HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1903-4-16, Page 11.
(MON ,l9'..li_1DD ESE T
ErggII•,l1le'gd!,A1"FiyS*"i'•l++i„f'l„teafs+l, 4,441.444+4.4•444++.14+++444.444.4°
i We have received a shipment of Barb and Spring *
,� • Coil Wire, No. 9,12 and 13. Now is the time to get .*1+
, your Fencing Wire. 4.
� Cements ,
We expect a oar load of Durham Portland Cement
this week
• Paints
4Fiia. Now is the time to do your Spring Painting, We
m have just what you need, the, celebrated Sherwin & '
Williams Ready -Mixed Paints, put up in Pints,
quarts, half gallons and gallons.
We have a quantity of first class Timothy, Red
and Alsike Clover seed,also Garden seedsof all kind �+
.Id a g.
We carry a full stock of Bee Supplies of all kinds,
;*; foundations, frames, etc. . ,
<g. ameasaiame .... ,. +IIS
•21.1ATIKINS tt sonic 1..
Eta+:l:••l•+F••i••:•4— -114+..•&••1• S••s•+++i,.g.l.•g.•t..;..§ 44++++++++++++++++++++++44
We Can
that our stock of Fall
and Winter goods is
unequalled. See for
May be you're not particular about 11
many things, but you ought to be so ' Anderson
about your clothes- There are some ---
particularly nice things here in.
Canadian Tweed Suits at 10, 12, $15,00
Scotch Tweed Suits at 14, 16. $18.00
Worsted and Serge Snits at 13, 17, $20.
Pants and Fancy Vests from $3.00
up to $7.00. The price includes the
highest grade of workmanship in the
W. W. Taman.
Inlets elle aint Tetilor.
le tteowneeeeesesosseeetiee®
1 Clover and 6
• ® Timothy Seed I
'_0 Farmers wanting good
o Clean Clover & Timothy e
o Seed will save money by •
to calling on W. Ir, Levett e
® before purchasing. -
: Price and Quality Guaranteed, g
® 0
WEDDING BELLS.—The residence of
Mr. William Bagshaw, Stephen, was
the scene of a very happy gathering
.on Wednesday of last week the 8th of
April, the occasion being the marriage
of his daughter, Nora, to Mr. Richard
Elston of Centralia, the knot was tied
by Rev. Mr. Millyard of Main street
church. Exeter, only the immediate
relatives; of the contracting parties
were present.
Chilaren dry_ for
BRIEFS. —Mr. Albert Bickel of Sea -
forth spent Good Friday with Mr. R.
H. Switzer.— Dr. Lacey of Buffalo, is
the guest of Miss E. Robertson. — Miss
Louie J. Lane of Toronto, spent the
Easter holidays with Ettie Lane. —
Miss Porter of St, Marys and H. J.
Heard of Guelph, Sundayed with J• F.
Heard. —Mr. E. D. Armstrong of
Guelph is the guest of L. A. Harding.
—Miss Emma Robinson is spending
the Easter vacation at home. — Miss
Velma and Alfie Drown of St. Marys
are the guests of their aunt, Alice
Cameron.—Miss Annie Robertson of
Aberfoyle and sieter Mayme of Cen-
tralia are visiting this week with Mrs.
J. Robertson.
SCHOOL RePORT. -The following is
the report of S.S. No. 6, Usborne, for
tete month of March, together with a
report of the promotion examinations.
Names in order of merit. 5th, May
Jones, Mabel Sawyer, Ila "Delbridge.
Senior 4th, Maggie Coward, Charlie
Godbolt, (Hazel Hagan, Flossie Fran-
cis) equal. J uuior 4th, Ella Berryhill,
Wilson Hawkins, Willie Neal.
Promoted to junior 4th, Pass mark
405. Willie Elford 575, Vera Wash -
urn 530, Stanley Coward 537, Clar-
ence Miners 500, Almena Heywood
491, Victor Sawyer 472, Addie Johns
452, Beatrice Wilcox 439, Clarence
Fletcher 433, OthelIa Heywood 420 ;
promoted to Sr. 3rd., pass mark 382.
May Cooper 512, E.verett Skinner 480,
Laura Godbolt, 475, Nettie Campbell
473, Vera Creery 440, George Coward
400, Eddie Coward 399 ; jr. 3rd, Ella
Heywood, Netta Heywood, Virda
Berryhill ; Sr. 2nd, Lilla Heywood.
