Epingle, black, up-to-date, 75c yd.
Crepeline, black, fawn, brown, new green,
navy at 75c yd.
French Zibelines, black, navy, brown, gar-
net at $1,30, $1,25c yd.,
Cobourg Cloth, pirile finish, lovely grey at
$1.00 per yard.
Soliels, black, navy, Paris, brown at 50c,
75c a yd,
Satin Cloths, black, uavy, green and brown,
at 50c and 75c a yard,
Black Grenadines, fancy stripes, very nobby
at 50c. a yard.
Lustres, black, navy, with silk finish, 50e,
75c, 90c a yard.
Black Etamine, pure wool, 42 in, wide,
50c. yd.
27 pieces of Dress Goods, worth 40c at 25c.
Ladies' new Suitings, in blair athole, button
effects, French cords, zibelines, silk
stripes at $1,00 and $1,25.
Ladies' Whitewear
Corset Covers at 25c, 30c, 35c, 45c, 50c, 60c,
65e, 75c, and 850.
White Drawers at 25s, 35c, 45c, 50c, 70c, 850,
and 95c.
White Skirts at 75c, 95c, $1.00, $1,15, $1.20;
$1.45, and $2.
White Night Gowns at 50e, 65c, 75c, 1.00,
I.25, $1.50.
All new this season, all made
from muslin or Lonsdale Cambl ic.
Ready -to -Wear
At surprising values for you
Boys' Grey Suits. S pleated coat at $2, $2.25.
Boys' Farcy Tweed Suits, ,S pleated coat
at $2.75.
Strathcona Suits for boys, light and dark
tweeds with pleats, belts, buckles, but-
tons, etc, at 3.00, 4.00 and $4,50.
Boys' blue and black Serge Suits, pleated
coats 3.50, 3.75, and $4.00.
Boys' Scotch Tweed Suits, coat with four
wide pleats $3.50.
Boys' Fancy Suits, fancy Vesttrimmed with
braid and buttons. very nobby at $2.75.
Boys' Fancy Suits, coat^faced with silk, vest
double breasted, cravat worked with
silk $4.50.
Young Men's Suits, long Pants, scilieia lin-
ed. at $5.00.
Young' Men's Suits, Scotch Tweed, long
pants, lined with Italian and Scilicia
at $6.00.
Young Men's black and blue Serge Suits,
long pants, best of linings $7.00.
Young Men's Scotch Tweed Suits, fancy
worked vest, Very pretty and new $7.00.
• Men's Tweed Suits, light color also dark
grey, lined with scilician and satana
at $5,00,
Men's plain Dark Grey Suite, scilicia and
satana linings, extra value $6.00,
Men's Black Serge Suits worth $8.50, A-1
linings, at $7,50.
Men's light colored Tweed Suits,very pretty
pattern, new style of goods $7,50.
Cambrics for Sum
mer Dresses and
Muslins at 7c, 9c, 10e, 12%c, and 15c. yd,
Scotch Zephyrs, checks. and stripes
and plain, at 10c, 12ck yd.
Organdies, plain and fancy, 15c, 20c, 23c,
and 25e yd.
Plain Linen Gauze, wide with plain effect,
15c, 20c. yd.
Linen Voiles. beautiful silk effects, in plain
and stripes at 35c, 40c and 500 per yard,
Cut for 30 Days
Cottonades, Jeans, Moles and.
15c Cottonades are with us 124c yard,
18e and 20e Cottonades are with us 15c yard,
22e Oottonades are with us 180 yard.
25c and 28e Cottonades are with us 23c yard,
35c to 50c Men's Braces, only 15c a pair.
12i, c English Prints, 47 pieces at 100 yard,.
10e Crash Towelling for 8c yard.
12,c Crash Towelling for ()ie..
8cFlannellette for 6 2/3e per yard,
10e Fiannellette for 8;c per yard.
Silk and Satins
Japanese Silks, French dye, black, pink,..
blue, white and cream, regular 60e fors
50c yd.
C. J. Bonnett's Satins, Taffettas, Merveille-
aux, Peau de Soie, Tamoline Silks, wears
guaranteed, values unsurpassed in
colors•aud black at 50c, 75c, and $1.00...
A great range of Appliques, Medallions, etc_
from 5c a yard to 40c. a yard.
Men's Suits
Men's fancy striped Suits, pretty goods,
good linings, $7.00.
Men's brown check tweed Suits, extra.
weight, $7.50.
Men's black and grey stripe Suits extra••
weight and lining, $7.50.
Men's Cheviot Suits, lovely 'greys, best of'
lining, $9,00.
Men's Scotch Tweed Suits, light colors,.
best of dalues $9.00.