Lulu Godbolt; Jr. 2nd, Clarence Cree-
ry, Hubert Jones, Ella Veal ; Sr.- pt.
2nd, Johnny Creery, Tommy Sawyer,
Jenny Cambpell ; Jr, pt. 2nd, Millis
Godbolt Clara
D. MCDOUGALL Teachers..
• ANNA E. MAwrlaT
ank of Canada
CAPITAL (all paid u
General Manager
eery Commissioner, Fire x surrance'.& ent, and
Insurer of Marriage Licences. Legal documents
carefully drawn at reasonable rates. Mone
to loan on real estate at low rates of interest.
Office at the Post Mee Ilensall
BRIEFS.—On Monday of last week
Mrs. Thos. Horton received a telegram
informing her that her husband was
lying dangerously ill with typhoid in
Brandon hospital. Mrs, Horton left
at once,. Mr, Horton went to
the west about three weeks ago
with the object of locating there. --
Miss Eva Bell, of Blyth a graduate of
the Forest Oity Business College has
accepted a position in the law office of
Mr. H. J. Del Cooke.—iaiss Dolly Par-
sons of Hayfield is visiting friends in
the village.—•Rev. F, E. Malott, B. A.
B D. delivered a lecture in the Kippen
Methodist church on Monday evening
taking as his subject "The British
Flag" or"the flag•that braved, a thous-
and years the battle and the breeze".
Mr. Malottes a splendid speaker and
being possessed of unusual descriptive
powers, his lecture was listened to
with very pleasing effect. — Suitable
special music was rendered by the
choirs in the several churches on Sun-
day last. — Miss Shephard, was in
London part of last week and this
visiting her sister, Mrs. W. Wood.—
Miss Hall, who was here for a number
of months visiting her sister, Mrs.
Billings, returned to Montreal, the
firstart of this week.—Dr. and Mrs.
Walters, of Forest, spent the Easter
vacation with Mrs. C. A. McDonell,
Mrs. Walters' sister.—Mrs. Swan has
returned from Toronto, where she has
been visiting her daughter.— Joseph
Hudson has purchased a lot from
William Moir at •the rear of the
dwelling he recently purchased from
Mr. J. G, Troyer.—Mr. and Mrs, W.
Robertson, of Forduich, and Mr. and
Ors, J. T. O'Brien, of .Exeter, spent
Easter with Mr, and Mrs. McPherson.
—Mr, Kaiser and daughter, Miss Lot-
tie, were in Harriston, during the past
week visiting Mr. Kaiser's daughter.
-Miss Hannah Craig, of Moosejaws
was in the village this week renewing
acquaintances. — James Bonthron,
eldest son of Mr. R. Bonthron, and
who has been in the employ of the
Messrs McDonell,hardware merchants
left here this week for Detroit, where
he has secured a situation. — The
friends of Mr. G. D. Arnold will be
pleased to learn that he is very much
improved in health,—Mr. Geo, Wren
and daughter were in Dundas during
the past weekvisiting Mr. Wren's son,
-Miss. Carrie an
Ana MacArthur
were in London spending Easter.—
Miss Hattie Sutherland was in Lon-
don last week,—A large number of
our villagers attendedthe funeral of
Mr. Peter Cameron, on Tuesday after-
noon, and of Wm, Kyle, sr. on Wed-
nesday afternoon. Both of the deceas-
ed *ere well and favorably known
and were among the early settlers.—
Mr. and Mrs. H. Arnold have return-
ed from visiting relatives and friends
in London and Ailsa Oral —The ser-
vices in our churches on Easter Sun-
day were in keeping with the occasion
and there was a fine display of flow-
ers.—Rev. Dr. Medd occupied his own
pulpit for the first time, after his ill-
ness of a number of months, on Sun-
day last delivering excellent sermons
on both occasions.—A number of the
brethren from the Exeter Lodge of
the I. 0. 0. F.paid their brethren here
a friendly visit at their lodge room on
Friday evening last, when a very
pleasant time was spent by all, and at
the close of the evening all repaired
to Mr. D, W. Foss' restaurant where a
nice supper was enjoyed. The Hensall
brethren will be pleased to receive
more visits from their Exeter breth-
ren who are most enthusiastic in the
work and are advancing in mem-
bership by leaps and bounds.—Mr. J.
H. Beek's auction sate on Saturday
afternoon last was very well attended.
and fair prices realized, —a7.r. D.Johns
of Guelph, spent a few days recently
in our village with friends.—Mr. and
Mrs. B. Higgins of London, were in
the village this week visiting their
relatives, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Davis.
WEDDED. — On Saturday evening
last at the hour of 8 o'clock a quiet
home wedding was celebrated here,
when Mr, Joseph E. Knapp, {druggist
of London, was united in matrimony
to Muss Mabel F. Fulton,eldest daugh-
ter of Mr. Robert Fulton, of this vil-
lage. The ceremony was performed
by Rev J, S. Henderson of Carmel
church, and the wedding march play-
ed by Miss Nellie, sister of the bride.
The bride looked charming and was
handsomely gowned in white malir,e
with bridal veil and carried a bunch
of cream roses, after the ceremony
was performed and the happy couple
had been warmly congratulated, a
move was made to the dining room
where tea was partaken of, after
which the evening was pleasantly
spent. Although the wedding was a
quiet one and invitations were not
given outside of the family circle, yet
for all this the bride was made the
recipient of a number of beautiful
presents. On Monday morning the
happy couple left for their home in
London. The bride's going away
gown being a black zebeline and veil-
ed hat, A large number of their
friends assembled et the depot to see
them off and to wish them all joy and
$2,700,000 happiness through life, with whotit
E. F. IIEBDEIN, the TIMES unites in best wishes.
Superintendent . of Branches
Grand Bend
Interest at most favorable current rates allowed on
Savings, Bank accounts and Deposit Receipts.
Letters of Credit issued available in China, Japan and
.other foreign countries.
W. S CHiSHCLM>' Manager
BuJEFs.-- Mr. :Tarries Cronyn has
purchased another farm adjoining one
of his farms across from the old hoine-
stead, from Mr. Sol, Pollock which is
considered one of the best in the
county. This is the fourth farm Mr,
Cronyn has purchased inside of three
years and he is now the iarfest land
owner in this vicinity, owning now
five hundred acres. ---Mr. Henry Bos-
senberry, who has been in the Queen's
hotel St Joseph for the past few
montha intends to return to Grand
Bend this week to manage his summer
hotel here.
Hay Gourde
Li G'
The Council of this Township met
on Monday, 6th inst,, with all mem
bers present,
A, communication froni the Mayor
of Sb. Marys, re width of wagon -tires
was left on the table.
A letter from the County Clerk, re,
the Good Roads Scheme of the County
Council was read, The matter was
laid over till next meeting.
Path -masters, pound -keepers, fence -
viewers and road -commissioners for
the year were appointed and a number
of accounts were ,passed and ordered
to be paid.
Council will meet again on Monday
the 4th day -of May, at 2 o'clock p. in.
FRED HESS, Sn,, Clerk.
SCHOOL REPORT.—The following is
the percentage of marks obtained by
the pupils of S. S. No. 2, Usborne, at
the recent promotion examinations:—
Jr. third class, Willie Monteith, 90 ;
Anna Allison, 87 ; Bert Brown, 67
Johnnie Turnbull, 61; Elmer Coward,
35. 9r. III, Linnie Gardiner, 82 ; Jen
nie Monteith, 77 ; Walter McNicol, 76;
Almer Stewart, 75 ; Tommy Hodgert,
74 ; Foster Bray," 68 ; Myrtle Hankin,
65 ; Flossie Coward, 63 ; Orca Snell,
58; Willie Kay, 58 ; .Olive Meters, 50;•
Flossie Passmore�42 ; Vera Coward,
40. Jr IV., class, Wesley Stone,
80 ; Alfred Iiunkin, 74 ; Willie West-
lake, 65 John Bray, 53, Sr. IV.
class, Martin Madge, 87 ; Edgar Han-
kin, 78 ; Edgar Monteith, 77,; Edmund
Kay, 67 ; Clara Stewart, (2 ; Vera
Campbell, 62; Effinger Agur ; Olarise
Snell, 48 ; John McNicol, 40. Jr. pb.