Men's Scotch worsted tweed Suits. lined
with satin, Italian and scilieia, worth
any place $12,50 now $10,00.
Pr :{ �.E TONE & GARDNER„ ne !j oor north of Postoffice es EXETER.
Produce Taken in Exchange for Goods.
The MoIsons Bank
(Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1155)
Head Office, Mo ltrea3.
Capital (all paid up) — $2,500,00
iteserveFund — — — 32,250,00
38 Branches in Ontario, Quebec, Alberta,
Brit'i�h Co1u nbia and Manitoba.
Open Every Lawful Day from 10 a. m.
to 3 p. m.; except
Saturdays, 10 a. m. to 1 p. m.
Farmers Sale Notes casbed or col-
lected. Forms supplied on application.
Drafts on all points in the Dominion.
Great Britain and United States
bought and sold at lowest rates of
eA 'hange.
Deposits of 31.00 and upwards receiv-
ed. Irterest rr.mponnded half yearly,
and added to principal June SOth and
December 3lst. Deposits Receipts also
issued and highest current rate of
interest allowed.
Advances make to farmers, stock
dealers and business men at lowest
rates and on most favorable terms.
Agents at Exeter for Dominion
`" xk'ter iiltjes
Calendar for April, i 903
5 12 19 26
6 13 20 27
7 14 21 28
1 8 15 22 29
2 9 16 23 30
3 10 17 24
4 11 18 25
nil the News oI interest to
TIM Readers Happening
in Uile,6 counties
1 Mr.
1 thre
i to
rfhe Horse -Shoe Quarry, St, Marys
has about thirty leen at work now.
It is expected a regular series of
Woman's Institute meetings wilt he
- held nexisumtner, covering the entire
province. To these meetings will be
sent two lady speakers, the same as is
done for the Farmers' Institutes.
These meetings will probably be ar-
ranged for in July.
Haif- Sick
" I first used Ayer's Sarsaparilla
in the fall of 1848. Since then I
have .taken it every spring as a
blood - purifying and nerve -
strengthening medicine."
S. T. Jones, Wichita Kans.
t If you feel run down,
are easily tired, if your
nerves are weak and your
blood is thin, then begin
to take the good old stand-
ard 'family medicine,
Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
It's a regular nerve
lifter, a perfect blood
builder. si.00 a bottle. All dstittlits.
Ask your doctor what he thinks of AyerM
Satsaparilla, Ho knows all about this grand
old family medicine. Follow his advice and
wo win he s J.so .& aa. Co., Lowell, Mass.
Rowed, who for the past
rs has been G. T. R. freight
Clinton, has been transferred
on. The change is a promo -
well earned by Mr. Rowed.
fiver Pills are the ladies' favorite
e Theycure Constipation, Sick Head -
a ousness and Dyspepsia without grip -
or sickening.
A v iet wedding took place at
the rectoBayfield, on March 24th,
at 10 a. M., Rev. Mr, Jennings offici-
ating, the contracting parties being
Miss Eva Pickett, of Goderich town-
ship, and Mr. Donald Campbell, of i
The essential lung -healing principal of the
pine tree has finally been successfully separat-
ed and refined into a perfect cough medicine
—Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Sold by
all dealers cn a guarantee of satisfaction. Price
25 cents.
At the meeting of Blyth council on
Tuesday evening of last week, Mr. T.
W. Scott tendered his resignation as
village clerk. The resignation was
accepted with expressions of regret
from every member of the board. Mr,
N. H. Young was appointed to the
Mr. James. McCaughey .on of Mr.
J J 11IcCaughey, of the Commercial
hotel Clinton, died in Clinton on Tues-
day horning from consumption and
heart trouble. Be had been ill for
several months past and was 19 years
of age.
Mr. Henry Forsythe has taken pos-
session of the William Sproat farm on
the Kippen road Tuckersmith which
he purchased from Mr. Wm. Bubolz.
and IIr. Buholz has moved to George
Dorrance farm in McKillop which he
purchased last fall.
As a spring medicine Burdock Blood Bitters
has no equal. It tones up the system, and re-
moves all impurities from the blood, and tak.
es away that tired, weary feeling so prevalent
in the sprint,
Winghamites are evidently not con-
tented with the work that was done
to wind 4" the mystery of the death
of the late,. J. Smith. The widow
is now offering $1,000 reward for in-
formation that will lead to the arrest
and conviction of the guilty. This
should tempt our "Sleuths" to leave
no stone unturned in settling the
DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS act on the kid-
ney's, bladder and urinary organs only. They
cure backaches, weak back. rheumatism,
diabetes. congestion. inflammaticn, gravel,
Bright's disease and all other diseases arising
from wrong action of the kidneys and bladder,
in the fall wheat class and. $50 as
third prize in oats. Mr. Wilbert
Prouse, of Goderich got $15' as fifth
prize in oats.