II, John Francis, Oliyer McCurdy,
Reta Shier, Arlow Copeland, Roy Mc-
Locklin. Part I., Oscar Copeland.
J. T. PARKINSON, Teacher.
• Plugtown
170,000 feet of hemlock lumber for barns
Large stook of Lumber -pine and hemlock,
also shingles. laths and cedwr posts. 'Prices
reasonable.—JAS WILLIS, Yard : East side of
Main st
ScHooL REPORT.—The following is
a correct report of the standing of the
pupils of S. S. No, 3 Usborne. The
names are in order of merit;—V Mary
Roach, Mary Doupe, Aetna Copeland ;
Sr. IV. Charlie Fletcher, Edna Dun-
can, Reggie Turnbull, Earl Copeland,
Lilly Ballantyne, Mabel McCurdy,
Myrtle Francis, Gertie Shute, Nelson
Roach, Joan Duncan, David Gilfillan,
Addie Turnbull, Willie Gillfillan; Jr,
IV, Arthur McCurdy, Abbie Shute,
Millie Copeland, Gilbert Duncan, Mag-
gie Clarke, Edwin Gardiner ; Sr, III,
Pearl Scott, Milton McCurdy, Willie
Rorch, Guy Routley, Beatrice McCur-
dy, Oscar Bennett, Wilfred Doupe ;
Intermediate III, Carrie Copeland,
Kenneth Duncan, John Ballantyne,
Alvan McCurdy, Ada McCurdy, Nor-
man Francis, Victor McCurdy ; Jr. III
Alberta Doupe, Earl Gardiner, Ray
Francis, Laura Clarke, Bertie Doupe,
Albert Scott ; Sr. II, Jessie McCurdy,
Christina McLochlin, Ethel Shier ; Sr.
Pt. II, Howard McCurdy.
Exeter Municipal Couucil
Council met at call of Reeve at
Town Hall, April 7th. Absent coun-
cillor Manning.
Minutes of previous meeting, read
and approved.
Cobbledick— Hawkins. — That the
following accounts be passed and or-
ders drawn on treasurer for same:
Miss Kemp, part salary, $25 ; Geo. H.
Bissett, do,.$25 ; Geo. Cudmore, labor,
40c, ; Richard Quance, $3.25 ; Thos.
Welsh, $4.65 ; Thos. Flynn, $2.63 ;
Thos. Brock, 63c, ; D. Rumohr, 75c.
F. Gillespie, 40c. ; 0. B. Snell, electric
light, 596.60 ; Geo. H, Bissett, labor,
Gillespie— Cobbledick, That the
council acquire, assume and control
the Exeter Union Burial ground in
accordance with the resolution passed
by the trustee board and the neces-
sary bylaw be prepared by the village
solicitor and clerk.—Carried.
Gillespie—Hawkins.—That the clerk
ask for tenders for granolithic pave-
ments in the contract record,—Car-
Council adjourn to Friday 17th, at
7.30 p. m,
Usborn Council
Council met April 4tb. All the
members were present. The minutes
of the last meeting R ere read and
The tender of Edward Jones to oper-
ate the Road machine at $3.25 per day
for self and team was accepted.
James Heywood was granted the
sunt of $10 for care and keep of Ed.
• fI
The following persons were appoint-
ed pathmasters for the current year—
Ward 1 Joseph May, Henry Jones,
Fisher, Francis Davis, Simon Bunter,
Wm. Ford, Alfred Hicks, Wm White-
ford, H. noun's, R. Hunter, Wm.
Snell, Pat Ogden.
Ward 2 James Jeckell, Peter Case,
H. Dougall, Wm. Berwick, Wm. Oke,
Frank Down, Dan Dew, D. Dougall,
A, H. Spencer. James Moir, James
Etherington, W. Monieith, 0. Cann,
John Glenn (14.15); George Smalla-
Ward 3 Philip Hern, Thos. Horn jr,
H. Towl, Wm, II, Delbridge, H. Rodd
Wm. Brock, A. Fuller, 0. Godbolt,
Win. Hanna, Thos, Elliott, Alf Haw-
key, John Hazelwood, G. Hazelwood,
Dan O'Mara.
Ward 4 Dan Coward, Thos, Coward,.
H. Borland, T. Cameron, E. Stone, G.
Kerslake, W. Stewart, (7&8) R. Scott
B. W, F. Beavers, Wm, Francis,
John Duncan, 1t, N, Shier, Amos
Doupe, Alex Fraser.
Accounts amounting to $20,25 were
APRIL 16Tit 1903
Grand Bend
B1tI1FE, -- Mr, Sid Bossenbery re-
turned home Saturday from the
West after being away almost four
years. —Miss Westiaud, of London, is
here at present for the purpose of
letting the job of building a summer
cottage. She intends building as
good a cottage as there is on the
grounds.—Mr, and Mrs. Dr. Ander-
son, of Exeter were in the village on
Good Friday. — Fred Worty and 0.
Baird, of Parkhill, spent a few hours.
here on Friday,—Mr. Heaman, of Lon-
don, was here an Saturday, making
arrangements for the erection of a
house on bis property he recently
purchased trom Mr. Dalziel.. — Miss
Horner, of Greenway, is the guest of
Mrs, F. Page.—Messrs. J. & A. Ed-
wards of Fenton, are spending a few
days with friends here.—Miss Birdie
McPherson, of Greenway, was the
guest of Mrs. Jantes Atolls rd for a.
few days,—Miss Annie Stewaro of Ex-
eter, has returned home after spend-
ing a few weeks with Mrs. Brenner.—
Robert Hamilton is on the sicklist.—
Mrs, James Lovie is at present very
sick, we hope to hear of her speedy re-
covery.—Thomas Farrell has sold his
farm on the B, line, consisting of 125
acres, to Mr. S. Webb, for the sum of
$5800. -It is our sad duty to record
the death of Mies Lizzie Ragins, which
occurred at her father's home on Sun-
day morning, The remains were in-
terred, on Tuesday afternoon, in the
Grand Bend cemetery. The bereaved
family have the sympathy of the
whole community.
BRIEFS,—Mr. John Knorr had hi -
right arm badly sprained, in a friend
ly scuffle, in the barn of the Domini-
on House, He now carries that mem-
ber in a sling, and will likely be laid
up for a couple of weeks.—Dr. Camp-
bell intends leaving for the Old
Country in a - few weeks, to take a
post -graduate course in the leading
hospitals there, He will be absent
several months. We regret to learn
that Mr. John Deichert is laid up
again, suffering from the old trouble.
Another slight operation to remove
the accumulation of pus, was neces-
sary.—Miss Clara Klopp has been en-
gaged as teacher in our public school,
Miss Andrews having resigned. Miss
Andrews was very popular with the
}•school children, who all regrether
departure. — Mr. Chris. Sohrag has
purchased the flour and feed business,
which hasbeen b en successfulI carried on
1 by Mr. R. R.: Johnston. for the past
year—Mr. and Mrs. T. Murdook of
Hensall were the guests of Dr. Camp-
bell on Sunday.—Mr, Ireland of Clint-
on agent for the Canadian Life Assur-
ance Co. was in town on Wednesday
on a business trip.—Miss Clara Koe-
hler of Clinton is home spending her
Easter vacation.—Miss Roxie Eilber
visited at Dashwood a few days last
week.—A very pleasant evening was
spent at the home of Mrs. H. C. Doan,
on Wednesday the 8th inst. when the
members of the W. C. T. U. met to b?d
farewell to one of their members, Miss
L. Andrews who is leaving for the
North West. miss Andrews has been
an active worker in the union and
while sorry to part with her they all
wish her God -speed in her work, She
was presented with an address and a
W.C. T. U. pin and a handsome bound
copy of the life of Francis Willard the
great leader of the W. C, T. U. miss
Andrews was taken by surprise but
replied 1n her usual gentle manner.—
mr. Zimmerman of Tavistock is visit -
relatives and friends here—air. D. S.
Faust returned home on Tuesday after
a pleasant visit with his daughter at
guarantee you wont get' bot under the collar waiting for your orderer
We sell sweat pads for horses, not for our customers, Nor will„you kick”
oyer the traces. nor chew the crupper about the quality of everything wa
We will
Curb your Temper
By always treating you right.
Bridle your tongue
With best goodsand low prices.
Saddle your Desires
With lowest prices.
Harness your Donkey
With the best goods made on the market.
Collar your Money
After having given good value.
Check up your Head
With wonder and surprise at our beautiful up-to-date
saddlery goods.