Is to use a gargle a few drops of Pol-
son's Nerviline in sweetened water,
and before retiring rub the throat and
chest vigorously with Nerviline. By
morning the soreness and inflamma-
tion will have disappeared entirely.
Nerviline drives away the pain and
cures sore throat and hoarseness quick-
ly, simply because that's what it's
made for. Buy a 25 c. bottle from
your Druggist to -day.
Dr. Hamilton's Pills Stimulate the
Negotiations are being carried with
the Folding Carriage Co., an establsh-
ment in a large city on the other
side, with a view to their _locating in
St, Marys.
Dr. Ovens, of London, Surgeon, Ocu
list and specialist of diseases eye, ear -
nose and throat will he at the Com, ,
mercial Hotel, Exeter, on Wednesday;'
May, 6th : Wednesday, June, 3rd,::
,1903. Spectacles and eyeglasses pro-
perly fitted, Next visit will be Wed-
nesday, May 6th.
Mrs. (Dr.) Hall a resident of tat.
Marys and vicinity for over fifty years
died at the home of her daughter,Miss
Amanda Morphy on April 4th 1903' at
the age of 72. Deceased was an active
woman and did many acts of kindness
among her fellow -beings and will be
greatly missed
Children are often attacked suddenly by
painful and dangerous Colic, Cramps Diar-
rhoea, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Cholera
Infantum, etc. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild
Strawberry is a promptand sure euro which
should always be kept in the house,
St. Mary's Town Council is to the
force in the matter of wide ::tires.
They hays sent to the Government a
request for legislation asking that
upon ail vehicles designed to carry a
ton or over the tires shall he of five
inches width. The London City Coun-
cil have endorsed the action of the St.
Mary's Council, and Mayor Beck 't will
sign the town's petition.
Mr. Ed Bunt who hashad charge of
the Commercial hotel stables,Seaforth
for a "reat many years, has purchased
Mr. Wm. Grieve's farm in McKillop
near Seaforth, and bas already moved
onto it, Mr. Bunt has got a good
faun and as he is industrious, well
doing ar:d a good manager, he will
soon have one of the most comfortable
homestead in the township.
in the list of names of those to
whom cheques have been sent for the
balance of the $10,000 donated by Sir
W, C. McDonald. of Montreal, for
cash prizes to enccnrage boys and
girls cn the Canadian farms in the
work of improving seed. grain by sel-
ection, we notice the names of two
f rom Huron, Mr, W. J. Armstrong
to Constance got $75 as second prize
We have not advanced the price of
our tobacco. Amber smoking tobacco -
Bobs, Currency and Fair Play chew,
ing tobaccos are the same size dad
price to the Consumer as formerly.
We have also extended the time for
the redemption of Snowshoe tags to
January 1st 1904.—THE EMPIRE To-
In every town
and village
may be had,
Via Chicago & North-Western R'y.
First class round-trip tickets on sale
from Chicago May 3rd and May 12th
to the 1Sth, to Los Angeles and San
Fransisco. Corresponding low rates
from other points. Favorable limits
and stop -over privileges. Low one
way settlers rates to_Western points
in effect daily until June 15th. Three
trains a day from Chicago to the
Coast through without change. Daily
and personally conducted tourist car
excursions to California, Washington
and Oregon. For particulars apply to
your nearest ticket agent or address
B. H. Bennett, 2 East King St. Toron-
to, Ont.
FOR are look-
ing for a
and want
to visit the West you can do so with
very little expense as the UNION PA-
CIFIC will sell One-way Colonist Tick-
ets EVERY DAY at the following
rates from Missouri riyer terminals :
325.00 to San Francisco, Los Angeles
and many other California points.
$20.00 to Ogden, Salt Lake City,
Butte, Anaconda and Helena.
$22.50 to Spokane Wanatchee.
325.00 to Portland, Tacoma, Seattle,
and many other Oregon and Washing-
ton points.
From Chicago and St. Louis propor-
tionately low rates are in effect by lin-
es connecting with the Union Pacific.
The UNION PACIFIC has extended
territory to which round trip Home -
Seekers' Excursion tickets will be
sold as follows :
To many points in Kansas, Nebraska
and Colorado ;
To many points in Wyoming, Utah,
Montana and Idaho ;
To many points in Oregon and Wash -
Mrs. William Elliott of Centralia
entertained s number of our young
people Friday evening last in honor
of the birthday of her daughter, Miss
Lillian. All report having spent a
very pleasant and sociable time and
speak highly of Mrs. Elliott's superior-
ity in entertaining. The early part of
the evening was spent with the usual
amusements after which a dainty
luncheon was served by the hostess,
sten the following address and presen-
tation was made as a token of the
high esteem in which Miss Elliott is
held by her many friends here. Mr.