You will find us always in the breeching for business. and ready to
whip up new trade, and curry, brush and blanket the old stagers.
Re He sweeor
air. Will White and Miss Ortwein, of
Hensall, spent Sunday the guest of
air. and airs, S. Andrew. — Mr . Abe
Chesney, of Exeter, and :misses Pass-
mare and ardDonaid. of Thames Road,
bie has returned after spending a week
in Guelph.—Mr. Alvin, Reesor spent
last week in the village.—Mr. Francis
Arthur Mills spent Sunday in the vile
lage.-Miss Maggie Leigh of Goderich
is spending her holidays at her home.
were visitors at Elimville, on Sunday —Mrs. Joseph Brook left on Tuesday
evening.—The Easter social given by for the North West where she will
the Ladies' Aid Society, on Monday meet .
evening, passed off nicely. The night safe journeyherhusbandand a prosperousWewish fifeher ina
being wet and disagreeable, the .fish- the west,—Dr. Ferguson is laid up
dance was not as large as had the with a sore foot, we hope he will soon
evening been fine, After the refresh- recover.—Mr. John McCurdy has dis-
ments were served, a good literary posed of his driver for a good figure.—
programme was dispensed with, and n kir. Walter Hazelwood is on the sick
very enjoyable evening was spent. fist.—Mr.Harvey Vickers of London is
The proceeds amounted to about $15 spending .few days at his home.—
— Mrs, Del Nethercott spent Sunday in
Mr. Will Abbott, of Centralia, and
Frank Snell, of Devon, were guests of the village.—Mrs. Will kCoss spent
ma and airs. Wm. Snell, on Easter. Sunday at her home here.—Miss Irene
—air. Robert Hicks has bean confined and Laura Marshall are spending
to his home with la grippe.—A num- their holidays at their home.--
ber of new recruits have beau added Mr. E, . R. Brown of St. • Marys
to the choir. may there be some Collegiate Institute is spending holii-
more, as several chairs are still vacant days at his irnme.—Mian Edith Maize
—air. and arra. George Hern, of Blau -
shard, spent Good Friday with his Harry Maize is going to start cheese
brother and sieter here. Quite a making again this summer. — Mr.
large number of the farmers of this John Moore left on Tuesday for the
vicinity attended the mccormick de- North wept where he will start buss
livery of machinery, and brought gess, tinsmithing, - We wish him
home machines with them. — Mr. Ed, safe journey and a prosperous life.—
Miss Denison
:of Mitchelli
Powell, through the correspondent
� s visiting
and the TIMEs wishes ,to thank the friends in the village. — Mr. Harry
many friends and neighbors, very Copeland is learning the €blacksmith-
kindly, for the kind attention and ing with R. Robinson. We wish him
help financially, and otherwise, given success.—Miss Armstrong is visiting
to him during his serious illness. friends in the village this week.—Miss
Bell is visiting Mrs. Jas. Moore this
week, —A grand at home was given
under the auspices of the Ladies Aid
on Monday evening and proved a
great success notwithstanding the bad
weather.; The proceeds was about $32
and all report having a good time.—
Miss Kirkby was the guest of Etta
Fletcher on Sunday last.—Miss Hattie
Kirk of Anderson is spending her holi-
days in the village at her mother's
BRIErs.—Mr. George Cameron of
Stratford is spending his holidays at
his home here.—Mr. Hugh Kirk is
spending his holidays at his home here.
—Mr. Norman Fletcher of Harrington
spent Sunday with his parents here.—
Miss Delta and Miss. Ida Stout are
spending their holidays at their home
here.—Mrs. tai•. Moon of Londesboro
is visiting friends around this vicinity.
—Miss Phoebe; Tufts of Greenway is PEOPLE WITH BAD BREATH.
visiting her father here•—Mr. Arnold
Wiseman of Stratford is spending his
holidays at his home here. — Miss
Rachel Kirk is spending her holidays
at her home here.—Mr. John Avery
and wife spent Sunday visiting W.
Avery.—Mr. Will Heywood and wife
is visiting friends in Londesboro.-- the very root of the disease at once ;
Miss Willa Stout is visiting her par- it kills the germs, purifies and cleanses
eats this week. --'Miss Dillon of Ottawa the mucous surfaces, and erradicates
is visiting friends around here,—Bir. , ry vestige of catarrh in a short
Roy Jamieson left Tuesday for the evetime.