C. Moncur on behalf of those present
read the address and Miss T, Yager
presented the ring.
happily to my lot on behalf of your
friends assembled here to -night to
assure you that we are not forgetful
of the fact that this is your birthday.
It has been our esteemed privilege
during the Iast few years to have your
acquaintance and during that time
you have contributed towards making
life pleasant in the circle in which we
have moved. Recollecting the pleas-
ant years made agreeable through
your acquaintance your friends here-
with present to yon this birthday
ring. This gift is presented as a token
of the high esteem in which you are
held by your many friends. May it
ever adorn your hand and in future
years when we will probably be separ-
ated by different influences may it re-
mind you of the pleasant evening we
are spending in your pretty home to-
night. In this year in which you
have,now entered it is the wish of
your -friends that you may be happy
and successful in everything in which
you are concerned. We also wish
that the future may reveal to you
many good things that are now con-
Ze sic % vi
ington. ;;satnre is on every box of the Genus-.
One fare plus $2.00 for the round trip. r'.'i.s`.?i`1�e BroilloaQUiinine Tabic .•
Tickets on sale April 7 and 21, •May „}i
sandy that cures a cold in ono
15 and 19, June2and 16, 1903.
For full information call on or ad- F
dress, H. F. CARTER, T. P. A., 14 °y1
Janes Building, Toronto, Canada. or
F. B. CHOATE, 126 Woodward Ave.,
Detroi t, -Mich. f
(your own selection) to every
criber. Only 50 cents a yaart.e
:1),,V, 1.^ ries.
A sprs; beautiful colored plates; Intent
fashions; dressmaking economies ;fancy
work; household hints; fiction, etc. Sub'
scribe to•dt.y, or, send $c. for latest copy.
Ludy agents wanted. Send for terms.
Stylish, Reliable, Simple, Up -to.
date, Economical and Absolutely
Perfect -Fitting Paper Patterns.
ito t ental
fill Co.
Ali Seams Allowed and Perforations show
the Basting and Sewing lines.
Only to and 75 cents each—none higher.
Ask for them. Sold in nearly every city
and town, or by mail from
113-115-117 West atst St., NEW YORK.
What i
Castoria is for Infants and Children, Castoria, is- a,
harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops'
and Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Opium,
Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant.
Its guarantee is thirty years' use by 1MIillions of
Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays Feverish—
ness. Castoria cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria.
relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and..
Flatulency. Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates
the Stomach and Bowels of Iv rfants and Children, giving•
healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is the Children's.
Panacea—The Mother's Friend.
t0 Castoria is an excellent medicine fo-
children. Mothers have repeatedly told me
of its good effect upon their children."
Da. G. C. OSGOOD, Lowell, Mass.
"Castoria 15 so well adapted to children
that I recommend it as superior to any pre-.
scription known to me."
B. A. ARCM:A, M. D. Brooklyn, N. Y"
MIM ELVE a rJa^�' `c
Branches are taught in the F. C. B.
COLLEGE. Our students„ are not
guaranteed nice jobs, but after a
course in this College it will be
No Trouble for Them to Hold
Any Position.
We aid them, if possible to obtain
employment, but we first equip them
to maintain the high reputation this
school has acquired.
London, Huron and Brucc.
GOING Noxrn— Passenger.
London, depart 8.15 A, Sr. 4.40P. hi.
Centralia ...... 8,1 6.50
Exeter 9.3C 6.0
Bonsai' 9.41 6,15
Kippen 9.50 6.25
Brucelleld 9.68 0.33
Clinton 10.16 6 65
Wingham arrive 11.10 8.00
GoxNo Bovril— Passenger
wingham, depart ... 6.53 A. s. 3.15P. MClinical 7.47 4.26
Brucefield 8.06 4.49
Kippen .15 4.67
BanaalL22 6 02
Exeter 8.36 5.10
Centralia 8.46 5.25
London ,arrive... 9.37 6.12
Farm Implements of all Kinds
We are agents for the celebrated
Maxwell Binders, Mowers, Rakes, Bay Loaders, Etc..
Also the Wilkinson Plows and Straw Cutters, and Fleury Plows and.
Grinders. Toronto Air Motor Windmills Binder Twine in. season..
Buggies, : Waggons : and : Cutter
We are agents for the McLaughlin Cutters and Buggies:and for the
Chatham Wagons.
A Full Line of Sewing Machines, Washing Machines and Wringers..
One Door South of the Central Hotel.
Advertise in the TIMES it Pays..