North West where he will start to
work. Roy has been a good boy and . pure, sweet breath, free from .head-
Dash*ocd ache, sneezing and discharge are was liked by the young people of this quickly derived from the use of Ca -
town and will i e greatly missed. We quicklzone Inhaler, Complete outfit,
BRIEFS,—The early closing system wish him safe journey and a prosper guarenteed to cure, costs $1.00, trial
which the business men have adopted ous life.—Miss E. Stewart of St. Marys size tic, Druggists or N. 0. Polson &
has been very successful and the pub- is visiting -Miss Elliott.—Miss Maud Co ,Kingston, Oat.
sic should govern themselves accord- Fletcher of Sunshine spent Sunday in Dr. Hamilton's Pills Stimulate the
ingly and not make it a practice to S the village.—Mr. Ed Clarke spent Sun- Liver.
come` a few minutes before closing day in the village. --Mr. George Dob -
time and stay half an hour.—Good
Friday was observes as a holiday and
all business places were closed.—Our
public school teachers have gone to
their homes for the Easter holidays.—
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Preeter took a trip
to London on Good Friday. -Miss
Graham of Goderich, is visiting at her
sister Mrs. J. Merner.—air. Geo. Snider
who is attending the Dental College
at Columbus, Ohio, is home spending
his vacation.—Geo. Brown has taken
a trip to Hamilton.—Miss Flossie Snell
and Miss J, Hall of Lond on, are spend-
ing their holidays under the parental Gampbell� Varnish Stainsroof.--Chas. Lindenfield of Exeter
d air
was. in town.on Sunday. — J.
Preeter and tamily of Zurich, visited
at H, Willerts on Sunday.—Miss Em-
ma Smith of Loudoo, and Samuel raremansirmesanammemm
Bean of Goderich, are visiting their
grandmother airs, England. — miss
Clara Witzel is home from London,—
Generally suffer from C .tarrah and
should 115.9 Catarrhozone Ibhaler four
times daily, and be cured. The pleas-
ant scented Oatarrhozone vapor
spreads through every air passage of
the breathing organs, and reaches
flprii was tor Home and Farm!SWIM REMIINOXGOINIX COMM
Paine Muralo and �.laaastine
Hollywood and Jewell Ready , For walls and ceilings, price 45c
Mixed Paints, 15c, 25c, 45c, and 5oc per package, used
and 85c per can with cold water,
Make old furniture look like new
15c, 300, and 50c per can.
Garriaaa and 1 agon Paints
For painting all kinds of vehicles
25c, 50c, and 6oc per can.
G. Buswell, James E Y. W Tu• 'mer, Solomon Hardy of Zurich. late of
Pigeon, Michigan, has rented Mr. Kel-
lerman, house and will move there in
a few days,—We welcome mer. Hardy
and family to our town.—Mr, Fred,
Rinker is all smiles, it is a boy, as is
also Chas. Schroder.—The flax mills
have closed down having finished their
winters work.—The annual conference
of the Evangelical Association will be
held in the Evangelical church this
week. A rare treat is looked for and
liberate missionary offering is expect-
ed on Sunday afternoon,
BRIErs.--Tfr. P. Pickard, of Mon-
treal, is spending his Easter holiday
with his grandfather, Mr. Thomas
Veal. --Miss Lillie Veal, who has been
domesticated at Rev, Waddell's St.
Johns, spent Easter under the paren-
tal roof. --Miss Ethel Miners, of Lon -
passed and orders issued in payment, don, spent the Easter holidays with
Council then adjourned to meet May her .cousin, miss Lena .liners. - air,
2nd at one o'olock,E., Montn ', Clerk with hiis odaughter,liiritrs. W.n tHern er
Paint and Kalsofflinu Brusl cs
Of every description from 5c up, The very best value ever offered
in Exeter.
International_ tIOGK Food
The best Food for Horses Pigs Caly etc, in packages and bbls
at 50c, $3,50 and $13.50.
Everything in this line at lowest
All Kinds
From $1,25 to $1,75
Coil Spring, Plain Galv. and all kinds of Fence Wires, Hooks,
Staples, etc, Big stock on hand.RDINti